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单一与复合污染条件下两种敏感性植物对Cd、Zn、Pb的吸收   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了进一步研究镉、锌、铅3种重金属元素间的相互作用以及对植物吸收重金属能力的影响,在模拟单一重金属污染试验研究的基础上,采用正交回归设计方案.研究了Cd、Zn、Pb复合污染情况下紫花苜蓿和披碱草两种敏感性植物对3种重金属的吸收效应。结果表明,在单一污染条件下.银元素对紫花苜蓿生长的影响大于锌、镉、铅元素对披碱草生长的影响大于锌、镉,紫花苜蓿对于镉的吸收累积显著高于:披碱草,植物内银元素浓度最高达到1088.5mg/kg。而披碱草对于铅元素的吸收则高于紫花苜蓿。植物内铅元素浓度最高达到1345.5mg/kg。在复合污染条件下.两种植物对铅、锌和铅、镉的吸收在不同浓度范围内分别存在存在着协同效应和桔抗效应;同时两种植物对锌、银元素在实验涉及浓度范围内都存在着拮抗效应。这对于深入研究复合污染条件下重金属的土壤环境化学行为,对植物的综合毒性以及不同植物对重金属的吸收累积效应等,具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

施用尿素对土壤中Cd、Pb形态分布及植物有效性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室外盆栽试验,研究了在镉(25mg·kg-1)、铅(1000mg·kg-1)单一污染及其复合污染的土壤中,施用不同剂量尿素(0、100、200、400、800mg·kg-1)对小麦根际和非根际土壤镉、铅形态、小麦植物体镉、铅浓度的影响,为重金属污染土壤的防治提供依据。结果表明:增加尿素施用水平显著提高了小麦不同部位镉、铅浓度,尿素施用促进小麦对镉、铅的吸收与其对土壤中镉、铅形态分布的影响紧密相关,尿素施用引起土壤pH下降,提高土壤中交换态镉、铅含量,而交换态是最易被植物吸收利用的部分,这是尿素施用提高镉、铅植物有效性的主要原因;与单一污染相比,镉、铅复合污染抑制了小麦对铅的吸收,但促进了小麦对镉的吸收。  相似文献   

以黄反、小麦为试验材料,以Cd、Pb复合浓度进行处理,研究了在不同处理水平下Cd、Pb在2种植物体内的分布,以及2种植物的叶绿素、脯氨酸含量、乙烯释放量的变化。结果表明,Cd、Pb主要累积于植物根部,不同复合浓度处理后,植物叶片中叶绿素含量下降,脯氨酸含量增高,乙烯释放量增加,并存在峰点。不同的植物及不同的浓度组合有着不同的影响,环境中Cd、Pb对植物的影响存在着相互作用。  相似文献   

几种花卉植物对污泥中铅的富集特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
土地利用是资源化利用城市污水厂污泥的有效途径。为了解污泥中重金属污染物在土壤、植物之间的迁移富集规律,选用8种园林用植物进行污泥混配土种植实验。结果表明,植物对污泥混配土土壤中铅的富集能力,以及铅在植物中各器官的富集系数均不同,且不同种类植物差别较大。植物根部对铅有较强的富集能力,其次是叶和茎。菊花对铅的富集能力较强。植物对土壤中铅的富集能力也受土壤铅含量和赋存形态影响。  相似文献   

Cd、Pb对蟾蜍肝脏超氧化物歧化酶活性及其同工酶的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
董爱华  贾秀英 《四川动物》2005,24(2):152-156
以腹腔注射法分别对蟾蜍(Bufobufogargarizans)给Cd和Pb (按镉计0 . 2、0 . 4、0 . 8、1 .6mg/kg体重;按铅计2、4、8、16mg/kg体重) ,连续染毒7d后,观察不同浓度Cd、Pb染毒条件下的蟾蜍肝超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及其同工酶的变化。结果表明:在0 . 2mg/kg、0 4mg/kgCd和4mg/kg、8mg/kg和16mg/kgPb染毒,下蟾蜍肝SOD活性被显著诱导(P <0 . 0 5 ) ;前者酶带2 (Rf=0 . 4 3)活性增强,且均比对照增加1条新酶带(Rf=0 . 38) ;后者只表现为酶带1(Rf=0 . 5 1)和酶带2 (Rf=0 . 4 3)活性的增强,无新酶带的出现。  相似文献   

