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V H Tran  J W Brady 《Biopolymers》1990,29(6-7):977-997
Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the motions in vacuum of the disaccharide sucrose. Ensembles of trajectories were calculated for each of the five local minimum energy conformations identified in the adiabatic conformational energy mapping of this molecule. The model sucrose molecules were found to exhibit a variety of motions, although the global minimum energy conformation was found to be dynamically stable, and no transitions away from this structure were observed to occur spontaneously. In all but one of these vacuum trajectories, the intramolecular hydrogen bond between residues was maintained, in accord with recent nmr studies of this molecule in aqueous solution. Considerable flexibility of the furanoid ring was found in the trajectories. No "flips" to the opposite puckering for this ring were found in the simulations starting from the global minimum, although such a transition was observed for a trajectory initiated with one of the higher local minimum energy conformations. Overall, the observed structural fluctuations were consistent with the experimental picture of sucrose as a relatively rigid molecule.  相似文献   

Recent studies of DNA axis curvature and flexibility based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on DNA are reviewed. The MD simulations are on DNA sequences up to 25 base pairs in length, including explicit consideration of counterions and waters in the computational model. MD studies are described for ApA steps, A-tracts, for sequences of A-tracts with helix phasing. In MD modeling, ApA steps and A-tracts in aqueous solution are essentially straight, relatively rigid, and exhibit the characteristic features associated with the B'-form of DNA. The results of MD modeling of A-tract oligonucleotides are validated by close accord with corresponding crystal structure results and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) and residual dipolar coupling (RDC) structures of d(CGCGAATTCGCG) and d(GGCAAAAAACGG). MD simulation successfully accounts for enhanced axis curvature in a set of three sequences with phased A-tracts studied to date. The primary origin of the axis curvature in the MD model is found at those pyrimidine/purine YpR "flexible hinge points" in a high roll, open hinge conformational substate. In the MD model of axis curvature in a DNA sequence with both phased A-tracts and YpR steps, the A-tracts appear to act as positioning elements that make the helix phasing more precise, and key YpR steps in the open hinge state serve as curvature elements. Our simulations on a phased A-tract sequence as a function of temperature show that the MD simulations exhibit a premelting transition in close accord with experiment, and predict that the mechanism involves a B'-to-B transition within A-tracts coupled with the prediction of a transition in key YpR steps from the high roll, open hinge, to a low roll, closed hinge substate. Diverse experimental observations on DNA curvature phenomena are examined in light of the MD model with no serious discrepancies. The collected MD results provide independent support for the "non-A-tract model" of DNA curvature. The "junction model" is indicated to be a special case of the non-A-tract model when there is a Y base at the 5' end of an A-tract. In accord with crystallography, the "ApA wedge model" is not supported by MD.  相似文献   

Multiple molecular dynamics simulations totaling more than 100 ns were performed on chain B of insulin in explicit solvent at 300 K and 400 K. Despite some individual variations, a comparison of the protein dynamics of each simulation showed similar trends and most structures were consistent with NMR experimental values, even at the elevated temperature. The importance of packing interactions in determining the conformational transitions of the protein was observed, sometimes resulting in conformations induced by localized hydrophobic interactions. The high temperature simulation generated a more diverse range of structures with similar elements of secondary structure and populated conformations to the simulations at room temperature. A broad sampling of the conformational space of insulin chain B illustrated a wide range of conformational states with many transitions at room temperature in addition to the conformational states observed experimentally. The T-state conformation associated with insulin activity was consistently present and a possible mechanism of behavior was suggested.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) complexed with the phosphorylated peptide substrate DADEpYL and the free substrate have been conducted to investigate 1) the physical forces involved in substrate-protein interactions, 2) the importance of enzyme and substrate flexibility for binding, 3) the electrostatic properties of the enzyme, and 4) the contribution from solvation. The simulations were performed for 1 ns, using explicit water molecules. The last 700 ps of the trajectories was used for analysis determining enthalpic and entropic contributions to substrate binding. Based on essential dynamics analysis of the PTP1B/DADEpYL trajectory, it is shown that internal motions in the binding pocket occur in a subspace of only a few degrees of freedom. In particular, relatively large flexibilities are observed along several eigenvectors in the segments: Arg(24)-Ser(28), Pro(38)-Arg(47), and Glu(115)-Gly(117). These motions are correlated to the C- and N-terminal motions of the substrate. Relatively small fluctuations are observed in the region of the consensus active site motif (H/V)CX(5)R(S/T) and in the region of the WPD loop, which contains the general acid for catalysis. Analysis of the individual enzyme-substrate interaction energies revealed that mainly electrostatic forces contribute to binding. Indeed, calculation of the electrostatic field of the enzyme reveals that only the field surrounding the binding pocket is positive, while the remaining protein surface is characterized by a predominantly negative electrostatic field. This positive electrostatic field attracts negatively charged substrates and could explain the experimentally observed preference of PTP1B for negatively charged substrates like the DADEpYL peptide.  相似文献   

