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Jukka Jokela 《Oecologia》1996,105(2):167-174
The effect of a change in the environment on reproductive and somatic energy allocation in an iteroparous freshwater clam Anodonta piscinalis was studied at different time of the seasonal reproductive cycle. Environmental change was produced by reciprocal transplant experiments among sites of varying productivity. In addition, clams were caged at high density to reduce the availability of resources. Transplanting females before fertilization (from May to June), or during the early development of the brood (from July to August) had no detectable effect on reproductive output. Early-season environment, however, affected body mass and percent fat content of females from two populations. This suggests that maintaining the level of reproductive allocation when resources are reduced early in the season leads to lower allocation to somatic growth and biochemical storage. Transplanting females late in the season (from September to November) had a substantial effect on reproductive output and body mass, but not on fat content, suggesting that late in the season allocation to biochemical energy storage is important. Hence, late in the season reproductive allocation may be adjusted to prevailing conditions in preparation for winter. Indeed, over-wintering site had a significant effect on percent fat content, body mass and shell growth when females were kept in a new environment from September to March. Variation among transplant sites in female body mass matched the estimated productivity of the sites, suggesting that it occurred in response to differences in the productivity of the habitats. The results emphasize the importance of taking seasonal changes in the priorities of energy allocation and the seasonality of reproductive processes into account when developing or testing models of optimal energy allocation.  相似文献   

The magnitude of variations in reproductive traits of Palaemon macrodactylus females throughout a breeding season was studied in a non-native population at Mar del Plata harbor, Argentina. Fecundity, egg size, reproductive output, weight and elemental composition of eggs, and larvae were analyzed in females collected at the beginning, in the mid point, and near the end of a reproductive season and designated as early, middle season, and late females. The highest reproductive output was observed in early females, while the highest fecundity and egg volume occurred in middle season females. Eggs and larvae showed larger body mass in early than in late females. Embryos from early females contained and consumed more carbon during development than embryos from late females, and they also used part of the available nitrogen. Differences in reproduction were observed among the three groups of females. On the one hand, late females matured early but had a poor first reproduction, with few embryos and high egg loss; however, they had longer reproductive life and an enhanced reproductive output in the following season when they became early females. On the other hand, females collected at the midpoint in the reproductive season matured later and had the highest fecundity and egg volume. In addition, larvae with different characteristics resulted from each type of female and were presumably well adapted to the conditions prevailing at the moment they hatched. The extended reproductive period and the diversity of embryos and larvae produced may favor the invading ability of the species.  相似文献   

