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Here we review all published articles and book chapters, as well as unpublished theses and data of Ateles geoffroyi diet to (1) summarize the literature; (2) synthesize general feeding patterns; (3) document plant taxonomic similarity in diet across study sites; and (4) suggest directions for future research and conservation priorities. We found 22 samples from five countries: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama. Tropical wet forest is the most studied habitat (N=13 samples), followed by tropical dry forest (6) and tropical moist forest (3). Most samples have been carried out in large protected forests. In spite of showing an overall high dietetic diversity (364 species, 76 families), A. geoffroyi concentrated the majority of feeding time on a few species in the families Moraceae and Fabaceae. At all study sites fruits were the most common food item in the diet followed by leaves. Furthermore, a greater variety of food items and less fruit were consumed in forest fragments. These findings suggest that fruit shortage in fragments results in primates using foods of presumably lower energetic content such as leaves. Similarity in diet was higher among groups geographically closer to each other than among distant groups, showing that the floristic and phenological characteristics of the forest can influence diet composition. We conclude that several years of data are required to fully describe the dietary list of A. geoffroyi at any one site, as studies of the same group over different years shared as little as 56% of species. As most populations of A. geoffroyi live in highly fragmented landscapes, it is crucial to carry out studies in these areas to evaluate (1) changes in diet and activity patterns that may negatively affect survival; and (2) habitat attributes that may favor their persistence in altered landscapes.  相似文献   

In the Yucatán Peninsula, spider monkeys Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis are generally found in two contrasting conditions: large tracts of conserved forest or small fragments surrounded by human populations. In the present study, we analyzed fecal cortisol levels of spider monkeys to investigate whether environmental conditions have an influence on stress; specifically, we compared fecal cortisol across individuals living in conserved forests, fragmented forests and captive conditions (zoos and pets). Radioimmunoanalysis of fecal samples from 121 individuals indicated significant differences in mean cortisol for A. g. yucatanensis based on habitat type, with the lowest levels found in the conserved forest condition. The higher cortisol levels in both fragmented forest populations and in captive individuals may be the result of metabolic and behavioral stress. The mean male fecal cortisol concentration was significantly higher than that of females, and the fecal cortisol concentration was higher in the dry season compared with the wet season in a conserved habitat. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of considering sex and seasonality when monitoring fecal cortisol concentrations of spider monkeys, and more generally of frugivores, as they face a seasonal variation in food availability. Finally, our results suggest that forest fragmentation may create long-term stressors for spider monkeys, affecting the viability of populations living under such conditions.  相似文献   

Results of a long-term field study on the ecology and social organization of two groups of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus chamek) in Peru are reported. Demography, ranging patterns, and activity budgets provide insight into some of the proximate determinants of fission-fusion social organization in this species and illustrate the different strategies used by males and females to gain access to critical resources. Longitudinal data on known individuals provide evidence for male natal philopatry and female emigration at sexual maturity in this population. Interbirth intervals are long (mean = 34.5 months) in comparison with most other primate species, and 5 of 15 infants seen within a few days of birth died or disappeared before they were a year old. Home ranges are large (150–250 ha) and fairly discrete; overlap with neighboring groups is on the order of 10–15%. Males and females differed substantially in their ranging patterns; females, particularly those with infants, restricted much of their ranging to a “core area” 20–33% the size of the total group range, whereas males ranged more evenly over the entire area occupied by the group. Daily path length varied over almost an order of magnitude from 465 m to 4,070 m, with a mean of 1977 m. Males spent more time traveling and less time feeding than most females. These results are compared with those obtained in previous studies of Ateles and with similar data from other primate species to assess their implications for the evolution of fission-fusion sociality in spider monkeys. The ecological factors responsible for the evolution of very similar social organizations in spider monkeys and chimpanzees are discussed.  相似文献   

