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OBJECTIVE--To study the role of respiratory viruses in exacerbations of asthma in adults. DESIGN--Longitudinal study of 138 adults with asthma. SETTING--Leicestershire Health Authority. SUBJECTS--48 men and 90 women 19-46 years of age with a mean duration of wheeze of 19.6 years. 75% received regular treatment with bronchodilators; 89% gave a history of eczema, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, or allergies; 38% had been admitted to hospital with asthma. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Symptomatic colds and asthma exacerbations; objective exacerbations of asthma with > or = 50 l/min reduction in mean peak expiratory flow rate when morning and night time readings on days 1-7 after onset of symptoms were compared with rates during an asymptomatic control period; laboratory confirmed respiratory tract infections. RESULTS--Colds were reported in 80% (223/280) of episodes with symptoms of wheeze, chest tightness, or breathlessness, and 89% (223/250) of colds were associated with asthma symptoms. 24% of 115 laboratory confirmed non-bacterial infections were associated with reductions in mean peak expiratory flow rate > or = 50 l/min through days 1-7 and 48% had mean decreases > or = 25 l/min. 44% of episodes with mean decreases in flow rate > or = 50 l/min were associated with laboratory confirmed infections. Infections with rhinoviruses, coronaviruses OC43 and 229E, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and chlamydia were all associated with objective evidence of an exacerbation of asthma. CONCLUSIONS--These findings show that asthma symptoms and reductions in peak flow are often associated with colds and respiratory viruses; respiratory virus infections commonly cause or are associated with exacerbations of asthma in adults.  相似文献   

Respiratory viruses and histological appearances of the lung were studied prospectively in an unselected series of 104 children who died between 1 week and 2 years of age. Thirty-one of the cases were cot deaths. Seven of these showed evidence of active virus infection in the lower respiratory tract. Similar evidence was found in two children who died from known causes and did not have a severe respiratory illness terminally. Although in some cases of cot death respiratory viruses may be responsible for a severe and rapidly overwhelming illness, the present results are compatible with an alternative hypothesis-namely, that minor respiratory illness may trigger sudden apnoea.  相似文献   

Viruses were shown to be present in the respiratory tract in 200 of 763 cases of the sudden infant death syndrome studied in the nine years 1974-82. Epidemiological and pathological evidence suggested that the distribution of viruses in the sudden infant death syndrome differs between infants aged 3 months or less and those aged over 3 months: the incidence of detection of virus was 14% in the younger group compared with 39% in the older group. The distribution of the viruses in these two groups was compared with that in 1341 live infants with respiratory virus infections. Adenovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, and rhinovirus had similar distribution among the victims of the sudden infant death syndrome and live controls. The incidence of detection of respiratory syncytial virus was increased in the older infants dying of the sudden infant death syndrome (90% of the cases detected) compared with the older group of live infants (53%). Antibody studies, detection of virus, and epidemiological data suggest that respiratory syncytial virus may be a precipitating factor of sudden death in older infants.  相似文献   



Respiratory infections in early life are associated with an increased risk of developing asthma but there is little evidence on the role of infections for onset of asthma in adults. The objective of this study was to assess the relation of the occurrence of respiratory infections in the past 12 months to adult-onset asthma in a population-based incident case-control study of adults 21–63 years of age.


We recruited all new clinically diagnosed cases of asthma (n = 521) during a 2.5-year study period and randomly selected controls (n = 932) in a geographically defined area in South Finland. Information on respiratory infections was collected by a self-administered questionnaire. The diagnosis of asthma was based on symptoms and reversible airflow obstruction in lung function measurements. The risk of asthma onset was strongly increased in subjects who had experienced in the preceding 12 months lower respiratory tract infections (including acute bronchitis and pneumonia) with an adjusted odds ratio (OR) 7.18 (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.16–9.99), or upper respiratory tract infections (including common cold, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and otitis media) with an adjusted OR 2.26 (95% CI 1.72–2.97). Individuals with personal atopy and/or parental atopy were more susceptible to the effects of respiratory infections on asthma onset than non-atopic persons.


