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A (13)--D-glucan 3-glucanonydrolase (EC of apparent M r 32 000, designated GII, has been purified from germinated barley grain and characterized. The isoenzyme is resolved from a previously purified isoenzyme (GI) on the basis of differences in their isoelectric points; (13)--glucanases GI and GII have pI values of 8.6 and 10.0, respectively. Comparison of the sequences of their 40 NH2-terminal amino acids reveals 68% positional identity. A 1265 nucleotide pair cDNA encoding (13)--glucanase isoenzyme GII has been isolated from a library prepared with mRNA of 2-day germinated barley scutella. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA has enabled the complete primary structure of the 306 amino acid (13)--glucanase to be deduced, together with that of a putative NH2-terminal signal peptide of 28 amino acid residues. The (13)--glucanase cDNA is characterized by a high (G+C) content, which reflects a strong bias for the use of G or C in the wobble base position of codons. The amino acid sequence of the (13)--glucanase shows highly conserved internal domains and 52% overall positional identity with barley (13, 14)--glucanase isoenzyme EII, an enzyme of related but quite distinct substrate specificity. Thus, the (13)--glucanases, which may provide a degree of protection against microbial invasion of germinated barley grain through their ability to degrade fungal cell wall polysaccharides, appear to share a common evolutionary origin with the (13, 14)--glucanases, which function to depolymerize endosperm cell walls in the germinated grain.  相似文献   

The main polysaccharide component of the thickened cell walls in the storage parenchyma of Lupinus angustifolius L. cotyledons is a linear (1 4)--linked d-galactan, which is mobilised after germination (L.A. Crawshaw and J.S.G Reid, 1984, Planta 160, 449–454). The isolation from the germinated cotyledons of a -d-galactosidase or exo-(1 4)--d-galactanase with a high specificity for the lupin galactan is described. The enzyme, purified using diethylaminoethyl-cellulose, carboxymethyl-cellulose and affinity chromatography on lactose-agarose, gave two bands (major 60 kDa, minor 45 kDa) on sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel electrophoresis, and two similar bands on isoelectric focusing (major, pI 7.0, minor pI 6.7, both apparently possessing enzyme activity). The minor component cross-reacted with an antiserum raised against, and affinity-purified on, the major band. Both components had a common N-terminal sequence. The minor component was probably a degradation product of the major one. The enzyme had limited -galactosidase action, catalysing the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl--d-galactopyranoside and (1 4)- and (1 6)--linked galactobioses. Lactose [-d-galactopyranosyl-(1 4)-d-glucose] was hydrolysed only very slowly and methyl--d-galactopyranoside not at all. Lupin galactan was hydrolysed rapidly and extensively to galactose, whereas other cell-wall polysaccharides (xyloglucan and arabinogalactan) with terminal non-reducing -d-galactopyranosyl residues were not substrates. A linear (1 4)--linked galactopentaose was hydrolysed efficiently to the tetraose plus galactose, but further sequential removals of galactose to give the tetraose and lower homologues occurred more slowly. Galactose, -galactonolactone and Cu+2 were inhibitory. No endo--d-galactanase activity was detected in lupin cotyledonary extracts, whereas exo-galactanase activity varied pari passu with galactan mobilisation. Exo-galactanase protein was detected, by Western immunoblotting of cotyledon extracts, just before the activity could be assayed and then increased and decreased in step with the enzyme activity. The exo-galactanase is clearly a key enzyme in galactan mobilisation and may be the sole activity involved in depolymerising the dominant (1 4)--galactan component of the cell wall.Abbreviations CM carboxymethyl - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TLC thin-layer chromatography We wish to thank CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) for the award of a studentship to M.S. Buckeridge, and the Government of São Paulo State, Brazil for granting him leave of absence. We are grateful to Dr. Amanda Heyller (Unilever Research Laboratory, Colworth House, Bedford, UK) for N-terminal sequence determinations, to Dr. Stuart Wilson (Stirling) for preparing gelatin SDS-gels and to Cristina Fanutti (Stirling) for purifying the xyloglucan oligosaccharide.  相似文献   

