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The phospholipase D (PLD) from Streptomyces chromofuscus belongs to the superfamily of PLDs. All the enzymes included in this superfamily are able to catalyze both hydrolysis and transphosphatidylation activities. However, S. chromofuscus PLD is calcium dependent and is often described as an enzyme with weak transphosphatidylation activity. S. chromofuscus PLD-catalyzed hydrolysis of phospholipids in aqueous medium leads to the formation of phosphatidic acid. Previous studies have shown that phosphatidic acid-calcium complexes are activators for the hydrolysis activity of this bacterial PLD. In this work, we investigated the influence of diacylglycerols (naturally occurring alcohols) as candidates for the transphosphatidylation reaction. Our results indicate that the transphosphatidylation reaction may occur using diacylglycerols as a substrate and that the phosphatidylalcohol produced can be directly hydrolyzed by PLD. We also focused on the surface pressure dependency of PLD-catalyzed hydrolysis of phospholipids. These experiments provided new information about PLD activity at a water-lipid interface. Our findings showed that classical phospholipid hydrolysis is influenced by surface pressure. In contrast, phosphatidylalcohol hydrolysis was found to be independent of surface pressure. This latter result was thought to be related to headgroup hydrophobicity. This work also highlights the physiological significance of phosphatidylalcohol production for bacterial infection of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The phospholipase D from Streptomyces chromofuscus (PLDSc) is a soluble enzyme that interacts with membranes to catalyse phosphatidylcholine (PC) transformation. In this work, we focused on the interaction between PLDSc and two lipid activators: a neutral lipid, diacylglycerol (DAG), and an anionic one, phosphatidic acid (PA). DAG is a naturally occurring alcohol, so it is a potent nucleophile for the transphosphatidylation reaction catalysed by PLD. Concerning PA, it is a widely described activator of PLDSc-catalysed hydrolysis of PC. The monolayer technique allowed us to define PLDSc interaction with DAG and PA. In the case of DAG, the results suggest an insertion of PLDSc within the acyl chains of the lipid with an exclusion pressure of approximately 45 mN/m. PLDSc-DAG interaction seemed to occur preferentially with the lipid in the liquid-expanded (LE) phase. PLDSc interaction with PA was found to be more effective at high surface pressures. The overall results obtained with PA show a preferential interaction of the protein with condensed PA domains. No exclusion pressure could be found for PLDSc-PA interaction indicating only superficial interaction with the polar head of this lipid. Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) images were acquired in order to confirm these results and to visualise the patterns induced by PLDSc adsorption.  相似文献   

A simple method for the preparation of homogeneous molecular species of plasmenylcholine and plasmenylethanolamine was developed. The method utilized reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography to isolate homogeneous molecular species of plasmenylcholine prepared by acylation of lysoplasmenylcholine. Plasmenylcholine was directly converted to plasmenylethanolamine by transphosphatidylation utilizing phospholipase D from Streptomyces chromofuscus. This method permits the facile labeling of homogeneous molecular species of plasmalogens in the polar head group, the sn-2 acyl chain, or both, for the first time.  相似文献   

