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Five differently preserved groups of adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus specimens were compared for quality of DNA extracted. Three methods were used to extract DNA from specimens i.e. two simple mosquito validated DNA extraction methods and a tick validated method. Extraction of DNA from tick legs was attempted. The quality of DNA extracted was evaluated by the success of PCR amplification of the ITS2 gene and the mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Fresh specimens (i.e. killed just before extraction) had the highest success of DNA amplification followed by specimens killed in ethanol and subsequently stored in the refrigerator (4 °C). There was no significant difference in amplification success between cryopreserved and 70% ethanol preserved specimens. It was possible to amplify DNA from legs of ticks. Sequenced ITS2 amplicon of template obtained from legs of ticks was as legible as those from whole tick extract. The two mosquito validated DNA extraction methods showed a significantly lower amplification success than the tick validated protocol.  相似文献   

Diapause in adults of the African brown ear tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus is dependent on latitude and stock origin. Lower latitude populations, that is, those nearer the equator, show no diapause response to long or short day exposure. Diapause response to short day lengths is found in higher latitude populations, further south, and increases with increasing latitude. Nearly all individuals in the southernmost population, used in this study, enter diapause under short and long day exposure which implies that the onset of diapause in this population is obligatory. Diapause termination in higher latitude populations is induced by increasing photo period, further north, but still south of the equator, diapause is terminated by ageing. The differences in diapausing behaviour of the different populations are discussed in relation to their climatic conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The presence of a mounting sex pheromone was demonstrated on the surface of fed female Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. This pheromone, which is present on the female cuticle, allows the male to recognise the female. The pheromone was removed by cleaning the female in hexane, resulting in the loss of male mating behaviour in in vitro experiments. Male mating behaviour was resumed when extract made from fed female cuticle was replaced on cleaned females. When the extract was transferred to innanimate objects typical male mating behaviour was released. Preliminary chemical analyses indicated that the active component of the extract was contained in the sterol ester fraction of the extract.  相似文献   

The closely related species Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis co-occur in a wide area in Zambia. In this area, specimens of both species have been collected on the same individual host at the same time. In addition, specimens that are morphologically intermediate between R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis have been found in this area. These observations cast some doubt on the species status of R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis. Because the two taxa have varied influences on the epidemiology of East Coast fever (ECF), a cattle disease for which they act as vectors, it is essential that their taxonomic status is clarified and their identification is accurate. Therefore a phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of the ITS2 and a fragment of the mitochondrial 12S rDNA was performed to reassess the specific status of both taxa. This revealed two well supported clades coinciding with R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis as two separate species. In order to facilitate species identification a PCR-RFLP diagnostic assay was developed based on BauI digestion of the ITS2 gene. This assay produced clear diagnostic banding patterns for the two species and is applicable over a wide range of both species’ distribution. Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the GenBank™ under the accession numbers DQ849203–DQ849274.  相似文献   

Newly-moulted adults of three Rhipicephalus appendiculatus stocks, originating from Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe, were kept in different photoperiods (12h : 12h, 13h : 11h and 14h : 10h light : dark). The stock originating from Kenya showed almost no behavioural diapause in any of these day lengths, whereas virtually all individuals of the Zimbabwean stock entered a behavioural diapause irrespective of day length. Adults from the Eastern Province of Zambia, a transition zone between the multivoltine phenology in equatorial Africa and the univoltine in southern Africa, exhibited a photoperiod-dependent diapause response. The possible mechanisms of diapause regulation and their origin are discussed.  相似文献   

