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Mg2+ is essential for guanosine triphosphatase activity and plays key roles in guanine nucleotide binding and preserving the structural integrity of GTP-binding proteins. To understand the structural basis for Mg2+ function during the GDP/GTP exchange process, we determined the crystal structure of Delta9-Sar1-GDP at low Mg2+ concentration at 1.8A. Two Sar1-GDP molecules in the crystal form a dimer with Mg2+ presenting only in molecule B but not in molecule A. The absence of Mg2+ induces significant conformational changes in the switch I region in molecule A that shows similarities with those of Ha-Ras bound to Sos. The current structure reveals an important regulatory role for Mg2+. We suggest that guanine nucleotide exchange factor may utilize this feature to generate an open conformation for GDP/GTP exchange. Furthermore, we propose a mechanism for COPII assembly and disassembly in which dimerization of Sar1 plays an important role.  相似文献   

RasGRPs constitute a new group of diacylglycerol-dependent GDP/GTP exchange factors that activate Ras subfamily GTPases. Despite a common structure, Ras-GRPs diverge in their GTPase specificity, subcellular distribution, and downstream biological effects. The more divergent family member is RasGRP2, a Rap1-specific exchange factor with low affinity toward diacylglycerol. The regulation of RasGRP2 during signal transduction has remained elusive up to now. In this report, we show that the subcellular localization of Ras-GRP2 is highly dependent on actin dynamics. Thus, the induction of F-actin by cytoskeletal regulators such as Vav, Vav2, Dbl, and Rac1 leads to the shift of RasGRP2 from the cytosol to membrane ruffles and its co-localization with F-actin. Treatment of cells with cytoskeletal disrupting drugs abolishes this effect, leading to an abnormal localization of RasGRP2 in cytoplasmic clusters of actin. The use of Rac1 effector mutants indicates that the RasGRP2 translocation is linked exclusively to actin polymerization and is independent of other pathways such as p21-activated kinase JNK, or superoxide production. Biochemical experiments demonstrate that the translocation of RasGRP2 to membrane ruffles is mediated by the direct association of this protein with F-actin, a property contained within its 150 first amino acids. Finally, we show that the RasGRP2/F-actin interaction promotes the regionalized activation of Rap1 in juxtamembrane areas of the cell. These results reveal a novel function of the actin cytoskeleton in mediating the spatial activation of Ras subfamily GTPases through the selective recruitment of GDP/GTP exchange factors.  相似文献   

Ffh is a component of a bacterial ribonucleoprotein complex homologous to the signal recognition particle (SRP) of eukaryotes. It comprises three domains that mediate both binding to the hydrophobic signal sequence of the nascent polypeptide and the GTP-dependent interaction of Ffh with a structurally homologous GTPase of the SRP receptor. The X-ray structures of the two-domain 'NG' GTPase of Ffh in complex with Mg2+GDP and GDP have been determined at 2.0 A resolution. The structures explain the low nucleotide affinity of Ffh and locate two regions of structural mobility at opposite sides of the nucleotide-binding site. One of these regions includes highly conserved sequence motifs that presumably contribute to the structural trigger signaling the GTP-bound state. The other includes the highly conserved interface between the N and G domains, and supports the hypothesis that the N domain regulates or signals the nucleotide occupancy of the G domain.  相似文献   

The flavoenzyme ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) catalyses the production of NADPH in photosynthesis. The three-dimensional structure of FNR presents two distinct domains, one for binding of the FAD prosthetic group and the other for NADP+ binding. In spite of extensive experiments and different crystallographic approaches, many aspects about how the NADP+ substrate binds to FNR and how the hydride ion is transferred from FAD to NADP+ remain unclear. The structure of an FNR:NADP+ complex from Anabaena has been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis of the cocrystallised units to 2.1 A resolution. Structural perturbation of FNR induced by complex formation produces a narrower cavity in which the 2'-phospho-AMP and pyrophosphate portions of the NADP+ are perfectly bound. In addition, the nicotinamide mononucleotide moiety is placed in a new pocket created near the FAD cofactor with the ribose being in a tight conformation. The crystal structure of this FNR:NADP+ complex obtained by cocrystallisation displays NADP+ in an unusual conformation and can be considered as an intermediate state in the process of coenzyme recognition and binding. Structural analysis and comparison with previously reported complexes allow us to postulate a mechanism which would permit efficient hydride transfer to occur. Besides, this structure gives new insights into the postulated formation of the ferredoxin:FNR:NADP+ ternary complex by prediction of new intermolecular interactions, which could only exist after FNR:NADP+ complex formation. Finally, structural comparison with the members of the broad FNR structural family also provides an explanation for the high specificity exhibited by FNR for NADP+/H versus NAD+/H.  相似文献   

The Galpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins are constituted by a conserved GTPase "Ras-like" domain (RasD) and by a unique alpha-helical domain (HD). Upon GTP binding, four regions, called switch I, II, III, and IV, have been identified as undergoing structural changes. Switch I, II, and III are located in RasD and switch IV in HD. All Galpha known functions, such as GTPase activity and receptor, effector, and Gbetagamma interaction sites have been found to be localized in RasD, but little is known about the role of HD and its switch IV region. Through the construction of chimeras between human and Xenopus Gsalpha we have previously identified a HD region, encompassing helices alphaA, alphaB, and alphaC, that was responsible for the observed functional differences in their capacity to activate adenylyl cyclase (Antonelli et al. [1994]: FEBS Lett 340:249-254). Since switch IV is located within this region and contains most of the nonconservative amino acid differences between both Gsalpha proteins, in the present work we constructed two human Gsalpha mutant proteins in which we have changed four and five switch IV residues for the ones present in the Xenopus protein. Mutants M15 (hGsalphaalphaS133N, M135P, P138K, P143S) and M17 (hGsalphaalphaS133N, M135P, V137Y, P138K, P143S) were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized by their ability to bind GTPgammaS, dissociate GDP, hydrolyze GTP, and activate adenylyl cyclase. A decreased rate of GDP release, GTPgammaS binding, and GTP hydrolysis was observed for both mutants, M17 having considerably slower kinetics than M15 for all functions tested. Reconstituted adenylyl cyclase activity with both mutants showed normal activation in the presence of AlF(4)(-), but a decreased activation with GTPgammaS, which is consistent with the lower GDP dissociating rate they displayed. These data provide new evidence on the role that HD is playing in modulating the GDP/GTP exchange of the Gsalpha subunit.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic elongation factor eEF1A transits between the GTP- and GDP-bound conformations during the ribosomal polypeptide chain elongation. eEF1A*GTP establishes a complex with the aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site of the 80S ribosome. Correct codon–anticodon recognition triggers GTP hydrolysis, with subsequent dissociation of eEF1A*GDP from the ribosome. The structures of both the ‘GTP’- and ‘GDP’-bound conformations of eEF1A are unknown. Thus, the eEF1A-related ribosomal mechanisms were anticipated only by analogy with the bacterial homolog EF-Tu. Here, we report the first crystal structure of the mammalian eEF1A2*GDP complex which indicates major differences in the organization of the nucleotide-binding domain and intramolecular movements of eEF1A compared to EF-Tu. Our results explain the nucleotide exchange mechanism in the mammalian eEF1A and suggest that the first step of eEF1A*GDP dissociation from the 80S ribosome is the rotation of the nucleotide-binding domain observed after GTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric exchange of GTP for GDP on heterotrimeric G protein alpha (Galpha) subunits is essential to most hormone and neurotransmitter initiated signal transduction. Galphas are stably activated in a Mg2+ complex with GTPgammaS, a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue that is reported to bind Galpha, with very high affinity. Yet, it is common to find that substantial amounts (30-90%) of purified G proteins cannot be activated. Inactivatable G protein has heretofore been thought to have become "denatured" during formation of the obligatory nucleotide-free or empty (MT) Galpha-state that is intermediary to GDP/GTP exchange at a single binding site. We find Galpha native secondary and tertiary structure to persist during formation of the irreversibly inactivatable state of transducin. MT Galpha is therefore irreversibly misfolded rather than denatured. Inactivation by misfolding is found to compete kinetically with protective but weak preequilibrium nucleotide binding at micromolar ambient GTPgammaS concentrations. Because of the weak preequilibrium, quantitative protection against Galpha aggregation is only achieved at free nucleotide concentrations 10-100 times higher than those commonly employed in G protein radio-nucleotide binding studies. Initial GTP protection is also poor because of the extreme slowness of an intramolecular Galpha refolding step (isomerization) necessary for GTP sequestration after its weak preequilibrium binding. Of the two slowly interconverting Galpha x GTP isomers described here, only the second can bind Mg2+, "locking" GTP in place with a large net rise in GTP binding affinity. A companion Galpha x GDP isomerization reaction is identified as the cause of the very slow spontaneous GDP dissociation that characterizes G protein nucleotide exchange and low spontaneous background activity in the absence of GPCR activation. Galpha x GDP and Galpha x GTP isomerization reactions are proposed as the dual target for GPCR catalysis of nucleotide exchange.  相似文献   

