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A convenient and reliable method to measure passive H+-translocating activity (H+ conductivity) was developed; vesicles reconstituted from the membrane moiety (F0) of H+-ATPase (F0 . F1) and soybean phospholipids were loaded with KCl by a freeze-thaw-sonication procedure and the rate of H+ uptake caused by the K+ diffusion potential upon addition of valinomycin was followed with a pH meter. Of the methods tested, a dialysis method using cholate plus deoxycholate gave the best results for reconstitution. Using this method, H+ conductivity of the membrane moiety of H+-ATPase from a thermophilic bacterium PS3 (TF0) was analyzed. Dependence of H+ conductivity of TF0 on H+ concentration fitted a Michaelis-Menten equation showing a Vmax of 31.3 microgram ion/min . mg of TF0 and a Km of 0.095 microgram ion/liter. Upon modification of a tyrosyl residue of TF0 with iodine, the Km value shifted to 0.71 microgram ion/liter, while the Vmax remained constant. These results were interpreted as indicating that a single tyrosyl residue in N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding proteolipid of TF0 plays an important role as an H+ donor in the the rate-limiting step of H+ permeation through TF0. TF1, the catalytic moiety of H+-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium PS3, blocked H+ conduction through TF0. A 1:1 stoichiometry of TF1 and TF0 was found in ATP-dependent membrane potential generation as well as H+ conduction.  相似文献   

Since the report by Sternweis and Smith (Sternweis, P. C., and Smith, J. B. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 526-531), the epsilon subunit, an endogenous inhibitor of bacterial F(1)-ATPase, has long been thought not to inhibit activity of the holo-enzyme, F(0)F(1)-ATPase. However, we report here that the epsilon subunit is exerting inhibition in F(0)F(1)-ATPase. We prepared a C-terminal half-truncated epsilon subunit (epsilon(DeltaC)) of the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 F(0)F(1)-ATPase and reconstituted F(1)- and F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing epsilon(DeltaC). Compared with F(1)- and F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing intact epsilon, those containing epsilon(DeltaC) showed uninhibited activity; severalfold higher rate of ATP hydrolysis at low ATP concentration and the start of ATP hydrolysis without an initial lag at high ATP concentration. The F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing epsilon(DeltaC) was capable of ATP-driven H(+) pumping. The time-course of pumping at low ATP concentration was faster than that by the F(0)F(1)-ATPase containing intact epsilon. Thus, the comparison with noninhibitory epsilon(DeltaC) mutant shed light on the inhibitory role of the intact epsilon subunit in F(0)F(1)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the IF(1) inhibitor protein of the mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATPase from molecular biochemistry to possible pathophysiological roles are reviewed. The apparent mechanism of IF(1) inhibition of F(1)F(0)-ATPase activity and the biophysical conditions that influence IF(1) activity are summarized. The amino acid sequences of human, bovine, rat and murine IF(1) are compared and domains and residues implicated in IF(1) function examined. Defining the minimal inhibitory sequence of IF(1) and the role of conserved histidines and conformational changes using peptides or recombinant IF(1) is reviewed. Luft's disease, a mitochondrial myopathy where IF(1) is absent, is described with respect to IF(1) relevance to mitochondrial bioenergetics and clinical observations. The possible pathophysiological role of IF(1) in conserving ATP under conditions where cells experience oxygen deprivation (tumor growth, myocardial ischemia) is evaluated. Finally, studies attempting to correlate IF(1) activity to ATP conservation in myocardial ischemic preconditioning are compared.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) specifically inhibits the F1F0-H+-ATP synthase complex of Escherichia coli by covalently modifying a proteolipid subunit that is embedded in the membrane. Multiple copies of the DCCD-reactive protein, also known as subunit c, are found in the F1F0 complex. In order to determine the minimum stoichiometry of reaction, we have treated E. coli membranes with DCCD, at varying concentrations and for varying times, and correlated inhibition of ATPase activity with the degree of modification of subunit c. Subunit c was purified from the membrane, and the degree of modification was determined by two methods. In the "specific radioactivity" method, the moles of [14C]DCCD per total mole of subunit c was calculated from the radioactivity incorporated per mg of protein, and conversion of mg of protein to mol of protein based upon amino acid analysis. In the "high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) peak area" method, the DCCD-modified subunit c was separated from unmodified subunit c on an anion exchange AX300 HPLC column, and the areas of the peaks from the chromatogram quantitated. The shape of the modification versus inhibition curve indicated that modification of a single subunit c per F0 was sufficient to abolish ATPase activity. The titration data were fit by nonlinear regression analysis to a single hit mathematical model, A = Un(1 - r) + r, where A is the relative activity, U is the ratio of unmodified/total subunit c, n is the number of subunit c per F0, and r is a residual fraction of ATPase activity that was resistant to inhibition by DCCD. The two methods gave values for n equal to 10 by the specific radioactivity method and 14 by the HPLC peak area method, and values for r of 0.28 and 0.30, respectively. Most of the r value was accounted for by the observed dissociation of 15-20% of the F1-ATPase from the membrane under ATPase assay conditions. When the minimal, experimentally justified value of r = 0.15 was used in the equation above, the calculated values of n were reduced to 8 and 11, respectively. The value of n determined here, with a probable range of uncertainty of 8-14, is consistent with, and provides an independent type of experimental support for, the suggested stoichiometry of 10 +/- 1 subunit c per F1F0, which was determined by a more precise radiolabeling method (Foster, D. L., and Fillingame, R. H. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2009-2015).  相似文献   