不同配方营养液对三种观叶植物水培的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同配方营养液对羽裂蔓绿绒、白掌和玛丽安万年青三种观叶植物进行水培试验,观测不同处理植株的生长变化及营养液pH变化动态。结果表明,大量元素含量为11.2 mg/L NH4+-N+134.4 mg/L NO3--N+24.8 mg/L P+187.2 mg/L K+96.0 mg/L Ca+28.8 mg/L Mg+38.4 mg/L S的营养液(pH 5.64,EC为1.16 ms/cm)较适合羽裂蔓绿绒和白掌的生长;而玛丽安万年青在大量元素含量为11.2 mg/L NH4+-N+124.6 mg/L NO3--N+46.5 mg/L P+202.8 mg/L K+88.0 mg/L Ca+14.4 mg/L Mg+19.2 mg/L S的营养液(pH 6.01,EC为1.12 ms/cm)中生长较好;维持营养液相对稳定的pH值也是水培中的重要因素。  相似文献   

Cd、Pb胁迫对烟草叶片中活性氧清除系统的影响   总被引:96,自引:4,他引:96  
Cd,Pb胁迫对烟草叶片活性氧清除系统的影响表明:随着Cd、Pb处理浓度的增大,叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b值,CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性逐渐减小,SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)活性先升后转而下降;POD(过氧化物酶)活性则逐渐增加。对烟草活性氧清除系统的影响。Cd,Pb之间存在明显的协合作用。Cd,Pb胁迫明显地影响活性氧清除系统,导致烟草叶片活性氧代谢失调和加速叶片的老化。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹对Pb和Cd的富集与释放特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用生物富集双箱动力学模型模拟了中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)分别在Pb浓度为0.25、0.50、0.75mg/L,Cd浓度为0.025、0.050、0.075mg/L的单一水环境中暴露时,蟹鳃、肝胰腺、肌肉和血淋巴对Pb和Cd的生物富集与释放实验,并通过非线性拟合得到中华绒螯蟹对Pb和Cd的富集速率常数k1、排出速率常数k2、生物富集系数BCF、生物半衰期B1/2、富集平衡时生物体内Pb和Cd含量CAmax等动力学参数。结果表明:(1)中华绒螯蟹对Pb和Cd具有明显的富集,蟹鳃、肝胰腺和肌肉中Pb和Cd的含量与富集时间和水环境中Pb和Cd暴露浓度表现出了很好的正相关,血淋巴在富集阶段没有明显的规律。理论平衡状态下鳃、肝胰腺和肌肉中Pb和Cd含量CAmax随着暴露浓度的增大而增大,且成正相关。(2)Pb和Cd在中华绒螯蟹组织器官中的富集具有选择性,开始实验前,Pb在中华绒螯蟹体内的的分布规律为:肝胰腺>鳃>肌肉>血淋巴;Cd的分布规律为:鳃>肝胰腺>血淋巴>肌肉。在实验浓度的Pb和Cd水环境中暴露16d后,Pb的分布规律为:鳃>肝胰腺>肌肉>血淋巴;Cd的分布规律为:肝胰腺>鳃>肌肉>血淋巴。(3)中华绒螯蟹对Pb和Cd的生物富集和释放都较缓慢。经过16d的生物富集,各组织器官中Pb和Cd的含量均未达到稳态平衡。Pb和Cd在组织器官中的生物富集系数(BCF)范围分别为5-51和6-3148,中华绒螯蟹对Cd的富集能力明显高于Pb(P1/2)范围分别为4-9d和8-57d,中华绒螯蟹对Cd的排出能力明显低于Pb。    相似文献   

