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Sand gobies areextremely abundant in coastal waters and estuaries. Pomuroschistus lozunoi tends to be overlooked due to identification problems. This paper summarizes the characteristics to distinguish P. lozanoi from P. minutus and presents a new distinctive feature that allows identification of juveniles from 15-20 mm standard length onward. The known geographic distribution of P. lozanoi is extended northward to 53°30' N and southward to 40°N on the coast of Europe. In northern Europe P. loxmoi seems better adapted to the estuarine habitat than previously thought.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the food and gonadosomatic index of Pomatoschistus minutus obtained from the bycatch of a commercial shrimp trawler. P. minutus has a diverse diet including zooplankton and hyperbenthos but mainly epibenthic and benthic animals. During the spawning season males consumed high numbers of Pomatoschistus eggs, presumably after aggressive take–overs of territories. The food of P. minutus is compared to the food of P. lozanoi of the same size classes obtained from the same hauls. In the absence of data on predator and prey abundance the discussion on possible interference competition between the two species remains largely speculative.  相似文献   

The new sand goby species Pomatoschistus nanus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) is described from the northern coast of the Levantine Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea) based on both morphological and DNA barcoding data. The new species is the smallest fish in the Mediterranean Sea and may be distinguished from congeners by the following features: predorsal area, first dorsal‐fin base and breast naked; δ‐pore missing; anterior point of the suborbital row b not reaching level of posterior point of suborbital row d; slightly emarginated caudal fin and nape coloration pattern. DNA barcode data clearly discriminate Pomatoschistus spp. in the neighbour‐joining tree with an average of 17·7% interspecific K2P distance. The most closely related taxon to P. nanus sp. nov. is Pomatoschistus bathi and the most distantly related is Pomatoschistus tortonesei with 11·9 and 21·9% K2P distances respectively. Morphometric and genetic data are also provided for Pomatoschistus bathi.  相似文献   

Using species-level phylogenies, the speciation mode of Gyrodactylus species infecting a single host genus was evaluated. Eighteen Gyrodactylus species were collected from gobies of the genus Pomatoschistus and sympatric fish species across the distribution range of the hosts. The V4 region of the ssrRNA and the internal transcribed spacers encompassing the 5.8S rRNA gene were sequenced; by including published sequences a total of 30 species representing all subgenera were used in the data analyses. The molecular phylogeny did not support the morphological groupings into subgenera as based on the excretory system, suggesting that the genus needs systematic revisions. Paraphyly of the total Gyrodactylus fauna of the gobies indicates that at least two independent colonisation events were involved, giving rise to two separate groups, belonging to the subgenus Mesonephrotus and Paranephrotus, respectively. The most recent association probably originated from a host switching event from Gyrodactylus arcuatus, which parasitises three-spined stickleback, onto Pomatoschistus gobies. These species are highly host-specific and form a monophyletic group, two possible ‘signatures’ of co-speciation. Host specificity was lower in the second group. The colonising capacity of these species is illustrated by a host jump from gobiids to another fish order (Anguilliformes), supporting the hypothesis of a European origin of Gyrodactylus anguillae and its intercontinental introduction by the eel trade. Thus, allopatric speciation seems to be the dominant mode of speciation in this host–parasite system, with a possible case of sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

Two transient goby species (Pomatoschistus minutus and P. lozanoi) occurred in saltmarshes of the macrotidal Mont-Saint-Michel bay. They colonised the tidal creeks during each spring tide throughout the study conducted in 1997. P. minutus swallowed a least 4 % of its body weight. Its diet was dominated by the most abundant resident amphipod of the saltmarshes, Orchestia gammarellus. P. lozanoi ingested less food during their stay in the creek (2.4 % of its body weight). O. gammarallus also occurred in its diet, but mysids were the main food items both during flood and ebb. In addition to this trophic segregation, a temporal segregation was observed. In fact, P. minutus stayed longer than P. lozanoi in the saltmarsh; it colonised creeks first and returned to coastal waters the last. These two predatory and sympatric species have a different trophic behaviour that limits interspecific competition both from the trophic and temporal point of view.  相似文献   

