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Dyer  James M.  Baird  Philip R. 《Plant Ecology》1997,129(2):121-134
Strong winds are an important disturbance agent in northern Minnesota forests. On June 19, 1994, strong winds (>160 km h(-1)) associated with a tornado damaged forested areas within the Rydell National Wildlife Refuge, situated in Polk County Minnesota along the prairie-forest boundary. Field sampling was conducted immediately following the storm to quantify the type and extent of damage in four different community types, and to project future composition based on the nature of the storm damage and current understory characteristics, including the impact of overbrowsing by deer. Basal area in six sampled remnant forest stands was reduced by 33.5%, although the damage was heterogeneous; basal area in one stand was reduced by 68.1%. The overall effect of the storm was the removal of early- successional species (primarily Populus tremuloides) in larger size classes. Trees situated at stand edges were not more susceptible to snapping or uprooting than interior trees. Projections of future stand composition indicate that wind disturbance, unlike other agents of disturbance such as fire, may accelerate succession on the Refuge, such that early-successional stands will assume a later-successional character, while Acer-Tilia stands should maintain their late-successional character. Overbrowsing and preferential foraging by deer may significantly alter stand recovery patterns.  相似文献   

Jose  Shibu  Gillespie  Andrew R. 《Plant Ecology》1998,135(2):125-134
Although it is known that forest productivity is highly correlated with canopy leaf area, the influence of environmental gradients within a forest on leaf area-productivity relationships has not been well-documented, particularly for mixed-species forests. The present study was conducted to define the mechanisms by which Central Hardwood forest communities respond to changes in environment. Ecological Land Type Phases (ELTPs) of the Central Hardwood region, delineated by soils, topography, and indicator vegetation, provided a framework to examine the impacts of environmental gradients on leaf area-productivity relationships at a landscape level. Three ELTPs- (1) Quercus prinus / Carex picta-Vaccinium, Dry slope, (2) Quercus alba-Acer saccharum / Parthenocissus, Dry-Mesic Slope, and (3) Fagus-Acer saccharum / Arisaema, Mesic Slope- were selected and stratified into three slope positions viz. the upper edge of the community, the middle or center of the community on the slope, and the lower edge of the community. Circular plots of 0.02 ha in size were established for sampling. Standing stock (basal area, volume, and biomass), annual production, leaf area index, and growth efficiency were determined for each slope position and examined to determine the mechanisms and trends for community change across slope positions. Among the three communities studied, dry slopes compensated for drier conditions through both a shift in species composition and reduced annual production. Dry-mesic slopes exhibited adaptation only through changing species composition whereas mesic slopes compensated for drier conditions primarily through reduction in annual production. These results indicate that mixed-species forest communities adjust to environmental gradients through several mechanisms and that the relative importance of these mechanisms changes with community type.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Although ephemeral ponds act as small hotspots of plant, invertebrate, and salamander diversity, the importance of such ponds for birds has been little studied. We hypothesized that ephemeral ponds on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee would support a greater abundance, richness, and diversity of birds than the surrounding hardwood forests. In 2004, we recorded all birds seen or heard in 10 min within 50-m radius circles at 25 ephemeral ponds. We repeated the counts at control sites located 150 m from each pond in the surrounding forest. To quantify potential food availability, we captured aerial invertebrates using sweep nets at four points around a subsample of eight ephemeral ponds and at an equal number of control sites. We found significantly greater bird abundance, richness, and species diversity at ephemeral ponds than at control sites, and that pond area was not associated with either bird abundance or richness. Bird community composition at pond and control sites was similar. Aerial invertebrates were significantly more abundant at ephemeral ponds than at adjacent forest sites, providing one possible explanation for greater bird abundance at ephemeral ponds.  相似文献   

