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A nuclear pore complex-associated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activity is believed to provide energy for nuclear export of poly(A)+ mRNA. This study was initiated to determine if nuclear membrane lipid composition is altered during chronic hyperlipidemia, and what effect this has on NTPase activity. The JCR:LA-cp corpulent rat model is characterized by severe hypertriglyceridemia and moderate hypercholesterolemia, and thus represents an ideal animal model in which to study nuclear cholesterol and NTPase activity. NTPase activity was markedly increased in purified hepatic nuclei from corpulent female JCR:LA-cp rats in comparison to lean control rats as a function of assay time, [GTP], [ATP], and [Mg2+]. Nuclear membrane cholesterol and phospholipid content were significantly elevated in the corpulent animals. Nuclei of corpulent animals were less resistant to salt-induced lysis than nuclei of lean animals, suggesting a change in relative membrane integrity. Together, these results indicate that altered lipid metabolism in a genetic corpulent animal model can lead to changes in nuclear membrane lipid composition, which in turn may alter nuclear membrane NTPase activity and integrity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The putative role of the nuclear nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) is to provide energy to the nuclear pore complex for poly A(+) mRNA export. Previous work has demonstrated that liver nuclear NTPase activity is greater in 6 month old corpulent (cp/cp) female JCR:LA rats, a hyperlipidemic rat model, compared to lean (+/?) animals. This increase appeared to be related to increases in nuclear membrane cholesterol content. The current study extended these initial data to compare NTPase activity as a function of age and sex in isolated JCR:LA-cp rat liver nuclei, to further test the hypothesis that nuclear membrane cholesterol may modulate NTPase activity. NTPase activity was increased in cp/cp female animals compared to +/? females at all ages studied, with Vmax values increased by 60-176%. Membrane integrity of cp/cp female nuclei was reduced compared to +/? female nuclei. Nuclear membrane cholesterol levels increased linearly with age by 50, 150 and 250% in 3, 6 and 9 month old cp/cp females over leans. In contrast, nuclei from cp/cp males exhibited only minor, isolated changes in NTPase activity. Furthermore, there were no significant changes in nuclear cholesterol content or membrane integrity in the less hyperlipidemic male animals at any age. These data suggest that altered lipid metabolism may lead to changes in nuclear membrane structure, which in turn may alter NTPase activity and functioning of the nuclear pore complex.


Cardiovascular disease in the JCR:LA-cp rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The JCR:LA-cp rat is one of a number of strains that carry the mutant autosomal recessive cp gene. Animals, of all strains, that are homozygous, for the gene (cp/cp) become obese, insulin resistant, and hypertriglyceridemic. Heterozygotes or homozygous normal rats (+/+)are lean and metabolically normal. The JCR:LA-cp rat is unique in the development of a frank vasculopathy with atherosclerotic lesions and associated ischemic myocardial lesions. The cardiovascular disease is strongly correlated with the hyperinsulinemia, which develops as the animals mature from 4 to 8 weeks of age. The hyperinsulinemia can be decreased by marked food restriction, ethanol consumption, or reduction of the postprandial glucose and insulin responses through the use of a-glucosidase inhibitors. Any treatment that reduces plasma insulin levels is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular disease. In contrast, a reduction in plasma triglyceride concentrations, alone, has no effect on end-stage lesions. JCR:LA-cp rats, particularly those that are cp/cp, are, however, sensitive to cholesterol in the diet, unlike other strains that are highly resistant. Further, the rats have abnormal vascular smooth muscle cells that, especially in the cp/cp animals, are hyperplastic and activated and migrate into the intimal space. Our findings suggest that susceptibility to cardiovascular disease requires hypermsulinemic stress coupled with excessive dietary intake and the presence of one or more other necessary, but not sufficient, genetic factors. One of these may be a genetic abnormality of vascular smooth muscle cells. A similar situation may occur in humans.  相似文献   