Expression sites of genes encoding (13,14)--glucan 4-glucanohydrolase (EC have been mapped in germinated barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.) by hybridization histochemistry. A32P-labelled cDNA (copy DNA) probe was hybridized to cryosections of intact barley grains to localize complementary mRNAs. No mRNA encoding (13,14)--glucanase is detected in ungerminated grain. Expression of (13,14)--glucanase genes is first detected in the scutellum after 1 d and is confined to the epithelial layer. At this stage, no expression is apparent in the aleurone. After 2 d, levels of (13,14)--glucanase mRNA decrease in the scutellar epithelium but increase in the aleurone. In the aleurone layer, induction of (13,14)--glucanase gene expression, as measured by mRNA accumulation, progresses from the proximal to distal end of the grain as a front moving away from, and parallel to, the face of the scutellum.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - RNase ribonuclease  相似文献   

A particulate enzymatic preparation, extracted from fenugreek seedlings (Trigonella foenum-graecum) catalyses the transfer of mannose from guanosine diphosphate-[U-14C]mannose and its incorporation into an alkali-soluble polysaccharide. Chemical and enzymatic study of this polysaccharide reveals the presence of only one type of osidic linkage, namely β-(1 → 4)-s-mannopyranosyl. The influence of some factors on this biosynthesis was studied, as well as the MW of the polysaccharide and the existence of an endogenous acceptor.  相似文献   

We have investigated the substrate subsite recognition requirement of the xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/xyloglucan-specific endo-(14)--d-glucanase (NXET) from the cotyledons of nasturtium seedlings. Seed xyloglucans are composed almost entirely of the Glc4 subunits XXXG, XLXG, XXLG and XLLG, where G represents an unsubstituted glucose residue, X a xylose-substituted glucose residue and L a galactosyl-xylose-substituted glucose residue. Thus in the xyloglucan sequence shown below, the xylose (Xyl) residues at the backbone glucose (Glc) residues numbered — 3,— 2, + 2 and + 3 may be galactose-substituted, and NXET cleaves between the unsubstituted glucose at — 1 and the xylose-substituted glucose at + 1, which never carries a galactosyl substituent. We have isolated the xyloglucan oligosaccharides XXXGXXXG and XLLGXLLG from NXET digests of tamarind seed xyloglucan, have modified them enzymatically using a pure xyloglucan oligosaccharide-specific -xylosidase from nasturtium seeds to give GXXGXXXG and GLLGXLLG, and have identified and compared the products of NXET action on XXXGXXXG, GXXGXXXG, XLLGXLLG and GLLGXLLG. We have also compared the molar proportions of XXXG, XLXG, XXLG and XLLG in native tamarind and nasturtium seed xyloglucans with those in NXET digests of these polysaccharides. Using these and existing data we have demonstrated that NXET action does not require xylosesubstitution at glucose residues — 4, — 2, + 1 and + 3 and that xylose substitution at + 2, is a requirement. There may also be a requirement for xylose substitution at — 3. We have demonstrated also that galactosyl substitution of a xylose residue at + 1 prevents, and at — 2 modifies, chain-cleavage. A partial model for the minimum substrate binding requirement of NXET is proposed.Abbreviations G unsubstituted glucose residue - X xylose-substituted glucose residue - L galactosylxylose-substituted glucose residue - F fucosyl-galactosylxylose-substituted glucose residue - Gal galactose - Glc glucose - HPAE high-performance anion-exchange chromatography - NXET nasturtium xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase or xyloglucan-specific endo-(14)--d-glucanase - Xyl xylose This work was funded jointly by Unilever UK and the Department of Trade and Industry (UK) via the LINK initiative Agro-Food Quality.  相似文献   

A (13, 14)--glucan 4-glucanohydrolase [(13, 14)--glucanase, EC] was purified to homogeneity from extracts of germinated wheat grain. The enzyme, which was identified as an endohydrolase on the basis of oligosaccharide products released from a (13, 14)--glucan substrate, has an apparent pI of 8.2 and an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa. Western blot analyses with specific monoclonal antibodies indicated that the enzyme is related to (13, 14)--glucanase isoenzyme EI from barley. The complete primary structure of the wheat (13, 14)--glucanase has been deduced from nucleotide sequence analysis of cDNAs isolated from a library prepared using poly(A)+ RNA from gibberellic acid-treated wheat aleurone layers. One cDNA, designated LW2, is 1426 nucleotide pairs in length and encodes a 306 amino acid enzyme, together with a NH2-terminal signal peptide of 28 amino acid residues. The mature polypeptide encoded by this cDNA has a molecular mass of 32085 and a predicted pI of 8.1. The other cDNA, designated LW1, carries a 109 nucleotide pair sequence at its 5 end that is characteristic of plant introns and therefore appears to have been synthesized from an incompletely processed mRNA. Comparison of the coding and 3-untranslated regions of the two cDNAs reveals 31 nucleotide substitutions, but none of these result in amino acid substitutions. Thus, the cDNAs encode enzymes with identical primary structures, but their corresponding mRNAs may have originated from homeologous chromosomes in the hexaploid wheat genome.  相似文献   