We used an individual-based population model to perform a viability analysis to simulate population growth (λ) of 167 elk (Cervus elaphus manitobensis; 71 male and 96 female) released in the Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee, to estimate sustainability (i.e., λ > 1.0) and identify the most appropriate options for managing elk restoration. We transported elk from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, and from Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky, and reintroduced them beginning in December 2000 and ending in February 2003. We estimated annual survival rates for 156 radio-collared elk from December 2000 until November 2004. We used data from a nearby elk herd in Great Smoky Mountains National Park to simulate pessimistic and optimistic recruitment and performed population viability analyses to evaluate sustainability over a 25-year period. Annual survival averaged 0.799 (Total SE = 0.023). The primary identifiable sources of mortality were poaching, disease from meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis), and accidents (environmental causes and unintentional harvest). Population growth given pessimistic recruitment rates averaged 0.895 over 25 years (0.955 in year 1 to 0.880 in year 25); population growth was not sustainable in 100% of the runs. With the most optimistic estimates of recruitment, mean λ increased to 0.967 (1.038 in year 1 to 0.956 in year 25) with 99.6% of the runs failing to be sustainable. We suggest that further translocation efforts to increase herd size will be ineffective unless survival rates are increased in the Cumberland Mountains. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In the Atlantic Montane Rain Forest of south-eastern Brazil, a field study was carried out to describe the forest disturbance regime, analyse canopy gap composition and evaluate the influence of habitat parameters on gap tree species composition. We characterized canopy gaps considering the group of variables as follows: area, type and number of tree/branch falls, topographic position, soil coverage and surrounding canopy trees. Gap composition was assessed at species level by measuring all individuals inside gaps higher than one meter. Mean gap area of the 42 canopy gaps analysed was 71.9 ± 9.0 m2 (mean ± SE). Out of the studied gaps, 35.7% were created by uprooted and by snapped trees, 16.7% by dead-standing trees and 11.9% by the fall of large branches. The disturbance regime was characterized by gap openings predominantly smaller than 150 m2 and by spatial patterning related to topography. Ridges had smaller gaps and higher proportions of gaps created by branch falls; slopes had bigger gaps generally created by uprooting events. The more abundant and frequent species were shade tolerant and the more species-rich families found inside gaps did not differ from the forest as a whole. Pioneer species were rare and restricted to medium and large size classes. The Indicator Species Analysis and the Canonical Correspondence Analysis indicated gap area, topography and the percentage of soil cover by the genera Calathea and Ctenanthe were the predominant variables correlated with woody species distribution. So, topography emerged as an important issue not only to the gap disturbance regime, but also to gap colonization. In respect to the influence of gap processes on the Atlantic Montane Rain Forest regeneration, our results support the view that canopy gap events may not be working as promoters of community wide floristic shifts.  相似文献   

Tang  Cindy Q.  Ohsawa  Masahiko 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):215-230
Structure and regeneration of a mid-montane (2200 m a.s.l.)mixed forest codominated by evergreen (Lithocarpuscleistocarpus), deciduous (Acer flabellatum)andconiferous (Tsuga chinensis, Abies fabri, andTaxus chinensis) trees were analyzed in a 40m× 60 m plot on Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China. Plant communitystructure and composition varied depending on topographic micro-habitat withinthe plot. Four topographic communities (topo-communities) were distinguishedwith dominant species corresponding to topography: (1)Abies – valley bank, (2) Acer– lower steep slope, (3) Lithocarpus – uppergentle slope, and (4) Tsuga – ridge. The coexistencemechanisms of the evergreen, deciduous, and coniferous trees were determined byidentifying the regeneration process characteristic of each dominant species,asrepresented by their seedling dispersion patterns and seedling establishmentalong the topographic gradients. The saplings and seedlings of the dominantswere distributed differently according to the topography:Lithocarpus under the canopy of parent trees and in gapsofthe upper gentle slope and ridge, Acer mainly in bothwell-lit and shady sites on the lower steep slope and on fallen logs,Abies on the valley bank but only in well-lit sites,Tsuga on the ridge, Taxus mostly onrock and well-lit sites on the slopes. Distribution of surviving saplings andseedlings was also related to the species of nearby canopy trees. We suggestthat Lithocarpus, Tsuga and Acer tendto be self-replacing in their own topographic habitats, andAbies survives as a fugitive by occupying occasionalsuitable gaps. The variation in soil conditions, particularly nutrients, withtopography affected seedling establishment and the growth of trees. Thesuccessional change of quantitative species composition, as predicted by theMarkovian model, shows the mixed forest to be in a sustained climax stage.  相似文献   