The Streptomyces chromofuscus phospholipase D (PLD) cleavage of phosphatidylcholine in bilayers can be enhanced by the addition of the product phosphatidic acid (PA). Other anionic lipids such as phosphatidylinositol, oleic acid, or phosphatidylmethanol do not activate this PLD. This allosteric activation by PA could involve a conformational change in the enzyme that alters PLD binding to phospholipid surfaces. To test this, the binding of intact PLD and proteolytically cleaved isoforms to styrene divinylbenzene beads coated with a phospholipid monolayer and to unilamellar vesicles was examined. The results indicate that intact PLD has a very high affinity for PA bilayers at pH >/= 7 in the presence of EGTA that is weakened as Ca(2+) or Ba(2+) are added to the system. Proteolytically clipped PLD also binds tightly to PA in the absence of metal ions. However, the isolated catalytic fragment has a considerably weaker affinity for PA surfaces. In contrast to PA surfaces, all PLD forms exhibited very low affinity for PC interfaces with an increased binding when Ba(2+) was added. All PLD forms also bound tightly to other anionic phospholipid surfaces (e.g. phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylmethanol). However, this binding was not modulated in the same way by divalent cations. Chemical cross-linking studies suggested that a major effect of PLD binding to PA.Ca(2+) surfaces is aggregation of the enzyme. These results indicate that PLD partitioning to phospholipid surfaces and kinetic activation are two separate events and suggest that the Ca(2+) modulation of PA.PLD binding involves protein aggregation that may be the critical interaction for activation.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipase D is secreted from Streptomyces chromofuscus as an intact enzyme of 57 kDa (PLD(57)). Under certain growth conditions, PLD is proteolytically cleaved and activated to form PLD(42/20) (named for the apparent size of the peptides). The PLD(42) catalytic core and 20 kDa C-terminal domain remain tightly associated through noncovalent interactions. In the presence of Ba(2+) (to enhance protein binding to zwitterionic vesicles without hydrolysis of substrate), PLD(42/20), but not PLD(57), induces POPC vesicle leakiness as measured by entrapped CF leakage. PLD(42/20) also induces vesicle fusion (as measured by light scattering, fluorescence quenching, and cryo-TEM) under these conditions (1 mM POPC, 5 mM Ba(2+)); neither PLD(42) nor PLD(20) alone can act as a fusogen. For intact PLD(57) to cause CF leakiness, the soluble activator diC(4)PA must be present. However, even with diC(4)PA, PLD(57) does not induce significant vesicle fusion. In the absence of metal ions, all PLD forms bind to PC vesicles doped with 10 mol % PA. Again, only PLD(42/20) is fusogenic and causes aggregation and fusion on a rapid time scale. Taken together, these data suggest that activated PLD(42/20) inserts more readily into the lipid bilayer than other PLD forms and creates structures that allow bilayers to fuse. Cleavage of the PLD(57) by a secreted protease to generate PLD(42/20) occurs in the late stages of S. chromofuscus cell cultures. Production of this more active and fusogenic enzyme may play a role in nutrient scavenging in stationary phase cultures.  相似文献   

Two phospholipase D (PLD) enzymes with both hydrolase and transferase activities were isolated from Streptomyces chromofuscus. There were substantial differences in the kinetic properties of the two PLD enzymes towards monomeric, micellar, and vesicle substrates. The most striking difference was that the higher molecular weight enzyme (PLD57 approximately 57 kDa) could be activated allosterically with a low mole fraction of phosphatidic acid (PA) incorporated into a PC bilayer (Geng et al., J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998) 12195-12202). PLD42/20, a tightly associated complex of two peptides, one of 42 kDa and the other 20 kDa, had a 4-6-fold higher Vmax toward PC substrates than PLD57 and was not activated by PA. N-Terminal sequencing of both enzymes indicated that both components of PLD42/20 were cleavage products of PLD57. The larger component included the N-terminal segment of PLD57 and contained the active site. The N-terminus of the smaller peptide corresponded to the C-terminal region of PLD57; this peptide had no PLD activity by itself. Increasing the pH of PLD42/20 to 8.9, followed by chromatography of PLD42/20 on a HiTrap Q column at pH 8.5 separated the 42- and 20-kDa proteins. The 42-kDa complex had about the same specific activity with or without the 20-kDa fragment. The lack of PA activation for the 42-kDa protein and for PLD42/20 indicates that an intact C-terminal region of PLD57 is necessary for activation by PA. Furthermore, the mechanism for transmission of the allosteric signal requires an intact PLD57.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity for phospholipase D from Streptomyces chromofuscus (PLD(Sc)) has been determined utilizing an assay based on the quantitation of inorganic phosphate. 1,2-Di-n-hexanoyl phosphatidylcholine (C6PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (C6PE), phosphatidylserine (C6PS), phosphatidylglycerol (C6PG), and an unnatural phospholipid bearing a neohexyl headgroup (C6PDB) were examined as substrates. The assay relies on the quenching of the PLD(Sc)-catalyzed hydrolysis of the phospholipid substrates with EDTA followed by the hydrolysis of the phosphatidic acid product with alkaline phosphatase. The inorganic phosphate thus released is quantitated through the formation of a complex with ammonium molybdate, which has an absorbance maximum at 700 nm. To minimize the time involved and the reagents consumed, the assay is conducted in 96-well plates. The results of this study indicate that the catalytic efficiency for PLD(Sc) on the substrates is C6PC > C6PS approximately C6PE > C6PG > C6PDB.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) is a key enzyme involved in numerous processes in all living organisms. Hydrolysis of phospholipids by PLD allows the release of phosphatidic acid which is a crucial intermediate of multiple pathways and signaling reactions, including tumorigenesis in mammals and defense responses in plants. One common feature found in the plant alpha isoform (PLDα), in some PLD from microbes and in all PLD from eukaryotes, is a duplicated motif named HKD involved in the catalysis. However, other residues are strictly conserved among these organisms and their role remains obscure. To gain further insights into PLD structure and the role of these conserved residues, we first looked for all the plant PLDα sequences available in public databases. With >200 sequences retrieved, a generic sequence was constructed showing that 138 residues are strictly conserved among plant PLDα, with some of them identical to residues found in mammalian PLDs. Using site-directed mutagenesis of the PLDα from Arabidopsis thaliana, we demonstrated that mutation of some of these residues abolished the PLD activity. Moreover, mutation of the residues around both HKD motifs enabled us to re-define the consensus sequence of these motifs. By sequential deletions of the N-terminal extremity, the minimum length of the domain required for catalytic activity was determined. Overall, this work furthers our understanding of the structure of eukaryotic PLDs and it may lead to the discovery of new regions involved in the catalytic reaction that could be targeted by small molecule modulators of PLDs.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase I (Tdp1) is involved in the repair of DNA lesions created by topoisomerase I in vivo. Tdp1 is a member of the phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily of enzymes and hydrolyzes 3'-phosphotyrosyl bonds to generate 3'-phosphate DNA and free tyrosine in vitro. Here, we use synthetic 3'-(4-nitro)phenyl, 3'-(4-methyl)phenyl, and 3'-tyrosine phosphate oligonucleotides to study human Tdp1. Kinetic analysis of human Tdp1 (hTdp1) shows that the enzyme has nanomolar affinity for all three substrates and the overall in vitro reaction is diffusion-limited. Analysis of active-site mutants using these modified substrates demonstrates that hTdp1 uses an acid/base catalytic mechanism. The results show that histidine 493 serves as the general acid during the initial transesterification, in agreement with hypotheses based on previous crystal structure models. The results also argue that lysine 495 and asparagine 516 participate in the general acid reaction, and the analysis of crystal structures suggests that these residues may function in a proton relay. Together with previous crystal structure data, the new functional data provide a mechanistic understanding of the conserved histidine, lysine and asparagine residues found among all PLD family members.  相似文献   

