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At the intersection of consumer behaviour and plant competition is the concept of refuge-mediated apparent competition: an indirect interaction whereby plants provide a refuge for a shared consumer, subsequently increasing consumer pressure on another plant species. Here, we use a simple model and empirical examples to develop and illustrate the concept of refuge-mediated apparent competition. We find that the likelihood that an inferior competitor will succeed via refuge-mediated apparent competition is greater when competitors have similar resource requirements and when consumers exhibit a strong response to the refuge and high attack rates on the superior competitor. Refuge-mediated apparent competition may create an emergent Allee effect, such that a species invades only if it is sufficiently abundant to alter consumer impact on resident species. This indirect interaction may help explain unresolved patterns observed in biological invasion, such as the different physical structure of invasive exotic plants, the lag phase, and the failure of restoration efforts. Given the ubiquity of refuge-seeking behaviour by consumers and the ability of consumers to alter the outcome of direct competition among plants, refuge-mediated apparent competition may be an underappreciated mechanism affecting the composition and diversity of plant communities.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 11–20  相似文献   

Plant growth and development are significantly influenced by the presence and activity of microorganisms. To date, the best-studied plant-interacting microbes are Gram-negative bacteria, but many representatives of both the high and low G+C Gram-positives have excellent biocontrol, plant growth-promoting and bioremediation activities. Moreover, actinorhizal symbioses largely contribute to the global biological nitrogen fixation and many Gram-positive bacteria promote other types of symbioses in tripartite interactions. Finally, several prominent and devastating phytopathogens are Gram-positive. We summarize the present knowledge of the beneficial and detrimental interactions of Gram-positive bacteria with plants to underline the importance of this particular group of bacteria.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria and mutualistic rhizobia are able to invade and establish chronic infections within their host plants. The success of these plant–bacteria interactions requires evasion of the plant innate immunity by either avoiding recognition or by suppressing host defences. The primary plant innate immunity is triggered upon recognition of common microbe-associated molecular patterns. Different studies reveal striking similarities between the molecular bases underlying the perception of rhizobial nodulation factors and microbe-associated molecular patterns from plant pathogens. However, in contrast to general elicitors, nodulation factors can control plant defences when recognized by their cognate legumes. Nevertheless, in response to rhizobial infection, legumes show transient or local defence-like responses suggesting that Rhizobium is perceived as an intruder although the plant immunity is controlled. Whether these responses are involved in limiting the number of infections or whether they are required for the progression of the interaction is not yet clear. Further similarities in both plant–pathogen and Rhizobium –legume associations are factors such as surface polysaccharides, quorum sensing signals and secreted proteins, which play important roles in modulating plant defence responses and determining the outcome of the interactions.  相似文献   

Plant–animal mutualistic networks are interaction webs consisting of two sets of entities, plant and animal species, whose evolutionary dynamics are deeply influenced by the outcomes of the interactions, yielding a diverse array of coevolutionary processes. These networks are two‐mode networks sharing many common properties with others such as food webs, social, and abiotic networks. Here we describe generalized patterns in the topology of 29 plant–pollinator and 24 plant–frugivore networks in natural communities. Scale‐free properties have been described for a number of biological, social, and abiotic networks; in contrast, most of the plant–animal mutualistic networks (65.6%) show species connectivity distributions (number of links per species) with a power‐law regime but decaying as a marked cut‐off, i.e. truncated power‐law or broad‐scale networks and few (22.2%) show scale‐invariance. We hypothesize that plant–animal mutualistic networks follow a build‐up process similar to complex abiotic nets, based on the preferential attachment of species. However, constraints in the addition of links such as morphological mismatching or phenological uncoupling between mutualistic partners, restrict the number of interactions established, causing deviations from scale‐invariance. This reveals generalized topological patterns characteristic of self‐organized complex systems. Relative to scale‐invariant networks, such constraints may confer higher robustness to the loss of keystone species that are the backbone of these webs.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of palatable and unpalatable plants can influence the foraging behaviour of herbivores, thereby changing plant‐damage probabilities. Moreover, the immediate proximity to certain plants can benefit other plants that grow below them, where toxicity or spines act as a physical barrier or concealment against herbivores. This paper presents the results of a multi‐scale experiment performed to test the effect of shrubs as protectors of tree saplings against herbivores and the mechanism involved in Mediterranean ecosystems. We performed a factorial design in two mountain ranges, similar in physiognomy and vegetation, planting saplings of a palatable tree, the maple (Acer opalus subsp. granatense), and an unpalatable tree, the black pine (Pinus nigra), under three different types of shrubs. We considered four experimental microhabitats: highly palatable shrub (Amelanchier ovalis), palatable but spiny shrub (Crataegus monogyna or Prunus ramburii), unpalatable spiny shrub (Berberis vulgaris subsp. australis) and control (gaps of bare soil without shrubs). Three main factors were found to determine the probability of sapling attack: sapling palatability, experimental microhabitat and plot. Palatable saplings (maples) were browsed much more than unpalatable ones (pines). The degree of protection provided by the shrub proved greater as its palatability decreased with respect to sapling palatability, the unpalatable spiny shrub being the safest microhabitat for palatable saplings and bare soil for unpalatable ones. The differences found in number of attacked saplings between plots may be attributable to differences in herbivore pressure. The community context in which interaction takes place, namely the characteristics of the neighbours and the intensity of herbivore pressure, are determining factors for understanding and predicting the damage undergone by a target plant species. The mechanism that best explains these results is associational avoidance of saplings that grow near to unpalatable shrubs. It is necessary to introduce this neighbour effect in theoretical models and food‐web approaches that analyse the plant–herbivore relationships, since it can strongly determine not only the intensity of the interaction, but also the spatial distribution and diversity of the plant community.  相似文献   

