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Two phosphoproteins are adsorbed to protein-A-Sepharose when cytosol from 32P-labeled L-cells is incubated with a monoclonal antibody against the glucocorticoid receptor: one is a 98-100-kDa phosphoprotein that contains the steroid-binding site and the other is a 90-kDa nonsteroid-binding phosphoprotein that is associated with the untransformed, molybdate-stabilized receptor (Housley, P. R., Sanchez, E. R., Westphal, H.M., Beato, M., and Pratt, W.B. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, in press). In this paper we show that the 90-kDa receptor-associated phosphoprotein is an abundant cytosolic protein that reacts with a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the 90-kDa phosphoprotein that binds steroid receptors in the chicken oviduct. The 90-kDa protein immunoadsorbed from L-cell cytosol with this antibody reacts on Western blots with rabbit antiserum prepared against the 89-kDa chicken heat shock protein. Immunoadsorption of molybdate-stabilized cytosol by antibodies against the glucocorticoid receptor results in the presence of a 90-kDa protein that interacts on Western blots with the antiserum against the chicken heat shock protein. The association between the 90-kDa protein and the receptor is only seen by this technique when molybdate is present to stabilize the complex; and when steroid-bound receptors are incubated at 25 degrees C to transform them to the DNA-binding state, the 90-kDa protein dissociates. These observations are consistent with the proposal that the untransformed glucocorticoid receptor in L-cells exists in a complex with the murine 90-kDa heat shock protein.  相似文献   

Incubation of molybdate-stabilized L cell cytosol with a monoclonal antibody directed against the 100-kDa glucocorticoid-binding protein causes the immune-specific adsorption to protein A-Sepharose of both the 100-kDa glucocorticoid receptor and the 90-kDa murine heat shock protein (hsp90) (Sanchez, E. R., Toft, D. O., Schlesinger, M. J., and Pratt, W. B. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12398-12401). When the glucocorticoid receptor in cytosol is transformed to the DNA-binding state, hsp90 dissociates. In this paper, we show that temperature-mediated dissociation of hsp90 from the receptor is a hormone-dependent event in the same manner as temperature-mediated transformation to the DNA-binding state. In contrast to temperature-mediated transformation, ammonium sulfate causes both dissociation of hsp90 from the receptor and conversion of the receptor to the DNA-binding form in a manner that does not require the presence of steroid. The untransformed form of the glucocorticoid receptor and the strongly negatively charged hsp90 protein behave similarly on DEAE-cellulose chromatography, suggesting that the hsp90 component may contribute significantly to the net negative charge behavior of the non-DNA-binding form of the receptor complex.  相似文献   

Nine hybridoma clones producing antibodies against the Escherichia coli cAMP receptor protein (CRP) have been isolated. Five of the monoclonal antibodies (Class I) had a much higher affinity for native CRP while the remaining four (Class II) bound equally well to native or denatured CRP. Using native N-terminal CRP cores, it was shown that none of the Class I monoclonal antibodies cross-reacted with the 15,000-Da CRP core, and only two bound to the 18,800-Da CRP core. The positions of the antigenic determinants for the Class II monoclonal antibodies were found by Western blotting analysis to reside in the N-proximal region of CRP. Only one monoclonal antibody strongly inhibited cAMP binding by CRP, and this was accompanied by a consequent strong inhibition of both lac DNA binding and abortive initiation by RNA polymerase. Each of the Class I monoclonal antibodies inhibited abortive initiation, and four of these antibodies also blocked the binding of cAMP X CRP to the lac DNA fragment. One Class I and one Class II monoclonal antibody bound to the cAMP X CRP X DNA complex. Two of the Class II monoclonal antibodies were without apparent effect on any of the assays used.  相似文献   

