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The Lake Victoria 'species flock' of cichlids is puzzling because reproductive isolation often occurs in the absence of substantial ecological differences among species. Theory predicts that this cannot evolve with most genetic mechanisms for mate choice. We provide the first evidence that learning, in the form of sexual imprinting, helps maintain reproductive isolation among closely related cichlid species. Using a cross-fostering experiment, we show that young females develop a sexual preference for males of their foster mothers' species, even reversing species assortative mating preferences. We suggest that learning creates favourable conditions for reproductive isolation to evolve.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of ecological divergence giving rise to premating isolation in the face of gene flow is controversial. However, this may be an important mechanism to explain the rapid multiplication of species during adaptive radiation following the colonization of a new environment when geographical barriers to gene flow are largely absent but underutilized niche space is abundant. Using cichlid fish, we tested the prediction of ecological speciation that the strength of premating isolation among species is predicted by phenotypic rather than genetic distance. We conducted mate choice experiments between three closely related, sympatric species of a recent radiation in Lake Mweru (Zambia/DRC) that differ in habitat use and phenotype, and a distantly related population from Lake Bangweulu that resembles one of the species in Lake Mweru. We found significant assortative mating among all closely related, sympatric species that differed phenotypically, but none between the distantly related allopatric populations of more similar phenotype. Phenotypic distance between species was a good predictor of the strength of premating isolation, suggesting that assortative mating can evolve rapidly in association with ecological divergence during adaptive radiation. Our data also reveals that distantly related allopatric populations that have not diverged phenotypically, may hybridize when coming into secondary contact, e.g. upon river capture because of diversion of drainage systems.  相似文献   

The Drosophila dunni subgroup displays a nearly perfect latitudinal cline in abdominal pigmentation that likely resulted from selective forces acting in the habitat of each species during speciation. Here we characterize the nature of this clinal variation by developing a quantitative measure to assess variation in abdominal pigmentation within and between the D. dunni subgroup species. Using discriminant analysis, we confirm the existence of a cline and find that our quantitative measure of pigmentation distinguishes each of the species with singular efficacy. We then combine our quantitative phenotypic analysis of pigmentation with the phylogeny of the D. dunni subgroup species and map the species relationships into the three-dimensional morphological space defined by our pigmentation measures. In this manner, we can visualize how the species have traversed the morphological pigmentation space during the course of speciation. Our analysis reveals that natural selection has caused overall intensity of pigmentation among the northernmost species of the cline to converge. Along with this convergence in phenotype has been a relaxation in expression of sexual dimorphism in these species, indicating a possible shift in the relative intensity of natural and sexual selection. Our analysis indicates an accelerated rate of change in pigmentation for the darkest species in addition to this species evolving a novel abdominal pigmentation trait.  相似文献   

Significant assortative mating in laboratory studies has been previously shown between two populations of Drosophila melanogaster collected from micro-climactically contrasting and opposing slopes of 'Evolution Canyon' (Lower Nahal Oren, Israel; Korol et al., 2000). Coupled with evidence that the two populations are adapted to their respective environments, this has been suggested as a rare example of ongoing behaviourally mediated speciation occurring in the face of gene flow. Reproductive isolation between these populations, however, has never been confirmed by replicate experiments in an independent laboratory. For this reason, we tested recent collections of these populations for premating isolation in both the original (Haifa) and a new (Burnaby) laboratory under a variety of experimental protocols. Although non-random mating was found in the majority of trials conducted in Haifa, we were unable to replicate these strong results in Burnaby. Most notably, we failed to detect assortative mating in four separate double choice experiments. Significant non-random mating was detected, however, in three of six single choice experiments in Burnaby, suggesting that the populations are behaviourally differentiated in some manner. Why nonrandom mating was weaker in Burnaby than Haifa is not understood, but suggests that assortative mating may be sensitive to unknown environmental factors.  相似文献   

