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李家洋 《遗传》2008,30(10)
值谈家桢教授百年华诞,我衷心地祝愿他健康长寿. 半个多世纪以来,谈老一直活跃在科学和社会的各个领域,从50年代的青岛遗传学座谈会到70年代提倡开展基因工程研究,80年代建议在各院校设立遗传学教研室,90年代上书中央开展人类基因组计划,到1998年第18届国际遗传学大会在北京胜利召开,都凝聚了谈家桢教授的心血.正如原国家科委主任宋健同志所说:"谈家桢是一位呕心沥血辛勤劳作了半个多世纪,为中国科技事业的发展作出了巨大贡献的老一辈科学家".  相似文献   

今年5月8日是我刊名誉主编汪振儒教授百岁大寿。本刊编委会、编辑部代表前往汪老先生家祝贺汪先生百岁华诞。  相似文献   

~~宗师百岁 耕耘不息 德高望重 功绩卓著——热烈庆贺贝时璋教授百岁华诞@杨福愉$中国科学院生物物理研究所!北京100101  相似文献   

郑集是我国老一辈著名的生物化学家、营养家家 ,是我国生物化学、营养学的先导者之一 ,衰老生物化学的主要奠基者 .郑集 1 90 0年生于四川省南溪县农村 ,家境贫寒 .他的童年和青年时期都是在贫病交加的情况下度过的 .他没有读过正规中学 ,他克服难以想象的困难考入南京东南大学 (后改为中央大学 ) ,1 92 8年毕业 .后来 ,他有幸出国深造 ,1 934年获美国印第安那大学博士学位 .当即回国 ,开始他的教学和蛋白质化学、营养学的研究工作 .1 937~ 1 946年学校因抗战西迁四川 ,尽管条件极度困难 ,他在工作之余还著书立说 ,创办杂志和筹建学会 .抗战胜利后 ,回到南京重建实验室 ,奋力工作 .1 949年解放以后 ,郑集先后在南京大学 (原名中央大学 )、军医大学和调整后的南京大学工作至今 .1 957年在南京大学建立生物化学专业 ,培养了许多专业人才 .70年代初开辟衰老生化机制的研究 ,提出代谢失调学说 .已经发表的论文和著作达 30 0篇 /本 ,获得国内外荣誉证书和奖状等 50多件 .郑集工作勤奋 ,孜孜不倦 ,几乎将节假日都用来工作 .他性格顽强 ,不怕困难 ,勇于做开创性的工作 .他讲课内容丰富 ,善于启发 ,被学生誉为艺术享受 .他对学生和青年教师全面关心 ,要求严格 ,许多学生畏而敬之 .他生活俭朴 ,品德高尚 ,他将仅  相似文献   

为了祝贺我国生化界的老前辈郑集教授 10 0岁华诞 ,我们准备由南京大学出版社出版一本论文集 ,并在郑老 10 0岁生日之际举办学术交流研讨会和祝寿会。郑集 (号礼宾 ) 190 0年 (农历四月初八 )生于四川省南溪县 ,先后获中央大学学士、美国俄亥俄州立大学硕士和美国印第安那大学博士学位。他历任中国科学社生物研究所研究员 ,中央大学医学院、南京大学医学院、第五军医大学、第四军医大学、南京大学生物系和生化系教授 ,长期致力于营养学和生物化学研究 ,提出了衰老机制的代谢失调学说 ,已发表的科研论文、科普、史料等文章达 2 68篇 ,教材和…  相似文献   

郑集教授百岁华诞祝寿会暨学术研计会在南京召开  相似文献   

吴建屏 《生命科学》2006,18(6):513-514
张香桐院士是我国著名的神经生理学家,他在神经生理和神经解剖领域作出了卓越的贡献。首先提出大脑皮层运动区是代表肌肉的论点;根据视觉皮层诱发电位的分析提出视觉通路中三色传导学说,发现“光强化”现象,被世界生理学界命名为“张氏效应”;首次发现树突电位;从事针刺镇痛机制研究,认为针刺镇痛是两种感觉传入在中枢神经系统相互作用的结果。他的成就和贡献在国内外都具有很大的影响。现值张先生百岁华诞之际,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所特组织了“生命科学前沿”学术研讨会,祝贺张老百岁华诞。在研讨会上,吴建屏院士发表了热情洋溢的讲话。为此,本刊全文转载吴建屏院士的讲话稿。张老百岁,耕耘不息,德高望重,功绩显著。值此张老百岁华诞之际,本刊衷心祝愿他老人家生日愉快,健康长寿!  相似文献   

2003年10月10日将迎来我国卓越的生物学家贝时璋院士从事科研教学80年暨百岁华诞的大喜日子.  相似文献   

我国现代遗传学奠基人、杰出的遗传学家谈家桢先生走完了百年的光辉历程,他的毕生事业和高尚品格将永远活在我们心中!  相似文献   

贝时璋先生与20世纪同行,经历了百年世事沧桑,目睹了世纪科技巨变,体会了人生的无尽乐趣;同时,他也对中国生物物理学的发展做出了杰出贡献,展示了人生的巨大价值.  相似文献   


