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Unlike most cercopithecines, hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) are characterized by female-biased dispersal. To clarify this pattern within the context of their hierarchical social system (comprising one-male units, clans, bands, and troops), we report here 7 years of data on female transfers among social units in wild hamadryas baboons in Ethiopia. Female tenure in one-male units (OMUs) ranged from 1 to 2,556 days (N = 208) and survival analysis revealed a median tenure length of 1,217 days (40 months). Changes in OMU membership consisted almost exclusively of takeovers by males, not voluntary transfer. Of 130 takeovers, 67% occurred within the band and 33% across bands, and, of the 22 takeovers for which we have clan membership data, 77% occurred within, not between, clans. These results reinforce the notion that hamadryas female dispersal is not analogous to sex-biased dispersal in other taxa, because (1) at least in Ethiopian populations, females do not disperse voluntarily but are transferred, often forcibly, by males; (2) only dispersal between bands will promote gene flow, whereas females are most often rearranged within bands; (3) hamadryas females undergo social dispersal but not usually locational dispersal; and (4) while male hamadryas are far more philopatric than females, they have been observed to disperse. It thus appears that the ancestral baboon pattern of female philopatry and male dispersal has evolved into a system in which neither sex is motivated to disperse, but females are forcibly transferred by males, leading to female-mediated gene flow, and males more rarely disperse to find females.  相似文献   

We present data on sexual maturity in young hamadryas baboon males (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) and its reproductive consequences in a large captive baboon colony. Hamadryas baboons live in a multilevel social system, with one-male units (OMUs) as the smallest social entity. Male leaders of OMUs are believed to monopolize matings within their OMUs; hence mating is believed to be polygynous and monandrous. In a captive colony of hamadryas baboons, we found evidence that young males less than 4 years old fathered at least 2.5% of 121 offspring born subsequent to vasectomy of all adult males, and males aged 4-5 years fathered at least 16.5% of the offspring. Additional evidence that these young males are able to sire offspring came from a morphological comparison of sperm from hamadryas males of different ages. The sperm of a 48-month-old hamadryas baboon were morphologically indistinguishable from viable sperm from adult males, whereas sperm from a 45-month-old male showed some aberrations. If successful copulations by adolescent males constitute a regular pattern even in free-ranging hamadryas baboons, a hamadryas male's chances to reproduce would not be limited to his role as an OMU leader as previously assumed, and a male's reproductive career would consist of two phases: the adolescent phase, and the OMU leader male phase.  相似文献   

In the multilevel societies of hamadryas baboons, adult males can be attached to single one-male units (OMUs) or to clans containing several such OMUs. This paper examines the effect of male number and rivalry between males within a clan on their ability to compete for access to a clumped food resource. The data come from a study of a multilevel colony of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) housed at the Madrid Zoo. The colony consisted of 12 harem-holding males and 40 sexually mature females, and was organized into five single OMUs and two clans (containing three and four OMUs, respectively). The top-ranking male of one of the clans was removed and later reintroduced, so the study involved an analysis of the composition of clans and OMUs and of the males' use of the feeding area across three study periods: preseparation, separation, and reintroduction. The findings reported indicate that both males and females derived clear advantages in the context of contest competition for access to clumped food if they were members of clans, because the males and females from large clans had a feeding advantage over those from smaller clans and single OMUs. Furthermore, rivalry among males within the clan reduced their ability to compete for food against males outside their clan. This paper provides empirical evidence for one of the potential advantages that hamadryas males may enjoy if they are attached to clans, and also provides empirical support for the general hypothesis that a large number of males in a group may provide fitness-related benefits to the group members, provided they are able to cooperate with each other.  相似文献   

