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K A Alanen  H Joensuu  P J Klemi 《Cytometry》1989,10(4):417-425
Serial flow cytometric nuclear DNA content analyses were performed from normal human spleen, thyroid, liver, and pancreas removed from ten patients at autopsy and stored for up to 8 d without any preservative to study the effect of autolysis on DNA histograms. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) samples were taken in diluted ethanol and tissue biopsies from the same area in formalin for embedding into paraffin at the time of autopsy and serially thereafter. Histograms obtained from samples taken within 10 h after death had a symmetrical G1 peak with a small coefficient of variance (CV) except histograms produced from paraffin-embedded pancreatic tissue, but bimodal distributions similar to those seen in aneuploid tumors were obtained from many samples stored longer than for 20 h. The DNA indices of the bimodal histograms were usually less than 1.3. The false peaks were more prominent in FNAB samples than in paraffin-embedded samples. The time of appearance of the false aneuploid peaks varied individually, and they were usually first seen in samples taken from the pancreas, followed by the liver, the thyroid and the spleen. Because neoplasms may become necrotic in vivo and fixation of fresh surgical samples may be slow and incomplete, increased DNA staining caused by autolysis may be a source of false aneuploid peaks in DNA content analysis.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analysis of paraffin-embedded solid tumors has permitted review of large series of archival tissue in attempts to relate abnormal DNA content to prognosis. Limitations of the technique include: 1) a laborious, time-consuming procedure; 2) variation in technique between laboratories; and 3) lack of an objective method of computing DNA indices. Critical evaluation of our technique has shortened the time involved in dewaxing and rehydration, selectively utilized patient's own normal tissue as the internal standard, proved reproducibility of stored specimens, standardized DNA index computation, and developed a statistical analysis to confirm aneuploidy. These technical improvements and the development of a statistical analysis provide a way to shorten the procedure time and standardize the data generated from flow cytometric DNA analysis so as to improve the quality of retrospective reviews of paraffin-embedded tumors and accelerate the definition of flow cytometry's role as a prognostic indicator.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric (FCM) DNA analysis was carried out on 24 lymph nodes: 13 from benign reactive hyperplasias and 11 from non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. FCM was performed on two types of samples: (1) fresh cell suspensions and (2) suspensions prepared from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections. FCM of fresh samples detected aneuploidy in 23 of the 24 cases while FCM of paraffin-embedded samples detected aneuploidy in only 6 of the 24 cases. Those six cases were lymphomas considered histologically as having a poor prognosis. Only one case, a lymphoma, was euploid with both methods. The coefficients of variance determined in each case for both methods were found to be within "normal ranges," but were greater in the paraffin-embedded specimens. The results suggest that FCM DNA analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections does not have as great a resolution capacity as does analysis of fresh cell suspensions, since the former failed to detect cell populations that had a small degree of aneuploidy (close to the 2n population).  相似文献   

Nuclear suspensions were prepared from archival material of cancer biopsies. DNA content analysis by flow cytometry was performed after storage at -80 degrees C for 24 h and 6 months, compared to 24 h storage at +4 degrees C. No significant variations in CV or DNA indices were observed. Repeated freezing and thawing did not reduce the DNA histogram quality.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy analysis was determined on 100 consecutive tumors from a wide variety of sites using both fresh and paraffin-embedded tissue on the same specimen. The correlation coefficient (r) value between the methods was 0.85. Aneuploidy was detected by both methods in 51/100 (51%) of the cases. Fresh tissue analysis yielded 10 additional cases (overall 61% aneuploidy) not detected on corresponding paraffin-embedded sections, whereas paraffin-embedded analysis detected 4 additional cases (overall 55% aneuploidy) not revealed by fresh tissue analysis. Fresh tissue analysis produced lower coefficients of variation and resulted in a cleaner preparation with less cellular debris. Fresh tissue analysis was also superior to paraffin for the detection of hypodiploid, near-diploid and multiple peaks. Analysis of paraffin-embedded material allows examination of archival tissue and provides a more rapid means of long-term follow-up and statistical correlations for prognostic studies. Although the overall correlation of both methodologies for DNA analysis showed a minimal variation in results, in our experience fresh tissue analysis has an advantage and is preferable, when available, for ploidy analysis.  相似文献   