Gail R. Michener 《Oecologia》1992,89(3):397-406
Summary Over-winter torpor patterns of Richardson's ground squirrels hibernating in southern Alberta were monitored with temperature-sensitive radiocollars to determine if these patterns differed between males and females in a manner related to the greater costs of mating effort by males than females. The hibernation season (from immergence to emergence) was composed of three periods: post-immergence euthermy, heterothermy, and pre-emergence euthermy. The hibernation season was shorter for juveniles than adults both among males (< 150 versus 234 days) and females (185 versus 231 days), a reflection of the later immergence into hibernation by juveniles. However, regardless of the absolute duration of hibernation, heterothermy accounted for a smaller proportion of the hibernation season of males (93±5%) than females (98±1%) and, within the heterothermal period, males had shorter torpor bouts and longer inter-torpor arousals. Overall, males spent a smaller proportion of the hibernation season in torpor (85±6%) than females (92±1%). This sexual difference was largely attributable to the longer duration of preemergence euthermy for males than females. Males terminated torpor in January and February, when hibernacula were at their coldest, then remained euthermic for 8.8 days (range 0.5–25.0 days) before emergence. In contrast, females terminated torpor in March, when hibernaculum temperatures were increasing, then remained euthermic for only 1.1 days (range 0.5–2.0 days) before emergence. Males lost less mass per euthermic day during hibernation than females (7.0 versus 9.3 g/day). Males and females hibernated at similar depths (56 cm), but males had larger chambers than females (18 versus 16 cm3/g). Many males, but no females, cached seeds in the hibernaculum. Males met the costs of thermogenesis and euthermy from a combination of fat reserves and food caches, whereas females relied solely on fat. Access to food caches permitted males to terminate torpor several weeks in advance of emergence, during which time they recouped mass and developed sperm in preparation for the forthcoming mating season.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed seasonal shifts of energy and time allocation in a population of golden-mantled ground squirrels (Spermophilus saturatus) by directly measuring total daily energy expenditure (DEE) with an isotopic technique (doubly labeled water=dlw), and by estimating components of total DEE through an integration of field behavioral observations with laboratory-measured rates of energy expenditure (oxygen consumption) associated with major behavioral and physiological states. Hibernation laster about 7 1/2 months, and the 4 1/2-month activity season consisted of mating, a 28-d gestation of 3–5 young, 5 1/2 weeks of postnatal growth building to a peak in lactation just before the young emerged above ground, an additional 2–3-week period of maternal care before dispersal, and finally restoration of body mass preceding hibernation. Although the hibernation season comprised nearly two-thirds of the year, it involved only 13–17% of annual energy expenditure, leaving about 85% of energy expenditure for the active season. Ground squirrels were actually present on the surface for only about 11% of the year's time, and the foraging time required to obtain the total annual energy supply amounted to only about 2% of the year's time. The squirrels fed mainly on herbs in the early season and hypogeous fungi later; both were used extensively during peak lactation when female energy expenditure and demand were maximal. Average daily foraging time increased steadily throughout the season to a maximum of 28% of aboveground time as availability of greens diminished and fungus predominated in the diet; time availability did not limit foraging since the animals sat on average for 65% of the daily surface time of about 7 h. Timing of reproduction is apparently optimized such that peak reproductive energy demands are matched with maximal food availability and moderate thermal conditions that minimize energy demand. Despite the greater body mass of males, the greatest total DEE (measured by dlw) of any squirrels at any time of year was that of females during peak lactation. For production of young and lactation through above-ground emergence of an average litter of 2.7, females required a total energy increase of 24% above annual nonreproductive metabolism. Yearling females all bred and performed similarly to older females, yet some costs were greater because the yearlings began and ended hibernation at smaller mass, compensated by giving birth later, and finally showed a greater absolute increase in body mass over the active season than older females. Annual metabolic energy expenditure of breeding males was about 18% greater than that of females, due to greater male body mass. Yet the annual energy intake requirement for both sexes was essentially identical (about 42MJ) due to the greater reproductive export by females in the form of newborn and milk. During the mating season males showed wide-ranging exploratory behavior and social interactions, including aggression, that involved considerable locomotory energy expenditures. Although we did not directly account for the energetics of these specific reproductive behaviors, they are critical to male reproductive success and on a daily basis they probably involved much greater energy expenditure than sperm production. Some yearling males avoided these costs by foregoing testicular development, yet they allocated four times as much energy to growth as older males, thereby increasing somatic condition for the future.  相似文献   

Physiological and behavioural parameters associated with reproductive effort and success were investigated in female European ground squirrels Spermophilus citellus . The proportion of reproductive (lactating) females in the study population was over 90% and was not related to age. Timing of oestrus and ovulation was found to be affected by the female's emergence date and condition. Females with low emergence mass showed delayed oestrus. Differences in ovulation dates were shown to affect reproductive output in terms of litter size and sex ratio. Early litters were larger and male biased. X-ray techniques were used to determine intrauterine litter size in individual females. The results indicated that litter size and sex ratio were fixed prenatally. Lactation costs were reflected in the intensity of mass loss and duration of lactation. Mass loss varied with litter size, in that females with large litters showed a more rapid loss than others. The second parental investment parameter, lactation duration, varied among individual females and was dependent on the timing of reproduction and litter size (except yearlings). Early born litters, which were, in most cases, larger than later ones, were nursed longer. Prolonged lactation periods affected female condition in that they started prehibernation fattening later and entered hibernation with a lower mass than individuals that had shorter lactation periods. Yearling females probably could not afford the energetic costs of long lactation, independent of their offspring number. These results indicated that females with higher reproductive output and higher investment were unable to compensate these costs before hibernation. Consequences for these individuals could therefore be lower over-winter survival or a delayed oestrus in the following season.  相似文献   