We used molecular dynamics to model interactions between the physiologically important polyamine spermine and two B-DNA oligomers, the homopolymer (dG)10-(dC)10 and the heteropolymer (dGdC)5-(dGdC)5. Water and counterions were included in the simulation. Starting coordinates for spermine-DNA complexes were structures obtained by molecular mechanics modeling of spermine with the two oligomers; in these models, spermine binding induced a bend in the heteropolymer but not in the homopolymer. During approximately 40 psec of molecular dynamics simulation, spermine moves away from the floor of the major groove and interacts nospecifically with d(G)10-d(C)10. In contrast, a spermine-induced bend in the helix of (dGdC)5-(dGdC)5 is maintained throughout the simulation and spermine remains closely associated with the major groove. These results provide further evidence that the binding of spermine to nucleic acids can be sequence specific and that bending of alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences may be a physiologically important result of spermine binding.  相似文献   

Gramicidin A (gA) is prototypical peptide antibiotic and a model ion channel former. Configured in the solid-state NMR beta(6.5)-helix channel conformation, gA was subjected to 1-ns molecular dynamics (MD) gas phase simulations using the all-atom charmm22 force field to ascertain the conformational stability of the Trp side chains as governed by backbone and neighboring side-chain contacts. Three microcanonical trajectories were computed using different initial atomic velocities for each of twenty different initial structures. For each set, one of the four Trp side chains in each monomer was initially positioned in one of the five non-native conformations (A. E. Dorigo et al., Biophysical Journal, 1999, Vol. 76, 1897-1908), the other Trps being positioned in the native state, o1. In three additional control simulations, all Trps were initiated in the native conformation. After equilibration, constraints were removed and subsequent conformational changes of the initially constrained Trp were measured. The chi(1) was more flexible than chi(2.1). The energetically optimal orientation, o1 (Dorigo et al., 1999), was the most stable in all four Trp positions (9, 11, 13, 15) and remained unchanged for the entire 1 ns simulation in 19 of 24 trials. Changes in chi(1) from each of the 5 suboptimal states occur readily. Two of the non-native conformations reverted readily to o1, whereas the other three converted to an intermediate state, i2. There were frequent interconversions between i2 and o1. We speculate that experimentally observed Trp stability is caused by interactions with the lipid-water interface, and that stabilization of one of the suboptimal conformations in gA, such as i2, by lipid headgroups could produce a secondary, metastable conformational state. This could explain recent experimental studies of differences in the channel conductance dispersity between gA and a Trp-to-Phe gA analog, gramicidin M (gM, J. C. Markham et al., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2001, Vol. 1513, 185-192).  相似文献   

Small (600 base pair) DNA plasmids were modeled with a simplified representation (3DNA) and the intramolecular motions were studied using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics techniques. The model is detailed enough to incorporate sequence effects. At the same time, it is simple enough to allow long molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations revealed that large-scale slithering occurs in a homogeneous sequence. In a heterogeneous sequence, containing numerous small intrinsic curves, the centers of the curves are preferentially positioned at the tips of loops. With more curves than loop tips (two in unbranched supercoiled DNA), the heterogeneous sequence plasmid slithers short distances to reposition other curves into the loop tips. However, the DNA is immobilized most of the time, with the loop tips positioned over a few favored curve centers. Branching or looping also appears in the heterogeneous sequence as a new method of repositioning the loop tips. Instead of a smooth progression of increasing writhing with increasing linking difference, theoretical studies have predicted that there is a threshold between unwrithed and writhed DNA at a linking difference between one and two. This has previously been observed in simulations of static structures and is demonstrated here for dynamic homogeneous closed DNA. Such an abrupt transition is not found in the heterogeneous sequence in both the static and dynamic cases. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA bending plays an important role in many biological processes, but its molecular and energetic details as a function of base sequence remain to be fully understood. Using a recently developed restraint, we have studied the controlled bending of four different B-DNA oligomers using molecular dynamics simulations. Umbrella sampling with the AMBER program and the recent parmbsc0 force field yield free energy curves for bending. Bending 15-base pair oligomers by 90° requires roughly 5kcalmol−1, while reaching 150° requires of the order of 12kcalmol−1. Moderate bending occurs mainly through coupled base pair step rolls. Strong bending generally leads to local kinks. The kinks we observe all involve two consecutive base pair steps, with disruption of the central base pair (termed Type II kinks in earlier work). A detailed analysis of each oligomer shows that the free energy of bending only varies quadratically with the bending angle for moderate bending. Beyond this point, in agreement with recent experiments, the variation becomes linear. An harmonic analysis of each base step yields force constants that not only vary with sequence, but also with the degree of bending. Both these observations suggest that DNA is mechanically more complex than simple elastic rod models would imply.  相似文献   