T Heiden  N Wang  B Tribukait 《Cytometry》1991,12(7):614-621
A modification of the Hedley-method for flow cytometric DNA analysis of paraffin-embedded tissues is presented. Dewaxed and dehydrated tissue from paraffin blocks was incubated with subtilisin Carlsberg (pronase, Sigma protease XXIV) and then stained directly without washing and centrifugation. The loss of material was minimized, which was advantageous, for example, for the analysis of core-biopsies, and all measured samples showed extremely low frequencies of clumped cell nuclei. This made is easier to detect polyploid nuclei and even rare nuclei of high ploidy could be identified. S-phase analyses were more precise, since the background originating from clumped debris particles was very low. The improved method was applied to the estimation of frequencies of high-polyploid nuclei found in various diploid, tetraploid, and aneuploid human myosarcomas of the uterus.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNa analysis was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples obtained by gastroscopic biopsy from 9 patients with histologically normal gastric mucosa (36 specimens) and by radical gastrectomy from 42 cases of human gastric cancer (120 specimens). Ploidy patterns and the distribution of cells in the different cell cycle phases were estimated, and the results were correlated with the histologic and clinical features. All samples of normal mucosa showed a diploid modal DNA content whereas DNA aneuploidy was encountered in 71.4% of the gastric tumors. The correlation between aneuploidy and histologic malignancy grading was statistically significant: aneuploidy was found in 36.4% of highly differentiated (grade 1 and grade 2) tumors and in 75.0% of poorly differentiated (grade 3) tumors (P less than .05). The percentage of cells in S-phase in normal gastric mucosa (median: 5.0%) was lower than that in the tumors (median: 11.3%) (P less than .05). There was a trend for grade 3 tumors to have higher median values (median: 13.4%) than grade 1 and 2 tumors (median: 9.3%); however, this was not statistically significant. An aneuploid DNA pattern was associated with a poorer prognosis, both in early and in advanced stages of gastric tumors, while proliferative activity did not correlate with postoperative survival.  相似文献   

Flow Cytometric (FCM) DNA content analysis of paraffin-embedded tissues has become a widely accepted procedure in assessing the biologic course in some tumors from archival material. Difficulty in interpreting histograms is frequently due to high levels of debris, and wide coefficients of variation (CV). These may lead to underestimating near-diploid abnormality. Although the clinical significance of low-degree aneuploidy has yet to be established, the procedure reported here improved our endeavor to detect DNA Indices (DI) of at least 1.1%. Experience has shown that careful technique can result in overall improvement of DNA histograms by lowering levels of debris and % CV, dramatically so in some cases. Archival histograms can be generated that rival in quality fresh tissue results. Archival material is currently employed for diagnostic and research purposes.  相似文献   

Nuclei, isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue, were stained with propidium iodide (PI) and found suitable for DNA analysis by flow cytometry (FCM). DNA-derived fluorescence intensity, however, was always decreased and had a much higher intersample variability as compared to results obtained with fresh material. Using chicken red blood cells (CRBC) as a model system, we found the lower fluorescence intensity to be due to the formalin fixation step in tissue processing. The intersample variability was found to be at least partly caused by variations in the duration of fixation. Overnight trypsinization improved the fluorescence intensity but did not reduce the intersample variability. Under all conditions tested PI binding to CRBC appeared to be saturable. Since fresh diploid or red blood cells could not be used to standardize DNA histograms, an alternative approach was developed in which nuclei from paraffin-embedded normal and tumor tissue of the same specimen were mixed. With this method DNA indices (DI) of 24 colorectal cancers were found to be closely correlated (r = 0.9877, P less than 0.001) with DI obtained with fresh tumor tissue from the same patients. The correlation of the percentages of S-phase nuclei between paraffin-extracted and fresh samples (r = 0.5875, P less than 0.05) was as high as could be expected, taking sampling differences into account. This method is an important tool for the retrospective analysis of FCM-derived DNA parameters in relation to diagnosis and prognosis of neoplasms.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibilities of flow cytometry (FCM) for the analysis of DNA polyploidy in human heart tissue. Suspensions of single nuclei were prepared with the detergenttrypsin procedure and stained with propidium iodide. A mathematical correction procedure was developed to correct for background and clumping. For diploid model populations of chicken and trout red blood cells this correction reduced artifactual fractions in the FCM DNA profile to less than 0.5%, indicating that interference by background and clumping was almost completely overcome by this correction procedure. FCM DNA profiles were obtained from 12 hypertrophic and 7 normal human adult hearts. Clear differences were found between the DNA profiles from the normal and the hypertrophic hearts, the latter showing a higher degree of polyploidization. From the corrected DNA profiles, six different polyploidization parameters were computed, all of which showed a significant correlation with at least three out of four different parameters for heart hypertrophy. FCM appears to be a reliable method for the measurement of polyploidization in heart tissue, provided background and clumping are corrected for.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibilities of flow cytometry (FCM) for the analysis of DNA polyploidy in human heart tissue. Suspensions of single nuclei were prepared with the detergent-trypsin procedure and stained with propidium iodide. A mathematical correction procedure was developed to correct for background and clumping. For diploid model populations of chicken and trout red blood cells this correction reduced artifactual fractions in the FCM DNA profile to less than 0.5%, indicating that interference by background and clumping was almost completely overcome by this correction procedure. FCM DNA profiles were obtained from 12 hypertrophic and 7 normal human adult hearts. Clear differences were found between DNA profiles from the normal and the hypertrophic hearts, the latter showing a higher degree of polyploidization. From the corrected DNA profiles, six different polyploidization parameters were computed, all of which showed a significant correlation with at least three out of four different parameters for heart hypertrophy. FCM appears to be a reliable method for the measurement of polyploidization in heart tissue, provided background and clumping are corrected for.  相似文献   

