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Molecular typing is an important tool in surveillance and outbreak investigations of human Salmonella infections. In this study, three molecular typing methods were used to investigate the discriminatory ability, reproducibility and the genetic relationship between 110 Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica isolates. A total of 25 serotypes were investigated that had been isolated from humans or veterinary sources in Denmark between 1995 and 2001. All isolates were genotyped by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). When making genetic trees, all three methods resulted in similar clustering that often corresponded with serotype, although some serotypes displayed more diversity than others. Of the three techniques, MLST was the easiest to interpret and compare between laboratories. Unfortunately the seven housekeeping genes used in this MLST scheme lacked diversity and the ability to discriminate between isolates were higher with both PFGE and AFLP. The discriminatory power of AFLP and PFGE were similar but PFGE fingerprints were both easier to reproduce, interpret and less time-consuming to analyze when compared to AFLP. PFGE is the therefore the preferred molecular typing method for surveillance and outbreak investigations, whereas AFLP is most useful for local outbreak investigations.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a recently developed, PCR-based high resolution fingerprinting method that is able to generate complex banding patterns which can be used to delineate intraspecific genetic relationships among bacteria. In the present study, AFLP was evaluated for its usefulness in the molecular typing of Salmonella typhi in comparison to ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Six S. typhi isolates from diverse geographic areas (Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Chile, Papua New Guinea and Switzerland) gave unique, heterogeneous profiles when typed by AFLP, a result which was consistent with ribotyping and PFGE analysis. In a further study of selected S. typhi isolates from Papua New Guinea which caused fatal and non-fatal disease previously shown to be clonally related by PFGE, AFLP discriminated between these isolates but did not indicate a linkage between genotype with virulence. We conclude that AFLP (discriminatory index=0.88) has a higher discriminatory power for strain differentiation among S. typhi than ribotyping (DI=0.63) and PFGE (DI=0.74).  相似文献   

The genomic stability of 12 Campylobacter jejuni strains consisting of two groups of human and chicken isolates was studied by analysis of their PFGE (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) patterns after passage through newly hatched chicks' intestines. The patterns of SmaI, SalI, and SacII digests remained stable after intestinal passage, except for those of two strains. One originally human strain, FB 6371, changed its genotype from II/A (SmaI/SacII) to I/B. Another strain, BTI, originally isolated from a chicken, changed its genotype from I/B to a new genotype. The genomic instability of the strains was further confirmed by SalI digestion and ribotyping of the HaeIII digests. In addition, heat-stable serotype 57 of strain FB 6371 changed to serotype 27 in all isolates with new genotypes but remained unchanged in an isolate with the original genotype. Serotype 27 of strain BTI remained stable. Our study suggests that during intestinal colonization, genomic rearrangement, as demonstrated by changed PFGE and ribopatterns, may occur.  相似文献   

A method for high-resolution genomic fingerprinting of the enteric pathogens Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, based on the determination of amplified fragment length polymorphism, is described. The potential of this method for molecular epidemiological studies of these species is evaluated with 50 type, reference, and well-characterised field strains. Amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprints comprised over 60 bands detected in the size range 35-500 bp. Groups of outbreak strains, replicate subcultures, and 'genetically identical' strains from humans, poultry and cattle, proved indistinguishable by amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting, but were differentiated from unrelated isolates. Previously unknown relationships between three hippurate-negative C. jejuni strains, and two C. coli var. hyoilei strains, were identified. These relationships corresponded to available epidemiological data. We conclude that this amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting method may be a highly effective tool for molecular epidemiological studies of Campylobacter spp.  相似文献   

