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The objective of this study was to profile the chemical components and biological activity analysis of crude extract of Bryophyllum pinnatum and Oxalis corniculata. Results revealed that the analyzed plant materials encompass the high amount of total phenolic and flavonoids content and have significant antioxidant activities. Furthermore, methanol extracts are the potential source of α‐amylase, α‐glucosidase, lipase, tyrosinase and elastase inhibitors. High resolution mass spectrometry revealed the presence of diverse metabolites such as quercetin 3‐Oα‐L‐rhamnopyranoside, myricetin 3‐rhamnoside, bersaldegenin 1,3,5‐orthoacetate, bryophyllin C, syringic acid, caffeic acid, p‐coumaric acid, and quercetin in B. pinnatum and isoorientin, swertisin, apigenin 7,4′‐diglucoside, vitexin, 4‐hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, ethyl gallate, 3,3′,4′‐trihydroxy‐5,7‐dimethoxyflavone, and diosmetin‐7‐Oβ‐D‐glucopyranoside in O. corniculata. Our finding suggested that these two plant species have high medicinal importance and are potential source of inhibitors for modern pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmetics industries.  相似文献   

Chiral considerations are found to be very much relevant in various aspects of forensic toxicology and pharmacology. In forensics, it has become increasingly important to identify the chirality of doping agents to avoid legal arguments and challenges to the analytical findings. The scope of this study was to develop an liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LCMS) method for the enantiomeric separation of typical illicit drugs such as ephedrines (ie, 1S,2R(+)‐ephedrine and 1R,2S(?)‐ephedrine) and pseudoephedrine (ie, R,R(?)‐pseudoephedrine and S,S(+)‐pseudoephedrine) by using normal phase chiral liquid chromatography–high‐resolution mass spectrometry technique. Results show that the Lux i‐amylose‐1 stationary phase has very broad and balancing‐enantio‐recognition properties towards ephedrine analogues, and this immobilized chiral stationary phase may offer a powerful tool for enantio‐separation of different types of pharmaceuticals in the normal phase mode. The type of mobile phase and organic modifier used appear to have dramatic influences on separation quality. Since the developed method was able to detect and separate the enantiomers at very low levels (in pico grams), this method opens easy access for the unambiguous identification of these illicit drugs and can be used for the routine screening of the biological samples in the antidoping laboratories.  相似文献   

Introduction – Biosynthesis of terretonin was studied due to the interesting skeleton of this series of sesterterpenoids. Very recently, López‐Gresa reported two new sesterterpenoids (terretonins E and F) which are inhibitors of the mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain. Mass spectrometry (MS), especially tandem mass spectrometry, has been one of the most important physicochemical methods for the identification of trace natural products due to it rapidity, sensitivity and low levels of sample consumption. The potential application prospect and unique skeleton prompted us to study structural characterisation using MS. Objective – To obtain sufficient information for rapid structural elucidation of this class of compounds using MS. Methodology – The elemental composition of the product ions was confirmed by low‐energy ESI‐CID‐QTOF‐MS/MS analyses. The fragmentation pathways were postulated on the basis of ESI‐QTOF‐MS/MS/MS and ESI‐IT‐MSn spectra. Common features and major differences between ESI‐QTOF‐MS/MS and IT‐MSn spectra were compared. For ESI‐QTOF‐MS/MS/MS experiments, capillary exit voltage was raised to induce in‐source dissociation. Ammonium acetate or acetic acid were added into solutions to improve the intensity of [M + H]+. The collision energy was optimised to achieve sufficient fragmentation. Some fragmentation pathways were unambiguously proposed by the variety of abundance of fragment ions at different collision energies even without MSn spectra. Results – Fragmentation pathways of five representative sesterterpenoids were elucidated using ESI‐QTOF‐MS/MS/MS and ESI‐IT‐MSn in both positive‐ and negative‐ion mode. The key group of characterising fragmentation profiles was ring B, and these fragmentation patterns are helpful to identify different types of sestertepenoids. Conclusion – Complementary information obtained from fragmentation experiments of [M + H]+ (or [M + NH4]+) and [M ? H]? precursor ions is especially valuable for rapid identification of this kind of sesterterpenoid.  相似文献   

