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Electrical Characteristics of Sphingomyelin Bilayer Membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Current-voltage characteristics and the conductivity temperature dependence of sphingomyelin bilayer membranes have been determined. The resistances were of the order of 10(8) Omega-cm(2) and exhibited ohmic behavior up to approximately 25 mv followed by increasing conductivity with applied voltage. The current is found to be proportional to a hyperbolic sine function of the voltage. The temperature dependence indicates a thermally activated conduction mechanism. The observed behavior closely follows a kinetic model involving a barrier modified by the applied electric field, the rate-limiting process being the surmounting of the barrier by the impinging ions. The model allows predictions to be made over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

All-atom simulation data are presented for ternary mixtures of palmitoyl sphingomyelin (PSM), cholesterol, and either palmitoyl oleoyl phosphatidyl choline or dioleoyl phosphatidyl choline (DOPC). For comparison, data for a mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), cholesterol, and DOPC are also presented. Compositions corresponding to the liquid-ordered phase, the liquid-disordered phase, and coexistence of the two phases are simulated for each mixture. Within the liquid-ordered phase, cholesterol is preferentially solvated by DOPC if it is available, but if DOPC is replaced by POPC, cholesterol is preferentially solvated by PSM. In the DPPC mixtures, cholesterol interacts preferentially with the saturated chains via its smooth face, whereas in the PSM mixtures, cholesterol interacts preferentially with PSM via its rough face. Interactions between cholesterol and PSM have a very particular character: hydrogen bonding between cholesterol and the amide of PSM rotates the tilt of the amide plane, which primes it for more robust hydrogen bonding with other PSM. Cholesterol-PSM hydrogen bonding also locally modifies the hexagonal packing of hydrocarbon chains in the liquid-ordered phase of PSM mixtures.  相似文献   

Phospholipids, sphingolipids, and sterols are the major lipid components of the plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells. Because these three lipid classes occur naturally as enantiomerically pure compounds, enantiospecific lipid-lipid and lipid-sterol interactions could in principle occur in the lipid bilayers of eukaryotic plasma membranes. Although previous biophysical studies of phospholipid and phospholipid-sterol model membrane systems have consistently failed to observe such enantiomerically selective interactions, a recent monolayer study of the interactions of natural and enantiomeric cholesterol with egg sphingomyelin has apparently revealed the existence of enantiospecific sterol-sphingolipid interactions. To determine whether enantiospecific sterol-sphingolipid interactions also occur in more biologically relevant lipid-bilayer systems, differential scanning calorimetric, x-ray diffraction, and neutral buoyant-density measurements were utilized to study the effects of natural and enantiomeric cholesterol on the thermotropic phase behavior and structure of egg sphingomyelin bilayers. The calorimetry experiments show that the natural and enantiomeric cholesterol have essentially identical effects on the temperature, enthalpy, and cooperativity of the gel/liquid-crystalline phase transition of egg sphingomyelin bilayers within the limits of experimental error. As well, the x-ray diffraction and neutral buoyancy experiments indicate that bilayers formed from mixtures of natural or enantiomeric cholesterol and egg sphingomyelin have, within experimental uncertainty, the same structure and mass density. We thus conclude that significant enantioselective cholesterol-sphingolipid interactions do not occur in this lipid-bilayer model membrane system.  相似文献   

Bilayer Structure in Membranes   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Diffraction analysis of dispersions of membranes makes it possible to study membranes not in regular arrays. Such analysis shows that a phospholipid bilayer is a predominant structural component of membranes with various different functions.  相似文献   

The properties of vesicle membranes prepared from 16:0-SM, 16:0-DHSM, or DPPC were characterized using steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and different fluorescent reporter molecules. The acyl-chain region was probed using free and phospholipid-bound 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. 16:0-DHSM was found to be the more ordered than both DPPC and 16:0-SM 5°C below and above melting temperature. Interfacial properties of the phospholipid bilayers were examined using 6-dodecanoyl-2-dimethyl-aminonaphthalene (Laurdan), 6-propionyl-2-dimethyl-amino-naphthalene (Prodan), and dansyl-PE. Laurdan and Prodan reported that the two sphingomyelin (SM) membrane interfaces were clearly different from the DPPC membrane interface, whereas the two SM membrane interfaces had more similar properties (both in gel and liquid-crystalline phase). Prodan partition studies showed that membrane resistance to Prodan partitioning increased in the order: 16:0-SM < DPPC < 16:0-DHSM. The degree to which dansyl-PE is exposed to water reflects the structural properties of the membrane-water interface. By comparing the lifetime of dansyl-PE in water and deuterium oxide solution, we could show that the degree to which the dansyl moiety was exposed to water in the membranes increased in the order: 16:0-SM < DPPC < 16:0-DHSM. In conclusion, this study has shown that DHSM forms more ordered bilayers than acyl-chain matched SM or phosphatidylcholine, even in the liquid-crystalline state.  相似文献   