Alterations in myocardial energy substrate utilization contribute to the development of cardiomyopathic changes in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic rats. Energy substrate utilization and contractile function, however, have not been characterized in insulin-resistant diabetes. In this study, we studied these parameters in the insulin-resistant obese JCR:LA-cp rat homozygous for the corpulent gene (cp/cp). Homozygous (+/+) or heterozygous (+/cp) lean non-insulin-resistant rats were used as controls. Isolated working hearts from cp/cp and lean control rats were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing either 11 mM [U-14C]glucose and 0.4 mM palmitate or 11 mM glucose and 0.4 mM [1-14C]palmitate. Unlike control hearts, hearts from cp/cp rats were found to require high doses of insulin and Ca2+ concentrations of less than or equal to 1.75 mM to maintain mechanical function. In the presence of 2,000 microU/ml insulin, contractile function from cp/cp rat hearts was not depressed in the presence of either 1.25 or 1.75 mM Ca2+. Steady-state glucose oxidation rates in hearts perfused with 1.25 mM Ca2+ and 2,000 microU/ml insulin were 811 +/- 86 (SE) and 612 +/- 51 nmol.min-1.g dry wt-1 in cp/cp and control rats, respectively. Palmitate oxidation was 307 +/- 47 and 307 +/- 47 nmol.min-1.g dry wt-1 in cp/cp and lean control hearts, respectively. Under these perfusion conditions, 40% of myocardial ATP production was derived from glucose, whereas 60% was derived from palmitate in both cp/cp and control rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background: We have shown that individually, dietary fiber and protein increase secretion of the anorexigenic and insulinotropic hormone, glucagon‐like peptide‐1 (GLP‐1). Objective: Our objective was to combine, in one diet, high levels of fiber and protein to maximize GLP‐1 secretion, improve glucose tolerance, and reduce weight gain. Methods and Procedures: Lean (+/?) and obese (cp/cp) male James C Russell corpulent (JCR:LA‐cp) rats lacking a functional leptin receptor were fed one of four experimental diets (control, high protein (HP), high fiber (HF, prebiotic fiber inulin), or combination (CB)) for 3 weeks. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed to evaluate plasma GLP‐1, insulin and glucose. Plasma lipids and intestinal proglucagon mRNA expression were determined. Results: Energy intake was lower with the HF diet in lean and obese rats. Weight gain did not differ between diets. Higher colonic proglucagon mRNA in lean rats fed a CB diet was associated with higher GLP‐1 secretion during OGTT. The HP diet significantly reduced plasma glucose area under the curve (AUC) during OGTT in obese rats, which reflected both an increased GLP‐1 AUC and higher fasting insulin. Diets containing inulin resulted in the lowest plasma triglyceride and total cholesterol levels. Discussion: Overall, combining HP with HF in the diet increased GLP‐1 secretion in response to oral glucose, but did not improve glucose tolerance or lipid profiles more than the HF diet alone did. We also suggest that glycemic and insulinemic response to prebiotics differ among rat models and future research work should examine their role in improving glucose tolerance in diet‐induced vs. genetic obesity with overt hyperleptinemia.  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Clinically significant occlusive vascular lesions contain more extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and lipid deposition than healthy vascular tissue. The...  相似文献   

Regional hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) concentrations were compared between cp/cp JCR:LA corpulent rats, which were grossly obese, hyperphagic, and hyperinsulinemic, and lean (+/+) controls. In freely fed cp/cp rats, NPY levels in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) were 31% higher than in lean rats (p less than 0.001). In lean rats, chronic food restriction significantly raised NPY levels by 22% in the ARC (p less than 0.05) and by 44% in the dorsomedial nucleus (DMH; p less than 0.05). By contrast, food-restricted cp/cp rats showed no change in the ARC, but NPY levels rose in the DMH (by 36%; p less than 0.05) and ventromedial nucleus (31%; p less than 0.05). Increased NPY levels in the ARC, the major site of hypothalamic NPY synthesis, suggests increased NPYergic activity in cp/cp rats; given the central actions of NPY, this could contribute to hyperphagia, obesity, and hyperinsulinemia in this syndrome. Abnormal NPY responses to food deprivation further suggest dysregulation of NPY in cp/cp rats.  相似文献   

