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Although the temperature of grain in the holds of ships arriving in Japan from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China and USA during 1966–67 varied with the grain, country of origin, and season, it was likely to be determined by the temperature of the grain when it was loaded into the ships. Dockage level varied among bulks of the same type of grain, but the mean dockage in any one crop was always larger when originating from the USA than from other countries. Generally the viability of the grain was good, but when it was reduced, interaction of variety and time seemed to be the principal cause. Field fungi — non-pathogenic Alternaria, and the pathogenic Helminthosporium and Fusarium species — tended to die out, during transport, thus reducing the hazards of new pathogenic strains being distributed across international boundaries. The non-pathogenic field fungi, Cladosporium and Phaeoramularia, were persistent. Although common in grain shipments from all countries, species of Aspergillus and Penicillium varied quantitatively with the different grains. In this respect, more Aspergillus spp. were found in grains originating in the USA and Australia than those originating in Canada. The primary contamination by storage fungi appeared to be at the source, at or after harvest and in storage prior to export.  相似文献   

每种粮食的储粮环境中都存在有其特征性挥发物,储粮害虫的发生对储粮环境中挥发物具有重要影响。本文简述了顶空式固相微萃取法、浸入式固相微萃取法、电子鼻检测法等储粮挥发物的提取方法及其优缺点,对小麦 Triticum aestivum L.、稻谷 Olyza sativa L.、玉米 Zea mays L.和燕麦 Avena sativa L.等主要储藏粮食种类的挥发性化合物成分、粮食挥发物对昆虫行为反应的影响、主要储粮害虫(赤拟谷盗 Tribolium castaneum、锈赤扁谷盗 Cryptolestes ferrugineus 和象虫 Sitophilus spp.)发生与粮食挥发物的关系等研究进展进行综述,探讨了储粮环境挥发性化合物与储粮害虫关系未来的研究方向,以期对今后储粮害虫生态防治研究与应用提供参考信息。  相似文献   

通过对江苏沿江地区出口农产品仓储甲虫调查,鉴定出仓储甲虫36个科115种,其中以皮蠹科、锯谷盗科、步甲科种类较多,均占6.96%。本文提出用选择性指数和适合性指数评价仓储甲虫的检疫重要性。据此将各种仓储甲虫划分为重要仓储害虫、较重要仓储害虫与次要仓储害虫三大类。  相似文献   

Abstract The potential for using imidacloprid (a neonicotinoid) and indoxacarb (an oxadiazine) as grain protectants was investigated in bioassays against resistant strains of five stored grain beetles. The species investigated were Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (the lesser grain borer), Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (the rice weevil), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (the rust‐red flour beetle), Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (the saw tooth flour beetle), and Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (the flat grain beetle). Each of these species has developed resistance to one or more protectants, including organophosphorus insecticides, synthetic pyrethroids and the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene. Mortality and reproduction after a 2‐week exposure of adults to treated wheat depended on species, dose and insecticide. Imidacloprid had no effect on S. oryzae at any dose, but none of the other species produced any live progeny at 10 mg/kg. Indoxacarb had no effect on T. castaneum at any dose, but none of the other species produced any live progeny at 5 mg/kg. The results show that although both imidacloprid and indoxacarb can control at least four of the five key pests tested at doses comparable to those used for organophosphorus protectants, more potent neonicotinoid or oxadiazine insecticides would be needed than either of these to provide broad spectrum protection of stored grain.  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰提取物对四种储粮害虫的杀虫活性   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
紫茎泽兰提取物对米象、玉米象、绿豆象和蚕豆象等 4种储粮害虫成虫具有强烈的熏杀活性 ,用 4 4.4 4mg L的浓度熏蒸处理 4 8小时后 ,每种成虫死亡率均达到 1 0 0 .0 0 %。熏蒸毒力测定结果表明 ,紫茎泽兰提取物对上述 4种成虫 2 4小时的LC50 分别为 1 4 .65,1 2 .80 ,2 5.0 7和 1 2 .2 0mg L ,4 8小时的LC50 分别为 1 1 .79,9.67,1 3 .2 9和 9.76mg L。  相似文献   

