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The defensive secretion of the harvestman Camarana flavipalpi (Gonyleptidae) was chemically characterized, revealing the presence of a single, highly volatile component (2-methyl-5-ethyl-phenol). Individuals do not frequently use chemical defenses and rely mainly on thanatosis as defense. Two types of emission of secretions were recorded: a globule at the gland opening without liquid displacement and liquid displacement along the lateral margins of the dorsal scute with accumulation of fluid at the lateroposterior area of the body. The anterior opening of the ozopore is covered by an integumentary dome that faces the laterodorsal area of the scute. The lateral channel is well defined near the opening of the ozopore and along the lateral margin of the dorsal scute as rows of small granules. The ozopore morphology of C. flavipalpi is similar to closely related species and simplified when compared with other species that promptly release chemical secretions.  相似文献   

The arachnids of the order Opiliones (harvestmen) have a pair of scent glands opening at the sides of the body, the substances of which are used in defense. Several types of behavioral, morphological and chemical defensive mechanisms have been assigned to the order as a whole, although some of these tactics were restricted to particular groups. Only around 25 species have been studied from this perspective so far. In the present paper, we analyzed 33 species (mostly from the largest harvestmen family, the Gonyleptidae) aiming at recognizing the usefulness of the defensive characters in taxonomy and evolutionary biology. We observed the morphology of the gland opening (ozopore) area and the defensive behavior, and their relationship, and mapped these traits on an available phylogenetic hypothesis of relationship within Gonyleptidae. As outgroups, we analyzed Cosmetidae and Stygnidae. Combining the observed behavioral characters of the emission of defensive secretion (near the ozopore, with liquid displacement through an integumentary groove, or in form of a jet) with the morphological types of the gland opening (direction of the integumentary dome that surrounds the gland opening, presence of two openings and the relationship between their sizes, and presence of a V-shaped cut at the anterior opening), we recognized eight patterns. In addition, we could examine the evolution of such traits within Gonyleptidae.  相似文献   

Inferences about the evolution of defensive strategies in tiger beetles (genus Cicindela) have been contentious, largely due to the lack of a phylogenetic hypothesis for the group. We used a dataset that includes measures of chemical defense, habitat association, and body coloration for a representative sample of North American Cicindela (Pearson et al. 1988) to reassess, within a phylogenetic context, the problem of covariation in defensive strategies. We reconstructed a phylogenetic hypothesis from mtDNA for a total of 44 Cicindela and seven outgroup taxa using 1896 base pairs from three segments of the mitochondrial genome. Characters involved in predator deterrence and escape were optimized onto this phylogeny. Although most taxa producing large amounts of benzaldehyde fall into two monophyletic clades, numerous changes in the level of benzaldehyde secretion across the genus suggest that this parameter is poorly conserved phylogenetically. In contrast to previous studies, we also found little support for correlated character changes in benzaldehyde secretion and habitat type, a presumed indicator of the selective regime. Aposematic coloration of the abdomen was restricted to a single monophyletic group of taxa producing large amounts of benzaldehyde. Bright iridescent coloration, implicated in predator evasion during flight, was only loosely correlated with the phylogenetic affinities of taxa and appears to be part of a defensive strategy not usually acting in combination with chemical defenses. Our study of character covariation clarifies earlier analyses of the adaptive significance of benzaldehyde defense, which were inconclusive without a phylogenetic hypothesis.  相似文献   

Arachnids of the order Opiliones (harvestmen), which includes around 6000 specìes, have a pair of scent glands that open at the sides of the body, producing substances used as defence. Several types of behavioural, morphological and chemical defensive mechanisms have been identified in the order as a whole, although some of these tactics were restricted to particular groups. Only around 60 species have been studied from this perspective so far, more than half of which belong to the largest harvestman family within the order Laniatores, the Gonyleptidae, and have only recently been studied in an evolutionary perspective, showing the usefulness of defensive characters in taxonomy and evolutionary biology. Within Laniatores, the Grassatores clade includes the Gonyleptidae and 20 additional families, mostly poorly or not previously studied. We describe the morphology of the structures involved in fluid displacement during chemical defence in 15 of these families (data on two additional families are available from the literature) and discuss the evolution of such traits based on an available phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships within Grassatores, using the representatives of Triaenonychidae (a non‐Grassatores family of Laniatores) for comparison. We conclude that most non‐gonyleptoid Grassatores share (maybe plesiomorphically) a series of characteristics, mostly strongly different from what is observed within the gonyleptoids, and that smaller groups seem to share diagnostic features related to chemical defence, as is the case of stygnids, cosmetids and triaenonychines, and especially of manaosbiids and cranaids, whose defensive morphologies largely resemble those of derived gonyleptids. The following main synapomorphies were detected: (a) Grassatores: the presence of a deep and well‐defined descending channel; (b) Samooidea+Zalmoxoidea+Assamioidea+Gonyleptoidea: lateral pegs along the lateral channel; (c) Samooidea+Zalmoxoidea: deep channels forming an H on the dorsal scute; (d) Gonyleptoidea: ozopore cutting dorsally (reversing in Agoristenidae and Stygnidae to a laterally placed oval ozopore), a wide and smooth lateral channel, reversing to a lateral channel whose bottom is covered with either small plates (Agoristenidae) or high tubercles (Stygnidae), and apophyses of coxa II close to or covering the ozopore.  相似文献   