The JCR:LA-corpulent male rat, when homozygous for the cp gene (cp/cp) is hyperlipidemic and prone to atherosclerosis. Both male and female cp/cp rats have markedly elevated serum levels of triacylglycerols and phospholipids [Dolphin, P.J. et al. 1987. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 919: 140-148]. In the present study, monolayer cultures of hepatocytes were prepared from male and female, corpulent and lean, rats. There was a marked hypersecretion of all very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) lipid and apoprotein components from corpulent-derived cells. The increased secretion most likely accounts for the increased levels of VLDL lipids and apoproteins previously observed in serum. In contrast, there was no difference between the corpulent and lean hepatocytes in their secretion of high density lipoprotein (HDL) lipids and apoproteins. The difference in triacylglycerol secretion between the lean and corpulent cells was sustained even when the cells were cultured for 24, 48, and 72 h prior to the experiment, by which time the hormonal differences between the corpulent and lean animals would have been largely eliminated. The magnitude of the difference in triacyglycerol secretion did not diminish with increasing time in culture. The biochemical basis responsible for the hypersecretion of VLDL has not yet been established. However, preliminary results suggest that there is an inherent difference in glycerolipid metabolism in the two types of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

In primary cultures of rat hepatocytes, prostaglandin E2 and prostaglandin D2 (PGE2 and PGD2) inhibited the secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-associated apoB, triacylglycerol, and cholesterol. These effects were concentration-dependent and remained apparent for at least 3 days of culture without an effect on the apoB/triacylglycerol ratio of the secreted VLDL. Prostaglandins had no effect on the overall synthesis of triacylglycerol but triacylglycerol accumulated within the cells, without intracellular accumulation of apoB. PGE2, when added to the medium together with glucagon, increased the inhibition of VLDL secretion, compared to that observed with glucagon alone. However, PGE2 did not increase the stimulatory effect of glucagon on ketogenesis. Unlike glucagon, the prostaglandins did not inhibit fatty acid synthesis nor did they stimulate ketogenesis or production of cAMP. Thus, of all the parameters of hepatic lipid metabolism studied, PGE2 and PGD2 selectively affected VLDL. Selective inhibition of VLDL secretion was also observed with the calcium antagonist verapamil. The divalent cation ionophore A23187 also inhibited VLDL release but, in contrast, also inhibited fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis. The results suggest that VLDL secretion is modulated at some optimal cell calcium concentration that may be mediated selectively by agents such as prostaglandins.  相似文献   

Vaccenic acid (VA), the predominant ruminant-derived trans fat in the food chain, ameliorates hyperlipidemia, yet mechanisms remain elusive. We investigated whether VA could influence tissue endocannabinoids (ECs) by altering the availability of their biosynthetic precursor, arachidonic acid (AA), in membrane phospholipids (PLs). JCR:LA-cp rats were assigned to a control diet with or without VA (1% w/w), cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (1% w/w) or VA+CLA (1% + 0.5% w/w) for 8 weeks. VA reduced the EC, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), in the liver and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) relative to control diet (P < 0.001), but did not change AA in tissue PLs. There was no additive effect of combining VA+CLA on 2-AG relative to VA alone (P > 0.05). Interestingly, VA increased jejunal concentrations of anandamide and those of the noncannabinoid signaling molecules, oleoylethanolamide and palmitoylethanolamide, relative to control diet (P < 0.05). This was consistent with a lower jejunal protein abundance (but not activity) of their degrading enzyme, fatty acid amide hydrolase, as well as the mRNA expression of TNFα and interleukin 1β (P < 0.05). The ability of VA to reduce 2-AG in the liver and VAT provides a potential mechanistic explanation to alleviate ectopic lipid accumulation. The opposing regulation of ECs and other noncannabinoid lipid signaling molecules by VA suggests an activation of benefit via the EC system in the intestine.  相似文献   

SREBP-1c mediates the insulin-dependent hepatic glucokinase expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We tested thehypothesis that aging and insulin resistance interact to increasevascular dysfunction by comparing the function of isolated mesentericresistance arteries in obese, insulin-resistant JCR:LA-cp rats andlean, insulin-sensitive rats of the same strain at 3, 6, 9, and 12 moof age. The peak constrictor responses to norepinephrine,phenylephrine, and high potassium were elevated in arteries from obeserats. Responses to these agents increased with age in both obese andlean rats. An eicosanoid constrictor contributed substantially tovasoconstriction in the arteries from both lean and obese animals.Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase increased the vasoconstrictorresponse to norepinephrine in both obese and lean rats. This effectincreased with age in lean rats only. Vascular relaxation in responseto acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside was impaired in the obeserats and did not alter with age. The results suggest that obeseJCR:LA-cp rats have enhanced maximal constriction, which originates inthe arterial smooth muscle and increases with age. There is evidencethat the ability of the arteries to compensate for the enhancedcontractility is impaired in obese rats, particularly with advanced age.