We describe a cyclic on‐column procedure for the sequential degradation of complex O‐glycans on proteins or peptides by periodate oxidation of sugars and cleavage of oxidation products by elimination. Desialylated glycoproteins were immobilized to alkali‐stable, reversed‐phase Poros 20 beads followed by two degradation cycles and the eluted apoproteins were either separated by SDS gel electrophoresis or digested with trypsin prior to LC/ESI‐MS. We demonstrate on the peptide and protein level that even complex glycan moieties are removed under mild conditions with only minimal effects on structural integrity of the peptide core by fragmentation, dehydration or by racemization of the Lys/Arg residues. The protocol is applicable on gel‐immobilized glycoproteins after SDS gel electrophoresis. Conversion of O‐glycoproteins into their corresponding apoproteins should result in facilitated accessibility of tryptic cleavage sites, increase the numbers of peptide fragments, and accordingly enhance protein coverage and identification rates within the subproteome of mucin‐type O‐glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Analysis of the protein/peptide composition of tissue has provided meaningful insights into tissue biology and even disease mechanisms. However, little has been published regarding top down methods to investigate lower molecular weight (MW) (500–5000 Da) species in tissue. Here, we evaluate a tissue proteomics approach involving tissue homogenization followed by depletion of large proteins and then cLC‐MS (where c stands for capillary) analysis to interrogate the low MW/low abundance tissue proteome. In the development of this method, sheep heart, lung, liver, kidney, and spleen were surveyed to test our ability to observe tissue differences. After categorical tissue differences were demonstrated, a detailed study of this method's reproducibility was undertaken to determine whether or not it is suitable for analyzing more subtle differences in the abundance of small proteins and peptides. Our results suggest that this method should be useful in exploring the low MW proteome of tissues.  相似文献   

The selection of suitable mammalian cell lines with high specific productivities is a crucial aspect of large‐scale recombinant protein production. This study utilizes a metabolomics approach to elucidate the key characteristics of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with high monoclonal antibody productivities (qmAb). Liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (LC‐MS)‐based intracellular metabolite profiles of eight single cell clones with high and low qmAb were obtained at the mid‐exponential phase during shake flask batch cultures. Orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLS‐DA) subsequently revealed key differences between the high and low qmAb clones, as indicated by the variable importance for projection (VIP) scores. The mass peaks were further examined for their potential association with qmAb across all clones using Pearson's correlation analysis. Lastly, the identities of metabolites with high VIP and correlation scores were confirmed by comparison with standards through LC‐MS‐MS. A total of seven metabolites were identified—NADH, FAD, reduced and oxidized glutathione, and three activated sugar precursors. These metabolites are involved in key cellular pathways of citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, glutathione metabolism, and protein glycosylation. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify metabolites that are associated closely with qmAb. The results suggest that the high producers had elevated levels of specific metabolites to better regulate their redox status. This is likely to facilitate the generation of energy and activated sugar precursors to meet the demands of producing more glycosylated recombinant monoclonal antibodies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 3103–3111. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Athenaea (Solanaceae) is an endemic genus belonging to the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Recently, botanical investigations suggested the re‐evaluation of the generic status of the genus Athenaea as a synonym of Aureliana. In this study, the first investigation of the Athenaea genus performed on Athenaea martiana by means of HPLC‐HR‐MS‐SPE‐NMR combined with high‐resolution radical scavenging profile led to identification of several phenolic acids as radical scavengers: protocatechuic acid ( 1 ), 4‐hydroxybenzoic acid ( 2 ), caffeic acid ( 3 ), vanillic acid ( 4 ), and ferulic acid ( 6 ). Additional analysis revealed a new steroidal lactone, named athenolide A ( 9 ). Their structures were elucidated by extensive use of NMR spectroscopy as well as HR‐MS. Chemotaxonomic considerations based on these results supported the chemical relationships between the Athenaea and Aureliana genera, in agreement with the recent botanical findings.  相似文献   