The brain-specific GDP/GTP exchange factor collybistin interacts with the receptor-anchoring protein gephyrin and activates the Rho-like GTPase Cdc42, which is known to regulate actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Alternative splicing creates two collybistin variants, I and II. In coexpression experiments, collybistin II has been shown to induce the formation of submembraneous gephyrin aggregates which cluster with hetero-oligomeric glycine receptors (GlyRs). Here we identified residues critical for interaction with gephyrin in the linker region between the SH3 and the DH domains of collybistin. Respective collybistin deletion mutants failed to bind gephyrin upon coexpression in heterologous cells, in GST pull-down assays and in the yeast two-hybrid system. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed polar amino acid residues as essential determinants of gephyrin binding. Furthermore, in vitro gephyrin bound simultaneously to both collybistin and the GlyR beta-subunit binding motif. Our data are consistent with collybistin-gephyrin interactions occuring during inhibitory postsynaptic membrane formation.  相似文献   

The effect of palmitoylation on the GTP-binding activity and conformation of Goalpha protein in hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments was studied. The binding assay was performed with an isotope labeled analog of GTP, GTP-gamma-35S, and its fluorescent analog, BODIPY FL-GTPgammaS was used to detect conformational change in the GTP-binding domain of Goalpha. Investigation of the GTP-gamma-35S binding activity of Goalpha shows that in a hydrophobic environment, mimicked by the presence of detergent, the apparent dissociation constant for palmitoylated Goalpha (K(D)=25.5x10(-9)+/-1.7x10(-9)M) increased threefold compared with that of non-palmitoylated Goalpha (K(D)=9.9x10(-9)+/-0.8x10(-9)M), while in an aqueous environment without detergent there is no significant difference between palmitoylated (K(D)=50.1 x 10(-9)+/-5.2x10(-9)M) and non-palmitoylated (K(D)=65.5x10(-9)+/-7.6x10(-9)M) Go(. This indicates that in a membrane environment palmitoylation may weaken the GTPgammaS binding ability of Go(. Fluorescent quenching studies using BODIPY FL-GTPgammaS as a probe showed that the conformation of the GTP-binding domain of Go( tends to become more compact after palmitoylation. These results imply that palmitoylation may regulate the GTP/GDP exchange of Goalpha by influencing the GTP-binding activity of Goalpha and facilitating the on-off switch function of the G protein in G protein-coupled signal transduction.  相似文献   

