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Sesbania mosaic virus particles consist of 180 coat protein subunits of 29kDa organized on a T=3 icosahedral lattice. N-terminal deletion mutants of coat protein that lack 36 (CP-NDelta36) and 65 (CP-NDelta65) residues from the N terminus, when expressed in Escherichia coli, produced similar T=1 capsids of approximate diameter 20nm. In contrast to the wild-type particles, these contain only 60 copies of the truncated protein subunits (T=1). CP-NDelta65 lacks the "beta-annulus" believed to be responsible for the error-free assembly of T=3 particles. Though the CP-NDelta36 mutant has the beta-annulus segment, it does not form a T=3 capsid, presumably because it lacks an arginine-rich motif found close to the amino terminus. Both CP-NDelta36 and CP-NDelta65 T=1 capsids retain many key features of the T=3 quaternary structure. Calcium binding geometries at the coat protein interfaces in these two particles are also nearly identical. When the conserved aspartate residues that coordinate the calcium, D146 and D149 in the CP-NDelta65, were mutated to asparagine (CP-NDelta65-D146N-D149N), the subunits assembled into T=1 particles but failed to bind calcium ions. The structure of this mutant revealed particles that were slightly expanded. The analysis of the structures of these mutant capsids suggests that although calcium binding contributes substantially to the stability of T=1 particles, it is not mandatory for their assembly. In contrast, the presence of a large fraction of the amino-terminal arm including sequences that precede the beta-annulus and the conserved D149 appear to be indispensable for the error-free assembly of T=3 particles.  相似文献   

The HI loop is a prominent domain on the adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid surface that extends from each viral protein (VP) subunit overlapping the neighboring fivefold VP. Despite the highly conserved nature of the residues at the fivefold pore, the HI loops surrounding this critical region vary significantly in amino acid sequence between the AAV serotypes. In order to understand the role of this unique capsid domain, we ablated side chain interactions between the HI loop and the underlying EF loop in the neighboring VP subunit by generating a collection of deletion, insertion, and substitution mutants. A mutant lacking the HI loop was unable to assemble particles, while a substitution mutant (10 glycine residues) assembled particles but was unable to package viral genomes. Substitution mutants carrying corresponding regions from AAV1, AAV4, AAV5, and AAV8 yielded (i) particles with titers and infectivity identical to those of AAV2 (AAV2 HI1 and HI8), (ii) particles with a decreased virus titer (1 log) but normal infectivity (HI4), and (iii) particles that synthesized VPs but were unable to assemble into intact capsids (HI5). AAV5 HI is shorter than all other HI loops by one amino acid. Replacing the missing residue (threonine) in AAV2 HI5 resulted in a moderate particle assembly rescue. In addition, we replaced the HI loop with peptides varying in length and amino acid sequence. This region tolerated seven-amino-acid peptide substitutions unless they spanned a conserved phenylalanine at amino acid position 661. Mutation of this highly conserved phenylalanine to a glycine resulted in a modest decrease in virus titer but a substantial decrease (1 log order) in infectivity. Subsequently, confocal studies revealed that AAV2 F661G is incapable of efficiently completing a key step in the infectious pathway nuclear entry, hinting at a possible perturbation of VP1 phospholipase activity. Molecular modeling studies with the F661G mutant suggest that disruption of interactions between F661 and an underlying P373 residue in the EF loop of the neighboring subunit might adversely affect incorporation of the VP1 subunit at the fivefold axis. Western blot analysis confirmed inefficient incorporation of VP1, as well as a proteolytically processed VP1 subunit that could account for the markedly reduced infectivity. In summary, our studies show that the HI loop, while flexible in amino acid sequence, is critical for AAV capsid assembly, proper VP1 subunit incorporation, and viral genome packaging, all of which implies a potential role for this unique surface domain in viral infectivity.  相似文献   