Lei Fu 《蛋白质与细胞》2019,10(5):313-314
Chia-Chen Tan(谈家桢,1909-2008)was one of the most important founders of genetics in modern China and made great effort to the inter nation alization of Chinese gen etics(Fig.1).Chia-Chen Tan was born on September 15,1909 in Zhejiang Provinee.He studied in missionary middle school and public high school successively before being admitted to Soochow Un iversity without exami nation.He majored in biology in university and became interested in genetics.After graduating in 1930,he entered YenChing University and learnt from Ju-Chi Li(李汝祺)(Fig.2)who was the first Chinese student to receive a doctor's degree from American famous geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan and was the only genetics professor in YenChing University at that time(Zhang,2017).  相似文献   

Since 2005, an extensive literature documents individuals from several families afflicted with “Uner Tan Syndrome (UTS),” a condition that in its most extreme form is characterized by cerebellar hypoplasia, loss of balance and coordination, impaired cognitive abilities, and habitual quadrupedal gait on hands and feet. Some researchers have interpreted habitual use of quadrupedalism by these individuals from an evolutionary perspective, suggesting that it represents an atavistic expression of our quadrupedal primate ancestry or “devolution.” In support of this idea, individuals with “UTS” are said to use diagonal sequence quadrupedalism, a type of quadrupedal gait that distinguishes primates from most other mammals. Although the use of primate-like quadrupedal gait in humans would not be sufficient to support the conclusion of evolutionary “reversal,” no quantitative gait analyses were presented to support this claim. Using standard gait analysis of 518 quadrupedal strides from video sequences of individuals with “UTS”, we found that these humans almost exclusively used lateral sequence–not diagonal sequence–quadrupedal gaits. The quadrupedal gait of these individuals has therefore been erroneously described as primate-like, further weakening the “devolution” hypothesis. In fact, the quadrupedalism exhibited by individuals with UTS resembles that of healthy adult humans asked to walk quadrupedally in an experimental setting. We conclude that quadrupedalism in healthy adults or those with a physical disability can be explained using biomechanical principles rather than evolutionary assumptions.  相似文献   

滩羊裘皮毛色调控基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
滩羊是中国裘皮来源的珍稀地方绵羊品种,以所产二毛裘皮而著称,二毛裘皮在国内外毛皮市场上均享有较高的声誉。毛色是宁夏滩羊重要的经济性状,滩羊多为体躯白色,头部有黑褐斑,个别个体黑头或体躯黑杂色,少数纯白。毛色与体内黑色素的数量、种类和分布等情况有关。掌握调控滩羊毛色基因的作用机制,可以有效控制其毛色性状。本文从滩羊的裘皮特性、毛色形成机理、毛色相关基因(MC1R基因、Agouti基因、TYR基因、MITF基因和KIT基因)的功能及选择信号检测等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

单宁酶(Tannase,EC能水解单宁中的酯键和羧酚酸键,产生没食子酸以及对应醇,在食品、饮料、饲料、制药、医药、化妆品等各类工业中应用广泛,也在普洱茶发酵中具有重要作用.从普洱茶发酵中分离的黑曲霉菌株PU001中克隆得到单宁酶基因Tan2,并连接到表达载体pCold-Ⅰ构建BL21-pCdd Ⅰ原...  相似文献   

Hydrothermal factors in Ningxia, an arid and semi-arid area in Northwestern China, were examined to determine their influence on the geographical differentiation of the wool quality of Tan sheep lambskin. Prospective areas for extension of the Tan sheep industry were also investigated. Two sheep groups were sampled; one consisted of artificial insemination flocks (1241 lambs sampled from 25 flocks) and the other of natural mating flocks (1009 lambs from 38 flocks). Six phenotypical traits were measured for each lamb and six hydrothermal factors were collected from the meteorological stations located in the sampling areas. A significant correlation was found between wool characteristics of the lambskin and hydrothermal conditions. Data further indicated that among all the hydrothermal factors measured, those causing the geographical differentiation of soil and vegetation were the major factors responsible for the corresponding differentiation of the lambskin and wool quality of Tan sheep. Thermal factors were mostly positively correlated with wool quality, while the influence of moisture was negative. Three eco-geographical regions were defined based on a combination of the hydrothermal conditions and corresponding wool characters: (i) typical region or super-suitable region, (ii) sub-typical region or suitable region and (iii) transitional region. The delimitation could be used as a basis for the extension of the Tan sheep industry. It is also suggested that the wool quality of lambskin of Tan sheep in these three regions could be improved by means of controlled breeding and selection.  相似文献   

大管的化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从小芸木属植物大管茎皮部位共分离得到12个化合物,运用MS、1H NMR和13C NMR等波谱方法并结合文献对照分别鉴定为5-formyl-6,7-dimethoxycoumarin(1),isoscoploletin-β-D-glucoside(2),6-(trans-1-buten-3-only)-7-methoxycoumarin(3),6-羟基-7-甲氧基香豆素(4),microfalcatin isovalerate(5),小芸木宁(6),丁香苷(7),coniferin(8),methyl 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosylbenzoate(9),2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-trans-cinnamic acid(10),3,5-二甲氧基-4-羟基苯甲醛(11)和邻仲丁基苯酚(12)。其中化合物1为新的天然产物;除5和6外,其余化合物均首次从该植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

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