This study provides new evidence that recently experienced respiratory infections are a strong determinant for adult-onset asthma. Reducing such infections might prevent onset of asthma in adulthood, especially in individuals with atopy or hereditary propensity to it.  相似文献   

Chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIV) containing the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) tat, rev, env, and, in some cases, vpu genes were inoculated into eight cynomolgus monkeys. Viruses could be consistently recovered from the CD8-depleted peripheral blood lymphocytes of all eight animals for at least 2 months. After this time, virus isolation varied among the animals, with viruses continuing to be isolated from some animals beyond 600 days after inoculation. The level of viral RNA in plasma during acute infection and the frequency of virus isolation after the initial 2-month period were higher for the Vpu-positive viruses. All of the animals remained clinically healthy, and the absolute numbers of CD4-positive lymphocytes were stable. Antibodies capable of neutralizing HIV-1 were generated at high titers in animals exhibiting the greatest consistency of virus isolation. Strain-specific HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies were initially elicited, and then more broadly neutralizing antibodies were elicited. env sequences from two viruses isolated more than a year after infection were analyzed. In the Vpu-negative SHIV, for which virus loads were lower, a small amount of env variation, which did not correspond to that found in natural HIV-1 variants, was observed. By contrast, in the Vpu-positive virus, which was consistently isolated from the host animal, extensive variation of the envelope glycoproteins in the defined variable gp120 regions was observed. Escape from neutralization by CD4 binding site monoclonal antibodies was observed for the viruses with the latter envelope glycoproteins, and the mechanism of escape appears to involve decreased binding of the antibody to the monomeric gp120 glycoproteins. The consistency with which SHIV infection of cynomolgus monkeys is initiated and the similarities in the neutralizing antibody response to SHIV and HIV-1 support the utility of this model system for the study of HIV-1 prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus infection in anti-mu-treated mice.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
BALB/c mice were depleted of B cells by anti-mu treatment to investigate the pathogenesis of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in the absence of antibody. Termination of RSV replication after primary infection occurred with the same kinetics in anti-mu-treated mice as in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-treated controls. Yet, when rechallenged, anti-mu-treated mice were more permissive to RSV replication than PBS-treated controls. Anti-mu-treated mice also experienced greater illness than PBS-treated controls during both primary infection and rechallenge. Passive transfer of RSV-specific immune serum to anti-mu-treated mice before rechallenge reconstituted complete protection from RSV replication and diminished illness. Thus, RSV-specific antibody is not required to terminate RSV replication in primary infection, but without antibody, only partial immunity against rechallenge is induced. While it is unknown whether the mechanism is a direct effect on RSV titer or modulation of the illness-causing cellular immune response, the presence of RSV-specific antibody reduces illness in both primary RSV infection and rechallenge of mice.  相似文献   

松毛虫质型多角体病毒的宿主域与交叉感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1956年从赤松毛虫Dendrolimus spectabilis上首次发现赤松毛虫质型多角体病毒1型(D. spectabilis cytovirus 1,DsCPV-1)以来,先后从马尾松毛虫D. punctatus、油松毛虫D. tabulaeformis、赤松毛虫、德昌松毛虫D. p. tehchangensis、文山松毛虫D. p. Wenshangensis和落叶松毛虫D. superans上发现了质型多角体病毒(cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus,CPV)。病毒基因组dsRNA电泳图谱分析表明,这些松毛虫CPV的不同分离株均属于质型多角体病毒1型(cytovirus 1)。这些松毛虫CPV病毒可以感染鳞翅目10科35种昆虫,其中对多种昆虫具有很高的感染力和良好的杀虫效果,可以从中筛选替代宿主生产松毛虫CPV杀虫剂,用于害虫生物防治。松毛虫CPV接种某些昆虫后病毒的基因组dsRNA电泳图谱发生了改变,可能是异源病毒诱发了宿主自身潜伏型病毒的感染复制。  相似文献   