S D Fuller 《Cell》1987,48(6):923-934
The three-dimensional structure of Sindbis virus, an enveloped animal virus, has been determined to a resolution of 35 A by using a common lines procedure to combine cryoelectron micrographs of vitrified particles. The spikes of the virus appear as columnar trimers arranged on a T=4 lattice. The lipid bilayer of the virus envelope is polyhedral and surrounds a smooth T=3 nucleocapsid. Hence, a complete Sindbis virion (molecular weight 46.4 X 10(6)) contains 240 copies of each of the spike proteins and 180 copies of the capsid protein. The arrangement of the spike proteins is complementary to that of the nucleocapsid. Two types of spike-capsid interactions are seen. Spike trimers near the fivefold axes interact tightly with triplets of capsid elements, whereas those on the threefold axes interact more loosely.  相似文献   

We report the identification and characterization of a viral intermediate formed during infection of Drosophila cells with the nodavirus Flock House virus (FHV). We observed that even at a very low multiplicity of infection, only 70% of the input virus stayed attached to or entered the cells, while the remaining 30% of the virus eluted from cells after initial binding. The eluted FHV particles did not rebind to Drosophila cells and, thus, could no longer initiate infection by the receptor-mediated entry pathway. FHV virus-like particles with the same capsid composition as native FHV but containing cellular RNA also exhibited formation of eluted particles when incubated with the cells. A maturation cleavage-defective mutant of FHV, however, did not. Compared to na?ve FHV particles, i.e., particles that had never been incubated with cells, eluted particles showed an acid-sensitive phenotype and morphological alterations. Furthermore, eluted particles had lost a fraction of the internally located capsid protein gamma. Based on these results, we hypothesize that FHV eluted particles represent an infection intermediate analogous to eluted particles observed for members of the family Picornaviridae.  相似文献   

Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) capsids are stabilized by RNA-protein, protein-protein and calcium-mediated protein-protein interactions. The removal of calcium has been proposed to be a prerequisite for the disassembly of the virus. The crystal structure of native T=3 SeMV capsid revealed that residues D146 and D149 from one subunit and Y205, N267 and N268 of the neighboring subunit form the calcium-binding site (CBS). The CBS environment is found to be identical even in the recombinant CP-NDelta65 T=1 capsids. Here, we have addressed the role of calcium and the residues involved in calcium co-ordination in the assembly and stability of T=3 and T=1 capsids by mutational analysis. Deletion of N267 and N268 did not affect T=3 or T=1 assembly, although the capsids were devoid of calcium, suggesting that assembly does not require calcium ions. However, the stability of the capsids was reduced drastically. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that either a single mutation (D149N) or a double mutation (D146N-D149N) of SeMV coat protein affected drastically both the assembly and stability of T=3 capsids. On the other hand, the D146N-D149N mutation in CP-NDelta65 did not affect the assembly of T=1 capsid, although their stability was reduced considerably. Since the major difference between the T=3 and T=1 capsids is the absence of the N-terminal arginine-rich motif (N-ARM) and the beta-annulus from the subunits forming the T=1 capsids, it is possible that D149 initiates the N-ARM-RNA interactions that lead to the formation of the beta-annulus, which is essential for T=3 capsid assembly.  相似文献   

