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The plant vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) binds proteins carrying vacuolar sorting signals (VSS) of the 'sequence-specific' type (ssVSS) but not the C-terminal, hydrophobic sorting signals (ctVSS). Seeds of Arabidopsis mutants lacking the major VSR isoform, AtVSR1, secrete a proportion of the proteins destined to storage vacuoles. The sorting signals for these proteins are not well defined, but they do not seem to be of the ssVSS type. Here, we tested whether absence of VSR1 in seeds leads to secretion of reporter proteins carrying ssVSS but not ctVSS. Our results show that reporters carrying either ssVSS or ctVSS are equally secreted in the absence of VSR1. We discuss our findings in relation to the current model for vacuolar sorting.  相似文献   

Vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) in Arabidopsis mediate the sorting of soluble proteins to vacuoles in the secretory pathway. The VSRs are post‐translationally modified by the attachment of N‐glycans, but the functional significance of such a modification remains unknown. Here we have studied the role(s) of glycosylation in the stability, trafficking and vacuolar protein transport of AtVSR1 in Arabidopsis protoplasts. AtVSR1 harbors three complex‐type N‐glycans, which are located in the N‐terminal ‘PA domain’, the central region and the C‐terminal epidermal growth factor repeat domain, respectively. We have demonstrated that: (i) the N‐glycans do not affect the targeting of AtVSR1 to pre‐vacuolar compartments (PVCs) and its vacuolar degradation; and (ii) N‐glycosylation alters the binding affinity of AtVSR1 to cargo proteins and affects the transport of cargo into the vacuole. Hence, N‐glycosylation of AtVSR1 plays a critical role in its function as a VSR in plants.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated sorting processes in the secretory pathway of eukaryotic cells rely on mechanisms to recycle the receptors after completion of transport. Based on this principle, plant vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) are thought to recycle after dissociating of receptor–ligand complexes in a pre-vacuolar compartment. This recycling is mediated by retromer, a cytosolic coat complex that comprises sorting nexins and a large heterotrimeric subunit. To analyse retromer-mediated VSR recycling, we have used a combination of immunoelectron and fluorescence microscopy to localize the retromer components sorting nexin 1 (SNX1) and sorting nexin 2a (SNX2a) and the vacuolar sorting protein VPS29p. All retromer components localize to the trans -Golgi network (TGN), which is considered to represent the early endosome of plants. In addition, we show that inhibition of retromer function in vivo by expression of SNX1 or SNX2a mutants as well as transient RNAi knockdown of all sorting nexins led to accumulation of the VSR BP80 at the TGN. Quantitative protein transport studies and live-cell imaging using fluorescent vacuolar cargo molecules revealed that arrival of these VSR ligands at the vacuole is not affected under these conditions. Based on these findings, we propose that the TGN is the location of retromer-mediated recycling of VSRs, and that transport towards the lytic vacuole downstream of the TGN is receptor-independent and occurs via maturation, similar to transition of the early endosome into the late endosome in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

SYP2 proteins are a sub-family of Qa-SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) that may be responsible for protein trafficking between pre-vacuolar compartments (PVC) and vacuoles. Arabidopsis thaliana SYP22/VAM3/SGR3 and SYP21/PEP12 proteins function independently, but are both reported to be essential for male gametophytic viability. Here, we systematically examined the redundancy of three SYP2 paralogs (i.e. SYP21, 22 and 23) using a Col-0 ecotype harboring a SYP2 paralog (SYP23/PLP) that lacked a transmembrane domain. Surprisingly, no visible phenotypes were observed, even in the double knockout syp21/pep12 syp23/plp. Deficiency of either SYP21/PEP12 or SYP23/PLP in the syp22 background resulted in a defect in vacuolar protein sorting, characterized by abnormal accumulation of protein precursors in seeds. SYP21/PEP12 knockdown enhanced the syp22 phenotype (i.e. semi-dwarfism, poor leaf vein development and abnormal development of myrosin cells), and additional knockout of SYP23/PLP further aggravated the phenotype. A GFP-SYP23/PLP fusion localized to the cytosol, but not to the PVC or vacuolar membrane, where SYP21/PEP12 or SYP22/VAM3, respectively, were localized. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed that SYP23/PLP interacted with the vacuolar Qb- and Qc-SNAREs, VTI11 and SYP5, respectively, suggesting that SYP23/PLP is able to form a SNARE complex anchoring the membrane. Unexpectedly, we found that expression of multiple copies of a genomic fragment of SYP23/PLP suppressed the abnormal syp22-3 phenotype. Thus, SYP2 proteins, including cytosolic SYP23/PLP, appear to function redundantly in vacuolar trafficking and plant development.  相似文献   