In May 1971, 45 adults of an herbivorous lady beetleEpilachna niponica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Asiu Experimental Forest were introduced into a botanical garden of Kyoto University, where is 10 km south of the southern limits of its distribution with being 3–5°C warmer than the original site. The introduced population of the lady beetle was thus investigated from 1975 to 1981. Mark-release-recapture experiments were applied to individual adult beetles, to estimate population size and daily survival rate. Overwintering adults emerged from hibernation around early April, reaching peak numbers in late April to early May, then gradually declined to late June. No adults remained at the end of June. Adult survival was maintained at a high level to early May, and declined consistently until late in the reproductive season. New adults began to emerge in late June and quickly reached a peak in early July; thereafter they decreased in number and had entered hibernation by late October. In spite of seasonally deteriorating food resources and heat stress in summer, new adults showed moderately high survival during the inimical period. New adults which emerged later in the season tended to be smaller in body size than those that emerged early. The proportion of females in the new adult population gradually increased throughout the pre-hibernating period, suggesting that male-biased mortality occurred during this period. When compared to the source population, the introduced population had a higher rate of population growth. Coupled with the improved population growth, heavy leaf damage during the larval period suggested that intensive intraspecific competition was most likely to occur among larvae in the introduced population.  相似文献   

Understanding how local environmental factors lead to temporal variability of vital rates and to plasticity of life history tactics is one of the central questions in population ecology. We used long‐term capture‐recapture data from five populations of a small hibernating rodent, the edible dormouse Glis glis, collected over a large geographical range across Europe, to determine and analyze both seasonal patterns of local survival and their relation to reproductive activity. In all populations studied, survival was lowest in early summer, higher in late summer and highest during hibernation in winter. In reproductive years survival was always lower than in non‐reproductive years, and females had higher survival rates than males. Very high survival rates during winter indicate that edible dormice rarely die from starvation due to insufficient energy reserves during the hibernation period. Increased mortality in early summer was most likely caused by high predation risk and unmet energy demands. Those effects have probably an even stronger impact in reproductive years, in which dormice were more active. Although these patterns could be found in all areas, there were also considerable differences in average survival rates, with resulting differences in mean lifetime reproductive success between populations. Our results suggest that edible dormice have adapted their life history strategies to maximize lifetime reproductive success depending on the area specific frequency of seeding events of trees producing energy‐rich seeds.  相似文献   

Monthly collections of hibernating little brown bats contained (1) nulliparous females with small uteri and no antral follicles, (2) nulliparous females with swollen uteri and mature follicles, and (3) parous females, which, despite obvious differences in reproductive status, had equivalent plasma progesterone values. During the principal study season, mean monthly progesterone concentrations (measured by radioimmunoassay) showed recurrent increases with an apparent periodicity of about 60 days, but limited data obtained in the subsequent season did not. However, comparison of activity patterns in the two seasons with monthly progesterone concentrations suggests that ovarian activity during hibernation is affected by variations in metabolic level. We saw no evidence that nulliparous bats with small uteri developed antral follicles during hibernation. Despite their apparent immaturity, however, they had cornified vaginae and most were demonstrably inseminated. These indications of oestrus and the lack of differences between their plasma progesterone concentrations and those of patently mature females suggest that they were physiologically post-pubertal but failed to complete folliculogenesis before entering hibernation.  相似文献   

