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Human activity has substantially increased atmospheric NO 3 deposition in many regions of the Earth, which could lead to the N saturation of terrestrial ecosystems. Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) dominated northern hardwood forests in the Upper Great Lakes region may be particularly sensitive to chronic NO 3 deposition, because relatively moderate experimental increases (three times ambient) have resulted in substantial N leaching over a relatively short duration (5–7 years). Although microbial immobilization is an initial sink (i.e., within 1–2 days) for anthropogenic NO 3 in this ecosystem, we have an incomplete understanding of the processes controlling the longer-term (i.e., after 1 year) retention and flow of anthropogenic N. Our objectives were to determine: (i) whether chronic NO 3 additions have altered the N content of major ecosystem pools, and (ii) the longer-term fate of 15NO 3 in plots receiving chronic NO 3 addition. We addressed these objectives using a field experiment in which three northern hardwood plots receive ambient atmospheric N deposition (ca. 0.9 g N m–2 year–1) and three plots which receive ambient plus experimental N deposition (3.0 g NO3 -N m–2 year–1). Chronic NO 3 deposition significantly increased the N concentration and content (g N/m2) of canopy leaves, which contained 72% more N than the control treatment. However, chronic NO 3 deposition did not significantly alter the biomass, N concentration or N content of any other ecosystem pool. The largest portion of 15N recovered after 1 year occurred in overstory leaves and branches (10%). In contrast, we recovered virtually none of the isotope in soil organic matter (SOM), indicating that SOM was not a sink for anthropogenic NO 3 over a 1 year duration. Our results indicate that anthropogenic NO 3 initially assimilated by the microbial community is released into soil solution where it is subsequently taken up by overstory trees and allocated to the canopy. Anthropogenic N appears to be incorporated into SOM only after it is returned to the forest floor and soil via leaf litter fall. Short- and long-term isotope tracing studies provided very different results and illustrate the need to understand the physiological processes controlling the flow of anthropogenic N in terrestrial ecosystems and the specific time steps over which they operate.  相似文献   

This work focused on determining the effect of dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) on growth and metabolism of BHK-21 cell line (host cell for recombinant proteins manufacturing and viral vaccines) cultured in two stirred tank bioreactors with different aeration-homogenization systems, as well as pH control mode. BHK-21 cell line adapted to single-cell suspension was cultured in Celligen without aeration cage (rotating gas-sparger) and Bioflo 110, at 10, 30 and 50 % air saturation (impeller for gas dispersion from sparger-ring). The pH was controlled at 7.2 as far as it was possible with gas mixtures. In other runs, at 30 and 50 % (DO) in Bioflo 110, the cells grew at pH controlled with CO2 and NaHCO3 solution. Glucose, lactate, glutamine, and ammonium were quantified by enzymatic methods. Cell concentration, size and specific oxygen consumption were also determined. When NaHCO3 solution was not used, the optimal DOs were 10 and 50 % air saturation for Celligen and Bioflo 110, respectively. In this condition maximum cell concentrations were higher than 4 × 106 cell/mL. An increase in maximum cell concentration of 36 % was observed in batch carried out at 30 % air saturation in a classical stirred tank bioreactor (Bioflo 110) with base solution addition. The optimal parameters defined in this work allow for bioprocess developing of viral vaccines, transient protein expression and viral vector for gene therapy based on BHK-21 cell line in two stirred tank bioreactors with different agitation–aeration systems.  相似文献   

The blue light dependent utilization of nitrate by green algae under common air and high irradiances, besides its assimilatory nature, is associated with the release of NO2 and NH4 + to the culture medium. If the CO2 content of the sparging air was increased up to 2%, previously excreted NO2 and NH4 + were rapidly assimilated. When under air and high irradiances the cell density in the culture reached values corresponding to 25 g Ch 1.ml-1, no further growth was observed and the highest values of NO3 consumption and NO2 and NH4 + release were attained. Besides low CO2 tensions, increasing NO3 concentrations in the medium stimulated the release of NO3 and NH4 +. Under CO2-free air the consumption of NO3 and the release of NO2 and NH4 + on a total N bases were almost stoichiometric and their rates saturated at much lower irradiances than under air. Under CO2-free air high rates of NO2 release were only observed under the blue radiations that were effectively absorbed by photosynthetically active pigments, i.e. 460 nm, but not under 404 and 630 nm radiations. However, the simultaneous illumination of the cells with 404 and 630 nm monochromatic light showed a remarkable synergistic effect on NO2 release.The results are discussed in terms of the close relationship between C and N metabolism, the photosynthetic reducing power required to convert NO inf3 sup± -N into R – NH2-N and the blue light activation of nitrate reductase.  相似文献   



