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A technique for permanently capturing a replica impression of biological cells has been developed to facilitate analysis using nanometer resolution imaging tools, namely the atomic force microscope (AFM). The method, termed Bioimprint™, creates a permanent cell 'footprint' in a non-biohazardous Poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) polymer composite. The transfer of nanometer scale biological information is presented as an alternative imaging technique at a resolution beyond that of optical microscopy. By transferring cell topology into a rigid medium more suited for AFM imaging, many of the limitations associated with scanning of biological specimens can be overcome. Potential for this technique is demonstrated by analyzing Bioimprint™ replicas created from human endometrial cancer cells. The high resolution transfer of this process is further detailed by imaging membrane morphological structures consistent with exocytosis. The integration of soft lithography to replicate biological materials presents an enhanced method for the study of biological systems at the nanoscale. 相似文献
We report herein a nanoparticle-based methodology for detecting DNA in solution using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) as a readout tool. This represents the first homogeneous solution assay of biologically significant targets by employing ICP-related techniques. Two types of particles are employed: silica nanoparticles or gold nanoparticles functionalized with oligonucleotides that are capable of hybridizing with half of the target DNA sequence as signal readout components, and magnetic microparticles functionalized with oligonucleotides that are capable of hybridizing with the other half of the sequence as capture components. In the presence of target DNA, three components form typical sandwich structures, and the application of a magnetic field could effectively separate them from the rest of the solution. Subsequent application of ICP-AES effectively provides an inorganic elemental readout for the diagnosis of target DNA. 相似文献
Using transferrin-transferrin receptor binding as a model of ligand-receptor binding, we have developed a new and simple binding assay for the solubilized receptor. Solubilized membrane proteins containing transferrin receptor were immobilized by covalent binding to beads having chemical reactive epoxide groups, and then 125I-labeled transferrin was added to the beads. Dose-dependent, ligand-specific, and saturable binding of 125I-labeled transferrin to the immobilized membrane proteins were demonstrated and a Scatchard analysis derived affinity of Kd = 1.8 X 10(-9) M was obtained. These results indicate that the immobilization of receptors onto beads may be useful in a simple binding assay of the solubilized receptor. 相似文献
Novel potentiometric immunosensor for hepatitis B surface antigen using a gold nanoparticle-based biomolecular immobilization method 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A novel potentiometric immunosensor for the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen has been developed by means of self-assembly to immobilize hepatitis B surface antibody on a platinum disk electrode based on gold nanoparticles, Nafion, and gelatin as matrices in this study. The modification procedure of the immunosensor was further characterized by using cyclic voltammetry and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The detection is based on the change in the electric potential before and after the antigen-antibody reaction. In contrast to the commonly applied methods (e.g., the glutaraldehyde crosslinking procedure), this strategy could allow for antibodies immobilized with a higher loading amount and better retained immunoactivity, as demonstrated by the potentiometric measurements. A dynamic concentration range of 4-800 ng ml(-1) and a detection limit of 1.3 ng ml(-1) were observed. Analytical results of several human serum samples obtained using the developing technique are in satisfactory agreement with those given by ELISA. In addition, the technique presents some distinct advantages over the traditional sandwich format in that the analyzing performances are direct, rapid, and simple without multiple separation and labeling steps. 相似文献
Gold nanoparticles were used to enhance the immobilization amount and retain the immunoactivity of recombinant dust mite allergen Der f2 immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The interaction between allergen and antibody was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Self-assembled Au colloid layer (?=16nm) deposited on (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (MPTS)-modified GCE offered a basis to control the immobilization of allergen Der f2. The impedance measurements were based on the charge transfer kinetics of the [Fe(CN)(6)](3-/4-) redox pair, compared with bare GCE, the immobilization of allergen Der f2 and the allergen-antibody interaction that occurred on the electrode surface altered the interfacial electron transfer resistance and thereby slowed down the charge transfer kinetics by reducing the active area of the electrode or by preventing the redox species in electrolyte solution from approaching the electrode. The interactions of allergen with various concentrations of monoclonal antibody were also monitored through the change of impedance response. The results showed that the electron transfer resistance increased with increasing concentrations of monoclonal antibody. 相似文献