Rats of the JCR:LA-cp strain, which are homozygous for the cp gene (cp/cp), are obese, insulin-resistant, and hyperinsulinemic. They exhibit associated micro- and macrovascular disease and end-stage ischemic myocardial lesions and are highly stress sensitive. We subjected male cp/cp rats to pair feeding (providing the rats each day with the amount of food eaten by matched freely fed animals), a procedure that alters the diurnal feeding pattern, leading to a state of intermittent caloric restriction. Effects on insulin, glucose, and lipid metabolism, response to restraint stress, aortic contractile/relaxant response, and myocardial lesion frequency were investigated. Pair-fed young (12-wk-old) cp/cp rats had lower insulin and glucose levels (basal and following restraint), consistent with increased insulin sensitivity, but a greater increase in plasma nonesterified fatty acids in response to restraint. These effects were unrelated to lipolytic rates in adipose tissue but may be related to reduced fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle. Older (24-wk-old) pair-fed cp/cp rats had significantly reduced plasma triglyceride levels, improved micro- and macrovascular function, and reduced severity of ischemic myocardial lesions. These changes indicate a significant amelioration of end-stage disease processes in this animal model and the complexity of metabolic/physiological responses in studies involving alterations in food intake. The effects illustrate the sensitivity of the JCR:LA-cp rat, an animal model for the metabolic syndrome and associated cardiovascular disease, to the environmental and experimental milieu. Similar stress-related mechanisms may play a role in metabolically induced cardiovascular disease in susceptible human beings.  相似文献   

Obesity and insulin resistance are strongly associated with an increased risk of vascular disease. Vasomotion is the cyclic variation in the diameter of arteries and is a general feature of the vasculature that may have important physiological consequences. We tested the hypothesis that obesity - insulin resistance is associated with abnormal vasomotion by comparing obese, insulin-resistant JCR:LA-cp rats, known to develop vasculopathy, atherosclerosis, and ischemic lesions of the heart, with lean insulin-sensitive animals from the same strain. Vasomotion was assessed using isolated mesenteric arteries on a myograph system after preconstriction to 50% of maximal constriction with norepinephrine. The amplitude of vasomotion was enhanced by the presence of meclofenamate, a prostaglandin H synthase inhibitor, and was diminished by N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Removal of the endothelium essentially abolished vasomotion, and meclofenamate had no effect on de-endothelialized arteries. Frequency was not altered by either L-NAME or meclofenamate. Although pharmacological inhibition of nitric oxide and eicosanoid production clearly altered vasomotion, there was no difference in the amplitude or frequency of vasomotion in arteries from obese rats compared with lean rats. These results indicate that the endothelium plays a central role in modulating vasomotion, involving both enhancing and inhibiting effects, and that vasomotion is similar between obese, insulin-resistant and lean, insulin-sensitive rats.  相似文献   

Changes in hepatic lipogenesis during development of the rat   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. Changes in the activities of ATP citrate lyase, ;malic' enzyme, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase and fructose 1,6-diphosphatase, and in the ability to incorporate [1-(14)C]acetate into lipid have been measured in the livers of developing rats between late foetal life and maturity. 2. In male rats the activities of those systems directly or indirectly concerned in lipogenesis (acetate incorporation into lipid, ATP citrate lyase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase) fall after birth and are maintained at a low value until weaning. After weaning these activities rise to a maximum between 30 and 40 days and then decline, reaching adult values at about 60 days. ;Malic' enzyme activity follows a similar course, except that none could be detected in the foetal liver. Pyruvate kinase activity is lower in foetal than in adult livers and rises to slightly higher than the adult value in the post-weaning period. Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase activity rises from a very low foetal value to reach a maximum at about 10 days but falls rapidly after weaning to reach adult values at about 30 days. 3. Weaning rats on to a high-fat diet caused the low activities of acetate incorporation, ATP citrate lyase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase, characteristic of the suckling period, to persist. ;Malic' enzyme and fructose 1,6-diphosphatase activities were not altered appreciably. 4. No differences could be detected in hepatic enzyme activities between males and females up to 35 days, but after this time female rats gave higher values for acetate incorporation, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and ;malic' enzyme activity. 5. The results are discussed in relation to changes in alimentation and hormonal influences.  相似文献   