Prezygotic mating isolation has been a major interest of evolutionary biologists during the past several decades because it is likely to represent one of the first stages in the transition from populations to species. Mate discrimination is one of the most commonly measured forms of prezygotic isolation and appears to be relatively common among closely related species. In some cases, it has been used as a measure to distinguish populations from subspecies, races, and sister species, yet the influences of various evolutionary mechanisms that may generate mate discrimination are largely unknown. In this study, we measured the level and pattern of mate discrimination among 18 populations of a cosmopolitan drosophilid species, Drosophila ananassae , from throughout its geographical range and its sister species, Drosophila pallidosa, which has a restricted geographical distribution in the South Pacific Islands. In addition, we measured genetic differentiation between all 18 populations using mitochondrial DNA polymorphism data. Mate discrimination varies considerably throughout the species range, being higher among populations outside the ancestral Indonesian range, and highest in the South Pacific. Our results suggest that colonization and genetic differentiation may have an influence on the evolutionary origin of mate discrimination. Our phylogeographical approach clarifies the ancestral relationships of several populations from the South Pacific that show particularly strong mate discrimination and suggests that they may be in the early stages of speciation. Furthermore, both the genetic and behavioral results cast doubt on the status of D. pallidosa as a good species.  相似文献   

Environmental adaptation and species divergence often involve suites of co‐evolving traits. Pigmentation in insects presents a variable, adaptive, and well‐characterized class of phenotypes for which correlations with multiple other traits have been demonstrated. In Drosophila, the pigmentation genes ebony and tan have pleiotropic effects on flies'' response to light, creating the potential for correlated evolution of pigmentation and vision. Here, we investigate differences in light preference within and between two sister species, Drosophila americana and D. novamexicana, which differ in pigmentation in part because of evolution at ebony and tan and occupy environments that differ in many variables including solar radiation. We hypothesized that lighter pigmentation would be correlated with a greater preference for environmental light and tested this hypothesis using a habitat choice experiment. In a first set of experiments, using males of D. novamexicana line N14 and D. americana line A00, the light‐bodied D. novamexicana was found slightly but significantly more often than D. americana in the light habitat. A second experiment, which included additional lines and females as well as males, failed to find any significant difference between D. novamexicana‐N14 and D. americana‐A00. Additionally, the other dark line of D. americana (A04) was found in the light habitat more often than the light‐bodied D. novamexicana‐N14, in contrast to our predictions. However, the lightest line of D. americana, A01, was found substantially and significantly more often in the light habitat than the two darker lines of D. americana, thus providing partial support for our hypothesis. Finally, across all four lines, females were found more often in the light habitat than their more darkly pigmented male counterparts. Additional replication is needed to corroborate these findings and evaluate conflicting results, with the consistent effect of sex within and between species providing an especially intriguing avenue for further research.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Drosophila yakuba is a species widespread in Africa, whereas D. santomea, its newly discovered sister species, is endemic to the volcanic island of São Tomé in the Gulf of Guinea. Drosophila santomea probably formed after colonization of the island by its common ancestor with D. yakuba. The two species differ strikingly in pigmentation: D. santomea, unlike the other eight species in the D. melanogaster subgroup, almost completely lacks dark abdominal pigmentation. D. yakuba shows the sexually dimorphic pigmentation typical of the group: both sexes have melanic patterns on the abdomen, but males are much darker than females. A genetic analysis of this species difference using morphological markers shows that the X chromosome accounts for nearly 90% of the species difference in the area of abdomen that is pigmented and that at least three genes (one on each major chromosome) are involved in each sex. The order of chromosome effects on pigmentation area are the same in males and females, suggesting that loss of pigmentation in D. santomea may have involved the same genes in both sexes. Further genetic analysis of the interspecific difference between males in pigmentation area and intensity using molecular markers shows that at least five genes are responsible, with no single locus having an overwhelming effect on the trait. The species difference is thus oligogenic or polygenic. Different chromosomal regions from each of the two species influenced pigmentation in the same direction, suggesting that the species difference (at least in males) is due to natural or sexual selection and not genetic drift. Measurements of sexual isolation between the species in both light and dark conditions show no difference, suggesting that the pigmentation difference is not an important cue for interspecific mate discrimination. Using DNA sequence differences in nine noncoding regions, we estimate that D. santomea and D. yakuba diverged about 400,000 years ago, a time similar to the divergences between two other well‐studied pair of species in the subgroup, both of which also involved island colonization.  相似文献   