Barley contains two different isoforms of flavin-containing polyamine oxidase (BPAO1 and BPAO2). We have previously demonstrated that BPAO2 is a symplastic protein in barley leaves. On the contrary, maize polyamine oxidase (MPAO), the best characterized member of this enzyme class, is apoplastic. Comparison of the derived amino-acid sequences of BPAO2 and MPAO has revealed that both precursor proteins include a cleavable N-terminal signal peptide of 25 amino acid residues, but the barley enzyme shows an extra C-terminal extension of eight amino acids. By means of MPAO engineering with BPAO2 C-terminal tail (MPAO-T) and exploiting transient expression in Nicotiana tabacum protoplasts, we demonstrate that this oligopeptide is a signal for protein sorting to the plant vacuole. The vacuolar sorting of MPAO-T was saturable. Specific mutations of the C-terminal tail were constructed to determine which amino acid residues of this novel propeptide affect proper protein sorting. No consensus sequence or common structural determinant is required for the intracellular retention of the MPAO-T protein, but a gradual lowering of the efficiency was observed as a result of progressive deletion of the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Transport of soluble cargo molecules to the lytic vacuole of plants requires vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) to divert transport of vacuolar cargo from the default secretory route to the cell surface. Just as important is the trafficking of the VSRs themselves, a process that encompasses anterograde transport of receptor–ligand complexes from a donor compartment, dissociation of these complexes upon arrival at the target compartment, and recycling of the receptor back to the donor compartment for a further round of ligand transport. We have previously shown that retromer‐mediated recycling of the plant VSR BP80 starts at the trans‐Golgi network (TGN). Here we demonstrate that inhibition of retromer function by either RNAi knockdown of sorting nexins (SNXs) or co‐expression of mutants of SNX1/2a specifically inhibits the ER export of VSRs as well as soluble vacuolar cargo molecules, but does not influence cargo molecules destined for the COPII‐mediated transport route. Retention of soluble cargo despite ongoing COPII‐mediated bulk flow can only be explained by an interaction with membrane‐bound proteins. Therefore, we examined whether VSRs are capable of binding their ligands in the lumen of the ER by expressing ER‐anchored VSR derivatives. These experiments resulted in drastic accumulation of soluble vacuolar cargo molecules in the ER. This demonstrates that the ER, rather than the TGN, is the location of the initial VSR–ligand interaction. It also implies that the retromer‐mediated recycling route for the VSRs leads from the TGN back to the ER.  相似文献   

Using immunogold electron microscopy, we have investigated the relative distribution of two types of vacuolar sorting receptors (VSR) and two different types of lumenal cargo proteins, which are potential ligands for these receptors in the secretory pathway of developing Arabidopsis embryos. Interestingly, both cargo proteins are deposited in the protein storage vacuole, which is the only vacuole present during the bent-cotyledon stage of embryo development. Cruciferin and aleurain do not share the same pattern of distribution in the Golgi apparatus. Cruciferin is mainly detected in the cis and medial cisternae, especially at the rims where storage proteins aggregate into dense vesicles (DVs). Aleurain is found throughout the Golgi stack, particularly in the trans cisternae and trans Golgi network where clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) are formed. Nevertheless, aleurain was detected in both DV and CCV. VSR-At1, a VSR that recognizes N-terminal vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) of the NPIR type, localizes mainly to the trans Golgi and is hardly detectable in DV. Receptor homology-transmembrane-RING H2 domain (RMR), a VSR that recognizes C-terminal VSDs, has a distribution that is very similar to that of cruciferin and is found in DV. Our results do not support a role for VSR-At1 in storage protein sorting, instead RMR proteins because of their distribution similar to that of cruciferin in the Golgi apparatus and their presence in DV are more likely candidates. Aleurain, which has an NPIR motif and seems to be primarily sorted via VSR-At1 into CCV, also possesses putative hydrophobic sorting determinants at its C-terminus that could allow the additional incorporation of this protein into DV.  相似文献   

