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Graph models of habitat mosaics   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Graph theory is a body of mathematics dealing with problems of connectivity, flow, and routing in networks ranging from social groups to computer networks. Recently, network applications have erupted in many fields, and graph models are now being applied in landscape ecology and conservation biology, particularly for applications couched in metapopulation theory. In these applications, graph nodes represent habitat patches or local populations and links indicate functional connections among populations (i.e. via dispersal). Graphs are models of more complicated real systems, and so it is appropriate to review these applications from the perspective of modelling in general. Here we review recent applications of network theory to habitat patches in landscape mosaics. We consider (1) the conceptual model underlying these applications; (2) formalization and implementation of the graph model; (3) model parameterization; (4) model testing, insights, and predictions available through graph analyses; and (5) potential implications for conservation biology and related applications. In general, and for a variety of ecological systems, we find the graph model a remarkably robust framework for applications concerned with habitat connectivity. We close with suggestions for further work on the parameterization and validation of graph models, and point to some promising analytic insights.  相似文献   

In this work, we explicitly consider the evolution of the Standard Genetic Code (SGC) by assuming two evolutionary stages, to wit, the primeval RNY code and two intermediate codes in between. We used network theory and graph theory to measure the connectivity of each phenotypic graph. The connectivity values are compared to the values of the codes under different randomization scenarios. An error-correcting optimal code is one in which the algebraic connectivity is minimized. We show that the SGC is optimal in regard to its robustness and error-tolerance when compared to all random codes under different assumptions.  相似文献   

Ecological complex networks are common in the study of patched ecological systems where evolving populations interact within and among the patches. The loss of the dispersal connections between patches due to reasons such as erosion of migration corridors and road construction can cause an undesirable partitioning of such networks resulting in instability or negative impact on the metapopulations. A partitioning or spatial cut that is aware of the stability of the dynamics in the resulting daughter sub-networks can be an effective tool in dealing with the situation like proposing road alignment through a metapopulations network. This paper provides some mathematical conditions along with an heuristic graph partitioning algorithm that can help in finding ecologically suitable partitions of the metapopulations networks. Our study noted the crucial role of network connectivity (measured by Fiedler value) in stabilizing the metapopulations. That is, a sufficiently connected metapopulations network along with constrained internal patch dynamics has stable dynamics around its homogeneous co-existential equilibrium solution. With the considered mathematical model in this paper, network partitioning does not alter the internal patch dynamics around its homogeneous equilibrium point, but it can change the connectivity levels in the partitioned subnetworks. Thus, the proposed partitioning problem for an already stable metapopulations network is reduced to finding its subnetworks with desirable connectivity levels.  相似文献   

Scale-free behavior in protein domain networks   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Several technical, social, and biological networks were recently found to demonstrate scale-free and small-world behavior instead of random graph characteristics. In this work, the topology of protein domain networks generated with data from the ProDom, Pfam, and Prosite domain databases was studied. It was found that these networks exhibited small-world and scale-free topologies with a high degree of local clustering accompanied by a few long-distance connections. Moreover, these observations apply not only to the complete databases, but also to the domain distributions in proteomes of different organisms. The extent of connectivity among domains reflects the evolutionary complexity of the organisms considered.  相似文献   

The small world inside large metabolic networks   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
The metabolic network of the catabolic, energy and biosynthetic metabolism of Escherichia coli is a paradigmatic case for the large genetic and metabolic networks that functional genomics efforts are beginning to elucidate. To analyse the structure of previously unknown networks involving hundreds or thousands of components by simple visual inspection is impossible, and quantitative approaches are needed to analyse them. We have undertaken a graph theoretical analysis of the E. coli metabolic network and find that this network is a small-world graph, a type of graph distinct from both regular and random networks and observed in a variety of seemingly unrelated areas, such as friendship networks in sociology, the structure of electrical power grids, and the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans. Moreover, the connectivity of the metabolites follows a power law, another unusual but by no means rare statistical distribution. This provides an objective criterion for the centrality of the tricarboxylic acid cycle to metabolism. The small-world architecture may serve to minimize transition times between metabolic states, and contains evidence about the evolutionary history of metabolism.  相似文献   