The C36 CHARMM lipid force field has been extended to include sphingolipids, via a combination of high-level quantum mechanical calculations on small molecule fragments, and validation by extensive molecular dynamics simulations on N-palmitoyl and N-stearoyl sphingomyelin. NMR data on these two molecules from several studies in bilayers and micelles played a strong role in the development and testing of the force field parameters. Most previous force fields for sphingomyelins were developed before the availability of the detailed NMR data and relied on x-ray diffraction of bilayers alone for the validation; these are shown to be too dense in the bilayer plane based on published chain order parameter data from simulations and experiments. The present simulations reveal O-H:::O-P intralipid hydrogen bonding occurs 99% of the time, and interlipid N-H:::O=C (26-29%, depending on the lipid) and N-H:::O-H (17–19%). The interlipid hydrogen bonds are long lived, showing decay times of 50 ns, and forming strings of lipids, and leading to reorientational correlation time of nearly 100 ns. The spontaneous radius of curvature for pure N-palmitoyl sphingomyelin bilayers is estimated to be 43–100 Å, depending on the assumptions made in assigning a bending constant; this unusual positive curvature for a two-tailed neutral lipid is likely associated with hydrogen bond networks involving the NH of the sphingosine group.  相似文献   

Artificial membrane systems allow researchers to study the structure and function of membrane proteins in a matrix that approximates their natural environment and to integrate these proteins in ex vivo devices such as electronic biosensors, thin-film protein arrays, or biofuel cells. Given that most membrane proteins have vectorial functions, both functional studies and applications require effective control over protein orientation within a lipid bilayer. In this work, we explored the role of the bilayer surface charge in determining transmembrane protein orientation and functionality during formation of proteoliposomes. We reconstituted a model vectorial ion pump, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes of opposite charges and varying charge densities and determined the resultant protein orientation. Antibody-binding assay and proteolysis of proteoliposomes showed physical evidence of preferential orientation, and functional assays verified the vectorial nature of ion transport in this system. Our results indicate that the manipulation of lipid composition can indeed control orientation of an asymmetrically charged membrane protein, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes.  相似文献   

Artificial membrane systems allow researchers to study the structure and function of membrane proteins in a matrix that approximates their natural environment and to integrate these proteins in ex vivo devices such as electronic biosensors, thin-film protein arrays, or biofuel cells. Given that most membrane proteins have vectorial functions, both functional studies and applications require effective control over protein orientation within a lipid bilayer. In this work, we explored the role of the bilayer surface charge in determining transmembrane protein orientation and functionality during formation of proteoliposomes. We reconstituted a model vectorial ion pump, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes of opposite charges and varying charge densities and determined the resultant protein orientation. Antibody-binding assay and proteolysis of proteoliposomes showed physical evidence of preferential orientation, and functional assays verified the vectorial nature of ion transport in this system. Our results indicate that the manipulation of lipid composition can indeed control orientation of an asymmetrically charged membrane protein, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes.  相似文献   

The interaction of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) with mixed bilayers composed of sphingomylein and cholesterol (Chol) above and below the accepted stable complexation ratio (67:33) was investigated. Membranes with the same (symmetric) and different (asymmetric) compositions in their inner and outer leaflets were deposited at surface pressures of 20, 30, and 40 mN/m at the solid-liquid interface. Using neutron reflectometry, membranes of various global molar ratios (defined as the sum of the molar ratios of the inner and outer leaflets), were characterized before and after β-CD was added to the subphase. The structure of bilayers with global molar ratios at or above the stable complexation ratio was unchanged by β-CD, indicating that β-CD is unable to remove sphingomyelin or complexed Chol. However, β-CD removed all uncomplexed Chol from bilayers composed of global molar ratios below the stable complexation ratio. The removal of Chol by β-CD was independent of the initial structure of the membranes as deposited, suggesting that asymmetric membranes homogenize by the exchange of molecules between leaflets. The interaction of β-CD with the aforementioned membranes was independent of the deposition surface pressure except for a symmetric 50:50 membrane deposited at 40 mN/m. The scattering from 50:50 bilayers with higher packing densities (deposited at 40 mN/m) was unaffected by β-CD, suggesting that the removal of Chol can depend on both the composition and packing density of the membrane.  相似文献   