Ricin is synthesised as an ER-targeted precursor containing an enzymatic A chain and a galactose-binding B chain separated by a 12-amino acid linker propeptide. This internal propeptide is known to contain a sequence-specific vacuolar sorting signal whose functionality depends on the presence of an isoleucine residue. Conversion of this isoleucine to glycine completely abolished vacuolar targeting of proricin and led to its secretion. However, when this mutated signal was positioned at the C-terminus of a normally secreted reporter, vacuolar targeting of a significant fraction still occurred. Likewise, when the corrupted linker was C-terminally exposed within its natural context following the mature ricin A chain, and then co-expressed with ricin B chain, toxin heterodimers were still partially transported to tobacco cell vacuoles. By contrast, when placed at the N-terminus of the secreted reporter, or at the N-terminus of ricin B chain for co-expression with ricin A chain, the propeptide behaved most strikingly as a sequence-specific vacuolar targeting signal that, when mutated, resulted in complete secretion of the proteins. It would appear that the position of the linker peptide influences the specificity of its vacuolar targeting function.  相似文献   

In maturing seed cells, many newly synthesized proteins are transported to the protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) via vesicles unique to seed cells. Vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) in most of these proteins have been determined using leaf, root or suspension-cultured cells apart from seed cells. In this study, we examined the VSD of the alpha' subunit of beta-conglycinin (7S globulin), one of the major seed storage proteins of soybean, using Arabidopsis and soybean seeds. The wild-type alpha' was transported to the matrix of the PSVs in seed cells of transgenic Arabidopsis, and it formed crystalloid-like structures. Some of the wild-type alpha' was also transported to the translucent compartments (TLCs) in the PSV presumed to be the globoid compartments. However, a derivative lacking the C-terminal 10 amino acids was not transported to the PSV matrix, and was secreted out of the cells, although a portion was also transported to the TLCs. The C-terminal region of alpha' was sufficient to transport a green fluorescent protein (GFP) to the PSV matrix. These indicate that alpha' contains two VSDs: one is present in the C-terminal 10 amino acids and is for the PSV matrix; and the other is for the TLC (the globoid compartment). We further verified that the C-terminal 10 amino acids were sufficient to transport GFP to the PSV matrix in soybean seed cells by using a transient expression system.  相似文献   

Soluble proteins reach vacuoles because they contain vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) that are recognized by vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) proteins. Pre-vacuolar compartments (PVCs), defined by VSRs and GFP-VSR reporters in tobacco BY-2 cells, are membrane-bound intermediate organelles that mediate protein traffic from the Golgi apparatus to the vacuole in plant cells. Multiple pathways have been demonstrated to be responsible for vacuolar transport of lytic enzymes and storage proteins to the lytic vacuole (LV) and the protein storage vacuole (PSV), respectively. However, the nature of PVCs for LV and PSV pathways remains unclear. Here, we used two fluorescent reporters, aleurain-GFP and 2S albumin-GFP, that represent traffic of lytic enzymes and storage proteins to LV and PSV, respectively, to study the PVC-mediated transport pathways via transient expression in suspension cultured cells. We demonstrated that the vacuolar transport of aleurain-GFP and 2S albumin-GFP was mediated by the same PVC populations in both tobacco BY-2 and Arabidopsis suspension cultured cells. These PVCs were defined by the seven GFP-AtVSR reporters. In wortmannin-treated cells, the vacuolated PVCs contained the mRFP-AtVSR reporter in their limiting membranes, whereas the soluble aleurain-GFP or 2S albumin-GFP remained in the lumen of the PVCs, indicating a possible in vivo relationship between receptor and cargo within PVCs.  相似文献   

Two different gene families have been proposed to act as sorting receptors for vacuolar storage cargo in plants: the vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) and the receptor homology‐transmembrane‐RING H2 domain proteins (RMRs). However, functional data on these genes is scarce and the identity of the sorting receptor for storage proteins remains controversial. Through a genetic screen we have identified the mtv2 mutant, which is defective in vacuolar transport of the storage cargo VAC2 in shoot apices. Map‐based cloning revealed that mtv2 is a loss of function allele of the VSR4 gene. We show that VSR1, VSR3 and VSR4, but not the remaining VSRs or RMRs, participate in vacuolar sorting of VAC2 in vegetative tissues, and 12S globulins and 2S albumins in seeds, an activity that is essential for seedling germination vigor. Finally, we demonstrate that the functional diversification in the VSR family results from divergent expression patterns and also from distinct sorting activities of the family members.  相似文献   

