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Bohemia and Moravia, the two parts constituting together the Czech Republic, do not only represent historical countries, but they also display distinct geographies. As Bohemia is surrounded by mountains, its territory is often called the Bohemian Basin. In Moravia, the mountains in the north of the country are interrupted by the Moravian Gate, giving access to the Great Northern Plain of Europe with its rich sources of Northern flints, the best raw material for chipped stone industries available in Central Europe. The southern part opens directly towards the Danubian region with its more temperate environment, and connecting the south of Germany with the Balkans. The morphology of the territory had obviously influenced the Palaeolithic occupation. In the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic when communication did not play any major role, the two countries were settled relatively regularly, although not too densely. The Early Upper Palaeolithic brought a substantial change: In Moravia hundreds of sites proliferate, while there are only few of them in Bohemia. The Pavlovian phase of the Gravettian seems to be completely missing in Bohemia, while in Moravia it is concentrated in several megasites on the banks of the main rivers. This is certainly caused by the presence of the South-North artery of animal migrations and human communication. Since the Epigravettian, the density of occupation became balanced again. The local evolution of the Upper Palaeolithic was interrupted by the invasion of the Magdalenians coming from the West, on the one side along the Danube River, on the other by the northern route through Poland. The Late Palaeolithic, subject to influences coming from the North, gradually transformed into the Mesolithic.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for successful dating of wooden archaeological finds and historic wooden constructions in a specific territory is the existence of a chronology. In the Czech Republic the species most frequently dated by dendrochronology is oak (Quercus spp.). There are two territories where oak forests can be found (Bohemia and Moravia/Silesia), which are divided by an area without oak – the Highlands (Vyso?ina). The previous oak chronology for the Czech Republic from 2005 was extended in 2010, and currently we have a discontinuous oak chronology (CZGES 2010) ranging from 4682 bc to 2006 ad with a large sample size between 760 ad and the present. When comparing this chronology with European chronologies, the highest degree of similarity has been observed with chronologies for Eastern Austria, most of Germany and the Polish part of South Silesia. When comparing the chronologies for Moravia/Silesia (MORGES 2010) and Bohemia (CECHGES 2010) separately with chronologies from the Pannonian Basin, the Moravian/Silesian chronology manifests higher degrees of similarity. The Czech oak chronology enlarges the European network of chronologies, which is necessary for dendroarchaeological applications mainly.  相似文献   

In the tradition of European phytosociology, delimitations of vegetation units such as associations are mostly based on data from small areas where more detailed vegetation sampling has been carried out. Such locally delimited vegetation units are often accepted in large-scale synthetic classifications, e.g. national vegetation monographs, and tentatively assigned to a small geographical range, forming groups of similar (vicarious) vegetation units in different small areas. These vicarious units, however, often overlap in species composition and are difficult to recognize from each other. We demonstrate this issue using an example of the classification of dry grasslands (Festuco-Brometea) in the Czech Republic. The standard vegetation classification of the Czech Republic supposes that the majority of accepted associations (66 out of 68) have a restricted distribution in one of the two major regions, Bohemia or Moravia. We compared the classification into traditional associations with the numerical classification of 1440 phytosociological relevés from the Czech Republic, in order to test whether the traditionally recognized associations with small geographical ranges are reflected in numerical classification. In various comparisons, the groups of relevés identified by numerical analysis occupied larger areas than the traditional associations. This suggests that with consistent use of total species composition as the vegetation classification criterion, the resulting classification will usually include more vegetation units with larger geographical ranges, while many of the traditional local associations will disappear.  相似文献   

A survey of units of ruderal vegetation in the territory of Bohemia is presented. In the processing, the deductive method of syntaxonomical classification was used. This method is based on the classification principles of theBraun-Blanquet school and represents its further development. It makes possible syntaxonomical processing of communities which cannot be typified within the rank of associations. The communities are typified in the following abstract units: 1. association, 2. basal community, 3. derivate community. The communities typified in this way are ranged in the “auxiliary network” of higher syntaxa of the phytocenological system (alliances, orders and classes).  相似文献   

