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The dynamics of the Peyrard-Bishop model for vibrational motion of DNA dynamics, which has been extended by taking into account the rotational motion for the nucleotides (Silva et al., J. Biol. Phys. 34, 511–519, 2018) is studied. We report on the presence of the modulational instability (MI) of a plane wave for charge migration in DNA and the generation of soliton-like excitations in DNA nucleotides. We show that the original differential-difference equation for the DNA dynamics can be reduced in the continuum approximation to a set of three coupled nonlinear equations. The linear stability analysis of continuous wave solutions of the coupled systems is performed and the growth rate of instability is found numerically. Numerical simulations show the validity of the analytical approach with the generation of wave packets provided that the wave numbers fall in the instability domain.  相似文献   

Charge transport in DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The base pair stack within double helical DNA provides an effective medium for charge transport. The DNA pi-stack mediates oxidative DNA damage over long molecular distances in a reaction that is exquisitely sensitive to the sequence-dependent conformation and dynamics of DNA. A mixture of tunneling and hopping mechanisms have been proposed to account for this long-range chemistry, which is gated by dynamical variations within the stack. Electrochemical sensors have also been developed, based upon the sensitivity of DNA charge transport to base pair stacking, and these sensors provide a completely new approach to diagnosing single base mismatches in DNA and monitoring protein-DNA interactions electrically. DNA charge transport, furthermore, may play a role within the cell and, indeed, oxidative damage to DNA from a distance has been demonstrated in the cell nucleus. As a result, the biological consequences of and opportunities for DNA-mediated charge transport now require consideration.  相似文献   

Charge transport through DNA four-way junctions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Long range oxidative damage as a result of charge transport is shown to occur through single crossover junctions assembled from four semi-complementary strands of DNA. When a rhodium complex is tethered to one of the arms of the four-way junction assembly, thereby restricting its intercalation into the π-stack, photo-induced oxidative damage occurs to varying degrees at all guanine doublets in the assembly, though direct strand scission only occurs at the predicted site of intercalation. In studies where the Mg2+ concentration was varied, so as to perturb base stacking at the junction, charge transport was found to be enhanced but not to be strongly localized to the arms that preferentially stack on each other. These data suggest that the conformations of four-way junctions can be relatively mobile. Certainly, in four-way junctions charge transport is less discriminate than in the more rigidly stacked DNA double crossover assemblies.  相似文献   

Delaney S  Barton JK 《Biochemistry》2003,42(48):14159-14165
DNA conjugates containing adjacent duplex and guanine quadruplex assemblies have been designed to explore charge transport into quadruplex architectures. The quadruplex assemblies have been characterized structurally using circular dichroism and by assaying for chemical protection. Using an intercalating rhodium photooxidant, noncovalently bound or tethered to the duplex end, oxidizing radicals are found to be trapped in the folded quadruplex. Damage is observed almost exclusively at the external tetrads of the quadruplex. Little damage of the center tetrad is observed, due most likely to lowered efficiency of radical trapping within the quadruplex core. This pattern of damage is distinct from that observed for repetitive G sequences within duplex DNA. The data indicate, furthermore, that in the conjugates examined, the guanine quadruplex provides a more effective trap than a 5'-GG-3' guanine doublet within duplex DNA. Within these assemblies, sufficient base-base overlap must exist at the duplex/quadruplex junction to allow for charge migration. This funneling of damage to the quadruplex, as well as the unique pattern of damage within the quadruplex, requires consideration with respect to the analysis of oxidative DNA damage within the cell.  相似文献   

The absorption currents in the ‘cis-trans’ isomeric forms of β-carotene glass were studied over a wide range of temperature and field. Limited observations of the absorption currents were also made with different sample thicknesses and electrode materials. The results indicate that the low temperature absorption current (<273K) may be due to a dipolar mechanism with a distribution of relaxation times whereas the absorption current in the high temperature range (≃273K<T<333K) may be adequately explained by a hopping mechanism of charge carriers through the localized states distributed by the bulk.  相似文献   