Ohgushi  Takayuki 《Oecologia》1996,106(3):345-351
A reproductive tradeoff between current egg production and subsequent survival in a lady beetle, Epilachna niponica, a specialist herbivore on a thistle, Cirsium kagamontanum, was investigated at the two study sites, A and F. Survival of reproductive females decreased consistently from early May until mid-June, but apparently increased thereafter. In contrast, males showed a consistent decrease in survival throughout the reproductive season, without any sign of recovery. Dissection of ovaries of sampled females revealed that egg resorption increased late in the reproductive season, coincident with increased female survival. Reproductive females stopped oviposition immediately after a large flood in 1979 at site F. Two weeks after the habitat perturbation, females resumed oviposition in response to a flush of new leaves on damaged plants. Female survival sharply increased during the nonoviposition period, and declined when egg-laying resumed. Approximately 40% of long-lived reproductive females at site F survived up to the following reproductive season in the next year. Also, some of these long-lived females were observed ovipositing in the following reproductive season. The long-lived reproductive females which had previously invested in reproduction survived equally well as newly emerged females which had not reproduced in summer. These results suggest that there is a reproductive tradeoff between current egg production and subsequent survival. Egg resorption may be an adaptive ovipositional response to habitat perturbation such as flooding, which considerably reduces offspring fitness due to absolute shortage of food. Also, increased female survival accompanied by egg resorption enhances the likelihood of the future oviposition in the second reproductive season, thereby increasing a female's lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Summary The Turkish hamster (Mesocricetus brandti) is a photoperiodic species in which exposure to a short day photoperiod induces gonadal atrophy. When hibernating male Turkish hamsters were administered testosterone via subcutaneous silastic capsules hibernation was abruptly terminated. The threshold serum testosterone level required to prevent hibernation was intermediate between the levels observed in males with fully-regressed and fully-functional testes. Dihydrotestosterone was as effective as testosterone in blocking hibernation. Estradiol had a partial inhibitory effect. Progesterone and corticosterone implants had no effect on hibernation. Similar results were obtained in female hamsters. The total period of hibernation for untreated males under laboratory conditions was usually 5–6 months. In most animals testicular growth began to occur toward the end of that period. As gonadal growth continued bouts of torpor decreased in frequency and duration, and hibernation was terminated when the testes approached reproductive size. Castrated males continued to hibernate much longer than intact animals. These observations suggest that in nature decreasing day length in the fall initiates gonadal regression which is followed by cold-induced hibernation. In the spring spontaneous recrudescence of the testes may lead to termination of the dormancy period. This mechanism may enable the species to prepare for the reproductive season with maximum efficiency.Supported by NIH Research Grant HD-10478 and by a grant from the Connecticut Research FoundationThe data in this paper were presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Toronto, December 26–30, 1977  相似文献   

I investigated sexual differences in activity levels, and their adaptive significance in gray mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus, during the dry season. I studied them between April and September, 1999, at Kirindy Forest, a dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. Six males and 6 females were radiocollared and followed using focal individual sampling. The males remained active throughout the dry season, whereas the females hibernated for up to 3 mo. Males exhibited a gradual decrease in activity from May to June and some of them remained inactive for periods of a few days to 1 wk. Males were more active in July. Though there were changes in the duration of time spent sleeping, there was no significant change in male body mass throughout the period. Males appear to prefer to rest in nests that are close to or coincident with those preferred by females, and multiple males may simultaneously share nests with multiple hibernating females. Males occupying nests that are close to or coincident with nests preferred by females tend to switch nests less frequently than others do. Researchers have suggested that high levels of activity prepare males for the mating season, which occurs at the end of the dry season. Presumably, by maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the dry season, certain males may position themselves to monopolize the best tree holes during the mating season. The reproductive advantages gained by this behavior may overshadow the costs of remaining active during the dry season when resources are scarce, temperatures are low, and predator pressure is high. Measurements on captured males confirm a weak (nonsignificant) positive correlation between body mass and activity levels. There is no indication that the heavier, more active males were better able to monopolize the best tree holes.  相似文献   

Felids are generally considered to be crepuscular and nocturnal in their activity, but few studies have attempted to analyze the variability of their activity patterns. We studied the daily activity of the Iriomote cat Prionailurus iriomotensis by radio-tracking on Iriomote Island, Japan. The general activity patterns of Iriomote cats showed slightly prevailing activity during dark periods of the day with particular peaks at dawn and dusk or during the early hours of the night. However, these patterns were clearly dependent on the sex and reproductive status of the cat. Peaks of cats’ activity coincided with those of their main prey. On average, the cats were active for thirteen hours per day. During the mating season, the rhythm of activity in males followed that of breeding females, but not that of non-breeding ones. Males exhibited 11% higher total daily activity and longer active bouts during the mating period than in the remainder of the year. Breeding females had additional mid-day activity peak during the nursing period, but their total time of activity per day was 16% lower than in the period of kittens’ independence. Their active bouts were shorter and more frequent during nursing than at other times. These results suggest that lactating females perform frequent movements to and from the den site to care for kittens. During the non-nursing period, females increased their activity, possibly in response to lowered prey abundance and the need of intensive foraging to recover after lactation. Seasonal and sexual variation of activity patterns in the Iriomote cats confirmed the existence of different reproductive strategies of males and females of these solitary carnivores.  相似文献   

