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Enhancing autonomy in paid surrogacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Damelio J  Sorensen K 《Bioethics》2008,22(5):269-277
The gestational surrogate – and her economic and educational vulnerability in particular – is the focus of many of the most persistent worries about paid surrogacy. Those who employ her, and those who broker and organize her services, usually have an advantage over her in resources and information. That asymmetry exposes her to the possibility of exploitation and abuse. Accordingly, some argue for banning paid surrogacy. Others defend legal permission on grounds of surrogate autonomy, but often retain concerns about the surrogate. In response to the dilemma of a ban versus bald permission, we propose a 'soft law' approach: states should require several hours of education of surrogates – education aimed at informing and enhancing surrogate autonomy.  相似文献   

We reviewed the literature in an attempt to determine the importance of aseptic technique when implanting electronic tags in fish. Given that there was negligible information on this topic we embarked on a study where bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) were used as a model to investigate the effects of different aseptic surgical techniques for the intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags in fish. First we tested the effects of water entry into the incision using five treatments: lake, distilled and saline water introduced into the incision, water-free controls, and non-surgery controls. For fish in the water treatments, 1 mL of the sample was introduced into their coelom prior to incision closure. Fish were held for 10 days to monitor survival and at the end of the study, the survivors were blood sampled and euthanized to evaluate condition and health using the health assessment index. In a second experiment, four aseptic treatments were used: non-sterile, field-based, high-grade sterility, and non-surgery controls and fish were monitored as in the first experiment. For both experiments, no differences in physiological status, health or mortality were noted among treatment groups. However, in the aseptic techniques experiment, surgical times were approximately twice as long for fish in the sterile treatment as compared to other groups and the costs of surgical supplies was greater than that of the less-sterile treatments. Although we failed to document any benefit of keeping water out of the incision or using aseptic technique for bluegill, in other situations and for other species, such approaches may be important. As such, we encourage fish surgeons practicing intracoelomic implants to attempt to prevent water entry into the coelom. We also encourage, at least some level of infection control (e.g., non-sterile gloves, clean tags and surgical tools) consistent with good veterinary practices to maintain the welfare status of tagged fish and ensure that the data from tagged fish representative of untagged conspecifics. However, the most prudent and ethical approach would be to work with veterinarians to incorporate formal sterilization procedures, equipment (e.g., sterile gloves) and aseptic technique into field surgical techniques.  相似文献   

The responses of wild, non-provisioned bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) to swim attempts from commercial swim-with-dolphin tour boats were systematically observed during two research periods: 1994–1995 and 1997–1998. A total of 255 groups of dolphins was encountered during boat-based surveys and 36% ( n = 93) were exposed to at least one swim attempt. The operators' success with swim attempts, defined as at least one dolphin milling within 5 m of at least one swimmer, decreased from 48% in 1994–1995 to 34% in 1997–1998, and avoidance responses to swimmers increased from 22% to 31%. Dolphin response was found to vary according to swimmer placement. The greatest increase in avoidance occurred when swimmers were placed in the dolphins' path of travel. Based on sighting records of 266 individually identified dolphins, it was estimated that an average dolphin was exposed to 31 swim attempts per year. This level of exposure suggests that individual dolphins have, with cumulative experience, become sensitized to swim attempts. When a swim attempt was successful, on average it involved 19% of the group. Age-class differences in interaction rates showed that juveniles were significantly more likely to interact with swimmers than adults. This study highlights the importance of longitudinal studies in evaluating human impact and suggests the urgent need for similar studies of potential human impact on other toothed cetaceans.  相似文献   