During retrovirus particle assembly and morphogenesis, the retrovirus structural (Gag) proteins organize into two different arrangements: an immature form assembled by precursor Gag (PrGag) proteins; and a mature form, composed of proteins processed from PrGag. Central to both Gag protein arrangements is the capsid (CA) protein, a domain of PrGag, which is cleaved from the precursor to yield a mature Gag protein composed of an N-terminal domain (NTD), a flexible linker region, and a C-terminal domain (CTD). Because Gag interactions have proven difficult to examine in virions, a number of investigations have focused on the analysis of structures assembled in vitro. We have used electron microscope (EM) image reconstruction techniques to examine assembly products formed by two different CA variants of both human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and the Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV). Interestingly, two types of hexameric protein arrangements were observed for each virus type. One organizational scheme featured hexamers composed of putative NTD dimer subunits, with sharing of subunits between neighbor hexamers. The second arrangement used apparent NTD monomers to coordinate hexamers, involved no subunit sharing, and employed putative CTD interactions to connect hexamers. Conversion between the two assembly forms may be achieved by making or breaking the proposed symmetric NTD dimer contacts in a process that appears to mimic viral morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Viruses need only one or a few structural capsid proteins to build an infectious particle. This is possible through the extensive use of symmetry and the conformational polymorphism of the structural proteins. Using virus-like particles (VLP) from rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) as a model, we addressed the basis of calicivirus capsid assembly and their application in vaccine design. The RHDV capsid is based on a T=3 lattice containing 180 identical subunits (VP1). We determined the structure of RHDV VLP to 8.0-Å resolution by three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy; in addition, we used San Miguel sea lion virus (SMSV) and feline calicivirus (FCV) capsid subunit structures to establish the backbone structure of VP1 by homology modeling and flexible docking analysis. Based on the three-domain VP1 model, several insertion mutants were designed to validate the VP1 pseudoatomic model, and foreign epitopes were placed at the N- or C-terminal end, as well as in an exposed loop on the capsid surface. We selected a set of T and B cell epitopes of various lengths derived from viral and eukaryotic origins. Structural analysis of these chimeric capsids further validates the VP1 model to design new chimeras. Whereas most insertions are well tolerated, VP1 with an FCV capsid protein-neutralizing epitope at the N terminus assembled into mixtures of T=3 and larger T=4 capsids. The calicivirus capsid protein, and perhaps that of many other viruses, thus can encode polymorphism modulators that are not anticipated from the plane sequence, with important implications for understanding virus assembly and evolution.  相似文献   

A virus capsid is constructed from many copies of the same protein(s). Molecular recognition is central to capsid assembly. The capsid protein must polymerize in order to create a three-dimensional protein polymer. More than structure is required to understand this self-assembly reaction: one must understand how the pieces come together in solution.  相似文献   

A phenomenological theory is presented for the kinetics of the in vitro assembly and disassembly of icosahedral virus capsids in solutions of coat proteins. The focus is on conditions where nucleation-type processes can be ignored. We find that the kinetics of assembly is strongly concentration dependent and that the late-stage relaxation time varies as the inverse of the square of the concentration. These findings are corroborated by experimental observations on a number of viruses. Further, our theory shows that hysteresis observed in some experiments could be a direct effect of the kinetics of a high-order mass action law, not necessarily the result of a free energy barrier between assembled and disassembled states.  相似文献   

Using a recombinant, = 1 Satellite Tobacco Necrosis Virus (STNV)-like particle expressed in Escherichia coli, we have established conditions for in vitro disassembly and reassembly of the viral capsid. In vivo assembly is dependent on the presence of the coat protein (CP) N-terminal region, and in vitro assembly requires RNA. Using immobilised CP monomers under reassembly conditions with “free” CP subunits, we have prepared a range of partially assembled CP species for RNA aptamer selection. SELEX directed against the RNA-binding face of the STNV CP resulted in the isolation of several clones, one of which (B3) matches the STNV-1 genome in 16 out of 25 nucleotide positions, including across a statistically significant 10/10 stretch. This 10-base region folds into a stem-loop displaying the motif ACAA and has been shown to bind to STNV CP. Analysis of the other aptamer sequences reveals that the majority can be folded into stem-loops displaying versions of this motif. Using a sequence and secondary structure search motif to analyse the genomic sequence of STNV-1, we identified 30 stem-loops displaying the sequence motif AxxA. The implication is that there are many stem-loops in the genome carrying essential recognition features for binding STNV CP. Secondary structure predictions of the genomic RNA using Mfold showed that only 8 out of 30 of these stem-loops would be formed in the lowest-energy structure. These results are consistent with an assembly mechanism based on kinetically driven folding of the RNA.  相似文献   

