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Fibronectin's RGD-mediated binding to the alpha5beta1 integrin is dramatically enhanced by a synergy site within fibronectin III domain 9 (FN9). Guided by the crystal structure of the cell-binding domain, we selected amino acids in FN9 that project in the same direction as the RGD, presumably toward the integrin, and mutated them to alanine. R1379 in the peptide PHSRN, and the nearby R1374 have been shown previously to be important for alpha5beta1-mediated adhesion (Aota, S., M. Nomizu, and K.M. Yamada. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269:24756-24761). Our more extensive set of mutants showed that R1379 is the key residue in the synergistic effect, but other residues contribute substantially. R1374A decreased adhesion slightly by itself, but the double mutant R1374A-R1379A was significantly less adhesive than R1379A alone. Single mutations of R1369A, R1371A, T1385A, and N1386A had negligible effects on cell adhesion, but combining these substitutions either with R1379A or each other gave a more dramatic reduction of cell adhesion. The triple mutant R1374A/P1376A/R1379A had no detectable adhesion activity. We conclude that, in addition to the R of the PHRSN peptide, other residues on the same face of FN9 are required for the full synergistic effect. The integrin-binding synergy site is a much more extensive surface than the small linear peptide sequence.  相似文献   

Human ovarian surface epithelium and epithelial tumors express integrin alphavbeta5, which can interact with vitronectin. In addition, in vitro acquisition of cisplatin resistance by alphavbeta3-expressing IGROV1 cells is accompanied by cell-surface expression of integrin alphavbeta5. To further explore the role of alphavbeta5 in ovarian carcinoma cells, IGROV1 cells were stably transfected with a human beta5 integrin cDNA construct, and three beta5 transfectant clones were selected for the expression of alphavbeta5 integrin at their cell surface. Despite a delayed entry in the exponential phase of growth, beta5-transfectant cells kept a proliferation ability similar to that of parental cells, while their growth rate was hindered in the presence of an anti-alphavbeta5 blocking antibody. Only simultaneous blockade of alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 by specific antibodies impeded the adhesion to vitronectin of beta5 transfectants and of the beta5-expressing cisplatin-resistant variant IGROV1-R10, suggesting that the two heterodimers cooperated in the regulation of this process. Cell surface expression of alphavbeta5 resulted in an attenuation of alphavbeta3-mediated migration on vitronectin. Alphavbeta5 participated to migration events in the absence of exogenous growth factors only in one transfectant clone and in IGROV1-R10 cells. Finally, the response to cisplatin was not significantly modified in beta5 transfectants when compared to IGROV1 parental cells.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha9beta1 has been shown to be widely expressed on smooth muscle and epithelial cells, and to mediate adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins osteopontin and tenascin-C. We have found that the peptide sequence this integrin recognizes in tenascin-C is highly homologous to the sequence recognized by the closely related integrin alpha4beta1, in the inducible endothelial ligand, vascular cell adhesion mole-cule-1 (VCAM-1). We therefore sought to determine whether alpha9beta1 also recognizes VCAM-1, and whether any such interaction would be biologically significant. In this report, we demonstrate that alpha9beta1 mediates stable cell adhesion to recombinant VCAM-1 and to VCAM-1 induced on human umbilical vein endothelial cells by tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Furthermore, we show that alpha9beta1 is highly and selectively expressed on neutrophils and is critical for neutrophil migration on VCAM-1 and tenascin-C. Finally, alpha9beta1 and alpha4 integrins contribute to neutrophil chemotaxis across activated endothelial monolayers. These observations suggest a possible role for alpha9beta1/VCAM-1 interactions in extravasation of neutrophils at sites of acute inflammation.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha3beta1 mediates cellular adhesion to the matrix ligand laminin-5. A second integrin ligand, the urokinase receptor (uPAR), associates with alpha3beta1 via a surface loop within the alpha3 beta-propeller (residues 242-246) but outside the laminin binding region, suggesting that uPAR-integrin interactions could signal differently from matrix engagement. To explore this, alpha3-/- epithelial cells were reconstituted with wild-type (wt) alpha3 or alpha3 with Ala mutations within the uPAR-interacting loop (H245A or R244A). Wt or mutant-bearing cells showed comparable expression and adhesion to laminin-5. Cells expressing wt alpha3 and uPAR dissociated in culture, with increased Src activity, up-regulation of SLUG, and down-regulation of E-cadherin and gamma-catenin. Src kinase inhibition or expression of Src 1-251 restored the epithelial phenotype. The H245A and R244A mutants were unaffected by coexpression of uPAR. We conclude that alpha3beta1 regulates both cell-cell contact and matrix adhesion, but through distinct protein interaction sites within its beta-propeller. These studies reveal an integrin- and Src-dependent pathway for SLUG expression and mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   