A synthesis of the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris in the Czech Republic is presented on the basis of 82 relevés including new unpublished data. A TWINSPAN classification and detrended correspondence analysis were used to identify the main vegetation types included in the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris. A syntaxonomic revision of the data set revealed five associations of the alliance: Digitario sanguinalis-Eragrostietum minoris, Portulacetum oleraceae, Eragrostio poaeoidis-Panicetum capillaris, Cynodontetum dactyli, and Hibisco trioni-Eragrostietum poaeoidis. The latter was recently found in several arable fields in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) and was newly characterized.  相似文献   

Question: What is the variation in species composition of Central European semi‐dry grasslands? Can we apply a training‐and‐test validation approach for identifying phytosociological associations which are floristically well defined in a broad geographic comparison; can we separate them from earlier described associations with only a local validity? Location: A 1200 km long transect running along a gradient of increasing continentality from central Germany via Czech Republic, Slovakia, NE Austria, Hungary to NW Romania. Methods: Relevés with > 25% cover of Brachypodium pin‐natum and/or Bromus erectus were geographically selected from a larger database. They were randomly split into two data sets, TRAINING and TEST, each with 422 relevés. Cluster analysis was performed for each data set on scores from significant principal coordinates. Different partitions of the TRAINING data set were validated on the TEST data set, using a new method based on the comparison of % frequencies of species occurrence in clusters. Clusters were characterized by statistically defined groups of diagnostic species and values of climatic variables. Results: Species composition changed along the NW‐SE gradient and valid clusters were geographically well separated. Optimal partition level was at 11 clusters, six being valid: two clusters Germany and the Czech Republic corresponded to the Bromion erecti; two clusters from the Czech Republic and Hungary to the Cirsio‐Brachypodion, and two clusters were transitional between these two alliances. Conclusion: The training‐and‐test validation method used in this paper proved to be efficient for discriminating between robust clusters, which are appropriate candidates for inclusion in the national or regional syntaxonomic overviews, and weak clusters, which are specific to the particular classification of the given data set.  相似文献   

Abstract. The launching of international phytosociological projects requires a re-evaluation of vegetation units (syntaxa) of different phytosociological schools and their integration into one global classification system. Despite many difficulties, this possibility is offered by the floristic-phytosociological system - a hierarchical system of syntaxa defined by floristic-socio-logical criteria. Associations (and lower syntaxa) of the Zürich-Montpellier School as well as associations (later called sociations) of the Uppsala School are defined by means of the floristic composition of plant communities and fit this postulate; their syntaxonomic identity can be checked by tabular comparison of vegetation relevés. Not only the presence of diagnostic species but also the specific combination of sociological groups of species, dominance of species or even the absence of certain species or species groups can be used as syntaxonomic criteria. The syntaxonomic identification of an association of the Uppsala School with one of the Zürich-Montpellier School means uniting syntaxa of the same rank in the sense of the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. If a sociation is found to fit the criteria of an association delimited by the Zürich-Montpellier methods, the rank of an association can be attributed to this sociation and its name can thus be validated in the sense of the Code.  相似文献   

The first part of the study gives a survey and brief phytocenological evaluation of the grassland stands in the environs of the village Chvaletice and of the town P?elou? in the southeastern part of the Labe lowlands (central and eastern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia). On the basis of the relevé materials acquired in 1974, 18 associations with their subordinate units were characterized by means of the method of the Zürich-Montpellier school. For the first time a record is published of the associationHolcetum lanati Gams 1927 from Czechoslovakia. The following new syntaxa are described:Holcetum lanati cirsietosum cani, Holcetum lanati arrhenatheretosum elatioris, Cerastio arvensi-Festucetum trachyphyllae, Cerastio arvensi-Festucetum trachyphyllae trifolietosum pratensis, andCerastio arvensi-Festucetum trachyphyllae armerietosum elongatae.  相似文献   