为了制备禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒(REV)gp90蛋白的单克隆抗体,应用His-gp90融合蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,取免疫鼠的脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞(SP2/0)进行融合,经过筛选、3次亚克隆后获得3株稳定分泌抗REV-gp90蛋白的单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为3G5-B8、3G5-A10和1G12。经间接ELISA(Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)方法检测,单克隆抗体的亲和力解离常数(Kd)分别为6.483×10–10、4.844×10–10和9.330×10–10,3株单抗的亚型分别为Ig G1、Ig G1和Ig G2b。经Western blotting和间接免疫荧光实验检测,3株单抗均能识别REV感染DF-1细胞后产生的gp90蛋白。以Western blotting方法利用单抗检测不同截短的gp90蛋白,初步确定3G5-B8和3G5-A10 2株单抗抗原识别区均位于gp90蛋白第200-245位氨基酸,而1G12株单抗识别区包含第230-235位氨基酸。这些单抗为REV的诊断和致病机理研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We have used three methods to measure the stoichiometry of the glucocorticoid receptor and the 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp90) in L-cell glucocorticoid receptor complexes that were purified by immunoadsorption to protein A-Sepharose with an anti-receptor monoclonal antibody, followed by a minimal washing procedure that permits retention of receptor-associated protein. In two of the methods, receptor was quantitated by radioligand binding, and receptor-specific hsp90 was quantitated against a standard curve of purified hsp90, either on Coomassie blue stained SDS gels by laser densitometry or on Western blots by quantitative immunoblotting with 125I-labeled counterantibody. The stoichiometry values obtained by densitometry and immunoblotting are 7 and 6 mol of hsp90/mol of receptor, respectively. In a third method, which detects total receptor protein rather than just steroid-bound receptor, the ratio of hsp90 to receptor was determined by immunopurifying receptor complexes from [35S]methionine-labeled L cells, and the amount of 35S incorporated into receptor and hsp90 was corrected for the established methionine content of the respective proteins. In complexes from L cells which are labeled to steady state (48 h), the ratio of hsp90 to GR is 4:1. When immunoadsorbed receptor complexes are washed extensively with 0.5 M NaCl and 0.4% Triton X-100 in the presence of molybdate, the ratio of hsp90 to GR is 2:1. In addition to hsp90, preparations of [35S]methionine-labeled untransformed receptor complex also contain a 55-kDa protein that the conclusion that the untransformed L-cell glucocorticoid receptor exists in cytosol in a much larger heteromeric complex than considered to date.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid receptor (GC-R) isolated from the mouse AtT-20 pituitary tumor cell line exists in three forms. The untransformed (non-DNA-binding), 9.1S species (319K) can be converted into two transformed (DNA-binding) species. One of these (5.2 S, Mr 132K) appears to be composed of one molecule of the hormone-binding, monomeric protein (96K) plus a small RNA, while the second transformed species is the monomeric, hormone-binding subunit (3.8 S, 96K) itself. We wished to determine whether the untransformed GC-R contains RNA or if the monomer binds to RNA subsequent to subunit dissociation (which occurs during receptor transformation). Kinetic studies using both the crude and purified untransformed GC-R show that the untransformed, 9.1S GC-R dissociates into 3.8S monomeric subunits, without forming a transient 5.2S complex. The untransformed receptor was then purified with affinity chromatography, gel filtration, and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. One major protein band, corresponding in size to the GC-R monomer (94K-96K), was observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels upon silver staining or fluorography of [3H]dexamethasone mesylate covalently labeled receptor. In vivo 32P-labeling of AtT-20 cells, followed by purification of the untransformed GC-R, yielded two major 32P-labeled components (94K-96K and 24K). Both of these bands were protease-sensitive, contained phosphoserine, and were unaffected by ribonuclease treatment. We conclude that the untransformed mouse GC-R is wholly proteinaceous and contains no RNA. Thus, RNA binding occurs subsequent to dissociation of the oligomeric, untransformed GC-R complex into monomers.  相似文献   

Nine monoclonals against human Ig lambda chains were produced, 4 antibodies react with C-domain, 5--with V-domain of the lambda chain. Anti-C lambda domain antibodies recognize not less than 3 epitopes and one of them is expressed only on the isolated chain. Anti-V lambda antibodies bind both isolated lambda chain and intact IgG, IgM, IgA. Four epitopes are expressed by few lambda Bence Jones proteins of the III subgroup, the immunogen possessing the same isotype. The 4 mentioned epitopes represent private idiotypic determinants. The epitope 3E10 is characteristic of 50% Bence Jones proteins of the II and III V lambda-subgroups thus representing a common idiotypic determinant. Using anti-V lambda antibodies germ line variability of V lambda III proteins was analysed and the similarity of antigenic structure of normal and myeloma human Ig lambda chains was demonstrated.  相似文献   