黄土高原植被覆盖时空变化及其对气候因子的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张含玉  方怒放  史志华 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3960-3968
为研究黄土高原地区退耕还林(草)后,植被覆盖变化及其对水热条件的响应,利用1999—2013年SPOT VGT NDVI 1km/10d分辨率数据,采用最大合成法、一元线性回归法和偏相关分析法,系统分析了黄土高原地区NDVI(归一化植被指数)的时空分布及变化趋势,及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:黄土高原1999—2013年年最大NDVI的平均值为0.31,NDVI较高的区域位于黄土高原南部,而西北部植被覆盖度较低;自1999年开始,黄土高原地区NDVI呈极显著(P0.01)增加趋势,年最大NDVI的变化斜率为0.0099;不同季节(春、夏、秋、冬)和生长季的植被状况均呈现良性发展趋势;1998—2013年间,黄土高原地区气候呈现不显著的"冷湿化"特征;NDVI年际(及生长季和季节)变化与降雨和温度的相关性不显著,而在月时间尺度上,呈显著的相关性,并且月NDVI与当月降雨量的相关性要强于与当月温度的相关性;植被生长对温度的响应存在一个月的滞后期,而对降雨的响应无滞后效应。  相似文献   

王鹤龄  张强  王润元  吕晓东  王力  张镭  齐月 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6099-6110
基于甘肃省80个地面气象观测站1961—2014年气象观测资料和玉米、春小麦、冬小麦、马铃薯的区划指标,分1961—1986(时段Ⅰ)和1987—2014年(时段Ⅱ)2个不同时段,分析气候变化对甘肃省农业气候资源变化特征和主要粮食作物潜在栽培格局的影响。研究发现:时段Ⅱ较时段Ⅰ平均气温、负积温、≥0℃积温和≥10℃积温分别增加0.83℃、113.9℃·d、290℃·d和180℃·d,降水量气候倾向率为-34—16mm/10a,整体表现为减少趋势。时段Ⅱ较时段Ⅰ春小麦不适宜种植区面积显著增加约9%,最适宜、适宜、次适宜种植区面积分别减少1.4%、4.1%和4.8%,其中以河西走廊和陇中黄土高原变化最为显著。冬小麦适宜和次适宜种植区面积分别增加6%和3.4%,最适宜、可种植和不适宜种植区面积分别减少0.4%、3.5%和5.7%,其中以陇中地区变化最为显著。玉米最适宜和可种植区面积分别增加13%和7%。适宜、次适宜和不适宜种植区面积分别减少11%、2%和7%,其中以河西灌区变化最为显著。马铃薯最适宜和适宜种植区面积分别减少3.8%和0.7%,次适宜和可种植区面积分别增加3.5%和1.3%,其中以陇中黄土高原变化最为显著。最后提出适应气候变化调整农业结构和栽培格局的对策建议。  相似文献   

余明  刘效东  薛立 《生态科学》2021,40(2):204-209
森林生物量分配策略是全球变化背景下群落保持生产力的重要机制.温度和降水会影响森林生物量的分配格局.文章基于文献分析,总结了增温、低温和降水对森林地上、地下生物量分配的影响机制,以及温度和降水对森林生物量分配的交互作用,并对未来温度和降水影响森林生物量分配的研究进行了展望,提出该领域今后的研究重点为:(1)加强生物量分配...  相似文献   

The feeding behavior and general activity patterns of a howler monkey troop living in a 3.6 ha forest fragment were studied at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, for an annual cycle. Monthly samples of their feeding behavior indicated that they used 52 species of 24 plant families as sources of food. Of these, 67% were trees, which accounted for 96% of total feeding time recorded. Ten species of Moraceae, Cecropiaceae, Anacrdiaceae. and Sapotaceae contributed to 70% of the trees used and to almost 90% of feeding time. The number of plant species used per monthly record varied from 7 to 31 with an average of 19.9 species. Young leaves and ripe fruit were the principal items in the monthly diet of howlers and average percent of time spent consuming these plant parts was 46.7% and 34.8%, respectively. The use of tree species was found to be associated to their importance value and to their pattern of spatial dispersal in the study site. Availability of young leaves was fairly constant from month to month, but it presented a seasonal pattern, and there was a significantly lower number of tree species bearing ripe fruit through the year with brief pulses of production. The monthly activity pattern was found to be related to variations in the availability of young leaves and ripe fruit as well as to the values of the intermonthly overlap in plant species used. Resting and feeding presented a bimodal pattern of occurrence throughout the day that seemed to be related to variations in maximum ambient temperatures. Results are discussed in light of the small size and shape of the forest fragment inhabited by the howler troop. Am. J. Primatol. 48:167–183, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