Archival studies on paraffin-embedded tumor samples are often complicated by difficulty obtaining a reliable diploid DNA standard. Nontumor cells, e.g., inflammatory and stromal cells, most often found interspersed among tumor cells, would represent a solution to this problem. Unfortunately, there is an inherent difficulty to positively identifying tumor cells in paraffin-embedded specimens. Using an aneuploid paraffin-embedded breast cancer sample, we show here that laser scanning cytometer (LSC) in conjunction with flow cytometry can help to address this issue. Following standard protocols, the tissue was deparaffinized and rehydrated, and the nuclei mechanically isolated before being exposed to propidium iodide. An aliquot served for single-parameter flow cytometric analysis, and the remaining cells were cytocentrifuged onto a microscope slide and LSC analysis was performed. The DNA histogram profiles generated by the two approaches were comparable and both showed the presence of cell populations with different DNA content. To assess the nature of these subsets, we performed a correlated measurement of DNA content and chromatin organization at the single-cell level by LSC. This allowed the identification of several subsets of nuclei. Slides were then stained with Giemsa and the nature of these subsets was assessed morphologically by exploiting the relocating capability of LSC. Inflammatory and stromal cells, residual diploid epithelial cells, and hyperdiploid tumor cells-each characterized by a peculiar coordinate pattern of DNA content and chromatin organization-could be positively identified. Diploid, nontumor cells can then be used as an internal standard for DNA ploidy.  相似文献   

Since the publication of paraffin block extraction procedures, flow cytometric analysis of DNA ploidy and S-phase of tumor specimens has been widely applied. DNA aneuploidy, DNA tetraploid (elevated G2/M), and elevated S-phase are clinically significant in some tumor systems. True DNA tetraploid cell lines will contain a large 4c population and perhaps an 8c population; samples with cell aggregates will also contain a 6c population. Microscopic examination of samples having a 6c peak revealed nuclei with adhering debris and doublets, triplets, and larger nuclear aggregates. After sonication, a uniform suspension of single nuclei without adherent debris was seen. In addition to reducing the percent of G2/M cells, sonication also reduced S-phase percent such that it was closer to the bromodeoxyuridine labeling index. The DNA ploidy classification of specimens was also compared pre- and post-sonication. Four of 96 breast cancer samples changed classification; all were specimens in which the histogram became cleaner and a small DNA aneuploid peak became apparent after sonication.  相似文献   

Preparation of tissues for DNA flow cytometric analysis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A method for measuring DNA in tissue cells by flow cytometry utilizing a one step combination nuclear isolation-DNA fluorochrome staining procedure is described. A variety of cells and tissues, both in vivo and in vitro, was used to illustrate the universal nature of this technique. These included murine bone marrow, liver testicle, sarcoma brain tumor, rat pancreatic islets, human peripheral blood, colon mucosa, colon cancer, sarcoma and brain tumor tissues. A special nuclear isolation medium, which contained either of the DNA fluorochromes, 4',6-diamidino-2 phenylindole-2 HCl or propidium iodide, was utilized successfully to isolate single suspensions of DNA fluorochrome stained nuclei in a rapid (5-10 min), consistent manner from a variety of tissues and cells. Multiple sampling of the same tissue or comparison between whole tissues and their single cell isolates showed that a representative sample was being obtained.  相似文献   

DNA content determinations were carried out by flow cytometry on nuclear suspensions prepared from the same paraffin-embedded tissue block for each of eight surgically resected human carcinomas at section thicknesses of 5,10,20,30,40,50, and 100 millimicrons. Flow cytometric DNA determinations were also obtained on fresh tissue specimens in four of the eight carcinomas. As section thickness decreased below 50 millimicrons, there was a progressive increase in the histogram baseline noise at low DNA values and a decrease in the relative peak height of aneuploid DNA. The former was attributed to an increase of nuclear fragments in thinner sections, and the latter to the greater probability of transection of the larger aneuploid cells within a specimen. Both artifacts were minimized at section thickness of 50 millimicrons or greater.  相似文献   

