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The Q cycle mechanism of thebc 1 complex requires two quinone reaction centers, the hydroquinone oxidation (QP) and the quinone reduction (QN) center. These sites can be distinguished by the specific binding of inhibitors to either of them. A substantial body of information about the hydroquinone oxidation site has been provided by the analysis of the binding of QP site inhibitors to thebc 1 complex in different redox states and to preparations depleted of lipid or protein components as well as by functional studies with mutantbc 1 complexes selected for resistance toward the inhibitors. The reaction site is formed by at least five protein segments of cytochromeb and parts of the iron-sulfur protein. At least two different binding sites for QP site inhibitors could be detected, one for the methoxyacrylate-type inhibitors binding predominantly to cytochromeb, the other for the chromone-type inhibitors and hydroxyquinones binding predominantly to the iron-sulfur protein. The interactions with the protein segments, between different protein segments, and between protein and ligands (substrate, inhibitors) are discussed in detail and a working model of the QP pocket is proposed.  相似文献   

Clinical trials have demonstrated the importance of aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy in the effective treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancers. Yet, as with all prolonged drug therapy, resistance to aromatase inhibitors does develop. To date, the precise mechanism responsible for resistance to aromatase inhibitors is not completely understood. In this paper, several mechanisms of de novo/intrinsic resistance and acquired resistance to AIs are discussed. These mechanisms are hypothesized based on important findings from a number of laboratories.

To better understand this question, our lab has generated, in vitro, breast cancer cell lines that are resistant to aromatase inhibitors. Resistant cell lines were generated over a prolonged period of time using the MCF-7aro (aromatase overexpressed) breast cancer line. These cell lines are resistant to the aromatase inhibitors letrozole, anastrozole and exemestane and the anti-estrogen tamoxifen, for comparison. Two types of resistant cell lines have been generated, those that grow in the presence of testosterone (T) which is needed for cell growth, and resistant lines that are cultured in the presence of inhibitor only (no T). In addition to functional characterization of aromatase and ER in these resistant cell lines, microarray analysis has been employed in order to determine differential gene expression within the aromatase inhibitor resistant cell lines versus tamoxifen, in order to better understand the mechanism responsible for AI resistance on a genome-wide scale. We anticipate that our studies will generate important information on the mechanisms of AI resistance. Such information can be valuable for the development of treatment strategies against AI-resistant breast cancers.  相似文献   

In this study, the explanations of two classes of 10-year old children about what happens to the food that they eat were explored, particularly in the context of theories about the development of children's concepts of the human body. These ideas were investigated in a number of ways: obtaining children's own writing and drawings; semi-structured individual interviews; and examining choices made between alternative explanations. The results suggested that children applied their knowledge of everyday materials to understand the initial stages of what happens to food, but their ideas about later stages were more tentative and within the group there was a range of different kinds of explanation preferred. The limitations and achievements of the children's thinking are considered in the context of the school curriculum.  相似文献   

What do we know about the secretion and degradation of incretin hormones?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) are secreted from endocrine cells located in the intestinal mucosa, and act to enhance meal-induced insulin secretion. GIP and GLP-1 concentrations in the plasma rise rapidly after food ingestion, and the presence of unabsorbed nutrients in the intestinal lumen is a strong stimulus for their secretion. Nutrients can stimulate release of both hormones by direct contact with the K-cell (GIP) and L-cell (GLP-1), and this may be the most important signal. However, nutrients also stimulate GLP-1 and GIP secretion indirectly via other mechanisms. Incretin hormone secretion can be modulated neurally, with cholinergic muscarinic, beta-adrenergic and peptidergic (gastrin-releasing peptide, GRP) fibres generally having positive effects, while secretion is restrained by alpha-adrenergic and somatostatinergic fibres. Hormonal factors may also influence incretin hormone secretion. Somatostatin exerts a local inhibitory effect on the activity of both K- and L-cells via a paracrine mechanism, while, in rodents at least, GIP from the proximal intestine has a stimulatory effect on GLP-1 secretion, possibly mediated via a neural loop involving GRP. Once they have been released, both GLP-1 and GIP are subject to rapid degradation. The ubiquitous enzyme, dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) cleaves N-terminally, removing a dipeptide and thereby inactivating both peptides, because the N-terminus is crucial for receptor binding. Subsequently, the peptides may be degraded by other enzymes and extracted in an organ-specific manner. The intact peptides are inactivated during passage across the hepatic bed and further metabolised by the peripheral tissues, while the kidney is important for the final elimination of the metabolites.  相似文献   

Aims As part of an initiative to improve and standardise our discharge summaries, we investigated the preferences of general practitioners (GPs) with regards to the information provided in summaries.Method Our study methods included sending a questionnaire to all GPs in our area gathering their views on what information to include in discharge summaries on first and on subsequent inpatient episodes.Results The response rate was 68%. Most GPs wanted a comprehensive first discharge summary, particularly stressing the importance of practical information. Subsequent discharge summaries could exclude case histories.Clinical implications Contrary to previous studies indicating a demand for brief reports, this survey indicates that the GPs surveyed value considerable detail in adult psychiatry discharge summaries. It is important to include these views in setting standards for the auditing process and before implementing changes.  相似文献   

Vocational trainees in the West Midlands who were in their general practice year were sent a postal questionnaire to find out whether there were important differences between the criteria for training of the 1986 West Midland postgraduate education committee (based on national recommendations) and the perceptions of the trainees of their current trainers and practices. The response rate was 86.2% (75 out of 87). Sixty four per cent (48) of trainees reported that they received on average less than the recommended minimum of three hours of teaching time a week. They felt that experience was inadequate in paediatric surveillance (62.7%) and preventive medical care (37.3%). Most trainers gave topic teaching (90.7%), and few used role play (5%). Most of the trainees (52%) had not signed a contract, a third did not get help with recommended allowances, and 37% thought that their progress had not been reviewed. Several trainees commented on the excellence of their training practices, and most of the practices appeared to be keeping to the spirit of the recommendations. There are, however, discrepancies between what some trainees feel they receive and what is recommended.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis is complex in genetics, pathogenesis, monitoring and treatment. Current treatment of osteoarthritis does not influence progression. Much could be gained by more effective 'low-tech-low-cost' treatment. However, many patients have rapidly progressive disease, multiple joint involvement, and severe disease. We need to clarify the genetics of osteoarthritis, identify those at risk for progression and severe disease, and identify molecular processes critical for joint survival and failure. Will saving the cartilage improve patient pain and function? Effective outcome measures are needed to accelerate testing of new treatments. Further improvement is needed in joint implant technology to decrease costs, wear and loosening.  相似文献   

The present review focuses on what is known of basic serotonin physiology in the human body. Here, we describe serotonin biochemistry and metabolism and summarize the results of studies that have contributed significantly to our understanding of serotonin physiology. We report the well-established role of serotonin in cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and circulatory physiology. Emphasis is placed on the role of serotonin in peripheral physiological systems rather than in the central nervous system. A brief overview is provided on the emerging role of serotonin in novel areas such as bone pathways and glucose uptake. We also report a select few animal studies and animal models that have provided worthwhile contributions to the understanding of serotonin in human physiology. In addition, we summarize the results of large-scale genetic studies on serotonin and serotonin transporter genes, performed in relation to behavioral and mood disorders.  相似文献   

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