一种新杀虫剂对储粮害虫和作物害虫的杀虫效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
许静  袁淼  樊勇  杨妮娜  杨帆  尹莉  张国安 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):584-587
测定以植物提取物异硫氰酸酯为主要成分而复配的宏劲杀虫剂对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)、赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)和谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica(Fabricius)3种重要储粮害虫的熏蒸效果及其对菜青虫Pieris rapae(L.)、红蜘蛛Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)的杀虫效果。结果表明,宏劲杀虫剂48h对玉米象、赤拟谷盗和谷蠹的LC50分别是0.016,0.009和0.009μL/mL,均明显低于常规熏蒸剂磷化铝的要求处理剂量;对菜青虫和红蜘蛛的LC50分别是0.0159和1.3738mg/mL,其防效均优于对照药剂3%阿菊乳油和3%新型水分散性颗粒剂。  相似文献   

Plant oils (cottonseed, soybean, corn, groundnut and palm) at different dosages were evaluated in the laboratory for their ability to suppress the populations ofCryptolestes pusillus andRhyzopertha dominica in maize and sorghum. Exposure of adults of both beetle species to grains treated with 10 ml/kg of the different oils induced 100% mortality within 24 h. A dose of 5 ml/kg of each oil significantly decreased the progeny produced byR. dominica. Complete protection was achieved on grains treated with 10 ml/kg. These oils also repelled the adults of both species. Percentage weight loss caused byR. dominica in grains treated with 5 ml/kg and 10 ml/kg levels were significantly lower than in untreated grains. Oil treatment did not affect the germination of, or water absorption by, maize and sorghum grains compared with untreated grains. The potential use of plant oils in the management of insect pests in traditional grain storage is discussed.  相似文献   

雅脊金小蜂Theocolax elegans(Westwood, 1874)是一种世界性分布的贮粮害虫寄生蜂,寄主范围广泛。本文对其成虫形态特征进行记述并从形态学、寄主与分布等方面区分了蚁形金小蜂属Theocolax内的近缘种类,并编制该属已知种的检索表。以期为相关鉴定提供参考依据,为雅脊金小蜂天敌利用提供资料。  相似文献   

化学杀虫剂对菜田节肢动物多样性的影响   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
分析了化学杀虫剂对菜田节肢动物结构组成、多样性变化等的影响,结果表明化学杀虫剂对菜田节肢动物的影响主要表现在物种组成、多样性指数及物种分布的均匀性等方面,尤其是对害虫类、捕食性天敌和蜘蛛类的影响尤为明显。停止化学杀虫剂使用后,菜田优势害虫种群趋势指数降低,天敌的控制作用明显增强,节肢动物多样性指数增大。因此,限制和停止化学杀虫剂的使用,恢复由于杀虫剂使用而破坏了的菜田环境,逐步增强天敌对优势害虫的控制能力,这在菜田害虫生态控制中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Cigarette beetles, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), cause significant damage to the multibillion dollar food and tobacco industries worldwide each year. A non‐insecticidal alternative to manage Lserricorne is the application of mating disruption, in which high levels of synthetic sex pheromone are released to create an atmosphere that results in males failing to mate females, thereby causing population suppression or extinction. The reported work used synthetic serricornin, the predominant sex pheromone of L. serricorne, in mating disruption trials conducted in selected food‐ and feed‐processing facilities in South Carolina during 2010 and 2011. Mills subjected to mating disruption trials were monitored using oviposition cups filled with larval food and pheromone traps for males that contained monitoring lures. Immediately after deployment of mating disruption dispensers, trap captures declined significantly and indicated a reduction in population levels, that is, there was ‘trap shutdown’. A significant reduction was observed in numbers of adult beetles caught in the traps 8 weeks before and 8 weeks after treatment in both years. Beetle numbers from pheromone traps in untreated buildings remained at similar levels or increased after the time of mating disruption deployment in treated buildings. The numbers of adults that emerged from oviposition food cups were generally low and varied irregularly in treated and untreated buildings and were determined to be of little value for assessing treatment effects on reproduction. These initial field studies in the USA suggest that release of the synthetic sex pheromone of L. serricorne for mating disruption can significantly inhibit proper orientation behaviour of male L. serricorne to females and may lead to pest population decline from mating disruption.  相似文献   