Integrins bind to their ligand in the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as fibronectin (FN), through a specific interaction between the amino acid motifs in the ligand, and binding sites in the extracellular domains of the integrin molecule generated jointly by its alpha and beta subunits. It has been proposed that membrane cholesterol and glycosphingolipids (GSLs) can regulate integrin-ECM interactions and it has been demonstrated that increased membrane cholesterol leads to increased cell adhesion to FN. Here, we have shown that a specific glycosphingolipid GM3 binds directly to alpha5beta1 integrin and an increase in membrane cholesterol results in the redistribution of GM3-associated alpha5beta1 integrin molecules specifically on the surface that is in contact with the substratum. Our results suggest that GM3-associated alpha5beta1 integrins bind less avidly to FN than GM3-free integrins and that cholesterol and GM3 play an interdependent role in the distribution of alpha5beta1integrin molecules in the membrane and regulation of cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Agonist treatment of C6-glioma cells induces two altered states in beta-adrenergic receptors, a low affinity for the hydrophilic antagonist CGP-12177 and a low affinity for agonists like isoproterenol. We present evidence that, in cells not treated to inhibit receptor internalization, the two properties occur with a different time course, the low affinity for isoproterenol preceding that for CGP-12177. In that the low affinity for CGP-12177 is due to the internalization of the receptor, the results indicate that uncoupling of the receptor, indicated by the low affinity for isoproterenol, occurs while the receptor is still located on the cell surface. Removal of the agonist leads to reappearance of the receptor to the plasma membrane followed by loss of the uncoupled state.  相似文献   

Subsequent to wounding, keratinocytes must quickly restore barrier function. In vitro wound models have served to elucidate mechanisms of epithelial closure and key roles for integrins alpha6beta4 and alpha3beta1. To extrapolate in vitro data to in vivo human tissues, we used ultrathin cryomicrotomy to simultaneously observe tissue ultrastructure and immunogold localization in unwounded skin and acute human cutaneous wounds. Localization of the beta4 integrin subunit in unwounded skin shows dominant hemidesmosomal association and minor basal keratinocyte lateral filopodic cell-cell expression. After wounding, beta4 dominantly localized to cytokeratin-rich regions (trailing edge hemidesmosomes) and minor association with lamellipodia (leading edge). beta4 colocalizes with alpha3 within filopodia juxtaposed to wound matrix, and increased concentrations of beta4 were found in cytoplasmic vesicles within basal keratinocytes of the migrating tongue. alpha3 integrin subunit dominantly localized to filopodia within basal keratinocyte lateral cell-cell interfaces in unwounded skin and both cell-cell and cell-matrix filopodic interactions in wounded skin. This study indicates that beta4 interacts with the extracellular environment through both stable and transient interactions and may be managed through a different endosomal trafficking pathway than alpha3. alpha3 integrin, despite its ability to respond to alternate ligands after wounding, does so through a single structure, the filopodia.  相似文献   

The conformationally constrained f-L-Met-Ac(n)c-L-Phe-OMe (n = 4,9-12) tripeptides, analogues of the chemoattractant f-L-Met-L-Leu-L-Phe-OH, were synthesized in solution by classical methods and fully characterized. These compounds and the published f-L-Met-Xxx-L-Phe-OMe (Xxx = Aib and Ac(n)c where n = 3, 5-8) analogues were compared to determine the combined effect of backbone preferred conformation and side-chain bulkiness at position 2 on the relation of 3D-structure to biological activity. A conformational study of all the analogues was performed in solution by FT-IR absorption and 1H-NMR techniques. In parallel, each peptide was tested for its ability to induce chemotaxis, superoxide anion production and lysozyme secretion from human neutrophils. The biological and conformational data are discussed in relation to the proposed model of the chemotactic receptor on neutrophils, in particular of the hydrophobic pocket accommodating residue 2 of the tripeptide.  相似文献   