Boon EM  Pope MA  Williams SD  David SS  Barton JK 《Biochemistry》2002,41(26):8464-8470
MutY is an Escherichia coli DNA repair enzyme that binds to 8-oxo-G:A and G:A mismatches and catalyzes the deglycosylation of the mismatched 2'-deoxyadenosine. We have applied DNA-mediated charge transport to probe the interaction of MutY with its DNA substrate. Oligonucleotides synthesized with a tethered rhodium intercalator and guanine doublets placed before and after the MutY binding site are used to assay for base flipping activity by MutY. On the basis of this assay, we find no evidence that MutY uses progressive base flipping as a means to find its binding site; protein binding does not perturb long-range DNA charge transport. DNA-mediated charge transport can be utilized to promote protein-DNA cross-linking from a distance. Long-range oxidation of 8-oxo-G within the MutY binding site using tethered rhodium intercalators promoted cross-linking and yielded information on MutY side chains that interact with this base. On the basis of photooxidative cross-linking of the wild type but not K142A mutant, it is evident that, within the protein complex, lysine 142 makes important contacts with 8-oxo-G.  相似文献   

Prediction of solute and solvent transport in cells is central to developing and testing cryopreservation protocols. As we show here, however, the models used can be difficult to accurately numerically integrate in some key cases, and thus are a challenge to implement when determining the time dependent cell state during cryoprotectant equilibration and cooling. Exact solution techniques exist for overcoming this problem, but their implementation is also challenging: inversion of a nonlinear function is required that negates much of the utility of the approach. This communication describes a simple approach for more robust numerical integration that can be implemented using any numerical differential equation solver, and can facilitate arbitrarily accurate solutions to transport models without the complication of inversion formulae or complicated numerical integration schemes. Further, a simple relevant example of red blood cell equilibration with 40% glycerol is presented with comments on extending the approach to other settings.  相似文献   

Protein folding and assembly can be manipulated in in vitro systems by co-solvents at high concentrations. A number of co-solvents that enhance protein stability and assembly have been shown to be excluded from the protein surface. Such co-solvent exclusion has been demonstrated by dialysis experiments and shown to be correlated with their effects on protein stability and assembly.  相似文献   

Important properties of globular proteins, such as the stability of its folded state, depend sensitively on interactions with solvent molecules. Existing methods for estimating these interactions, such as the geometrical surface model, are either physically misleading or too time consuming to be applied routinely in energy calculations. As an alternative, we derive here a simple model for the interactions between protein atoms and solvent atoms in the first hydration layer, the solvent contact model, based on the conservation of the total number of atomic contacts, a consequence of the excluded-volume effect. The model has the conceptual advantage that protein-protein contacts and protein-solvent contacts are treated in the same language and the technical advantage that the solvent term becomes a particularly simple function of interatomic distances. The model allows rapid calculation of any physical property that depends only on the number and type of protein-solvent nearest-neighbor contacts. We propose use of the method in the calculation of protein solvation energies, conformational energy calculations, and molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

The transport of histidine in the gram negative bacterium S. typhimurium has been studied over a number of years and found to occur through five transport systems (Ames, 1972). Of these, the one with the highest affinity has been studied in detail from the genetic, physiological and biochemical point of view. This system, known as the high-affinity histidine permease, is composed of two subsystems, the J-P and K-P systems, which have a component in common, the P protein, presumed to be membrane-bound. The J-P system, moreover, is known to require the presence of a periplasmic histidine-binding protein, the J protein. The J protein is coded for by the hisJ gene and the P protein is coded for by the hisP gene. Both of these genes have been mapped at 75 min on the Salmonella chromosomal map. Adjacent to them is a regulatory gene, the dhuA gene. The periplasmic histidine-binding protein J has been shown to interact directly with the second component of transport, the P protein (Ames and Spudich, 1976). In accordance with this, histidine-binding protein J has been shown to contain, besides the histidine-binding site, a second site, essential for function, the interaction site (Kustu and Ames, 1974). We have recently shown that a mutant J protein with a defective interaction site but an intact histidine-binding site cannot function in histidine transport, unless an appropriate compensating mutation is introduced in the P protein. The interaction between the J and P proteins is an obligatory step in transport. The mutation in the interaction site of the J protein has been shown to map in the hisJ gene, and the compensating supressor mutation in the P protein has been shown to map in the hisP gene. Our contention that the J and P proteins engage in a functional interaction assumes further strength from other studies on protein-protein interaction in bacteriophage development and in ribosomal structure. Among the possible functions of the J-P interaction in histidine transport, a likely one is the transmission of information to the P protein, concerning whether or not the histidine-binding site on the J protein is occupied. Appropriate conformational changes then can occur in either the J or the P protein, or both, such that the histidine is released in the correct location and direction on the inside of the cell. This could occur either by a pore-formation mechanism or by binding-site translocation. Another alternative is that the P protein is part of an energy transducing mechanism in which energy is transmitted to the J protein, through the interaction site, as a prerequisite for the J protein participation in translocation. Among the interesting findings coming out of this work, is also the fact that the P protein performs a central function in transport being involved in the permeation of other substrates besides histidine. It is likely that other binding proteins besides the J protein require the P protein. Thus an interesting question which we are trying to answer at present is whether the P protein has separate interaction sites for each of these other binding proteins requiring its function, or whether they all interact at one common site.  相似文献   