Using mass spectrometry we have detected both assembly intermediates and the final product, the T=3 viral capsid, during reassembly of the RNA bacteriophage MS2. Assembly is only efficient when both types of quasiequivalent coat protein dimer seen in the final capsid are present in solution. NMR experiments confirm that interconversion of these conformers is allosterically regulated by sequence-specific binding of a short RNA stem-loop. Isotope pulse-chase experiments confirm that all intermediates observed are competent for further coat protein addition, i.e., they are all on the pathway to capsid formation, and that the unit of capsid growth is a coat protein dimer. The major intermediate species are dominated by stoichiometries derived from formation of the particle threefold axis, implying that there is a defined pathway toward the T=3 shell. These results provide the first experimental evidence for a detailed mechanistic explanation of the regulation of quasiequivalent capsid assembly. They suggest a direct role for the encapsidated RNA in assembly in vivo, which is consistent with the structure of the genomic RNA within wild-type phage.  相似文献   

Bahadur RP  Janin J 《Proteins》2008,71(1):407-414
To evaluate the evolutionary constraints placed on viral proteins by the structure and assembly of the capsid, we calculate Shannon entropies in the aligned sequences of 45 polypeptide chains in 32 icosahedral viruses, and relate these entropies to the residue location in the three-dimensional structure of the capsids. Three categories of residues have entropies lower than the chain average implying that they are better conserved than average: residues that are buried within a subunit (the protein core), residues that contain atoms buried at an interface between subunits (the interface core), and residues that contribute to several such interfaces. The interface core is also conserved in homomeric proteins and in transient protein-protein complexes, which have only one interface whereas capsids have many. In capsids, the subunit interfaces implicate most of the polypeptide chain: on average, 66% of the capsid residues are at an interface, 34% at more than one, and 47% at the interface core. Nevertheless, we observe that the degree of residue conservation can vary widely between interfaces within a capsid and between regions within an interface. The interfaces and regions of interfaces that show a low sequence variability are likely to play major roles in the self-assembly of the capsid, with implications on its mechanism that we discuss taking adeno-associated virus as an example.  相似文献   

We develop a class of models with which we simulate the assembly of particles into T1 capsidlike objects using Newtonian dynamics. By simulating assembly for many different values of system parameters, we vary the forces that drive assembly. For some ranges of parameters, assembly is facile; for others, assembly is dynamically frustrated by kinetic traps corresponding to malformed or incompletely formed capsids. Our simulations sample many independent trajectories at various capsomer concentrations, allowing for statistically meaningful conclusions. Depending on subunit (i.e., capsomer) geometries, successful assembly proceeds by several mechanisms involving binding of intermediates of various sizes. We discuss the relationship between these mechanisms and experimental evaluations of capsid assembly processes.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations in vacuum and with a water sphere around the active site were performed on the 2GMP-RNase T1 complex. The presence of water led to the maintenance of the 2-GMP-RNase T1 interactions as compared to the X-ray structure, including the hydrogen bonds implicated in the enzyme-inhibitor recognition process. The sidechain of His92 in the molecular dynamics water simulation, however, hydrogen bonds directly to the phosphate of 2GMP in contrast to the X-ray structure but in support of the role of that residue in the enzyme's catalytic mechanism. Fluctuations of activesite residues are not strongly influenced by water, possibly owing to the exclusion of water by the bound 2GMP, which did show an increase in mobility. Analysis of the 2GMP-RNase T1 interactions versus time reveal an equilibrium fluctuation in the presence of water, leading to a less favorable 2GMP-RNase T1 interaction energy, suggesting a possible relationship between picosecond fluctuations and inhibitor dissociation occurring in the millisecond time domain.Abbreviations RNase T1 Ribonuclease T1 (EC. - 2GMP Guanosine-2-monophosphate - SBS Stochastic Bondary Simulation - VS Vacuum Simulation - MD Molecular Dynamics  相似文献   