L1 is a multidomain transmembrane neural recognition molecule essential for neurohistogenesis. While moieties in the immunoglobulin-like domains of L1 have been implicated in both heterophilic and homophilic binding, the function of the fibronectin (FN)-like repeats remains largely unresolved. Here, we demonstrate that the third FN-like repeat of L1 (FN3) spontaneously homomultimerizes to form trimeric and higher order complexes. Remarkably, these complexes support direct RGD-independent interactions with several integrins, including alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(5)beta(1). A pep- tide derived from the putative C-C' loop of FN3 (GSQRKHSKRHIHKDHV(852)) also forms trimeric complexes and supports alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(5)beta(1) binding. Substitution of the dibasic RK(841) and KR(845) sequences within this peptide or the FN3 domain limited multimerization and abrogated integrin binding. Evidence is presented that the multimerization of, and integrin binding to, the FN3 domain is regulated both by conformational constraints imposed by other domains and by plasmin- mediated cleavage within the sequence RK( downward arrow)HSK( downward arrow)RH(846). The integrin alpha(9)beta(1), which also recognizes the FN3 domain, colocalizes with L1 in a manner restricted to sites of cell-cell contact. We propose that distal receptor ligation events at the cell-cell interface may induce a conformational change within the L1 ectodomain that culminates in receptor multimerization and integrin recruitment via interaction with the FN3 domain.  相似文献   

This study is the first to investigate the anticancer effects of the new phloroglucinol derivative (3,6-bis(3-chlorophenylacetyl)phloroglucinol; MCPP) in human colon cancer cells. MCPP induced cell death and antiproliferation in three human colon cancer, HCT-116, SW480, and Caco-2 cells, but not in primary human dermal fibroblast cells. MCPP-induced concentration-dependent apoptotic cell death in colon cancer cells was measured by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis. Treatment of HCT-116 human colon cancer cells with MCPP was found to induce a number of signature endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers; and up-regulation of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein homologous protein (CHOP) and glucose-regulated protein (GRP)-78, phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2α (eIF-2α), suggesting the induction of ER stress. MCPP also increased GSK3α/β(Tyr270/216) phosphorylation and reduced GSK3α/β(Ser21/9) phosphorylation time-dependently. Transfection of cells with GRP78 or CHOP siRNA, or treatment of GSK3 inhibitor SB216163 reduced MCPP-mediated cell apoptosis. Treatment of MCPP also increased caspase-7, caspase-9, and caspase-3 activity. The inhibition of caspase activity by z-DEVE-FMK or z-VAD-FMK significantly reduced MCPP-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, treatment of GSK3 inhibitor SB216763 also dramatically reversed MCPP-induced GRP and CHOP up-regulation, and pro-caspase-3 and pro-caspase-9 degradation. Taken together, the present study provides evidences to support that GRP78 and CHOP expression, and GSK3α/β activation in mediating the MCPP-induced human colon cancer cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

Integrins belong to a large family of heterodimeric membrane glycoproteins which mediate cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix interactions. These interactions could play a major role during the migration of tumor cells across the extracellular matrix and vascular endothelium and would thus appear to be requisite for the metastatic process. Pretreatment of the Foss human melanoma cell line with HILDA/LIF or OSM, two cytokines involved in acute-phase response, increased the expression of membrane αvβ1 1.5–2-fold. The same phenomenon was observed on the SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cell line. αvβ1 upmodulation was concomitant with improved tumor cells attachment to the fibronectin matrix. This greater adhesion of tumor cells to fibronectin was inhibited by specific monoclonal antibodies against αv or β1 integrin subunits. Similar results were obtained after TNF-α treatment. Our findings demonstrate the ability of HILDA/LIF and OSM to modulate tumor cell capacity to adhere to the matrix component, suggesting a potential role for these cytokines in modulation of tumoral progression.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular mechanisms that mediate vascular calcification remain poorly understood. In our previous study, oxysterol cholestane-3beta, 5alpha, 6beta-triol (Triol) was shown to promote vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) calcification. In this study, by using direct coculture, non-contact transwell coculture, and culture with conditioned media, we investigated the roles of endothelial cells (ECs) and macrophages in the regulation of VSMCs calcification in the absence or presence of Triol. In vitro calcification was induced by incubation of VSMCs with beta-glycerophosphate. The results showed that ECs inhibited VSMCs calcification, as manifested by the reduction of calcium deposition in extracellular matrix. This effect of ECs on calcification was via the secreted soluble factors. Furthermore, the stimulation of ECs by Triol had no influence on ECs inhibition of calcification. On the other hand, macrophages promoted VSMCs calcification via the secreted soluble factors such as reactive oxygen species, which was further enhanced by Triol. Our results supported the roles for ECs and macrophages in vascular calcification, modulated by oxysterols in atherosclerotic plaque.  相似文献   