I investigated the effect of male mate competition and inbreeding avoidance on natal dispersal of chipmunks by longitudinally monitoring known individuals from 1986 to 1990. Natal males exhibited greater absolute and effective dispersal distances but dispersed at the same proportion as natal females. Recruitment of juvenile males was negatively affected by density of resident males, but there was no evidence of local mate competition among male kin. Analysis of the spatial distribution of neighbors showed that natal males settled farther from their mothers than did their female siblings and farther than unrelated juvenile males. In addition, mothers apparently tolerated daughters as close neighbors and occasionally shared den sites with grandprogeny. Sexually mature males were never neighbors of their mothers and were never observed at maternal mating bouts. Males may disperse to improve reproductive opportunities by avoiding competition with resident males, and by increasing access to unrelated females. Maternal tolerance of daughters but not sons may result in the close affiliation between mothers and daughters, and indirectly contribute to dispersal of natal males. Hence male-biased dispersal could be a consequence of mate competition and maternal avoidance of incestuous matings. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examined predictions on the proportion of dispersing natal males and females, dispersal distances, the age at dispersal and the potential for inbreeding over a 6-year period in a free-living population of grey mouse lemurs. We used monthly mark-recapture procedures to determine individual locations and interindividual distances. The analysis of seven polymorphic microsatellite markers for 213 (130 males, 83 females) individuals allowed us to estimate relatedness coefficients and kinship relationships. Closely related males ranged further from each other than closely related females and natal males were found further from their potential mothers than were females. Natal males were more likely to disperse from their birth sites than females, although male dispersal was not universal. Male breeding dispersal was detected in half of the long-term observations. Males therefore seem to be the predominant vectors for gene flow between populations and social units. Females usually stayed within one to two home range diameters of their potential mother, facilitating the evolution of cooperative behaviour by kin selection among females. Most dispersal took place before the mating season, indicating an age of less than 7 months for natal dispersal. The analysis of spatiotemporal coexistence revealed the potential for inbreeding in only 3.8% of the potential mother-son dyads, but in 21.9% of the potential father-daughter dyads and in 41.7% of other closely related male-female dyads. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour   相似文献   

Many models of sex-biased dispersal predict that the direction of sex-bias depends upon a species' mating system. In agreement with this, almost all polygynous mammals show male-biased dispersal whereas largely monogamous birds show female-biased dispersal (FBD). The hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) is polygynous and so dispersal is predicted to be male biased, as is found in all other baboon subspecies, but there are conflicting field data showing both female and male dispersal. Using 19 autosomal genetic markers genotyped in baboons from four Saudi Arabian populations, we found strong evidence for FBD in post-dispersal adults but not, as expected, in pre-dispersal infants and young juveniles, when we compared male and female: population structure (F(st)), inbreeding (F(is)), relatedness (r), and the mean assignment index (mAIc). Furthermore, we found evidence for female-biased gene flow as population genetic structure (F(st)), was about four times higher for the paternally inherited Y, than for either autosomal markers or for maternally inherited mtDNA. These results contradict the direction of sex-bias predicted by the mating system and show that FBD has evolved recently from an ancestral state of male-biased dispersal. We suggest that the cost-benefit balance of dispersal to males and females is tightly linked to the unique hierarchical social structure of hamadryas baboons and that dispersal and social organization have coevolved.  相似文献   

The ultimate causes for predominant male‐biased dispersal (MBD) in mammals and female‐biased dispersal (FBD) in birds are still subject to much debate. Studying exceptions to general patterns of dispersal, for example, FBD in mammals, provides a valuable opportunity to test the validity of proposed evolutionary pressures. We used long‐term behavioural and genetic data on individually banded Proboscis bats (Rhynchonycteris naso) to show that this species is one of the rare mammalian exceptions with FBD. Our results suggest that all females disperse from their natal colonies prior to first reproduction and that a substantial proportion of males are philopatric and reproduce in their natal colonies, although male immigration has also been detected. The age of females at first conception falls below the tenure of males, suggesting that females disperse to avoid father–daughter inbreeding. Male philopatry in this species is intriguing because Proboscis bats do not share the usual mammalian correlates (i.e. resource‐defence polygyny and/or kin cooperation) of male philopatry. They have a mating strategy based on female defence, where local mate competition between male kin is supposedly severe and should prevent the evolution of male philopatry. However, in contrast to immigrant males, philopatric males may profit from acquaintance with the natal foraging grounds and may be able to attain dominance easier and/or earlier in life. Our results on Proboscis bats lent additional support to the importance of inbreeding avoidance in shaping sex‐biased dispersal patterns and suggest that resource defence by males or kin cooperation cannot fully explain the evolution of male philopatry in mammals.  相似文献   

