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Summary Spherical aberration of the eyes of a spectrum of freshwater fishes was determined by photographing the refractive effects of excised crystalline lenses on multiple parallel split laser beams. In general, spherical aberration is minimized by the developmentally related variation in lens refractive index. However, spherical aberration is marked and non-monotonic in a non-visual species such as the bullhead. Furthermore, the size and variability of the aberration appears to be related to visual need as indicated by diet and feeding habits. For example, the lenses of predatory sight feeders such as the pike (Esox lucius) or rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) are optically superior to that of an omnivorous feeder as the carp (Cyprinus carpio).The effect of age was tested by examining rock bass lenses from fish two to seven years of age. Lens quality, as indicated by the amount of change in posterior focal length for beams of varying eccentricity from the optic axis, is optimum in lenses from five year old fish. The significance of this variation in lens quality is uncertain and requires further study with greater attention to specimens of advanced age.  相似文献   

Internal extraocular photoreceptors in a dipteran insect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the head capsule of the moth-fly Psychoda cinerea, underlying each of the two compound eyes, are two internal ocelli of different sizes. There are seven photoreceptor cells in Ocellus I and two in Ocellus II. The internal Ocellus I appears clearly different from the retina of the compound eye, by different rhabdom structure, different size of pigment granules and different stability of these pigments to solvents. Ocellus II does not contain any pigment granules. The physiological activity of these photoreceptors is indicated by their well-developed axons, the rhabdom structure, organelles produced by membrane reorganization, and Actaptation phenomena. The internal ocelli are former larval stemmata that have been displaced inward during metamorphosis. Presumably they have a stimulatory action on the CNS, in analogy with the dorsal ocelli, which are lacking in Psychoda. It is plausible to credit the internal ocelli with a photosensitive role in the functional complex of pacemakers and circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

We measured corneal power using an Oculus Pentacam® to assess its accuracy for calculating intraocular lens (IOL) power after myopic refractive surgery. A series of corneal power measurements were performed on 22 patients (43 eyes) who had undergone myopic refractive surgery. In 37 of the 43 eyes, phacoemulsification and IOL implantation subsequently were performed. Conventional keratometry and three corneal measurements (mean true net power, central true net power, and 4.5 mm equivalent K reading) obtained using a Pentacam were analyzed and compared to values derived from the clinical history method. Prediction errors of three Pentacam corneal power measurements inserted in third generation IOL formulas also were compared. Analysis of the variance showed that only two Pentacam corneal measurements, mean true net power and central true net power, were not significantly different from those of the clinical history method. Mean true net power was correlated more closely with the clinical history method corneal power than other corneal power values. The one-sample t-test showed that of three Pentacam corneal measurements combined with third-generation formulas, only the mean true net power inserted in the SRK/T implant power calculation formula was not significantly different from zero. The percentages of eyes within ± 0.50 D and ± 1.00 D of the refractive prediction error of this method were 67.6% and 86.5%, respectively. Mean true net power inserted in the SRK/T formula can be used to calculate directly IOL power after myopic refractive surgery.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Calliphora blastoderm, cytokinesis is preceded, during the final cleavage mitosis, by a radical surface remodelling which leads to the initiation of cytokinetic furrows. The egg is initially covered with oval surface bulges, each of which contains a mitotic nucleus. The shallow furrows between these bulges are then retracted and replaced by smooth membrane areas. Concomitantly, the remnants of the bulges become covered with large numbers of microprojections, and each bulge splits into two new bulges. The new bulges then increase in size, and cytokinetic furrows appear between them. At this point, the nuclei have also divided and reached interphase. During the first 60 min of cytokinesis, the plasma-membrane area of the egg is increased by the growth of surface microprojections; however, the furrows grow very slowly. During the final 30 min of cytokinesis, the surface becomes almost perfectly smooth, and the furrows grow very rapidly, As a result, cytokinesis is almost complete, and a columnar blastodermal epithelium is formed. Thus, surface microprojections play an essential role in cytokinesis. Plasma membrane utilized for furrow extension is apparently provided by the unfolding of these microprojections. In addition, filamentous microprojections may play an active part in the remodelling of the surface.  相似文献   

The optimal shape of the corneal lens of the water bug backswimmer (Notonecta glauca) and the optimal shape and position of the thin transition layer between the distal and proximal units of its cornea are theoretically determined. Using a geometric optical method, first the shape of a geometric interface between the lens units is determined, which eliminates the longitudinal spherical aberration. This interface is investigated for differently formed thick lenses when the medium in contact with the entrance surface of the lens is water or air. The optimal transition layer for the amphibious backswimmer is that, the boundaries of which are the theoretical interfaces for water and air, and the refractive index varies continuously in it. The optimal shape of the corneal lens is determined, with the disadvantageous lenses, with respect to the possible minimal spherical aberration and amount of reflected light from the transition layer, being rejected. The optimal position of the transition layer in the cornea can be obtained from the minimization of the amount of diffracted light on the marginal connection of the layers. The optimal corneal lens for backswimmer has ellipsoid boundary surfaces; the optimal transition layer in it is thin bell-shaped, at the marginal connection of which there is no dimple, the maximum of the layer is on the margin of the cornea. The shape of the theoretically optimal corneal lens, the shape and position of the theoretically optimal transition layer agree well with those of Notonecta glauca. The question posed, the geometric optical method used and the results presented are of general importance, and not only with respect to vision in the bug Notonecta, but also in the fossil trilobites, or in the wave guide theories which have been employed in similar modelling problems, in design of system of lenses without spherical aberration, for example.  相似文献   