Rigden DJ  Carneiro M 《Proteins》1999,37(4):697-708
The study of the plant oncogene rolA has been hampered by a lack of structural information. Here we show that, despite a lack of significant sequence similarity to proteins of known structure, the rolA sequence adopts a known fold; that of the papillomavirus E2 DNA-binding domain. This fold is reliably identified by modern threading programs, which consider predicted secondary structure, but not by others. Although the rolA sequence is only around 16% identical to those of the available template structures, a structural model could be built that performed well against protein structure verification programs. The adopted strategy involved alignment corrections, justified by multiple model building and evaluation, with particular attention paid to the hydrophobic core residues. We find that rolA protein is predicted to resemble the template proteins in two key aspects; existence as a dimer and ability to bind DNA. rolA protein has recently been shown experimentally to possess DNA binding ability. This model predicts Lys 24 and Arg 27 to be involved in sequence-specific interactions and eight other residues to hydrogen-bond phosphate groups of the DNA.  相似文献   

The analysis and prediction of non-canonical structural motifs in RNA is of great importance for an understanding of the function and design of RNA structures. A hierarchical method has been employed to generate a large variety of sterically possible conformations for a single-base adenine bulge structure in A -form DNA and RNA. A systematic conformational search was performed on the isolated bulge motif and neighboring nucleotides under the constraint to fit into a continuous helical structure. These substructures were recombined with double-stranded DNA or RNA. Energy minimization resulted in more than 300 distinct bulge conformations. Energetic evaluation using a solvation model based on the finite-difference Poisson-Boltzmann method identified three basic classes of low-energy structures. The three classes correspond to conformations with the bulge base stacked between flanking nucleotides (I), location of the bulge base in the minor groove (II) and conformations with a continuous stacking of the flanking helices and a looped out bulge base (III). For the looped out class, two subtypes (IIIa and IIIb) with different backbone geometries at the bulge site could be distinguished. The conformation of lowest calculated energy was a class I structure with backbone torsion angles close to those in standard A -form RNA. Conformations very close to the extra-helical looped out bulge structure determined by X-ray crystallography were also among the low-energy structures. In addition, topologies observed in other experimentally determined bulge structures have been found among low-energy conformers. The implicit solvent model was further tested by comparing an uridine and adenine bulge flanked by guanine:cytosine base-pairs, respectively. In agreement with the experimental observation, a looped out form was found as the energetically most favorable form for the uridine bulge and a stacked conformation in case of the adenine bulge. The inclusion of solvation effects especially electrostatic reaction field contributions turned out to be critically important in order to select realistic low-energy bulge structures from a large number of sterically possible conformations. The results indicate that the approach might be useful to model the three-dimensional structure of non-canonical motifs embedded in double-stranded RNA, in particular, to restrict the number of possible conformations to a manageable number of conformers with energies below a certain threshold.  相似文献   

The viscous forces acting on a DNA macromolecule in a fiber are calculated. The DNA polymer is modeled as an infinite rod of elliptical cross section with a grooved surface. The viscous solvent is hydrodynamic water. Appropriate boundary conditions for determining the viscous forces on the acoustic vibrational modes are discussed. The viscous forces acting on each mode are then calculated as functions of both frequency and amount of water in the fiber. The mass loading of the DNA due to water in the grooves is shown to reduce the longitudinal acoustic velocity, which agrees with recent experimental results. The longitudinal modes are determined to be underdamped and correspondingly sharp over a range of frequencies and humidities appropriate to experimental conditions. The torsional and transverse acoustic modes are still strongly overdamped.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase supercoils DNA in bacteria. The fact that it is essential in all bacteria and absent from eukaryotes makes it an ideal drug target. We discuss the action of coumarin and quinolone drugs on gyrase. In the case of coumarins, the drugs are known to be competitive inhibitors of the gyrase ATPase reaction. From a combination of structural and biochemical studies, the molecular details of the gyrase-coumarin complex are well established. In the case of quinolones, the drugs are thought to act by stabilising a cleavage complex between gyrase and DNA that arrests polymerases in vivo. The exact nature of the gyrase-quinolone-DNA complex is not known; we propose a model for this complex based on structural and biochemical data.  相似文献   