Patterns of gonad structure in hermaphroditic gobies (Teleostei Gobiidae)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Synopsis Hermaphroditism has been reported for a small number of gobiid fishes, but the extent of this sexual pattern within the family is not known. Gonad structure was examined in one or more species from twenty-one gobiid genera. No evidence of hermaphroditism was found in the species selected from 14 genera. Laboratory studies supported the conclusion of gonochorism for the examined species in four of them:Asterropteryx, Bathygobius, Gnatholepis, andPsilogobius. Currently, the absence of precursive testicular tissues associated with the ovary in females, in conjunction with no retained ovarian features in the testes of males, appear to be reliable indicators of a gonochoristic sexual pattern in gobiid fishes. Evidence for hermaphroditism was observed in seven genera:Eviota, Trimma, Fusigobius, Lophogobius, Priolepis, Gobiodon, andParagobiodon. Protogyny was experimentally confirmed inE. epiphanes, and the gonad structure in another nine of ten species ofEviota suggested either protogyny or protogynous tendencies. With the exception ofGobiodon andParagobiodon, which exhibited similar gonadal structure, ovarian and testicular structure varied considerably among the hermaphroditic genera examined, both with regard to the configuration and to the degree of development of ovarian and testicular tissues, or testicular tissue precursors. Findings of this study indicate that hermaphroditic gonad structure will prove to be a useful trait in determining evolutionary relationships within the Gobiidae.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major force that will influence the evolution of a species and its distribution range. Pomatoschistus minutus, the sand goby, has a North Atlantic–Mediterranean distribution and shows various level of habitat fragmentation along its geographic repartition. The use of mitochondrial sequences of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene and two co‐dominant sets of nuclear markers (introns and microsatellites) allowed us to describe the relationships between P. minutus populations belonging to several different geographical regions of Europe and to assess the structure of populations inhabiting the Golfe du Lion, along the French Mediterranean coast. The present study confirms that the taxon located in the Adriatic Sea (Venice) should be considered as a distinct species, separated approximately 1.75 Mya. The comparison of P. minutus between the Atlantic and western Mediterranean coasts using polymorphic co‐dominant markers revealed that they belong to two demographically independent units, and thus could be considered as well as distinct species, more recently separated (0.3 Mya). The Pleistocene glaciations seem therefore to have played an important role in the diversification of this complex. Finally, at a regional scale in the Golfe du Lion, P. minutus appears to form a single huge homogeneous population. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 175–198.  相似文献   

We studied egg care and guarding behaviour in the paternal sand goby, Pomatoschislus minutus , in relation to egg number and age. A male's expected reproductive success is assumed to increase with larger egg masses and older eggs. Non-shareable care, i.e. fanning, was higher in larger and older egg masses. Egg age explained 65% and egg mass size 22% of the total variation in the amount of fanning performed by a male. Contrary to expectation, egg removal did not affect a male's fanning behaviour, Males that were approached stayed longer in the nest when they guarded larger egg masses. Males with older eggs were also more reluctant to leave the nest. The time since a male had been chased away from his nest until he returned decreased as the season progressed. The results are discussed in relation to tradeoffs between present and future reproductive events.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus longidactylus n. sp., a gyrodactylid monogenean parasitising the gills of Pomatoschistus lozanoi (de Buen, 1923) in the North Sea is described. It is a species with rather small anchors which are only connected to a ventral bar which lacks a ventral bar membrane. The marginal hooks have long handles, which are always longer than the total length of the anchor. The pharynx has long pharyngeal processes. Measurements, drawings of the opisthaptoral hard parts, penis and pharynx, and SEM micrographs of this monogenean are presented. G. longidactylus n. sp. is the first monogenean species described from P. lozanoi.  相似文献   

Summary Testes of Lesuerigobius friesii and Gobius bucchichi were studied in adult reproductive fish. During the onset of spermatid development, a peculiar system of alternating rough (RER) and smooth (SER) endoplasmic reticular tubules form rings distally to the cell nucleus. The RER tubules are seen to possess up to 12 ribosomes in cross-section, whereas the SER are strongly electron-dense. Nanotubules connect these stacks of tubules to the developing head and tail of the sperm. With ripening of the sperm these tubules disintegrate within the excessive cytoplasm. It seems likely that these are special forms of Macro-Golgi System that possibly provide protamines for the developing sperm.  相似文献   