本文研究了韭菜Allium tuberosum Rottle ex Spreng田常用化学农药辛硫磷、毒死蜱、高效氯氰菊酯、阿维菌素、敌敌畏、三唑酮、菌核净、多菌灵在田间推荐使用浓度及高一倍浓度条件下对Heterorhabditis bacteriophora H06和Hindica LN2线虫存活及感染力的影响,测定了农药与昆虫病原线虫施用间隔时间对线虫感染力的影响。结果显示,高效氯氰菊酯、三唑酮、菌核净和多菌灵对Hbacteriophora H06和Hindica LN2的存活及感染力无显著影响,可与这两种线虫共同使用;敌敌畏对两种线虫有显著致死作用,应严禁使用;辛硫磷、毒死蜱和阿维菌素对Hbacteriophora H06的存活无显著影响,对Hindica LN2具有一定的致死作用,但影响这两种线虫的感染力,这三种农药分别施用10 d、10 d、20 d后则对线虫感染力没有影响,可施用线虫。  相似文献   

化学杀虫剂对不同类型棉田害虫、天敌种群的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏丽  戈峰  刘向辉 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2631-2641
研究了化学杀虫剂对6种不同类型棉田的害虫、天敌种群数量及其相互作用的影响。结果表明,化学防治使棉花苗期棉蚜数量下降,但不能抑制中后期棉蚜数量;除豆间棉田外,其他类型棉田化防区棉红蜘蛛和棉铃虫数量低于未防区。化学防治使各类型棉田天敌数量减少,以单作棉田天敌数量减少最明显,间套作棉田天敌数量下降幅度较小;此外,棉田不同天敌种群所受的影响存在一定差异,化学防治对瓢虫、捕食蝽类的影响显著,数量下降剧烈,但蜘蛛类群下降幅度比前两者小。化学防治对棉田害虫与天敌的相互关系的影响随棉田类型或害虫、天敌种类的不同而有所差异。  相似文献   

荞麦Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.是我国重要的杂粮作物,内蒙古是我国甜荞的主产区,西伯利亚龟象Rhinoncus sibiricus Faust是2013年在内蒙古地区新发生的严重为害荞麦的害虫,目前主要依靠化学杀虫剂进行防治.本论文主要研究了不同种类杀虫剂对西伯利亚龟象的毒力和作用机制.结果...  相似文献   

Herbicides and insecticides are widely used in modern agriculture. It has been reported in various studies that application of insecticides can increase tolerance of herbivorous insects to insecticides. However, limited information exists on susceptibility to insecticides when insects are exposed to herbicides. This study was conducted to investigate the potential impact of the herbicides trifluralin and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid sodium salt (MCPA-Na) on the susceptibility of the nocturnal moth Spodoptera litura to the insecticides X-cyhalothrin, phoxim and bifenthrin. We found that larvae exposed to trifluralin or MCPA-Na became significantly less susceptible to both insecticides than nonexposed control larvae. Herbicide-treated larvae did not show altered growth under the used test conditions. However, heads of herbicide-treated larvae showed increased expression of the acetylcholinesterase genes SI Ace I and SI Ace 2. Moreover, the fat body and midgut of herbicide-treated larvae displayed elevated expression of detoxification genes (the carboxylesterase gene SI CarE;the glutathione S-transferase genes SlGSTe2 and SlGSTe3\ the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes CYP6B48, CYP9A40 and CYP321B1). The CYP6B48 gene exhibited highest inducibility. In conclusion, the data of this study suggest that exposure of S. litura larvae to herbicides may stimulate detoxification mechanisms that compromise the efficacy of insecticides.  相似文献   

室内采用浸叶法测定了柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri敏感种群与田间种群对广东常用药剂的敏感性,明确了柑橘木虱田间种群对阿维菌素、高效氯氰菊酯、吡虫啉、噻虫嗪、啶虫脒和甲维盐6种药剂的抗药性.柑橘木虱田间种群对70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂、20%啶虫脒可溶液剂、3%甲维盐微乳剂处于低水平抗药性,LC50抗性倍数分别为5...  相似文献   

研究了小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫经苏云金杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis预处理后,对有机磷和氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂敏感性的变化以及预处理对小菜蛾幼虫体内乙酰胆碱酯酶、羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶和谷胱甘肽的含量的影响。结果表明:苏云金杆菌预处理抗性小菜蛾幼虫后,其对甲胺磷、水胺硫磷和克百威的敏感性分别为未处理组的6.74、8.83和8.50倍;处理敏感小菜蛾幼虫后则分别为未处理组的2.96、1.69和3.88倍。苏云金杆菌预处理抗性小菜蛾,未处理组乙酰胆碱酯酶的Km和Vmax值分别为预处理组的1.86和1.56倍,所使用的6种杀虫剂对乙酰胆碱酯酶的KI值,处理组为未处理组的1.80~2.66倍,苏云金杆菌预处理抗性小菜蛾对羧酸酯酶的Km、KI影响不大,但能显著地抑制羧酸酯酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶的活性并导致谷胱甘肽含量下降(对照分别为处理的2.02、1.76和1.66倍)。苏云金杆菌预处理敏感小菜蛾,对乙酰胆碱酯酶的Km、Vmax、KI值和羧酸酯酶的Km、KI值以及谷胱甘肽含量影响不大,但能显著地抑制羧酸酯酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶的活性(对照分别为处理的1.54和1.64倍)。  相似文献   