The α5β1 integrin heterodimer regulates many processes that contribute to embryonic development and angiogenesis, in both physiological and pathological contexts. As one of the major adhesion complexes on endothelial cells, it plays a vital role in adhesion and migration along the extracellular matrix. We recently showed that angiogenesis is modulated by syntaxin 6, a Golgi- and endosome-localized t-SNARE, and that it does so by regulating the post-Golgi trafficking of VEGFR2. Here we show that syntaxin 6 is also required for α5β1 integrin-mediated adhesion of endothelial cells to, and migration along, fibronectin. We demonstrate that syntaxin 6 and α5β1 integrin colocalize in EEA1-containing early endosomes, and that functional inhibition of syntaxin 6 leads to misrouting of β1 integrin to the degradation pathway (late endosomes and lysosomes) rather transport along recycling pathway from early endosomes; an increase in the pool of ubiquitinylated α5 integrin and its lysosome-dependent degradation; reduced cell spreading on fibronectin; decreased Rac1 activation; and altered Rac1 localization. Collectively, our data show that functional syntaxin 6 is required for the regulation of α5β1-mediated endothelial cell movement on fibronectin. These syntaxin 6-regulated membrane trafficking events control outside-in signaling via haptotactic and chemotactic mechanisms.  相似文献   

T L Lentz  E Hawrot  P T Wilson 《Proteins》1987,2(4):298-307
Peptides corresponding to portions of loop 2 of snake venom curare-mimetic neurotoxins and to a structurally similar region of rabies virus glycoprotein were synthesized. Interaction of these peptides with purified Torpedo electric organ acetylcholine receptor was tested by measuring their ability to block the binding of 125I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin to the receptor. In addition, inhibition of alpha-bungarotoxin binding to a 32-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to positions 173-204 of the alpha-subunit was determined. Neurotoxin and glycoprotein peptides corresponding to toxin loop 2 inhibited labeled toxin binding to the receptor with IC50 values comparable to those of nicotine and the competitive antagonist d-tubocurarine and to the alpha-subunit peptides with apparent affinities between those of d-tubocurarine and alpha-cobratoxin. Substitution of neurotoxin residue Arg37, the proposed counterpart of the quaternary ammonium of acetylcholine, with a negatively charged Glu residue reduced the apparent affinity about 10-fold. Peptides containing the neurotoxin invariant residue Trp29 and 10- to 100-fold higher affinities than peptides lacking this residue. These results demonstrate that relatively short synthetic peptides retain some of the binding ability of the native protein from which they are derived, indicating that such peptides are useful in the study of protein-protein interactions. The ability of the peptides to compete alpha-bungarotoxin binding to the receptor with apparent affinities comparable to those of other cholinergic ligands indicates that loop 2 of the neurotoxins and the structurally similar segment of the rabies virus glycoprotein act as recognition sites for the acetylcholine receptor. Invariant toxin residues Arg37 and Trp29 and their viral homologs play important, although not essential, roles in binding, possibly by interaction with complementary anionic and hydrophobic subsites on the acetylcholine receptor. The alpha-subunit peptide most likely contains all of the determinants for binding of the toxin and glycoprotein peptides present on the alpha-subunit, because these peptides bind to the 32-residue alpha-subunit peptide with the same or greater affinity as to the intact subunit.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate if human oocytes, like mouse oocytes, exhibit spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations and nuclear translocation of PLC-beta1 prior to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), and to correlate these events with the evolution of chromatin configuration as a landmark for the meiosis resumption kinetics. Human germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes were either loaded with Fluo-3 probe to record Ca(2+) signals or fixed for subsequent fluorescent labeling of both chromatin and PLC-beta1, and immunogold labeling of PLC-beta1. Here for the first time, we show that human oocytes at the GV-stage exhibit spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations. Interestingly, only oocytes with a large diameter and characterized by a compact chromatin surrounding the nucleolus of the GV could reveal these kind of oscillations. We also observed a translocation of PLC-beta1 from the cytoplasm towards the nucleus during in vitro maturation of human oocytes. Spontaneous calcium oscillations and nuclear translocation of PLC-beta1 may reflect some degree of oocyte maturity. The impact of our results may be very helpful to understand and resolve many enigmatic problems usually encountered during the in vitro meiotic maturation of human GV oocytes.  相似文献   