To determine the catalytic site of Streptomyces chromofuscus phospholipase D (PLD), which lacks an HKD motif, we examined the effects of inhibitors on the hydrolytic activity of the PLD by comparing it with cabbage and Streptomyces PLDs, which have two HKD motifs. We showed that dichloro-(2,2':6',2'-terpyridine)-platinum (II) dihydrate, a His- and Cys-directed chemical modifier, had inhibitory effects on the activities of all types of PLD examined. On the other hand, N-ethylmaleimide, a thiol-directed modifier had no such effects on PLD activity. These results suggest that the His residue plays an important role in the activity of Streptomyces chromofuscus PLD.  相似文献   

Recently, we identified Ala426 and Lys438 of phospholipase D from Streptomyces septatus TH-2 (TH-2PLD) as important residues for activity, stability and selectivity in transphosphatidylation. These residues are located in a C-terminal flexible loop separate from two catalytic HxKxxxxD motifs. To study the role of these residues in substrate recognition, we evaluated the affinities of inactive mutants, in which these residues were substituted with Phe and His, toward several phospholipids by SPR analysis. By substituting Ala426 and Lys438 with Phe and His, respectively, the inactive mutant showed a much stronger interaction with phosphatidylcholine and a weaker interaction with phosphatidylglycerol than the inactive TH-2PLD mutant. We demonstrated that Ala426 and Lys438 of TH-2PLD play a role in sensing the head group of phospholipids.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of amino acid residues to the enzyme reaction of Streptomyces phospholipase D (PLD), we constructed a chimeric gene library between two highly homologous plds, which indicated different activity in transphosphatidylation, using RIBS (repeat-length independent and broad spectrum) in vivo DNA shuffling. By comparing the activities of chimeras, six candidate residues related to transphosphatidylation activity were shown. Based on the above result, we constructed several mutants to identify the key residues involved in the recognition of phospholipids. By kinetic analysis, we identified that Gly188 and Asp191 of PLD from Streptomyces septatus TH-2, which are not present in the highly conserved catalytic HXKXXXXD (HKD) motifs, are key amino acid residues related to the transphosphatidylation activity. To investigate the role of two residues in the recognition of phospholipids, the effects of these residues on binding to substrates were analyzed by surface plasmon spectroscopy. The result suggests that Gly188 and Asp191 are involved in the recognition of phospholipids in correlation with the N-terminal HKD motif. Furthermore, this study also provides experimental evidence that the N-terminal HKD motif contains the catalytic nucleophile, which attacks the phosphatidyl group of the substrate.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) of Streptomyces antibioticus was labelled with fluorescent-labelled substrate, 1-hexanoyl-2-{6-[(7-nitro-2-1, 3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)-amino]hexanoyl}-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, when it was incubated with the substrate and the reaction followed by SDS/PAGE. Mutant enzymes lacking the catalytic activity were not labelled under the same conditions, indicating that labelling of the PLD occurred as the result of its catalytic action. This confirmed that the labelled protein was the phosphatidyl PLD intermediate. PLDs contain two copies of the highly conserved catalytic HxKxxxxD (HKD) motif. Therefore, two protein fragments were separately prepared with recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. One of the fragments was the N-terminal half of the intact PLD containing one HKD motif, and the other was the C-terminal half with the other motif. An active enzyme was reconstructed from these two fragments, and therefore designated fragmentary PLD (fPLD). When fPLD was subjected to the labelling experiment, only the C-terminal half was labelled. Therefore, it was concluded that the catalytic nucleophile that bound directly to the phosphatidyl group of the substrate was located on the C-terminal half of PLD, and that the N-terminal half did not contain such a nucleophile.  相似文献   

