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We have evaluated a two-tier neonatal cystic fibrosis (CF) screening of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) followed by CFTR gene mutation analysis using a systematic scanning of exons 7, 10, and 11, and, if necessary, by direct DNA sequencing. Over an 18-month period we screened 32,300 neonates born in the western part of Britanny. The first tier, involving IRT screening at 3 days of age, utilizes a low elevation of the trypsinogen level (600 ng/ml), which is highly sensitive. The second tier, which corresponds to the exhaustive screening for mutations in three exons of the gene, is highly specific for this population (Britanny). The false positive rate is very low, and no false negatives have been reported to date. This strategy has allowed the identification of five novel alleles (V322A, V317A, 1806 del A, R553G, G544S). Moreover the test can be adapted to other countries in which the distribution of mutations is established.  相似文献   

Population screening for cystic fibrosis.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Carrier screening for cystic fibrosis.   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

OBJECTIVES--To monitor the implementation of a programme of health surveillance for preschool children and measure its effect on child health. DESIGN--Regular reporting to primary care teams of their own performance, and determining the overall effect of the programme on children in the district. SETTING--All practices in Northumberland health district. SUBJECTS--All children of preschool age in Northumberland (3600 births each year). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Proportion of eligible children immunised and screened for abnormalities. Age at diagnosis of congenital deafness, cerebral palsy, and special educational needs. RESULTS--Over 90% of eligible children were covered by the health surveillance scheme. Child health improved over the four years after the scheme was implemented. Uptake of immunisation against measles rose from 68% to 93% of eligible children, and the average age at which congenital deafness was diagnosed fell to 9 months. CONCLUSIONS--Maintaining the effectiveness of a surveillance programme and reporting this back to primary health care teams are processes which themselves improve health.  相似文献   

The cloning of the CFTR gene has made it technically possible to avert the unwanted birth of a child with cystic fibrosis (CF). Several large trials offering prenatal CF carrier screening suggest that such screening is practical and that identified carriers generally use the information obtained. Therefore, a critical question is whether the cost of such screening is justified. Decision analysis was performed that used information about choices that pregnant women were observed to make at each stage in the Rochester prenatal carrier-screening trial. The cost of screening per CF birth voluntarily averted was estimated to be $1,320,000-$1,400,000. However, the lifetime medical cost of the care of a CF child in today's dollars was estimated to be slightly>$1,000,000. Therefore, despite both the high cost of carrier testing and the relative infrequency of CF conceptions in the general population, the averted medical-care cost resulting from choices freely made are estimated to offset approximately 74%-78% of the costs of a screening program. At present, if it is assumed that a pregnancy terminated because of CF is replaced, the marginal cost for prenatal CF carrier screening is estimated to be $8,290 per quality-adjusted life-year. This value compares favorably with that of many accepted medical services. The cost of prenatal CF carrier screening could fall to equal the averted costs of CF patient care if the cost of carrier testing were to fall to $100.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To estimate the cost effectiveness of different antenatal screening programmes for cystic fibrosis. SETTING--Antenatal clinics and general practices in the United Kingdom. DESIGN--Four components of the screening process were identified: information giving, DNA testing, genetic counselling, and prenatal diagnosis. The component costs were derived from the literature and from a pilot screening study in Yorkshire. The cost of a given screening programme was then obtained by summing the components according to the specific screening strategy adopted (sequential and couple), the proportion of carriers detected by the DNA test, and the uptake of screening. Baseline assumptions were made about the proportion with missing information on carrier status from previous pregnancies (20%), the proportion changing partners between pregnancies (20%), and the uptake of prenatal diagnosis (100%). Sensitivity analysis was performed by varying these assumptions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Cost per affected pregnancy detected. RESULTS--Under the baseline assumptions sequential screening costs between pounds 40,000 and pounds 90,000 per affected pregnancy detected, depending on the carrier detection rate and uptake. Couple screening was more expensive, ranging from pounds 46,000 to pounds 104,000. From the sensitivity analysis a 10% change in the assumed proportion with missing information from a previous pregnancy alters the cost by pounds 4000; a 10% change in the proportion with new partners has a similar effect but only for couple screening; and cost will change directly in proportion to the uptake of prenatal diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS--While economic analysis cannot determine screening policy, the paper provides the NHS with the information on cost effectiveness needed to inform decisions on the introduction of a screening service for cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

We performed two studies using only written and video materials to educate people about cystic fibrosis (CF) and carrier screening. Participants were randomized to receive written or video materials. All received a brief questionnaire. Subjects in group I (n = 238) were (1) individuals in steady relationships and their partners, (2) > or = 18 years old, and (3) not pregnant. Those who accepted free screening and were not demonstrable carriers were sent a letter explaining their results and another questionnaire. Subjects in group II (n = 108) were parents seeking well child care in a university clinic. The main outcome measures were ability to answer questions correctly about (1) health status of CF carriers and people with CF, (2) the possibility of false-negative results, and (3) for those who had screening, the implications of their own results. Written and video materials were equally effective in conveying information. Prior to screening, subjects answered an average of 86% of questions correctly. Subjects with less formal education answered fewer questions correctly; 60% of those with less than a high school education had adequate knowledge of the health consequences of having CF or being a carrier, compared with > or = 94% of college graduates. Performance improved after screening. Where neither partner was a demonstrable carrier, 88% knew their own and their partner's test results, and 90% indicated that their risk of having a child with CF was not zero. Written and video educational materials can be used without face-to-face counseling to inform most people about carrier screening and their test results. These materials may be less effective for those with lower educational backgrounds.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of cystic fibrosis using linked DNA markers.   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Genetic linkage has been analyzed between cystic fibrosis (CF) and a number of markers on the long arm of chromosome 7, including D7S15, COL1A2, PON, MET, D7S8, and TCRB, using a cohort of 47 Canadian and 13 Danish CF families. The analysis confirms the previous observations that both MET and D7S8 are closely linked to CF. Based on the result from one family, MET appears to be more proximal to the centromere than CF. Our analysis also suggests that genetic heterogeneity may account for the high recombination fraction between CF and D7S8 observed in another family. In addition, a strong linkage disequilibrium has been observed between CF and the two closely flanking markers.  相似文献   