罗怀良  闫宁 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7981-7991
在分析盐亭县近63年来(1950—2012)种植业生产发展的基础上,选取该县农村社会经济条件相对稳定的近32年(1981—2012)为研究时段。运用农业生态气候适宜度方法,依据水稻、红薯、玉米、小麦和油菜等5种主要作物生育期的光、热、水等气候条件,分别估算各种作物的资源适宜指数、效能适宜指数和利用指数,构建小尺度区域种植业气候适宜度模型和种植活动对区域种植业气候适宜度的影响度模型,进行小尺度区域种植业气候适宜度以及种植活动对种植业气候适宜度的影响度估算,并对种植业生产对气候变化的适应进行探讨。研究结果表明,(1)近32年来盐亭县大春作物的平均资源适宜指数、效能适宜指数和利用指数(分别为0.578、0.281和48.37%)均大于小春作物(分别为0.304、0.128和42.24%),大春作物的气候适宜度高于小春作物,且作物间的气候适宜度差异较大。(2)受季风气候波动的影响,该县作物气候适宜度有明显的年际波动;该县近32年来气候变化对大春作物气候适宜度有轻微不利影响,而对小春作物气候适宜度趋于有利。(3)盐亭县近32年来种植业平均的资源适宜指数为0.466、效能适宜指数为0.212、利用指数为45.49%;受5种作物资源适宜指数、效能适宜指数,以及作物播种面积与产量年际波动的综合影响,该县种植业气候适宜度亦有明显的年际波动;气候变化对该县种植业气候适宜度总体上有不利影响。(4)近32年来该县种植活动对种植业气候适宜度的影响度平均值为0.00092,其年际波动较大。通过作物种植组合结构的调整,在20世纪90年代中期前对种植业气候适宜度的提高有微弱的正向影响,对气候变化有一定程度的适应;而后期则有负向作用。  相似文献   

Fruiting, flowering, and leaf set patterns influence many aspects of tropical forest communities, but there are few long‐term studies examining potential drivers of these patterns, particularly in Africa. We evaluated a 15‐year dataset of tree phenology in Kibale National Park, Uganda, to identify abiotic predictors of fruit phenological patterns and discuss our findings in light of climate change. We quantified fruiting for 326 trees from 43 species and evaluated these patterns in relation to solar radiance, rainfall, and monthly temperature. We used time‐lagged variables based on seasonality in linear regression models to assess the effect of abiotic variables on the proportion of fruiting trees. Annual fruiting varied over 3.8‐fold, and inter‐annual variation in fruiting is associated with the extent of fruiting in the peak period, not variation in time of fruit set. While temperature and rainfall showed positive effects on fruiting, solar radiance in the two‐year period encompassing a given year and the previous year was the strongest predictor of fruiting. As solar irradiance was the strongest predictor of fruiting, the projected increase in rainfall associated with climate change, and coincident increase in cloud cover suggest that climate change will lead to a decrease in fruiting. ENSO in the prior 24‐month period was also significantly associated with annual ripe fruit production, and ENSO is also affected by climate change. Predicting changes in phenology demands understanding inter‐annual variation in fruit dynamics in light of potential abiotic drivers, patterns that will only emerge with long‐term data.  相似文献   