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and cytosol fractions of liver homogenates exhibit phosphoprotein phosphatase activity towards glycogen synthase D and phosphorylase a. The following observations suggest that liver contains multiple forms of these phosphatases. Synthase phosphatase activity in either fraction was more readily inactivated by heating than phosphorylase phosphatase activity. Both synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase activities in smooth ER were non-competitively inhibited by Mg2+, but were activated by this ion in the cytosol. Synthase phosphatase activities in cytosol and smooth ER were stimulated by a number of sugar phosphates, particularly glucose-1-phosphate, galactose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate. Erythrose-4-phosphate stimulated synthase phosphatase activity in the cytosol, but inhibited the microsomal enzyme. Phosphorylase phosphatase activities in either fraction were inhibited by most sugar phosphates. Adenosine mono-, di- and tri-phosphates inhibited phosphatase activities in both fractions. Low concentrations of AMP and ADP inhibited phosphorylase phosphatase activities to a greater extent than synthase phosphatase activities. Chromatography of the smooth ER fraction on DEAE-cellulose resulted in the separation of synthase phosphatase from phosphorylase phosphatase, as soluble proteins. The elution profile for the microsomal phosphatase was different from that for the cytosol enzymes. It is concluded that: both synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase in liver have at least two isoenzyme forms; synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase are separate enzymes; the different behaviour of microsomal and cytosol phosphatases towards divalent cations and sugar phosphates provides a potential mechanism for the differential regulation of these activities in liver.  相似文献   

Phosphate limitation induces the turimycin biosynthesis as well as the cAMP phosphodiesterase and phosphatase. The results are discussed in connection with the observation of general high activities of dephosphorylating enzymes and low concentrations of phosphorylated intermediates under conditions of phosphate limitation and secondary product biosynthesis, respectively.  相似文献   