Over a two-year period, 3479 pregnant women in the Kings'' Lynn Health District were screened for neural tube defects by estimation of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein. Most pregnancies were scanned by sonar for fetal maturity. Eight women had fetuses with open neural tube defects; four with anencephaly were associated with very high alpha-fetoprotein values. Of the four with open neural tube defects without anencephaly, only one was detected by screening and confirmed after amniocentesis. One other had a raised serum alpha-fetoprotein but a normal amniotic fluid value. The other two affected fetuses were missed. This disappointing outcome was attributed to the poor predictive value of alpha-fetoprotein in detecting open neural tube defects (anencephaly apart) rather than to errors in its estimation or in assessment of fetal maturity by sonar scan. We question the validity of screening, particularly in areas of intermediate or low incidence.  相似文献   

Because standard techniques used to detect mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene do not detect single or multiple exonic rearrangements, the importance of such rearrangements may be underestimated. Using an in-house developed, single-tube, semi-quantitative fluorescent PCR (SQF PCR) assay, we analyzed 36 DNA samples submitted for extensive CFTR sequencing and identified ten samples with rearrangements. Of 36 patients with classic CF, 10 (28%) harbored various deletions in the CFTR gene, accounting for 14% of CF chromosomes. A deletion encompassing the CFTR promoter and exons 1 and 2 was detected in a sample from one proband, and in the maternal DNA as well. In another family, a deletion of the promoter and exon 1 was detected in three siblings. In both of these cases, the families were African American and the 3120+1G>A splice site mutation was also identified. These promoter deletions have not been previously described. In a third case, a deletion of exons 17a, 17b, and 18 was identified in a Caucasian female and the same mutation was detected in the paternal DNA. In the other seven cases, we identified the following deletions: exons 2 and 3 (n=2); exons 4, 5, and 6a; exons 17a and 17b; exons 22 and 23; and exons 22, 23, and 24 (n=2). In our series, the frequency of CFTR rearrangements in classic CF patients, when only one mutation was identified by extensive DNA sequencing, was >60% (10/16). Screening for exon deletions and duplications in the CFTR gene would be beneficial in classic CF cases, especially when only one mutation is identified by standard methodologies. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To perform a rigorous comparative evaluation of stepwise and couple approaches to antenatal carrier screening for cystic fibrosis. DESIGN--Pragmatic randomised trial. SETTING--Hospital antenatal clinic serving a regional population. SUBJECTS--2002 women (couples) attending for booking antenatal visit at less than 17 weeks'' gestation with no family history of cystic fibrosis. INTERVENTIONS--Offering counselling and carrier testing for cystic fibrosis, either to women in the first instance (stepwise) or to couples (couple screening). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Uptake rates; anxiety; knowledge of cystic fibrosis and carrier status (both partners); attitudes to health, pregnancy, the baby, and screening (both partners); and uptake of carrier testing by relatives. RESULTS--Uptake of screening was the same for both approaches (90%). After delivery most women remembered test results and their meaning, but 53/253 (21%) of those with negative results of couple testing had forgotten that repeat testing would be advisable if they had a pregnancy with a new partner. With stepwise screening women identified as carriers had high levels of anxiety when results were received (mean anxiety score 52.3). This dissipated with a reassuring partner''s result (carriers'' mean anxiety score 36.1) to levels similar to those receiving negative results from couple screening. Of those receiving negative results, women who had stepwise screening were significantly less anxious than those who had couple screening (mean score with result 32.1 v 35.4, 95% confidence interval for difference -4.7 to -2.1). CONCLUSIONS--Couple screening allows carriers to avoid transient high levels of anxiety, but is associated with more anxiety and false reassurance among most screenees who will test negative. Stepwise screening gives carriers and their relatives genetic information and is, in our opinion, the better method.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the delivery and acceptability of antenatal couple screening for cystic fibrosis. Carrier status was notified only when both members of a partnership had cystic fibrosis alleles and therefore a one in four risk of having an affected child. DESIGN--Mouthwash samples were tested when both partners participated. Results were returned only to positive couples. SETTING--Two large maternity hospitals in Edinburgh. SUBJECTS--Screening was offered to all couples who booked at one of the two hospitals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--(a) The take up of screening, carriers and carrier couples identified, take up of prenatal diagnosis, and numbers of affected fetuses detected; (b) questionnaire measures of patient satisfaction and stress. RESULTS--Screening was offered to 8536 couples. 714 (8.4%) were regarded as ineligible, usually because of late booking or absence of a partner. 1900 (24.3%) of the remainder declined screening. Among the 5922 screened couples, four tested positive--that is, both partners were cystic fibrosis heterozygotes. All four elected to have prenatal diagnosis. There were three terminations of pregnancy because of an affected fetus, one couple having two successive pregnancies with affected fetuses. The participation rate was 76% for eligible couples (5922/7822) and 69% for all couples (5922/8536). Only 89 screened couples (1.5%) requested information on individual carrier status. No anxiety was detected among a cohort of the screened population, and 99% of questioned participants expressed satisfaction with the concept of couple screening. CONCLUSIONS--Antenatal couple screening is a satisfactory and acceptable way of screening for cystic fibrosis and has been adopted as routine in the two trial hospitals.  相似文献   

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