玉米和羽扇豆、鹰嘴豆间作对作物吸收积累Pb、Cd的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄益宗  朱永官  胡莹  刘云霞 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1478-1485
采用土壤盆栽试验研究玉米、羽扇豆和鹰嘴豆在不同分隔/间作方式下对Pb、Cd吸收积累的影响.试验结果表明,不同分隔/间作方式对玉米、羽扇豆和鹰嘴豆生物量变化有不同的影响.不同分隔/间作方式均显著影响玉米地下部对Pb的吸收,但是不同间作方式对玉米地上部Pb含量影响不大.塑料分隔以及玉米-鹰嘴豆间作可显著减少玉米地下部对Pb的吸收.在玉米单作中,塑料分隔和尼龙网分隔处理的玉米地下部Pb含量分别比不分隔处理时降低41.1%和33.3%.在不分隔处理时,玉米-鹰嘴豆间作的玉米地下部Pb含量仅分别为玉米单作和玉米-羽扇豆间作时的53.9%和63.8%.不同分隔方式对玉米地下部Cd含量影响较大,但是不管是间作还是分隔方式均对玉米地上部Cd含量影响不大.同时,还讨论了不同分隔/间作方式对羽扇豆和鹰嘴豆Pb、Cd含量的影响.作物根际土壤溶液Pb含量随着作物的生长而不断降低,但Cd含量却不断提高.不同分隔/间作方式对作物根际土壤溶液Pb、Cd含量也有一定影响.  相似文献   

水培条件下花生对缺铁的生理反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对5份花生(中国3份和印度2份)种质资源在水培缺铁条件下各种生理性状的研究,明确花生耐铁的生理或农艺指标,为花生耐缺铁种质资源的筛选和利用提供理论和实践依据。结果表明,缺铁明显影响品种(中花5号、远杂9102和ICG 11855)的生物产量;7d内中花8号、远杂9102和ICG 12672培养液的pH值下降3个单位,而中花5号和ICG11855仅下降2个单位。缺铁处理25d后,中花5号、远杂9102和ICG 11855幼叶的叶绿素含量、SOD、POD和CAT活性下降非常明显,而中花8号和ICG 12672幼叶的叶绿素含量、SOD、POD和CAT活性基本维持不变,这说明缺铁对中花8号和ICG 12672的叶绿素含量降低和细胞膜伤害较小。从膜氧化产物MDA的变化值也印证了缺铁对中花8号和ICG 12672的细胞膜伤害较小。综上所述,认为中花8号和ICG 12672对缺铁不敏感,而中花5号、远杂9102和ICG 11855对铁敏感,同时表明利用水培技术研究花生耐铁是一种简单有效的方法。根据相关分析,选择缺铁处理25 d后的叶绿素含量作为耐缺铁筛选的指标。  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect and accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in lettuce grown by means of the hydroponic technique was investigated by multivariate analysis, and was found to be affected by the concentration of other trace elements. Particularly iron acted in a strongly antagonistic way against Cd. Consequently, no absolute toxicity limits for Cd can be drawn without considering other trace elements.  相似文献   

Ferulic acid (FA) is released by living roots and by decaying plant material and is involved in chemical interactions between plants. Effects of FA on plant growth and root development of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) cultivated in axenic nutrient solution were studied in two factorial experiments. Root and shoot growth was impeded when 200 M trans-FA was added to the nutrient solution and the light intensity was in the range of 250–380 mol m-2 s-1. Root growth showed a stronger response to FA than did shoot growth. At 200 M, FA strongly inhibited root hair formation and reduced mean lengths of primary, secondary and tertiary roots, but stimulated primary and secondary root branching. Both isomerization to the cis isomer and the presence of the plant reduced the concentration of trans-FA in the nutrient solution during the two weeks exposure period. A third experiment was conducted to assess the influence of irradiance on the phytotoxicity of FA. At a light intensity of 489 mol m-2 s-1, or in the presence of microorganisms, the concentration of FA in the nutrient solution was lowered and the phytotoxic effects were reduced.  相似文献   