Common to the biosynthesis of all known tetrapyrroles is the condensation of two molecules of 5-aminolevulinic acid to the pyrrole porphobilinogen catalyzed by the enzyme porphobilinogen synthase (PBGS). Two major classes of PBGS are known. Zn2+-dependent PBGSs are found in mammals, yeast and some bacteria including Escherichia coli, while Mg2+-dependent PBGSs are present mainly in plants and other bacteria. The crystal structure of the Mg2+-dependent PBGS from the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with the competitive inhibitor levulinic acid (LA) solved at 1.67 A resolution shows a homooctameric enzyme that consists of four asymmetric dimers. The monomers in each dimer differ from each other by having a "closed" and an "open" active site pocket. In the closed subunit, the active site is completely shielded from solvent by a well-defined lid that is partially disordered in the open subunit. A single molecule of LA binds to a mainly hydrophobic pocket in each monomer where it is covalently attached via a Schiff base to an active site lysine residue. Whereas no metal ions are found in the active site of both monomers, a single well-defined and highly hydrated Mg2+is present only in the closed form about 14 A away from the Schiff base forming nitrogen atom of the active site lysine. We conclude that the observed differences in the active sites of both monomers might be induced by Mg2+-binding to this remote site and propose a structure-based mechanism for this allosteric Mg2+in rate enhancement.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the H-ras oncogene protein p21 complexed to the slowly hydrolysing GTP analogue GppNp has been determined at 1.35 A resolution. 211 water molecules have been built into the electron density. The structure has been refined to a final R-factor of 19.8% for all data between 6 A and 1.35 A. The binding sites of the nucleotide and the magnesium ion are revealed in high detail. For the stretch of amino acid residues 61-65, the temperature factors of backbone atoms are four times the average value of 16.1 A2 due to the multiple conformations. In one of these conformations, the side chain of Gln61 makes contact with a water molecule, which is perfectly placed to be the nucleophile attacking the gamma-phosphate of GTP. Based on this observation, we propose a mechanism for GTP hydrolysis involving mainly Gln61 and Glu63 as activating species for in-line attack of water. Nucleophilic displacement is facilitated by hydrogen bonds from residues Thr35, Gly60 and Lys16. A mechanism for rate enhancement by GAP is also proposed.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new signaling cross-talk between the Vav/Rac1 and Ras pathways that is established through the stimulation of RasGRP1, an exchange factor for Ras subfamily GTPases. This interaction is crucial for Ras activation in lymphoid cells, since this GTPase cannot become activated in the absence of Vav proteins. The activation of RasGRP1 requires both the generation of diacylglycerol via phospho lipase C-gamma and the induction of actin polymerization, two responses induced by Vav and Rac1 that facilitate the translocation of RasGRP1 to juxtamembrane areas of the cell. Consistent with this, the cross-talk can be activated by tyrosine-phosphorylated wild-type Vav, oncogenic Vav and constitutively active Rac1. Conversely, Ras activation can be blocked in lymphocytes and ectopic systems using inhibitors affecting either phospholipase C-gamma or F-actin polymerization. These results indicate that a relay mechanism exists in lymphoid and other cells helping in the generation of robust signaling responses by the Rac/Rho and Ras pathways upon receptor engagement.  相似文献   

PAS domains, which have been identified in over 1100 proteins from all three kingdoms of life, convert various input stimuli into signals that propagate to downstream components by modifying protein-protein interactions. One such protein is the Escherichia coli redox sensor, Ec DOS, a phosphodiesterase that degrades cyclic adenosine monophosphate in a redox-dependent manner. Here we report the crystal structures of the heme PAS domain of Ec DOS in both inactive Fe(3+) and active Fe(2+) forms at 1.32 and 1.9 A resolution, respectively. The protein folds into a characteristic PAS domain structure and forms a homodimer. In the Fe(3+) form, the heme iron is ligated to a His-77 side chain and a water molecule. Heme iron reduction is accompanied by heme-ligand switching from the water molecule to a side chain of Met-95 from the FG loop. Concomitantly, the flexible FG loop is significantly rigidified, along with a change in the hydrogen bonding pattern and rotation of subunits relative to each other. The present data led us to propose a novel redox-regulated molecular switch in which local heme-ligand switching may trigger a global "scissor-type" subunit movement that facilitates catalytic control.  相似文献   

We have recently purified to near homogeneity the stimulatory GDP/GTP exchange protein for smg p21s (ras p21-like GTP-binding proteins) from bovine brain cytosol. This regulatory protein, named GDP dissociation stimulator (GDS), stimulates the GDP/GTP exchange reaction of smg p21s by stimulating the dissociation of GDP from and the subsequent binding of GTP to them. In this study, we have isolated and sequenced the cDNA of smg p21 GDS from a bovine brain cDNA library by using an oligonucleotide probe designed from the partial amino acid sequence of the purified smg p21 GDS. The cDNA has an open reading frame encoding a protein of 558 amino acids with a calculated Mr value of 61,066, similar to the Mr of 53,000 estimated for the purified smg p21 GDS by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The isolated cDNA is expressed in Escherichia coli, and the encoded protein exhibits smg p21 GDS activity. smg p21 GDS is overall hydrophilic, but there are several short hydrophobic regions. The smg p21 GDS mRNA is present in bovine brain and various rat tissues. smg p21 GDS has low amino acid sequence homology with the yeast CDC25 and SCD25 proteins, which may regulate the GDP/GTP exchange reaction of the yeast RAS2 protein, but not with ras p21 GTPase-activating protein, the inhibitory GDP/GTP exchange proteins (GDP dissociation inhibitor) for smg p25A and rho p21s, and the beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins such as Gs and Gi.  相似文献   