Cell envelope vesicles of Halobacterium halobium synthesize ATP by utilizing base-acid transition (an outside acidic pH jump) under optimal conditions (1 M NaCl, 80 mM MgCl2, pH 6.8) even in the presence of azide (a specific inhibitor of F0F1-ATPase) (Mukohata & Yoshida (1987) J. Biochem. 101, 311-318). An azide-insensitive ATPase was isolated from the inner face of the vesicle membrane, and shown to hydrolyze ATP under very specific conditions (1.5 M Na2SO4, 10 mM MnCl2, pH 5.8) (Nanba & Mukohata (1987) J. Biochem. 102, 591-598). This ATPase activity could also be detected when the vesicle components were solubilized by detergent. The relationship between ATP synthesis and the membrane-bound ATPase was investigated by modification of the vesicles with 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The inhibition pattern of ATP synthesis in the modified vesicles and that of ATP hydrolysis of the solubilized modified vesicles were compared under the individual optimum conditions. The inhibition patterns were almost identical, suggesting that the ATP synthesis and hydrolysis are catalyzed by a single enzyme complex. The ATP synthase includes the above ATPase (300-320 kDa), which is composed of two pairs of 86 and 64 kDa subunits. This is a novel H+-translocating ATP synthase functioning in the extremely halophilic archaebacterium. This "archae-ATP-synthase" differs from F0F1-ATPase/synthase, which had been thought to be ubiquitous among all respiring organisms on our biosphere.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that carbohydrates and polyols protect different enzymes against thermal inactivation and deleterious effects promoted by guanidinium chloride and urea. Here, we show that these osmolytes (carbohydrates, polyols and methylamines) protect mitochondrial F(0)F(1)-ATPase against pressure inactivation. Pressure stability of mitochondrial F(0)F(1)-ATPase complex by osmolytes was studied using preparations of membrane-bound submitochondrial particles depleted or containing inhibitor protein (IP). Hydrostatic pressure in the range from 0.5 to 2.0 kbar causes inactivation of submitochondrial particles depleted of IP (AS particles). However, the osmolytes prevent pressure inactivation of the complex in a dose-dependent manner, remaining up to 80% of hydrolytic activity at the highest osmolyte concentration. Submitochondrial particles containing IP (MgATP-SMP) exhibit low ATPase activity and dissociation of IP increases the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme. MgATP-SMP subjected to pressure (2.2 kbar, for 1 h) and then preincubated at 42 degrees C to undergo activation did not have an increase in activity. However, particles pressurized in the presence of 1.5 M of sucrose or 3.0 M of glucose were protected and after preincubation at 42 degrees C, showed an activation very similarly to those kept at 1 bar. In accordance with the preferential hydration theory, we believe that osmolytes reduce to a minimum the surface of the macromolecule to be hydrated and oppose pressure-induced alterations of the native fold that are driven by hydration forces.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is uniquely sensitive to quinine and its derivatives, but only those alkaloids having antimalarial properties, i.e., those in the erythro configuration, also possess antipneumococcal activity. Quinine and related compounds inhibit the pneumococcal H+ -ATPase. Quinine- and optochin-resistant pneumococci showed mutations that change amino acid residues located in one of the two transmembrane alpha-helices of the c subunit of the F0F1, H+ -ATPase.  相似文献   