The Early Miocene vegetation of western Styria, Austria, is reconstructed on the basis of detailed investigations of leaves and diaspores from the mining area Oberdorf N Voitsberg. In this paper, the flora and probable vegetation are compared with other assemblages of similar age from the Czech Republic and Germany to elucidate the diversity of wetland and mesophytic plant communities. The floristic composition and the vegetational units represented in Oberdorf are compared to the middle part of the Most Formation (M Most Fm), Cypris Shale, Mydlovary Formation (Mydlovary Fm) of Bohemia, and the Wackersdorf mining area of Bavaria. Among these sites, Oberdorf is extremely poor in hydrophytes and reed-like monocotyledons, indicating rare pond-like habitats as well as possibly more closed swamp forest conditions than, e.g. in the M Most Fm. In Oberdorf, relatively high pH-values in the lignite-forming swamps and the possible scarcity of acidic, nutrient-poor (sandy) soils have probably influenced the floristic composition of the azonal communities. The peat-forming associations in all regions share the abundance of Glyptostrobus europaeus. However, distinct differences in the accompanying elements, such as Taxodium dubium (present and abundant only in the M Most Fm) indicate even stronger floristic variability of Early(/Middle) Miocene peat-forming and riparian plant communities than previously expected. The virtual absence of Pinus, Engelhardia, Comptonia, and probably also of Quercus kubinyii/Quercus drymeja in the megafossil record of Oberdorf can possibly be explained by the edaphic conditions. The abundance of Sequoia abietina (absent in all the other compared sites), which we assign to riparian (and mesophytic) forests in Oberdorf, may have been favoured by rich alluvial soils.In the mesophytic associations, thermophilous elements of the Lauraceae, Mastixiaceae, Symplocaceae, and Rutaceae are diverse. Usually they include Trigonobalanopsis rhamnoides/Trigonobalanopsis exacantha, an evergreen Fagaceae. This assemblage type corresponds with the Younger Mastixioid Flora sensu Mai. The Younger Mastixioid Flora is best developed in Wackersdorf, less distinct in Oberdorf, and likely in the Cypris Shale and Mydlovary Fm. It is not traceable in the M Most Fm.  相似文献   

A review of the vegetation of Greece, following the hierarchical system of four main syntaxonomic levels (association, alliance, order, class) is presented and the correspondence of the high-ranked syntaxa with the Habitat Types included in Annex I of the Directive 92/43/EEC has been prepared. The syntaxonomic list of the vegetation units of Greece (up to alliance level) is composed of 41 classes, 56 orders, and 91 alliances. Of the 226 Habitat Types listed in Annex I of Directive 92/43/EEC, 111 different Habitat Types are present in Greece, of which 26 are Priority Types. The establishment of a syntaxonomic typology for the Habitat Types recorded in Greece is essential for the sake of vegetation mapping and nature conservation. A habitat coding system, as applied in Spain, is proposed for Greece for mapping purposes. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02DO015 00007  相似文献   

The main objective of this project was to predict Ixodes ricinus abundant habitats reliably as a means of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) risk assessment for the prevention of this disease. The vegetation types were used as the indicators of an ecosystem suitable for tick occurrence, for TBE virus circulation and, accordingly, for the existence of natural foci of this infection. Remote sensing methods were used to determine the indicative plant cover. Satellite data covering an experimental area of 70 × 70 km in Central Bohemia, the Czech Republic, was acquired by the Landsat 5 TM scanner. Nine forest classes were recognized in the experimental area by successive supervised and unsupervised classifications and identified in a field-checking botanical survey. An epidemiological TBE map based on human cases contracted in the territory under study was exploited for the evaluation of risk in particular forest classes. Predictive maps are expressed both in digital and in printed forms at a scale of 1 : 300 000 for an overall risk evaluation and at a scale of 1 : 25 000 for a detailed local orientation.  相似文献   