We characterized stand structure and floristic composition of woody life forms in three, 16–18 yr old secondary stands that regenerated after pasture abandonment, and three nearby old-growth stands of tropical rain forest in lowland Costa Rica. Basal area and stem density for each of four plant size classes (seedlings, saplings, treelets, trees) were similar among stand types, but density of adult canopy palms (individuals 10 cm DBH), was lower in the secondary stands. We estimate that 15% of the basal area of stems 10 cm DBH correspond to remnant trees in our secondary stands. The observed rapid woody regrowth compared to other published studies in the lowland neotropics, can be attributed to moderate land use and possibly, to the influence of nutrient-rich volcanic soils in the study area. Overall, plant species richness was lower in the secondary stands, but this difference was less pronounced in the smallest size classes (seedlings, saplings). Median percent similarity of all pairwise stand comparisons showed that floristic composition of saplings (stems 1 m tall and 5 cm DBH) was more similar between secondary and old-growth stands than for trees (stems 10 cm DBH). Because the potential value of secondary forests in conserving woody plant diversity appears highest for the young size classes, we suggest that further studies on floristic composition, especially those addressing the dynamics of the understory component, are needed to refine our understanding of the role of this natural resource in the maintenance of plant biodiversity in disturbed landscapes.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of temporal variability in a disturbance regime on fouling communities at two study sites in a northern-central Chilean bay. Fouling assemblages grown on artificial settlement substrata were disturbed by mechanical removal of biomass at different time intervals. Using one single disturbance frequency (10 disturbance events over 5 months) we applied 7 different temporal disturbance treatments: a constant disturbance regime (identical intervals between disturbance events), and 6 variable treatments where both variableness and sequences of intervals between disturbance events were manipulated. Two levels of temporal variableness (low and high, i.e. disturbance events were either dispersed or highly clumped in time) in the disturbance regime were applied by modifying the time intervals between subsequent disturbance events. To investigate the temporal coupling between disturbance events and other ecological processes (e.g. larval supply and recruitment intensity), three different sequences of disturbance intervals were nested in each of the two levels of temporal variableness. Species richness, evenness, total abundance, and structure of communities that experienced the various disturbance regimes were compared at the end of the experiment (15 days after the last disturbance event). Disturbance strongly influenced the community structure and led to a decrease in evenness and total abundance but not species richness. In undisturbed reference communities, the dominant competitor Pyura chilensis (Tunicata) occupied most available space while this species was suppressed in all disturbed treatments. Surprisingly, neither temporal variableness in the disturbance regime nor the sequence of intervals between disturbance events had an effect on community structure. Temporal variability in high disturbance regimes may be of minor importance for fouling communities, because they are dominated by opportunistic species that are adapted to rapidly exploit available space.  相似文献   

The Verret basin was formerly an overflow area between the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and contains about 41,000ha of forested wetlands. Water levels are rising at the rate of over 1 cm/year in this area, and the forests are subjected to longer and deeper flooding. Tree growth, litterfall, and species composition were monitored across a flooding gradient during January 1985–December 1986. The driest area was only 20 cm higher in elevation than the wettest area, but the structure of the forest changes greatly over this range. The drier area was dominated by sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), oaks (Quercus spp.), and sugarberry (Celtis laevigata Willd.), while green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), and baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) were dominant in the wetter area. Green ash and bitter pecan (Carya aquatica (Michaux. f.) Nutt.) were found in all plots, but these two species are under severe stress in the more flooded area as evidenced by dead and dying trees. Stem wood production increased from 1985 to 1986 in the driest (392 to 473 g/m2/yr) and wettest (199 to 399 g/m2/yr) plots, but remained relatively unchanged in the transitional area (386 to 380g/m2/yr). Leaf litter production decreased across the gradient from dry to flooded plots during both years. Over 40% of the litterfall in the drier plot was from flood-tolerant shrub species. In the flooded plots, red maple and baldcypress were major contributors to total litterfall. Increased flooding of dry bottomland forests in the future could lead to decreased litterfall and increased tree death over the entire watershed.  相似文献   