A nanoparticle-based immunoassay for the detection of recombinant bovine prion protein (PrP) was developed as a step in the development of screening tools for the prevention of the spread of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The assay is based on the competitive binding between PrP and a peptide-fluorophore to a nanoparticle-labeled antibody which is specific for a conserved prion sequence. The fluorophore, when bound to the antibody, is subject to surfaced-modified fluorescence, enabling detection of changes in the concentration of bound fluorophore in the presence of prion protein. Important factors considered during the development of the assay were ease of use, robustness, and detection level. The effects of pH and nanoparticle conjugation chemistry on surface-modified fluorescence observed in the assay were explored. Effects of concentrations of antibody and fluorophore on reproducibility and detection limits were examined. At present, the detection limits of the system are approximately equal to the antibody-peptide fluorophore equilibrium dissociation constant, which is near one nanomolar concentration. Improved assay performance could be obtained by optimization of the nanoparticle surface resonance effects. The simplicity of the assay and ease of use may make the type of assay described in this report attractive for screening purposes in the food industry. 相似文献
Mesoporous silica particles are used as support material for immobilization of enzymes. Here we investigated a fluorescence-based assay for real-time monitoring of the immobilization of lipase, bovine serum albumin, and glucose oxidase into micrometer-sized mesoporous silica particles. The proteins are labeled with the dye epicocconone, and the interaction with the particles is observed as an increase in emission intensity of the protein–dye conjugates that can be quantified if correcting for a comparatively slow photobleaching. The immobilization occurs in tens of minutes to hours depending on particle concentration and type of protein. In the limit of excess particles over proteins, the formation of the particle–protein complexes can be described by a single exponential growth for all three investigated proteins, and the fitted pseudo-first-order rate constant increases linearly with particle concentration for each protein type. The derived second-order rate constant k varies with the protein hydrodynamic radius according to k ∼ RH−4.70±0.01, indicating that the rate-limiting step at high particle concentrations is not the diffusional encounter between proteins and particles but rather the entry into the pores, consistent with the hydrodynamic radii of the three proteins being smaller but comparable to the pore radius of the particles. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of a study of a number of antibody immobilization techniques for application to optical immunosensors. In particular, well-known methods such as covalent binding and physical adsorption have been extended to the Langmiur-Blodgett method in an attempt to improve the density and possibly the uniformity of orientation of monoclonal antibodies on an optical surface. The surface density of active immobilized antibodies was determined from enzyme immunoassay and their thickness and refractive index were deduced from ellipsometry. It is shown that, although high surface densities (500 ng/cm2) of antibody can be obtained, the major obstacle to the detection of low concentrations of antigens or haptens is the non-specific binding of foreign molecules to the sensing surface. 相似文献
Manuel Ba?obre-López Antonio Teijeiro Jose Rivas 《Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy》2013,18(6):397-400
Nanotechnology involves the study of nature at a very small scale, searching new properties and applications. The development of this area of knowledge affects greatly both biotechnology and medicine disciplines. The use of materials at the nanoscale, in particular magnetic nanoparticles, is currently a prominent topic in healthcare and life science. Due to their size-tunable physical and chemical properties, magnetic nanoparticles have demonstrated a wide range of applications ranging from medical diagnosis to treatment. Combining a high saturation magnetization with a properly functionalized surface, magnetic nanoparticles are provided with enhanced functionality that allows them to selectively attach to target cells or tissues and play their therapeutic role in them. In particular, iron oxide nanoparticles are being actively investigated to achieve highly efficient carcinogenic cell destruction through magnetic hyperthermia treatments. Hyperthermia in different approaches has been used combined with radiotherapy during the last decades, however, serious harmful secondary effects have been found in healthy tissues to be associated with these treatments. In this framework, nanotechnology provides a novel and original solution with magnetic hyperthermia, which is based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles to remotely induce local heat when a radiofrequency magnetic field is applied, provoking a temperature increase in those tissues and organs where the tumoral cells are present. Therefore, one important factor that determines the efficiency of this technique is the ability of magnetic nanoparticles to be driven and accumulated in the desired area inside the body. With this aim, magnetic nanoparticles must be strategically surface functionalized to selectively target the injured cells and tissues. 相似文献
Colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), with unique properties such as highly resonant particle plasmons, direct visualization of single nanoclusters by scattering of light, catalytic size enhancement by silver deposition, conductivity, and electrochemical properties, are very attractive materials for several applications in biotechnology. Furthermore, as excellent biological tags, AuNPs can be easily conjugated with biomolecules and retain the biochemical activity of the tagged biomolecules, making AuNPs ideal transducers for several biorecognition applications. The goal of this article is to review recent advances of using AuNPs as labels for signal amplification in biosensing applications. We focus on the signal amplification strategies of AuNPs in biosensing/biorecognition, more specifically, on the main optical and electrochemical detection methods that involve AuNP-based biosensing. Particular attention is given to recent advances and trends in sensing applications. 相似文献
We report a protocol for the amplified detection of target DNA by using a chronocoulometric DNA sensor (CDS). Electrochemistry is known to be rapid, sensitive and cost-effective; it thus offers a promising approach for DNA detection. Our CDS protocol is based on a 'sandwich' detection strategy, involving a capture probe DNA immobilized on a gold electrode and a reporter probe DNA loaded on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Each probe flanks one of two fragments of the target sequence. A single DNA hybridization event brings AuNPs, along with hundreds of reporter probes, in the proximity of the electrode. We then employ chronocoulometry to interrogate [Ru(NH3)6]3+ electrostatically bound to the captured DNA strands. This AuNP-amplified DNA sensor can selectively detect as low as femtomolar (zeptomoles) concentrations of DNA targets and conveniently analyze a breast cancer-associated BRCA-1 mutant DNA. The time range for the entire protocol is approximately 3 d, whereas the DNA sensing takes less than 2 h to complete. 相似文献
Inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) including semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), iron oxide NPs and gold NPs have been developed as contrast agents for diagnostics by molecular imaging. Compared with traditional contrast agents, NPs offer several advantages: their optical and magnetic properties can be tailored by engineering the composition, structure, size and shape; their surfaces can be modified with ligands to target specific biomarkers of disease; the contrast enhancement provided can be equivalent to millions of molecular counterparts; and they can be integrated with a combination of different functions for multimodal imaging. Here, we review recent advances in the development of contrast agents based on inorganic NPs for molecular imaging, and also touch on contrast enhancement, surface modification, tissue targeting, clearance and toxicity. As research efforts intensify, contrast agents based on inorganic NPs that are highly sensitive, target-specific and safe to use are expected to enter clinical applications in the near future. 相似文献
A simple assay for the study of solubilized acetylcholine receptors 总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46
Detergent-solubilized acetylcholine receptors from the electric organs of Electrophorus electricus and Torpedo californica are rapidly, quantitatively and specifically assayed by exposure to 125I-α-bungarotoxin and subsequent adsorption onto DEAE-cellulose paper disks. 相似文献
M.James C. Crabbe 《Analytical biochemistry》1976,75(2):676-681
A study of some indirect methods of assay for diamine oxidase reveals inconsistencies between them and the direct method using p-dimethylaminomethylbenzylamine as substrate. In particular, the coupled assay with glutamate dehydrogenase gave inconsistent kinetic, stoichiometric, and inhibition patterns, with nonlinear time-course plots using biological fluids. It is concluded that considerable caution by exercised in the interpretation of experiments using such coupled assays and that the direct spectrophotometric assay is the method of choice for diamine oxidase. 相似文献
Jiangqin Zhao Shixing Tang James Storhoff Sudhakar Marla Y Paul Bao Xue Wang Eric Y Wong Viswanath Ragupathy Zhiping Ye Indira K Hewlett 《BMC biotechnology》2010,10(1):74
For more than a decade there has been increasing interest in the use of nanotechnology and microarray platforms for diagnostic applications. In this report, we describe a rapid and simple gold nanoparticle (NP)-based genomic microarray assay for specific identification of avian influenza virus H5N1 and its discrimination from other major influenza A virus strains (H1N1, H3N2). 相似文献16.
