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The cloning of the CFTR gene has made it technically possible to avert the unwanted birth of a child with cystic fibrosis (CF). Several large trials offering prenatal CF carrier screening suggest that such screening is practical and that identified carriers generally use the information obtained. Therefore, a critical question is whether the cost of such screening is justified. Decision analysis was performed that used information about choices that pregnant women were observed to make at each stage in the Rochester prenatal carrier-screening trial. The cost of screening per CF birth voluntarily averted was estimated to be $1,320,000-$1,400,000. However, the lifetime medical cost of the care of a CF child in today's dollars was estimated to be slightly>$1,000,000. Therefore, despite both the high cost of carrier testing and the relative infrequency of CF conceptions in the general population, the averted medical-care cost resulting from choices freely made are estimated to offset approximately 74%-78% of the costs of a screening program. At present, if it is assumed that a pregnancy terminated because of CF is replaced, the marginal cost for prenatal CF carrier screening is estimated to be $8,290 per quality-adjusted life-year. This value compares favorably with that of many accepted medical services. The cost of prenatal CF carrier screening could fall to equal the averted costs of CF patient care if the cost of carrier testing were to fall to $100.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the uptake of cystic fibrosis carrier testing offered through primary health care services. DESIGN--Carrier testing for cystic fibrosis was offered to patients of reproductive age through primary health care services. SETTING--Three general practice surgeries and four family planning clinics in South West Hertfordshire District Health Authority. SUBJECTS--Over 1000 patients aged 16-44 attending two general practices and four family planning clinics and a stratified random sample of patients aged 16-44 from one general practice''s age-sex register. RESULTS--When screening was offered opportunistically the uptake was 66% in general practice and 87% in family planning clinics. Ten per cent of those offered a screening appointment by letter took up the invitation. Of the screened population, 76% had previously heard of cystic fibrosis, 35% realised it is inherited, and 18% realised that carriers need not have any family history. If they found themselves in an "at risk" partnership 39% would consider not having children and 26% would consider terminating an affected pregnancy, but in each case most people were unsure how they would react. CONCLUSIONS--Most people offered a cystic fibrosis test opportunistically wish to be tested, and the responses of those tested indicate that knowledge of carrier state would be considered in future reproductive decisions.  相似文献   

We report a test of the hypothesis that the high frequency of cystic fibrosis (CF) in Caucasian populations is due to a fertility advantage in CF carriers. One hundred forty-three grandparent couples of Utah CF cases were compared with 20 replicate sets of matched control couples drawn from the Utah Genealogical Database. Ascertainment correction, which has not been applied in previous studies of CF carrier fertility, was applied to these data. Before ascertainment correction was applied, CF carriers appeared to manifest a significant fertility advantage over controls. After the correction formula was applied, this difference disappeared. Carriers and controls were also compared in terms of the length of intervals between births. Again, no significant differences were found. It was concluded that fertility differences are unlikely to account for the observed Caucasian CF gene frequency. Other mechanisms, particularly a past selective event or random genetic drift, are more likely to be responsible.  相似文献   

Despite advances in conventional treatments for cystic fibrosis (CF), the disease is still associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The cloning of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene and the understanding of the functions of the CFTR protein have led to the development of novel treatment strategies, including gene therapy. Here, we review the underlying molecular defect in CF cells, and the progress in gene-transfer studies from in vitro work through to clinical trials. We discuss the problems encountered, the end-points used to assess efficacy, and the likely future directions of the field.  相似文献   

Before being considered for a cystic fibrosis (CF) gene therapy trial, any gene delivery agent must be able to show that it produces low levels of toxicity as well as being able to protect the DNA from nuclease degradation. Here we show that complexes of linear polyethylenimine (L-PEI) and DNA can repeatedly be administered to animals (up to 21 consecutive days) without eliciting an immune response against PEI/DNA particles or inducing toxic side effects due to accumulation of PEI in the lungs. However, the host response to the exogenous protein resulted in some decrease of expression. PEI-mediated transfection was unaffected by treatment of the complexes with DNase (frequently used to reduce the viscosity of lung secretions in CF patients). Taken together, these properties make L-PEI a valuable vector for gene therapy of CF.  相似文献   

Gene therapy for cystic fibrosis (CF) could potentially be accomplished with one of several recombinant virus vectors, including a murine retrovirus (MMuLV), adenovirus, or adeno-associated virus (AAV). All these vectors take advantage of their respective viruses' mechanisms for delivery of viral DNA to cells, evasion of lyosomal degradation, and optimization of the levels and duration of expression of viral (or vector) DNA. Each has its own unique life cycle, however. The differences among these viruses result in certain advantages and disadvantages, such as the requirement of retroviruses for active cell division, and the potential pathogenic effects from expression of certain adenovirus genes present in adenovectors. While no single vector may be optimal for CF gene therapy in humans, new techniques, such as receptor-mediated gene transfer, seek to take advantage of the desirable properties of one or more of the virus-based systems while avoiding certain potential hazards.  相似文献   

The identification of the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene opened the way for gene therapy. In the ten years since then, proof of principle in vitro and then in animal models in vivo has been followed by numerous clinical studies using both viral and non-viral vectors to transfer normal copies of the gene to the lungs and noses of CF patients. A wealth of data have emerged from these studies, reflecting enormous progress and also helping to focus and define key difficulties that remain unresolved. Gene therapy for CF remains the most promising possibility for curative rather than symptomatic therapy.  相似文献   

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