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Differing claims regarding the stability of the recombinant ethanologen E. coli KO11 are addressed here in batch and chemostat culture. In repeat batch culture, the organism was stable on glucose, mannose, xylose and galactose for at least three serial transfers, even in the absence of a selective antibiotic. Chemostat cultures on glucose were remarkably stable, but on mannose, xylose and a xylose/glucose mixture, they progressively lost their hyperethanologenicity. On xylose, the loss was irreversible, indicating genetic instability. The loss of hyperethanologenicity was accompanied by the production of high concentrations of acetic acid and by increasing biomass yields, suggesting that the higher ATP yield associated with acetate production may foster the growth of acetate-producing revertant strains. Plate counts on high chloramphenicol-containing medium, whether directly, or following preliminary growth on non-selective medium, were not a reliable indicator of high ethanologenicity during chemostat culture. In batch culture, the organism appeared to retain its promise for ethanol production from lignocellulosics and concerns that antibiotics may need to be included in all media appear unfounded. Received 13 January 1999/ Accepted in revised form 23 April 1999  相似文献   

The fermentation kinetics for separate as well as simultaneous glucose and xylose fermentation with recombinant ethanologenic Escherichia coli KO11 are presented. Glucose and xylose were consumed simultaneously and exhibited mutual inhibition. The glucose exhibited 15 times stronger inhibition in xyclose fermentation than vice versa. The fermentation of condensate from steampretreated willow (Salix) was investigated. The kinetics were studied in detoxified as well as in nondetoxified condensate. The fermentation of the condensate followed two phases: First the glucose and some of the pentoses (xylose in addition to small amounts of arabinose) were fermented simultaneously, and then the remaining part of the pentoses were fermented. The rate of the first phase was independent of the detoxification method used, whereas the rate of the second phase was found to be strongly dependent. When the condensate was detoxified with overliming in combination with sulfite, which was the best detoxification method investigated, the sugars in the condensate, 9 g/L, were fermented in 11 h. The same fermentation took 150 h in nondetoxified condensate. The experimental data were used to develop an empirical model, describing the batch fermentation of recombinant E. coli KO11 in the condensate. The model is based on Monod kinetics including substrate and product inhibition and the sum of the inhibition exerted by the rest of the inhibitors, lumped together. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli KO11 was previously constructed for the production of ethanol from both hexose and pentose sugars in hemicellulose hydrolysates by inserting the Zymomonas mobilis genes encoding pyruvate decarboxylase (pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (adhB). This biocatalyst appears relatively resistant to potential process errors during fermentation. Antibiotics were not required to maintain the maximum catabolic activity of KO11 even after deliberate contamination with up to 10% soil. Fermentations exposed to extremes of temperature (2 h at 5°C or 50°C) or pH (2 h at pH 3 or pH 10) recovered after re-adjustment to optimal fermentation conditions (35°C, pH6) although longer times were required for completion in most cases. Ethanol yields were not altered by exposure to extremes in temperature but were reduced by exposure to extremes in pH. Re-inoculation with 5% (by volume) from control fermentors reduced this delay after exposure to pH extremes. Received 24 July 1997/ Accepted in revised form 16 April 1998  相似文献   