Three levels of hamadryas social structure—the one male unit (OMU), the band, and the troop—have been observed at all sites studied, but a fourth—the clan—has been observed at only one site, Erer-Gota, Ethiopia, during a longitudinal check of the dispersion of identified individuals. The clan is important since it appears to provide the basis for male philopatry, although comparative data is needed from other sites to confirm this. We studied a huge commensal group of hamadryas baboons (over 600 animals) in Saudi Arabia. We put ear tags on baboons between 1998 and 2004 and analyzed social structure, relying on the interactions of these tagged animals by focusing especially on their dispersal patterns from OMUs. OMU membership tended to be looser than that of the Ethiopian hamadryas. Females tended to shift between OMUs on an individual basis in our study group, whereas the collapse of an OMU was a major occasion of adult female transfer in Ethiopia. We found neither stable bands (a “band” in our study group was defined as a regional assemblage of OMUs) nor clans that lasted for several years. Some OMUs moved and transferred into neighboring areas over both the short and long term. Further, some post-adolescent males appeared to move out of the study area. The ratio of adult females in an OMU in our study group was larger than for any other documented study site, and this may be the reason for enhanced female transfer between OMUs. A large proportion of the adolescent females showed no clear membership to OMUs, and no “initial units” (commonly observed in Ethiopia) were discernible. The ease with which young males acquired adult females at the study site must have disrupted the formation of a clan, a “male-bonded society.”  相似文献   

Male dispersal patterns were analyzed across a nine-year period in a population of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) on St. Catherines Island (SCI), USA, to evaluate two ultimate explanations for male dispersal: inbreeding avoidance and intrasexual mating competition. As part of this analysis, we also compared patterns of dispersal at this site with data from wild populations. Overall, we found that patterns of male intertroop movement on SCI are similar to the wild with respect to the frequency and seasonality of male transfer. In Madagascar, males move between groups every 3.1-3.5 years [Sussman, International Journal of Primatol 13:395-413, 1992; Koyama et al., Primates 43:291-314, 2002] as compared with every 3.2 years on SCI. The majority of transfers on SCI occurred during the birth season, as occurs at one site in Madagascar, Berenty [Budnitz & Dainis, Lemur biology. New York: Plenum Press, p 219-235, 1975; Jones, Folia Primatologica 40:145-160, 1983]. One difference is that males perform natal transfers 1-2 years earlier on SCI than in the wild, which may be related to food provisioning on SCI. Males never transferred back into their natal troops, which is remarkable given the small number of groups on SCI. Although this pattern of movement can indicate inbreeding avoidance by males, the fact that male troop tenure was in many cases long enough to overlap with the sexual maturation of potential daughters did not support the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis for male secondary dispersal. Instead, the intrasexual competition hypothesis was strongly supported, because males were significantly more likely to transfer into groups having fewer adult males and a more favorable sex ratio than their pretransfer groups. Males therefore appear to be bypassing groups in which they would experience a greater degree of intrasexual mating competition during the breeding season.  相似文献   

In most mammalian species, males tend to leave their natal group and disperse farther than females, while females tend to be philopatric. Primates generally follow this rule, although long-term studies of a variety of species are revealing an increasing number of exceptions. This paper reviews dispersal patterns in 3 subspecies of savanna baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus, P. cynocephalus anubis, P. cynocephalus ursinus) which exhibit very similar patterns of social organization. Males usually disperse from the natal group at 8-10 years of age. Female dispersal is rare but well documented. Inbreeding avoidance as well as enhanced mating opportunities are suggested as ultimate causes of dispersal. Several proximate factors implicated in the timing of dispersal events are also reviewed.  相似文献   