There are few studies on the interactive effect of salinity and sodicity in soils exposed to drying and wetting cycles. We conducted a study to assess the impact of multiple drying and wetting on microbial respiration, dissolved organic carbon and microbial biomass in saline and saline-sodic soils.


Different levels of salinity (EC1:5 1.0 or 2.5) and sodicity (SAR?<?3 or 20) were induced by adding NaCl and CaCl2 to a non-saline/non-sodic soil. Finely ground wheat straw residue was added at 20?g?kg?1 as substrate to stimulate microbial activity. The constant moist (CM) treatment was kept at optimum moisture content for the length of the experiment. The drying and rewetting (DW) treatments consisted of 1 to 3 DW cycles; each DW cycle consisted of 1?week drying after which they were rewet to optimum moisture and then maintained moist for 1?week.


Drying reduced respiration more strongly at EC2.5 than with EC1.0. Rewetting of dry soils produced a flush in respiration which was greatest in the soils without salt addition and smallest at high salinity (EC2.5) suggesting better substrate utilisation by microbes in soils without added salts. After three DW events, cumulative respiration was significantly increased by DW compared to CM, being 24% higher at EC1.0 and 16% higher at EC2.5 indicating that high respiration rates after rewetting may compensate for the low respiration rates during the dry phase. The respiration rate per unit MBC was lower at EC2.5 than at EC1.0. Further, the size of the flush in respiration upon rewetting decreased with each ensuing DW cycle being 50–70% lower in the third DW cycle than the first.


Both salinity and sodicity alter the effect of drying and rewetting on soil carbon dynamics compared to non-saline soils.  相似文献   

Fruit and leaf shoot of litchi (Litchi chinensis) infestation by naturally occurring populations of the fruit bprer, Conopomorpha sinensis larvae and C. sinensis parasitization rates were determined in litchi orchards in northern Thailand at high (ca. 1 400 m ASL) and low (ca. 800 m ASL) elevations with different, non-overlapping fruiting seasons. In addition, spray applications of Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai, the natural compound spinosad and the chemical pesticide imidacloprid were conducted in the field to test the effects of these agents on C. sinensis fruit infestation rate. Fruit infestation rate and fruit growth, studied in a low elevation orchard, were sigmoidal and showed a highly significant positive correlation (P ≤ 0.01). Leaf shoot infestation rate in the low elevation orchard decreased in the course of the fruiting season (March until May), but increased in the high elevation orchard, where no fruits were present within the same period of time. Together, these results indicate that females of C. sinensis clearly prefer fruits over shoots for oviposition. If no fruits are available, which was the case in the high elevation orchard during that time, they are constrained to lay their eggs on shoots. The parasitization rate of C. sinensis larvae in untreated fruits was 54.3%. The parasitoid species were Chelonus chailini (90.8%) and Phanerotoma sp. (9.2%). In the leaf shoots, C. sinensis was found to be parasitized by Phanerotoma sp. and Apanteles briareus. The applications of the different active agents had no significant effect on C. sinensis fruit infestation compared to the untreated control. Besides the cryptic life of the larvae, this is most probably explained by the fact that C. sinensis has several generations during the fruiting season. Because of the high parasitization rates recorded, an alternative and more effective control measure than the application of pesticides might be the augmentative release of parasitoids.  相似文献   