Communication between membranes and the actin cytoskeleton is an important aspect of neuronal function. Regulators of actin cytoskeletal dynamics include the Rho-like small GTP-binding proteins and their exchange factors. Kalirin is a brain-specific protein, first identified through its interaction with peptidylglycine-alpha-amidating monooxygenase. In this study, we cloned rat Kalirin-7, a 7-kilobase mRNA form of Kalirin. Kalirin-7 contains nine spectrin-like repeats, a Dbl homology domain, and a pleckstrin homology domain. We found that the majority of Kalirin-7 protein is associated with synaptosomal membranes, but a fraction is cytosolic. We also detected higher molecular weight Kalirin proteins. In rat cerebral cortex, Kalirin-7 is highly enriched in the postsynaptic density fraction. In primary cultures of neurons, Kalirin-7 is detected in spine-like structures, while other forms of Kalirin are visualized in the cell soma and throughout the neurites. Kalirin-7 and its Dbl homology-pleckstrin homology domain induce formation of lamellipodia and membrane ruffling, when transiently expressed in fibroblasts, indicative of Rac1 activation. Using Rac1, the Dbl homology-pleckstrin homology domain catalyzed the in vitro exchange of bound GDP with GTP. Kalirin-7 is the first guanine-nucleotide exchange factor identified in the postsynaptic density, where it is positioned optimally to regulate signal transduction pathways connecting membrane proteins and the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Park HH  Logette E  Raunser S  Cuenin S  Walz T  Tschopp J  Wu H 《Cell》2007,128(3):533-546
Proteins of the death domain (DD) superfamily mediate assembly of oligomeric signaling complexes for the activation of caspases and kinases via unknown mechanisms. Here we report the crystal structure of the PIDD DD and RAIDD DD complex, which forms the core of the caspase-2-activating complex PIDDosome. Although RAIDD DD and PIDD DD are monomers, they assemble into a complex that comprises seven RAIDD DDs and five PIDD DDs. Despite the use of an asymmetric assembly mechanism, all DDs in the complex are in quasi-equivalent environments. The structure provided eight unique asymmetric interfaces, which can be classified into three types. These three types of interactions together cover a majority of the DD surface. Mutagenesis on almost all interfaces leads to disruption of the assembly, resulting in defective caspase-2 activation. The three types of interactions may represent most, if not all, modes of interactions in the DD superfamily for assembling complexes of different stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase system in phagocytes consists of at least membrane-associated cytochrome b558 and three cytosolic components named SOCI/NCF-3/sigma 1/C1, SOCII/NCF-1/p47-phox, and SO-CIII/NCF-2/p67-phox. p47-phox and p67-phox were isolated, and their primary structures were determined, but SOCI has not been well characterized. In the present study, we first purified SOCI to homogeneity from the cytosol fraction of the differentiated HL-60 cells. The purified SOCI was a small GTP-binding protein (G protein) with a M(r) of about 22,000. The guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate-bound form, but not the GDP-bound form, of this small G protein showed the SOCI activity. The partial amino acid sequence of SOCI thus far determined was identical to the amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA encoding rac2 p21. None of the purified small G proteins, including Ki-ras p21, smg p21B/rap1B p21, rhoA p21, and rac1 p21, showed the SOCI activity. These results indicate that SOCI is a small G protein very similar, if not identical, to rac2 p21. The GDP/GTP exchange reaction of SOCI was stimulated and inhibited by stimulatory and inhibitory GDP/GTP exchange proteins for small G proteins, named smg GDS and rho GDI, respectively. The NADPH oxidase activity was also stimulated and inhibited by smg GDS and rho GDI, respectively. These results indicate that the superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase system is regulated by both smg GDS and rho GDI through rac2 p21 or the rac2-related small G protein in phagocytes.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a homolog of the mammalian RhoA small GTP binding protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rho1p is localized at the growth site and is required for bud formation. Multicopy suppressors of a temperature-sensitive, dominant negative mutant allele of RHO1, RHO1(G22S, D125N), were isolated and named ROM (RHO1 multicopy suppressor). Rom1p and Rom2p were found to contain a DH (Dbl homologous) domain and a PH (pleckstrin homologous) domain, both of which are conserved among the GDP/GTP exchange proteins (GEPs) for the Rho family small GTP binding proteins. Disruption of ROM2 resulted in a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, whereas disruption of both ROM1 and ROM2 resulted in lethality. The phenotypes of deltarom1deltarom2 cells were similar to those of deltarho1 cells, including growth arrest with a small bud and cell lysis. Moreover, the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of deltarom2 was suppressed by overexpression of RHO1 or RHO2, but not of CDC42. The glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion protein containing the DH domain of Rom2p showed the lipid-modified Rholp-specific GDP/GTP exchange activity which was sensitive to Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor. These results indicate that Rom1p and Rom2p are GEPs that activate Rho1p in S.cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg2+ and Ni2+ ions on the absorption spectra of IMP, single-stranded poly I and three-stranded A2I in solutions with 0.1 M Na+ (pH 7) have been studied. In contrast to Mg2+ ions, the Ni2+ ions affect the absorption spectra of these polynucleotides and IMP. The concentration dependences of the intensity at the extrema in the differential UV spectra suggest that in the region of high Ni2+ concentrations ionic complexes with poly I and A2I are formed, which are characterized by the association constants K'I = 2000 M(-1) and K'A2I = 550 M(-1), respectively. The shape of the DUV spectra prompts the conclusion that these complexes are formed due to the inner-sphere interaction of Ni2+ ions with N7 of poly I and A2I presumably due to the outer-sphere Ni2+-O6 interaction. The formation of the complexes leads to destruction of A2I triplexes. The dependences of the melting temperature (T(m)) of A2I on Mg2+ and Ni2+ concentrations have been measured. The thermal stability is observed to increase at the ionic contents up to 0.01 M Mg2+ and only to 2x10(-4) M Ni2+. At higher contents of Ni2+ ions, T(m) lowers and the cooperativity of A2I melting decreases continuously. In all the cases the melting process is the A2I-->A+I+I (3-->1) transition. According to the "ligand" theory, these effects are generated by the energy-advantageous Ni2+ binding to single-stranded poly I (K'A2I < K'I) and by the greater number of binding sites which appears during the 3-->1 transition and is entropy-advantageous.  相似文献   