The usability of a quadrupole—quadrupole—time‐of‐flight (QqTOF) instrument for the tandem mass spectrometric sequencing of oligodeoxynuleotides was investigated. The sample set consisted of 21 synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides ranging in length from 5 to 42 nucleotides. The sequences were randomly selected. For the majority of tested oligonucleotides, two or three different charge states were selected as precursor ions. Each precursor ion was fragmented applying several different collision voltages. Overall 282 fragment ion mass spectra were acquired. Computer‐aided interpretation of fragment ion mass spectra was accomplished with a recently introduced comparative sequencing algorithm (COMPAS). The applied version of COMPAS was specifically optimized for the interpretation of information‐rich spectra obtained on the QqTOF. Sequences of oligodeoxynucleotides as large as 26‐mers were correctly verified in >94% of cases (182 of 192 spectra acquired). Fragment ion mass spectra of larger oligonucleotides were not specific enough for sequencing. Because of the occurrence of extensive internal fragmentation causing low sequence coverage paired with a high probability of assigning fragment ions to wrong sequences, tandem mass spectra obtained from oligonucleotides consisting of 30 and more nucleotides could not be used for sequence verification neither manually nor with COMPAS. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 401–409, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

The increasing role played by liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (LC‐MS)‐based proteomics in biological discovery has led to a growing need for quality control (QC) on the LC‐MS systems. While numerous quality control tools have been developed to track the performance of LC‐MS systems based on a pre‐defined set of performance factors (e.g., mass error, retention time), the precise influence and contribution of the performance factors and their generalization property to different biological samples are not as well characterized. Here, a web‐based application (QCMAP) is developed for interactive diagnosis and prediction of the performance of LC‐MS systems across different biological sample types. Leveraging on a standardized HeLa cell sample run as QC within a multi‐user facility, predictive models are trained on a panel of commonly used performance factors to pinpoint the precise conditions to a (un)satisfactory performance in three LC‐MS systems. It is demonstrated that the learned model can be applied to predict LC‐MS system performance for brain samples generated from an independent study. By compiling these predictive models into our web‐application, QCMAP allows users to benchmark the performance of their LC‐MS systems using their own samples and identify key factors for instrument optimization. QCMAP is freely available from: http://shiny.maths.usyd.edu.au/QCMAP/ .  相似文献   

Monocytes are a part of the innate immune system. Their differentiation into macrophages changes their cellular proteome and secretome. Particularly secretome components such as cytokines are crucial for immune response and inflammation in many diseases. Differentiation of human lymphoma cell line U937 can be triggered by phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate (PMA). Screening of the cytokine release in U937 upon PMA stimulation by cytometric bead array almost exclusively showed interleukin‐8 (IL‐8). Next, a label‐free nanoLC‐ESI‐MS/MS‐sSRM method for quantification of IL‐8 in the cell secretome was established and applied to monitor the time kinetics of PMA treatment in different concentrations. Targeted secretome analysis was achieved by scheduled SRM‐MS using one proteotypic peptide as precursor ion and four mass transitions. Label‐free quantification was performed by external calibration using IL‐8 standard. Validation results indicated that the method was suited for the quantification of IL‐8 in the secretome. The maximal IL‐8 release of 62.4 ng/mL was observed after incubating cells treated by 50 ng/mL PMA for 48 h. The method can now be used for quantification of IL‐8 release from different cells under various conditions. Furthermore, it can be easily expanded to other secreted proteins detected by untargeted screening methods.  相似文献   

Industrial activity associated with oil‐sands extraction in Canada's Athabasca region produces a variety of contaminants of concern, including naphthenic acid fraction components (NAFCs). NAFCs are a complex mixture of organic compounds that are poorly understood both in terms of their chemical composition and effects on the environment. NAFC toxicity in the unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P.A.Dangeard was correlated with the presence of the algal cell wall. It was suggested that the toxicity of NAFCs in C. reinhardtii was due to surfactant effects. Surfactant‐cell wall interactions are specific and governed by the compound class and structure, and by the nature of the biological material. Here, we investigate the effects of wildtype (WT) C. reinhardtii and two cell‐wall mutants on specific classes of NAFCs when growing cultures were treated with a 100 mg · L?1 solution of NAFCs. Changes in the NAFC composition in the media were examined using high resolution mass spectrometry over a period of 4 d. Algal mediated changes in the NAFCs were limited to specific classes of NAFCs. In particular, the removal of large, classical naphthenic acids, with a double bond equivalent of 8, was observed in WT C. reinhardtii cultures. The observed algal mediated changes in NAFC composition would have been masked by low resolution mass spectrometry and highlight the importance of this tool in examining bioremediation of complex mixtures of NAFCs.  相似文献   

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