We have used bifunctional reagents to examine the subunit composition of the non-DNA-binding form of the rat and human glucocorticoid receptor. Treatment of intact cells and cell extracts with a reversible cross-linker, followed by electrophoretic analysis of immunoadsorbed receptor revealed that three proteins of apparent approximate molecular masses, 90, 53 and 14 kDa are associated with the receptor. The first of these was identified immunochemically as a 90-kDa heat-shock protein (hsp90). The complex isolated from HeLa cells contained 2.2 mol hsp90/mol steroid-binding subunit. Cross-linking of the receptor complex in the cytosol completely prevented salt-induced dissociation of the subunits. The cross-linked receptor was electrophoretically resolved into two oligomeric complexes of apparent molecular mass 288 kDa and 347 kDa, reflecting the association of the 53-kDa protein with a fraction of the receptor. Since no higher oligomeric complexes could be generated by cross-linking cell extracts under different conditions, we conclude that most of the untransformed cytosolic receptor is devoid of additional components.  相似文献   

Garnier C  Barbier P  Devred F  Rivas G  Peyrot V 《Biochemistry》2002,41(39):11770-11778
The 90 kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) is one of the major stress proteins whose overall structure remains unknown. In this study, we investigated the influence of divalent cations Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) on the hydrodynamic properties and quaternary structure of Hsp90. Using analytical ultracentrifugation, size-exclusion chromatography, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, we showed that native Hsp90 was mostly dimeric. The Hsp90 dimer had a sedimentation coefficient, s(w,20) degrees, of 6.10 +/- 0.03 S, which slightly deviated from the hydrodynamics of a globular protein. Using chemical cross-linking and analytical ultracentrifugation, we showed that Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) induced a tertiary conformational change of Hsp90, leading to a self-association process. In the presence of divalent cations, Hsp90 existed as a mixture of monomers, dimers, and tetramers at equilibrium. Finally, to identify Hsp90 domains involved in this divalent cation-dependent self-association, we studied the oligomerization state of the N-terminal (positions 1-221) of Hsp90, the influence of an N-terminal specific ligand, geldanamycin (GA), and the effect of C-terminal truncation on the ability of Hsp90 to oligomerize in the presence of divalent cations. We previously showed that GA inhibits Hsp90 heat-induced oligomerization [Garnier, C., Protasevich, I., Gilli, R., Tsvetkov, P., Lobachov, V., Peyrot, V., Briand, C., and Makarov, A. (1998) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 249, 197-201], but now we observed that GA does not influence divalent cation-dependent oligomerization of Hsp90, suggesting another mechanism. This mechanism involved the C-terminal part of the protein since C-terminally truncated Hsp90 did not oligomerize in the presence of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Porphyrias are inherited and acquired diseases of erythroid or hepatic origin, in which there are defects in specific enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway. In patients with intermittent acute porphyria and lead poisoning the erythrocytic activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase are reported to be increased. Our studies demonstrated that d-aminolevulinic acid, a heme precursor accumulated in both diseases, undergoes enolization at pH < 7.0 before it autoxidizes. The autoxidation of d-aminolevulinic acid, in the presence or absence of oxyhemoglobin has been proposed as a source of oxy and carbon-centred radicals in the cells of intermittent acute porphyria and saturnism carriers. Thus, the increased levels of antioxidant enzymes can be viewed as an intracellular response against the deleterious effects of these extremely reactive species.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to various domains of human protein C were characterized, and the cross-reactivity of these antibodies with other vitamin K-dependent proteins was explored. Three antibodies, JTC-1, -2, and -3 reacted with protein C only in the presence of Ca2+ and were shown to bind to the light chain of protein C. It is suggested that these antibodies recognize a gamma-carboxyglutamic acid domain-related conformational change induced by metal ions, evidenced by the fact that half-maximal binding was observed at calcium concentration of 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 mM, respectively, by the fact that these antibodies, even in the presence of Ca2+, do not react with gamma-carboxyglutamic acid domainless protein C, and by the fact that Zn2+ and Tb3+ support binding in essentially the same way. Each cell line was stabilized by recloning five times. In addition each antibody had a single isoelectric point and was of the IgG1 kappa class. The interaction of antibodies JTC-1, -2; and -3 with protein C-Ca2+ was characterized by a single class of binding sites with Kd of 3.98 X 10(-9) M, 4.01 X 10(-9) M, and 6.76 X 10(-9) M, respectively. However, antibodies JTC-1, -2, and -3 bound to prothrombin-Ca2+ with Kd of 7.81 X 10(-9) M, 2.0 X 10(-7) M, and higher than 1.0 X 10(-5) M, respectively. In addition they had weak affinity for factor X in the presence of Ca2+. The results indicate that the antibodies JTC-1, -2, and -3 are conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies directed against an at least partially common metal ion-induced three-dimensional structure in protein C, prothrombin, and factor X.  相似文献   