Escherichia coli KO11, carrying the ethanol pathway genes pdc (pyruvate decarboxylase) and adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) from Zymomonas mobilis integrated into its chromosome, has the ability to metabolize pentoses and hexoses to ethanol, both in synthetic medium and in hemicellulosic hydrolysates. In the fermentation of sugar mixtures simulating hemicellulose hydrolysate sugar composition (10.0 g of glucose/l and 40.0 g of xylose/l) and supplemented with tryptone and yeast extract, recombinant bacteria produced 24.58 g of ethanol/l, equivalent to 96.4% of the maximum theoretical yield. Corn steep powder (CSP), a byproduct of the corn starch-processing industry, was used to replace tryptone and yeast extract. At a concentration of 12.5 g/l, it was able to support the fermentation of glucose (80.0 g/l) to ethanol, with both ethanol yield and volumetric productivity comparable to those obtained with fermentation media containing tryptone and yeast extract. Hemicellulose hydrolysate of sugar cane bagasse supplemented with tryptone and yeast extract was also readily fermented to ethanol within 48 h, and ethanol yield achieved 91.5% of the theoretical maximum conversion efficiency. However, fermentation of bagasse hydrolysate supplemented with 12.5 g of CSP/l took twice as long to complete. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ethanol toxicity and its effect on ethanol production by the recombinant ethanologenic Escherichia coli strain KO11 were investigated in batch and continuous fermentation. During batch growth, ethanol produced by KO11 reduced both the specific cell growth rate (µ) and the cell yield (YX/S). The extent of inhibition increased with the production of both acetate and lactate. Subsequent accumulation of these metabolites and ethanol resulted in cessation of cell growth, redirection of metabolism to reduce ethanol production, and increased requirements for cell maintenance. These effects were found to depend on both the glycolytic flux and the flux from pyruvate to ethanol. Pyruvate decarboxylase (Pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) activities measured during the batch fermentation suggested that decreased ethanol production resulted from enzyme inhibition rather than down‐regulation of genes in the ethanol‐producing pathway. Ethanol was added in continuous fermentation to provide an ethanol concentration of either 17 or 27 g/L, triggering sustained oscillations in the cell growth rate. Cell concentrations oscillated in‐phase with ethanol and acetate concentrations. The amplitude of oscillations depended on the concentration of ethanol in the fermentor. Through multiple oscillatory cycles, the yield (YP/S) and concentration of ethanol decreased, while production of acetate increased. These results suggest that KO11 favorably adapted to improve growth by synthesizing more ATP though acetate production, and recycling NADH by producing more lactate and less ethanol. Implications of these results for strategies to improve ethanol production are described. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 721–730. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered Escherichia coli KO11 is capable of efficiently producing ethanol from all sugar constituents of lignocellulose but lacks the high ethanol tolerance of yeasts currently used for commercial starch-based ethanol processes. Using an enrichment method which selects alternatively for ethanol tolerance during growth in broth and for ethanol production on solid medium, mutants of KO11 with increased ethanol tolerance were isolated which can produce more than 60 g ethanol L−1 from xylose in 72 h. Ethanol concentrations and yields achieved by the LY01 mutant with xylose exceed those reported for recombinant strains of Saccharomyces and Zymomonas mobilis, both of which have a high native ethanol tolerance. Received 18 September 1997/ Accepted in revised form 07 January 1998  相似文献   

通过对产普鲁兰酶的重组大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3)/p ET28a-s-pul菌株在发酵过程中质粒稳定性和普鲁兰酶生成量的考察,发现不同宿主对质粒稳定性及酶活性有重要影响。本文利用E.coli BL21(DE3)p Lys S菌株为宿主,构建重组菌E.coli BL21(DE3)p Lys S/p ET28a-s-pul,通过控制外源蛋白的本底表达,提高了重组菌株的质粒稳定性。优化发酵培养基和发酵条件以后,重组菌产普鲁兰酶能力由480 U/m L提高至627 U/m L,增幅为30.6%。研究结果认为,严格控制外源蛋白的本底表达,是改善重组菌稳定性的重要方法之一。  相似文献   

The low ethanol tolerance of thermophilic anaerobic bacteria, generally less than 2% (v/v) ethanol, is one of the main limiting factors for their potential use for second generation fuel ethanol production. In this work, the tolerance of thermophilic anaerobic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter BG1L1 to exogenously added ethanol was studied in a continuous immobilized reactor system at a growth temperature of 70°C. Ethanol tolerance was evaluated based on inhibition of fermentative performance e.g. inhibition of substrate conversion. At the highest ethanol concentration tested (8.3% v/v), the strain was able to convert 42% of the xylose initially present, indicating that this ethanol concentration is not the upper limit tolerated by the strain. Long-term strain adaptation to high ethanol concentrations (6–8.3%) resulted in an improvement of xylose conversion by 25% at an ethanol concentration of 5% v/v, which is the concentration required in practice for economically efficient product recovery. For all ethanol concentrations tested, relatively high and stable ethanol yields (0.40–0.42 g/g) were seen. The strain demonstrated a remarkable ethanol tolerance, which is the second highest displayed by thermophilic anaerobic bacteria known to the authors. This appears to be the first study of the ethanol tolerance of these microorganisms in a continuous immobilized reactor system.  相似文献   