The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda is one of the principal apiculture pests in the Pampas region of Argentina. As adults, they prey on honeybees and other insects, while as larvae they are ectoparasitoids of third-instar scarab larvae. Females of M. ruficauda lay eggs in tall grasses. After being dispersed by the wind, larvae drop to the ground, where they dig in search of their hosts. It is known that M. ruficauda larvae exhibit active host-searching behaviour; however, it is unknown which instars are involved in this search. We carried out experiments in the laboratory to determine which larval stages are involved in host location. We report here that the second instar of M. ruficauda orientates specifically toward a source of Cyclocephala signaticollis odour, while first larval instar is indifferent to the host cues. Furthermore, we have determined that second instar larvae are more motivated to initiate exploratory movements than larva of the first stage. So far as we know, this is the first case among parasitoids, where the second instar is responsible for host location. Here we provide relevant information of this parasitoid's host-searching strategy, increasing the available knowledge of this significant apiculture pest.  相似文献   

This case presentation describes the appearance of unexplained bilateral stromal ring-shaped opacities in a 73-year-old female. A world-wide literature search has revealed only seven other reported cases of similar stromal ring-opacities. At this time, the etiology and composition of the rings remains unclear. However, due to the location, symmetry, bilaterality and non-inflammatory nature of the rings, they may represent a rare form of corneal dystrophy.  相似文献   

Neuro-muscular control of dipteran flight   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Objectives: In a previous study, we have reported the existence of neural crest‐derived stem cell‐like cells originating from the corneal limbus of juvenile mice (termed murine corneal cells, MCCs). To yield a sufficient number of MCCs, for example, for cell‐therapy approaches, here we have investigated MCCs’ ability for extensive proliferation, and we have evaluated their stem cell qualities and genetic stability after large‐scale culture. Materials and methods: MCCs were established from corneal limbal tissue of juvenile mice. To determine their cell proliferation and self‐renewing potential, MTT tests and an estimation of colony forming unit efficiency were carried out. Multipotency of cell differentiation was examined by applying adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation protocols. Moreover, karyotyping was performed and expression of stem cell markers and cell cycle‐associated genes was analysed. Results: MCCs, as primary cells, could be cultured for more than 60 passages. We observed increased cell proliferation and high number of colony forming units (CFUs) after extensive culture. Interestingly, there were no changes in expression of MCC markers. Furthermore, cell differentiation potentials remained comparable with MCCs at early passages. However, karyotyping revealed numeric chromosomal aberrations at higher passages. Moreover, tumour suppressor genes such as p16 and p21 were found to be down‐regulated after large‐scale cell culture. Conclusions: MCCs immortalize spontaneously after extensive cell culture, but still demonstrate stem cell‐like qualities.  相似文献   

We have discovered unexpected similarities between a novel and characteristic wing organ in an extinct biting midge from Baltic amber, Eohelea petrunkevitchi, and the surface of a dipteran's compound eye. Scanning electron microscope images now reveal vestigial mechanoreceptors between the facets of the organ. We interpret Eohelea's wing organ as the blending of these two developmental systems: the formation and patterning of the cuticle in the eye and of the wing. Typically, only females in the genus carry this distinctive, highly organized structure. Two species were studied (E. petrunkevitchi and E. sinuosa), and the structure differs in form between them. We examine Eohelea's wing structures for modes of fabrication, material properties and biological functions, and the effective ecological environment in which these midges lived. We argue that the current view of the wing organ's function in stridulation has been misconstrued since it was described half a century ago.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoretic characterization of dipteran RNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Aquaporin 0 (AQP0) is a transmembrane channel that constitutes ∼45% of the total membrane protein of the fiber cells in mammalian lens. It is critical for lens transparency and homeostasis as mutations and knockout cause autosomal dominant lens cataract. AQP0 functions as a water channel and as a cell-to-cell adhesion (CTCA) molecule in the lens. Our recent in vitro studies showed that the CTCA function of AQP0 could be crucial to establish lens refractive index gradient (RING). However, there is a lack of in vivo data to corroborate the role of AQP0 as a fiber CTCA molecule which is critical for creating lens RING. The present investigation is undertaken to gather in vivo evidence for the involvement of AQP0 in developing lens RING. Lenses of wild type (WT) mouse, AQP0 knockout (heterozygous, AQP0+/−) and AQP0 knockout lens transgenically expressing AQP1 (heterozygous AQP0+//AQP1+/) mouse models were used for the study. Data on AQP0 protein profile of intact and N- and/or C-terminal cleaved AQP0 in the lens by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and SDS–PAGE revealed that outer cortex fiber cells have only intact AQP0 of ∼28 kDa, inner cortical and outer nuclear fiber cells have both intact and cleaved forms, and inner nuclear fiber cells have only cleaved forms (∼26–24 kDa). Knocking out of 50% of AQP0 protein caused light scattering, spherical aberration (SA) and cataract. Restoring the lost fiber cell membrane water permeability (Pf) by transgene AQP1 did not reinstate complete lens transparency and the mouse lenses showed light scattering and SA. Transmission and scanning electron micrographs of lenses of both mouse models showed increased extracellular space between fiber cells. Water content determination study showed increase in water in the lenses of these mouse models. In summary, lens transparency, CTCA and compact packing of fiber cells were affected due to the loss of 50% AQP0 leading to larger extracellular space, more water content and SA, possibly due to alteration in RING. To our knowledge, this is the first report identifying the role of AQP0 in RING development to ward off lens SA during focusing.  相似文献   

赵云鲜  康乐 《昆虫知识》2001,38(5):386-387,395
本文通过对美洲斑潜蝇触角的扫描电镜观察及触角电位的测定 ,提出对蝇类昆虫触角电位测定技术的改进方法 :将触角芒切断 ,露出血淋巴 ,记录电极与触角芒的断面相接 ,参照电极通过头孔插入脑血腔形成回路。  相似文献   

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