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To better understand the interaction of physical activity and air pollution exposure, it is important to quantify the change in ventilation rate incurred by activity. In this paper, we describe a method for estimating ventilation using easily-measured variables such as heart rate (HR), breathing rate (fB), and forced vital capacity (FVC). We recruited healthy adolescents to use a treadmill while we continuously measured HR, fB, and the tidal volume (VT) of each breath. Participants began at rest then walked and ran at increasing speed until HR was 160–180 beats per minute followed by a cool down period. The novel feature of this method is that minute ventilation (V˙E) was normalized by FVC. We used general linear mixed models with a random effect for subject and identified nine potential predictor variables that influence either V˙E or FVC. We assessed predictive performance with a five-fold cross-validation procedure. We used a brute force selection process to identify the best performing models based on cross-validation percent error, the Akaike Information Criterion and the p-value of parameter estimates. We found a two-predictor model including HR and fB to have the best predictive performance (V˙E/FVC = -4.247+0.0595HR+0.226fB, mean percent error = 8.1±29%); however, given the ubiquity of HR measurements, a one-predictor model including HR may also be useful (V˙E/FVC = -3.859+0.101HR, mean percent error = 11.3±36%).  相似文献   

新生儿PON2基因多态性与早产的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨新生儿对氧磷酶2基因多态性(PON2148,PON2311)对早产的影响。采用横断面调查方法,使用统一的调查表,由安庆市各县医院对入院分娩孕妇及其单胎、活产、早产和对照新生儿进行调查,共得到有效样本194个母亲-新生儿对。单因素分析结果显示:PON2 Ala148Ala纯合子基因型与Gly148Gly纯合子基因型 / Ala148Gly杂合子基因型比较致早产的危险性升高且有显著意义;同样,PON2 Ser311Ser纯合子基因型致早产的危险性升高且有显著意义。进一步分析PON2148位点多态性和PON2311位点多态性是否存在交互作用,结果显示:这两个位点多态性之间无明显交互作用。对氧磷酶2基因PON2148位点多态性和PON2311位点多态性与新生儿早产相关,但PON2148位点多态性和PON2311位点多态性之间对早产的影响无明显交互作用。 Association of PON2 Gene Polymorphisms in Neonates with Preterm LIANG Hong-ye1,WU Bai-yang1,CHEN Da-fang1,YANG Fan2,HU Hai-yan2,CHEN Li1,XU Xi-ping1. 1.Department of Biology & Genetics,Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100083,China; 2.Anqing Branch of Institute for Biomedicine,Anhui Medical University,Anqing 246000,China Abstract:The objective is to investigate whether gene polymorphisms in the PON2 gene (PON2148 and PON2311) of neonates are associated with preterm. Using standard questionnaires,194 singleton live born mother-neonate pairs (include preterm cases and term controls) were investigated by the trained field workers with cross-sectional survey at the hospitals in Anqing,Anhui Province,China. Epidemiological and clinical data and blood samples were obtained from 194 mother-neonate pairs. Among neonates,PON2 Ala148Ala homozygote is significantly associated with preterm,compared with Gly148Gly homozygote / Ala148Gly heterozygote before and after adjustment confounders and the same was true for PON2 Ser311Ser homozygote. However,when PON2148 polymorphism and PON2311 polymorphism were considered jointly,no significant gene interaction between PON2148 polymorphism and PON2311 polymorphism in relation to preterm was observed. We draw a conclusion from this research that both PON2148 polymorphism and PON2311 polymorphism in neonates are significantly associated with preterm respectively. But the gene interactions between PON2148 polymorphism and PON2311 polymorphism in neonates are not significantly associated with preterm. Key words:paraoxonase 2 gene (PON2 gene);gene polymorphism;preterm;genotype  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a monogenic neurodegenerative disorder subdivided into four different types. Whole genome methylation analysis revealed 40 CpG sites associated with genes that are significantly differentially methylated between SMA patients and healthy individuals of the same age. To investigate the contribution of methylation changes to SMA severity, we compared the methylation level of found CpG sites, designed as “targets”, as well as the nearest CpG sites in regulatory regions of ARHGAP22, CDK2AP1, CHML, NCOR2, SLC23A2 and RPL9 in three groups of SMA patients. Of notable interest, compared to type I SMA male patients, the methylation level of a target CpG site and one nearby CpG site belonging to the 5’UTR of SLC23A2 were significantly hypomethylated 19–22% in type III-IV patients. In contrast to type I SMA male patients, type III-IV patients demonstrated a 16% decrease in the methylation levels of a target CpG site, belonging to the 5’UTR of NCOR2. To conclude, this study validates the data of our previous study and confirms significant methylation changes in the SLC23A2 and NCOR2 regulatory regions correlates with SMA severity.  相似文献   