Enterobacter aerogenes genomic library has been constructed using cosmid pJB8 in Escherichia coli. The gene encoding α-acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDC) has been isolated from this library by direct measurement of enzyme activity. The expression of the ALDC gene in E. coli appears to originate from the own promoter. Subsequent subcloning revealed that the ALDC gene locates within 1.7 kb BamHI-PstI fragment.  相似文献   

Fraser PD  Schuch W  Bramley PM 《Planta》2000,211(3):361-369
 Phytoene synthase activity in tomato chloroplasts is membrane-associated, requiring treatment with high ionic strength buffer or mild non-ionic detergent for solubilisation. Using a combination of ammonium sulphate precipitation, cation and anion exchange, dye-ligand and hydrophobic interaction chromatography, phytoene synthase has been purified 600-fold from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) chloroplasts. The native molecular mass of the enzyme was 43 kDa, with an isoelectric point of 4.6. Although phytoene synthase was functional in a monomeric state, under optimal native conditions it was associated with a large (at least 200 kDa) protein complex which contained other terpenoid enzymes such as isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase and geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) synthase. Both Mn2+ and ATP, in combination, were essential for catalytic activity; their effect was stochiometric from 0.5 to 2 mM, with K m values for Mn2+, ATP and the substrate GGPP of 0.4 mM, 2.0 mM and 5 μM, respectively. The detergents Tween 60 and Triton X-100 (0.1 w/v) stimulated (5-fold) enzyme activity, but lipids (crude chloroplast lipids and phospholipids) had no such effect and could not compensate for the absence of detergent. A number of metabolites with possible regulatory effects were investigated, including β-carotene, which reduced enzyme activity in vitro some 2-fold. A comparison of phytoene synthase activity from partially purified chloroplast and chromoplast preparations indicated biochemical differences. Received: 20 January 2000 / Accepted: 16 February 2000  相似文献   

Kim KH  Kim YO  Ko BS  Youn HJ  Lee DS 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(22):1749-1755
An endo--(13),(14)-glucanase gene (bglBC1) from Bacillus circulans ATCC21367 was modified by substituting its native promoter with a strong promoter, BJ27X, to increase expression of the gene when cloned into B. subtilis RM125 and B. megaterium ATCC14945. A 771-bp endo--(13),(14)-glucanase open reading frame was inserted into a new shuttle plasmid, pBLC771, by ligating the ORF and pBE1, the latter of which contained the strong promoter, BJ27X. B. subtilis, transformed with the recombinant plasmid pBLC771, produced an extracellular endo--(13),(14)-glucanase that was 130 times (7176 mU ml–1) more active than that of the gene donor cells (55 mU ml–1), while the enzyme from the transformed B. megaterium was 7 times (378 mU ml–1) more active than that of the gene donor cells. M r of the enzyme was 28 kDa, with proteolytic processing of the enzyme being observed only in B. subtilis cells. The major products of water-soluble -glucan hydrolyzed by over-produced endo--(13),(14)-glucanase were tri- and tetra-oligosaccharides which can be developed as useful products such as anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-hypertriglyceridemic, and anti-hyperglycemic agents.  相似文献   

