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利用合成生物学技术深入挖掘放线菌中活性次级代谢产物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白超弦  卓英  张立新 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1885-1895
放线菌是一类能够产生丰富生物小分子药物的微生物, 对人类的健康事业做出了杰出的贡献。但近几十年来, 来源于微生物并最终上市的药物越来越少, 而病原菌的抗药性问题却越发严重, 人们对新药的期待越来越迫切。本文介绍了近十年里发展迅速的合成生物学对微生物次级代谢产物研发的促进作用。合成生物学以工程化的思想对生命系统进行设计与改造, 使传统方法难以获取的放线菌次级代谢产物通过外源宿主得以产生, 充分利用了自然界的资源; 此外, 对次级代谢基因簇的合理设计和对生物元件的应用不仅使人们获得了自然界中原本不存在的新化合物, 还能使某些具有广泛应用价值药物的产量得以显著提高; 最后, 本文还介绍了合成生物学领域近些年DNA组装的新技术和新方法, 为从事次级代谢产物研发的工作者提供便利。  相似文献   

Due to their ability to bind specifically to certain carbohydrate sequences, lectins are a frequently used tool in cytology, histology, and glycan analysis but also offer new options for drug targeting and drug delivery systems. For these and other potential applications, it is necessary to be certain as to the carbohydrate structures interacting with the lectin. Therefore, we used glycoproteins remodeled with glycosyltransferases and glycosidases for testing specificities of lectins from Aleuria aurantia (AAL), Erythrina cristagalli (ECL), Griffonia simplicifolia (GSL I-B4), Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), Lens culinaris (LCA), Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA), peanut (Arachis hypogaeae) (PNA), Ricinus communis (RCA I), Sambucus nigra (SNA), Vicia villosa (VVA), and wheat germ (Triticum vulgaris) (WGA) as well as reactivities of anti-carbohydrate antibodies (anti-bee venom, anti-horseradish peroxidase [anti-HRP], and anti-Lewisx). After enzymatic remodeling, the resulting neoglycoforms display defined carbohydrate sequences and can be used, when spotted on nitrocellulose or in enzyme-linked lectinosorbent assays, to identify the sugar moieties bound by the lectins. Transferrin with its two biantennary complex N-glycans was used as scaffold for gaining diverse N-glycosidic structures, whereas fetuin was modified using glycosidases to test the specificities of lectins toward both N- and O-glycans. In addition, α1-acid glycoprotein and Schistosoma mansoni egg extract were chosen as controls for lectin interactions with fucosylated glycans (Lewisx and core α1,3-fucose). Our data complement and expand the existing knowledge about the binding specificity of a range of commercially available lectins.  相似文献   

Biological systems are inherently noisy. Predicting the outcome of a perturbation is extremely challenging. Traditional reductionist approach of describing properties of parts, vis-a-vis higher level behaviour has led to enormous understanding of fundamental molecular level biology. This approach typically consists of converting genes into junk (knock-down) and garbage (knock-out) and observe how a system responds. To enable broader understanding of biological dynamics, an integrated computational and experimental strategy was formally proposed in mid 1990s leading to the re-emergence of Systems Biology. However, soon it became clear that natural systems were far more complex than expected. A new strategy to address biological complexity was proposed at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in June 2004, when the first meeting of synthetic biology was held. Though the term ‘synthetic biology’ was proposed during 1970s (Szybalski in Control of gene expression, Plenum Press, New York, 1974), the usage of the original concept found an experimental proof in 2000 with the demonstration of a three-gene circuit called repressilator (Elowitz and Leibler in Nature, 403:335–338, 2000). This encouraged people to think of forward engineering biology from a set of well described parts.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology (SynBio) is a global endeavour with research and development programs in many countries, and due (in part) to its multi-use characteristics it has potential to improve global health in the area of vaccine development, diagnostics, drug synthesis, and the detection and remediation of environmental toxins. However, SynBio will also concurrently require global governance. Here we present what we have learnt from the articles in this Special Issue, and the workshop we hosted in The Hague in February of 2012 on SynBio, global health, and global governance that generated many of the papers appearing here. Importantly we take the notion of ‘responsible research and innovation’ as a guiding perspective. In doing so our understanding of governance is one that shifts its focus from preventing risks and other potential negative implications, and instead is concerned with institutions and practices involved in the inclusive steering of science and technology towards socially desirable outcomes. We first provide a brief overview of the notion of global health, and SynBio’s relation to global health issues. The core of the paper explores some of the dynamics involved in fostering SynBio’s global health pursuits; paying particular attention to of intellectual property, incentives, and commercialization regimes. We then examines how DIYbio, Interactive Learning and Action, and road-mapping activities can be seen as positive and productive forms of governance that can lead to more inclusive SynBio global health research programs.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a recent scientific approach towards engineering biological systems from both pre-existing and novel parts. The aim is to introduce computational aided design approach in biology leading to rapid delivery of useful applications. Though the term reprogramming has been frequently used in the synthetic biology community, currently the technological sophistication only allows for a probabilistic approach instead of a precise engineering approach. Recently, several human health applications have emerged that suggest increased usage of synthetic biology approach in developing novel drugs. This mini review discusses recent translational developments in the field and tries to identify some of the upcoming future developments.  相似文献   