In view of the paucity of information on ecdysteroids during tick development, the profiles of the free ecdysteroids, together with the polar and apolar conjugates have been established by radioimmunoassay during development of adult females of the hard tick, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. The free ecdysteroid titre increased sharply to a peak approximately 3 days post-engorgement, a day preceding beginning of oviposition. This titre decreased to a low level, which was maintained throughout oviposition. Although the titre of polar ecdysteroid conjugates was appreciably less than that of the free ecdysteroids during the peak, the general profile of such conjugates was similar to that of the free ecdysteroids. In the case of the apolar ecdysteroid conjugates, the titre increased simultaneously with production of free ecdysteroids, but was maintained at a relatively high level until the end of oviposition, when it sharply declined. The apolar conjugates were the predominant form of ecdysteroids present during most of oviposition. The free ecdysteroids as well as the polar and apolar conjugates were shown to contain 20-hydroxyecdysone accompanied by smaller amounts of ecdysone by high-performance liquid chromatography-RIA (HPLC-RIA) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (selected ion monitoring; GC/MS [SIM]). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sixteen strains of ticks of the Rhipicephalus appendiculatus/zambeziensis complex were created by cross-breeding for one to three generations. The body-weights of adult male ticks of these consanguineous lines were compared. A significant genetic variation was distinguished between the groups. Three classes whose mean weights varied around, respectively, 2, 3 and 4 mg/adult male tick, were found. This variation in weight may be explained by hybridization between R. appendiculatus Neumann and R. zambeziensis Walker, Norval & Corwin. Hybrid ticks were undersized whereas R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis groups had significantly higher weights.  相似文献   

Studies in the biology, ecology and behaviour of R. appendiculatus in Zambia have shown considerable variation within and between populations often associated with their geographical origin. We studied variation in the mitochondrial COI (mtCOI) gene of adult R. appendiculatus ticks originating from the Eastern and Southern provinces of Zambia. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks from the two provinces were placed into two groups on the mtCOI sequence data tree. One group comprised all haplotypes of specimens from the Eastern province plateau districts of Chipata and Petauke. The second group consisted of a single haplotype of specimens from the Southern province districts and Nyimba, an Eastern province district on the fringes of the valley. This variation provides additional evidence to the earlier observations in the 12S rDNA and ITS2 data for the geographic subdivision of R. appendiculatus from Southern province and Eastern province plateau. The geographic subdivision further corresponds with differences in body size and diapause between R. appendiculatus from these geographic areas. The possible implications of these findings on the epidemiology of East Coast fever (ECF) the disease for which R. appendiculatus is one of the vectors are discussed. Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the GenBankTM under the Accession Numbers DQ859259–DQ859266  相似文献   

An oil extracted from the leaves of a tropical shrub Ocimum suave was found to repel as well as kill all stages of the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. In an in vitro bioassay for the larvae, the LC50 of the oil in liquid paraffin was 0.024%. A 10% solution was found to kill all immatures and more than 70% of adults feeding on rabbits. Rabbits were protected for 5 days against attaching larvae using a 10% solution. Preliminary experiments undertaken with cattle kept in the field suggest that the oil may have potential in tick control, and a role in integrated tick management.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the foveae dorsales and foveal glands in unfed and attached male Hyalomma truncatum and Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus ticks was studied. Both species are provided with a paired foveal gland system, which is similar in unfed as well as in attached ticks. This gland system consists of the fovea dorsalis with pores and pore tubes as the external part, the foveal neck zone as a link between the fovea dorsalis and the lobes of the gland and the bulbous lobes as the innermost part. The fovea dorsalis is located on either side of the dorsal midline in the midsection of the body and appears as a roundish plate containing 15±6.5 and 21±7 slit-like pores in R. evertsi mimeticus (n=210) and H. truncatum (n=210), respectively. Each pore leads into a cuticular lined channel containing a pore tube. Below each fovea, the foveal neck zone is located within a groove of the cuticle and consists of the termini of the pore tubes which enlarge basally to form a cup-shaped ampulla each. Furthermore, secretory lobes are located below the foveal neck zone. Each lobe consists of secretory cells and a central excretory duct which leads into the ampulla. The ducts are lined with microvilli. The secretory cells contain numerous vesicles of varying size with one or more granules. In male ticks of both species the secretory lobe cells remained unchanged in size, structure and granule content irrespective of whether they were unfed or attached for up to 30 days. Axons occur in the fascicles between the secretory lobe cells containing numerous neurosecretory vesicles. A possible role of the foveal glands in the production of pheromones is hypothesized.  相似文献   