AIMS: To use amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis to evaluate the genetic relatedness among 254 Campylobacter jejuni reference and field strains of diverse origin representing all defined 'Penner' serotypes for this species. METHODS AND RESULTS: Field strains (n = 207) from human diarrhoea and diverse animal and environmental sources were collected mainly through a National surveillance programme in Denmark and serotyped by use of the established 'Penner' scheme. Genetic relationships among these isolates, and the archetypal serotype reference strains, were assessed by numerical analysis of AFLP profiles derived from genomic DNA. Extensive genetic diversity was seen among the strains examined; however, 43 groups of isolates were identified at the 92% similarity (S-) level. Thirteen groups contained isolates from a single host, possibly representing genotypes of 'low risk' to human health. The remaining 30 groups contained isolates from humans, chickens and associated food products, cattle, sheep, turkeys, ostriches and/or dogs. Strains assigned to serotypes 2, 6/7, 11 and 12 formed major clusters at the 77.6% S-level. Most other serotypes did not form homogeneous clusters. CONCLUSIONS: High-resolution genotyping applied to strains from a comprehensive range of sources provides evidence for multiple sources of sporadic C. jejuni infection. The results suggest that public health protection measures should be directed at all foods of animal origin. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The genetic relatedness among all 'Penner' serotypes of C. jejuni is assessed by AFLP analysis. In addition, further evidence of epidemic and host-specific clones of C. jejuni is provided.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the genetic relatedness of Campylobacter spp. from retail meat products, and compare the discriminatory power of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and automatic ribotyping. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 378 Campylobacter isolates recovered from 159 raw meats (130 chicken, 25 turkey, three pork and one beef) sampled from 50 retail grocery stores of four supermarket chains in the Maryland suburban area from August 1999 to July 2000 were analysed by PFGE with SmaI, 120 isolates of which were also characterized by ribotyping with PstI using RiboPrinter system. A total of 148 unique PFGE patterns were identified, 91 of which were present in multiple Campylobacter isolates and 24 in multiple meat samples. Nineteen Campylobacter clones with identical PFGE patterns recurred frequently (up to nine times) throughout the sampling period. Comparing ribotyping with PFGE, we identified 44 PFGE patterns and 22 RiboGroups among the 120 isolates tested. Multiple PFGE patterns within one RiboGroup were commonly observed, as well as multiple RiboGroups within one PFGE pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Although Campylobacter present in retail meats were genetically diverse, certain clones persisted in poultry meats. PFGE had a greater discriminatory power than ribotyping, and the two methods were complementary in genotyping Campylobacter. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Genomic DNA fingerprinting of Campylobacter confirmed diverse and recurrent Campylobacter clones in the retail meats, which provides additional data for a better understanding of the epidemiological aspect of Campylobacter infection.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pullorum was first isolated from the faeces and carcasses of poultry and has been associated with human gastroenteritis. The aim of this study was to examine interstrain genetic diversity within H. pullorum. Two fingerprinting techniques were used: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and pulsed field gel electrophoretic (PFGE) analysis. The 20 strains examined were from four countries and comprised 13 human isolates and seven poultry isolates. Their identity was confirmed by a species-specific PCR assay. The human and poultry isolates had distinct genotypes and most strains showed a high degree of genetic diversity. Genotyping also indicated a clonal origin for two strains from the same poultry flock, and established a close relatedness between three chicken carcass isolates from a processing plant. It is concluded that these two genotyping techniques will provide a useful basis for future epidemiological investigations of H. pullorum in poultry, and may provide a link with its possible causal role in human gastrointestinal infections.  相似文献   

Kiuchi A  Hara M  Pham HS  Takikawa K  Itoh R  Tabuchi K 《Microbios》2000,102(403):159-164
A molecular typing approach for Campylobacter jejuni with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the flagellin gene flaA in C. jejuni, was generated and studied. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-RFLP with the restriction endonuclease Mbo I, it was demonstrated that C. jejuni could be divided into four types. Genotypic analysis of C. jejuni by PCR-RFLP is a valuable technique for epidemiological typing.  相似文献   

This study was set up to evaluate the genetic similarity or dissimilarity of persistent and sporadic Listeria monocytogenes strains existing in eleven food processing facilities, including fish, dairy, meat and poultry processing plants. In each plant persistent and sporadic strains were selected on the basis of PFGE typing results. A total of 17 strains representing persistent strains and 38 sporadic strains originating from eleven food processing plants were included in the study. PFGE macrorestriction patterns of persistent and sporadic strains from different processing plants were compared and the strains were further studied by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), being a characterisation method giving more whole genome based information. The 17 persistent and 38 sporadic strains showed 14 and 35 pulsotypes, 14 and 28 AFLP types, respectively. The combination of PFGE and AFLP typing results yielded a total of 48 genotypes. Thirteen of 15 genotypes presented by persistent strains were only associated with persistent strains and similarly 94% (33/35) of genotypes showed by sporadic strains were recovered among sporadic strains only. Our results showed that L. monocytogenes strains causing persistent contamination differ from sporadic strains. In AFLP analysis persistent strains did not, however, form any specific clusters and neither was there any difference between the known two genomic groups. These results indicate that even though persistent strains differ from sporadic strains there seems not to be any specific evolutional lineage of persistent strains.  相似文献   

A total of 17 Leptospira clinical strains isolated from humans in Croatia were serologically and genetically analysed. For serovar identification, the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were used. To identify isolates on genomic species level, PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and real-time PCR were performed. MAT revealed the following serogroup affinities: Grippotyphosa (seven isolates), Icterohaemorrhagiae (eight isolates) and Javanica (two isolates). RFLP of PCR products from a 331-bp-long fragment of rrs (16S rRNA gene) digested with endonucleases MnlI and DdeI and real-time PCR revealed three Leptospira genomic species. Grippotyphosa isolates belonged to Leptospira kirschneri , Icterohaemorrhagiae isolates to Leptospira interrogans and Javanica isolates to Leptospira borgpetersenii . Genomic DNA from 17 leptospiral isolates was digested with NotI and SgrAI restriction enzymes and analysed by PFGE. Results showed that seven isolates have the same binding pattern to serovar Grippotyphosa, eight isolates to serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and two isolates to serovar Poi. Results demonstrate the diversity of leptospires circulating in Croatia. We point out the usefulness of a combination of PFGE, RFLP and real-time PCR as appropriate molecular methods in molecular analysis of leptospires.  相似文献   

