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Fluorescent proteins from the green fluorescent protein family have become indispensable imaging tools for cell biology. A wide variety of these proteins were discovered in nonbioluminescent anthozoa in recent years. Some of them feature exciting new properties, with the possibility to alter their intensity and/or fluorescence color by irradiation with light of specific wavelengths. Fluorescent highlighter proteins enable many interesting applications based on regional optical marking in live cells and tissues. This review provides an overview of photoactivatable marker proteins, with a focus on EosFP, a protein that can be switched from green to red fluorescence by approximately 400-nm light. A variety of applications are presented to illustrate the versatility of EosFP in live-cell imaging.  相似文献   

Fluorescent proteins from the green fluorescent protein family have become indispensable imaging tools for cell biology. A wide variety of these proteins were discovered in nonbioluminescent anthozoa in recent years. Some of them feature exciting new properties, with the possibility to alter their intensity and/or fluorescence color by irradiation with light of specific wavelengths. Fluorescent highlighter proteins enable many interesting applications based on regional optical marking in live cells and tissues. This review provides an overview of photoactivatable marker proteins, with a focus on EosFP, a protein that can be switched from green to red fluorescence by approximately 400-nm light. A variety of applications are presented to illustrate the versatility of EosFP in live-cell imaging.  相似文献   

A molecular probe that selectively tags Lck, a Src-family kinase, was developed. This probe was one of many compounds originally designed to target the active site of tyrosine kinases in general. To our surprise, however, the probe almost exclusively labeled Lck even in a lysate of Jurkat cells. This finding led us to further characterize this probe-Lck complex by a series of photolabeling and mass spectrometric analyses. The probe-binding site on Lck was located within the well-conserved region of Src-family kinases, as we originally expected. However, the unexpected selectivity of this probe toward Lck suggests that subtle factors, which are difficult to predict based on static crystal structures, play important roles in probe recognition.  相似文献   

Photobleaching of green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a widely used approach for tracking the movement of subcellular structures and intracellular proteins. Although photobleaching is a powerful technique, it does not allow direct tracking of an object's movement and velocity within a living cell. Direct tracking becomes possible only with the introduction of a photoactivated fluorescent marker. A number of previous studies have reported optically induced changes in the emission spectra of fluorescent proteins. However, the ideal photoactivated fluorescent marker should be a nonfluorescent tag capable of "switching on" (i.e., becoming fluorescent) in response to irradiation by light of a particular wavelength, intensity, and duration. In this report, we generated a mutant of Anemonia sulcata chromoprotein asCP. The mutant protein is capable of unique irreversible photoconversion from the nonfluorescent to a stable bright-red fluorescent form ("kindling"). This "kindling fluorescent protein" (KFP1) can be used for precise in vivo photolabeling to track the movements of cells, organelles, and proteins. We used KFP1 for in vivo cell labeling in mRNA microinjection assays to monitor Xenopus laevis embryo development and to track mitochondrial movement in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Assembly of mitochondria into networks supports fuel metabolism and calcium transport and is involved in the cellular response to apoptotic stimuli. A mitochondrial network is defined as a continuous matrix lumen whose boundaries limit molecular diffusion. Observation of individual networks has proven challenging in live cells that possess dense populations of mitochondria. Investigation into the electrical and morphological properties of mitochondrial networks has therefore not yielded consistent conclusions. In this study we used matrix-targeted, photoactivatable green fluorescent protein to tag single mitochondrial networks. This approach, coupled with real-time monitoring of mitochondrial membrane potential, permitted the examination of matrix lumen continuity and fusion and fission events over time. We found that adjacent and intertwined mitochondrial structures often represent a collection of distinct networks. We additionally found that all areas of a single network are invariably equipotential, suggesting that a heterogeneous pattern of membrane potential within a cell's mitochondria represents differences between discrete networks. Interestingly, fission events frequently occurred without any gross morphological changes and particularly without fragmentation. These events, which are invisible under standard confocal microscopy, redefine the mitochondrial network boundaries and result in electrically disconnected daughter units. membrane potential; fusion; fission; heterogeneity; green fluorescent protein; tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester perchlorate  相似文献   