Maturation of dsDNA bacteriophages involves assembling the virus prohead from a limited set of structural components followed by rearrangements required for the stability that is necessary for infecting a host under challenging environmental conditions. Here, we determine the mature capsid structure of T7 at 1 nm resolution by cryo-electron microscopy and compare it with the prohead to reveal the molecular basis of T7 shell maturation. The mature capsid presents an expanded and thinner shell, with a drastic rearrangement of the major protein monomers that increases in their interacting surfaces, in turn resulting in a new bonding lattice. The rearrangements include tilting, in-plane rotation, and radial expansion of the subunits, as well as a relative bending of the A- and P-domains of each subunit. The unique features of this shell transformation, which does not employ the accessory proteins, inserted domains, or molecular interactions observed in other phages, suggest a simple capsid assembling strategy that may have appeared early in the evolution of these viruses.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a member of the Birnaviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA virus. The IBDV capsid is formed by two major structural proteins, VP2 and VP3, which assemble to form a T=13 markedly nonspherical capsid. During viral infection, VP2 is initially synthesized as a precursor, called VPX, whose C end is proteolytically processed to the mature form during capsid assembly. We have computed three-dimensional maps of IBDV capsid and virus-like particles built up by VP2 alone by using electron cryomicroscopy and image-processing techniques. The IBDV single-shelled capsid is characterized by the presence of 260 protruding trimers on the outer surface. Five classes of trimers can be distinguished according to their different local environments. When VP2 is expressed alone in insect cells, dodecahedral particles form spontaneously; these may be assembled into larger, fragile icosahedral capsids built up by 12 dodecahedral capsids. Each dodecahedral capsid is an empty T=1 shell composed of 20 trimeric clusters of VP2. Structural comparison between IBDV capsids and capsids consisting of VP2 alone allowed the determination of the major capsid protein locations and the interactions between them. Whereas VP2 forms the outer protruding trimers, VP3 is found as trimers on the inner surface and may be responsible for stabilizing functions. Since elimination of the C-terminal region of VPX is correlated with the assembly of T=1 capsids, this domain might be involved (either alone or in cooperation with VP3) in the induction of different conformations of VP2 during capsid morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The tail of bacteriophage T4 undergoes large structural changes upon infection while delivering the phage genome into the host cell. The baseplate is located at the distal end of the contractile tail and plays a central role in transmitting the signal to the tail sheath that the tailfibers have been adsorbed by a host bacterium. This then triggers the sheath contraction. In order to understand the mechanism of assembly and conformational changes of the baseplate upon infection, we have determined the structure of an in vitro assembled baseplate through the three-dimensional reconstruction of cryo-electron microscopy images to a resolution of 3.8 Å from electron micrographs. The atomic structure was fitted to the baseplate structure before and after sheath contraction in order to elucidate the conformational changes that occur after bacteriophage T4 has attached itself to a cell surface. The structure was also used to investigate the protease digestion of the assembly intermediates and the mutation sites of the tail genes, resulting in a number of phenotypes.  相似文献   

Capsids of spherical viruses may be constructed from hundreds or thousands of copies of the major capsid protein(s). These assembly reactions are poorly understood. Here we consider the predicted behavior for assembly where the component reactions have weak association energy and are reversible and compare them to essentially irreversible reactions. The comparisons are based on mass action calculations and the behavior predicted from kinetic simulations where assembly is described as a cascade of low order reactions. Reversible reactions are characterized by a pseudo-critical concentration, whereas irreversible reactions consume all free subunits. Irreversible reactions are more susceptible to kinetic traps comprised of numerous small intermediates. In the case where only the ultimate step is irreversible, very low concentrations of intermediates slow the completion of the reaction so that overall it closely matches the predictions for the reversible reactions that make up the majority of the cascade. Data in the literature strongly support the hypothesis that most viruses are held together by many weak interactions.  相似文献   

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