The genomic diversity of 33 previously assigned strains from six species within the genus Pediococcus was assessed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR and pulsed-field-gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The RAPD PCR patterns produced by two separate random primers, termed P1 (ACGCGCCCT) and P2 (ATGTAACGCC), were compared by the Pearson correlation coefficient and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages clustering algorithm. Pattern variations between repeat samples set a strain discrimination threshold of less than 70% similarity. P1 and P2 primers alone and in combination produced 14, 21, and 28 distinct patterns, respectively. When each strain was assigned with a type strain with which it shared the highest level of similarity, both primers grouped 17 of the 27 strains to their proposed species. PFGE following genomic digestion with the restriction enzymes ApaI, NotI, and AscI produced 30, 32, and 28 distinct macrorestriction patterns, respectively. Specific DNA fragments within the NotI and AscI macrorestriction patterns for each strain were observed that allowed 27 of the 33 strains to be assigned to their proposed species. For example, following digestion with AscI, all Pediococcus parvulus strains were characterized by two DNA fragments, one of approximately 220 kb and another between 700 and 800 kb. The exceptions correlated with those observed with both RAPD PCR primers and included three P. damnosus and two P. pentosaceus strains that grew at temperatures regarded as nonpermissive for their proposed species but not for those with which they grouped.  相似文献   

Rapid molecular strain typing is critical for effective outbreak investigation and implementation of infection control measures. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis is a highly discriminatory technique for Campylobacter jejuni, but generally requires 3-5 days. We describe a simplified protocol for pulsed-field gel electrophoresis that provides high quality typing of C. jejuni isolates in a single day.  相似文献   

Campylobacter coli is an infrequently studied but important food-borne pathogen with a wide natural distribution. We investigated its molecular epidemiology by use of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based genotyping and Penner serotyping. Serotype reference strains and 177 Danish isolates of diverse origin identified by routine phenotyping as C. coli were examined. Molecular tools identified some 12% of field isolates as Campylobacter jejuni, emphasizing the need for improved identification methods in routine laboratories. Cluster analysis of AFLP profiles of 174 confirmed C. coli isolates revealed a difference in the distribution of isolates from pig and poultry (chicken, duck, turkey, and ostrich) species and indicated the various poultry species, but not pigs, to be likely sources of human C. coli infection. A poor correlation was observed between serotyping and AFLP profiling, suggesting that the former method has limited value in epidemiological studies of this species.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the occurrence, diversity and transmission of Campylobacter in a poultry slaughterhouse. METHODS AND RESULTS: During a 4-week period, a slaughterhouse was sampled alternately during slaughtering and the following mornings post-disinfection. Samples were taken from poultry at six stages in the slaughter process and from 25 environmental sites. For positive broiler flocks slaughtered on one occasion, 92% and 48% of the environmental sites were positive during slaughter and post-disinfection, respectively. For positive laying hen flocks slaughtered on three occasions, 8-56% and 12-20% of the environmental sites were positive during slaughter and post-disinfection, respectively. Genetic fingerprinting by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) of the 109 isolates obtained resulted in 28 different AFLP clones. Five AFLP clones were present for more than 1 week. CONCLUSIONS: Slaughtering of Campylobacter-positive broilers resulted in extensive contamination of the slaughterhouse, including the air. A high proportion of the laying hen flocks were Campylobacter positive, but these caused less environmental contamination than the broilers. This, together with the freezing of all layer carcasses, results in a lower public health risk from laying hens, when compared with broilers. Significance and Impact of the Study: When slaughtering Campylobacter-positive broilers, the implementation of preventive measures is important to reduce contamination of negative carcasses and to protect the workers against infection.  相似文献   

Abstract Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive sporulating anaerobic bacillus which causes pseudomembranous colitis. Nosocomial acquisition of this bacteria has proved frequent, and epidemiological markers are needed to recognize and control common-source outbreaks. We therefore compared the results of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after restriction with Sma I or Nru I, random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) using 3 10-mer oligonucleotides, and ribotyping to differentiate between 30 unrelated strains of C. difficile belonging to 8 serotypes. The strains were separated into 26 different types by PFGE, 25 by RAPD, but into only 18 types by ribotyping. Median percentages of similarity between strains ranged from 27 in the PFGE assay to 90 in the ribotyping assay, but there was good agreement between the 3 methods for the clustering of strains. PFGE was more time-consuming than RAPD but its patterns were easier to analyze.  相似文献   