Annually in the UK around 250 000 cervical smears show low-grade abnormalities. Alternative management policies following a low-grade smear are cytological surveillance or referral for colposcopy. Their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and the potential for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing to triage women to either management, has been debated. Trial of management of borderline and other low-grade abnormal smears (TOMBOLA) (a large RCT) addresses these uncertainties, considering clinical, psychosocial and economic outcomes. 4439 women aged 20–59, resident in Grampian, Tayside or Nottingham with a low-grade smear were randomised to cytological surveillance (six-monthly smears in primary care) or hospital-based colposcopy. At colposcopy, women with visible abnormality were randomised to immediate treatment or biopsy and recall for treatment if necessary. Recruitment HPV status was assessed using PCR techniques. Women were followed for three years to an exit colposcopy. Cumulative incidence of CIN2 or more severe disease (CIN2+) in the colposcopy arm was 7.9% per year, higher than in cytological surveillance (5.8%; OR = 1.43, 95% CI 1.23–1.67). This difference was less marked for CIN3+ (OR = 1.27, 1.04–1.55), suggesting spontaneous regression of some CIN2, and that initial colposcopy can lead to over-treatment. There was little difference in psychosocial outcomes between arms. In comparison of biopsy and recall versus immediate treatment, there was no difference in cumulative incidence of CIN2+ or psychosocial outcomes. There was over-treatment and increased frequency/duration of bleeding with immediate treatment. There was no compelling economic reason to favour any one management method. Testing for HPV does not appear to be effective in triage. Based on these findings, we make management recommendations for women with low-grade smears.  相似文献   

The requirement for assessing the effects of multiple concurrent stressors in improving the welfare of broiler chickens during transport has not been widely recognised. A discrete-choice technique was used to investigate the aversion of broiler chickens to concurrent vibrational and thermal transport stressors. In experiment 1, 12 female broiler chickens, aged 42+/-3 days were studied individually using two choice-chambers. Each chamber had four compartments connected via a central zone and offered four treatments; thermal (T: air temperature; 40 degrees C, 21% RH), vibrational (V: frequency; 2Hz, acceleration; 1ms(-2)), concurrent vibrational and thermal (VT) and no applied stressors (N). Coloured compartment wall panels, allocated at random, assisted chickens' identification of compartments. Birds were fasted overnight and were required to make five consecutive choices on each of four consecutive days. A choice was defined as entering a compartment and feeding (5g pellets), whereupon confinement for 60min was initiated. Choices were totalled over all birds and analysed using a log-linear generalised linear model. The vibration was significantly avoided (V and VT versus N and T; P<0.05) but the thermal stressor was not (T and VT versus N and V; P>0.05) and there was no interaction. In experiment 2, the procedure was repeated with 12 more birds and modifications to increase method sensitivity and maximise bird learning. Choices were more disparate than before with vibration avoided to a greater extent (V and VT versus T and N; P<0.01) but there was still no main effect of the thermal treatment or a significant interaction. Substantial differences between individuals were observed in both experiments. The overall response to vibration supported previous findings for short-term exposure, however, non-avoidance of the thermal treatment was unexpected. Possibly, the birds were unable to associate the delayed heat stress with the compartment. Alternatively, the thermal conditions were not perceived as aversive either initially or throughout the 60min confinement. The preference method provides a useful starting point for assessing combinations of stressors which affect broiler welfare, allowing relative ranking of treatments from an animal-centred perspective.  相似文献   

Intensive pig production systems are a source of stress, which is linked to reduced animal welfare and increased antimicrobial use. As the gatekeepers of the welfare of the animals under their care, farmers are seen as the stakeholder responsible for improving animal welfare. The aim of this study was to explore the knowledge and attitudes of pig farmers towards pig welfare and the impact of such attitudes on farmers' selection of management strategies on the farm. We conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with 44 pig farmers in one of the main pig producing regions of Brazil. Interviews covered knowledge and attitudes towards pig sentience and behaviour and welfare-related issues commonly observed in intensive pig farms (belly-nosing, fights, tail-biting, diarrhoea and castration without pain control) and farmers' conception and attitudes towards pig welfare. We identified many management and animal-based indicators of poor welfare, such as the use of painful and stressful management practices and use of environments that limit the expression of natural behaviours. However, most farmers were satisfied with animal welfare standards at their farms. Farmers' perceptions are aligned with their understanding of animal welfare. Although they identified all the dimensions that impact the welfare of a pig on a farm (affect, biological functioning and naturalness), their social reality, industry demands and available advice pushed them to perceive their range of action limited to biological and environmental aspects of the animals that do not necessarily benefit affective state. This precluded farmers from making associations between good health and the animal's ability to express a full behavioural repertoire, as well as from viewing abnormal behaviours as problems. The negative consequences for the welfare of the animals were commonly alleviated by routines that relied on constant use of medication, including high dependence on antibiotics. Expressions of estrangement from the production chain were common voices among the participants. This suggests that farmers may not be sufficiently informed or engaged in responding to consumers' expectations and commitments made by companies, which can pose a severe economic risk for farmers. The findings of this study indicate that economic, technical and social factors restrict farmers' autonomy and their ability to perform their role as stewards of animal welfare. (Re)connecting different human, animal and environmental interests may be a step to changing this scenario.  相似文献   