Several researchers have demonstrated that the presence of a heterologous protein in recombinant Escherichia coli elicits a response similar to the heat-shock response, which includes enhanced protease expression. The present work detects, quantifies, and characterizes intracellular protease activity in E. coli that are "shocked" by the induction of a recombinant protein, CAT, which is an endogenous protein in some E. coli strains. A novel, sodium dodecyl sulfate gelatin poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-GPAGE) method is used to detect, quantify, and characterize the presence of these proteases. A hypothesis is proposed which links the amplified protease activity to a temporary depletion of specific amino acid pools, and a stringent-like stress response. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric method was developed for the assay of beta-galactosidase in single Escherichia coli cells. A new fluorogenic substrate for beta-galactosidase, C(12)FDG, contains a lipophilic group that allows the substrate to penetrate through cell membranes under normal conditions. When the substrate is hydrolyzed by intracellular beta-galactosidase, a green fluorescent product is formed and retained inside the cell. Consequently, the stained beta-galactosidase-positive cells exhibit fluorescence, which is detected by flow cytometry. This new assay was used to analyze the segregational instability caused by a reduction in specific growth rate of the plasmid-bearing cells in the T7 expression system. Induction results in a substantial accumulation of intracellular beta-galactosidase along with a rapid increase in the fraction of plasmid-free cells. Once the cells lose the plasmid, they no longer produce beta-galactosidase, which is reduced by at least half every generation; thus, after staining, the fluorescent, plasmid-bearing cells can be distinguished from the nonfluorescent, plasmid-free cells using flow cytometry. This article describes the feasibility of the flow cytometric assay for single E. coli cells and reports the optimal assay conditions. A direct relationship between beta-galactosidase activity and green fluorescence intensity was found, and the fractions of recombinant cells in batch cultures were analyzed after various levels of induction.  相似文献   

The conversion of xylose to ethanol by recombinant Escherichia coli has been investigated in pH-controlled batch fermentations. Chemical and environmental parameters were varied to determine tolerance and to define optimal conditions. Relatively high concentrations of ethanol (56 g/L) were produced from xylose with excellent efficiencies. Volumetric productivities of up to 1.4 g ethanol/L h were obtained. Productivities, yields, and final ethanol concentrations achieved from xylose with recombinant E. coli exceeded the reported values with other organisms. In addition to xylose, all other sugar constituents of biomass (glucose, mannose, arabinose, and galactose) were efficiently converted to ethanol by recombinant E. coli. Unusually low inocula equivalent to 0.033 mg of dry cell weight/L were adequate for batch fermentations. The addition of small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and ferrous ions stimulated fermentation. The inhibitory effects of toxic compounds (salts, furfural, and acetate) which are present in hemicellulose hydrolysates were also examined.  相似文献   

A single-use Hg(II) patch biosensor has been developed consisting of 1.25-cm diameter patches of two acrylic vinyl acetate copolymer layers coated on polyester. The top layer copolymer was 47 μm thick whereas the bottom layer of copolymer plus E. coli cells was 30 μm thick. The immobilized E. coli HB101 cells harbored a mer-lux plasmid construct and produced a detectable light signal when exposed to Hg(II). The immobilized-cell Hg(II) biosensor had a sensitivity similar to that of suspended cells but a significantly larger detection range. The levels of mercury detected by the patches ranged from 0.1 nM to 10 000 nM HgCl2 in pyruvate buffer, and luciferase induction as a function of Hg(II) concentration was sigmoidal. Luciferase activity was detected in immobilized cells for more than 78 h after exposure of the cells to HgCl2. Addition of 1 mM D-cysteine to the pyruvate buffer increased luciferase induction more than 100-fold in the immobilized cell patches and 3.5-fold in a comparable suspension culture. The copolymer patches with immobilized cells were stable at −20°C for at least 3 months, and the Hg(II)-induced luciferase activity after storage was similar to that of samples assayed immediately after coating. Patches stored desiccated at room temperature for 2 weeks showed lower mercury-induced luciferase activity when compared to freshly prepared patches, but they still had a considerable detection range of 1 to 10 000 nM HgCl2. Received 05 November 1998/ Accepted in revised form 08 April 1999  相似文献   