Stimulation of VLDL production by increasing fatty acid availability is now well established. However, a possible regulatory role of glycerol, another lipid precursor, in VLDL synthesis by the liver has not yet been substaniated. The present experiments investigate this problem using the isolated perfused rat liver. [14C] Glycerol uptake and metabolism were studied at two different glycerol concentrations: 1 mumol/perfusate (control) or 1.6 mmol/perfusate. VLDL production and lipid synthesis were investigated using [14C]leucine and several labelled fatty acids as precursors in control and glycerol-overloaded livers. Neoglycogenesis and lipogenesis from glycerol carbons are negligible in our conditions. The absolute amount of glycerol, but not the precentage, taken up by the liver, increased after raising its concentration in the perfusate. A major part of exogenous (plasmatic) glycerol was esterified with endogenous (non plasmatic) fatty acids. Incorporation of radioactive fatty acids into liver or plasma lipids was lower than in the the control group. Significant differences were observed between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids used as lipid precursors. Production of VLDL as assessed by radioactive leucine and fatty acid incorporation in the VLDL of the perfusate was depressed by glycerol. Glycerol partly inhibits the normal stimulation of VLDL production by plasmatic fatty acid overload.  相似文献   

In Sprague-Dawley rats, fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity is suppressed by dietary fat. To test the hypothesis that a defect in regulation of de novo fatty acid synthesis exists in massive obesity, we investigated the effect of diet on FAS mRNA levels in genetically obese JCR:LA-corpulent (cp) rats. We also determined levels of mRNA encoding adipsin, a fat cell-derived protein possibly associated with lipid metabolism. Hepatic FAS mRNA levels were elevated five-fold in obese compared to lean cp rats and were unsuppressed by dietary fat. Dietary sucrose increased FAS mRNA levels in lean cp rats, but, in contrast to Sprague-Dawley rats, little deposition of lipid resulted. Adipsin mRNA levels were fivefold lower in obese cp and Sprague-Dawley rats than in lean cp rats and were unaffected by diet. We conclude that exaggerated de novo fatty acid synthesis may play a major role in the pathogenesis of obesity in obese JCR:LA-corpulent rats.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of plasma lipids and lipoproteins, lipoprotein lipase activities and VLDL secretion rates were studied in fed and food-deprived (12 h) male rats after a light/dark synchronization of 14 days. In ad libitum fed rats, a circadian rhythm of plasma triacylglycerol, blood glucose and liver glycogen was clearly identified. A rhythm was also identified for plasma cholesterol, but not phospholipids. The peak of plasma triacylglycerol occurred 2 h after the beginning of the light period (7.00 a.m.), and the nadir, 2 h after the beginning of the dark period (7.00 p.m.). The differences of plasma triacylglycerol at these two circadian stages were even more pronounced in food-deprived rats and were confined to the very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) fraction. Plasma post-heparin and heart and muscle lipoprotein lipase activities were 50-100% higher at 7.00 p.m., the time when plasma triacylglycerol were lowest, as compared to 7.00 a.m. Plasma post-heparin hepatic lipase and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activities, in contrast, did not change. VLDL secretion rates were somewhat higher at 7.00 a.m. compared to 7.00 p.m., but this difference was not significant. It is concluded that physiological variation of heart and muscle lipoprotein lipase together with small differences of VLDL secretion rates are responsible for normal range oscillations of plasma VLDL triacylglycerol levels.  相似文献   

The synthesis and secretion of apoB, the major protein component of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), were studied using rat hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. Supplementation of hepatocytes with rat serum VLDL and LDL increased the production of apoB while delipidated lipoproteins had no significant effect, suggesting a role for lipids in the production of apoB. Addition of cholesterol to the culture medium also increased the production of apoB in a concentration-dependent manner. Pulse labelling followed by chase in presence of cholesterol indicated enhancement in apoB secretion. Mevinolin which inhibits cholesterol synthesis significantly reduced the secretion of apoB. The presence of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine in the culture medium also increased the secretion of apoB into the medium. These data suggest that availability of lipids, particularly cholesterol, is an important determinant of apoB synthesis and secretion as VLDL.  相似文献   

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