We measured nesting success of the Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii along the Finnish Bothnian Bay coast during 19 breeding seasons (1983–2001) and conducted a population census (1999–2002). We found 105 pairs, showing a marked decline from the previous survey (170 pairs 1987–95). Of the 424 'known-fate' nests, 47% hatched. Depredation caused 79.9% of the nest losses. Nesting failures increased from 1983–91 to 1992–2001 owing to a rise in nest predation. The proportion of failed nests that failed because of predation rose from 48.9 to 87.7%. When only depredated nests were considered as losses, Mayfield nest survival probability over the incubation period dropped from 69 to 31% (461 nests). This pattern emerged both in man-made and in natural habitats. Survival probability was independent of habitat type (natural vs. man-made). In an experiment involving videotaping of dummy nests, Common Gull Larus canus and Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres were found to be the most important egg predators.  相似文献   

International agreement has been reached to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. One important way of decoupling CO2 emissions from economic growth is by introducing technical measures to improve energy efficiency. In this article, we assess the influence of developments in energy efficiency and economic structure on the total primary energy consumption in the Netherlands over the period 1980– 1995. We find a distinct decoupling of the economic growth and energy consumption of 1.5% per year in the 15-year analysis period. We measure (technical) changes in energy efficiency by changes in the energy consumption per physical unit of production or activity. The aggregate rate of (technical) energy-efficiency improvement was 1.4% per year over the period 1980–1995. The use of physical production indicators makes it possible to measure energy-efficiency developments without detailed surveys at a very low level of aggregation. When we look at economic structural changes over this period, we find that (i) no substantial shift took place at the level of the economic sectors that we distinguish; (ii) the most energy intensive subsectors grew much faster than the total economy; and (iii) at the subsector level, on average, a sizable decoupling of physical production and value added occurred. We conclude that structural changes, that is, changes in the composition of the economy, did not lead to a net decrease in the energy intensity of the Netherlands over the period 1980–1995.  相似文献   

Corticosterone is thought to play an important role in food caching and foraging behaviour. However, the direct influence of increased plasma corticosterone on feeding behaviour is still unclear. In this study the effect of increased corticosterone on feeding behaviour in migratory active red-eyed vireos Vireo olivaceus was investigated. We hypothesized that if increased corticosterone levels facilitate foraging behaviour, an increased number of visits to the food bowl by corticosterone treated birds would be seen. In addition to ad lib food during the experiment, the vireos were fed every full hour between 09.00–13.00 h with one meal worm injected either with 4 μg corticosterone dissolved in 20 μl DMSO, or with DMSO only as a control treatment. The presence or absence of a bird in the food bowl was recorded by a motion detector between 09.00–15.00 h. The non-invasive corticosterone treatment increased plasma corticosterone levels and caused vireos to visit the food bowl more frequently compared to control treated individuals between 11.00–12.00 h and 13.00–15.00 h. Our data indicate that corticosterone has an effect on feeding behaviour in birds.  相似文献   