We used dendrochronological methods to study disturbance history of a mixed Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zuccarini) dominated forest on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, North Eastern China, over 1770–2000. Frequent small-scale canopy gaps and infrequent medium-scale canopy disturbances dominated natural disturbance regime in the forest, which did not experience stand-replacing disturbances over the studied period. Percentages of growth releases in subcanopy trees were below 6% in most decades, suggesting that disturbances initiating these releases were of low intensity. Strong winds were likely cause of moderate disturbance events. Two episodes with increased disturbance rates (19% and 13%) were dated to the 1920s and 1980s, timing of the 1980s event was consistent with a hurricane occurred in 1986 on the western slope of the Changbai Mountain. Age structure and growth release analyses revealed species-specific regeneration strategies of canopy dominants. Shade-intolerant Olga bay larch (Larix olgensis Henry) recruited mainly before the 1860s. Recruitment of moderately shade-tolerant P. koraiensis occurred as several regeneration waves (1820s, 1850s, 1870–1880s, 1930s, and 1990–2000s) of moderate intensity. Shade-tolerant Jezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr. var. komarovii (V. Vassil.) Cheng et L.K.Fu) and Manchurian fir (Abies nephrolepis (Trautv.) Maxim.) regenerated continuously over the last 220 and 130 years, respectively. Enhanced recruitment of P. koraiensis, P. jezoensis, and A. nephrolepis was observed during the 1930s and 1990s, coinciding with increased growth release frequency in the 1920s and 1980s, and suggesting disturbance events of moderate intensity. Our results indicate that the current disturbance regime of the mixed Korean pine dominated forest maintains coexistence of light-demanding and shade-tolerant species and that change in wind climate may be particularly important for future forest composition.  相似文献   

The flux of carbon and nutrients through aquatic systems is largely dependent upon interactions between autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. As a means of assessing the relative importance of autotrophy and heterotrophy in large rivers, we compared phytoplankton production, heterotrophic bacterial production and community respiration in three regulated rivers of the Midwestern USA. Samples were collected monthly (March to December 1999) from impoundments of the Ohio (McAlpine Pool), Cumberland (Lake Barkley), and Tennessee (Kentucky Lake) Rivers. Bacterial production was tightly coupled to phytoplankton production at each site (r 2 = 0.63–0.85). Ratios of phytoplankton production to bacterial production ranged from <1 to 15 in the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers and 2 to 90 in the Ohio River. The ratio of primary production to community respiration (P:R) ranged from 0.03 to 2.76 across all sites, with average P:R values lower in the Ohio River (0.14) than the Tennessee River (0.39) and the Cumberland River (1.10). P:R values above unity (P > R) were observed only in the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers during seasonal (April–July) spikes in primary production. We estimate that 3, 6, and 20% of annual bacterial carbon requirements were met by exudates from in situ phytoplankton in the Ohio River, Tennessee River, and Cumberland River, respectively. Our findings indicate that heterotrophic bacteria were largely dependant upon allochthonous carbon. Autochthonous sources provided supplemental organic matter (up to 40% of bacterial carbon demand) during summer low flow. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) is a large, rapidly growing, shade-intolerant tree species common after disturbances on moist sites in the Appalachian Mountains. The species is typically scattered throughout old-growth mesophytic forests, where periodic gap formation creates conditions favorable for yellow-poplar establishment and growth. On abandoned agricultural fields, however, it is common for nearly monospecific forests of yellow-poplar to develop.This study examines stand dynamics of a yellow-poplar forest in western Virginia, USA that was established on agricultural fields abandoned in the late 1940s. Increment cores were collected from yellow-poplar trees growing on exposed ridgetops and in a more sheltered hollow. Tree-ring data show that the forest is even-aged. Tree establishment began about 5 years earlier on the ridgetops than in the hollow. Major ice storms disturbed the forest in 1978 and 1994, with two separate events in 1994. Ice storms disturb forests by depositing heavy loads of freezing rain on trees, breaking or uprooting them. The dendroecological data collected for this study provide little support for the hypothesis that ice storm disturbance promotes the establishment of new yellow-poplar cohorts. However, the data show that radial growth of some trees increased after ice storm disturbance, a pattern that reflects the increased availability of light following disturbance. Radial growth declined in some other trees as a consequence of severe injury during the storms.Radial growth responses following the 1978 ice storm were stronger on the ridgetops than in the hollow, suggesting that tree damage was more severe on the higher, more exposed sites. Growth responses were relatively mild following the storms of 1994, and did not exhibit pronounced topographic variations.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the abundance of Quercus species, the spatial pattern of Quercus regeneration, the current canopy disturbance pattern, and their interrelationship in two old-growth deciduous forests in Ohio (Goll Woods and Sears-Carmean Woods). Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia had the greatest density and basal area in both forests, yet the largest trees (by basal area) present at each site were Quercus spp. Quercus spp. appeared to be decreasing in abundance in both sites. Though Quercus seedlings were common, few Quercus saplings or subcanopy trees were present. The current disturbance regimes were dominated by small canopy gaps created by death of 1–2 trees; canopy gaps 100 m2 in size were rare and only 2.5–2.8% of the forest area was covered by recognizable canopy gaps. No significant differences in the density of Quercus seedlings or saplings were found between gaps and non-gap areas at either site. Though no significant barrier to seedling establishment appeared to exist, the present disturbance regimes are not well suited for the growth of Quercus into the subcanopy size class or the recruitment of Quercus into the canopy. The most frequent gapmakers in Goll Woods were Tilia americana and Acer saccharum, and those in Sears-Carmean Woods were A. saccharum and F. grandifolia. The species most frequent as gap fillers were A. saccharum (in both sites) and F. grandifolia (in Goll Woods). These results suggest that A. saccharum will continue to increase in abundance, and Quercus decrease in abundance, in these two old-growth stands.  相似文献   