目的:探讨汉族人群中多巴胺D2受体(DRD2)基因TaqIB多态性与酒依赖的相关性.方法:采用聚合酶链式反应-限制性片断长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术,检测酒依赖组(80例)和对照组(95例)的DRD2基因TaqIB多态性的基因型和等位基因频率.结果:酒依赖组和时照组的DRD2基因TaqIB多态性的基因型和等位基因频率有显著性差异,等位基因B2的携带者显著降低其嗜酒的发生率(OR:1.636,P<0.05).结论:本研究提示,在汉族人群中DRD2基因TaqIB多态性与酒依赖存在相关性,TaqIB2等位基因可能是降低酒依赖发病的影响因子.  相似文献   

Ficolin-2 (FCN2) is an innate immune pattern recognition molecule that can activate the complement pathway, opsonophagocytosis, and elimination of the pathogens. The present study aimed to investigate the association of the FCN2 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). A total of seven SNPs in exon 8 (+6359 C>T and +6424 G>T) and in the promoter region (-986 G>A, -602 G>A, -557 A>G, -64 A>C and -4 A>G) of the FCN2 gene were genotyped using the PCR amplification and DNA sequencing methods in the healthy controls group (n = 254) and the pulmonary TB group (n = 282). The correlation between SNPs and pulmonary TB was analyzed using the logistic regression method. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the distribution of allelic frequencies of seven SNPs between the pulmonary TB group and the healthy controls group. However, the frequency of the variant homozygous genotype (P = 0.037, -557 A>G; P = 0.038, -64 A>C; P = 0.024, +6424 G>T) in the TB group was significantly lower than the control group. After adjustment for age and gender, these variant homozygous genotypes were found to be recessive models in association with pulmonary TB. In addition, -64 A>C (P = 0.047) and +6424 G>T (P = 0.03) were found to be codominant models in association with pulmonary TB. There was strong linkage disequilibrium (r2 > 0.80, P < 0.0001) between 7 SNPs except the -602 G>A site. Therefore, -557 A>G, -64 A>C and +6424 G>T SNPs of the FCN2 gene were correlated with pulmonary TB, and may be protective factors for TB. This study provides a novel idea for the prevention and control of TB transmission from a genetics perspective.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多巴胺D2受体(Dopamine D2 receptors,DRD2)基因3'非翻译区Taq ⅠA、启动子区-141 Ins/Del 2个多态性位点和海洛因依赖的相关性.方法:采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态(PCR-RFLP)技术检测320例海洛因依赖患者及300例健康对照组的TaqⅠA和-141 Ins/Del2个多态性位点的基因型.采用HaploView4.0及SPSS11.5软件分析这2个多态性位点的基因型、等位基因频率及组间差异.结果:DRD2基因Taq ⅠA位点的基因型及等位基因频率分布在海洛因依赖组与正常对照组存在显著性差异(p<0.01),海洛因依赖组TaqⅠA位点的等位基因A1频率显著高于正常对照组(x2=11.156,p=0.001,OR=1.463,95%CI=1.170~1.830);DRD2基因-141 Ins/Del位点的基因型及等位基因频率分布在海洛因依赖组与正常对照组之间无统计学差异(p<0.05).结论:DRD2基因TaqⅠA位点多态性可能与海洛因依赖有关,携带有TaqⅠA多态性位点A1等位基因的个体可能更容易对海洛因产生依赖.  相似文献   

