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Artificial insemination (AI) was performed in spider monkeys; these primates are vulnerable to extinction and usually do not reproduce spontaneously in captivity. Uterine cycles were followed by daily assessment of vaginal cytology, and corroborated a posteriori by concentrations of 17-beta estradiol and progesterone, measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA), in fecal samples collected once daily. Five females between 13 to 27 years old were inseminated intravaginally (with fresh semen) twice each during the periovulatory phase (Days 9-12 of the menstrual cycle; Day 0, first day of menstrual bleeding), from September to the first 3 weeks of November (most fertile months). Transcervical AI was not useful in this primate because the liquid portion of the semen completely solidified instead of liquefying as in other primates. Pregnancies were apparently achieved in 5 of 14 attempts. One female became pregnant after the first round of inseminations, delivered a healthy infant, was inseminated and got pregnant again (subsequently aborted). One female aborted, apparently due to an intramural uterine leiomyoma. Another two females stopped menstruating for a few months, then restarted menstruating (these females may have been pregnant and aborted). In conclusion, in spider monkeys: (1) captivity-induced stress did not inhibit reproduction; (2) fecal steroid hormones were useful to assess cyclicity; (3) the semen coagulum, which apparently is a tightly packed and large reservoir of spermatozoa, must not be discarded but used in AI; (4) old female spider monkeys did not have cessation of reproductive function.  相似文献   

The ovarian cycles of four adult female spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) were followed daily throughout 30 days by means of vaginal swabs and blood samplings. Cytological analyses of the vaginal swabs and radioimmunoassay determination of the daily levels of estradiol-17β (E2) and progesterone (P4) were done in order to classify the kind of ovarian cycle of this species. Our results show that Ateles geoffroyi females display menstrual cycles of about 24 days on average. By comparison with the well-known menstrual cycles of women, apes, and Old World monkeys, the four distinctive cytological phases (bleeding, follicular, periovulatory, and luteal) could be recognized; mid-cycle E2 peaks followed by mid-luteal increases of the same hormone were present in all four females. P4 levels were higher after the E2 peak, although both hormones were present throughout the cycles. Also, age-dependent features, hormone profiles, and changes in menstrual phases lengths were detected. Am. J. Primatol. 44:183–195, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background It is unknown whether male black‐handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) undergo a reproductive decline as they age. The purpose of this work was investigating whether serum testosterone and semen quality decrease with age in these primates as occur in other species. Methods In this study, we assessed age variations in the concentration of serum testosterone, sperm counts, and motility in nine males. We took serum blood samples and semen samples by electroejaculation of anesthetized males throughout the fertile season. Results We found that testosterone levels and total sperm concentration, motile, progressive, fast linearly moving, medium linearly moving, slow linearly moving and immotile sperm significantly decreased with age. Conclusions Our results show that a reproductive decline occurs in male spider monkeys because of a decrease in sperm counts. These results are similar to those of rhesus monkeys and men, despite the phylogenetic distance between New and Old World primates.  相似文献   

The gustatory responsiveness of four adult spider monkeys to five food-associated acids was assessed in two-bottle preference tests of brief duration (3 min). The animals were given the choice between a 30 mM sucrose solution and defined concentrations of citric acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, acetic acid, or tannic acid dissolved in a 30 mM sucrose solution. With this procedure,Ateles geoffroyi was found to significantly discriminate concentrations as low as 5 mM ascorbic acid, citric acid, and acetic acid, 10 mM malic acid, and 0.1 mM tannic acid from the alternative stimulus. With the latter two substances, the monkeys rejected all suprathreshold concentrations tested, whereas with the former three substances, the animals showed an inverted U-shaped function of preference, i.e. they rejected high concentrations, but significantly preferred low but detectable concentrations of these acidic tastants over the alternative sweet stimulus. The results showed (1) the spider monkey to respond to the same range of acid concentrations as other nonhuman primate species; (2) thatAteles geoffroyi, is able to detect food-associated acids at concentrations well below those present in most fruits; and (3) that unlike most other primate species tested so far, spider monkeys do not generally reject acidic tastants but show a substanceand concentration-dependent change in responsiveness that may range from rejection to preference. The results support the assumptions that spider monkeys may use sourness and/or astringency of food-associated acids as a criterion for food selection, and that the gustatory responsiveness ofAteles geoffroyi to acidic tastants might reflect an evolutionary adaptation to frugivory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine gustatory thresholds for five different food-associated sugars in Ateles geoffroyi. Using a two-bottle test, three adult spider monkeys were found to significantly prefer concentrations as low as 3 mM sucrose, 15 mM fructose, 20 mM glucose, and 10 mM lactose over tap water. Maltose was significantly discriminated down to 20 mM with individual animals showing either a preference or an aversion, or an inverted U-shaped function of preference toward higher concentrations of this carbohydrate. The results showed the spider monkey to respond to lower sugar concentrations compared to other nonhuman primates tested so far and thus support the assumptions that Ateles geoffroyi may use sweetness as a criterion for food selection, and that the remarkably high sweet-taste sensitivity of this frugivorous species might be correlated with its dietary specialization. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among nonhuman primates, the renal anatomy of the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) is unique, as it is multipyramidal and multipapillary. Renal function parameters (glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow, and concentrating ability) are compared to man and other primates. The kidneys of the spider monkey are similar both anatomically and functionally to man.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine relative taste preferences for five food-associated sugars inAteles geoffroyi. Using two-solution choice tests of brief duration (5 min) four adult spider monkeys were given the choice between all binary combinations of sucrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, and maltose presented in equimolar concentrations of 20, 50, 100, and 200 mM respectively. Preferences for individual sugars were stable across the concentrations tested and indicate an order of relative effectiveness (sucrose>fructose>glucose≥lactose≥maltose) which is similar to results obtained with the same method in the squirrel monkey and to findings on relative sweetness in man. These results support the assumption that the order of relative effectiveness of the sugars under investigation found in the present study may represent a general pattern of preference in frugivorous and perhaps all primates.  相似文献   