Amphiphiles bearing polar heads with the property to form hydrogen bond(s) exhibit unique organizational and aggregational behaviour. Thus appropriate amphiphilic molecules assemble and form liposomes, which further interact through hydrogen bonding with complementary molecules or liposomal counterparts affording larger and more elaborated aggregates. A number of examples are demonstrating the interaction mode of liposomes and of associated phenomena as related to the structural features of the supramolecular aggregates obtained. The recognition between cells incorporating recognizable amphiphiles in their membranes has shown similarities to the analogous interactions between liposomes. Thus molecular recognition between liposomes can be used in modeling recognitions occurring between cells. Designed experiments in this area can support the Lipid World Model proposed for the origin of life.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelins (SMs) and ceramides are known to interact favorably in bilayer membranes. Because ceramide lacks a headgroup that could shield its hydrophobic body from unfavorable interactions with water, accommodation of ceramide under the larger phosphocholine headgroup of SM could contribute to their favorable interactions. To elucidate the role of SM headgroup for SM/ceramide interactions, we explored the effects of reducing the size of the phosphocholine headgroup (removing one, two, or three methyls on the choline moiety, or the choline moiety itself). Using differential scanning calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy, we found that the size of the SM headgroup had no marked effect on the thermal stability of ordered domains formed by SM analog/palmitoyl ceramide (PCer) interactions. In more complex bilayers composed of a fluid glycerophospholipid, SM analog, and PCer, the thermal stability and molecular order of the laterally segregated gel domains were roughly identical despite variation in SM headgroup size. We suggest that that the association between PCer and SM analogs was stabilized by ceramide’s aversion for disordered phospholipids, by interfacial hydrogen bonding between PCer and the SM analogs, and by attractive van der Waals’ forces between saturated chains of PCer and SM analogs.  相似文献   

A current pulse apparatus is described that can charge bilayer membranes from an external potential under conditions so that the resulting membrane voltage variations can be recorded with ~100-ns resolution.  相似文献   

Chloride Transport in Porous Lipid Bilayer Membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper describes dissipative Cl- transport in "porous" lipid bilayer membranes, i.e., cholesterol-containing membranes exposed to 1–3 x 10-7 M amphotericin B. PDCl (cm·s-1), the diffusional permeability coefficient for Cl-, estimated from unidirectional 36Cl- fluxes at zero volume flow, varied linearly with the membrane conductance (Gm, Ω-1·cm-2) when the contributions of unstirred layers to the resistance to tracer diffusion were relatively small with respect to the membranes; in 0.05 M NaCl, PDCl was 1.36 x 10-4 cm·s-1 when Gm was 0.02 Ω-1·cm-2. Net chloride fluxes were measured either in the presence of imposed concentration gradients or electrical potential differences. Under both sets of conditions: the values of PDCl computed from zero volume flow experiments described net chloride fluxes; the net chloride fluxes accounted for ~90–95% of the membrane current density; and, the chloride flux ratio conformed to the Ussing independence relationship. Thus, it is likely that Cl- traversed aqueous pores in these anion-permselective membranes via a simple diffusion process. The zero current membrane potentials measured when the aqueous phases contained asymmetrical NaCl solutions could be expressed in terms of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz constant field equation, assuming that the PDNa/PDCl ratio was 0.05. In symmetrical salt solutions, the current-voltage properties of these membranes were linear; in asymmetrical NaCl solutions, the membranes exhibited electrical rectification consistent with constant-field theory. It seems likely that the space charge density in these porous membranes is sufficiently low that the potential gradient within the membranes is approximately linear; and, that the pores are not electrically neutral, presumably because the Debye length within the membrane phase approximates the membrane thickness.  相似文献   