We analyzed male migration during a 20-year period in the free-ranging Barbary macaque population of Affenberg Salem. Most natal migrations occurred around puberty, but only one third of all males left the natal group. Secondary group transfers were rare. All males immediately transferred to other bisexual groups. Migration rates were highest during periods with high adult female/male ratios within social groups. Immigrants highly preferred groups with fewer males of their own age than in the natal group, and many males immigrated into groups that had no male their own age. These groups originated from a skewed distribution of resident males during group fissions. A comparison of emigrants with their natal peers supports the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis as cause of emigration rather than the male competition avoidance hypothesis. Emigrants had no lower individual rank position and did not come from lower-ranking matrilines. Emigrants had more female maternal relatives, especially sisters. Males without female relatives almost never emigrated. Conversely, there is virtually no indication that emigrants were evicted from the natal group. Emigrants had no increased mortality. Paternity data revealed that the reproductive success of emigrants and natal males is similar, indicating that emigration had no reproductive cost. Many similarities between emigrants and natal males that separated from female maternal kin during group fissions suggest that inner migration during fissions is an alternative way to avoid maternal inbreeding. The mating system resulted in a genetic structure within social groups that largely diminished the chances for paternal inbreeding even without recognizing paternal kin.  相似文献   

We describe the social organization, mating system, and social structure of a group of hybrid baboons (Papio anubis×P. hamadryas) in Ethiopia's Awash National Park. The group contained elements of both hamadryas and anubis societies. Overall, the group was a multimale, multifemale group that lacked cohesion and frequently formed subgroups. Subgroup formation was more strongly associated with predation risk than food availability. Although there were several hamadryas-like one-male units OMUs within the group, there was no evidence of a hamadryas multilevel society. Male and female members of OMUs were phenotypically more hamadryas-like than non-OMU individuals. The group contained substantial variation in the strength of inter- and intrasexual bonds: some females primarily groomed males while other females primarily groomed females, and the patterns were consistent with the OMU substructure. Despite some promiscuous mating, mating was biased towards the hamadryas condition for all group members. Additionally, rates of immigration and emigration were very low, and mean pairwise relatedness within the group is rising. For measures of intersexual bonding, all members of the group were intermediate between anubis and hamadryas individuals in less hybridized groups. The group was phenotypically and behaviorally more intermediate than it was in the 1970s (Sugawara, K. (1988). Primates 29: 429–448.) and the changes may indicate a relatively young and dynamic hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Male dispersal from the birth group is common in the majority of social mammals, and in many species, males also engage in secondary or breeding dispersal following natal emigration. However, the patterns and causes of secondary dispersal are poorly understood due to the difficulty in following emigrants. Here, we detail the patterns and causation of male secondary dispersal in several groups of white-faced capuchins observed between 1985 and 2000 in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. Subsequent to natal emigration, which occurs between 2 and 8 years of age (median 4.5 years), male white-faced capuchins embark on a life of continual movement. Although males of all age classes engage in voluntary secondary dispersal, the ways by which males enter groups varies according to their age class. Adult males (≥10 years old) are more likely to enter groups aggressively, and they display longer tenure than either subadult males (7-10 years of age) or juvenile males (1-7 years of age). Given our finding that adult males face the highest risks in terms of aggressive interactions with conspecifics, we examined several explanations as to why they continue to disperse throughout their lives. Our data best support the intragroup mating competition hypothesis for secondary dispersal, whereby males move frequently between groups as a means of increasing their reproductive opportunities. Males may also engage in frequent secondary dispersal to avoid mating with their maturing daughters, although this hypothesis was not strongly supported by the current data. Males of all age classes displayed very high levels of parallel dispersal, which probably serves to offset the high costs of dispersal (predation, starvation and/or aggression from conspecifics) and it may also serve as a means of retaining kinship among group males.  相似文献   