Four phospholipases D (PLDs) in the culture supernatants from Streptomyces strains were purified to conduct a comparative study of their thermostabilities. Among the four purified PLDs, the enzyme from Streptomyces halstedii K1 lost its activity at 45 degrees C. PLD from Streptomyces septatus TH-2 was stable at the same temperature. We determined the nucleotide sequence encoding the PLD gene from S. halstedii K1 (K1PLD). The deduced amino acid sequence showed high homology to that of the PLD gene from S. septatus TH-2 (TH-2PLD). By comparison of the optimum temperature and the thermostability among recombinant PLDs, K1PLD, TH-2PLD and T/KPLD that possessed the N-terminus of TH-2PLD and the C-terminus of K1PLD, T/KPLD showed the properties midway between those of K1PLD and TH-2PLD. It was suggested that the 176 amino acids at C-terminus of Streptomyces PLD were important for its thermostability.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D interacts with both p38 MAP kinase and the ERK2 MAP kinase in HeLa cells. Inhibition of PLD signaling was without effect upon p38 MAP kinase activity whilst inhibition of ERK signaling was without effect upon PLD activity. Therefore there exists cross-talk between MAP kinase and PLD signaling the details of which remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that two flexible loops of Streptomyces phospholipase D (PLD) affect the catalytic reaction of the enzyme by a comparative study of chimeric PLDs. Gly188 and Asp191 of PLD from Streptomyces septatus TH-2 (TH-2PLD) were identified as the key amino acid residues involved in the recognition of phospholipids. In the present study, we further investigated the relationship between a C-terminal loop of TH-2PLD and PLD activities to elucidate the reaction mechanism and the recognition of the substrate. By analyzing chimeras and mutants in terms of hydrolytic and transphosphatidylation activities, Ala426 and Lys438 of TH-2PLD were identified as the residues associated with the activities. We found that Gly188 and Asp191 recognized substrate forms, whereas residues Ala426 and Lys438 enhanced transphosphatidylation and hydrolysis activities regardless of the substrate form. By substituting Ala426 and Lys438 with Phe and His, respectively, the mutant showed not only higher activities but also higher thermostability and tolerance against organic solvents. Furthermore, the mutant also improved the selectivity of the transphosphatidylation activity. The residues Ala426 and Lys438 were located in the C-terminal flexible loop of Streptomyces PLD separate from the highly conserved catalytic HxKxxxxD motifs. We demonstrated that this C-terminal loop, which formed the entrance of the active well, has multiple functional roles in Streptomyces PLD.  相似文献   

Multiple Phospholipase D (PLD) genes have been identified in plants and encode isoforms with distinct regulatory and catalytic properties. Elucidation of the genetic and biochemical heterogeneity has provided important clues as to the regulation and function of this family of enzymes. Polyphosphoinositides, Ca(2+), and G-proteins are possible cellular regulators for PLD activation. PLD-mediated hydrolysis of membrane lipids increases in response to various stresses. Recent studies suggest that PLD plays a role in the signaling and production of hormones involved in plant stress responses.  相似文献   

Müller G  Grey S  Jung C  Bandlow W 《Biochemistry》2000,39(6):1475-1488
Previously, we have described significant effects of human insulin on glucose metabolism in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under conditions of growth limitation. These regulations apparently rely on a transmembrane receptor capable of binding human insulin and responding by tyrosine/serine phosphorylation of a specific set of polypeptides [Müller, G., Rouveyre, N., Crecelius, A., and Bandlow, W. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8683-8695; Müller, G., Rouveyre, N., Upshon, C., Gross, E., and Bandlow, W. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8696-8704; Müller, G., Rouveyre, N., Upshon, C., and Bandlow, W. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8705-8713]. To characterize the molecular link between the initial steps in insulin-like signaling in yeast and the changes in the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase, we examined here the effects of human insulin on a set of key regulatory enzymes of glycogen metabolism, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (cAMP-PDE), and protein kinase A (PKA). PP2A was activated about 2-fold by insulin in spheroplasts and in intact cells, whereas the fraction of active PKA was significantly reduced in a cAMP-independent manner as well as through a subsequent up to 3-fold increase in particulate cAMP-PDE activity accompanied by a 50% decrease in cytosolic cAMP levels. In addition, glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (GPI-PLC), which in isolated rat adipocytes is activated by insulin, was stimulated to up to 5-fold by glucose and 10-fold by glucose plus insulin in both yeast spheroplasts and intact cells leading to a concentration-dependent leftward shift of the glucose-response curve for activation of the GPI-PLC. GPI-PLC was most pronouncedly stimulated by authentic human insulin compared to various insulin analogues and insulin-like growth factor I. In addition to lipolytic cleavage by GPI-PLC, the GPI anchor of the cAMP-binding ectoprotein, Gce1p, was secondarily processed by a rapid proteolytic event. As the GPI-PLC reaction is rate limiting, the efficiency of the two-step anchor cleavage was significantly increased when insulin was present together with glucose as compared to glucose alone. The insulin concentrations effective in modulating PP2A, PKA, cAMP-PDE, and GPI-PLC activities correlate well with those required for half-saturation of the specific binding sites as well as for stimulation of protein phosphorylation and glycogen accumulation. The data suggest that mammalian insulin-sensitive cells and yeast share (part of) the key regulatory mechanism (consisting of PP2A, PKA, cAMP-PDE, and GPI-PLC) involved in the transduction of the insulin signal from the respective receptor systems to glycogen synthase and phosphorylase.  相似文献   

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