Transport of farm animals gives rise to concern about their welfare. Specific attention has been given to the duration of animal transport, and maximum journey durations are used in legislation that seek to minimise any negative impact of transport on animal welfare. This paper reviews the relatively few scientific investigations into effects of transport duration on animal welfare in cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and poultry. From the available literature, we attempt to distinguish between aspects, which will impair welfare on journeys of any duration, such as those associated with loading, and those aspects that may be exacerbated by journey time. We identify four aspects of animal transport, which have increasing impact on welfare as transport duration increases. These relate to (i) the physiological and clinical state of the animal before transport; and - during transport - to (ii) feeding and watering; (iii) rest and (iv) thermal environment. It is thus not journey duration per se but these associated negative aspects that are the cause of compromised welfare. We suggest that with a few exceptions, transport of long duration is possible in terms of animal welfare provided that these four issues can be dealt with for the species and the age group of the animals that are transported.  相似文献   

Background. New triple therapy for eradication of Helicobacter pylori based on a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) provides a cure rate of approximately 90% with few adverse effects. Recently, a PPI-based quadruple therapy, which consists of a PPI plus bismuth-based triple therapy for 7 days, has been studied, and a sufficient eradication rate has been achieved. However, a shorter duration results in improved compliance. In this study, newly developed short-term, simple twice-daily quadruple therapy consisting of rabeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and metronidazole (RACM) was compared with a PPI-based triple-therapy regimen for eradication of H. pylori.
Patients and Methods. This study was designed as a randomized open, prospective single-center study. Of a total of 105 H. pylori –positive patients, 55 received the RACM regimen for 5 days (rabeprazole, 10 mg bid; amoxicillin, 750 mg bid; clarithromycin, 200 mg bid; and metronidazole, 250 mg bid), and 50 received the RAC regimen for 5 days (rabeprazole, 10 mg bid; amoxicillin, 750 mg bid; and clarithromycin, 200 mg bid). Cure of the infection was assessed by HpSA ( H. pylori stool antigen immunoassay) 1 month after completion of therapy.
Results. The rates of eradication of H. pylori by RACM versus RAC were 94.5% (95% CI, 85–99) versus 80.0% (95% CI, 66–90) by intention-to-treat analysis; 98.1% (95% CI, 90–100) versus 87.0% (95% CI, 74–95) by all-patients-treated analysis; and 98.1% (95% CI, 90–100) versus 86.7% (95% CI, 73–95) by per-protocol analysis. No major adverse effects were reported, and 98.0% of patients reported complete compliance.
Conclusions. The simple twice-daily and short-term quadruple regimen for only 5 days provided an excellent eradication rate. Compliance with the regimen was high, and serious adverse effects were few. Therefore, the RACM regimen can be considered as safe and effective.  相似文献   

1. Demand for water is increasing and water managers need to know how much they can remove from a stream before there are significant detrimental effects on its biological integrity. Flow reduction alters a number of habitat variables known to be important to aquatic invertebrates such as depth, velocity, temperature and fine sediment accumulation. Some taxa may attempt to use instream refugia to mitigate the effects of flow reduction.
2. We experimentally manipulated flows by constructing weirs and diversions in three small New Zealand streams. Discharge was reduced by 88–96%. We tested the hypothesis that macroinvertebrates would use pools and the hyporheic zone as refugia during short-term (1-month) periods of reduced flow.
3. We sampled hyporheic invertebrates with colonization chambers and pool invertebrates with kick nets within a before-after, control-impact (BACI) experimental design. A suite of physicochemical parameters was measured concurrently including surface and hyporheic temperatures.
4. Flow reduction significantly decreased velocity (60–69%) in all streams. Depth (18–61%) and wetted width (24–31%) tended to decrease but these changes were not always significant. Sediment cover increased the most in farmland streams (10–80%). Apart from decreasing temperature range (18–26%), flow reduction had little impact on the surface water temperatures.
5. Flow reduction had no impact on the abundance of common pool macroinvertebrates or on the abundance, vertical distribution or community composition of hyporheic macroinvertebrates.
6. Our results suggest that aquatic macroinvertebrates are resistant to short-term, severe flow reduction as long as some water remains.  相似文献   