A novel gene coding for Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Male-specific Protein (RAMP) was identified in a cDNA library constructed from the testis/vas deferens of R. appendiculatus ticks. This gene encodes a secreted protein exclusively expressed in the testis/vas deferens. The putative RAMP amino acid sequence contains a signal peptide and has 29% amino acid identity with male-specific Is5 gene of Ixodes scapularis. Gene expression studies revealed that RAMP mRNA was up-regulated in male ticks during blood feeding. RAMP was detected not only in the testis/vas deferens of males but also in postcoitum female ticks based on Western blotting, indicating that this protein is transferred to the female tick during copulation. Virgin female ticks, microinjected with recombinant RAMP, had significantly prolonged attachment duration during feeding, but there was no effect on fed weight. These results suggest that RAMP is a male-specific molecule in the spermatophore, and is related to female attachment behavior in R. appendiculatus ticks.  相似文献   

Adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Muguga, having high or low intensities of Theileria parva Muguga infection in their salivary glands, were exposed to 20 °C and 85% relative humidity in the laboratory or quasi-natural conditions. Survival of the ticks and T. parva infections in their salivary glands was then monitored over a two year period. Ticks, having an average infection level of 2 infected acini per female, survived for up to 70 or 106 weeks after moulting under the laboratory or quasi-natural conditions respectively. Those having an infection level of 26 infected acini per female, survived for a similar duration except that those under quasi-natural conditions survived for a slightly shorter duration (102 weeks). Similarly, T. parva parasites survived for much longer periods under quasi-natural conditions than under the laboratory conditions. They survived for up to 38 or 78 weeks post salivary gland infection under the laboratory or quasi-natural conditions respectively in both categories of infection levels. There was apparently a density dependent relationship in T. parva survival, with a dramatic fall in infection occurring in ticks with high levels of infection between weeks 10 and 18 or weeks 38 and 46 post salivary gland infection in those exposed to laboratory or quasi-natural conditions before levelling off. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A unique group of immunoglobulin-binding proteins (IGBPs), produced by ixodid male ticks during the latter half of their prolonged feeding period, improves the feeding performance of co-feeding females. As a follow-up to this observation, we investigated whether male tick feeding also affects the feeding of other developmental stages. Immature stages of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreeille) and Amblyomma americanum (L.) were fed on rabbits in the presence or absence of conspecific males. The mean weight of larvae and nymphs of both species that fed around males and detached from the host on the first day of dropping was significantly higher than when the immature ticks fed on rabbits in the absence of males. However, larvae of both species and nymphs of R. sanguineus that fed slower and detached on the second day of dropping did not show significant differences in weight. A similar pattern was observed for A. americanum nymphs although, unlike R. sanguineus, the presence of males also influenced the feeding performance of the nymphs that fed slowly and detached on the second day of drop-off. The improved feeding performance demonstrated by immature ticks in the presence of males may be due to immunomodulatory saliva proteins, such as immunoglobulin-binding proteins (IGBPs) that are introduced into the co-feeding site. The results are considered in relation to the distribution of ixodid tick species on their natural hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In Zambia, an experiment under quasi-natural conditions indicated that Rhipicephalus appendiculatus nymphs react to prevailing climatic conditions. Higher temperatures and higher vapour pressure deficits lead to decreased activity. The majority of nymphs (>75%) were recorded at ground level. Simulations showed that larval phenology and temperature during the nymphal premoulting period largely explain the seasonal abundance patterns of nymphs, as observed on cattle, given the absence of a behavioural diapause. Consequently, the effect of climate, as observed in our studies, is masked. However, the results of the present study indicate that daily climatic conditions probably have a much larger effect on the transmission dynamics of Theileria parva . The vertical distribution of questing instars is a function of temperature and humidity. In years of unfavourable conditions, nymphs might feed mainly on hosts other than cattle, and this could govern the infection prevalence in the adult population. This suggestion is supported by previous epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Nosema slovaca (Microsporidiae) was isolated from a maleDermacentor reticulatus tick collected in the Mélykút locality, Bács-Kiskun province, Hungary. This parasitic protozoan caused an acute infection in partly engorgedD. reticulatus females when inoculated intracoelomically resulting in death of the ticks within 5–15 days post-infection. This strain ofNosema can be maintained in the laboratory by passaging between partly engorgedD. reticulatus females and is currently being studied for its potential as a biological control agent of ixodid ticks.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of ricinoleic acid esters from Ricinus communis castor oil on the vitellogenesis of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks attached to hosts that were fed with commercial rabbit food containing these esters. The oocytes of ticks from the treatment group (TG) showed cytoplasmic changes that inhibited the development of oocytes I and II to the advanced stages (IV and V) in addition to preventing the maturation of oocytes V, resulting in small ones. In addition, sperm was not observed in ampoules. Our findings confirm the acaricide potential of ricinoleic acid esters.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus appendiculatus is one of the most economically important ticks distributed in south central and eastern Africa where little or no progress has been made on attempts to develop a vaccine. We have used a combination of RT-PCR, the 3 and 5rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) to clone and sequence three cDNAs encoding full-length R. appendiculatus midgut serine proteinases (RAMSP). RT-PCR degenerate primers were designed from amino acid sequences surrounding active sites, His57 and Ser195 conserved among most known serine proteinase-like genes . Northern blotting analysis of total RNA extracted from unfed and partially fed adult ticks revealed that mRNAs for RAMSP-1 and -2 were expressed only in partially fed ticks, while RAMSP-3 mRNA was not only expressed in both unfed and partially fed ticks, it was also up-regulated as tick feeding progressed. Expression analysis by RT-PCR revealed that RAMSP-3 was predominantly expressed in midguts when compared to salivary glands. For RAMSP-1 and -2, they were expressed at equivalent levels in both midguts and salivary glands. Based on key amino acid sequence features as well as similarity comparisons from the database, we speculated that polypeptides encoded by RAMPSP-1 to -3 are structurally more closely related to chymotrypsin- than trypsin-like serine proteinases. We have based our comments on the potential of serine proteinases as candidates for tick vaccines.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in several tick species was studied over a 2 year period in two ecologically different areas in Spain. One area was an endemic area for Lyme disease, with a number of autochthonous human cases and supported large populations of Ixodes ricinus on cattle and birds; the second area was characterized by the absence of I. ricinus together with the presence of foxes and their associated tick species. While I. ricinus was the main vector of B. burgdoreri in the endemic area (with a mean prevalence of 14% in adults and 51% in nymphs), adults of both Ixodes canisuga and Ixodes hexagonus had high rates of B. burgdorferi prevalence (30 and 28%, respectively) in the zone where I. ricinus was absent. Immatures of Ixodes frontalis were found to be carriers of the spirochete only in those zones where I. ricinus is present, suggesting evidence for reservoir competence in a tick-bird cycle.  相似文献   