How different is local cortical circuitry from a random network? To answer this question, we probed synaptic connections with several hundred simultaneous quadruple whole-cell recordings from layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the rat visual cortex. Analysis of this dataset revealed several nonrandom features in synaptic connectivity. We confirmed previous reports that bidirectional connections are more common than expected in a random network. We found that several highly clustered three-neuron connectivity patterns are overrepresented, suggesting that connections tend to cluster together. We also analyzed synaptic connection strength as defined by the peak excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude. We found that the distribution of synaptic connection strength differs significantly from the Poisson distribution and can be fitted by a lognormal distribution. Such a distribution has a heavier tail and implies that synaptic weight is concentrated among few synaptic connections. In addition, the strengths of synaptic connections sharing pre- or postsynaptic neurons are correlated, implying that strong connections are even more clustered than the weak ones. Therefore, the local cortical network structure can be viewed as a skeleton of stronger connections in a sea of weaker ones. Such a skeleton is likely to play an important role in network dynamics and should be investigated further.  相似文献   

The topological architecture of the cerebral anatomical network reflects the structural organization of the human brain. Recently, topological measures based on graph theory have provided new approaches for quantifying large-scale anatomical networks. Diffusion MRI studies have revealed the efficient small-world properties and modular structure of the anatomical network in normal subjects. However, no previous study has used diffusion MRI to reveal changes in the brain anatomical network in early blindness. Here, we utilized diffusion tensor imaging to construct binary anatomical networks for 17 early blind subjects and 17 age- and gender-matched sighted controls. We established the existence of structural connections between any pair of the 90 cortical and sub-cortical regions using deterministic tractography. Compared with controls, early blind subjects showed a decreased degree of connectivity, a reduced global efficiency, and an increased characteristic path length in their brain anatomical network, especially in the visual cortex. Moreover, we revealed some regions with motor or somatosensory function have increased connections with other brain regions in the early blind, which suggested experience-dependent compensatory plasticity. This study is the first to show alterations in the topological properties of the anatomical network in early blindness. From the results, we suggest that analyzing the brain''s anatomical network obtained using diffusion MRI data provides new insights into the understanding of the brain''s re-organization in the specific population with early visual deprivation.  相似文献   

We explored properties of whole brain networks based on multivariate spectral analysis of human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time-series measured in 90 cortical and subcortical subregions in each of five healthy volunteers studied in the (no-task) resting state. We note that undirected graphs representing conditional independence between multivariate time-series can be more readily approached in the frequency domain than the time domain. Estimators of partial coherency and normalized partial mutual information phi, an integrated measure of partial coherence over an arbitrary frequency band, are applied. Using these tools, we replicate the prior observations that bilaterally homologous brain regions tend to be strongly connected and functional connectivity is generally greater at low frequencies [0.0004, 0.1518 Hz]. We also show that long-distance intrahemispheric connections between regions of prefrontal and parietal cortex were more salient at low frequencies than at frequencies greater than 0.3 Hz, whereas many local or short-distance connections, such as those comprising segregated dorsal and ventral paths in posterior cortex, were also represented in the graph of high-frequency connectivity. We conclude that the partial coherency spectrum between a pair of human brain regional fMRI time-series depends on the anatomical distance between regions: long-distance (greater than 7 cm) edges represent conditional dependence between bilaterally symmetric neocortical regions, and between regions of prefrontal and parietal association cortex in the same hemisphere, are predominantly subtended by low-frequency components.  相似文献   