Response of mast cells to stress has a systemic character, being observed in organs both determining development of stress reaction (thymus, bone marrow, adrenals, stomach, duodenum) and not participating in this process (skin, liver). The reaction of mastocytes is manifested as a total degranulation. Mast cell secretion is regulatory by its nature, and biologically active compound are released directly on the target cells. Along with degranulation, which is observed in organs participating in stress reaction formation, migration of mast cells takes place, resulting in their redistribution. 相似文献
A label-free colorimetric assay, using non-crosslinking AuNP aggregation, has been developed for the screening of specific triplex DNA binders. The relative binding affinities can be simultaneously determined. Our novel assay is simple in design and fast in operation, avoiding either AuNPs modification or oligonucleotide labeling, and easy to implement for visual detection. This strategy may offer a new approach for developing low cost, sensitive and high-throughput screening platform that is likely to be highly useful in a wide range of applications. 相似文献
A new method for immobilization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) to alginate gel beads by activating the carbonyl groups of
alginate using carbodiimide coupling agent has been successfully developed. Maximum reaction rate (V
max) and Michaelis–Menten constant (K
m) were determined for the free and binary immobilized enzyme. The effects of pH, temperature, storage stability, reuse number
and thermal stability on the free and immobilized AChE were also investigated. For the free and binary immobilized enzyme
on the Ca–alginate gel beads, optimum pH values were found to be 7 and 8, respectively. Optimum temperatures for the free
and immobilized enzyme were observed to be 30 and 35 °C, respectively. Upon 60 days of storage the preserved activity of free
and immobilized enzyme were found as 4 and 68%, respectively. In addition, reuse number, and thermal stability of the free
AChE were increased by as a result of binary immobilization. 相似文献
A new method for producing particles and membranes containing immobilized bacteria is presented. These immobilized bacteria display good stability over time making them well suited for use in a packed-bed reactor. Such a reactor is tested as a function of the different parameters of the system. The results are qualitatively similar to those obtained with purified enzyme reactors, but some discrepancies with the plug-flow model are noted. It is necessary to use a more sophisticated model in order to fit the experimental data. 相似文献
Immunoprecipitation combined with mass spectrometry (MS) is a promising technique for targeting proteomics in characterizing submicrograms of target protein and interacting proteins in living cells. This method, however, is limited by interference arising from nonspecific binding. We report a novel gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based immuno probe approach for immunoprecipitation. By cross-linking the antibody Fc domain to protein G covalently modified on AuNPs, the probe was fabricated and characterized to have 60 protein G and 30 immunoglobins per AuNP. We used human immunoglobin against the target and mouse immunoglobin with the same isotype (IgG) to fabricate the target and preclear probe, respectively, and termed it as the dual probe approach. Our results showed that the preclear probe (AuNP-IgG) and the target probe (AuNP-anti-ERα) share a similar panel of nonspecific binders but dramatic different specificity toward the target. Thus, using the dual probe method, we showed major nonspecific binders in the cell lysate could be largely removed without sacrificing the target protein. Compared to the conventional agarose gel-chromatography, the AuNP-based probe exhibited less nonspecific interference and higher recovery yield for ERα. Moreover, the AuNP-based probe is more inert than the agarose gel under harsh conditions and does not induce dissociation of the cross-linked IgG that could interfere with target identification. Using AuNP-based dual probes, ERα was shown to be purified from MCF-7 cells with minimum nonspecific binding. Moreover, the identity and phosphorylation sites on the C-terminus of the purified ERα could be positively confirmed by MS using only 1 mg of cellular protein. 相似文献