莱鲍迪苷D(Rebaudioside D,RD)是一种稀有具有高甜度的甜菊糖苷类化合物。本文实现了重组大肠杆菌全细胞催化莱鲍迪苷A(Rebaudioside A,RA)合成RD。以水稻c DNA为模板,扩增得到葡萄糖基转移酶基因eugt11,构建了重组菌株E.coli BL21(p ETDuet-eugt11),并成功表达了重组蛋白6His-EUGT11。通过Ni柱亲和层析纯化并在体外酶催化反应表征了其催化活性。将重组菌BL21(p ETDuet-eugt11)应用于催化合成RD研究。探讨了反应体系pH、温度、柠檬酸钠浓度、菌体密度、二价金属离子、二甲苯体积分数、UDPG添加浓度对反应效率的影响。单因素考察结果显示,在菌体密度0.16 g湿细胞/m L反应液,底物RA浓度为1.0 mmol/L,pH 8.0,60 mmol/L柠檬酸钠,1%二甲苯,0.1 mmol/L Zn Cl2,12.0 mmol/L UDPG,反应温度42℃,反应时间24 h的条件下,RD产量为123.6 mg/L(约0.1 mmol/L)。  相似文献   

LECT2 is a chemotactic protein to neutrophils. A recombinant six-histidine-tagged human LECT2, (His)6-LECT2, was expressed in E. coli using a pET21a(+) vector. The (His)6-LECT2 was purified from the soluble fraction in E. coli as a single band in sodium dodesyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using three steps of column chromatography with Ni2+-charged nitrilo-triacetic acid (Ni-NTA) agarose, DEAE-Sepharose, and CM-Sepharose. The purified (His)6-LECT2 was yielded with 96 μg from the soluble fraction of 1,500 ml culture of E. coli. The circular dichroism spectrum of (His)6-LECT2 showed the folded structure, which is rich in β-sheet structure and rare in α-helix. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A feb-batch operation for the production of bovine somatotropin (bST) under the control of tryptophan promoter in Escherichia coli was investigated. The plasmid used contains a two-cistron system and altered codon usage for higher expression of bST. Specific growth rate is an important parameter in the fermentation, because it affects the production of growth-inhibitory organic acids and the expression of recombinant protein. The feeding rate was adjusted to keep the specific growth rate constant in this study. The variable growth yield expressed as a function of time was used for the calculation of the feeding rate. The growth yield decreases during the fermentation as product expression is induced. The specific growth rate was well controlled; however, intracellular bST concentration decreased at high cell concentrations. This is considered to be due to degradation by proteases. The decrease was prevented by an exponential feeding of the yeast extract as an organic nitrogen source. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

海藻糖是一种重要的抗逆物质。大肠杆菌中otsBA操纵子编码的两种酶负责海藻糖合成。otsBA基因的表达受渗透压诱导和σs因子的调节。细胞的周质海藻糖酶(treA)将外源海藻糖分解成两个葡萄糖分子。尽管大肠杆菌中渗透压诱导合成的海藻糖并不能保护细胞抗干燥,我们将otsA单个基因通过农杆菌转入烟草时,转基因株提高了耐盐和抗干燥特性,同时在转基因烟草提取物中检测到海藻糖,证明otsA基因在烟草中表达并合成海藻糖。我们认为若将otsA基因转入其它植物,可望改善这些植物的抗干旱、耐盐碱特性和延长采摘后的保鲜期 。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的构建及其耐受机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙酸是微生物发酵生产常见的副产物,也可作为碳源存在于木质纤维素水解液等非粮原料发酵培养基中。培养基中含有高浓度的乙酸/乙酸盐时会抑制细胞生长、降低生物量,影响目标产品的产量和产率。研究乙酸耐受性机制,改进菌株的乙酸耐受性,构建具有高乙酸耐受性工程菌株,对于以乙酸为碳源或利用含乙酸的原料进行高附加值产品发酵生产具有重要意义。本文综述了通过代谢工程、实验室适应性进化、全局转录机器工程和基于CRISPR可追踪基因组工程等方法构建大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的研究进展,进一步从乙酸同化代谢、氨基酸依赖型代谢、离子转运系统调节和细胞膜成分修饰等4个方面阐述了大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的耐受性应答机制,总结了大肠杆菌乙酸耐受菌株的生产应用,展望了提高大肠杆菌乙酸耐受方法和大肠杆菌乙酸耐受机制的研究方向。  相似文献   