Replacement of an amino acid residue at position 130 -Gly by Cys- in the primary structure of Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin decreases the single-channel conductance induced by the toxin in planar lipid bilayers. Concomitantly, the pH value at which the channel becomes unable to discriminate between Cl and K+ ions is also decreased. By contrast, the pH dependence of the efficiency of the mutant toxin to form ion channels in lipid bilayers was unchanged (maximum efficiency at pH 5.5–6.0). The asymmetry and nonlinearity of the current-voltage characteristics of the channel were increased by the point mutation but the diameter of the water pore induced by the mutant toxin, evaluated in lipid bilayers and in erythrocyte membranes, was found to be indistinguishable from that formed by wild-type toxin and equal to 2.4–2.6 nm. Alterations at the ``trans mouth' were found to be responsible for all observed changes of the channel properties. This mouth is situated close to the surface of the second leaflet of a bilayer lipid membrane. The data obtained allows us to propose that the region around residue 130 in fact determines the main features of the ST-channel and takes part in the formation of the trans entrance of the channel. Received: 8 September 1995/Revised: 20 November 1996  相似文献   

Planar asymmetric bilayer membranes, formed by apposing a monolayer of the neutral lipid glyceroldioleate (GDO) with one of the negatively charged lipid oleyl acid phosphate (OAP), were used to measure the rate of transmembrane OAP migration. The assay for this lipid flip-flop was the interaction of Ca2+ ions with negatively charged lipids which causes membranes to break: when Ca2+ is added to the compartment limited initially by the neutral lipid, flip-flop of the charged lipid eventually results in membrane breakdown. At 22 ± 2°C, in the absence of an externally applied electric field, an upper limit to the half time of OAP flip-flop was measured as 18.7 h, with a tentative lower limit of 14.4 h.  相似文献   

Abstract: Melittin enhanced sphingomyelin (SPM) degradation by the neutral membrane-bound sphingomyelinase from calf brain synaptosomal plasma membranes (SYM) up to 20-fold. Melittin in concentrations as high as 100 μM did not significantly alter membrane fluidity of SYM as measured by fluorescence depolarization and electron spin resonance (ESR) using diphenylhexatriene and a doxy1 derivative of SPM, respectively. In the concentration range 100-1000 μM. melittin was observed to rigidify SYM. The incorporation of SPM.erivatives into the lipid bilayer of SYM.as demonstrated by ESR measurements. Melittin enhanced the uptake of SPM-derivatives into SYM.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(5):1044-1057
Aimed at reproducing the results of electrophysiological studies of synaptic signal transduction, conventional models of neurotransmission are based on the specific binding of neurotransmitters to ligand-gated receptor ion channels. However, the complex kinetic behavior observed in synaptic transmission cannot be reproduced in a standard kinetic model without the ad hoc postulation of additional conformational channel states. On the other hand, if one invokes unspecific neurotransmitter adsorption to the bilayer—a process not considered in the established models—the electrophysiological data can be rationalized with only the standard set of three conformational receptor states that also depend on this indirect coupling of neurotransmitters via their membrane interaction. Experimental verification has been difficult because binding affinities of neurotransmitters to the lipid bilayer are low. We quantify this interaction with surface plasmon resonance to measure equilibrium dissociation constants in neurotransmitter membrane association. Neutron reflection measurements on artificial membranes, so-called sparsely tethered bilayer lipid membranes, reveal the structural aspects of neurotransmitters’ association with zwitterionic and anionic bilayers. We thus establish that serotonin interacts nonspecifically with the membrane at physiologically relevant concentrations, whereas γ-aminobutyric acid does not. Surface plasmon resonance shows that serotonin adsorbs with millimolar affinity, and neutron reflectometry shows that it penetrates the membrane deeply, whereas γ-aminobutyric is excluded from the bilayer.  相似文献   

Permeability of Lipid Bilayer Membranes to Organic Solutes   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A sensitive fluorescence technique was used to measure transport of organic solutes through lipid bilayer membranes and to relate permeability to the functional groups of the solute, lipid composition of the membrane, and pH of the medium. Indole derivatives having ethanol, acetate, or ethylamine in the 3-position, representing neutral, acidic, and basic solutes, respectively, were the primary models. The results show: (a) Neutral solute permeability is not greatly affected by changes in lipid composition but presence or absence of cholesterol in the membranes could greatly alter permeability of the dissociable substrates. (b) Indole acetate permeability was reduced by introduction of phosphatidylserine into membranes to produce a net negative charge on the membranes. (c) Permeability response of dissociable solutes to variation in pH was in the direction predicted but not always of the magnitude expected from changes in the calculated concentrations of the undissociated solute in the bulk aqueous phase. Concentration gradients of amines across the membranes caused substantial diffusion potentials, suggesting that some transport of the cationic form of the amine may occur. It is suggested that factors such as interfacial charge and hydration structure, interfacial polar forces, and lipid organization and viscosity, in addition to the expected solubility-diffusion relations, may influence solute flux.  相似文献   

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