A systematic assessment of global neural network connectivity through direct electrophysiological assays has remained technically infeasible, even in simpler systems like dissociated neuronal cultures. We introduce an improved algorithmic approach based on Transfer Entropy to reconstruct structural connectivity from network activity monitored through calcium imaging. We focus in this study on the inference of excitatory synaptic links. Based on information theory, our method requires no prior assumptions on the statistics of neuronal firing and neuronal connections. The performance of our algorithm is benchmarked on surrogate time series of calcium fluorescence generated by the simulated dynamics of a network with known ground-truth topology. We find that the functional network topology revealed by Transfer Entropy depends qualitatively on the time-dependent dynamic state of the network (bursting or non-bursting). Thus by conditioning with respect to the global mean activity, we improve the performance of our method. This allows us to focus the analysis to specific dynamical regimes of the network in which the inferred functional connectivity is shaped by monosynaptic excitatory connections, rather than by collective synchrony. Our method can discriminate between actual causal influences between neurons and spurious non-causal correlations due to light scattering artifacts, which inherently affect the quality of fluorescence imaging. Compared to other reconstruction strategies such as cross-correlation or Granger Causality methods, our method based on improved Transfer Entropy is remarkably more accurate. In particular, it provides a good estimation of the excitatory network clustering coefficient, allowing for discrimination between weakly and strongly clustered topologies. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our method to analyses of real recordings of in vitro disinhibited cortical cultures where we suggest that excitatory connections are characterized by an elevated level of clustering compared to a random graph (although not extreme) and can be markedly non-local.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to assess the contributions of movement preparation and execution of a visuomotor task in a cerebral motor network. The functional connectivity of the voxel time series between brain regions in the frequency space was investigated by performing spectral analysis of fMRI time series. The regional interactivities between the two portions of the supplementary motor area (pre-SMA and SMA-proper) and the primary motor cortex (M1), defined as a seed region, were evaluated. The spectral parameter of coherence was used to describe a correlation structure in the frequency domain between two voxel-based time series and to infer the strength of the functional interaction within our presumed motor network of connections. The results showed meaningful differences of the functional interactions between the two portions of the SMA and the M1 area depending on the task conditions. This approach demonstrated the existence of a functional dissociation between the pre-SMA and SMA-proper subregions. We therefore conclude that spectral analysis is useful for identifying functional interactions of brain regions and might provide a powerful tool to quantify changes in connectivity profiles associated with various components of an experimental task.  相似文献   

Sex‐specific genetic structure is a commonly observed pattern among vertebrate species. Facing differential selective pressures, individuals may adopt sex‐specific life history traits that ultimately shape genetic variation among populations. Although differential dispersal dynamics are commonly detected in the literature, few studies have used genetic structure to investigate sex‐specific functional connectivity. The recent use of graph theoretic approaches in landscape genetics has demonstrated network capacities to describe complex system behaviours where network topology represents genetic interaction among subunits. Here, we partition the overall genetic structure into sex‐specific graphs, revealing different male and female dispersal dynamics of a fisher (Pekania [Martes] pennanti) metapopulation in southern Ontario. Our analyses based on network topologies supported the hypothesis of male‐biased dispersal. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the effect of the landscape, identified at the population level, could be partitioned among sex‐specific strata. We found that female connectivity was negatively correlated with snow depth, whereas connectivity among males was not. Our findings underscore the potential of conducting sex‐specific analysis by identifying landscape elements or configuration that differentially promotes or impedes functional connectivity between sexes, revealing processes that may otherwise remain cryptic. We propose that the sex‐specific graph approach would be applicable to other vagile species where differential sex‐specific processes are expected to occur.  相似文献   