The membrane F0 sector of mitochondrial ATP synthase complex was rapidly isolated by direct extraction with CHAPS from F1-depleted submitochondrial particles. The preparation thus obtained is stable and can be reconstituted in artificial phospholipid membranes to result in oligomycin-sensitive proton conduction, or recombined with purified F1 to give the oligomycin-sensitive F0F1-ATPase complex. The F0 preparation and constituent polypeptides were characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis. The functional role of F0 polypeptides was examined by means of trypsin digestion and reconstitution studies. It is shown that, in addition to the 8 kDa DCCD-binding protein, the nuclear encoded protein [(1987) J. Mol. Biol. 197, 89-100], characterized as an intrinsic component of F0 (F0I, PVP protein [(1988) FEBS Lett. 237,9-14]) [corrected] is involved in H+ translocation and the sensitivity of this process to the F0 inhibitors, DCCD and oligomycin.  相似文献   

We discussed application of in vitro mutagenesis on H+-ATPase (F0F1) of Escherichia coli. The oligonucleotide-directed site specific mutagenesis and construction of a set of truncated subunits were useful for identifying essential residues of beta subunit and a functional region of epsilon subunit, respectively, of this complicated membrane enzyme.  相似文献   

The physiological role of F(1)F(0)-ATPase inhibition in ischemia may be to retard ATP depletion although views of the significance of IF(1) are at variance. We corroborate here a method for measuring the ex vivo activity of F(1)F(0)-ATPase in perfused rat heart and show that observation of ischemic F(1)F(0)-ATPase inhibition in rat heart is critically dependent on the sample preparation and assay conditions, and that the methods can be applied to assay the ischemic and reperfused human heart during coronary by-pass surgery. A 5-min period of ischemia inhibited F(1)F(0)-ATPase by 20% in both rat and human myocardium. After a 15-min reperfusion a subsequent 5-min period of ischemia doubled the inhibition in the rat heart but this potentiation was lost after 120 min of reperfusion. Experiments with isolated rat heart mitochondria showed that ATP hydrolysis is required for effective inhibition by uncoupling. The concentration of oligomycin for 50% inhibition (I(50)) for oxygen consumption was five times higher than its I(50) for F(1)F(0)-ATPase. Because of the different control strengths of F(1)F(0)-ATPase in oxidative phosphorylation and ATP hydrolysis an inhibition of the F(1)F(0)-ATPase activity in ischemia with the resultant ATP-sparing has an advantage even in an ischemia/reperfusion situation.  相似文献   

Lysosomal H+-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase) was solubilized with lysophosphatidylcholine and reconstituted into liposomes (Moriyama, Y., Takano, T. and Ohkuma, S. (1984) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 96, 927-930). In this study, the sensitivities of membrane-bound, solubilized and liposome-incorporated ATPase to various anions and drugs were measured in comparison with those of similar forms of mitochondrial H+-ATPase (mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase) with the following results. (1) Bicarbonate and sulfite activated solubilized lysosomal H+-ATPase, but not the membrane-bound ATPase or ATPase incorporated into liposomes. All three forms of mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase were activated by these anions. (2) All three forms of both lysosomal H+-ATPase and mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase were strongly inhibited by SCN-, NO3- and F-, but scarcely affected by Cl-, Br- and SO2-4. (3) The solubilized lysosomal H+-ATPase was strongly inhibited by azide, quercetin, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl), 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS), 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS) and oligomycin. Its sensitivity was almost the same as that of mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase. Neither membrane-bound ATPase nor ATPase incorporated into liposomes was affected appreciably by these drugs. These results indicate that the sensitivity to anions and drugs of lysosomal H+-ATPase depends on the form of the enzyme and that the sensitivity of the solubilized lysosomal H+-ATPase is very similar to that of mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase. On the other hand, the two ATPases differ in their sensitivity to N-ethylmaleimide and pyridoxal phosphate: only the mitochondrial ATPase is inhibited by pyridoxal phosphate whereas only the lysosomal ATPase is inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