The study was conducted at three locations in the Savinjska region of Slovenia, where soil is contaminated with heavy metals due to the zinc industry (Cinkarna Celje). In Ponikva the soil to a depth of 30 cm contains 0.8 mg kg(-1) Cd, 32.2 mg kg(-1) Pb, and 86 mg Zn kg(-1), in Medlog 1.4 mg kg(-1) Cd, 37.4 mg kg(-1) Pb, and 115 mg kg(-1) Zn and in Skofja vas 10.9 mg kg(-1) Cd, 239.7 mg kg(-1) Pb, and 1356 mg kg(-1) Zn. The pH at the selected sites was between 7.3 and 7.6. In the beginning of September 2006 two hybrids of Brassica napus L. var. napus, PR45 D01 and PR46 W31 suitable for production of biodiesel obtained from Pioneer Seeds Holding GmbH, were sown. After 96 days juvenile and after 277 days mature plants were collected. Parts of plants (root, shoot and seed) were separated and Cd, Pb, Zn, Mo, and S determined by ultra-trace ICP-MS. We compared the uptake of Cd, Pb, Zn, Mo and S in different parts of juvenile and mature plants of the two different hybrids, TF (translocation factor), BAF (bioaccumulation factor), and PP (phytoextraction potential) were calculated. The mature hybrid PR46 W31 had higher shoot/root ratio and higher PP for metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) and lower PP for the micronutrient (Mo) and macronutrient (S) on the polluted site. The study demonstrated the potential use of oilseed rape on multiply polluted soils for production of 1st and 2nd generation biofuels. The potential restoration of degraded land could also disburden the use of agricultural land.  相似文献   


Heavy metals phytoextraction potential of swollen duckweed (Lemna gibba Linn.) and lesser duckweed (Lemna aequinoctialis Welw.) was determined under greenhouse conditions by exposing to untreated industrial/municipal effluent for a period of 21?days. The nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in water samples were measured weekly and in plant biomass at the termination of experiments. Significant differences (p?<?0.05) between initial and final physicochemical parameters and in heavy metal concentrations of plant and water samples were observed. Periodically measured metal concentrations in mediums revealed that removal percentage was dependent on initial Ni (2.15?mg L?1), Pb (1.51?mg L?1), and Cd (0.74?mg L?1) concentrations. The final metal removal percentages were in the sequence of Ni (97%) > Pb (94%) > Cd (90%) when treated with Lemna gibba L. as compared to control (9–12% reduction). High biomass production of Lemna gibba L. resulted in a large metal reduction in the growth medium and the total plant metal contents were in the sequence of Ni (427?µg) > Pb (293?µg) > Cd (105?µg). The lesser duckweed did not survive under experimental conditions. Based on these results, we concluded that Lemna gibba L. is a good candidate for phytoremediation of wastewater.  相似文献   

Ricinus communis L. is a bioenergetic crop with high-biomass production and tolerance to cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), thus, the plant is a candidate crop for phytoremediation. Pot experiments were performed to study the effects of citric acid in enhancing phytoextraction of Cd/Pb by Ricinus communis L. Citric acid increased Cd and Pb contents in plant shoots in all treatments by about 78% and 18–45%, respectively, at the dosage of 10 mM kg?1 soil without affecting aboveground biomass production. Addition of citric acid reduced CEC, weakened soil adsorption of heavy metals and activated Cd and Pb in soil solutions. The acid-exchangeable fraction (BCR-1) of Pb remained lower than 7% and significantly increased with citric acid amendment. Respective increases in soil evaluation index induces by 14% and 19% under the Cd1Pb50 and Cd1Pb250 treatments upon addition of citric acid resulted in soil quality improvement. Ricinus communis L. has great potential in citric acid-assisted phytoextraction for Cd and Pb remediation.  相似文献   