The biological activities of Rho family GTPases are controlled by their guanine nucleotide binding states in cells. Here we have investigated the role of Mg(2+) cofactor in the guanine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis processes of the Rho family members, Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA. Differing from Ras and Rab proteins, which require Mg(2+) for GDP and GTP binding, the Rho GTPases bind the nucleotides in the presence or absence of Mg(2+) similarly, with dissociation constants in the submicromolar concentration. The presence of Mg(2+), however, resulted in a marked decrease in the intrinsic dissociation rates of the nucleotides. The catalytic activity of the guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) appeared to be negatively regulated by free Mg(2+), and GEF binding to Rho GTPase resulted in a 10-fold decrease in affinity for Mg(2+), suggesting that one role of GEF is to displace bound Mg(2+) from the Rho proteins. The GDP dissociation rates of the GTPases could be further stimulated by GEF upon removal of bound Mg(2+), indicating that the GEF-catalyzed nucleotide exchange involves a Mg(2+)-independent as well as a Mg(2+)-dependent mechanism. Although Mg(2+) is not absolutely required for GTP hydrolysis by the Rho GTPases, the divalent ion apparently participates in the GTPase reaction, since the intrinsic GTP hydrolysis rates were enhanced 4-10-fold upon binding to Mg(2+), and k(cat) values of the Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP)-catalyzed reactions were significantly increased when Mg(2+) was present. Furthermore, the p50RhoGAP specificity for Cdc42 was lost in the absence of Mg(2+) cofactor. These studies directly demonstrate a role of Mg(2+) in regulating the kinetics of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis and in the GEF- and GAP-catalyzed reactions of Rho family GTPases. The results suggest that GEF facilitates nucleotide exchange by destabilizing both bound nucleotide and Mg(2+), whereas RhoGAP utilizes the Mg(2+) cofactor to achieve high catalytic efficiency and specificity.  相似文献   

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