The vertical growth ofLarix gmelini in the north of the Greater Khingan Mts., north-eastern China is very fast during the first 50 yr. ThoughPinus sylvestris var.mongolica shows a higher growth rate, it will be replaced by the larch population.Picea jezoensis is the most tolerant tree species and will replace all other trees.The fire cycle is 110–120 yr. Most of the montane areas from 800 to 1000 m a.s.l. are not occupied by spruce forest.There is a sapling bank with large numbers of saplings at ages below 20 yr in the understory in the spruce forest. The sapling bank is the key to maintain the steady state of the spruce forest. The persistent sapling bank in the life history of spruce governs the dynamics of the spruce forest controlled by the intensity and frequency of disturbances.The author is H. Q. Wu  相似文献   

Forested headwater systems provide critical habitat needs for diverse macroinvertebrate faunas globally. This study compared macroinvertebrate community structure between ten temporary and perennial stream channels in a Cumberland Plateau (USA) watershed. Macroinvertebrates were sampled in winter and spring over a 2-year period. Several macroinvertebrate taxa displayed distinct abundance patterns with either increasing or decreasing stream permanence. There were no individual taxa, however, that was common or abundant in one flow regime yet absent in the other. Of the 108 taxa totally collected, only nine and eight were not obtained from the temporary and perennial channels, respectively. There were several functional differences revealed between flow regimes, namely higher densities in the perennial channels for scrapers and filtering-collectors and five of six richness variables except shredders. Overall, this study revealed taxonomic similarity of macroinvertebrate assemblages between temporary and perennial channels but also subtle downstream functional changes that are typical of forested headwater systems. This implies that the longitudinal hydrologic gradient was relatively shallow and that most taxa persist across the flow regime.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in resource limitation of phytoplankton growth were assessed monthly within three large rivers with differing extents of water regulation. The Ohio River is regulated by low dams that do not substantially modify discharge, while the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers are impounded by a series of high dams to enhance water storage for downstream flood control. Laboratory dilution assays with light and nutrient manipulations indicated that light was the main factor limiting phytoplankton growth at irradiances below 7 E m–2 d–1. Light limited growth was frequent in the turbid, higher discharge of the Ohio River, but was rare in the heavily regulated Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. When irradiance exceeded 7 E m–2 d–1, phytoplankton were either P-limited (Cumberland River), co-limited by P and N (Tennessee River), or Si limited (Ohio River). Site-specific differences in nutrient limitation were consistent with differences in ambient nutrient levels, with the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers characterized by lower N and P concentrations, and the Ohio River by lower Si. Downstream nutrient depletion was evident in the Ohio River through comparison of an upstream and a downstream site, with nutrient limitation (Si) occurring more frequently downstream. Phytoplankton growth rates at ambient light and nutrient levels ranged from 0.1 to 1.5 d–1 in the Ohio River and 0.2 to 0.6 d–1 in the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Growth rates were greatest at the onset of the summer base pool, as light intensities increased and nutrient levels were maximal. Our findings indicate that multiple factors regulate phytoplankton growth in regulated rivers and that spatial complexity may arise from differences in discharge and water aging.  相似文献   