Food abundance and climatic factors can significantly affect the behavior of animals and constrain their activity budgets. The population of western black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor) in Mt. Wuliang lives in montane forest and is close to the northern extreme of the distribution for gibbons (Hylobatidae). Their habitats show remarkable seasonal variation in terms of food availability, temperature, and rainfall. To understand behavioral adaptations of western black crested gibbons to different sets of ecological conditions, we examined relationships among food availability, mean temperature, rainfall, and behavior patterns by observing two groups for 1 year each. Our results revealed that activity budget was affected by food availability and mean temperature. The gibbons spent more time eating flowers when that resource was more available and spent less time moving when fruit was more available. The gibbons spent less time feeding and more time resting, and spent less feeding time on fruit and leaves when the mean temperature was lower. These results suggest that the gibbons displayed a pronounced preference for flowers as a food resource and adopted a time minimizer strategy when high‐nutrient food items (i.e., fruit) were more available. In addition, the gibbons adopted an energy‐conserving strategy during periods of low temperature. The flexibility of behavioral patterns in responding to food availability and temperature may potentially improve the gibbons’ prospects of surviving and reproducing in a northern montane forest.  相似文献   

何云玲  李同艳  熊巧利  余岚 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8813-8821
基于2000-2016年MODIS-NDVI数据,利用趋势分析法以及线性相关分析等方法对云南地区植被月变化趋势、年际变化趋势进行详细分析;探讨植被覆盖变化与主要气候水热因子的关系。结果表明:研究区大部分地区植被覆盖良好,年NDVI的平均值为0.55,其中NDVI较高值(> 0.8)区域主要分布于南部,而西北部和中部城市地区NDVI值较低;自2000年开始,研究区NDVI总体呈显著(P < 0.05)增加趋势,年NDVI的变化斜率为0.0036,植被覆盖呈增加趋势的区域占研究区总面积79.80%;不同季节(春、夏、秋、冬)和生长季的植被状况均呈良性发展趋势;湿润指数和水热综合因子在滇西北与NDVI多呈负相关,在滇中地区以正相关为主;春、夏、秋3个季节NDVI受降水影响较大,而冬季NDVI则受气温影响较大;受降水影响较大的区域主要分布在中部和南部,受气温影响较大区域主要分布在滇西北、滇东北地区;NDVI在不同月份对气候因子的滞后时间存在差异,NDVI与当月气温的相关性强于与当月降水的相关性,植被生长对气温的响应无明显滞后效应,对降水存在3个月的滞后期。  相似文献   

In a boreal forest catchment in the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, wildfire caused an increase in the concentrations of strong acid anions and base cations of the stream. In the naturally base-poor Northwest (NW) Subbasin, a 1980 wildfire caused exports of strong acid anions to increase more than export of base cations, causing a 2.5 fold increase in the acidity of the stream. Mean annual stream pH declined from 5.15 prior to fire to 4.76 two years after fire. Acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC), calculated as the difference between total base cations and strong acid anions, decreased to 20% of pre-fire values. Sulfate and chloride were the strong acid anions responsible for the decline in ANC, increasing four-fold. While nitrate increased eleven-fold, concentrations were too low to significantly affect ANC. There was a significant correlation between weekly sulfate concentration and base cation concentration (r 2 = 0.83) in the two years after fire. Recovery of ANC was caused by the more rapid decline in concentration of sulfate than by changes in base cations. Drought produced a similar but weaker response than fire, with increased sulfate concentrations and decreased stream pH. Climatic warming that increases drought and fire frequency would have effects that mimic the impacts of acidic precipitation (i.e. higher sulfate concentrations and acidic stream waters). Areas which have higher concentrations of stored S from past acid precipitation or have large areas of peatlands in the watershed may have aggravated losses of S and H+ after drought and fire.  相似文献   