The usual manual preparation of single-cell suspensions from fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections for flow cytometric (FCM) DNA ploidy analysis is a time-consuming, labor-intensive technique that requires 70 minutes to deparaffinize and rehydrate 50 microns sections as the initial step. Manual deparaffinization was compared with two semiautomated methods using an automatic slide stainer with either a 70-minute or 35-minute schedule. Samples from 6 normal tissues and 21 tumors (13 diploid and 8 aneuploid) were prepared using all three methods and analyzed by FCM. The mean cell counts in all samples were over 10(6). The DNA indices for the three samples prepared from a given tissue showed no significant differences. Using the 70-minute automation schedule, no aneuploid peaks were lost, and the ratio of G0G1 normal cells to aneuploid tumor cells was maintained. The automation of deparaffinization can thus provide a significant reduction in the labor need to produce single-cell suspensions for FCM; it can be especially helpful when handling large numbers of tumors. At the same time, the automated procedure decreases the exposure to hazardous chemicals and lowers the chance of losing tissue.  相似文献   

A solution containing citric acid buffered saline (CABS) and 99% ethanol (E) 1:1 was used for preserving cells for flow cytometric DNA analysis. DNA histograms obtained from fine needle biopsy aspirates and preserved in CABS+E had a similar mean coefficient of variation (CV) as was obtained from aspirates taken in CABS (3.3 vs. 3.4%) and a clearly smaller mean CV than was obtained from aspirates preserved in 50% ethanol (mean 4.8%, P less than .0001). Aspirates taken in CABS more often contained a small (less than 3,000) number of cells as compared with aspirates preserved either in CABS+E or ethanol (P less than .0001). Since preservation of cells in CABS+E allows long-term storage of samples and results in a decreased number of insufficient samples as compared with buffered saline and in an enhanced resolution as compared with 50% ethanol, CABS+E is recommended for preservation of cytological samples to be analyzed for DNA content with flow cytometry.  相似文献   

The authors discuss various aspects of a recently developed method permitting a detailed flow cytometric analysis of the individual cell karyotypes such as instrumentation, histochemistry, data proceeding algorithms. Possible drawbacks of the method and the ways of their overcoming are considered. Results of analysis of the Chinese hamster cells are presented that illustrate the possibilities of the method, including the metaphase chromosome distribution according to their fluorescence intensity, the analysed cell distribution according to their chromosomes number, the table in which the individual cell karyotypes are distributed according to their fluorescence. The results obtained show that the developed method may be successfully used for investigating chromosomal iNstability and heterogeneity of the mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Tissue factor (TF)-positive microparticles (MPs) are highly procoagulant, and linked to thrombosis in sepsis and cancer. MP-associated TF may be assayed by immunological or functional methods. Several reports have demonstrated discrepancies between TF-protein and TF-activity, which have been explained by antibody binding to "encrypted" or degraded forms of inactive TF-protein. Our goal was to evaluate the possible interference of fluorescent antibody aggregates in solutions containing antibodies against TF and CD14 in flow cytometric analysis. Using monocyte-derived microparticles (MPs) released from human monocytes, incubated with or without lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in vitro, we measured MP-associated TF-protein (flow cytometry) and TF-activity (clot formation assay). MPs released from monocytes exposed to LPS (1 ng mL(-1) ) had ~14 times higher TF-activity than MPs originated from monocytes exposed to only culture medium. However, using untreated anti-TF antibodies (American Diagnostica and BD) in the flow cytometric analysis, MPs released from unstimulated monocytes had a similar number of TF-positive events as MPs secernated from LPS-stimulated monocytes [~45,000 events mL(-1) (American Diagnostica); ~15,000 events mL(-1) (BD)]. These TF-positive events did not exert any TF-activity, and centrifugation (17,000g, 30 min, 4°C) of the antibody solutions prior to use effectively removed the interfering fluorescent events. Removal of fluorescent interference, probably in the form of fluorescent antibody aggregates, from the antibody solutions by centrifugation is essential to prevent the occurrence of false positive flow cytometric events. The events can be mistaken as MP-associated TF-protein, and interpreted as a discrepancy between TF-protein and TF-activity.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric study of DNA and protein contents was performed on cell suspensions obtained from 73 adult patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Bivariate analysis identified a second subpopulation, not revealed by DNA determination, in 25% of the tumors. Protein heterogeneity was more frequently observed in diffuse than in nodular histology according the Rappaport classification and in high-grade than in low-grade malignancy tumors by the Kiel classification and the Working Formulation, but it was not related to ploidy or cell proliferative rate. The presence of an additional subpopulation, detected by protein analysis, defined as monoclonal by DNA analysis, could adversely affect clinical outcome in terms of response to treatment and overall survival.  相似文献   

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