The developmental mechanisms by which the network organization of the adult cortex is established are incompletely understood. Here we report on empirical data on the development of connections in hamster isocortex and use these data to parameterize a network model of early cortical connectivity. Using anterograde tracers at a series of postnatal ages, we investigate the growth of connections in the early cortical sheet and systematically map initial axon extension from sites in anterior (motor), middle (somatosensory) and posterior (visual) cortex. As a general rule, developing axons extend from all sites to cover relatively large portions of the cortical field that include multiple cortical areas. From all sites, outgrowth is anisotropic, covering a greater distance along the medial/lateral axis than along the anterior/posterior axis. These observations are summarized as 2-dimensional probability distributions of axon terminal sites over the cortical sheet. Our network model consists of nodes, representing parcels of cortex, embedded in 2-dimensional space. Network nodes are connected via directed edges, representing axons, drawn according to the empirically derived anisotropic probability distribution. The networks generated are described by a number of graph theoretic measurements including graph efficiency, node betweenness centrality and average shortest path length. To determine if connectional anisotropy helps reduce the total volume occupied by axons, we define and measure a simple metric for the extra volume required by axons crossing. We investigate the impact of different levels of anisotropy on network structure and volume. The empirically observed level of anisotropy suggests a good trade-off between volume reduction and maintenance of both network efficiency and robustness. Future work will test the model's predictions for connectivity in larger cortices to gain insight into how the regulation of axonal outgrowth may have evolved to achieve efficient and economical connectivity in larger brains.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine neural network properties at separate time-points during recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI) using graph theory. Whole-brain analyses of the topological properties of the fMRI signal were conducted in 6 participants at 3 months and 6 months following severe TBI. Results revealed alterations of network properties including a change in the degree distribution, reduced overall strength in connectivity, and increased “small-worldness” from 3 months to 6 months post injury. The findings here indicate that, during recovery from injury, the strength but not the number of network connections diminishes, so that over the course of recovery, the network begins to approximate what is observed in healthy adults. These are the first data examining functional connectivity in a disrupted neural system during recovery.  相似文献   

Scale-free networks are generically defined by a power-law distribution of node connectivities. Vastly different graph topologies fit this law, ranging from the assortative, with frequent similar-degree node connections, to a modular structure. Using a metric to determine the extent of modularity, we examined the yeast protein network and found it to be significantly self-dissimilar. By orthologous node categorization, we established the evolutionary trend in the network, from an “emerging” assortative network to a present-day modular topology. The evolving topology fits a generic connectivity distribution but with a progressive enrichment in intramodule hubs that avoid each other. Primeval tolerance to random node failure is shown to evolve toward resilience to hub failure, thus removing the fragility often ascribed to scale-free networks. This trend is algorithmically reproduced by adopting a connectivity accretion law that disfavors like-degree connections for large-degree nodes. The selective advantage of this trend relates to the need to prevent a failed hub from inducing failure in an adjacent hub. The molecular basis for the evolutionary trend is likely rooted in the high-entropy penalty entailed in the association of two intramodular hubs.  相似文献   

Mardulyn P 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(14):3385-3390
Phylogenetic trees and networks are both used in the scientific literature to display DNA sequence variation at the intraspecific level. Should we rather use trees or networks? I argue that the process of inferring the most parsimonious genealogical relationships among a set of DNA sequences should be dissociated from the problem of displaying this information in a graph. A network graph is probably more appropriate than a strict consensus tree if many alternative, equally most parsimonious, genealogies are to be included. Within the maximum parsimony framework, current phylogenetic inference and network‐building algorithms are both unable to guarantee the finding of all most parsimonious (MP) connections. In fact, each approach can find MP connections that the other does not. Although it should be possible to improve at least the maximum parsimony approach, current implementations of these algorithms are such that it is advisable to use both approaches to increase the probability of finding all possible MP connections among a set of DNA sequences.  相似文献   

We simulate the growth of neuronal networks using the two recently published tools, NETMORPH and CX3D. The goals of the work are (1) to examine and compare the simulation tools, (2) to construct a model of growth of neocortical cultures, and (3) to characterize the changes in network connectivity during growth, using standard graph theoretic methods. Parameters for the neocortical culture are chosen after consulting both the experimental and the computational work presented in the literature. The first (three) weeks in culture are known to be a time of development of extensive dendritic and axonal arbors and establishment of synaptic connections between the neurons. We simulate the growth of networks from day 1 to day 21. It is shown that for the properly selected parameters, the simulators can reproduce the experimentally obtained connectivity. The selected graph theoretic methods can capture the structural changes during growth.  相似文献   