An understanding of the structural transitions that an alpha-helix undergoes will help to elucidate such motions in proteins and their role in protein folding. We present the results of molecular dynamics simulations to investigate these transitions in a short polyalanine peptide (13 residues) both in vacuo and in the presence of solvent. The denaturation of this peptide was monitored as a function of temperature (ranging from 5 to 200 degrees C). In vacuo, the helical state predominated at all temperatures, whereas in solution the helix melted with increasing temperature. The peptide was predominantly helical at low temperature in solution, while at intermediate temperatures the peptide spent the bulk of the time fluctuating between different conformations with intermediate amounts of helix, e.g. not completely helical nor entirely non-helical. Many of these conformations consisted of short helical segments with intervening non-helical residues. At high temperature the peptide unfolded and adopted various collapsed unstructured states. The intrahelical hydrogen bonds that break at high temperature were not fully compensated by hydrogen bonds with water molecules in the partially unfolded forms of the peptide. Increases in temperature disrupted both the helical structure and the peptide-water interactions. Water played a major but indirect role in facilitating unfolding, as opposed to specifically competing for the intrapeptide hydrogen bonds. The implications of our results to protein folding are discussed.  相似文献   

K. Ueda  J. W. Brady 《Biopolymers》1997,41(3):323-330
Molecular mechanics calculations have been performed for the disaccharide carrabiose, one of the repeat units of β-carrageenan, as a general model for the (1→4)-linkage in the carrageenans. An adiabatic conformational energy map for this unsulfated molecule was prepared by constrained energy minimization and compared to a previously reported rigid-residue energy map for the sulfated molecule and to a similar adiabatic map for neocarrabiose, the related (1→3)-linked dimer repeat unit of β-carrageenan. Molecular dynamics simulations of this molecule in vacuo and in an aqueous (TIP3P) solution were calculated, and the observed motions were found to be generally consistent with the vacuum adiabatic energy map. Unlike the case observed in previous simulations of neocarrabiose, little salvation shift in the molecular conformation was observed for carrabiose. From the dynamics, the linkage was observed to be relatively flexible, as has been inferred from experiment on sulfated carrageenan polymers. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

xDNA is a modified DNA, which contains natural as well as expanded bases. Expanded bases are generated by the addition of a benzene spacer to the natural bases. A set of AMBER force‐field parameters were derived for the expanded bases and the structural dynamics of the xDNA decamer ( xT5 ′ G xT A xC xG C xA xG T3′ ) · ( xA5′ C T xG C G xT A xC A3′) was explored using a 22 ns molecular dynamics simulation in explicit solvent. During the simulation, the duplex retained its Watson‐Crick base‐pairing and double helical structure, with deviations from the starting B‐form geometry towards A‐form; the deviations are mainly in the backbone torsion angles and in the helical parameters. The sugar pucker of the residues were distributed among a variety of modes; C2′ endo, C1′ exo, O4′ endo, C4′ exo, C2′ exo, and C3′ endo. The enhanced stacking interactions on account of the modification in the bases could help to retain the duplex nature of the helix with minor deviations from the ideal geometry. In our simulation, the xDNA showed a reduced minor groove width and an enlarged major groove width in comparison with the NMR structure. Both the grooves are larger than that of standard B‐DNA, but major groove width is larger than that of A‐DNA with almost equal minor groove width. The enlarged groove widths and the possibility of additional hydration in the grooves makes xDNA a potential molecule for various applications. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 351–360, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations are now commonly applied to metalloproteins, despite the challenges introduced by the presence of metal ions. Force field parameters are nowadays available also for these 'exotic' atoms and several biological systems have been successfully studied. Some of the most relevant results and methodological advancements are reviewed.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were applied to helix folding of alanine-based synthetic peptides. A single alanine residue in the middle of the peptide was substituted with various nonpolar amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine, glycine or proline) to study the effect of the substitution. Unlike many other molecular dynamics simulations, nonhelical initial conformations were used in our simulations to study the folding process. An average solvent effect was included in the energy function to simplify the solvent calculation and to overcome the multiple minima problem. During the simulations, the peptides folded into helices in nanoseconds. Compact structures containing two helical segments were also observed. The calculated helical ratios of the peptides showed the same rank order as observed experimentally for the alanine-based peptides. Within a peptide, the helical ratio of each residue was calculated and a minimum was found near the center of the sequence for all peptides. The substitutions had different asymmetric effects on the helical ratios of the residues preceding and following the substitution site, indicating different helix capping preferences of the substituting amino acids. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 633–644, 1997  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