Two postal questionnaire surveys were carried out among the adult population of Southampton aimed at clarifying the diagnostic criteria for asthma (study 1) and at testing the validity of symptoms so identified as diagnostic of bronchial hyper-reactivity (study 2). The questionnaires asked about respiratory symptoms and included three questions thought likely to disclose increased bronchial reactivity. Laboratory measurements on subsamples of respondents included spirometry and bronchial challenge with increasing doses of histamine till a concentration was reached provoking a fall of more than 20% (PC greater than 20) in forced expiratory volume in one second. In the first study no normal subject (that is, one who did not report shortness of breath or wheezing on the questionnaire) had a PC greater than 20 below 0.5 g/l. Of 51 subjects who reported shortness of breath or wheezing, or both, nine had a cluster of abnormalities consisting of one or more symptoms of bronchial irritability, nocturnal dyspnoea, and prolonged morning tightness together with PC greater than 20 values of 0.5 g/l or less. These symptoms in conjunction with a low PC greater than 20 were termed the bronchial irritability syndrome. In the second study bronchial challenge confirmed the close association of these symptoms with bronchial hyper-reactivity, all other subjects being less reactive to histamine. Only 27% of subjects with symptoms of the bronchial irritability syndrome had been diagnosed as asthmatic by their general practitioners. The bronchial irritability syndrome is a definable entity for epidemiological study and patient care.  相似文献   

Predation on bacteria and accompanying mortality are important mechanisms in controlling bacterial populations and recycling of nutrients through the microbial loop. The agents most investigated and seen as responsible for bacterial mortality are viruses and protists. However, a body of evidence suggests that predatory bacteria such as the Halobacteriovorax (formerly Bacteriovorax), a Bdellovibrio-like organism, contribute substantially to bacterial death. Until now, conclusive evidence has been lacking. The goal of this study was to better understand the contributors to bacterial mortality by addressing the poorly understood role of Halobacteriovorax and how their role compares with that of viruses. The results revealed that when a concentrated suspension of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was added into microcosms of estuarine waters, the native Halobacteriovorax were the predators that responded first and most rapidly. Their numbers increased by four orders of magnitude, whereas V. parahaemolyticus prey numbers decreased by three orders of magnitude. In contrast, the extant virus population showed little increase and produced little change in the prey density. An independent experiment with stable isotope probing confirmed that Halobacteriovorax were the predators primarily responsible for the mortality of the V. parahaemolyticus. The results show that Halobacteriovorax have the potential to be significant contributors to bacterial mortality, and in such cases, predation by Halobacteriovorax may be an important mechanism of nutrient recycling. These conclusions add another dimension to bacterial mortality and the recycling of nutrients.  相似文献   

摘要:登革病毒是蚊源性病原,保持于森林(非人灵长类/森林蚊子)和地方性流行(人类/城市/家周蚊子)循环中。由蚊媒介的人?人的传播在亚洲和美洲是病毒循环的通用方式,而在西非森林循环占优势。登革病毒的地方性流行方式源于森林登革病毒对家周/城市蚊子的适应。在2004?2007年,马来西亚在登革1型流行中分离到1株原型森林登革1型病毒。该病毒与哨猴株间外膜基因序列——核苷酸序列相似性>99%,氨基酸序列相似性99%。在55位点上仅有1个氨基酸差异,猴株是缬氨酸,人株是异白氨酸。病毒能被流行登革病毒1型感染的患者血清中和。该病毒的罕见分离表明来自只限于森林循环的一种有限的外溢感染。估计患者株序列进化率是5.2×10-4取代/位点/年。1965年在尼日利亚从发热患者分离到3株森林病毒,遗传发生树表明不同于地方流行登革病毒并均在森林登革病毒区块内,表明外溢流行。埃及伊蚊在西非森林中表现偏动物倾向,在登革病毒森林扩大循环中的作用有限。  相似文献   

Sera from some groups of germfree mice were examined for reactivity against Sendai, reo 3, Theiler's GD VII, ectromelia, and mouse hepatitis virus antigens. Of 51 sera collected in September and October 1976 and in August and September 1977 from one germfree mouse breeding colony, there was no positive reaction against all the antigens tested. Moreover, the attempt of virus isolation from homogenates of various organs including lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines of 6 germfree mice was unsuccessful.  相似文献   

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