The morphological organization and functional anatomy of prosomal defensive (scent) glands in Paranemastoma quadripunctatum, a representative of the dyspnoid harvestmen, was investigated by means of histological semithin sections, software‐based 3D‐reconstruction and scanning electron microscopy. Scent glands comprise large, hollow sacs on either side of the prosoma, each of these opening to the outside via one orifice (ozopore) immediately above coxa I. In contrast to the situation known from laniatorean, cyphophthalmid and some eupnoid Opiliones, ozopores are not exposed but hidden in a depression (atrium), formed by a dorsal integumental fold of the carapace and the dorsal parts of coxae I. Glandular sacs are connected to ozopores via a short duct which is equipped with a specific closing mechanism in its distal part: A layer of modified epidermal cells forms a kind of pad‐like tissue, surrounding the duct like a valve. Several muscles attached to the anterior parts of the glandular reservoir and to the epithelial pad may be associated with ozopore‐opening. The actual mechanism of secretion discharge seems to be highly unusual and may be hypothesized on the basis of corroborating data from behavioral observations, scent gland anatomy and secretion chemistry as follows: Enteric fluid is considered to be directed towards the ozopores via cuticular grooves in the surface of the coxapophyses of legs I. Then, the fluid is sucked into the anterior part of the scent gland reservoirs by the action of dorsal dilator muscles that widen the reservoir and produce a short‐term negative pressure. After dilution/solution of the naphthoquinone‐rich scent gland contents, a secretion‐loaded fluid is thought to be discharged with the help of transversal compressor muscles. This is the first detailed study on the functional anatomy of scent glands and the mechanisms of secretion discharge in the Dyspnoi. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ozopores of cosmetid harvestmen rest upon lateral projections of the carapace, have simple or highly reduced channels, and are partially obscured by enlarged dorsal processes associated with coxae I and II. Rather than use scent gland secretions to form a chemical shield on the dorsum, the cosmetid harvestman exhibits a unique defensive behavior known as “leg dabbing” in which the distal tip of tarsus I or II is dipped into fluid that accumulate at the base of coxa II and the droplet on the tarsus is pointed toward the predator. Relatively little is known about interspecific variation in ozopore morphology among cosmetid harvestmen. In this study, we used scanning electron microscopy to examine the ozopores of males and females of nine species as well as those of antepenultimate nymphs for two species. Among adults, we found differences between species in the shapes of the ozopores (round or subtriangular), the morphology of the dorsal and lateral channels (if present), and the relative size, shape and armature of the dorsal posterior process (dpp) of coxa I and the dorsal anterior process (dap) of coxa II. Our observations suggest that the morphology of dpp I and dap II could be sources for systematic characters in future phylogenetic studies of the Cosmetidae. We observed ontogenetic differences but relatively little intersexual variation in the morphology of the ozopore. The ozopores of nymphs are generally more oval than those of adults and the opening of the ozopore of the nymph is less obstructed, if at all, by the dorsal coxal processes of legs I–II. These morphological differences suggest that nymphs may use scent gland secretions in a manner different from that of adults.  相似文献   

The invasion success of exotic species has been frequently correlated to abiotic and biotic features of the receptor region and to the biological aspects of the invasive organism. There is, however, no information about defensive chemicals found in invasive species as strategy that could promote or facilitate an invasion in a marine environment. We conducted experimental field assays to verify the potential of secondary metabolites of an Indo-Pacific exotic soft coral, Stereonephthya aff. curvata, as a defensive chemical against generalist fish and as an allelopathic agent against the potential local competitor-the gorgonian Phyllogorgia dilatata-in Arraial do Cabo, on the southeastern coast of Brazil. As a result of our experiments, it was confirmed as an efficient chemical defense against fishes by crude coral hexanic extract. In addition to its role as defense against consumers, the field experimental assay also verified that chemicals from this exotic coral had an allelopatic effect causing large necrosis on tissues of the Brazilian endemic gorgonian P. dilatata. Both defensive strategies observed may facilitate the perpetuation and/or expansion and characterize an expressive, invasive facilitator for S. aff. curvata. The obtained results indicate that this exotic coral species may be a real threat to the biological integrity of the Arraial do Cabo Harvest Reserve, Rio de Janeiro. In addition, the study reveals that defensive chemicals can be used to predict the potential invasiveness of introduced species.  相似文献   