The role of biological diversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning is a central issue in ecology. Most studies on diversity–functioning relationships have focused on ecosystem and community levels, leaving the extension of those relationships to other organization levels, such as populations, as a challenging and unsolved issue. Empirical studies have shown links between pollinator diversity and plant fecundity, suggesting that a diversity–functioning relationship at the population level may occur in pollination systems. We theoretically explored the effect of pollinator diversity on plant reproduction. We found that low pollinator diversity is beneficial when the most abundant pollinators are the most effective. In contrast, when the most effective pollinators are not the most abundant, we found an optimal value of pollinator diversity at which plant fecundity is maximized. When we parametrized our model with real data, we obtained that an increase in pollinator diversity was beneficial for the reproduction of some plants whereas it was harmful for other plants, the outcome depending exclusively on the differences in effectiveness among pollinators. Consequently, our theoretical approach suggests that in pollination systems the diversity–function relationship may be explained as the consequence of the interaction between among-pollinator differences in effectiveness and frequency of interaction, without the need to invoke additional ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Plankton population dynamics: food web interactions and abiotic constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. In this introduction, I try to follow some developments in plankton ecology, how they have led to current research topics, and how the contributions in this issue of Freshwater Biology are related to these fields of research.
2. Due to several favourable features, such as small size, short generation time and a relatively homogeneous habitat, planktonic organisms remain ideal subjects for theoretical and experimental population ecology.
3. Important current research topics involve: (1) the control of plankton communities by external abiotic factors; (2) bottom-up (limitation by resources) and top-down (control by predators) effects in the food web; (3) the importance of dormant resting stages and benthic–pelagic coupling in plankton dynamics; (4) costs and benefits of the mixotrophic strategy, i.e. the ability to combine a phototrophic and a phagotrophic mode of nutrition.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions often vary geographically. Work in salt marshes on the Atlantic Coast of the United States has documented community-wide latitudinal gradients in plant palatability and plant traits that may be driven in part by greater herbivore pressure at low latitudes. To determine if similar patterns exist elsewhere, we studied six taxa of saltmarsh plants ( Atriplex , Juncus , Limonium , Salicornia , Spartina and Suaeda ) at European sites at high (Germany and the Netherlands) and low (Portugal and Spain) latitudes. We conducted feeding assays using both native and non-native consumers, and documented patterns of herbivore damage in the field. As in the United States, high-latitude plants tended to be more palatable than low-latitude plants when offered to consumers in paired feeding assays in the laboratory, although assays with grasshopper consumers were less consistent than those with crab consumers, and plants in the field at low-latitude sites tended to experience greater levels of herbivore pressure than plants at high-latitude sites. Similarly, high-latitude leaf litter was more palatable than litter from low-latitude plants when offered to consumers in paired feeding assays in the laboratory. Latitudinal gradients in plant palatability and herbivore pressure may be a general phenomenon, and may contribute to latitudinal gradients in decomposition processes.  相似文献   

Several species of carabid beetles are important postdispersal predators of the seeds of herbaceous plants. The preferences of carabids for particular seeds differ, but the factors that determine their choice are little studied. We tested the hypothesis that preferences are determined by taxonomic constraints (carabid species affiliation), and carabid and seed size. The preferences were determined for adults of 30 species of central European field carabids mainly belonging to the tribes Zabrini (17 species) and Harpalini (10 species) (body mass 1–36 mg). In a cafeteria experiment the beetles were offered an excess of seeds from 28 species of dicotyledoneous herbaceous plants (mass 0.1–8.7 mg). The number of seeds eaten during a 5-day experiment was used as an estimate of preference. Mass of the preferred species of seed eaten was positively related to carabid body mass in both tribes. Multivariate analysis indicated three groups of carabid species with marked preferences for particular species of seeds: (i) species of Harpalini favoured mainly the seed of Cirsium arvense and Viola arvensis, (ii) some species of Zabrini the seeds of Asteraceae (Taraxacum officinale, Tripleurospermum inodorum and Crepis biennis) and (iii) other species of Zabrini the small seeds of Brassicaceae and Caryophyllaceae. The species of Harpalini were more generalist and accepted a greater proportion of seed species than Zabrini of the same size. Preferences of carabid seed predators were thus determined by taxonomic and size constraints, as in other groups of predators.  相似文献   