方刚 《生物信息学》2016,14(1):39-42
由于基因测序及DNA合成技术与工具的突破性进展,生物工程正在加速发展,导致合成生物学的出现。本文介绍了一种用于构建表达载体的合成生物学数据库。阐述了如何利用MySQL数据库管理系统(DBMS)对合成生物学数据库gene_bank进行查询,并借助BioEdit软件对其中的多克隆位点(MCS)进行序列分析,通过查询与分析找出这一合成生物学数据库的特点。  相似文献   

The ability to read and quantify nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA using sequencing technologies has revolutionized our understanding of life. With the emergence of synthetic biology, these tools are now being put to work in new ways — enabling de novo biological design. Here, we show how sequencing is supporting the creation of a new wave of biological parts and systems, as well as providing the vast data sets needed for the machine learning of design rules for predictive bioengineering. However, we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and end by providing an outlook on recent advances that will likely broaden the role of sequencing in synthetic biology and its deployment in real-world environments.  相似文献   

The engineering of and mastery over biological parts has catalyzed the emergence of synthetic biology. This field has grown exponentially in the past decade. As increasingly more applications of synthetic biology are pursued, more challenges are encountered, such as delivering genetic material into cells and optimizing genetic circuits in vivo. An in vitro or cell-free approach to synthetic biology simplifies and avoids many of the pitfalls of in vivo synthetic biology. In this review, we describe some of the innate features that make cell-free systems compelling platforms for synthetic biology and discuss emerging improvements of cell-free technologies. We also select and highlight recent and emerging applications of cell-free synthetic biology.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new methodology for the automated design of cell models for systems and synthetic biology. Our modelling framework is based on P systems, a discrete, stochastic and modular formal modelling language. The automated design of biological models comprising the optimization of the model structure and its stochastic kinetic constants is performed using an evolutionary algorithm. The evolutionary algorithm evolves model structures by combining different modules taken from a predefined module library and then it fine-tunes the associated stochastic kinetic constants. We investigate four alternative objective functions for the fitness calculation within the evolutionary algorithm: (1) equally weighted sum method, (2) normalization method, (3) randomly weighted sum method, and (4) equally weighted product method. The effectiveness of the methodology is tested on four case studies of increasing complexity including negative and positive autoregulation as well as two gene networks implementing a pulse generator and a bandwidth detector. We provide a systematic analysis of the evolutionary algorithm’s results as well as of the resulting evolved cell models.  相似文献   

Emerging technologies research often covers various perspectives in disciplines and research areas ranging from hard sciences, engineering, policymaking, and sociology. However, the interrelationship between these different disciplinary domains, particularly the physical and social sciences, often occurs many years after a technology has matured and moved towards commercialization. Synthetic biology may serve an exception to this idea, where, since 2000, the physical and the social sciences communities have increasingly framed their research in response to various perspectives in biological engineering, risk assessment needs, governance challenges, and the social implications that the technology may incur. This paper reviews a broad collection of synthetic biology literature from 2000–2016, and demonstrates how the co-development of physical and social science communities has grown throughout synthetic biology’s earliest stages of development. Further, this paper indicates that future co-development of synthetic biology scholarship will assist with significant challenges of the technology’s risk assessment, governance, and public engagement needs, where an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to foster sustainable, risk-informed, and societally beneficial technological advances moving forward.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology can be defined as the “repurposing and redesign of biological systems for novel purposes or applications, ” and the field lies at the interface of several biological research areas. This broad definition can be taken to include a variety of investigative endeavors, and successful design of new biological paradigms requires integration of many scientific disciplines including (but not limited to) protein engineering, metabolic engineering, genomics, structural biology, chemical biology, systems biology, and bioinformatics. This review focuses on recent applications of synthetic biology principles in three areas: (i) the construction of artificial biomolecules and biomaterials; (ii) the synthesis of both fine and bulk chemicals (including biofuels); and (iii) the construction of “smart” biological systems that respond to the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization reported that “an estimated 12.6 million people died as a result of living or working in an unhealthy environment in 2012, nearly 1 in 4 of total global deaths”. Air, water and soil pollution were the significant risk factors, and there is an urgent need for effective remediation strategies. But tackling this problem is not easy; there are many different types of pollutants, often widely dispersed, difficult to locate and identify, and in many cases cost-effective clean-up techniques are lacking. Biology offers enormous potential as a tool to develop microbial and plant-based solutions to remediate and restore our environment. Advances in synthetic biology are unlocking this potential enabling the design of tailor-made organisms for bioremediation.In this article, we showcase examples of xenobiotic clean-up to illustrate current achievements and discuss the limitations to advancing this promising technology to make real-world improvements in the remediation of global pollution.  相似文献   