In this research, adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) were exposed to various air pressures solely (first phase) and air pressures together with acrolein (second phase) in various durations and mortality rates were determined. Complete mortality of T. castaneum was obtained at 1, 3 and 6 h after exposure to 10, 30 and 50 mmHg, respectively. R. dominica showed 96.25% and 60% mortality during 3 and 10 h exposed to 10 and 30 mmHg, respectively. Percentage mortality of the insects in second phase was significantly higher than the rate in first phase. T. castaneum was more susceptible than R. dominica in the both phases.  相似文献   

AMIN NIKPAY 《Insect Science》2007,14(2):145-150
The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica is a major insect pests of stored grain in the tropics. Vegetable oils (chamomile, sweet almond and coconut) at 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0 and 10.0 mL/kg were tested against Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in wheat grain. All bioassays were conductr, d at 30℃ and 65% + 2% RH. Treatments with vegetable oils at high dose (10.0 mL/kg) achieved over 95% control within 24 h of exposure to freshly treated grain, There was little difference between the three oils in their effect. Persistence of oils in grains was tested at short-term storage intervals (48, 72 and 96 h) and intermediate-term intervals (10, 20 and 30 days) after treatments. The activity of all products decreased with storage period. Seed viability was reduced by the high dose rate (10.0 mL/kg) of oil treatments. The potential use of vegetable oils as supplementary or alternative grain protectants against insect damage in traditional grain storage in developing countries is discussed.  相似文献   

During 2000–2002, diagnostic rice and soybean plant samples and concurrent soil samples were collected from cultivated fields within a geo-physically unique Zn/Cd co-contaminated location in Thailand. For the fields sampled, aqua regia-digested Zn and Cd concentrations ranged from 2.91–284 and 254–8036 mg kg–1, respectively. In comparison, rice and soybean Cd concentrations ranged from 0.02–5.00 and 1.08–1.71 mg kg–1, respectively. Further, the results indicate that grain Cd, Zn and Fe concentrations are in the order riceGr=soybeanGr, soybeanGr>riceGr, soybeanGr>riceGr, respectively. However, and critically from a human health perspective, Cd:Zn and Cd:Fe ratios are in the order riceGr>soybeanGr. In addition, the riceGr Cd:Fe ratio is an order of magnitude higher than that determined for soybeanGr. The results of this study, clearly demonstrate that compared to rice stalk (riceSt) and rice leaf (riceL), riceGr accumulates comparatively higher Cd than Zn and Fe thus resulting in the high riceGr Cd:Zn and Cd:Fe ratios. This is in direct contrast to the results observed for soybean.  相似文献   

Abstract  The potential of spinosad as a grain protectant for the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica , was investigated in a silo-scale trial on wheat stored in Victoria, Australia. Rhyzopertha dominica is a serious pest of stored grain, and its resistance to protectants and the fumigant phosphine is becoming more common. This trial follows earlier laboratory research showing that spinosad may be a useful pest management option for this species. Wheat (300 t) from the 2005 harvest was treated with spinosad 0.96 mg/kg plus chlorpyrifos-methyl 10 mg/kg in March 2006, and samples were collected at intervals during 7.5 month storage to determine efficacy and residues in wheat and milling fractions. Chlorpyrifos-methyl is already registered in Australia for control of several other pest species, and its low potency against R. dominica was confirmed in laboratory-treated wheat. Grain moisture content was stable at about 10%, but grain temperature ranged from 29.3°C in March to 14.0°C in August. Bioassays of all treated wheat samples over 7.5 months resulted in 100% adult mortality after 2 weeks exposure and no live progeny were produced. In addition, no live grain insects were detected during outload sampling after a 9 month storage. Spinosad and chlorpyrifos-methyl residues tended to decline during storage, and residues were higher in the bran layer than in either wholemeal or white flour. This field trial confirmed that spinosad was effective as a grain protectant targeting R. dominica .  相似文献   

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