The maintenance of reproductive isolation in the face of gene flow is a particularly contentious topic, but differences in reproductive behavior may provide the key to explaining this phenomenon. However, we do not yet fully understand how behavior contributes to maintaining species boundaries. How important are behavioral differences during reproduction? To what extent does assortative mating maintain reproductive isolation in recently diverged populations and how important are “magic traits”? Assortative mating can arise as a by‐product of accumulated differences between divergent populations as well as an adaptive response to contact between those populations, but this is often overlooked. Here we address these questions using recently described species pairs of three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), from two separate locations and a phenotypically intermediate allopatric population on the island of North Uist, Scottish Western Isles. We identified stark differences in the preferred nesting substrate and courtship behavior of species pair males. We showed that all males selectively court females of their own ecotype and all females prefer males of the same ecotype, regardless of whether they are from species pairs or allopatric populations. We also showed that mate choice does not appear to be driven by body size differences (a potential “magic trait”). By explicitly comparing the strength of these mating preferences between species pairs and single‐ecotype locations, we were able to show that present levels of assortative mating due to direct mate choice are likely a by‐product of other adaptations between ecotypes, and not subject to obvious selection in species pairs. Our results suggest that ecological divergence in mating characteristics, particularly nesting microhabitat may be more important than direct mate choice in maintaining reproductive isolation in stickleback species pairs.  相似文献   

Mate choice and mate competition can both influence the evolution of sexual isolation between populations. Assortative mating may arise if traits and preferences diverge in step, and, alternatively, mate competition may counteract mating preferences and decrease assortative mating. Here, we examine potential assortative mating between populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura that have experimentally evolved under either increased (‘polyandry’) or decreased (‘monogamy’) sexual selection intensity for 100 generations. These populations have evolved differences in numerous traits, including a male signal and female preference traits. We use a two males: one female design, allowing both mate choice and competition to influence mating outcomes, to test for assortative mating between our populations. Mating latency shows subtle effects of male and female interactions, with females from the monogamous populations appearing reluctant to mate with males from the polyandrous populations. However, males from the polyandrous populations have a significantly higher probability of mating regardless of the female's population. Our results suggest that if populations differ in the intensity of sexual selection, effects on mate competition may overcome mate choice.  相似文献   

We conducted mate choice experiments to determine whether differences in calls or bill morphology might influence assortative mating between call types of red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) that have diverged in bill structure to specialize on different species of conifers. Females preferred males that gave calls that matched their own type, but did not prefer males that more closely approximated the average or optimal bill size of the female's call type. These results were consistent with our breeding simulations, which showed that females gained an indirect fitness benefit by choosing a male of her own call type because this reduced the production of offspring with morphologies that fell between adaptive peaks. However, choice based on bill morphology within a call type provided no further benefit. Calls, which crossbills learn from their parents, likely act as a marker trait indicative of the morphological adaptations of the group, allow for easy assessment of potential mates and facilitate rapid divergence under ecological selection.  相似文献   

Abdominal pigmentation pattern varies dramatically among the species of the Drosophila dunni subgroup across the islands of the Caribbean. Previously, we developed a quantitative measure of abdominal pigmentation to assess phenotypic variation within and between species of this group. In this paper, we use this quantitative measure in an interspecific genetic analysis to decipher the underlying genetic basis of pigmentation differences between one of the lightest and the darkest species in the group. Our analysis shows that pigmentation expression in different areas of the abdomen is under separate genetic control. For these different abdominal regions, we detected a wide range of genetic effects, including X-linked, autosomal additive, near single-gene dominant, and sex-specific effects. Combining these genetic results with our earlier phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses, we present a simple conceptual model to explain how change in the control of expression of pigmentation has evolved throughout the D. dunni subgroup.  相似文献   