The behavioural development of a juvenile male spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) preceding and subsequent to a traumatic injury resulting in the loss of his tail, was documented over a nine-month period in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. The juvenile became heavily reliant on his mother, who readily provided compensatory care, including nursing the juvenile even though he had previously been weaned. In comparison to another juvenile male spider monkey of similar age, the development of the injured animal was severely retarded and even five months after the accident, the juvenile was still nursing and being carried by his mother. As injuries may be relatively common among primates it is suggested that the provision of compensatory care is an important trait in many primate species.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Genus: Ateles) are a widespread Neotropical primate with a highly plastic socioecological strategy. However, the Central American species, Ateles geoffroyi, was recently re‐listed as endangered due to the accelerated loss of forest across the subcontinent. There is inconsistent evidence that spider monkey populations could persist when actively protected, but their long‐term viability in unprotected, human‐dominated landscapes is not known. We analyzed noninvasive genetic samples from 185 individuals in 14 putative social groups on the Rivas Isthmus in southwestern Nicaragua. We found evidence of weak but significant genetic structure in the mitochondrial control region and in eight nuclear microsatellite loci plus negative spatial autocorrelation in Fst and kinship. The overall pattern suggests strong localized mating and at least historical female‐biased dispersal, as is expected for this species. Heterozygosity was significantly lower than expected under random mating and lower than that found in other spider monkey populations, possibly reflecting a recent decline in genetic diversity and a threat from inbreeding. We conclude that despite a long history of human disturbance on this landscape, spider monkeys were until recently successful at maintaining gene flow. We consider the recent decline to be further indication of accelerated anthropogenic disturbance, but also of an opportunity to conserve native biodiversity. Spider monkeys are one of many wildlife species in Central America that is threatened by land cover change, and an apt example of how landscape‐scale conservation planning could be used to ensure long‐term persistence.  相似文献   

I report ad libitum data on 18 copulations involving free-ranging black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. All copulations were performed in a dorsoventral position, as is typically reported for this genus. Intromission often appeared difficult to achieve, possibly as a result of the large size of the glans penis in these animals. The average length from intromission to termination of thrusting exceeded 17 min, followed by an average period of almost 2 min before separation occurred, which suggests the possibility of a copulatory lock. Offspring of the female participant were almost always in close proximity to or in contact with the pair, and harassment by the offspring was observed only during the final stages of the copulation. All but one copulatory event occurred in complete seclusion from other adult males, and sexual behavior was not limited to any one adult male in the group.  相似文献   

There are no reported data on hormonal fluctuations in black‐handed spider monkey males. On previous research about the reproductive physiology of this monkey we have found that during the dry season females show ovulatory estrogen peaks and males present the best quality semen. As part of an ongoing research, in this study we assessed seasonal variations in the concentration of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) in three adult spider monkey males to corroborate the seasonal reproductive synchrony. At the same time sperm count and motility were evaluated to search for any correlation between those sperm parameters and hormonal concentrations. We took blood and semen samples (by electroejaculation) of anesthetized males throughout the rainy (June–September) and dry (October–May) months. Our results revealed that T and LH were higher throughout the dry season and there was a significant correlation between T concentration and sperm count. Although higher during the dry season, sperm motility tended to correlate with testosterone and LH levels. These results demonstrated that black‐handed spider monkeys have a tendency to show a seasonal pattern of reproduction being the dry season the most likely time to achieve fertilization. Am. J. Primatol. 71:427–431, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The study of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during sleep in the spider monkey has provided new insights into primitive arboreal sleep physiology and behavior in anthropoids. Nevertheless, studies conducted to date have maintained the frequency ranges of the EEG bands commonly used with humans. The aim of the present work was to determine the EEG broad bands that characterize sleep and wakefulness in the spider monkey using principal component analysis (PCA). The EEG activity was recorded from the occipital, central, and frontal EEG derivations of six young-adult male spider monkeys housed in a laboratory setting. To determine which frequencies covaried and which were orthogonally independent during sleep and wakefulness, the power EEG spectra and interhemispheric and intrahemispheric EEG correlations from 1 to 30 Hz were subjected to PCA. Findings show that the EEG bands detection differed from those reported previously in both spider monkeys and humans, and that the 1–3 and 2–13 Hz frequency ranges concur with the oscillatory activity elucidated by cellular recordings of subcortical regions. Results show that applying PCA to the EEG spectrum during sleep and wakefulness in the spider monkey led to the identification of frequencies that covaried with, and were orthogonally independent of, other frequencies in each behavioral vigilance state. The new EEG bands differ from those used previously with both spider monkeys and humans. The 1–3 and 2–13 Hz frequency ranges are in accordance with the oscillatory activity elucidated by cellular recordings of subcortical regions in other mammals.  相似文献   