The mutillid wasp Dasymutilla occidentalis possesses several adaptations and exhibits a number of responses wich appear to be of defensive value: a long mobile sting with powerful venom; a strong, rounded and slippery cuticle; an ability to run very rapidly and evasively; an aposematic warning coloration pattern; and the ability to respond to an attack by making stridulatory sounds and by releasing a chemical secretion or both. The effectiveness of these defenses is supported by tests utilizing various vertebrate and arthropod predators. The raison d'être of the multiple lines of defense possessed by D. occidentalis and the relative value of each line of defense are discussed. It is postulated that aposematic coloration, audible stridulation, and a volatile defensive exudate all function primarily as part of an early warning system enabling a predator to recognize this wasp-with its very algogenic venom-as unpalatable and potentially dangerous.
Zusammenfassung Die Mutillide Wespe Dasymutilla occidentalis besitzt verschiedene Anpassungen und zeigt eine Anzahl von Reaktionen, die für die Verteidigung von Wert sind: ein langer, beweglicher Stachel mit starkem Gift, eine starke, runde und glatte Kutikula, die Möglichkeit, sehr schnell und ausweichend zu laufen sowie ein aposematisches Warn-Farben-Muster. Desweiteren ist sie fähig, einem Angriff mit einem knisternden Ton entgegenzutreten sowie ein chemisches Sekret abzugeben oder auch beides. Im Labor durchgeführte Zusammenstöße zwischen vertebraten und invertebraten Räubern und D. occidentalis beweisen klar den Wert der ganzen Anzahl von Verteidigungsmechanismen für die Wespe.Diese Zusammenstöße liefern auch einen Einblick in die raison d'être der vielseitigen Verteidigung. die stärkere Kutikula und ihre Glätte, Haupteigenschaften zum überleben gegen Räuber, funktionieren gleichzeitig mit dem Stich zum Schutz gegen Vertebraten und mit schneller Fluchtmöglichkeit zum Schutz gegen die meisten Invertebraten. Das akustische Geräusch scheint eine Hilfsverteidigung zu sein wenigstens gegen einige Spinnen und vermutlich auch gegen einige Vertebraten. Die chemische Sekretion, die hauptsächlich aus 4-methyl-3-heptanon besteht, scheint möglicherweise direkten Verteidigungswert gegen einige Eidechsen zu haben und funktioniert höchstwahrscheinlich hauptsächlich im Zusammenhang mit der roten und schwarzen aposematischen Färbung und dem knisternden Ton als vielseitiges Warnsystem, das fähig ist, durch Signalisieren allen potentiellen vertebraten Räubern mitzuteilen, daß dieses Insekt ungenießbar ist.

The Caribbean cirratulid polychaete, Cirriformia punctata (Grube, 1856), is bright orange and burrows just below the surface of fine carbonate sand with only its filamentous tentacles and gills exposed to potential predators. In addition to its conspicuous coloration, C. punctata lacks obvious structural and morphological defenses. We hypothesized that C. punctata protects itself from predation using secondary metabolites as a chemical defense. Feeding bioassays were performed using whole worms to determine palatability against two generalist coral reef predators: the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum, and the brown anemone, Aiptasia sp. Additionally, assays were conducted with hermit crabs of the genus Paguristes, but with limited success. In all assays, C. punctata was unpalatable to consumers. The tentacles and body of the worm were separately assayed using T. bifasciatum to determine whether the defensive mechanism was differentially allocated to body regions that are differently exposed to potential predators. Both the tentacles and body of C. punctata were unpalatable to T. bifasciatum, indicating no specific allocation of defenses. Crude organic extracts of whole C. punctata were unpalatable to T. bifasciatum, confirming that the worm defense is chemical rather than morphological. Chemical defenses of Cirriformia spp. appear to be generally effective against taxonomically diverse potential consumers.  相似文献   