We describe an experiment conducted to assess the impact of the sound generated by an acoustic harassment device (AHD) on the relative abundance and distribution of harbor porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena ) in Retreat Passage, British Columbia. During control periods when the AHD was inactive, the mean number of porpoises observed in the study area was 0.39 for broad area scans conducted with the naked eye and 0.48 for narrow sector scans conducted with binoculars. Abundance declined precipitously when the AHD was activated, to 0.007 porpoises per broad area scan and 0.018 per narrow sector scan. The mean number of porpoise resightings while tracking their movements also declined from 12.2 to 13.6 per sighting during control periods to 1.1–1.9 per sighting when the AHD was activated, which suggested that the few porpoises that ventured into the study area spent less time within it when the AHD was activated. The effect of the AHD diminished with distance. No porpoises were observed within 200 m of the AHD when it was activated. The number of sightings and resightings observed when it was activated was less than 0.2% of the number expected had there been no AHD effect at a range of 200–399 m, 1.4% the number expected at a range of 400–599 m, varied between 2.5% and 3.3% of the number expected at a range of 600–2,499 m, and was 8.1% the number expected at a range of 2,500–3,500 m, which suggested that the impact of the AHD extended beyond our maximum sighting range of 3.5 km.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reduce the high extinction risk inherent to small island populations, we translocated wild Laysan teal Anas laysanensis to a portion of its presumed prehistoric range. Most avian translocations lack the strategic post-release monitoring needed to assess early population establishment or failure. Therefore, we monitored the survival and reproduction of all founders, and their first-generation offspring using radio telemetry for 2 years after the first release. Forty-two Laysan teal were sourced directly from the only extant population on Laysan Island and transported 2 days by ship to Midway Atoll. All birds survived the translocation with nutritional and veterinary support, and spent between 4 and 14 days in captivity. Post-release survival of 42 founders was 0.857 (95% CI 0.86–0.99) during 2004–2006 or annualized 0.92 (95% CI 0.83–0.98). Seventeen of 18 founding hens attempted nesting in the first two breeding seasons. Fledgling success was 0.57 (95% CI 0.55–0.60) in 2005 and 0.63 (95% CI 0.62–0.64) in 2006. The effective founding female population ( N e) was 13. We applied these initial demographic rates to model population growth. The nascent population size increased to >100 after only 2 years post-release ( λ =1.73). If this growth rate continues, the size of the Midway population could surpass the source population before 2010.  相似文献   

Purified lipid transfer protein LTP2 from barley applied on tobacco leaves eliminated symptoms caused by infiltration of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 153. Growth of the pathogen in leaves of transgenic tobacco plants was retarded when compared with non-transformed controls. The percentage of inoculation points that showed necrotic lesions was greatly reduced in transgenic tobacco 17–38% versus 78%) and the average size of these lesions was 61–81% that of control. The average total lesion area (necrosis and chlorosis) in the transgenic plants was also reduced (38% of control). Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants inoculated with P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 also had lower percentages of necrotic lesions (22–38% versus 76%), a reduced average area for each lesion (53–67% of control), and a smaller total lesion area per inoculation (43% of control). These results further support the assignment of a defense role for LTPs and highlight their biotechnological potential.  相似文献   

This study explored how farmers’ motivation in terms of use values and/or non-use values to work with farm animal welfare are associated with the economic outcome for the farm. Use values in farm animal welfare refer to economic value derived from productivity and profitability considerations. Non-use values in farm animal welfare refer to economic value derived from good animal welfare, irrespective of the use the farmer derives from the animal, currently or in the future. The analysis was based on detailed information about the income statements of a sample of Swedish dairy farmers, obtained from the Swedish Farm Economic Survey, complemented with survey information about their perceived use and non-use values in farm animal welfare. The findings suggest that farm economic outcome is significantly associated with motivation in terms of use values, but not so much with motivation in terms of non-use values. This is interesting from a policy point of view, because it indicates that farmers with different approaches to farm animal welfare may experience different economic outcomes for their farms. Findings can, for instance, be used to strengthen farmers’ engagement in various private quality assurance standards, which generally focus on values of non-use type, by pointing to that realisation of such values will not impair the economic outcome of the farms. Moreover, findings also suggest that farmers’ economic incentives for engagement in such standards may need to be further strengthened in order to become more attractive, as findings point to that a focus on non-use values generally is not associated with more favourable economic outcomes.  相似文献   