We have used liquid waste obtained from a beer brewery process to produce ethanol. To increase the productivity, genetically modified organism, Escherichia coli KO11, was used for ethanol fermentation. Yeast was also used to produce ethanol from the same feed stock, and the ethanol production rates and resulting concentrations of sugars and ethanol were compared with those of KO11. In the experiments, first the raw wastewater was directly fermented using two strains with no saccharification enzymes added. Then, commercial enzymes, α-amylase, pectinase, or a combination of both, were used for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, and the results were compared with those of the no-enzyme experiments for KO11 and yeast. Under the given conditions with or without the enzymes, yeast produced ethanol more rapidly than E. coli KO11, but the final ethanol concentrations were almost the same. For both yeast and KO11, the enzymes were observed to enhance the ethanol yields by 61–84% as compared to the fermentation without enzymes. The combination of the two enzymes increased ethanol production the most for the both strains. The advantages of using KO11 were not demonstrated clearly as compared to the yeast fermentation results.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass provides attractive nonfood carbohydrates for the production of ethanol, and dilute acid pretreatment is a biomass-independent process for access to these carbohydrates. However, this pretreatment also releases volatile and nonvolatile inhibitors of fermenting microorganisms. To identify unique gene products contributing to sensitivity/tolerance to nonvolatile inhibitors, ethanologenic Escherichia coli strain LY180 was adapted for growth in vacuum-treated sugarcane bagasse acid hydrolysate (VBHz) lacking furfural and other volatile inhibitors. A mutant, strain AQ15, obtained after approximately 500 generations of growth in VBHz, grew and fermented the sugars in a medium with 50% VBHz. Comparative genome sequence analysis of strains AQ15 and LY180 revealed 95 mutations in strain AQ15. Six of these mutations were also found in strain SL112, an independent inhibitor-tolerant derivative of strain LY180. Among these six mutations, null mutations in mdh and bacA were identified as contributing factors to VBHz tolerance in strain AQ15, based on the genetic and physiological analysis. The deletion of either gene in strain LY180 increased tolerance to VBHz from approximately 30–50% (vol/vol). Considering the location and physiological role of the two enzymes in the cell, it is likely that the two enzymes contribute to the VBHz sensitivity of ethanologenic E. coli by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

DO-transient nutrient controllers use the dissolved oxygen signal to attempt acetate threshold tracking during fed-batch cultivation of recombinant E. coli. Here we apply DO-transient control to the production of Jembrana disease virus protein in complex Super Luria medium and compare performance against a high-limit pH-stat controller. For induction at medium cell density (harvest between 31 and 32.5 g dcw L) a total productivity of 0.27 g L h was achieved as compared to 0.24 g L h with the high-limit pH-stat. For induction at high cell density (harvest at 60 g dcw L), decreased productivity (0.12 g L h) was attributed to the effect of acetate accumulation on recombinant protein formation and a concomitant lowering of the critical growth rate. Our results suggest that complex media provides a difficult environment for the application of acetate threshold tracking DO-transient control because of difficulties in re-oxidizing acetate, and apparent localized production of acetate below the production threshold (as detected by the DO-transient controller as SPOUR(crit)). Configuring the DO-transient controller to avoid aggressive threshold probing is suggested as a means to improve performance and reduce acetate accumulation in complex media.  相似文献   

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