2012年广州市荔湾区疑似预防接种异常反应监测情况分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的了解广州市荔湾区疑似预防接种异常反应(Adverseevent following immunization,AEFI)监测情况,分析AEFI发生的原因,为改进疫苗质量和提高预防接种服务质量提供依据。方法对2012年荔湾区各预防接种门诊报告的AEFI病例资料进行分析。结果2012年荔湾区开展预防接种的疫苗共82种(不同厂家和剂型),其中22种疫苗报告AEFI157例。接种共352723剂次,发生率为44.51/10万,其中一般反应、异常反应、偶合症的发生率分别为27.50/10万(占61.78%)、15.88/10万(占35.67%)、11.34/10万(占2.55%)。157例AEFI病例中,0~1岁儿童112例(占71.34%),0-7岁儿童156例(占99.36%)。AEFI发生率居前的疫苗为七价肺炎球菌结合疫苗、白破疫苗、23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗,报告发生率分别为253.32/10万、203.94/10万、190.28/10万。结论广州市荔湾区2012年AEFI监测具有较高的覆盖性和灵敏度。荔湾区2012年AEFI以一般反应为主,未发生严重异常反应。加强宣传、加强培训、加强管理,有利于提高预防接种服务的质量。  相似文献   

Transcarpathian wooden churches started to dilapidate after World War I. To preserve the architectural heritage, five oak churches were transported from the region to the territory of today's Czech Republic. However, an exact date of their construction and origin of wood have not been specified and evidenced in literature. In this study, 63 samples have been collected and processed using standard dendrochronological methods. Three Baroque churches, coming from the Mukachevo district, were absolutely dated thanks to the preserved waney edge or sapwood tree rings to periods 1734–1744, 1753–1755, and 1783–1795. Two other churches, representing Gothic architecture, were transported from a more eastern part of Transcarpathian Ukraine. One of them was dated to the period after 1655 and the other could not be reliably dated using available reference chronologies. The created mean tree-ring width series representing individual churches showed strong correlations with the reference chronologies for Slovakia and northern Romania whereas correlations with the only Ukrainian chronology (Lviv region) were negligible. This could suggest low Transcarpathian tree-ring coherency and may indicate the need to create a dense network of regional tree-ring width chronologies in the regions surrounding the Carpathian Mountains.  相似文献   

The results of study of the spatial differentiation of forest using field data, remote sensing, and map data are presented. Different classification approaches are used while analyzing the diversity of forest communities, i.e., ecological-dominant, ecological-topological, and dynamical. The interpolation of local chatacteristics of plant associations and syntaxonomic units at the upper levels using the data of spectral satellite imagery and quantitative methods of processing allow to use in mapping important information on the structure and properties of vegetation. The results of our studies include thematic maps of the specific parameters of forest and a 1: 100000-scale vegetation map of the central part of Murmansk Province. The role of natural and anthropogenic factors is reflected in the legend to the map.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Klasse Agropyretea intermedii-repentis mit der Ordnung Agropyretalia intermedii-repentis und den zwei Verbänden Convolvulo-Agropyrion repentis und Artemisio-Agropyrion intermedii sowie verschiedene Assoziationen beschrieben, die Abgrenzung gegen andere Gesellschaftseinheiten besprochen und die wichtigsten Standortsfaktoren behandelt. Es handelt sich bei den Gesellschaften dieser Klasse um halbruderale Trocken- und halbtrockenrasen, in denen die sich ersetzenden Agropyron-Arten, A. repens oder A. intermedium vorherrschen. Daneben kommen in der Regel gewisse Ruderalarten und Festuco-Brometea-Arten vor.
Summary The class Agropyretea intermedii-repentis with the order Agropyretalia intermedii-repentis and the two alliances Convolvulo-Agropyrion repentis and Artemisio-Agropyrion intermedii are described as well as several associations, the delimitation is discussed in comparison with other community units as are the most treated important site factors. With the communities of this class the semiruderal dry- and mesoxerophytic meadows are concerned in which the replacing species of Agropyron, A. repens or A. intermedium predominate. Besides several ruderal plants species of the class Festuco-Brometea are found as a rule.