Summary The nudibranch molluscMelibe leonina is repellant to some seastars and fish, but not to crab predators. Distinctive subepidermal glands, which are particularly abundant within the cerata and dorsal wall of the oral hood, can be easily seen within the translucent body wall of this slug. The glands can be individually discharged by touching the overlying epidermis and the collected secretion is repugnant to seasters. Ultrastructural analysis reveals that each repugnatorial gland is composed of two types of secretory cell encased by cross-striated muscle. Storage of secretory product within a single, large, intracellular vacuole and cytological features of the muscle investment are consistent with a rapid, all-or-none secretion event, as observed in live tissue. The secretory cells empty into a short duct that opens by a pore. The pore is surrounded by ciliated sensory cells that probably act as mechanoreceptors triggering gland discharge. I argue that one of the two secretory cells releases defensive chemical, whereas the second may produce a protein-rich mucin.  相似文献   

Aposematic (warning) coloration is a highly conspicuous trait that is found throughout the animal kingdom. In several aposematic species, warning signals have been co-opted for use in conspecific communication systems; for example, in the toxic and bright orange Solarte population of the strawberry poison frog (Oophaga [Dendrobates] pumilio), the brightness of male warning coloration serves as a sexual signal by both attracting females and repelling rivals. Here, we investigate correlations between bright male warning coloration and several physiological characteristics (e.g., circulating testosterone and carotenoids and noxious alkaloids in the skin), to gain insights into the mechanisms underlying the signal variation in this population and to inform hypotheses regarding the evolutionary stability of this trait. We find that although measures of male brightness (viewer-dependent or viewer-independent) do not correlate with two classic correlates of sexually selected traits (circulating testosterone and aggregate carotenoids in the skin), male reflectance does show a positive correlation with concentrations of two xanthophyll carotenoids. Total reflectance (a viewer-independent measure of male brightness) also shows a negative relationship with aggregate pumiliotoxin in the skin, which is considered one of the major classes of defensive alkaloids in this species. Because the alkaloids used in this species’ chemical defense are acquired from dietary sources, the magnitude of the reflectance intensity of a male’s warning signal can potentially provide viewers with reliable information regarding territory quality, health, and/or current condition.  相似文献   

The attempted infection of a plant by a pathogen, such as a fungus or an Oomycete, may be regarded as a battle whose major weapons are proteins and smaller chemical compounds produced by both organisms. Indeed, plants produce an astonishing plethora of defense compounds that are still being discovered at a rapid pace. This pattern arose from a multi-million year, ping-pong?type co-evolution, in which plant and pathogen successively added new chemical weapons in this perpetual battle. As each defensive innovation was established in the host, new ways to circumvent it evolved in the pathogen. This complex co-evolution process probably explains not only the exquisite specificity observed between many pathogens and their hosts, but also the ineffectiveness or redundancy of some defensive genes which often encode enzymes with overlapping activities. Plants evolved a complex, multi-level series of structural and chemical barriers that are both constitutive or preformed and inducible. These defenses may involve strengthening of the cell wall, hypersensitive response (HR), oxidative burst, phytoalexins and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. The pathogen must successfully overcome these obstacles before it succeeds in causing disease. In some cases, it needs to modulate or modify plant cell metabolism to its own benefit and/or to abolish defense reactions. Central to the activation of plant responses is timely perception of the pathogen by the plant. A crucial role is played by elicitors which, depending on their mode of action, are broadly classified into nonspecific elicitors and highly specific elicitors or virulence effector/avirulence factors. A protein battle for penetration is then initiated, marking the pathogen attempted transition from extracellular to invasive growth before parasitism and disease can be established. Three major types of defense responses may be observed in plants: non-host resistance, host resistance, and host pathogenesis. Plant innate immunity may comprise a continuum from non-host resistance involving the detection of general elicitors to host-specific resistance involving detection of specific elicitors by R proteins. It was generally assumed that non-host resistance was based on passive mechanisms and that nonspecific rejection usually arose as a consequence of the non-host pathogen failure to breach the first lines of plant defense. However, recent evidence has blurred the clear-cut distinction among non-host resistance, host-specific resistance and disease. The same obstacles are also serious challenges for host pathogens, reducing their success rate significantly in causing disease. Indeed, even susceptible plants mount a (insufficient) defense response upon recognition of pathogen elicited molecular signals. Recent evidence suggests the occurrence of significant overlaps between the protein components and signalling pathways of these types of resistance, suggesting the existence of both shared and unique features for the three branches of plant innate immunity.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the pygidial gland on foraging behavior in two ecologically dominant column foraging Nearctic harvesting ants (Messor pergandei and Messor andrei). Using chemical analyses and behavioral tests, we show that n-tridecane is the major biologically active compound of pygidial gland secretions in both species, and that this chemical functions as a powerful alarm-recruitment pheromone. Another major compound of pygidial gland contents is benzaldehyde; this substance does not release behavioral reactions in M. pergandei workers but might function as a defensive secretion. Six solitary foraging Nearctic Messor and two column foraging Palearctic Messor species, did not have large pygidial gland reservoirs.  相似文献   

