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Bromocriptine has an accepted place in the management of small pituitary tumours that secrete either prolactin or growth hormone. The treatment of large tumours with extrasellar extensions is more difficult, however: though surgery is the standard treatment, it is often unsuccessful in returning excessive hormone secretion to normal and may cause hypopituitarism. A prospective trial was undertaken to assess the frequency with which changes in pituitary function and size of large tumours occurs. Nineteen patients were studied before and during treatment with bromocriptine (7.5 to 60 ml/day) for three to 22 months, using contrast radiology and a detailed assessment of pituitary function. Eighteen patients had hyperprolactinaemia and two of these also had raised concentrations of growth hormones; one patient had an apparently non-functioning tumour. In 12 patients (63%) tumour size decreased with bromocriptine and no tumour enlarged. Nine patients had visual-field defects, which improved in seven, becoming normal in five. Pituitary function improved in nine patients (47%) becoming entirely normal in three. Bromocriptine should be the treatment of choice in patients with large pituitary tumours with extrasellar extensions, provided close supervision is maintained.  相似文献   

Hyperprolactinaemia was found in all 17 women and in one out of six men who presented with hypogonadism and a radiologically enlarged sella turcica but no other clinical endocrine dysfunction. Some of the women also had galactorrhoea. The greater the level of hyperprolactinaemia in these 18 patients the larger their sellae turcica except in two patients with unusual features. The sella turcica was usually asymmetrically enlarged and there was rearly an upward extension of tumour, though the sella floor often showed some erosion on tomography. An oral dose of bromocriptine suppressed the hyperprolactinaemia in mose patients at the same rate as in normal post-partum women. Nine of the 18 patients with hyperprolactinaemia had low basal luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. The LH responsiveness to 100 mug of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) was tested in 12, and eight showed subnormal values. Of eight biopsy specimens obtained four showed acidophil granules on light microscopy, and in five granules of various sizes were seen on electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Nine pregnancies are described in patients with pituitary tumours. All patients had definite radiological evidence of a pituitary tumour and no evidence of acromegaly or Cushing''s disease. In seven patients serum prolactin levels were estimated before pregnancy and found to be raised.Seven patients had been treated with pituitary implantation of yttrium-90. The remaining two developed complications of the tumour during pregnancy. One developed a bitemporal visual field defect in the second trimester which was successfully treated by emergency yttrium-90 implantation. The other developed diabetes insipidus in the third trimester which resolved spontaneously after delivery.Six patients were treated with drugs to achieve pregnancy. Four took bromocriptine to suppress raised prolactin levels, one was treated with human menopausal gonadotrophin, and one was treated with clomiphene.  相似文献   

Tremor is commonly encountered in medical practice, but can be difficult to diagnose and manage. It is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of a body part produced by reciprocally innervated antagonist muscles. Tremors vary in frequency and amplitude and are influenced by physiologic and psychological factors and drugs. Categorization is based on position, posture, and the movement necessary to elicit the tremor. A resting tremor occurs when the body part is in repose. A postural tremor occurs with maintained posture and kinetic tremor with movement. Various pathologic conditions are associated with tremors. Essential tremor, which is the most common, is postural and kinetic, with a frequency between 4 and 8 Hz, and involves mainly the upper extremities and head. Essential tremor responds to treatment with primidone, beta-blockers, and benzodiazepines. Parkinson''s disease causes a 4- to 6-Hz resting tremor in the arms and legs that responds to the use of anticholinergics and a combination of carbidopa and levodopa. Tremor can also be a manifestation of Wilson''s disease, lesions of the cerebellum and midbrain, peripheral neuropathy, trauma, alcohol, and conversion disorders. Treatment should be directed to the underlying condition. Stereotactic thalamotomy of thalamic stimulation is a last resort.  相似文献   

Investigation of a patient presenting with evidence of a pituitary tumour has three main objectives: investigation of any hormonal hypersecretion; assessment of residual pituitary function, and examination of any mass effect of the tumour. A prolactin-secreting adenoma is often easily diagnosed by performance of a basal prolactin level. Biochemical assessment to exclude acromegaly or Cushing's disease should only be performed if clinically indicated. The standard investigations for acromegaly consist of establishing the degree of growth hormone (GH) suppression following a glucose load and estimating the basal insulin-like growth factor-I level. Before detailed investigation for Cushing's disease is initiated, the presence of Cushing's syndrome must be established. The second requirement is to determine the presence of any pituitary hyposecretion. Whilst the remainder of pituitary function can be assessed by baseline hormonal estimations, the evaluation of ACTH and GH secretion necessitates dynamic function testing. Lastly, the impact of the mass itself requires careful examination. Both neuroradiology, preferably magnetic resonance imaging at a centre specialized in examination of the pituitary fossa, and careful detailed clinical examination of the visual fields should be performed. The follow-up requirements in an individual patient are affected by a number of factors including the size and nature of the underlying tumour and any treatment administered. In patients with a hormone-secreting tumour, the hormone levels themselves provide a 'tumour marker' to aid follow-up. An important caveat, however, is that on some occasions tumour size and hormone levels do not change in parallel. Patients who have undergone pituitary surgery should have dynamic assessment of pituitary function performed approximately 6 weeks after surgery. There is no reason to suspect any further impairment of pituitary function after this date. In direct contrast, pituitary hormone deficiencies after radiotherapy are unlikely less than 6 months after treatment. Patients should undergo testing of pituitary reserve at 6 months, and then at yearly intervals for at least 10 years after radiotherapy, if they have not already developed panhypopituitarism. Even after this period, if patients develop new symptoms the possibility of further pituitary hormone deficits should be considered. Neuroradiology should be performed approximately 6 weeks to 3 months after surgery. If radiotherapy is not administered, neuroradiology should be performed yearly for at least 10 years. If the patient has received radiotherapy, tumour recurrence is much less likely and therefore in these individuals neuroradiology does not need to be performed with such regularity. In conclusion, when planning the investigation and follow-up of an individual patient, one should take into account the size and characteristics of the tumour, as well as the treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Finland was the first country in which brain death was legally accepted. Since 1975, 37 cases of brain death had been recorded in a university hospital in Finland, and these were reviewed. The cause for brain death was intracranial bleeding in 32 cases, other cerebrovascular disorder in two, and intracranial neoplasm in three. In 21 brain death was diagnosed clinically. In 16 cases confirmatory investigations (electroencephalography, cerebral angiography) were needed. After brain death had been established artificial support was withdrawn in 15 patients and organ transplantation was carried out in 10. In 12 patients, however, diagnosis of brain death did not influence management, though the heart stopped beating on average 25 hours after diagnosis. The Finnish criteria for brain death seem to be reliable and suitable for routine use.  相似文献   

Intravenous thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) caused a 6.5-fold increase in plasma prolactin (PRL) in rats carrying implanted pituitary tumours. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) had no effect, but TRH given after VIP raised TRH stimulated secretion 13-fold above basal. 31P NMR spectroscopy showed that VIP caused a decrease in high energy metabolites (depleted phosphocreatine, elevated inorganic phosphate and lowered intracellular pH). TRH alone caused a similar but smaller effect; given after VIP, it caused no detectable depletion. We suggest that the changes in high energy metabolite concentrations reflect increased cellular energy consumption consistent with a priming process (stage 1) in PRL secretion, followed by hormone release (stage 2). VIP induces stage 1 whereas RTH induced both stages.  相似文献   

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