K-type pyruvate kinase was purified from human kidney by immunoadsorbant chromatography. Monoclonal antibodies secreting hybridomas were made using conventional techniques. Two clones were established which produced antibodies against K-type not cross-reacting with the other pyruvate kinase isoenzymes, named the M, L and R-types. The specificity of the monoclonal antibodies was proven by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting experiments. The M- and K-isoenzymes are produced from the same gene probably by alternative splicing, and all differences between both enzymes originate from one exon coding for 45 amino acids (Noguchi et al. J. Biol. Chem. 261, 13807-13812 (1986]. The monoclonal antibodies are specific for K-type under denaturing conditions. Thus, it is likely that these antibodies recognize (a) continuous epitope(s), of which at least some amino acids are coded in the K-specific exon. The monoclonal antibodies could be successfully used in immunohistochemical studies. Neurons and astrocytes in brain, Kupffer cells in liver, connective tissue cells and vascular smooth muscle cells showed immunoreactivity. However, striated muscle cells in skeletal muscle and heart and hepatocytes were not immunoreactive. Other types of glial cells, e.g., oligodendrocytes and microglia, so far studied, showed no reaction either.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies have been produced against the human 85,000-molecular-weight heat shock protein (hsp85). One of these, 16F1, cross-reacts with the murine homolog and is shown by peptide map immunoblots to be directed against an epitope different from that recognized by the other monoclonal antibody, 9D2. Both monoclonal antibodies recognize only a single Mr-85,000 species in two-dimensional immunoblots. Immunoprecipitation did not reveal an association of this heat shock protein with any other protein in HeLa cells. Immunoperoxidase staining showed a purely cytosolic distribution at both light and electron microscopic levels and no association with membranes, mitochondria, or other organelles. The 9D2 monoclonal and a polyclonal antimurine hsp85 antibody were used to identify the antigens and to quantitate their levels in a variety of normal tissues by immunoautoradiography. Relative abundance in the various tissues as determined by Coomassie blue staining correlates reasonably well with the immunoreactivity. Testis and brain, for example, have high hsp85 levels, whereas heart and skeletal muscle have little or none. The Mr-85,000 sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel band in testis and brain lysates was further confirmed to be hsp85 by one-dimensional partial proteolytic peptide mapping. Based on these data and our previous observations showing that synthesis and levels of the protein are altered by depriving cultured cells of glucose, we speculate that intracellular hsp85 levels depend on differences in the intermediary metabolism of glucose in the various tissues. Furthermore, it appears that high basal levels of this heat shock protein may not necessarily protect cells against heat shock, since testis is one of the most heat-sensitive tissues and has the highest hsp85 level.  相似文献   