Forest landscape dynamics result from the complex interaction of driving forces and ecological processes operating on various scales. Projected climate change for the 21st century will alter climate‐sensitive processes, causing shifts in species composition and also bringing about changes in disturbance regimes, particularly regarding wildfires. Previous studies of the impact of climate change on forests have focused mainly on the direct effects of climate. In the present study, we assessed the interactions among forest dynamics, climate change and large‐scale disturbances such as fire, wind and forest management. We used the Land Clim model to investigate the influence, interactions and the relative importance of these different drivers of landscape dynamics in two case study areas of the European Alps. The simulations revealed that projected future climate change would cause extensive forest cover changes, beginning in the coming decades. Fire is likely to become almost as important for shaping the landscape as the direct effects of climate change, even in areas where major wildfires do not occur under current climatic conditions. The effects of variable wind disturbances and harvesting regimes, however, are less likely to have a considerable impact on forest development compared with the direct effects of climate change coupled with the indirect effects of increased fire activity. We conclude that the joint direct and indirect effects of climate change are likely to have major consequences for mountain forests in the European Alps, including their ability to provide protection against natural hazards.  相似文献   

In tropical montane forests, the wetness of leaf surfaces is an important parameter which may influence gas exchange, growth and vitality of leaves, and forest productivity. Thirty surface wetness sensors were operated during May–August 2004 in a vertical profile inside an old-growth lower montane rain forest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, with the objective to analyse spatial and temporal patterns of surface wetness and to relate wetness duration to the microclimate inside the stand. The canopy was wet during 25–30% of time in this study period. In a dry period, however, surface wetness lasted for only 5% of the time, whereas the canopy was wet during 45–55% of the time in a rainy period. In the lower shade canopy, surface wetness continuously existed for periods of up to 22 h and more, although rainfall occurred only during afternoon thunderstorms of limited duration. The long duration of surface wetness has implications for forest interception models, which assume a complete drying of the canopy between subsequent rainfall events. In periods with rainfall, leaf wetness typically occurred in the afternoon, evening and first half of the night because intercepted water persisted on the leaves until about midnight. In dry periods, in contrast, surface wetness was mainly caused by dewfall in the second half of the night, and it occurred mainly in the uppermost canopy where radiative heat losses resulted in a substantial under-cooling of the leaves. Ecophysiological and hydrological importance is suggested by the long duration of surface wetting in this stand with possible implications for gas exchange, leaf growth, leaf colonization by epiphylls and the forest water balance.  相似文献   

Question: What is the influence of management on the functioning of vegetation over time in Mediterranean ecosystems under different climate conditions? Location: Mediterranean shrublands and forests in SE Iberia (Andalusia). Methods: We evaluated the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the 1997-2002 time series to determine phenological vegetation patterns under different historical management regimes. Three altitudinal ranges were considered within each area to explore climate × management interactions. Each phenological pattern was analysed using time series statistics, together with precipitation (monthly and cumulative) and temperature. Results: NDVI time series were significantly different under different management regimes, particularly in highly transformed areas, which showed the lowest NDVI, weakest annual seasonality and a more immediate phenological response to precipitation. The NDVI relationship with precipitation was strongest in the summer-autumn period, when precipitation is the main plant growth-limiting factor. Conclusions: NDVI time series analyses elucidated complex influences of land use and climate on ecosystem functioning in these Mediterranean ecosystems. We demonstrated that NDVI time series analyses are a useful tool for monitoring programmes because of their sensitivity to changes, ease of use and applicability to large-scale studies.  相似文献   