Ceramide is a lipid molecule that regulates diverse physiological and pathological reactions in part through inverting the topology of certain transmembrane proteins. This topological inversion is achieved through regulated alternative translocation (RAT), which reverses the direction by which membrane proteins are translocated across the endoplasmic reticulum during translation. However, owing to technical challenges in studying protein–ceramide interaction, it remains unclear how ceramide levels are sensed in cells to trigger RAT. Here, we report the synthesis of pac-C7-Cer, a photoactivatable and clickable short-chain ceramide analog that can be used as a probe to study protein–ceramide interactions. We demonstrate that translocating chain-associated membrane protein 2 (TRAM2), a protein known to control RAT of transmembrane 4 L6 subfamily member 20, and TRAM1, a homolog of TRAM2, interacted with molecules derived from pac-C7-Cer. This interaction was competed by naturally existing long-chain ceramide molecules. We showed that binding of ceramide and its analogs to TRAM2 correlated with their ability to induce RAT of transmembrane 4 L6 subfamily member 20. In addition to probing ceramide–TRAM interactions, we provide evidence that pac-C7-cer could be used for proteome-wide identification of ceramide-binding proteins. Our study provides mechanistic insights into RAT by identifying TRAMs as potential ceramide-binding proteins and establishes pac-C7-Cer as a valuable tool for future study of ceramide–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent proteins (FPs) have become popular imaging tools because of their high specificity, minimal invasive labeling and allowing visualization of proteins and structures inside living organisms. FPs are genetically encoded and expressed in living cells, therefore, labeling involves minimal effort in comparison to approaches involving synthetic dyes. Photoactivatable FPs (paFPs) comprise a subclass of FPs that can change their absorption/emission properties such as brightness and color upon irradiation. This methodology has found a broad range of applications in the life sciences, especially in localization-based super-resolution microscopy of cells, tissues and even entire organisms. In this review, we discuss recent developments and applications of paFPs in super-resolution localization imaging.  相似文献   

Transport of proteins to and from cilia is crucial for normal cell function and survival, and interruption of transport has been implicated in degenerative and neoplastic diseases. It has been hypothesized that the ciliary axoneme and structures adjacent to and including the basal bodies of cilia impose selective barriers to the movement of proteins into and out of the cilium. To examine this hypothesis, using confocal and multiphoton microscopy we determined the mobility of the highly soluble photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PAGFP) in the connecting cilium (CC) of live Xenopus retinal rod photoreceptors, and in the contiguous subcellular compartments bridged by the CC, the inner segment (IS) and the outer segment (OS). The estimated axial diffusion coefficients are DCC = 2.8 ± 0.3, DIS = 5.2 ± 0.6, and DOS = 0.079 ± 0.009 µm2 s−1. The results establish that the CC does not pose a major barrier to protein diffusion within the rod cell. However, the results also reveal that axial diffusion in each of the rod’s compartments is substantially retarded relative to aqueous solution: the axial diffusion of PAGFP was retarded ∼18-, 32- and 1,000-fold in the IS, CC, and OS, respectively, with ∼20-fold of the reduction in the OS attributable to tortuosity imposed by the lamellar disc membranes. Previous investigation of PAGFP diffusion in passed, spherical Chinese hamster ovary cells yielded DCHO = 20 µm2 s−1, and estimating cytoplasmic viscosity as Daq/DCHO = 4.5, the residual 3- to 10-fold reduction in PAGFP diffusion is ascribed to sub-optical resolution structures in the IS, CC, and OS compartments.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) allows the direct visualization of gene expression and the subcellular localization of fusion proteins in living cells. The localization of different GFP fusion proteins in the secretory system was studied in stably transformed Arabidopsis plants cv. Wassilewskaja. Secreted GFP (SGFP) and GFP retained in the ER (GFP-KDEL) confirmed patterns already known, but two vacuolar GFPs (GFP-Chi and Aleu-GFP) labelled the Arabidopsis vacuolar system for the first time, the organization of which appears to depend on cell differentiation. GFP stability in the vacuoles may depend on pH or degradation, but these vacuolar markers can, nevertheless, be used as a tool for physiological studies making these plants suitable for mutagenesis and gene-tagging experiments.  相似文献   

Zhang M  Chang H  Zhang Y  Yu J  Wu L  Ji W  Chen J  Liu B  Lu J  Liu Y  Zhang J  Xu P  Xu T 《Nature methods》2012,9(7):727-729
Monomeric (m)Eos2 is an engineered photoactivatable fluorescent protein widely used for super-resolution microscopy. We show that mEos2 forms oligomers at high concentrations and forms aggregates when labeling membrane proteins, limiting its application as a fusion partner. We solved the crystal structure of tetrameric mEos2 and rationally designed improved versions, mEos3.1 and mEos3.2, that are truly monomeric, are brighter, mature faster and exhibit higher photon budget and label density.  相似文献   

Photo- and chemical crosslinking of proteins have offered various avenues for studying protein structure and protein interactions with biomolecules. Conventional photoactivatable groups generally lack reaction selectivity toward amino acid residues. New photoactivatable groups reacting with selected residues have emerged recently, increasing crosslinking efficiency and facilitating crosslink identification. Traditional chemical crosslinking usually employs highly reactive functional groups, while recent advance has developed latent reactive groups with reactivity triggered by proximity, which reduce spurious crosslinks and improve biocompatibility. The employment of these residue selective chemical functional groups, activated by light or proximity, in small molecule crosslinkers and in genetically encoded unnatural amino acids is summarized. Together with new software development in identifying protein crosslinks, residue selective crosslinking has enhanced the research of elusive protein-protein interactions in vitro, in cell lysate, and in live cells. Residue selective crosslinking is expected to expand to other methods for the investigation of various protein–biomolecule interactions.  相似文献   