Ticks play an important role in human and veterinary medicine, in particular due to their ability to transmit a wide spectrum of pathogenic micro-organisms of protozoal, rickettsial, bacterial and viral origin. Pathogens in ticks can be identified by conventional methods such as indirect immuno-fluorescence, isolation in cell culture or by using histological staining techniques. However, the advent of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has resulted in tremendous improvements in the specific and sensitive detection of pathogen DNA in ticks. In this paper, literature on DNA extraction methods, PCR protocols, primers and probes, which are in use for the successful detection and identification of pathogens in ticks, are critically reviewed. Some recommendations are also given towards the end of tht review.  相似文献   

Chemical compositions of ethereal extracts of the body surface of unfed male and female Ixodes persulcatus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) were studied by gas chromatography using mass-spectrometric detection. More than 100 different organic compounds were detected. The predominant components were saturated fatty hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, aldehydes, squalene, cholesterol and cholesterol derivatives. A number of compounds found in I. persulcatus are known as components of pheromones or constituents of dermal gland secretions in tick species of the genus Amblyomma: nonanoic acid, saturated fatty acids having from 14 to 16 carbons, and squalene. Saturated fatty aldehydes have not been reported previously as body surface components of hard ticks. Substituted phenols were not found in the extracts, although they are known as common components of sex and attraction–aggregation–attachment pheromones in Amblyomma ticks. With a few exceptions (henicosanal, 2,4-holestadiene and two unidentified cholesterol derivatives), there was no marked difference in composition of surface components between male and female I. persulcatus. The possible role of the different chemical groups in communication between I. persulcatus ticks is discussed.  相似文献   

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