Differential selection to avoid hybridization in two toad species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— The fitness consequences of hybridization critically affect the speciation process. When hybridization is costly, selection favors the evolution of prezygotic isolating mechanisms (e.g., mating behaviors) that reduce heter-ospecific matings and, consequently, enhance reproductive isolation between species (a process termed reinforcement). If, however, selection to avoid hybridization differs between species, reinforcement may be impeded. Here, we examined both the frequency and fitness effects of hybridization between plains spadefoot toads ( Spea bombifrons ) and New Mexico spadefoot toads ( S. multiplicata ). Hybridization was most frequent in smaller breeding ponds that tend to be ephemeral, and heterospecific pairs consisted almost entirely of S. bombifrons females and S. multiplicata males. Moreover, in controlled experimental crosses, hybrid offspring from crosses in which S. multiplicata was maternal had significantly lower survival and longer development time than pure S. multiplicata offspring. By contrast, hybrid offspring from crosses in which S. bombifrons was maternal outperformed pure S. bombifrons offspring by reaching metamorphosis faster. These data suggest that, although S. multiplicata females are under selection to avoid hybridization, selection might favor those S. bombifrons females that hybridize with S. multiplicata if their breeding pond is highly ephemeral. Generally, the strength of selection to avoid hybridization may differ for hybridizing species, possibly impeding reinforcement.  相似文献   

Mate discrimination is a key mechanism restricting gene flow between species. While studied extensively with respect to female mate choice, mechanisms of male mate choice between species are far less studied. Thus, we have little knowledge of the relative frequency, importance, or overall contribution of male mate discrimination to reproductive isolation. In the present study, we estimated the relative contributions of male and female choice to reproductive isolation between Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia, and show that male mate discrimination accounts for the majority of the current isolation between these species. We further demonstrate that males discriminate based on female cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones, and collect evidence supporting the hypothesis that male mate discrimination may alleviate the costs associated with heterospecific courtship and mating. Our findings highlight the potentially significant contribution of male mate choice to the formation of reproductive isolating barriers, and thus the speciation process.  相似文献   

Changes in acoustic and substrate-borne sexual signals in phytophagous insects associated with host plant shifts are known to have the potential to promote assortative mating, reproductive isolation and speciation. In this article, we ask whether the switch between pure herbivory and intraguild predation (IGP), which is common amongst phytophagous insects, has similar potential. Male flies in the genus Lipara (Diptera: Chloropidae) search for females by vibrating reed stems and waiting for a reply. By kleptoparasitizing other phytophagous species in the genus (a form of IGP), Lipara rufitarsis can increase its nonsexual fitness considerably. We looked at the impact of IGP on the timing of hatching, body size and attractiveness of male calls in L. rufitarsis . L. rufitarsis males that had engaged in IGP hatched significantly earlier than purely phytophagous flies and were significantly larger, but their calls were less likely to elicit responses from females during playback experiments. We conclude that, although behavioural observations of females provided no evidence of 'like preferring like', changes in phenology associated with IGP are likely to promote assortative mating in this system. The general preference of females for the calls of smaller males is a phenomenon worthy of further study: it may have no adaptive significance, or it may indicate that mating with large males is associated with a fitness cost.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 171–180.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that traits under divergent ecological selection, which also contribute to assortative mating, will facilitate speciation with gene flow. Evidence for these so‐called “magic traits” now exists across a range of taxa. However, their importance during speciation will depend on the extent to which they contribute to reproductive isolation. Addressing this requires experiments to determine the exact cues involved as well as estimates of assortative mating in the wild. Heliconius butterflies are well known for their diversity of bright warning color patterns, and their amenability to experimental manipulation has provided an excellent opportunity to test their role in reproductive isolation. Here, we reveal that divergent color patterns contribute to mate recognition between the incipient species Heliconius himera and H. erato, a taxon pair for which assortative mating by color pattern has been demonstrated among wild individuals: First, we demonstrate that males are more likely to attempt to mate conspecific females; second, we show that males are more likely to approach pinned females that share their own warning pattern. These data are valuable as these taxa likely represent the early stages of speciation, but unusually also allow comparisons with rates of interbreeding between divergent ecologically relevant phenotypes measured in the wild.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown the potential for nonallopatric speciation, but we lack an adequate understanding of the mechanisms of prezygotic barriers and how these evolve in the presence of gene flow. The marine snail Littorina saxatilis has distinct ecotypes in different shore microhabitats. Ecotypes hybridize in contact zones, but gene flow is impeded by assortative mating. Earlier studies have shown that males and females of the same ecotype copulate for longer than mates of different ecotype. Here we report a new mechanism that further contributes to reproductive isolation between ecotypes in the presence of gene flow. This mechanism is linked to the ability of males to track potential partners by following their mucous trail. We show that cliff ecotype males follow the trails of females of the same ecotype for longer than females of the alternate (boulder) ecotype. In addition, cliff males are more likely to follow the mucous trail in the correct direction if the trail is laid by a cliff-female. The capacity to discriminate the ecotype of female mucous trails combined with differential copulation times creates a strong prezygotic reproductive barrier between ecotypes of L. saxatilis that reduces gene flow from cliff to boulder ecotypes by >/=80%.  相似文献   