The vacuole is the most prominent organelle of plant cells. Despite its importance for many physiological and developmental aspects of plant life, little is known about its biogenesis and maintenance. Here we show that Arabidopsis plants expressing a dominant‐negative version of the AAA (ATPase associated with various cellular activities) ATPase AtSKD1 (SUPPRESSOR OF K+ TRANSPORT GROWTH DEFECT1) under the control of the trichome‐specific GLABRA2 (GL2) promoter exhibit normal vacuolar development in early stages of trichome development. Shortly after its formation, however, the large central vacuole is fragmented and finally disappears completely. Secretion assays with amylase fused to the vacuolar sorting signal of Sporamin show that dominant‐negative AtSKD1 inhibits vacuolar trafficking of the reporter that is instead secreted. In addition, trichomes expressing dominant‐negative AtSKD1 frequently contain multiple nuclei. Our results suggest that AtSKD1 contributes to vacuolar protein trafficking and thereby to the maintenance of the large central vacuole of plant cells, and might play a role in cell‐cycle regulation.  相似文献   

The rate at which a membrane protein is internalized from the plasma membrane can be regulated by revealing a latent internalization signal in response to an appropriate stimulus. Internalization of the synaptic vesicle membrane protein, synaptotagmin 1, is controlled by two distinct regions of its intracytoplasmic C2B domain, an internalization signal present in the 29 carboxyterminal (CT) amino acids and a separate regulatory region. We have now characterized the internalization motif by mutagenesis and found that it involves an essential tryptophan in the last beta strand of the C2B domain, a region that is distinct from the AP2-binding site previously described. Internalization through the tryptophan-based motif is sensitive to eps15 and dynamin mutants and is therefore likely to be clathrin mediated. A tryptophan-to-phenylalanine mutation had no effect on internalization of the CT domain alone, but completely inhibited endocytosis of the folded C2B domain. This result suggests that recognition of sorting motifs can be influenced by their structural context. We conclude that endocytosis of synaptotagmin 1 requires a novel type of internalization signal that is subject to regulation by the rest of the C2B domain.  相似文献   

Diatoms are unicellular photoautotrophic algae, which can be found in any aquatic habitat. The main storage carbohydrate of diatoms is chrysolaminarin, a nonlinear β‐glucan, consisting of a linear 1,3‐β‐chain with 1,6‐β‐branches, which is stored in cytoplasmic vacuoles. The metabolic pathways of chrysolaminarin synthesis in diatoms are poorly investigated, therefore we studied two potential 1,6‐β‐transglycosylases (TGS) of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum which are similar to yeast Kre6 proteins and which potentially are involved in the branching of 1,3‐β‐glucan chains by adding d ‐glucose as 1,6‐side chains. We genetically fused the full‐length diatom TGS proteins to GFP and expressed these constructs in P. tricornutum, demonstrating that the enzymes are apparently located in the vacuoles, which indicates that branching of chrysolaminarin may occur in these organelles. Furthermore, we demonstrated the functionality of the diatom enzymes by expressing TGS1 and 2 proteins in yeast, which resulted in a partial complementation of growth deficiencies of a transglycosylase‐deficient ?kre6 yeast strain.  相似文献   

This study uses low-angle (LAXS) and wide-angle (WAXS) X-ray synchrotron scattering, volume measurements and thin layer chromatography to determine the structure and interactions of SOPC, SOPC/cholesterol mixtures, SOPC/peptide and SOPC/cholesterol/peptide mixtures. N-acetyl-LWYIK-amide (LWYIK) represents the naturally-occurring CRAC motif segment in the pretransmembrane region of the gp41 protein of HIV-1, and N-acetyl-IWYIK-amide (IWYIK), an unnatural isomer, is used as a control. Both peptides thin the SOPC bilayer by ∼ 3 Å, and cause the area/unit cell (peptide + SOPC) to increase by ∼ 9 Å2 from the area/lipid of SOPC at 30 °C (67.0 ± 0.9 Å2). Model fitting suggests that LWYIK's average position is slightly closer to the bilayer center than IWYIK's, and both peptides are just inside of the phosphate headgroup. Both peptides increase the wide-angle spacing d of SOPC without cholesterol, whereas with 50% cholesterol LWYIK increases d but IWYIK decreases d. TLC shows that LWYIK is more hydrophobic than IWYIK; this difference persists in peptide/SOPC 1:9 mole ratio mixtures. Both peptides counteract the chain ordering effect of cholesterol to roughly the same degree, and both decrease KC, the bending modulus, thus increasing the SOPC membrane fluidity. Both peptides nucleate crystals of cholesterol, but the LWYIK-induced crystals are weaker and dissolve more easily.  相似文献   