Social insects possess a rich set of exocrine organs producing diverse pheromones and defensive compounds. This is especially true for termite imagoes, which are equipped with several glands producing, among others, sex pheromones and defensive compounds protecting imagoes during the dispersal flight and colony foundation. Here, we describe the clypeal gland, a new termite exocrine organ occurring in the labro-clypeal region of imagoes of most Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae and Termitidae species. The clypeal gland of Coptotermes testaceus consists of class 1 (modified epidermal cell) and class 3 (bicellular gland unit) secretory cells. Ultrastructural features suggest that the gland secretes volatile compounds and proteins, probably after starting the reproduction. One peculiar feature of the gland is the presence of multiple secretory canals in a single canal cell, a feature never observed before in other insect glands. Although the function of the gland remains unknown, we hypothesize that it could produce secretion signalling the presence of functional reproductives or their need to be fed.  相似文献   

The chemical defences of the Chrysomelinae are reviewed. Defensive glandular secretions have evolved independently in larvae and adults, and faster than the morphology of the glands. Both characters are used in a phylogenetic study of the Chrysomelini, disclosing suprageneric affinities. First, a close relationship between the Chrysomelina and Phratora is proposed. Secondly, Leptinotarsa and Gonioctena are probably more closely related to the Chrysolinina than to the Chrysomelina and Phratora. The qualitative and quantitative composition of larval and adult secretions sometimes differs between geographically isolated populations of the same species, which are therefore probably genetically distinct. The host plant shows an influence which explains discrepancies between the current classification and the chemical nature of the secretions. Some beetles sequester secondary plant metabolites or use them as precursors for their own defences. The original biosynthetic pathway has been lost in these species. Other factors which could affect the chemical diversity of the secretions are discussed: random events such as neutral mutations and genetic drift, conditioning or adaptation of predators to specific defensive mixtures, and the diversity of potential predators. The latter could help to explain the divergence in the chemical nature of the larval and adult secretions. The volatile irritants produced by the larvae are well suited to repel small arthropods, such as ants, whereas poisons associated with aposematic coloration in the adults could be directed against small vertebrates, such as birds.  相似文献   

Velvet ants are a group of parasitic wasps that are well known for a suite of defensive adaptations including bright coloration and a formidable sting. While these adaptations are presumed to function in antipredator defense, observations between potential predators and this group are lacking. We conducted a series of experiments to determine the risk of velvet ants to a host of potential predators including amphibians, reptiles, birds, and small mammals. Velvet ants from across the United States were tested with predator's representative of the velvet ants native range. All interactions between lizards, free‐ranging birds, and a mole resulted in the velvet ants survival, and ultimate avoidance by the predator. Two shrews did injure a velvet ant, but this occurred only after multiple failed attacks. The only predator to successfully consume a velvet ant was a single American toad (Anaxyrus americanus). These results indicate that the suite of defenses possessed by velvet ants, including aposematic coloration, stridulations, a chemical alarm signal, a hard exoskeleton, and powerful sting are effective defenses against potential predators. Female velvet ants appear to be nearly impervious to predation by many species whose diet is heavily derived of invertebrate prey.  相似文献   

The skins of phyllomedusine frogs have long been considered as being tremendously rich sources of bioactive peptides. Previous studies of both peptides and cloning of their precursor encoding cDNAs have relied upon methanolic skin extracts or the dissected skins of recently deceased specimens and have not considered the different glands in isolation. We therefore focused our attention on the tibial gland of the Giant Monkey Frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor and constructed a cDNA library from the skin secretion that was obtained via mechanical stimulation of this macrogland. Using shotgun cloning, four precursors encoding host-defense peptides were identified: two archetypal dermaseptins, a phyllokinin and a phylloseptin that is new for this species but has been recently described from the Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagii. Our study is the first to report defensive peptides specifically isolated from anuran tibial glands, confirming the hypothesis that these glands also contribute to chemical defense. Moreover, the discovery of novel compounds for this otherwise very well characterized species suggests that this largely neglected gland might possess a different cocktail of secretions from glands elsewhere in the same animal. We will also discuss some evolutionary implications of our findings with respect to the adaptive plasticity of secretory glands.  相似文献   

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