Assortative mating in the wild is commonly estimated by correlating between traits in mating pairs (e.g. the size of males and females). Unfortunately, such an approach may suffer from considerable sampling bias when the distribution of different expressions of a trait in the wild is nonrandom (e.g. when segregation of different size classes of individuals occurs in different microhabitats or areas). Consequently, any observed trait correlation in the wild can be an artefact of pooling heterogeneous samples of mating pairs from different microhabitats or areas rather than true nonrandom matings. This bias in estimating trait correlations as a result of sampling scale is termed the scale‐of‐choice effect (SCE). In the present study, we use two intertidal littorinid species from Hong Kong to show how the SCE can bias size‐assortative mating estimates from mating pairs captured in the wild, empirically demonstrating the influence of this effect on measures of positive assortative mating. This finding cautions that studies overlooking the SCE may have misinterpreted the magnitude and the cause of assortative mating, and we provide a new analytical approach for protecting against this potential bias in future studies.  相似文献   

The idea that species boundaries can be semipermeable to gene flow is now widely accepted but the evolutionary importance of introgressive hybridization remains unclear. Here we examine the genomic contribution of gene flow between two hybridizing chipmunk species, Tamias ruficaudus and T. amoenus. Previous studies have shown that ancient hybridization has resulted in complete fixation of introgressed T. ruficaudus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in some populations of T. amoenus, but the extent of nuclear introgression is not known. We used targeted capture to sequence over 10,500 gene regions from multiple individuals of both species. We found that most of the nuclear genome is sorted between these species and that overall genealogical patterns do not show evidence for introgression. Our analysis rules out all but very minor levels of interspecific gene flow, indicating that introgressive hybridization has had little impact on the overall genetic composition of these species outside of the mitochondrial genome. Given that much of the evidence for introgression in animals has come from mtDNA, our results underscore that unraveling the importance introgressive hybridization during animal speciation will require a genome‐wide perspective that is still absent for many species.  相似文献   

Should we have different expectations regarding the likelihood and pace of speciation by sexual selection when considering species with sexually monomorphic mating signals? Two conditions that can facilitate rapid species divergence are Felsenstein's one‐allele mechanism and a genetic architecture that includes a genetic association between signal and preference loci. In sexually monomorphic species, the former can manifest in the form of mate choice based on phenotype matching. The latter can be promoted by selection acting upon genetic loci for divergent signals and preferences expressed simultaneously in each individual, rather than acting separately on signal loci in males and preference loci in females. Both sexes in the Chrysoperla carnea group of green lacewings (Insecta, Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) produce sexually monomorphic species‐specific mating signals. We hybridized the two species C. agilis and C. carnea to test for evidence of these speciation‐facilitating conditions. Hybrid signals were more complex than the parents and we observed a dominant influence of C. carnea. We found a dominant influence of C. agilis on preferences in the form of hybrid discrimination against C. carnea. Preferences in hybrids followed patterns predicting preference loci that determine mate choice rather than a one‐allele mechanism. The genetic association between signal and preference we detected in the segregating hybrid crosses indicates that speciation in these species with sexually monomorphic mating signals can have occurred rapidly. However, we need additional evidence to determine whether such genetic associations form more readily in sexually monomorphic species compared to dimorphic species and consequently facilitate speciation.  相似文献   

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