Diploid as well as triploid Xenopus interspecific hybrids generate aneuploid eggs because of the presence, at meiosis, of univalent chromosomes which are presumably distributed at random. Zygotes obtained from such eggs, fertilized by either normal or UV-irradiated sperm, were analysed for their developmental capacities. All monosomics die in the course of embryogenesis, whereby optimum capacities correspond closely with those observed in monosomic mammalian embryos, especially in mice. In contrast, hyperdiploid Xenopus are relatively viable: although many die exhibiting the'haploid syndrome'or various other abnormalities, 8% of them reach metamorphosis, and 1–2% become adults. Of the latter, the karyotype was established in 13 individuals. Among them, 8–16 supernumerary chromosomes were found to be present.  相似文献   



To investigate the association of Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and the MBL2 gene with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy and the influence of MBL2 polymorphisms on serum MBL levels.


The study population included 675 type 2 diabetic patients with or without nephropathy and 855 normoglycemic controls. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of rs1800450, rs1800451, and rs11003125 of the MBL2 gene were determined by the Multiplex Snapshot method. Serum MBL levels were measured by enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay.


Rs1800450 and rs11003125 SNPs demonstrated strong linkage disequilibrium in the study population (r2 = 0.97). The haplotypes constructed from the G allele of rs1800450 and the C allele of rs11003125 increased the risk for type 2 diabetes (OR = 1.2, 95% CI = 1.1–1.4, P = 0.01). For rs1800450, GG and GA genotypes were associated with type 2 diabetes (P = 0.02, 0.01, respectively). For rs11003125, the GC genotype frequency was significantly different between patients and controls (18.1% vs. 24.9%, P = 0.001). Analyses of genotypes and allele frequency distributions among patients with normal UAE, microalbuminuria, and macroalbuminuria showed that there was no obvious evidence of association between the MBL2 gene and diabetic nephropathy. Subjects with the GG genotype of rs1800450 and the CC genotype of rs11003125 had much higher serum MBL levels.


The rs1800450 and rs11003125 SNPs of the MBL2 gene have strong linkage disequilibrium and are associated with type 2 diabetes in the North Chinese Han population. No association was observed between the MBL2 gene and diabetic nephropathy. Subjects with the GG genotype of rs1800450 and the CC genotype of rs11003125 had much higher serum MBL levels. An association between elevated serum MBL and diabetic nephropathy was also observed.  相似文献   

目的:既往研究表明,共济失调蛋白2结合蛋白1(A2BP1)基因多态性可能与精神分裂症、孤独症及肥胖等复杂疾病关联,但目前尚无相关文献提示A2BP1基因多态性与抗精神病药所致体重增加的关联.本研究拟探讨A2BP1基因多态性与奥氮平治疗精神分裂症所致体重增加的关联.方法:本研究共入组350例精神分裂症患者,其中完成奥氮平(治疗剂量5~20 mg/d)治疗8周者为328例.采用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)减分率评估药物疗效;分别于治疗前和治疗8周后测量并记录患者的清晨空腹体重并计算治疗前后体重增加率(%).提取患者外周血DNA,采用DNA测序基因分析方法,在328例汉族精神分裂症患者中,检测A2BP1基因4个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点(rs8048076,rs1478697,rs10500331,rs4786847)的基因型,并采用数量性状位点分析方法(QTL)探索A2BP1基因多态性与奥氮平治疗所致体重增加率的关联.结果:A2BP1基因rs8048076 (T=3.237;P=0.0012)及rs1478697 (T=2.956;P=0.0032)位点与奥氮平治疗精神分裂症8周后所致体重增加率关联(P<0.05),经多重检验Bonferroni校正后仍有统计学意义;而rs10500331 (T=-0.293;P=0.769)与rs4786847(T=0.666; P=-0.505)在本样本中与奥氮平所致体重增加的关联无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:本研究结果提示在中国汉族人群中,A2BP1基因多态性可能与奥氮平治疗精神分裂症患者所致体重增加副反应关联,如能进一步验证及机制探索,则有望在精神科个体化治疗方面对药物所致体重增加的预测与防治提供线索依据.  相似文献   