As the continuation of a previous study, synthetic peptides corresponding to the extracellular domains of human gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor were used to generate additional monoclonal antibodies which were further characterized biochemically and immunologically. Among those identified to recognize GnRH receptor, monoclonal antibodies designated as GHR-103, GHR-106 and GHR-114 were found to exhibit high affinity (Kd ≤ 1 × 10−8 M) and specificity to GnRH receptor as judged by the whole cell binding immunoassay and Western blot assay. Both anti-GnRH receptor monoclonal antibodies and GnRH were shown to compete for the same binding site of GnRH receptor on the surface of cultured cancer cells. Growth inhibitions of cancer cells cultured in vitro were demonstrated by cellular apoptosis experiments (TUNEL and MTT assays) under different conditions of treatment with GHR-106 monoclonal antibody or GnRH analogs. It was generally observed that both GnRH I and GHR-106 effectively induce the apoptosis of cultured cancer cells as determined by TUNEL and MTT assays. Consistently, suppressions of gene expressions at mRNA levels were demonstrated with several ribosomal proteins (P0, P1, P2 and L37), when cancer cells were incubated with GnRH or GHR-106. The widespread expressions of GnRH receptor in almost all of the studied human cancer cell lines were also demonstrated by RT-PCR and Western blot assay, as well as indirect immunofluorescence assay with either of these monoclonal antibodies as the primary antibody. In view of the longer half life of antibodies as compared to that of GnRH or its analogs, anti-GnRH receptor monoclonal antibodies in humanized forms could function as GnRH analogs and serve as an ideal candidate of anti-cancer drugs for therapeutic treatments of various cancers in humans as well as for fertility regulations.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) causes an infectious disease through respiratory route. Diagnosing the disease effectively and accurately at early stage is essential for preventing the disease transmission and performing antiviral treatment. In this study, we raised monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the nucleocapsid (N) protein of SARS-CoV and mapped epitopes by using different truncated N protein fragments. The mapping of those epitopes was valuable for constructing pair-Abs used in serological diagnosis. The results showed that all of the six raised mAbs were divided into two groups recognizing the region of amino acids 249-317 (A group) or 317-395 (B group). This region spanning amino acids 249-395 contains predominant B cell epitopes located at the C-terminus of N protein. One pair-Abs, consisting of N protein-specific rabbit polyclonal antibody and SARS-CoV N protein-specific mAb, was selected to construct a sandwich ELISA-kit. The kit was able to specifically detect SARS-CoV N proteins in serum samples.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid receptors in the IM-9 human lymphoblastoid cell line were affinity labeled with [3H]dexamethasone 21-mesylate and activated to a DNA-binding form by filtration through a Bio-Gel A-1.5m column. The 90 kDa heat shock protein, HSP90, was identified by labeling IM-9 cells with 35S-methionine at both 37 degrees C and 42 degrees C and purified to near homogeneity by sequential chromatography through DE52 and hydroxyapatite. Addition of purified HSP90 to activated, affinity labeled glucocorticoid receptors in a molecular ratio of 16 to 1 inhibited the binding of the receptors to DNA-cellulose. HSP90 did not affect the binding of other proteins to DNA-cellulose, indicating that the inhibitory effect of HSP90 was specific for the glucocorticoid receptor. These results suggest that HSP90 may associate with the glucocorticoid receptor, masking its DNA-binding site and thereby inhibiting receptor interaction with DNA.  相似文献   

Yin  Xiuchen  Zhang  Shumei  Gao  Youlan  Li  Jinzhe  Tan  Shuyi  Liu  Hongyu  Wu  Xiaoying  Chen  Yuhuan  Liu  Ming  Zhang  Yun 《Virology journal》2012,9(1):1-7


Ebola viruses (EBOVs) cause severe hemorrhagic fever with a high mortality rate. At present, there are no licensed vaccines or efficient therapies to combat EBOV infection. Previous studies have shown that both humoral and cellular immune responses are crucial for controlling Ebola infection. CD8+ T cells play an important role in mediating vaccine-induced protective immunity. The objective of this study was to identify H-2d-specific T cell epitopes in EBOV glycoproteins (GPs).


Computer-assisted algorithms were used to predict H-2d-specific T cell epitopes in two species of EBOV (Sudan and Zaire) GP. The predicted peptides were synthesized and identified in BALB/c mice immunized with replication-deficient adenovirus vectors expressing the EBOV GP. Enzyme-linked immunospot assays and intracellular cytokine staining showed that the peptides RPHTPQFLF (Sudan EBOV), GPCAGDFAF and LYDRLASTV (Zaire EBOV) could stimulate splenoctyes in immunized mice to produce large amounts of interferon-gamma.


Three peptides within the GPs of two EBOV strains were identified as T cell epitopes. The identification of these epitopes should facilitate the evaluation of vaccines based on the Ebola virus glycoprotein in a BALB/c mouse model.  相似文献   

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