In this review we attempt to link the efficiency by which animals behave (economy of animal behaviour) to a neuronal substrate and subjective states to arrive at a definition of animal welfare which broadens the scope of its study. Welfare is defined as the balance between positive (reward, satisfaction) and negative (stress) experiences or affective states. The state of this balance may range from positive (good welfare) to negative (poor welfare). These affective states are momentary or transient states which occur against the background of and are integrated with the state of this balancing system. As will be argued the efficiency in behaviour requires that, for instance, satisfaction is like a moving target: reward provides the necessary feedback to guide behaviour; it is a not steady-state which can be maintained for long. This balancing system is reflected in the brain by the concerted action of opioid and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems. The state of this system reflects the coping capacity of the animal and is determined by previous events. In other words, this integrative approach of behavioural biology and neurobiology aims at understanding how the coping capacity of animals may be affected and measured. We argue that this balancing system underlies the economy of behaviour. Furthermore we argue that among other techniques anticipation in Pavlovian conditioning is an easy and useful tool to assess the state of this balancing system: for estimating the state of an animal in terms of welfare we focus on the conditions when an animal is facing a challenge.  相似文献   

Abstract. Under controlled laboratory conditions of 28–30oC and 16:8 L:D photoperiod, an attempt was made to develop an age-grading technique for Anopheles culicifacies males. Mating activity was maximal when females were 5–12 days old and males were 5–7 days old. The numbers of total and mature spermatocysts declined significantly with age, and the proportion of the testes occupied by the sperm reservoir increased as virgin males grew older. Mating resulted in the loss of spermatozoa and accessory gland substance from the reproductive system. Loss of mating ability of older virgin males seemed to be age-related, because the reproductive system contained ample supplies of accessory gland substance and spermatozoa. Morphological changes of the reproductive system, due to mating and age, were used to infer the age and reproductive history of unknown males in a laboratory evaluation.  相似文献   

Pea breeding for rust resistance is hampered by the little resistance available in pea. In an attempt to validate alternative control methods, we evaluated the potential of systemic acquired resistance for rust control in pea by biotic and abiotic inducers. Challenge with a virulent or with an avirulent rust isolate prior to pea rust inoculation did not induce resistance either locally or systemically. Exogenous application of salicylic acid in the range 5–10 m m prior to rust inoculation did not protect against rust locally, but reduced rust infection systemically in first upper leaf node although not in the upper ones. Some phytotoxicity was observed at 10 m m . Exogenous application of benzothiadiazole in the range 1–10 m m provided locally a 30–40% reduction in infection frequency. At least 5 m m was needed to reduce rust infection systemically in first upper leaf, and 10 m m in upper ones. Exogenous application of dl -3-amino- n -butyric acid (BABA) provided locally a 45–58% reduction in infection frequency, while systemically a 33–58 and 49–58% reduction of rust symptoms was achieved on leaves at second and third nodes respectively. BABA application was not associated with symptoms of phytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Intensive culture of grass carp and hybrid grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella x Aristichthys nobilis ) larvae was conducted under Florida (U.S.A.) conditions. The influence of different rearing facilities (indoor tanks, outdoor tanks and cages) and different methods of fish feeding using live zooplankton and artificial food was tested. High survival (86–100%) and satisfactory grass carp growth (47–56 mg) were obtained in the outdoor tanks and cages during the 10–day experiment. It is believed, that the technique described can be used after some improvements for commercial–scale grass carp larvae rearing. Low survival (1–3%) was obtained in the hybrid culture experiment even though satisfactory growth rates (84–212 mg) were obtained after 13 days. High mortality was attributed to genetic abnormalities caused by hybridization. The hybrid does not appear to be a promising fish for culture.  相似文献   

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