We attempt to evaluate the nature of association of TCF7L2 gene variants with T2DM, for the first time in the population of Hyderabad, which is considered to be diabetic capital of India. It is a case-control study of the three SNPs of TCF7L2, rs7903146, rs12255372 and rs11196205, genotyped on Sequenom Massarray platform, in a sample of 758 patients and 621 controls. The risk allele frequency of the three SNPs was found to be significantly higher in the T2DM cases than controls, implicating susceptibility for diabetes (p<0.01). The greatest risk of developing the disease was conferred by rs7903146. Further, the logistic regression of genotypes of each SNP under log additive model, and the haplotypes constituted by at least one of the three risk alleles also show significantly greater risk of developing T2DM when compared to the wild type haplotype. Further, BMI and WHR emerge as significant covariates with confounding effects. The strong association of the TCF7L2 SNPs with T2DM is consistent with the findings among other Indian and Non-Indian populations, suggesting universal phenomena of its association across ethnic groups globally, both within and outside the Indian subcontinent, albeit the functional relevance of these SNPs needs yet to be established.  相似文献   

The checkpoint kinase 2 gene (CHEK2) codes for the CHK2 protein, an important mediator of the DNA damage response pathway. The CHEK2 gene has been recognized as a multi-cancer susceptibility gene; however, its role in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) remains unclear. We performed mutation analysis of the entire CHEK2 coding sequence in 340 NHL patients using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). Identified hereditary variants were genotyped in 445 non-cancer controls. The influence of CHEK2 variants on disease risk was statistically evaluated. Identified CHEK2 germline variants included four truncating mutations (found in five patients and no control; P = 0.02) and nine missense variants (found in 21 patients and 12 controls; P = 0.02). Carriers of non-synonymous variants had an increased risk of NHL development [odds ratio (OR) 2.86; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.42–5.79] and an unfavorable prognosis [hazard ratio (HR) of progression-free survival (PFS) 2.1; 95% CI 1.12–4.05]. In contrast, the most frequent intronic variant c.319+43dupA (identified in 22% of patients and 31% of controls) was associated with a decreased NHL risk (OR = 0.62; 95% CI 0.45–0.86), but its positive prognostic effect was limited to NHL patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treated by conventional chemotherapy without rituximab (HR-PFS 0.4; 94% CI 0.17–0.74). Our results show that germ-line CHEK2 mutations affecting protein coding sequence confer a moderately-increased risk of NHL, they are associated with an unfavorable NHL prognosis, and they may represent a valuable predictive biomarker for patients with DLBCL.  相似文献   

研究工作者们一直致力于寻找一种在模式生物中进行精确基因修饰的方法.近期基于TALENs的基因打靶方法受到广泛的注意,并在包括果蝇、斑马鱼、小鼠及人类多潜能细胞的多物种中取得成功.在这里,我主要介绍基于TALENs的基因修饰在果蝇模型中的应用以及果蝇心脏发育候选基因Yippee的敲除.首先,我们设计并拼接好了Yippee基因的TALENs靶位点序列,连接在核酸酶XmnⅠ的催化区域.在核酸酶的作用下产生双链的断裂,随后在非同源末端连接物修复系统(NHEJ)的修复下导致Yippee基因的消除或部分缺失.经过检测,得到Yippee基因的TALENs打靶效率约为9%.  相似文献   