In the present study we report the in vivo interaction of acrylonitrile (VCN) with testicular tissue in rats. Covalent binding of radioactivity to testicular tissue DNA was examined for a period of 72 hr after a single oral dose (46.5 mg/kg) of [2, 3-14C] VCN. Maximal covalent binding was observed at 0.5 hr (8.9 μmol VCN equivalent/mol nucleotide). Binding decreased gradually thereafter but was still detected (2.5 μmol VCN equivalent/mol nucleotide) at 72 hr following VCN administration. Further, we examined the effects of VCN on DNA synthesis and repair in the testes of rats following a single oral dose (46.5 mg/kg) of VCN to clarify the impact of the covalent binding observed on the testicular genetic material. A significant decrease in DNA synthesis (80% of control) was observed at 0.5 hr after treatment. At 24 hr following acrylonitrile administration, testicular DNA synthesis was severely inhibited (38% of control). Testicular DNA repair was increased 1.5-fold at 0.5 hr and more than 3.3-fold at 24 hr following treatment with VCN. These results suggest that VCN can act as a multipotent genotoxic agent by alkylating DNA in testicular tissue and may affect the male reproductive function by interfering with testicular DNA synthesis and repair processes.  相似文献   

Energy localization, via modulation instability, is addressed in a modified twist-opening model of DNA with solvent interactions. The Fourier expansion method is used to reduce the complex roto-torsional equations of the system to a set of discrete coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations, which are used to perform the analytical investigation of modulation instability. We find that the instability criterion is highly influenced by the solvent parameters. Direct numerical simulations, performed on the generic model, further confirm our analytical predictions, as solvent interactions bring about highly localized energy patterns. These patterns are also shown to be robust under thermal fluctuations.  相似文献   

The insertion of an endovascular prosthesis is known to have a thrombogenic effect that is also a consequence of the interaction between the flowing blood and the stented arterial segment; in fact the prosthesis induces a compliance mismatch and a possible small expansion along the vessel that eventually gives rise to an anomalous distribution of wall shear stresses. The fluid dynamics inside a rectilinear elastic vessel with compliance and section variation is studied here numerically. A recently introduced perturbative approach is employed to model the interaction between the fluid and the elastic tissue; this approximate technique is first validated by comparison with a complete solution within a simple one-dimensional model of the same system. Then it is applied to an axisymmetric model in order to evaluate the flow dynamics and the distribution of wall shear stress in the stented vessel. Compliance mismatch is shown to produce more intense negative wall shear stresses in the stented segment while rapid variations of wall shear stress are found at the stent ends. These effects are enhanced when the prosthesis is accompanied by a small increase of the vessel lumen.  相似文献   

The equilibrium interaction of doxorubicin and its N-acetyl derivative with a series of purine-pyrimidine alternating polydeoxynucleotides has been studied through spectrofluorometry to assess the relevance of the electrostatic contribution to DNA intercalation. The results have shown that: (a) the suppression of the positive charge on the aminosugar has: (I) a profound negative effect on the free energy of intercalation, as expected, and (II) a negligible influence on the base specificity, which supports the notion of an essentially electrostatic effect of N-acetylation on intercalation; (b) a reasonably good accord with the demands of a polyelectrolytic model, due to Friedman and Manning, is found.  相似文献   

A. Ben-Naim 《Biopolymers》1975,14(7):1337-1355
The effect of structural changes in the solvent (usually water) on the thermodynamics of the hydrophobic interaction process is examined within the framework of classical statistical mechanics. The concept of the “structure of water” is first defined in a precise way, yet reflecting the conventional definition that has been, implicitly and qualitatively, employed by many authors. Using this concept, we proceed to show that structural changes in the solvent, induced by the hydrophobic interaction process, cannot affect the strength of the hydrophobic interaction. On the other hand, the entropy and enthalpy changes, associated with the same process, may well be affected. Some qualitative arguments are presented showing that large structural changes are expected from a complex solvent such as water.  相似文献   

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