Summary Data on karyotype and maternal age of 1954 cases of Down's syndrome were analyzed to see if the rate of chromosome mutations leading to this abnormality has been enhanced during the last 20 years. Comparison of the data for patients born in 1947–1960 with those in 1961–1975 revealed little change with time in the proportions of cases due to different karyotypes, the overwhelming majority being of 21 trisomy type in both periods. However, there has been a remarkable decline in the mean maternal age from 33.1 years to 29.7 years as well as in the variance from 50.5 to 29.4. While the rate of decline in the variance was almost the same as that for all births occurring in the same periods, the decline in the mean maternal age was much greater for the patients than for all births, suggesting that the rate of nondisjunction might have increased in younger rather than in older mothers. However, when the risk of brearing a child with Down's syndrome for mothers aged 40–44 is taken as unity, no evidence was found for an increase with time in the relative risk for younger mothers. Moreover, results of surveys made in 1960 and thereafter in different parts of Japan indicate that the crude incidence rate of Down's syndrome at birth has been around 0.10%, giving no indication of an upward trend. These findings are discussed with reference to the serious environmental pollution, including possible genetic hazards, with which Japan has been faced since the 1960s.  相似文献   

Plants of Datura stramonium var. tatula L. Torr. were cultivated on vermiculite and received two different mineral solutions. In one treatment only NO3 -nitrogen was added, while in the other NO3 -nitrogen was partly (20%) replaced by NH4 +-nitrogen. Total dose of nitrogen as well as interionic ratios were kept constant in both treatments. With the combined treatment (NO3 -NH4 +) a significant higher hyoscyamine content was found at the time when highest biomass was reached. This was apparently the result of an increased alkaloid biosynthesis. Also scopolamine content was positively influenced, but only at a point past maximal biomass yield.No significant differences in amounts of nitrogen bound per plant were found between both treatments.The higher alkaloid content observed with the combined treatment was associated with a higher relative proportion of bound nitrogen present in the alkaloids. It seems that more nitrogen is available for secondary metabolism when NH4 +-nitrogen is present in the culture medium.  相似文献   

Four fungicides were evaluated for their effectiveness against Phytophthora diseases of peach trees and their ability to absorbed and translocated by roots of peach tree in laboratory. Meta‐laxyl suppressed the development of P. cactorum and P. citwphthora on segments. Fosetyl‐Al showed variable fungicidal activity against P. cactorum and P. citwphthora. Both dimetho‐morph and cyraoxanil were not effective to inhibit the growth of fungi on segments. Section of tree trunks in 2‐yr‐old GF 677 trees were painted with one of the test fungicides. Strips of bark were removed 10 and 20 days after painting within treated area and inoculated with P. cactorum and P. citwphthora. Generally, the results agree with them obtained with excised stem and excised twig methods. Exception is the dimethomorph that reduced the development of P. cartorum and P. citrophthora. This study indicated that application with metalaxyl to the peach tree appears to be an effective procedure to control Phytophthora diseases on peach trees.  相似文献   

To determine the influences of the Mn, Cu, and Zn on α1-adrenoceptor (AR)-mediated vasoconstriction, we investigated their effects on vasoconstriction produced by the α1-AR agonist phenylephrine in isolated rings of rat thoracic aorta. The cumulative concentration-contraction curves for phenylephrine were obtained in the absence and presence of Mn (0.3, 1, 3 μM), Cu (1, 10, 16 μM), and Zn (0.3, 1, 10 μM). Mn, Cu, and Zn each inhibited phenylephrine-mediated contraction in a dose-dependent manner. The maximal phenylephrine-induced contraction was significantly reduced by the pretreatment of the arterial rings with 10 and 16 μM Cu (p<0.05). The results suggest that variations in the plasma concentrations of metal might lead to changes in α1-AR-mediated constrictive response.  相似文献   

The haloarchaeon Haloferax mediterranei is able to assimilate nitrate or nitrite using the assimilatory nitrate pathway. An assimilatory nitrate reductase (Nas) and an assimilatory nitrite reductase (NiR) catalyze the first and second reactions, respectively. The genes involved in this process are transcribed as two messengers, one polycistronic (nasABC; nasA encodes Nas) and one monocistronic (nasD; codes for NiR). Here we report the Hfx mediterranei growth as well as the Nas and NiR activities in presence of high nitrate, nitrite and salt concentrations, using different approaches such as physiological experiments and enzymatic activities assays. The nasA and nasD expression profiles are also analysed by real-time quantitative PCR. The results presented reveal that the assimilatory nitrate/nitrite pathway in Hfx mediterranei takes place even if the salt concentration is higher than those usually present in the environments where this microorganism inhabits. This haloarchaeon grows in presence of 2 M nitrate or 50 mM nitrite, which are the highest nitrate and nitrite concentrations described from a prokaryotic microorganism. Therefore, it could be attractive for bioremediation applications in sewage plants where high salt, nitrate and nitrite concentrations are detected in wastewaters and brines.  相似文献   