Human organic anion transporter hOAT1 plays a critical role in the body disposition of environmental toxins and clinically important drugs including anti-HIV therapeutics, anti-tumor drugs, antibiotics, anti-hypertensives, and anti-inflammatories. hOAT1 has two GXXXG motifs in its transmembrane domains 2 and 5, a motif linked to the protein processing and oligomerization of other proteins. In the current study, we substituted glycine of these GXXXG motifs with alanine and evaluated the effect of such mutations on the expression and function of hOAT1. Mutations of GXXXG motif in the transmembrane domain 2 resulted in mutants G144A and G148A, both of which had no transport activity due to complete loss in the surface and total cell expression of the transporter protein. Treatment of G144A- and G148A-expressing cells with proteasomal inhibitor resulted in the recovery of ER-resident immature form of hOAT1, but not its surface-resident mature form, whereas treatment of these cells with lysosomal inhibitor had no effect on the expression of the mutant transporters. Mutations of GXXXG motif in the transmembrane domain 5 resulted in mutants G223A and G227A, among which only G227 had dramatic reduction of transport activity due to dramatic loss in the surface and total cell expression of the transporter. The reduction in the surface expression of G227 was consistent with the decrease in maximum transport velocity Vmax. Treatment of G227A-expressing cells with proteasomal inhibitor or lysosomal inhibitor resulted in partial recovery of both the immature form and the mature form of hOAT1 in the total cell extracts. However, such partial recovery of the mature form in total cell extracts did not lead to the partial recovery of surface expression and function of the transporter. Our data suggest that the GXXXG motifs in transmembrane domains 2 and 5 play critical roles in the stability of hOAT1.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic tail of MPR46 carries a leucine-based motif that is required for the sorting of lysosomal enzymes by the receptor. In addition, it is one of three independent, but functionally redundant, internalization signals present in the cytoplasmic tail of MPR46. We have analyzed a mutant of MPR46, in which the dileucine pair was replaced by alanines (MPR46 LL/AA) with respect to its intracellular distribution and trafficking. Ultrastructural analysis of cells expressing the MPR46 LL/AA mutant revealed that the substitution of the dileucine pair causes a shift of the receptor distribution from the TGN, where it is packaged into AP1-containing vesicles, to vesicular structures distributed throughout the cytoplasm. The vesicles could be identified as early endosomes with internalized BSA-gold and rab5 as markers. By analyzing the receptor trafficking biochemically, we found that return of the LL/AA mutant receptor from the plasma membrane/endosome pool back to the TGN was impaired, while recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane was enhanced. In conclusion, our data indicate that the dileucine motif in the MPR46 tail is required for a sorting event in endosomes.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) Nef protein is a pathogenicity factor required for effective progression to AIDS, which modulates host cell signaling pathways and T-cell receptor internalization. We have determined the crystal structure of Nef, allele SF2, in complex with an engineered SH3 domain of human Hck showing unnaturally tight binding and inhibitory potential toward Nef. This complex provides the most complete Nef structure described today, and explains the structural basis of the high affinity of this interaction. Intriguingly, the 33-residue C-terminal flexible loop is resolved in the structure by its interactions with a highly conserved hydrophobic groove on the core domain of an adjacent Nef molecule. The loop mediates the interaction of Nef with the cellular adaptor protein machinery for the stimulated internalization of surface receptors. The endocytic dileucine-based sorting motif is exposed at the tip of the acidic loop, giving the myristoylated Nef protein a distinctly dipolar character. The intermolecular domain assembly of Nef provides insights into a possible regulation mechanism for cargo trafficking.  相似文献   

Boron homeostasis is important for plants, as boron is essential but is toxic in excess. Under high boron conditions, the Arabidopsis thaliana borate transporter BOR1 is trafficked from the plasma membrane (PM) to the vacuole via the endocytic pathway for degradation to avoid excess boron transport. Here, we show that boron-induced ubiquitination is required for vacuolar sorting of BOR1. We found that a substitution of lysine 590 with alanine (K590A) in BOR1 blocked degradation. BOR1 was mono- or diubiquitinated within several minutes after applying a high concentration of boron, whereas the K590A mutant was not. The K590A mutation abolished vacuolar transport of BOR1 but did not apparently affect polar localization to the inner PM domains. Furthermore, brefeldin A and wortmannin treatment suggested that Lys-590 is required for BOR1 translocation from an early endosomal compartment to multivesicular bodies. Our results show that boron-induced ubiquitination of BOR1 is not required for endocytosis from the PM but is crucial for the sorting of internalized BOR1 to multivesicular bodies for subsequent degradation in vacuoles.  相似文献   

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