In the High Middle Ages, a wave of landscape transformation which originated in western Europe swept across the east-central part of the subcontinent. In the Czech Republic, this happened during the 13th century and it had the same environmental attributes as in the rest of Europe—a considerable increase in population, vast deforestation resulting in a rapid increase in soil erosion, irreversible changes in forest species composition and overall formation of a cultural landscape. In the Czech Republic, the dynamics of such a radical change are poorly understood because it would require detailed archaeological, historical and palaeoecological insight into developments during the Early Middle Ages—a demand that is mostly not met. The aim of this paper is to fill in this gap. Archaeological and historical data from three early medieval strongholds located in central Bohemia, at Libice nad Cidlinou, Stará Boleslav and Hradi??ko, are summarized and evaluated. The first two sites represent well-known political and religious centres of the early Czech state in the 10 to 11th centuries, while the last was of secondary importance. These archaeological sites have radiocarbon dated pollen and plant macrofossil evidence from oxbow sedimentary sequences which are situated in the immediate vicinity of the strongholds. The issue of fluvial transport of pollen and macrofossils is also discussed. Both pollen and macrofossil data from Hradi??ko show surprisingly small impact of the stronghold on the forested alluvial environment. The vicinity of Stará Boleslav was intensively affected by human activity only during the later 11th century. It has not been possible to trace any impact of the foundation of the stronghold at Libice nad Cidlinou on the landscape. Medieval landscape change began before the 13th century in some places, as shown by the data from Stará Boleslav.  相似文献   

Vegetation development in the lowland floodplain alder carr “Na bahně” (eastern Bohemia, the Czech Republic) has been studied by means of pollen and macrofossil analyses and combined with vegetation analysis performed over the last 70 years. Local successional changes started with an oxbow lake (160 cal BC) which has later terrestrialised (630 cal AD). Then it changed from a typical alluvial fen into aSphagnum-dominated spring mire (950 cal AD) supplied by water arising from a river terrace surrounding the locality from three sites. In the centre of this wetland a small patch of alder carr developed (100 cal. AD), showing some tendency towards cyclic succession. The alder carr alternated several times with an openCarex fen (1100 cal AD to recent). The last fen-to-alder carr transition has been documented by direct observation during this century. Possible autogenic and allogenic factors driving the succession are discussed. The model of autogenic cyclic succession corresponds well with direct field observations and can be used to interpret alder carr structure, its dynamics, and function.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence was determined for Czech potato mop-top virus (PMTV) isolate Korneta-Nemilkov, found in the potato field situated in South Bohemia. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences were compared with other PMTV isolates available in databases. The sequence identity was always >99% when Czech isolate RNA 2 and RNA 3 sequences were compared with each of the 3 Danish isolates and with Sw isolate, and slightly lower when compared to Scottish isolates. Similarity of deduced proteins was 100% for 5 out of 6 proteins used in comparison of Czech isolate with Danish isolate 54-15. The only difference between 2 isolates was found in coat protein (CP) gene. Interestingly, the CP of the Czech isolate seems to be 100% identical to the one of Sw, while many changes were found in the region encoding TGBp2, TGBp3 and cysteine-rich protein (CRP) for these 2 isolates. The lowest similarity scores were found when comparing the Czech isolate CRP with CRP of Scottish isolates.  相似文献   

The 1997 check list of Dolichopodidae of the Czech Republic and Slovakia has recently been reviewed and updated. The new species list includes 346 species with 22 species added as new to the fauna of the Czech Republic. While the check list itself is published elsewhere, largely unpublished new records of Hercostomus argentifrons, H. nigrilamellatus, Medetera adjaniae, M. melancholica and M. setiventris are presented here, together with data on their distribution in Europe and their biology and ecology. The status of the newly added Sympycnus desoutteri is discussed. H. argentifrons is recorded here for the first time from the Czech Republic (Bohemia; Moravia) and background information is given on its discovery. While the Czech fauna with 324 species can be considered well known, the fauna of Slovakia is definitely much richer than its current national list of 217 species suggests. In the latter country, in particular surveys of sandy habitats with heathland or peatmoor, saltmarshes, reedmarshes, humid forests on loamy soils, and of rothole and saprun microhabitats on trees might quickly yield new species records.  相似文献   

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