The expression of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) receptors on normal human B cells and four B cell lines was studied. Recombinant human IFN-gamma was labeled with [gamma-32P]ATP using the catalytic subunit of a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. All four B cell lines, although differing in their responsiveness to IFN-gamma, were found to express high-affinity receptors (1,000-11,000 receptors/cell). Normal unactivated B lymphocytes were also found to express constitutively high-affinity receptors, approximately 1,400 receptors per cell with an estimated affinity of 295 pM. Activation of the normal B cells in vitro with the polyclonal B cell activator, Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain I (SAC), resulted in a slight decline in receptor number and a more pronounced fall in receptor density. One of the B cell lines and unactivated normal B cells were shown to internalize labeled IFN-gamma rapidly. Chemical cross-linking of 32P-IFN-gamma to the CB B cell line and to freshly isolated B lymphocytes revealed one major cross-linked receptor-ligand complex which had an estimated molecular weight of approximately 110 kilodaltons. This complex corresponded to a 93 kD receptor cross-linked to recombinant IFN-gamma. Our data indicate that normal B lymphocytes constitutively express an approximately 93 kD IFN-gamma receptor which is similar to the receptor present on Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cell lines.  相似文献   

A series of tryptamine derivatives with modified sulfonamide were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for their ability to stimulate cAMP accumulation in CHO cells expressing the cloned human β3-adrenergic receptor (AR). For this series of compounds, our objective was to symmetrize the -position of the tryptamine moiety maintaining its activity and reducing the cost of production. Compound 11h, having m-aminobenzene, exhibited excellent agonistic activity for β3-AR with excellent subtype selectivity.  相似文献   

Little is known about the functions of two different beta5 integrins: repeated-FNK (FNKFNK764-769) and single-FNK (FNK764-766) amino acid sequences in the cytoplasmic domain. We examined whether they occurred as germ line mutations or somatic mutations associated with neoplastic transformation, and whether there were functional alterations. Out of six cultured cell lines, only KATO-III cells had the single-FNK beta5 sequence. The single-FNK beta5 was found in 9 out of 79 patients with colon carcinoma, but no somatic mutations were detected in cancerous tissues. CHO cells were transformed with expression vectors containing single-FNK or repeated-FNK beta5 cDNA, which were derived from KATO-III cells. CHO cells transfected with single-FNK and repeated-FNK showed similar adhesiveness to, and proliferative activity on, vitronectin substrates.  相似文献   

To better understand the structural basis for the binding of proteinase-transformed human alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) to its receptor, we have used three-dimensional multinuclear NMR spectroscopy to determine the secondary structure of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of human alpha2M. Assignment of the backbone NMR resonances of RBD was made using 13C/15-N and 15N-enriched RBD expressed in Escherichia coli. The secondary structure of RBD was determined using 1H and 13C chemical shift indices and inter- and intrachain nuclear Overhauser enhancements. The secondary structure consists of eight strands in beta-conformation and one alpha-helix, which together comprise 44% of the protein. The beta-strands form three regions of antiparallel beta-sheet. The two lysines previously identified as being critical for receptor binding are located in (Lys1374), and immediately adjacent to (Lys1370) the alpha-helix, which also contains an (Arg1378). Secondary structure predictions of other alpha-macroglobulins show the conservation of this alpha-helix and suggest an important role for this helix and for basic residues within it for receptor binding.  相似文献   

The effect of α- and β-tocopherol on human erythroleukemia cell (HEL) adhesion induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) has been studied. Adhesion induced by PMA stimulation was prevented by 44.5% by physiological concentrations of α-tocopherol. Under the same experimental conditions, β-tocopherol, an analogue of α-tocopherol, produced 11% inhibition of adhesion. Cell response gradually increased from 0 to 24 h of α-tocopherol treatment. Only a slight time dependency of β-tocopherol inhibition was observed. Another human erythroleukemia cell line (K562) and the human monocyte tumor cell line U937 showed 5.0 and 11.2% inhibition, respectively. Similar to α-tocopherol, the protein kinase C inhibitor, Calphostin C, and the MAPK inhibitor, PD98059, prevented PMA-induced cell adhesion. An inhibition of ERK-1 phosphorylation was observed for α-tocopherol only in HEL, implying that MAP kinase pathway is involved in this cell line. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), by using various integrin-specific monoclonal antibodies, has shown that α (1–6), β1, and αv integrins are less expressed at the cell surface after α-tocopherol treatment. Beta-tocopherol treatment was less effective.  相似文献   

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