InMenida scotti aduts which mate during hibernation, we examined the effect of photoperiod on diapause induction in terms of the developmental degree of reproductive organs and corpora allata. In a hibernating population, mating season and physiological changes related to dipause were investigated. When newly emerged adults were reared under long- or short-day conditions, reservoir of the ectodermal accessory gland and corpora allata in males developed, while the developments of ovary and corpora allata in females were suppressed under both conditions. This suggests that diapause of this species is induced only in females independently photoperiodic conditions during adult stage. In a hibernating population, mating was observed from early to late November and from late March to early May. Observations of the development of reproductive organs and corpora allata suggest that diapause is induced only in females in the former period, while both sexes are not in diapause in the latter period.  相似文献   

We studied mechanisms responsible for reproductive skew in female Alpine marmots. In each social group, only dominant females produced weaned young although subordinate females had similar body condition, were fertile as indicated by high levels of oestradiol during the mating season, and occasionally started pregnancies. During the period of gestation, dominant females initiated significantly more agonistic interactions against subordinate females, resulting in significantly increased levels of glucocorticoids and decreased levels of progesterone in subordinates. Results suggested that reproductive suppression in female Alpine marmots is mediated by the negative effects of stress (glucocorticoids) on the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The strength of competition between subordinate and dominant females was affected by their relatedness. Dominant females attacked unrelated subordinate females more, whereas amicable behaviour was observed mainly between dominant females and their daughters. These differences could be explained by differences in indirect fitness: related subordinate females benefited from warming the offspring of the dominant female during hibernation. Reproductive suppression was apparently costly for dominant females, because their reproductive success decreased as the number of adult subordinate females in a group increased. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Most hibernating animals are thought to be monoestrous because reproductive activity is subject to strong time constraints. In previous studies, female European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) turned out to have elevated oestradiol levels during late lactation and after weaning, indicating ovarian activity during summer. Therefore, we monitored vaginal cytology, endocrine changes, and vulval development in semi-free-living female European ground squirrels throughout one active season. Vaginal oestrus, defined by the predominance of cornified cells in smear samples, was found during the mating period shortly after vernal emergence. This phase was followed by metoestrus, characterised by the appearance of leukocytes, and a subsequent anoestrous phase. During weaning or postlactation, a second vaginal oestrus was documented in all experimental females, again followed by a metoestrous and an anoestrous phase lasting until hibernation. In line with the second vaginal oestrus, plasma oestradiol concentrations peaked during postlactation. Progesterone levels were elevated from gestation to postlactation, and titres were marginally higher during vaginal oestrus in summer than in spring. Vulval swelling was more pronounced during the first than the second vaginal oestrus. The second oestrous cycle was non-reproductive, as males were sexually inactive with regressed testes during summer. We assume that the second oestrous cycle and the accompanying endocrine changes have beneficial effects on prehibernatory fattening and reproductive performance in the subsequent season. This might allow females to become oestrous immediately after emergence from hibernation in spring.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies of rhesus macaques   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reproductive strategies incorporate a multitude of mechanisms that have evolved to promote the reproductive success of individuals. Evolutionary perspectives tend to emphasize the advantages of male-male competition and female choice as mediators of differential reproduction. Male rhesus macaques have not been observed to fight for access to sexually receptive females, although they suffer more wounds during the mating season. An increased likelihood of attacks appears to coincide with male troop entry. Males who spend more time in consort and mate with more females tend to sire more offspring. Genetic analysis of paternity has pinpointed age and endurance rivalry, rather than agonistic competition, as key variables associated with variation in progeny production. Female rhesus macaques often copulate with multiple males during their ovulatory period, and tend to conceive on the first cycle of the mating season. Female reproductive success is more likely to be a function of offspring survivorship than the identity of particular male partners. The role of female choice as a direct mediator of male reproductive success is unresolved, but female mate selection seems to indirectly affect male reproductive success because female preference for mating with novel males seems to foster male dispersal. Evaluating whether mating preferences for particular male phenotypes affectsfemale reproductive success is a task for the future. A common denominator to the reproductive strategies of both female and male rhesus macaques is that feeding patterns affect body condition which influences reproductive output and regulates relative reproductive success.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses were studied in mated and unmated females of a Dutch strain of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae which were destined to enter diapause. Observations were confined to the period between acquirement of the winter coloration by the females (a few days after the last moult) and their entering of artificial hibernation sites offered to the mites on the host leaves. Unmated females were found to stay longer on the leaf surface than mated females; they entered the hibernation sites significantly later than mated females. The delay in the search for hibernation sites shown by unmated females may be seen as a behavioural adaptation to enhance the chance of being fertilized before hibernation. Winter survival of mated and unmated diapausing females of the same strain of mites was studied both in the laboratory at a constant temperature of 2±1°C and outdoors under natural climatic conditions in Amsterdam during the winter of 1990–1991. Survival was high under both conditions for mated as well as unmated females; no significant differences in survival were found between both types of female. Observations on post-diapause females of Tetranychus atlanticus (a mite belonging to the T. urticae complex) sampled from strawberry fields near Moscow in spring, showed that at most 10% of the females of this natural spider mite population were unmated. Both mated and unmated females had survived winter temperatures of -28 to -30°C.  相似文献   