Sjut  V.  Bangerth  F. 《Plant Growth Regulation》1982,1(4):243-251
Ethylene, indol-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellin-like substances (GAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) were analysed in extracts from normal, seed-containing and parthenocarpic tomato fruits throughout fruit development. Parthenocarpic fruit growth was induced with an auxin (4-CPA), morphactin (CME) or gibberellic acid (GA3) and compared with that of pollinated control fruits. Fruit growth was only affected by the treatment with GA3, decreasing size and fresh weight by 60%. The peak sequence of hormones during fruit development was ethylene-GAs-IAA-ABA. Seeded fruits contained the highest levels of IAA and ABA but the lowest levels of GAs. Also, in seeded fruits, a high proportion of IAA and ABA was found in the seeds whereas this was not the case for GAs.Hormone levels of tomato fruits may be successfully, easily and reproducibly altered by inducing parthenocarpic fruit growth and thus eliminating development of seeds which are a major source of hormone synthesis. In spite of markedly changed hormone levels, there was no obvious relationship between fruit growth and extractable hormones per se. However, the results indicate that a high ratio of GAs: auxins is unfavourable for growth of tomato fruits.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1986,147(1):69-85
The insoluble material that remains after extraction of Zea shoots with cold buffer was treated successively with 3m LiCl and hot water. The polysaccharides solubilized by these treatments were mostly (1→3),(1→4)-β-d-glucans. The β-d-glucan from the hot-water-soluble fraction was hydrolyzed by Bacillus subtilis (1→3),(1→4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase. The oligosaccharides were characterized by methylation analysis of the enzymic fragments and by methylation analysis of secondary fragments generated by treatment of the isolated oligosaccharides with Streptomyces QM B814 cellulase. The results demonstrate that the native polysaccharide consists mainly of cellotriosyl and cellotetraosyl residues joined by single (1→3) linkages. Evidence is presented to show that certain other glucosyl sequences are also present in the native polysaccharide including (a) two, three, or four contiguous (1→3)-linkages; (b) blocks of more than four (1→4)-linked glucose residues; (c) regions having alternating (1→3)- and (1→4)-linkages.  相似文献   

An endo-(14)--d-xylanase from Neocallimastix frontalis was purified by anion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme had an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa on SDS-PAGE and exhibited maximum activity at 50°C and at pH values between 6.0 and 6.6. Kinetic studies on the hydrolysis of xylo-oligosaccharides, ranging from xylobiose to xylodecaose, showed that xylohexaose and xyloheptaose were the preferred substrates for the enzyme and that xylobiose, xylotriose and xylotetraose were not hydrolysed. Xylose was not a product of the hydrolysis of any of the xylo-oligosaccharide substrates tested. The enzyme appeared to have a strong preference for the hydrolysis of the internal glycosidic bonds of the oligosaccharides, which is typical of endo-(14)--d-xylanase activity, but it differed from other fungal endo-(14)--d-xylanases in that it had uniform action on the various internal linkages in the xylo-oligosaccharides.V. Garcia-Campayo, S.I. McCrae and T.M. Wood are with The Rowett Research Institute, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB2 9SB, UK  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1986,153(2):181-193
The extracellular alginate lyase activity from a fermentative marine bacterium isolated from actively growing tissues of Sargassum fluitans has been purified and studied with respect to substrate specificity and mechanism. The enzyme endolytically depolymerizes (1→4)-β-d-mannuronan derived from alginate to oligomeric products possessing 4,5-unsaturated, nonreducing termini. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography has established that early in the reaction the tri-, tetra-, and pentameric oligomers are the predominant species. The pentamer and larger products that at first accumulate in the reaction are later degraded to smaller products. The trimer is the major product late in the reaction, at which time the dimer and tetramer are also present in significant amounts. By incubating purified oligomers with enzyme, the trimer is shown to be completely refractory to further depolymerization and therefore represents a limit product of the reaction catalyzed by this enzyme. The tetramer is slowly converted into trimer and monomer, whereas the pentamer is readily converted into trimer and dimer.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, RGA1, was isolated by using a GPA1 cDNA clone of Arabidopsis thaliana G protein subunit as a probe from a rice (Oryza sativa L. IR-36) seedling cDNA library prepared from roots and leaves. Sequence analysis of genomic clone reveals that the RGA1 gene has 14 exons and 13 introns, and encodes a polypeptide of 380 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 44.5 kDa. The encoded protein exhibits a considerable degree of amino acid sequence similarity to all the other known G protein subunits. A putative TATA sequence (ATATGA), a potential CAAT box sequence (AGCAATAC), and a cis-acting element, CCACGTGG (ABRE), known to be involved in ABA induction are found in the promoter region. The RGA1 protein contains all the consensus regions of G protein subunits except the cysteine residue near the C-terminus for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. The RGA1 polypeptide expressed in Escherichia coli was, however, ADP-ribosylated by 10 M [adenylate-32P] NAD and activated cholera toxin. Southern analysis indicates that there are no other genes similar to the RGA1 gene in the rice genome. Northern analysis reveals that the RGA1 mRNA is 1.85 kb long and expressed in vegetative tissues, including leaves and roots, and that its expression is regulated by light.  相似文献   

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