Three Cd and Zn hyperaccumulating plant species Noccaea caerulescens Noccaea praecox and Arabidopsis halleri (Brassicacceae) were cultivated in seven subsequent vegetation seasons in both pot and field conditions in soil highly contaminated with Cd, Pb, and Zn. The results confirmed the hyperaccumulation ability of both plant species, although A. halleri showed lower Cd uptake compared to N. caerulescens. Conversely, Pb phytoextraction was negligible for both species in this case. Because of the high variability in plant yield and element contents in the aboveground biomass of plants, great variation in Cd and Zn accumulation was observed during the experiment. The extraction ability in field conditions varied in the case of Cd from 0.2 to 2.9 kg ha?1 (N. caerulescens) and up to 0.15 kg ha?1 (A. halleri), and in the case of Zn from 0.2 to 6.4 kg ha?1 (N. caerulescens) and up to 13.8 kg.ha?1 (A. halleri). Taking into account the 20 cm root zone of the soil, the plants were able to extract up to 4.1% Cd and 0.2% Zn in one season. However, cropping measures should be optimized to improve and stabilize the long-term phytoextraction potential of these plants.  相似文献   

三种重金属在克氏原螯虾体内的富集特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2005年5月在合肥市、肥东县、肥西县的池塘河沟采集雌雄组克氏原螯虾共30只,分离出几丁质外骨骼、肝脏和腹部肌肉组织样品84份,用原子吸收法测定其中Cd、Pb、Cr的残留量。结果表明:克氏原螯虾体内Cr、Cd和Pb的平均检出率分别为100%,91.7%和94.1%;平均含量分别为4.03、0.38和7.14μg&#183;g^-1。Cr的富集量在3种组织之间的差异不显著,cd和Pb在3种组织中差异极其显著。外骨骼中Cr、Cd、Pb的平均含量分别为4.03、0.12和12.31μg&#183;g^-1,合肥市、肥西、肥东三地之间除Cr的富集量差异极显著外,其他2种重金属的富集量差异都不显著;肝脏中Cr、Cd、Pb的平均含量分别为3.88、1.04和9.12μg&#183;g^-1,3个地区重金属的富集量的差异都极其显著;肌肉中Cr、Cd、Pb的平均含量分别为4.16、0.09和0.72μg&#183;g^-1,3个地区除重金属Cr的富集量差异极显著外,Cd和Pb的差异都不显著。3种重金属污染物的富集量与体质量没有明显的相关性。3种重金属在雌雄个体之间的富集差异不显著。  相似文献   

The accumulation and excretion of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) by salt cedar (Tamarix smyrnensis Bunge) were investigated in this study. Tamarix smyrnensis plants were exposed to the mixtures of Pb and Cd and high salinity for 10 wk. Subsequently, Pb and Cd uptake was quantified in the shoots and roots of the plants by ICP-AES. In addition, physiological parameters such as biomass production, shoot length, plant appearance, and chlorophyll content were examined. The roots accumulated the highest amount of Pb. Salinity was found to not have an important effect on Pb translocation to the leaves. Cd was translocated into the aerial part in a higher portion than Pb. Cd content in leaves of T. smyrnensis increased with the increasing salinity. The visible toxicity symptoms, if present, were connected only to the high salinity. The excretion of Pb and Cd by salt glands was observed and quantified. T. smyrnensis excreted a significant amount of metals on the leaf surface. This characteristic of salt cedar plants can be viewed as a novel phytoremediation process for the remediation of sites contaminated with heavy metals that we have termed "phyto-excretion."  相似文献   

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