The timing and pattern of mammalian behavioral activities are regulated by an evolutionary optimized interplay of the genetically based biological (circadian) clock located in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nuclei and direct responses to environmental factors that superimpose and thus mask the clock-mediated effects, the most important of which is the photically induced phase-setting (synchronization) of the circadian rhythmicity to the 24-hour solar day. In wild and captive animals living under the natural conditions prevailing in their habitat, to date, only a few attempts have been made to analyze the role of these two regulatory mechanisms in the species’ adaptation to the time structure prevailing in their habitat. We studied the impact of housing conditions and season on the daily timing and pattern of activity in Mexican spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). To this end, we carried out long-term activity recordings with Actiwatch® AW4 accelerometer/data-logger devices in 11 adult Ateles living under identical natural lighting and climatic conditions in either a large wire netting cage or a 0.25?ha forest enclosure in the primatological field station of Veracruz State University near Catemaco, Mexico. In a gravid female in the forest enclosure, we obtained first-hand information on the effect of late pregnancy and parturition on the monkey’s activity rhythm. The Ateles behaved strictly diurnal and undertook about 90% of daily total activity during this activity time. Due to a higher second activity peak in late afternoon, the bimodal activity pattern was more pronounced in monkeys living in the forest enclosure. Although the spider monkeys kept there had an earlier activity onset and morning activity peak than their conspecifics in the cage, no consistent differences were found in the parameters characterizing the phase-setting of the circadian system to the environmental 24-h periodicity, either by comparison or correlation with the external time markers of sunrise (SR) and sunset (SS). The most obvious effect of late pregnancy, parturition and lactation was a distinct reduction of the activity level during the week of parturition and the next. Seasonal variations in the form of significant differences between the long-day summer half year and the short-day winter half year were established in the phase-angle differences of the morning activity peak to SR, in the evening activity peak and activity offset to SS, as well as in the activity time and the peak-to-peak interval, but not in the phase position of activity onset to SR or in the height of the morning and evening activity peak. These findings in combination with a high variability of the phase angle differences indicate that in A. geoffroyi, a relatively weak circadian component and strong masking direct effects of environmental factors are involved in the regulation of the daily activity rhythm.  相似文献   

Howler monkeys are among the most studied primates in the Neotropics, however, behavioral studies including estimation of food availability in Andean forests are scarce. During 12 months we studied habitat use, behavior, and feeding ecology of two groups of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in an isolated fragment in the Colombian Andes. We used a combination of focal animal and instantaneous sampling. We estimated fruit production (FP) using phenology transects, and calculated young leaf abundance by observing marked trees. The home range area used by each group was 10.5 and 16.7 ha and daily distances traveled were 431 ± 228 and 458 ± 259 m, respectively. We found that both groups spent most of their time resting (62–64%). Resting time did not increase with leaf consumption as expected using a strategy of energy minimization. We did not find a relationship between daily distances traveled and leaf consumption. However, howlers consumed fruits according to their availability, and the production of young leaves did not predict feeding time on this resource. Overall, our results are similar to those found on other forest types. We found that despite limited FP in Andean forests, this did not lead to a higher intake of leaves, longer resting periods, or shorter traveling distances for red howlers. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1062–1071, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The nursery function of mangroves as shelter has been postulated to explain the positive correlation between shrimp catches and mangrove area. This study was undertaken to document shelter use and other activities in mangrove‐associated penaeids and to determine diel and size differences relating to these activities. Juvenile Metapenaeus ensis, Penaeus latisulcatus and P. merguiensis collected from mangrove areas in Guimaras, central Philippines and stocked individually in glass tanks (= replicates) provided with artificial shelters and sand substrate were observed every hour for 25 h. Size classes tested were very small (1–5.9 mm carapace length); small (6–10.9mm CL); medium (11–15.9mm CL); large (16–20.9mm CL); and very large (21–25.9 mm CL). Due to limited juvenile supply, only 3 sizes were tested for each species: P. merguiensis (very small to medium), M. ensis (small to large) and P. latisulcatus (medium to very large) with 5 replicate animals (one per tank) per size. Juvenile M. ensis and P. latisulcatus showed a strong diel periodicity of daytime burial and nocturnal activity. In contrast, P. merguiensis showed active swimming and feeding throughout the day and night. Very small to small P. merguiensis were observed on the shelters, but burying was exhibited only by a few medium‐sized juveniles. This shelter use is consistent with observations of small P. merguiensis entering the mangrove forest (where roots, twigs, etc. contribute to structural complexity) on the flood tide and concentrating in the shallow, turbid waters of adjoining creeks during ebb tide and slack water.  相似文献   

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