A microsatellite‐enriched genomic library was constructed for the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas 1770), and nine polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers of high quality were successfully optimized. Characterization of 96 individuals from the Vaccarès lagoon (France) showed moderate to high levels of polymorphism (two to 54 alleles). All the markers conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and showed no evidence of null alleles, large allele dropout, stuttering and linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci. These markers successfully amplify in three closely related species and can be employed to investigate population genetic structure and to clarify paternity in Pomatoschistus species.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation is to demonstrate the reasons of an opportunist feeder to select some components of the available food supply and to avoid others. Object of this test is the eurytopic and euryhaline sand goby,Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas), from the Luebeck Bight. It inhabits both sand habitats as well as bottoms mixed with pebbles or continuous hard substrates. Therefore, it is often in close contact withMytilus-belts which present a very rich food supply of small crustaceans. The selectivity behaviour of sand gobies from a sand/clay ecotone was compared with that of populations from a stony pier and a sand bottom during the reproduction period. Regarding the numbers of prey organisms, crustaceans of the periphyton were generally preferred at the pier but avoided in the ecotone. The same is valid for prey organisms of the psammal which were preferred by gobies of the sand bottom but mostly avoided by populations of mixed bottoms. Analyses of size selections revealed that the preferred gammarids orJaera isopods were between 2 and 5 mm length. A balanced relation of goby biomass and utilizable food supply (predatory impact index) seems to effect positive selectivity of gammarids in theMytilus-belts or of harpacticoids in the sand bottom.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean gobiid genus Pseudaphya Iljin, 1930, formerly containing two nominal species, the type Ps. ferreri (O. De Buen & Page, 1908) and Ps. pelagica De Buen, 1931, is now believed to be monotypic after examination of Adriatic material originally identified as Gobius pusillus Canestrini, 1861. The last is here provisionally regarded as Pomato-schistus knerii (Steindachner, 1861). The genus Pseudaphya is redefined, with additional osteological features, and its single species, Ps. ferreri , redescribed. In comparison with other small transparent gobiids, Pseudaphya is shown to possess certain primitive features and a possible mode of evolution for this group of tiny gobies by neoteny from postlarvae of hill-stream sicydiines is discussed. An origin from less specialized gobiines seems more acceptable.  相似文献   

A variety of sexual selection mechanisms have been implicated to drive the variability of the male reproductive tract in internal fertilizers, while studies on external fertilizers have been largely limited to exploring the influence of sperm competition on testis size and sperm number. Males in the Gobiidae, a speciose teleost family of demersal spawners with external fertilization, are known to be characterized by accessory structures to the sperm duct called seminal vesicles. These seminal vesicles secrete a mucus-enriched seminal fluid. Seminal vesicle size and function have been demonstrated to be influenced by sperm competition at the intraspecific level. With the aim to test the factors influencing the development of these male organs at the interspecific level, an independent contrast analysis was performed on 12 species, differing in mating system type, sperm competition risk, and duration of egg deposition. The type of mating system appears to be the main factor significantly affecting development of seminal vesicles, with males of monogamous species completely lacking or having extremely reduced organs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of four substratum-associated species of Gobiidae on a heterogeneous reef flat comprised of four distinct habitat zones, and examined microhabitat use within each zone. Asterropteryx semipunctatus had the widest distribution and was the most abundant species in each habitat zone, followed by Amblygobius bynoensis , Valenciennea muralis and Amblygobius phalaena . Significant temporal and spatial differences in mean density were evident. The highest density of A. semipunctatus (312 individuals 10 m–2) was recorded in a habitat zone dominated by algal-covered rubble, whereas A. bynoensis and V. muralis were most abundant (mean summer density 5·5–5·8 individuals 10 m–2) in habitats containing both sand and hard substrata. In contrast, A. phalaena was uncommon (mean density ≤ 0·4 individuals 10 m–2) in all four habitat zones. Significant seasonal differences in abundance were due to the large influx of recruits in summer. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use were not evident at either the macrohabitat ( i.e. among habitat zones) or microhabitat scale ( i.e. substratum use within zones). At the microhabitat scale, V. muralis consistently exhibited a strong positive association with sand and was rarely associated with hard substrata. In contrast, the two Amblygobius species were commonly associated with both sand and hard substrata, but patterns of microhabitat use differed among habitat zones. Substratum composition at the microhabitat scale may influence spatial patterns of abundance at larger spatial scales by providing essential resources and, or influencing carrying capacity and predation risk.  相似文献   

A new species of gobiid fish Glossogobius minutus collected from the south-west coast of India is described. The morphological, morphometric and meristic characters were studied with special emphasis on osteology. The various characters are compared with those of G. giuris (Harn.) and G. biocellatus (Val.), the only other species of the genus reported from this region. Glossogobius minutus is a benthic omnivore and shows distinct sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

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