Accurate structural validation of proteins is of extreme importance in studies like protein structure prediction, analysis of molecular dynamic simulation trajectories and finding subtle changes in very similar structures. The benchmarks for today's structure validation are scoring methods like global distance test‐total structure (GDT‐TS), TM‐score and root mean square deviations (RMSD). However, there is a lack of methods that look at both the protein backbone and side‐chain structures at the global connectivity level and provide information about the differences in connectivity. To address this gap, a graph spectral based method (NSS—network similarity score) which has been recently developed to rigorously compare networks in diverse fields, is adopted to compare protein structures both at the backbone and at the side‐chain noncovalent connectivity levels. In this study, we validate the performance of NSS by investigating protein structures from X‐ray structures, modeling (including CASP models), and molecular dynamics simulations. Further, we systematically identify the local and the global regions of the structures contributing to the difference in NSS, through the components of the score, a feature unique to this spectral based scoring scheme. It is demonstrated that the method can quantify subtle differences in connectivity compared to a reference protein structure and can form a robust basis for protein structure comparison. Additionally, we have also introduced a network‐based method to analyze fluctuations in side chain interactions (edge‐weights) in an ensemble of structures, which can be an useful tool for the analysis of MD trajectories.  相似文献   

Deep, classical graph-theoretical parameters, like the size of the minimum vertex cover, the chromatic number, or the eigengap of the adjacency matrix of the graph were studied widely by mathematicians in the last century. Most researchers today study much simpler parameters of braingraphs or connectomes which were defined in the last twenty years for enormous networks—like the graph of the World Wide Web—with hundreds of millions of nodes. Since the connectomes, describing the connections of the human brain, typically contain several hundred vertices today, one can compute and analyze the much deeper, harder-to-compute classical graph parameters for these, relatively small graphs of the brain. This deeper approach has proven to be very successful in the comparison of the connectomes of the sexes in our earlier works: we have shown that graph parameters, deeply characterizing the graph connectivity are significantly better in women’s connectomes than in men’s. In the present contribution we compare numerous graph parameters in the three largest lobes—frontal, parietal, temporal—and in both hemispheres of the human brain. We apply the diffusion weighted imaging data of 423 subjects of the NIH-funded Human Connectome Project, and present some findings, never described before, including that the right parietal lobe contains significantly more edges, has higher average degree, density, larger minimum vertex cover and Hoffman bound than the left parietal lobe. Similar advantages in the deep graph connectivity properties are held for the left frontal versus the right frontal and the right temporal versus the left temporal lobes.  相似文献   

Ivković M  Kuceyeski A  Raj A 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e35029
Whole brain weighted connectivity networks were extracted from high resolution diffusion MRI data of 14 healthy volunteers. A statistically robust technique was proposed for the removal of questionable connections. Unlike most previous studies our methods are completely adapted for networks with arbitrary weights. Conventional statistics of these weighted networks were computed and found to be comparable to existing reports. After a robust fitting procedure using multiple parametric distributions it was found that the weighted node degree of our networks is best described by the normal distribution, in contrast to previous reports which have proposed heavy tailed distributions. We show that post-processing of the connectivity weights, such as thresholding, can influence the weighted degree asymptotics. The clustering coefficients were found to be distributed either as gamma or power-law distribution, depending on the formula used. We proposed a new hierarchical graph clustering approach, which revealed that the brain network is divided into a regular base-2 hierarchical tree. Connections within and across this hierarchy were found to be uncommonly ordered. The combined weight of our results supports a hierarchically ordered view of the brain, whose connections have heavy tails, but whose weighted node degrees are comparable.  相似文献   

基于生境斑块的滇金丝猴景观连接度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于生境斑块,结合最小费用距离并运用图论法对滇金丝猴分布区进行栖息地连接度分析,研究利用猴群的现实分布结合Logistic回归模型确定了景观功能连接的最佳距离阈值,对于功能畅通的组分,以景观指数BC定量识别出作为"踏脚石"的优先保护区域;对于功能不连接的组分,绘制出最小费用路径,确定了该路径中优先恢复区域。结果表明:最佳的最小费用距离阈值为1400,该阈值下猴群主要存在于5个组分中,所有组分中猴群间的连接度优劣排序为组分3组分1组分5组分4,龙马山猴群(G15)没有"踏脚石"斑块使其与同一组分内的其他猴群相连接,应考虑优先恢复该区域的植被,研究成果对于该物种的保护和其他濒危物种的类似研究具有较强的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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