Protein engineering has for decades been a powerful tool in biotechnology for generating vast numbers of useful enzymes for industrial applications. Today, protein engineering has a crucial role in advancing the emerging field of synthetic biology, where metabolic engineering efforts alone are insufficient to maximize the full potential of synthetic biology. This article reviews the advancements in protein engineering techniques for improving biocatalytic properties to optimize engineered pathways in host systems, which are instrumental to achieve high titer production of target molecules. We also discuss the specific means by which protein engineering has improved metabolic engineering efforts and provide our assessment on its potential to continue to advance biology engineering as a whole.  相似文献   

Cells proliferate by division into similar daughter cells, a process that lies at the heart of cell biology. Extensive research on cell division has led to the identification of the many components and control elements of the molecular machinery underlying cellular division. Here we provide a brief review of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell division and emphasize how new approaches such as systems and synthetic biology can provide valuable new insight.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology as a broad and novel field has also a chemical branch: whereas synthetic biology generally has to do with bioengineering of new forms of life (generally bacteria) which do not exist in nature, 'chemical synthetic biology' is concerned with the synthesis of chemical structures such as proteins, nucleic acids, vesicular forms, and other which do not exist in nature. Three examples of this 'chemical synthetic biology' approach are given in this article. The first example deals with the synthesis of proteins that do not exist in nature, and dubbed as 'the never born proteins' (NBPs). This research is related to the question why and how the protein structures existing in our world have been selected out, with the underlying question whether they have something very particular from the structural or thermodynamic point of view (for example, the folding). The NBPs are produced in the laboratory by the modern molecular biology technique, the phage display, so as to produce a very large library of proteins having no homology with known proteins. The second example of chemical synthetic biology has also to do with the laboratory synthesis of proteins, but, this time, adopting a prebiotic synthetic procedure, the fragment condensation of short peptides, where short means that they have a length that can be obtained by prebiotic methods; for example, from the condensation of N-carboxy anhydrides. The scheme is illustrated and discussed, being based on the fragment condensation catalyzed by peptides endowed with proteolitic activity. Selection during chain growth is determined by solubility under the contingent environmental conditions, i.e., the peptides which result insoluble are eliminated from further growth. The scheme is tested preliminarily with a synthetic chemical fragment-condensation method and brings to the synthesis of a 44-residues-long protein, which has no homology with known proteins, and which has a stable tertiary folding. Finally, the third example, dubbed as 'the minimal cell project'. Here, the aim is to synthesize a cell model having the minimal and sufficient number of components to be defined as living. For this purpose, liposomes are used as shell membranes, and attempts are made to introduce in the interior a minimal genome. Several groups all around the world are active in this field, and significant results have been obtained, which are reviewed in this article. For example, protein expression has been obtained inside liposomes, generally with the green fluorescent protein, GFP. Our last attempts are with a minimal genome consisting of 37 enzymes, a set which is able to express proteins using the ribosomal machinery. These minimal cells are not yet capable of self-reproduction, and this and other shortcomings within the project are critically reviewed.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is an engineering approach that seeks to design and construct new biological parts, devices and systems, as well as to re-design existing components. However, rationally designed synthetic circuits may not work as expected due to the context-dependence of biological parts. Darwinian selection, the main mechanism through which evolution works, is a major force in creating biodiversity and may be a powerful tool for synthetic biology. This article reviews selection-based techniques and proposes strict Darwinian selection as an alternative approach for the identification and characterization of parts. Additionally, a strategy for fine-tuning of relatively complex circuits by coupling them to a master standard circuit is discussed.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology raises few, if any, social concerns that are distinctively new. Similar to many other convergent technologies, synthetic biology’s interface across various scientific communities and interests groups presents an incessant challenge to political and conceptual boundaries. However, the scale and intensity of these interfaces seem to necessitate a reflection over how corresponding governance capacities can be developed. This paper argues that, in addition to existing regulatory approaches, such capacities may be gained through the art of trans-boundary governance, which is not only attentive to the crossing and erosion of particular boundaries but also adept in keeping up with the dynamics among evolving networks of actors.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is built on the synthesis, engineering, and assembly of biological parts. Proteins are the first components considered for the construction of systems with designed biological functions because proteins carry out most of the biological functions and chemical reactions inside cells. Protein synthesis is considered to comprise the most basic levels of the hierarchical structure of synthetic biology. Cell-free protein synthesis has emerged as a powerful technology that can potentially transform the concept of bioprocesses. With the ability to harness the synthetic power of biology without many of the constraints of cell-based systems, cell-free protein synthesis enables the rapid creation of protein molecules from diverse sources of genetic information. Cell-free protein synthesis is virtually free from the intrinsic constraints of cell-based methods and offers greater flexibility in system design and manipulability of biological synthetic machinery. Among its potential applications, cell-free protein synthesis can be combined with various man-made devices for rapid functional analysis of genomic sequences. This review covers recent efforts to integrate cell-free protein synthesis with various reaction devices and analytical platforms.  相似文献   

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