The effects of amino acid substitutions in the carboxyl terminal region of the H(+)-ATPase a subunit (271 amino acid residues) of Escherichia coli were studied using a defined expression system for uncB genes coded by recombinant plasmids. The a subunits with the mutations, Tyr-263----end, Trp-231----end, Glu-219----Gln, and Arg-210----Lys (or Gln) were fully defective in ATP-dependent proton translocation, and those with Gln-252----Glu (or Leu), His-245----Glu, Pro-230----Leu, and Glu-219----His were partially defective. On the other hand, the phenotypes of the Glu-269----end, Ser-265----Ala (or end), and Tyr-263----Phe mutants were essentially similar to that of the wild-type. These results suggested that seven amino acid residues between Ser-265 and the carboxyl terminus were not required for the functional proton pathway but that all the other residues except Arg-210, Glu-219, and His-245 were required for maintaining the correct conformation of the proton pathway. The results were consistent with a report that Arg-210 is directly involved in proton translocation.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequence of the genes for subunits of the H+ ATPase of E.coli has been determined and several hybrid plasmids carrying various portions of these genes have been constructed. Genetic complementation and recombination tests of about forty mutants of E.coli defective in the ATPase were performed using these plasmids for identifying the locations of the mutations. Two mutants defective in the delta subunit and a novel type of mutant defective in the b subunit of F0 were identified. The delta subunit mutants showed no proton conduction, suggesting that this subunit has an important role for the proton conduction. The ATPase of the b subunit mutant has a normal activity of proton channel portion, which phenotype is clearly different from that of mutants of the b subunit reported previously.  相似文献   

By means of protein sequencing, labelling with thiol reagents and reconstitution studies it is shown that the carboxyl-terminal region of the PVP protein (F0I subunit, nuclear-encoded protein of Mr 25,000) of mitochondrial F0 promotes transmembrane proton conduction by F0 and the sensitivity of this process to oligomycin.  相似文献   

Soluble purified CF(0)F(1) from chloroplasts was either oxidized or reduced and then incubated with [alpha-(32)P]ATP in the presence or in the absence of Mg(2+). Depending on the conditions of incubation, the enzyme showed different tight-nucleotide binding sites. In the presence of EDTA, two sites bind [alpha-(32)P]ATP from the reaction medium at different rates. Both sites promote ATP hydrolysis, since equimolar amounts of [alpha-(32)P]ATP and [alpha-(32)P]ADP are bound to the enzyme. In the presence of Mg(2+), only one site appears during the first hour of incubation, with characteristics similar to those described in the absence of Mg(2+). However, after this time a third site appears also permitting binding of ATP from the reaction medium, but in this case the bound ATP is not hydrolyzed. Covalent derivatization by 2-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP was used to distinguish between catalytic and noncatalytic sites. In the presence of Mg(2+), there are at least three distinct nucleotide binding sites that bind nucleotide tightly from the reaction medium: two of them are catalytic and one is noncatalytic.  相似文献   

About 30% of the protein in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli strain DK8/pBWU13 is H(+)-ATPase (F0F1), and practically homogeneous F0F1 could be obtained by gradient centrifugation after solubilization of these membranes. The recombinant plasmid pBWU13 carries the unc operon for F0F1. When reconstituted into liposomes, F0F1 formed an ATP-dependent proton gradient and membrane potential. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with F0F1 and solubilized transporters from chromaffin granules or synaptic vesicle membranes could transport serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine dependent on ATP hydrolysis. F0F1 can be obtained rapidly from DK8/pBWU13, and its reconstitution into liposomes with transporters may be useful for monitoring these transporters during their purification.  相似文献   

The bioenergetics of IF1 transiently silenced cancer cells has been extensively investigated, but the role of IF1 (the natural inhibitor protein of F1F0-ATPase) in cancer cell metabolism is still uncertain. To shed light on this issue, we established a method to prepare stably IF1-silenced human osteosarcoma clones and explored the bioenergetics of IF1 null cancer cells. We showed that IF1-silenced cells proliferate normally, consume glucose, and release lactate as controls do, and contain a normal steady-state ATP level. However, IF1-silenced cells displayed an enhanced steady-state mitochondrial membrane potential and consistently showed a reduced ADP-stimulated respiration rate. In the parental cells (i.e. control cells containing IF1) the inhibitor protein was found to be associated with the dimeric form of the ATP synthase complex, therefore we propose that the interaction of IF1 with the complex either directly, by increasing the catalytic activity of the enzyme, or indirectly, by improving the structure of mitochondrial cristae, can increase the oxidative phosphorylation rate in osteosarcoma cells grown under normoxic conditions.  相似文献   

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