Abstract A molecular typing approach for Campylobacter jejuni was applied with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of a 702-bp PCR-amplified portion of the flagellin-A ( flaA ) gene. We analyzed a total of 179 strains, including 69 independent clinical isolates from diarrheic patients in Japan, 85 isolates in China, and 25 heat-stable (HS) serotype strains by Penner and Hennessy ((1980) J. Clin. Microbiol. 12, 732–737). Six Afa I, seven Mbo I, and five Hae III RFLPs were found in the 702-bp flaA segment from the 179 strains. Using a combination of these three enzymes, 25 separate RFLP groups were recognized. While 59 of 154 (38.3%) strains obtained in Japan and China were nontypeable by the HS antigenic scheme, all but two of 154 (98.7%) could be typed by RFLP typing. All 11 isolates of HS-19 strains, which are frequently isolated from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) patients, showed an identical RFLP pattern (Cj-1), and Cj-1 consisted only of HS-19 strains. This suggests that the HS-19:Cj-l strain is distinct among C. jejuni strains. This molecular typing method provides a rapid and reliable typing scheme for epidemiological studies of C. jejuni , and may also be useful for the analysis of C. jejuni subtypes from GBS patients.  相似文献   

Brown ring disease, caused by Vibrio tapetis, is an important pathological problem in different species of cultured clams. In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of the pathogen, twenty-seven isolates of V tapetis with different origin were screened by ribotyping (RT), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA PCR (RAPD). Restriction with PvuII, SalI, and SmaI gave 2 RT patterns, differentiating in all cases the strain 0202RD isolated from carpet-shell clams (Ruditapes decussatus) from the other strains tested. The use of NotI generated strain specific PFGE profiles, which could be grouped in two main clusters. Cluster 1 grouped all but one strain and was subdivided into six PFGE subtypes (1a to 1f) which joined at a similarity level of 75.6%. Cluster 2 included again only the isolate 0202RD. RAPD analysis yielded the same results with three different primers, this method being able to differentiate the isolates from R. decussatus from those isolated from other clam species. Of the three techniques evaluated, PFGE was the most discriminating of the three techniques evaluated, followed in discriminating power by RAPD and RT tests. On the basis of the results obtained, we conclude that the RAPD procedure, which is more rapid and easier to perform than the other techniques, shows to be very useful to analyze large amounts of strain collections from an epidemiological monitoring stanpoint. In addition, PFGE is of great utility to evaluate the genetic diversity of strains involved in an outbreak and to study the spreading of a specific clone.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the genomic relationship among 112 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 strains obtained throughout Europe and North America. Hind III ribotyping of the strains resulted in five ribotypes of high similarity (87–98%). Sequence analysis of the ribosomal intergenic region of strains representing each ribotype and each country showed no differences. A common ribotype was further characterized by PFGE of 12 strains representing all countries. The resultant five PFGE patterns of European strains showed a similarity of more than 91%, to which the two PFGE patterns of the Canadian strains showed a similarity of 84–86%. In conclusion, strains of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 seem to be clonally related.  相似文献   

Campylobacter lari is a phenotypically and genotypically diverse species that comprises the classical nalidixic acid-resistant thermophilic campylobacters (NARTC) and the biochemical C. lari variants, including the urease-positive campylobacters (UPTC), the nalidixic acid-susceptible campylobacters (NASC), and the urease-producing nalidixic acid-susceptible campylobacters. To study the taxonomic and epidemiological relationships among strains of the C. lari variants, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiling and whole-cell protein profile analysis were performed with 55 C. lari strains. Great genetic heterogeneity in AFLP and protein profiles was observed. Numerical analysis of AFLP profiles and of partial protein profiles allowed discrimination of four distinct genogroups. AFLP cluster I included nearly homogeneous patterns for C. lari NARTC strains (genogroup I). UPTC strains together with non-urease-producing NASC strains produced highly diverse patterns and were placed in genogroup II. The genogroup III strains had the NASC phenotype and produced more homogeneous patterns. Finally, genogroup IV strains had the classical NARTC phenotype and produced AFLP patterns that were very distinct from those of other genogroups. One UPTC strain had aberrant patterns and clustered separately, which may indicate that there is an additional genogroup. Preliminary DNA-DNA hybridization experiments suggested that genogroups I and III represent a single genomic species and that genogroup IV represents a distinct species. The detection of moderate levels of DNA-DNA hybridization between a genogroup II reference strain and genogroup I and III reference strains highlights the need for further DNA-DNA hybridization experiments to clarify the taxonomic status of the former group. No correlation of genogroups with different sources of strains was identified. These data show that UPTC strains are genetically diverse and distinct from NARTC strains. In addition, they indicate that the classical NARTC phenotype encompasses at least two genogroups.  相似文献   

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