BackgroundGenetic polymorphisms of the Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 (DPP4) gene may play a role in the etiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study aimed to investigate the possible association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the DPP4 gene in Malaysian subjects with T2DM and evaluated whether they had an effect on the serum levels of soluble dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (sDPP-IV).MethodTen DPP4 SNPs were genotyped by TaqMan genotyping assays in 314 subjects with T2DM and 235 controls. Of these, 71 metabolic syndrome (MetS) subjects were excluded from subsequent analysis. The odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence interval (CIs) were calculated using multiple logistic regression for the association between the SNPs of DPP4 and T2DM. In addition, the serum levels of sDPP-IV were investigated to evaluate the association of the SNPs of DPP4 with the sDPP-IV levels.ResultsDominant, recessive, and additive genetic models were employed to test the association of DPP4 polymorphisms with T2DM, after adjusting for age, race, gender and BMI. The rs12617656 was associated with T2DM in Malaysian subjects in the recessive genetic model (OR = 1.98, p = 0.006), dominant model (OR = 1.95, p = 0.008), and additive model (OR = 1.63, p = 0.001). This association was more pronounced among Malaysian Indians, recessive (OR = 3.21, p = 0.019), dominant OR = 3.72, p = 0.003) and additive model (OR = 2.29, p = 0.0009). The additive genetic model showed that DPP4 rs4664443 and rs7633162 polymorphisms were associated with T2DM (OR = 1.53, p = 0.039), and (OR = 1.42, p = 0.020), respectively. In addition, the rs4664443 G>A polymorphism was associated with increased sDPP-IV levels (p = 0.042) in T2DM subjects.ConclusionsDPP4 polymorphisms were associated with T2DM in Malaysian subjects, and linked to variations in sDPP-IV levels. In addition, these associations were more pronounced among Malaysian Indian subjects.  相似文献   

目的应用鼠胚质控中的小鼠胚胎体外培养模型,探讨两种胚胎培养方式(四孔皿与微滴法)在单胚观察时间上的差异以及对2-细胞鼠胚体外发育潜能的影响。方法取6-8周龄的昆明白雌性小鼠。采用HMG10IU促排卵,48 h后注射HCG 10IU促卵泡成熟,取形态正常的2-细胞鼠胚。每5-10个胚胎培养在含500μL培养基的四孔皿中(A组),或单个胚胎接种在含50μL的培养微滴中(B组)。培养后,每隔24 h在倒置显微镜下观察一次,计算单胚观察时间,并检测24 h时的≥4细胞胚形成率、48 h的融合胚形成率7、2 h的囊胚与扩张囊胚形成率、96 h囊胚孵化率。结果两种培养方式于同一试验条件下分别试验5次,A组培养83个胚胎,B组培养69个2-细胞鼠胚。在每一个观察点上,微滴培养的单胚观察时间远超过四孔皿培养(P〈0.001)。但两组各时间点的胚胎发育率相似,无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论尽管微滴单胚培养方式的胚胎暴露培养箱外时间长,但与四孔皿多胚培养方式比较,两者间2-细胞鼠胚的体外发育潜能相似。  相似文献   

Advances in DNA technology have created biotechnological tools that can be used in animal selection and new strategies for increasing herd productivity and quality. The objective of the present work was to associate the genotypes of leptin gene exon 2 polymorphisms with productive traits in Nellore cattle. Blood was collected from Nellore males and PCR-RFLP reactions were performed with the restriction enzymes ClaI and Kpn2I. The gene frequencies resulting from digestion by ClaI were 0.60 and 0.40 for allele A and T, respectively; the genotypic frequencies were AA = 0.20 and AT = 0.80. The gene frequencies from digestion by Kpn2I were 0.81 for allele C and 0.194 for allele T; the genotypic frequencies were CC = 0.62 and CT = 0.38. The populations in both cases were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p > 0.05), and the TT genotype was not found. Significant associations were noted between leptin gene exon 2 polymorphisms and five productive traits in Nellore cattle: carcass fat distribution, the intensity of red muscle coloration, pH, marbling, and post-slaughter fat thickness.  相似文献   

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