The ejaculate of diverse primate species consists of two portions, liquid and solid; the latter, known as the seminal coagulum, is thought to sequester large numbers of sperm. In the black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi), ejaculates collected by electroejaculation did not always contain seminal coagulum. The objective of the present study was to determine seasonal emission of seminal coagulum and in vivo sperm dynamics in the black-handed spider monkey. Seminal coagulum emission was related to season; it was more frequent in the dry season, coincident with maximal female fertility. Sperm concentration was higher (P = 0.02) in the dry season (dry vs. rainy season: 137.9 +/- 15.7 sperm/mL vs. 82.56 +/- 14.7 x1 0(6) sperm/mL; mean +/- S.E.M.) but also in ejaculates (collected during the rainy season) that had seminal coagulum (coagulum vs. no coagulum: 140.0 +/- 29.3 sperm/mL vs. 31.2+/-0.1 x 10(6) sperm/mL, P<0.001). In semen samples collected from the uterus after AI, the percentage of linearly motile sperm was higher during the dry season (dry vs. rainy: 9.1+/-2.1% vs. 5.9+/-2.5%), as well as whenever coagulum was present (coagulum vs. no coagulum: 13.0+/-3.2% vs. 2.0+/-0.9%, P<0.001).  相似文献   

A case of adoption of a 1-month-old howler infant by an adult female spider monkey living in captivity and its development over a six-month period are reported. The female had adopted a spider monkey infant two years before the interspecific adoption reported here. The female displayed a strong maternal response toward the howler infant and also produced milk and fed the infant.  相似文献   

The skin of the golden spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) has many histological and histochemical similarities to that of the woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) and howler monkey (Alouatta caraya); however, this monkey possesses certain peculiar properties such as large sebaceous glands, a combined distributional pattern of eccrine and apocrine sweat glands, and abundant alkaline phosphatase in the sebaceous glands, apocrine and eccrine sweat glands. In brief, the anatomical and histochemical properties of the skin of this animal are more similar to those of the howler monkey than to the woolly monkey. In addition, the skin of these three Ceboids falls phylogenetically between that of the Cercopithecoidea and Pithecoidea.  相似文献   

Yaping Qian  Li Jin  Bing Su 《Génome》2004,47(2):239-245
The large-insert genomic DNA library is a critical resource for genome-wide genetic dissection of target species. We constructed a high-redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of a New World monkey species, the black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). A total of 193 152 BAC clones were generated in this library. The average insert size of the BAC clones was estimated to be 184.6 kb with the small inserts (50-100 kb) accounting for less than 3% and the non-recombinant clones only 1.2%. Assuming a similar genome size with humans, the spider monkey BAC library has about 11x genome coverage. In addition, by end sequencing of randomly selected BAC clones, we generated 367 sequence tags for the library. When blasted against human genome, they showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the size of the chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribution of the library. This black-handed spider monkey BAC library would serve as a valuable resource in comparative genomic study and large-scale genome sequencing of nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the social system of spider monkeys remain poorly understood in spite of previous studies of their behavior. Our work investigates sex differences of adultAteles geoffroyi to develop a better understanding of their social organization. A six-month field study of this species in Guatemala showed that adult males were both more aggressive and more socially cohesive than females, as well as more territorial. Adult females were more vocal, more submissive, more nonsocial, and more dispersed than adult males. Males were more likely to associate affinitively with other males than with females, and to direct their aggressive behaviors at females rather than males. Spider monkey society was found to be sex-segregated; males traveling and interacting in all-male subgroups, while females travel alone or with offspring. These findings are used, in conjunction with other evidence, to draw inferences about the dynamics of theAteles social system, and to derive an explanation for the evolution of spider monkey social organization. The frugivorous diet ofAteles is linked to the dispersion females and to the cohesion of related adult males, who form cooperative territorial groups, in which the low level of male-male competition is related to the absence of sexual dimorphism. Spider monkeys provide an illuminating contrast to the general primate model, derived from Old World monkeys, which links sexual dimorphism in size to sex differences in behavior, and ultimately to sexual selection.  相似文献   

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