We report body mass and testicular size in 258 anubis (Papio anubis or P. hamadryas anubis) and 59 hamadryas (P. hamadryas or P. h. hamadryas) baboons, live-trapped in Ethiopia. As predicted by theories of sexual selection by sperm competition, among hamadryas baboons, which are monandrous, fully adult males have absolutely and relatively smaller testes than those of comparable males among anubis baboons, which are polyandrous. Male hamadryas are also ca. 10% smaller in bodily mass as adults. The intertaxonal difference in adults is due entirely to the fact that in male anubis baboons, testicular and bodily mass continue to grow up to full adulthood–the age at which most males emigrate from their natal troop and initiate a confrontational breeding strategy among unrelated animals. By contrast, male hamadryas baboons, which are usually philopatric, attain adult body mass and testicular size as subadults. In both species, juveniles experience rapid testicular growth peaking in rate at ca. 12kg body mass, but testicular descent and growth starts earlier in hamadryas than in anubis baboons. Juvenile hamadryas baboons have relatively larger testes than their anubis equivalents, perhaps because male philopatry allows the mating strategy of male hamadryas baboons to be initiated during juvenile life and therefore permits some sperm competition between juveniles and adults.  相似文献   

The multilevel society of hamadryas baboons, consisting of troops, bands, clans, and one-male units (OMUs), is commonly perceived to be an effective means of adapting to variable food availability while allowing spatial cohesion in response to predator pressure. The relationship between these variables, however, has never been tested quantitatively. The Filoha site in Awash National Park, Ethiopia is ideally suited to such an investigation as it contains nutrient-dense palm forests in addition to the Acacia scrublands typical of hamadryas distribution elsewhere, allowing comparisons of spatial cohesion across habitat types. Here, we use observations over a 1-year period to examine the relationship between resource availability, perceived predator pressure, and spatial cohesion in a band of wild hamadryas baboons at Filoha. Our results demonstrate that the band was more likely to break into OMUs when foraging in habitats with lower food availability, and that the band fissioned into independent clans more often when preferred resources were not available. Furthermore, the baboons remained in larger aggregations for longer periods of time (i.e., prior to embarking on their daily foraging route) on mornings after predators were heard in the vicinity, and increased cohesion in response to encounters with people who may have been perceived as predators. These results support the notion that hamadryas baboons change their social groupings in response to both food availability and predation risk and that the ability of hamadryas bands to cleave and coalesce in response to changes in these factors underlies the evolution of the hamadryas modular social structure.  相似文献   

The nested one-male units (OMUs) of the hamadryas baboon are part of a complex social system in which "leader" males achieve near exclusive mating access by forcibly herding females into permanent consortships. Within this multi-level social system (troops, bands, clans and OMUs) are two types of prereproductive males--the follower and solitary male--whose different trajectories converge on the leader role. Here we compare OMU formation strategies of followers, who associate with a particular OMU and may have social access to females, with those of solitary males, who move freely within the band and do not associate regularly with OMUs. Data were derived from 42 OMU formations (16 by followers and 26 by solitary males) occurring over 8 years in a hamadryas baboon band at the Filoha site in Ethiopia. "Initial units" (IUs) with sexually immature females (IU strategy) were formed by 44% of followers and 46% of solitary males. The remaining followers took over mature females when their leader was deposed (challenge strategy) or disappeared (opportunistic strategy), or via a seemingly peaceful transfer (inheritance strategy). Solitary males took over mature females from other clans and bands, but mainly from old, injured or vanished leaders within their clan (via both the challenge and opportunistic strategies). Former followers of an OMU were more successful at taking over females from those OMUs than any other category of male. Despite this advantage enjoyed by ex-follower leaders, ex-solitary leaders were equally capable of increasing their OMU size at a comparable rate in their first 2 years as a leader. These results demonstrate the potential for males to employ both multiple roles (follower vs. solitary male) and multiple routes (IU, inheritance, challenge, opportunistic) to acquire females and become a leader male in a mating system characterized by female defense polygyny in a competitive arena.  相似文献   