1. The deoxyfluoro-d-glucopyranose 6-phosphates were prepared from the corresponding deoxyfluoro-d-glucoses and ATP by using hexokinase. 2. 3-Deoxy-3-fluoro- and 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-d-glucose 6-phosphate were substrates for glucose phosphate isomerase, and in addition the products of this reaction, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro- and 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-d-fructose 6-phosphate respectively, were good substrates for phosphofructokinase. 3. Some C-2-substituted derivatives of d-glucose 6-phosphate were found to be competitive inhibitors of glucose phosphate isomerase. 4. The possible role of the hydroxyl groups in the binding of d-glucose 6-phopshate to glucose phosphate isomerase is discussed.  相似文献   

On the Tona coast, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan, interactions between the alien predator Laguncula pulchella and its bivalve prey were explored using annually collected quadrat samples over a 10 year period, from 2001 to 2010. A single L. pulchella individual was first recorded in 2002, and the density increased 12-fold from 2002 to 2004. In contrast, population densities of Ruditapes philippinarum and Macoma incongrua rapidly decreased during this interval. Based on frequency of predatory drill holes on the dead shells, more than 35 % of Ruditapes philippinarum and 20 % of Macoma incongrua died because of naticid predation after 2004, while Pillucina pisidium was less vulnerable to naticid predation. L. pulchella focused attacks on P. pisidium in 2004, when R. philippinarum and M. incongrua had became scarce due to naticid predation. This species-selective predation affected bivalve community structure, and caused disagreements in taxonomic composition and species’ rank-order abundance between the living bivalve community and the assemblage of dead shells. This approach (live–dead analysis), frequently used in paleoecological research, is a conservative tool to identify impacts of an alien predator on community structure. When sample size is sufficient, frequency of predatory drill holes in preferred prey species is likely to reflect predation intensity.  相似文献   

Our current 24-h society and the weekday–weekend switch of our social clocks may affect young children’s sleep and circadian rhythms. However, such evidence is scarce. We conducted a nationwide epidemiological study of sleep and health in preschool children aged 3–5 years attending kindergarten or childcare centers in Japan, using stratified one-stage cluster sampling. The target population was 2 969 627 individuals (as of 1 April 2013). The Children’s ChronoType Questionnaire was used to measure chronotypes (morning (M)-type, neither (N)-type and evening (E)-type), and weekday and weekend sleep–wake parameters. Randomly sampled population estimates were obtained via respondents with a person-level weight, which accounted for survey responses and poststratification. Standard errors and 95% confidence intervals were adjusted for the complex survey design using jackknife estimation. A linear regression model of the correlation between chronotype and sleep–wake parameters and a multivariate logistic regression model for the links between chronotype and putative associated factors were used for statistical analyses. The estimated prevalence of M-, N- and E-types were 31.6%, 55.9% and 10.0%, respectively. The corresponding numbers of children were 937 910, 1 659 574 and 296 083. The remaining 2.5% was not specified. The proportions of children who woke up by themselves during the weekdays were 55.1%, 43.0% and 1.9% for M-, N- and E-types, respectively. Overall, bedtime, sleep onset time, wake-up time and get-up time during the weekdays were 21:04, 21:26, 6:55 and 6:59, respectively. Nocturnal sleep period, time in bed (TIB) and 24 h TIB (TIB and nap) during the weekdays were 9.49, 9.93 and 10.55 h, respectively. Sleep–wake timings were significantly and linearly delayed from M-, N-, to E-types (p < 0.001). The weekday 24 h TIB (10.47–10.66 h) and weekend nocturnal sleep period (9.58–9.76 h) did not differ significantly among chronotypes. For E-types, socially advanced weekdays rising times (approximately 1 h) caused nocturnal sleep deficit (0.57 h). Children’s socially scheduled times (e.g. start and finish times, mealtimes and daytime nap) and their parents’ diurnal preferences had significant adjusted odds ratios among E-types, while the significant unadjusted odds ratios for morning sunlight and multimedia exposure disappeared. These results suggest the importance of chronobiologically planned sleep discipline at home as well as assessment of socially scheduled times in children.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) concentrations were measured in coral skeletons (Porites spp.) collected from the Todoroki River on Ishigaki Island, Japan, to reconstruct the history of land use in the river catchment area. We prepared (1) five bulk samples to investigate the present spatial distribution and (2) micro-samples from two long cores to study the temporal variability of sediment loading from the Todoroki River. The existing state of the elements Mn and Fe in bulk coral skeleton samples was examined by a chemical cleaning experiment. The results of the experiment suggested that Fe was not incorporated into the crystal lattice of the coral skeleton but that Mn was incorporated, as previously reported. The bulk sample data, with and without chemical cleaning, indicated that the spatial distribution of both elements in corals collected along a sampling line from the river mouth toward the reef crest was complex and most likely reflected salinity changes and the amount of suspended particulate matter. The temporal variation of Mn and Fe, in particular the variation of baseline/background levels, mainly reflected the history of land development on Ishigaki Island. In addition, Mn showed clear seasonal variability that appeared to be controlled by a combination of temperature, primary productivity, and precipitation. The results of the present study suggest that Mn may be a useful proxy for river discharge or biological activity depending on local marine conditions, if the specific behavior of Mn at the coral growth site is known.  相似文献   