Jenkins  Michael A.  Parker  George R. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):223-237
Between 1993 and 1995 we sampled herbaceous layer vegetation on 84 plots in Platanus/Asarum Wet-Mesic Bottomland forests to determine how these forests have responded to human disturbance. Four different disturbance types were sampled (abandoned agricultural are as, clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings), and uncut 80–100 year-old reference stands were sampled for comparison. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), distance analyses (chord distance and normalized Euclidean distance) and similarity analysis (Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient) suggest that agricultural use has shifted herbaceous-layer vegetation composition away from that typical of the reference forests, but that clearcutting, group-selection harvest, and single-tree selection harvest have not greatly shifted herbaceous composition. This shift in vegetation on abandoned agricultural land resulted from a loss of indicator species, such as Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) Sw., Stellaria pubera Michx., and Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell and an influx of disturbance, exotic, and nonforest species (e.g., Lycopodium complanatum L., Lonicera japonica Thunb. and Senecio aureus L.). However, only two species found in reference stands, Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. and Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn., were missing from clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings. The species richness values of abandoned agriculture, clearcut, and group-selection plots were generally greater than those of single-tree selection and reference plots. Abandoned agricultural areas had much greater total species richness because of the influx of dry-site, exotic, disturbance, and non-forest species.  相似文献   

In the tropics, old-growth forests are converted to other land cover types at a high rate and young secondary forest may gain in importance. Information on associated changes in leaf gas exchange and other leaf traits can be valuable for modelling biogeochemical fluxes under altered land-use patterns. We studied in situ photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance for water vapour in eight abundant tree species of young secondary forest and eight tree species of natural old-growth forest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. In sun leaves, the average maximal stomatal conductance (g smax) in the secondary forest (SF) species was 2.1 times higher than in the old-growth forest (OGF) species. Species with a high g smax reduced g s sharply when vapour pressure deficit of the air increased, whereas species with a low g smax were much less sensitive to air humidity. For area-based photosynthetic capacity (A max-area), the SF species had a 2.3 times higher average than the OGF species. For both, g smax and A max-area the variation among species was higher in the OGF than in the SF. When all tree species (n=16) are considered, species means of specific leaf area (SLA), leaf N concentration and leaf P concentration were significantly correlated with g smax and A max-area. The strong correlation between A max-area and foliar P (r 2=0.8) is remarkable as the alluvial soils in the study region are rich in nutrients. If the eight OGF species are analysed separately, the only significant correlation was observed between SLA and mass-based A max; in the SF species strong correlations were found between leaf size and A max-area and g smax. These results show that the conversion of old-growth forest to young secondary forest in Sulawesi significantly alters tree leaf gas exchange characteristics and that chemical and structural leaf traits can be used for the prediction of these changes. The best correlations between leaf gas exchange parameters and leaf traits were obtained by different traits in the SF species, the OGF species and the entire pool of studied species.  相似文献   

Ice storms cause periodic disturbance to temperate forests of eastern North America. They are the primary agents of disturbance in some eastern forests. In this paper, a forest gap model is employed to explore consequences of ice storms for the long‐term dynamics of Tsuga canadensis‐northem hardwoods forests. The gap model LINKAGES was modified to simulate periodic ice storm disturbance in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. To adapt the gap model for this purpose, field data on ice storm disturbance are used to develop a polytomous logistic regression model of tree damage. The logistic regression model was then incorporated into the modified forest gap model, LINK ADIR, to determine the type of damage sustained by each simulated tree. The logistic regression model predicts high probabilities of bent boles or severe bole damage (leaning, snapping, or uprooting) in small‐diameter trees, and increasing probability of canopy damage as tree size increases. Canopy damage is most likely on gentle slopes; the probability of severe bole damage increases with increasing slope angle. In the LINKADIR simulations, tree damage type determines the probability of mortality; trees with severe bole damage are assigned the highest mortality rate. LINKADIR predicts Tsuga canadensis dominance in mesophytic old‐growth forests not disturbed by ice storms. When ice storms are simulated, the model predicts Acer saccharum‐dominated forests with higher species richness. These results suggest that ice storms may function as intermediate disturbances that enhance species richness in forested Adirondack landscapes.  相似文献   

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