Benefits and costs of dispersal and philopatry of the socialplateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) were studied on the Tibetanplateau for 3 years. Although short-lived, plateau pikas livein cohesive family groups that occupy burrow systems in sedgemeadow habitat Most (57.8%) plateau pikas were philopatric,and dispersal movements were extremely restricted. No juvenilefemales or adult pikas moved more than two family ranges betweenyears; the greatest observed dispersal distances were by twojuvenile males that moved five family ranges from the familyof their birth. Traversing unfamiliar habitat was not a costof pika dispersal because most dispersers settled in familiesthat they could easily visit before dispersal. Dispersal movementsappeared to result in equalization of density among pika families,an expected result if competition for environmental resourcesinfluenced dispersal. Males did not disperse to gain advantagesin competition for mates, as evidenced by their moving to familieswith significantly fewer females. Females, however, moved tofamilies with significantly more males. Males provide abundantpaternal care, and significantly more offspring per female survivedto become adults from families with more adult males per adultfemale. Evidence concerning the influence of inbreeding avoidanceon natal dispersal was indirect. Some males exhibited natalphilopatry; thus some families had opportunity for dose inbreeding.Males and females that dispersed had no opposite-sex relativesin their new families. Philopatric pikas may have benefitedby remaining in families that exhibited low local densities,and philopatric females might have benefited from social cooperationwith relatives.  相似文献   

Demographic and life history parameters were estimated for a band of free-ranging hamadryas baboons, observed for 5.5 years in Ethiopia. Age-related changes in body weight and dentition were found to be delayed relative to laboratory-reared baboons. On the average, females reached menarche at 4.3 years of age and had their first infant at the age of 6.1 years. The mean interbirth interval was 24 months if the infant survived this period. The survival of infants and juveniles was higher compared to Amboseli yellow baboons, but somewhat lower than in gelada baboons in the Simen Mountains. Males acquired their first juvenile or adult female at the age of 8.5 to 11 years. Male-female pair-bonds lasted several years in most cases. The Cone Rock baboons were organized in a four-level social structure. The troop could split into bands, bands were divided into clans, and clans into one-male units with bachelor followers. The exchange of individuals between social units predominantly occurred within the band. All males of known origin became adult members of their presumed natal clan. Most females transferred also within clans, and juvenile females tended to remain in their natal clan. Females lost by one male to several rivals tended to reassemble in the same new one-male units later on.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a group or population of organisms can profoundly influence the potential for inbreeding and, through this, can affect both dispersal strategies and mating systems. We used estimates of genetic relatedness as well as likelihood-based methods to reconstruct social group composition and examine sex biases in dispersal in a Costa Rican population of white-throated magpie-jays ( Calocitta formosa , Swainson 1827), one of the few birds suggested to have female-biased natal philopatry. We found that females within groups were more closely related than males, which is consistent with observational data indicating that males disperse upon maturity, whereas females tend to remain in their natal territories and act as helpers. In addition, males were generally unrelated to one another within groups, suggesting that males do not disperse with or towards relatives. Finally, within social groups, female helpers were less related to male than female breeders, suggesting greater male turnover within groups. This last result indicates that within the natal group, female offspring have more opportunities than males to mate with nonrelatives, which might help to explain the unusual pattern of female-biased philopatry and male-biased dispersal in this system. We suggest that the novel approach adopted here is likely to be particularly useful for short-term studies or those conducted on rare or difficult-to-observe species, as it allows one to establish general patterns of philopatry and genetic structure without the need for long-term monitoring of identifiable individuals.  相似文献   

Parasitoid sex ratios can be greatly influenced by mating and dispersal behaviour. Many sex ratio models assume that mating is strictly local (only mated females disperse from the natal patch) and that a single male is sufficient to inseminate all females in a brood. Bethylids (aculeate parasitoids) have been used to test predictions of these models, but less attention has been paid to testing their underlying assumptions. We investigated the timing of eclosion, mating and dispersal in mixed-sex and single-sex broods of the bethylid wasp Goniozus nephantidis. In mixed-sex broods, almost all females mate before dispersal and a single male is sufficient to inseminate virtually all females, even when brood sizes are large. Males disperse from both mixed-sex and all-male broods, but males in all-male broods disperse more slowly. Virgin females disperse from all-female broods, which are common. Virgin females can produce a brood, mate with their own sons and subsequently produce mixed-sex broods, but their success rate is very low. Virgin females could potentially circumvent sex allocation constraints by superparasitizing mixed-sex broods, but when presented with hosts bearing mixed-sex broods they destroy all members of the initial brood before ovipositing. Because of the high prevalence of single-sex broods and dispersal of both sexes, the mating structure of G. nephantidis is unlikely to conform to the assumption of strict local mating.  相似文献   

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