P. J. Young 《Oecologia》1990,83(4):504-511
Summary The patterns of torpor and euthermy during hibernation was documented for 28 free-ranging Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) fitted with temperature-sensitive radio transmitter collars. Adult males began hibernation earlier, were euthermic for a greater proportion of the hibernating season and emerged earlier than other age and sex classes. The patterns of hibernation of adult females did not differ significantly from those of juveniles. Emergence from the hibernaculum was preceded by a long (3–12 d) euthermic interval in adult males but not in adult females or juveniles. Changes in soil temperature did not appear to initiate emergence. The greater time spent euthermic by adult males is interpreted as a significantly greater energy cost of hibernation for adult males than for other age and sex classes. The benefits offsetting these costs may be increased reproductive potential in spring and avoidance of predation in late summer.  相似文献   

In a seasonal environment, the suitable time window for females to reproduce is restricted by both environmental conditions and the availability of males. In simultaneous hermaphrodites, which are female and male at the same time, selection on a trait that is solely beneficial for one sexual function cannot occur independently. Therefore, it is assumed that the optimal time window for reproduction is a compromise between the two sexual functions in simultaneous hermaphrodites, mediated by environmental conditions. We examined seasonal patterns of reproduction and the resulting paternity in a natural population of the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum. Adult and premature individuals (snails in a short protandric phase) were collected on four occasions over the entire active season. The snails were allowed to deposit eggs after which we assessed the level of paternity in their hatched offspring. Individuals mated throughout the reproductive season, whereas egg production – the major task of the female function – was restricted to the first half of the season. Snails collected in autumn were allowed to hibernate under laboratory conditions. As a result, we found that premature individuals began to mate late in the reproductive season, but did not start to produce eggs before emerging from hibernation. Our results demonstrate a temporal shift of reproductive activities; the egg production and oviposition occur mainly in the first half of the season, while sperm production and mating occur over the entire season. In subadult and adult snails, sperm obtained from several partners in the second part of the reproductive season are stored during hibernation for the fertilization of eggs in the successive years. These results extend our understanding of the influence of both natural and sexual selection on reproductive strategies in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Although females of Ceratina flavipes are believed to be inseminated in spring on Honshu Island, Japan, 100% of the females were inseminated before hibernation on Ishikari Coast, northernmost Japan. Because most, if not all, of the males also overwintered with the females, this prehibernal insemination may be a local event. In the hibernal season, females were more frequently alone in nests than males, whereas the sex ratio in their main habitat was almost 1:1, suggesting that prehibernal dispersal is more frequent in females, but that the dispersal distance is shorter than previously reported.  相似文献   

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