By means of molecular modelling, electrostatic interactions are shown to play an important role in the sequence-dependent structure of triple helices formed by a homopyrimidine oligonucleotide bound to a homopurine. homopyrimidine sequence on DNA. This is caused by the presence of positive charges due to the protonation of cytosines in the Hoogsteen-bonded strand, required in order to form C.GxC+ triplets. Energetic and conformational characteristics of triple helices with different sequences are analyzed and discussed. The effects of duplex mismatches on the triple helix stability are investigated via thermal dissociation using UV absorption.  相似文献   

This review discusses the many roles atomistic computer simulations of macromolecular (for example, protein) receptors and their associated small-molecule ligands can play in drug discovery, including the identification of cryptic or allosteric binding sites, the enhancement of traditional virtual-screening methodologies, and the direct prediction of small-molecule binding energies. The limitations of current simulation methodologies, including the high computational costs and approximations of molecular forces required, are also discussed. With constant improvements in both computer power and algorithm design, the future of computer-aided drug design is promising; molecular dynamics simulations are likely to play an increasingly important role.  相似文献   

The effect of thymine lesions produced by radiation or oxidative damage on DNA structure was studied by molecular dynamics simulations of native and damaged DNA. Thymine in position 7 of native dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 was replaced by one of the four thymine lesions 5-hydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymine, 6-hydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymine (thymine photohydrate), 5,6-dihydmxy-5,6-dihydro-thymine (thymine glycol), and 5,6-dihydmthymine. Simulations were performed with Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement force field. Solvent was represented by a rectangular box of water with periodic boundary conditions applied. A constant temperature and constant volume protocol was used, the observed level of distortions of DNA structure depends on the specific nature of the lesion. The 5,6-dihydrothymine does not cause distinguishable perturbations to DNA. Other lesions produce a dramatic increase in the rise parameter between the lesion and the 5′ adjacent adenine. These changes are accompanied by weakening of Watson–Crick hydrogen bonds in the A6-T19 base pair on the 5′ side of the lesion. The lesioned bases also show negative values of inclination relative to the helical axis. No changes in the pattern of backbone torsional angles are observed with any of the lesions incorporated into DNA. The structural distortions in DNA correlate well with known biological effects of 5,6-dihydrothymine and thymine glycol on such processes as polymerase action or recognition by repair enzymes. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Besombes S  Mazeau K 《Biopolymers》2004,73(3):301-315
The dynamical conformational behavior of a guaiacyl beta-O-4 lignin model compound has been investigated by molecular simulations. The potential energy surface of the molecule in vacuum has been examined by means of an adiabatic map, showing a large accessible conformational space with multiple energy minima separated by low barriers. Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed in vacuum and with explicit solvent molecules for 10 and 2.1 ns, respectively. Molecular dynamics trajectories recorded in vacuum have shown the molecule to be flexible and to visit a large number of conformations. Many intramolecular H-bonds have been observed, existing for more than 90% of the total simulation time. The presence of explicit solvent molecules induces a significant broadening of some regions of the accessible conformational space and also largely reduces the statistical significance of intramolecular H-bonding. Intramolecular H-bonds observed in vacuum do not persist significantly and are preferentially exchanged with intermolecular H-bonds to the surrounding solvent molecules. The theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental NMR data that do not support the existence of strong and persistent intramolecular H-bonds in solution but instead indicate that H-bonds to solvent predominate. Finally, both molecular modeling and NMR approaches predict the guaiacyl beta-O-4 structure to be flexible and indicate that intramolecular H-bonds are not strong and persistent enough to confer rigidity to the molecule in solution.  相似文献   

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