A specific illumination approach has been developed for identification of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding proteins. This strategy utilizes a tandem photoactivatable unit that consists of a diazirine group as a carbene precursor and an o-hydroxycinnamate moiety as a coumarin precursor. The photolysis of diazirine induces a specific cross-link on target proteins and is followed by photoactivation of coumarin generation with a concomitant release of the pre-installed affinity ligand. The ATP, installed with this cross-linker at the γ-position, successfully transferred a coumarin onto ATP-binding proteins using only UV-irradiation.  相似文献   

Nubp1 (also known as Nbp35) and Nubp2 (also known as Cfd1) proteins are known to be responsible for regulating centrosome duplication in mouse and ribosome biogenesis in yeast. Nubp proteins contribute to diverse physiological functions. It is thought that Nubp1 and Nubp2 proteins interact with each other and regulate their functions. However, little is known about the intracellular localization of Nubp proteins. In this study, we compared the intracellular localization of human Nubp1 and Nubp2 by fusing these proteins with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in HeLa cells. The nuclear transfer of Nubp1–GFP, where GFP was fused to the C-terminus, was not observed. However, GFP–Nubp1, where GFP was fused to the N-terminus, did accumulate in the nucleus. In addition, GFP-modification at the N-terminal of Nubp2 induced nuclear transformation. Our data suggest that the C-terminal region of Nubp1 is important for nuclear transfer and the N-terminal of Nubp2 contributes to the morphology of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Hess D  Isenberg G 《FEBS letters》1999,445(2-3):279-282
We introduce a new, fluorescent and photoactivatable fatty acid derivative (SANU) for hydrophobic labelling of membrane-bound proteins. The technique allows fast and highly sensitive screening of hydrophobically inserting proteins analyzed by SDS-PAGE with a detection limit below 0.1 pmol. A reliable calculation of labelling efficiencies is achieved by simultaneous densitometry of fluorescence and protein staining. We have applied the new technique on the membrane inserting protein talin, G-actin, and, as a negative control, on RNase, which only binds electrostatically to negatively charged lipid interfaces. In several ways superior to radiolabelling, we can recommend this technique for all laboratories under any circumstances.  相似文献   

The characterization of protein synthesis by eukaryotic intracellular parasites is inherently difficult because it may represent only a small fraction of host cell protein synthesis. Here, Mark Carrington, Yael Shochat and Anne Gurnett describe a method for overcoming this problem through the use of the toxin ricin to inhibit host cell protein synthesis specifically.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the current knowledge about posttranslational chemistry underlying the diverse optical properties of GFP-like proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of diet on reproduction is well documented in a large number of organisms; however, much remains to be learned about the molecular mechanisms underlying this connection. The Drosophila ovary has a well described, fast and largely reversible response to diet. Ovarian stem cells and their progeny proliferate and grow faster on a yeast-rich diet than on a yeast-free (poor) diet, and death of early germline cysts, degeneration of early vitellogenic follicles and partial block in ovulation further contribute to the ∼60-fold decrease in egg laying observed on a poor diet. Multiple diet-dependent factors, including insulin-like peptides, the steroid ecdysone, the nutrient sensor Target of Rapamycin, AMP-dependent kinase, and adipocyte factors mediate this complex response. Here, we describe the results of a visual screen using a collection of green fluorescent protein (GFP) protein trap lines to identify additional factors potentially involved in this response. In each GFP protein trap line, an artificial GFP exon is fused in frame to an endogenous protein, such that the GFP fusion pattern parallels the levels and subcellular localization of the corresponding native protein. We identified 53 GFP-tagged proteins that exhibit changes in levels and/or subcellular localization in the ovary at 12–16 hours after switching females from rich to poor diets, suggesting them as potential candidates for future functional studies.  相似文献   

To analyze proteins interacting at the membrane interface, a phospholipid analogue was used with a photoactivatable headgroup (ASA-DLPE, N-(4-azidosalicylamidyl)-1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine) for selective cross-linking. The peripheral membrane protein cytochrome c from the inner mitochondrial membrane was rendered carbonate wash-resistant by cross-linking to ASA-DLPE in a model membrane system, validating our approach. Cross-link products of cytochrome c and its precursor apocytochrome c were demonstrated by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and were specifically detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), taking advantage of the intrinsic UV absorbance of the cross-linker. Application of the method to inner mitochondrial membranes from Saccharomyces cerevisae revealed cross-link products of both exogenously added apocytochrome c and endogenous proteins with molecular weights around 34 and 72 kDa. Liquid chromatograpy (LC)-MS/MS was performed to identify these proteins, resulting in a list of candidate proteins potentially cross-linked at the membrane interface. The approach described here provides methodology for capturing phospholipid-protein interactions in their native environment of the biomembrane using modern proteomics techniques.  相似文献   

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