Community‐level studies have shown that plant–pollinator interactions are much more generalized than previously expected. Consequently, many authors have questioned the significance of phenotypic complementarity between plants and pollinators and abundance effects in pollination interactions. Here, we compare the behaviour of three sunbird species feeding on the nectar of five plant species in afromontane vegetation. We studied the feeding behaviour with and without consideration of plant abundance (i.e. diet selectivity and diet composition, respectively). The aims of the study were to estimate: (1) how relative resource abundance influences flower selectivity; (2) the degree of phenotypic matching; and (3) whether different plant resource assessment methods give different answers to this question. The results showed that, although sunbirds frequently feed on both morphologically adapted and nonadapted plants, food selectivity data are consistent with the hypothesis of phenotypic complementarity. Moreover, we found that the type of plant abundance measurement can change conclusions in some cases, as individual plants differ in their growth habits and nectar production. This effect was most obvious for the assessment of selectivity of the northern double‐collared sunbird (Cinnyris reichenowi) and for Hypoestes aristata, a plant producing inflorescences composed of a large number of small flowers possessing small amounts of nectar per flower (a high abundance of flowers, but a low abundance of nectar relative to the remaining plant community). © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

The events leading up to the cloning of the first bacterial avirulence gene, avrA , from Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea are described. The cloning of this gene marked the beginning of the molecular analyses of bacterial effectors and has paved the way for determining of the role of bacterial effectors in pathogen virulence and the triggering of plant innate immunity.  相似文献   

We characterized a plant–caterpillar food web from secondary vegetation in a New Guinean rain forest that included 63 plant species (87.5% of the total basal area), 546 Lepidoptera species and 1679 trophic links between them. The strongest 14 associations involved 50% of all individual caterpillars while some links were extremely rare. A caterpillar randomly picked from the vegetation will, with ≥ 50% probability, (1) feed on one to three host plants (of the 63 studied), (2) feed on < 20% of local plant biomass and (3) have ≥ 90% of population concentrated on a single host plant species. Generalist species were quantitatively unimportant. Caterpillar assemblages on locally monotypic plant genera were distinct, while sympatric congeneric hosts shared many caterpillar species. The partitioning of the plant–caterpillar food web thus depends on the composition of the vegetation. In secondary forest the predominant plant genera were locally monotypic and supported locally isolated caterpillar assemblages.  相似文献   

Aims Several bird‐pollinated or ornithophilous flowers are present on the Macaronesian archipelagos, the Canary Islands and Madeira, but absent from nearby NW Africa and Europe. In Macaronesia, no specialist nectar‐feeding birds are found, but several generalist passerine bird species visit flowers for nectar. Two hypotheses attempt to explain the origin and evolution of ornithophily in the Macaronesian flora. According to ‘the island de novo hypothesis’, bird‐flowers evolved from mainland insect‐pollinated ancestors after island colonization. Alternatively, ancestors of the ornithophilous Macaronesian plant species evolved bird‐flowers before reaching the islands (‘the relict hypothesis’). In this study we first compile information of Macaronesian bird–flower interactions from the literature and our own field observations. Secondly, we discuss the two hypotheses of origin of ornithophily in the light of evidence from recent molecular plant phylogenies, palaeontology, historical biogeography of the African avifauna and flora, and present‐day ecological patterns. Location Madeira and Canary Islands. Results At least eleven endemic Macaronesian plant species from six genera have typical ornithophilous floral traits. These genera are: Canarina and Musschia (Campanulaceae), Isoplexis (Scrophulariaceae), Echium (Boraginaceae), Lotus (Fabaceae) and Lavatera (Malvaceae). These lineages have clear affinities to the Mediterranean region, except for Canarina whose closest relatives grow in East African mountains. Six generalist passerine bird species of Sylvia, Phylloscopus (Sylviidae), Serinus (Fringillidae) and Parus (Paridae) visit this flora for nectar. Main conclusion We suggest that the origin and evolution of ornithophilous traits in these plant species took place mostly in mainland areas prior to island colonization. In Canarina and Lavatera, it is well supported that ornithophily is a relict condition, which originated in mainland areas possibly in association with specialist nectar‐feeding birds. For the remaining plant species except Echium wildpretii bird floral traits probably also are a relict condition. These species may be derived from ancestors, which were visited by specialist nectar‐feeding birds during geological periods when the Mediterranean and the Ethiopian vegetation were intermingled in mainland Africa. Probably, these mainland ancestors went extinct due to severe climatic fluctuations, while their Macaronesian descendants survived in ‘refuge’ on the islands. Finally, the island de novo hypothesis may explain the evolution of a mixed bird/insect‐pollination system in the neo‐endemic red‐flowered Echium wildpretii.  相似文献   

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