During late pregnancy concentrations of relaxin, progesterone (P) and estradiol-17β (E) in maternal plasma were measured in gilts with small litters of intact, hypophysectomized, partially hypophysectomized or dead fetuses and in gilts with litters of normal fetuses and numbers. To achieve a small litter size at parturition all but one or two fetuses were killed at surgery at Day 30 to 40 of gestation. Fetal hypophysectomy or sham procedures were attempted on Day 90 to 95. Gestation was prolonged in gilts carrying hypophysectomized or partially hypophysectomized fetuses (P<0.01). Lactation and farrowing did not occur if hypophysectomy was complete. Basal concentrations of E in plasma were lower (P<0.01), basal P appeared higher and basal relaxin was unchanged in gilts carrying hypophysectomized or dead fetuses as compared to gilts with intact fetuses. Near the end of pregnancy the concentration of E was 119.8 pg/ml in gilts with the normal number of fetuses, 32.6 pg/ml in the group with hypophysectomized fetuses, and 7.3 pg/ml in gilts with dead fetuses. The relaxin peak occurred near term in control pigs and was delayed in the groups with hypophysectomized and partially hypophysectomized fetuses. The concentration of relaxin at the peak in gilts with normal sized litters was 181.4±75.8 ng/ml as compared with 25.3±16.0 ng/ml in gilts with partially hypophysectomized fetuses and was 9.5±1.4 ng/ml in gilts with hypophysectomized fetuses and 10.6±3.3 ng/ml in gilts with one or two fetuses. In gilts with intact or partially hypophysectomized fetuses, or litters containing both types, which came into labor, the patterns of P and E were similar. In gilts with hypophysectomized fetuses, P and E at term showed little change from basal concentrations. The results confirm that the fetus influences basal concentrations of E and possibly P in late normal gestations. In addition, the presence of the fetal pituitary is associated with the peak in relaxin expected at term. These associations are likely to be related to pituitary function and/or the mass of the conceptus. Fetal hypophysectomy is clearly associated with maternal concentrations of P and E at Day 114 that are different from those in normal sows, suggesting that these two hormones may have an effect on the initiation of parturition in the pig.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine aluminum (Al) exclusion by roots of two differentially tolerant soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) lines, Pl-416937 (Al-tolerant) and Essex (Al-sensitive). Following exposure to 80μM Al for up to 2 h, roots were rinsed with a 10 mM potassium citrate solution and rapidly dissected to allow estimation of intracellular Al accumulation in morphologically distinct root regions. Using 10 min exposures to 300μM 15NO3 and dissection, accompanying effects on NO3 uptake were measured. With Al exposures of 20 min or 2 h, there was greater Al accumulation in all root regions of Essex than in those of Pl-416937. The genotypic difference in Al accumulation was particularly apparent at the root apex, both in the tip and in the adjacent root cap and mucilage. Exposure of roots to Al inhibited the uptake of 15NO3 to a similar extent in all root regions. The results are consistent with Al exclusion from cells in the root apical region being an important mechanism of Al tolerance.  相似文献   

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