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Using the data of karyological analysis, the phylogenetic relationships of Caucasian shrew Sorex satunini and the cryptic species of superspecies Sorex araneus were examined. In the population of Sorex satunini from the plain of North Ciscaucasia two deeply radiated cytochrome b genes (A and B) were identified. Genetic distance between haplotype A and B groups constituted 0.0675 ± 0.008, which is higher than any distance in superspecies S. araneus. Possible introgression of type B haplotypes from the populations of the evolutionary lineage S. subaraneus-S. araneus in Pleistocene and the time of the appearance of the chromosomal polymorphism of S. araneus is discussed. Our results show that the use of only one mitochondrial marker can lead to false conclusions on taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The phylogenetic relationships within the Order Aplousobranchiata (Ascidiacea) are largely unexplored. In this work, we study the phylogenetic status of the genera Clavelina and Pycnoclavella. Traditionally, both genera had been included in the family Clavelinidae, until the new family Pycnoclavellidae was defined, removing the genus Pycnoclavella from Clavelinidae. Not all authors accept the validity of Clavelina and Pycnoclavella as distinct genera, let alone their belonging to different families. In addition, the assignment of species to these genera, as well as to the genus Archidistoma , has been controversial. We analyzed sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I belonging to ten species of Pycnoclavella (including several formerly assigned to Archidistoma and Clavelina ), 11 species of Clavelinidae, and ten species of other aplousobranch genera belonging to seven families, plus two outgroups. Two different tree construction methods (maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) showed similar results. Pycnoclavella and Clavelina appeared in distinct clades but formed a monophyletic group relative to representatives of the main families of the order Aplousobranchiata. Our phylogenetic results indicate that both genera are valid but should be included within a single family, with the name Clavelinidae having precedence. The monotypic clavelinid genus Nephtheis branches in our trees within the clade of the genus Clavelina. Our results also confirm that some forms assigned to Archidistoma and Clavelina have been misplaced and belong to the genus Pycnoclavella. Pycnoclavella martae n.sp. is described.  相似文献   

Meiotic drive has attracted much interest because it concerns the robustness of Mendelian segregation and its genetic and evolutionary stability. We studied chromosomal meiotic drive in the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Insectivora, Mammalia), which exhibits one of the most remarkable chromosomal polymorphisms within mammalian species. The open question of the evolutionary success of metacentric chromosomes (Robertsonian fusions) versus acrocentrics in the common shrew prompted us to test whether a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics is present in female and/or male meiosis. Performing crosses under controlled laboratory conditions with animals from natural populations, we found a clear trend toward a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics during male meiosis, two chromosome combinations (gm and jl) being significantly preferred over their acrocentric homologs. Apart for one Robertsonian fusion (hi), this trend was absent in female meiosis. We propose a model based on recombination events between twin acrocentrics to explain the difference in transmission ratios of the same metacentric in different sexes and unequal drive of particular metacentrics in the same sex. Pooled data for female and male meiosis revealed a trend toward stronger segregation distortion for larger metacentrics. This is partially in agreement with the frequency of metacentrics occurring in natural populations of a chromosome race showing a high degree of chromosomal polymorphism.  相似文献   

The New World endemic genus Zeltnera consists of 25 species mainly distributed in the western part of the United States and Mexico. Chromosome counts performed on 113 populations (24 species) reveal extensive congruence between chromosomal groups and the assemblages obtained from analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) and chloroplast DNA (trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer) sequences. Karyological and molecular data sets support three main biogeographic groups for Zeltnera. A first and mainly unresolved cluster (n = 17 and n = 20) occurs in California, whereas two other clades are centered in the Texas region (n = 20 and n = 21) and in Mexico (n = 21 and n = 22). Under the assumption of a molecular clock, and using both dispersal and vicariance explanations for the current distribution of the respective species, the genus is thought to have a North American origin with considerable diversification in the early Pliocene (ca. 5 million years ago). Geological events, such as desert formation and mountain orogenies, have created insuperable barriers that today separate the three major and likely vicariant groups.  相似文献   

Ecological analysis of the helminthofauna of common shrew Sorex araneus L. from Samarskaya Luka (Samara Region) has been carried out. Twenty-three helminth species are found including 3 species of trematodes, 8 cestodes, 10 nematodes, and 2 acanthocephales. Dependence of the structure of helminthofauna on the host age is revealed.  相似文献   

The field of molecular systematics has relied heavily on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis since its inception. Despite the obvious utility of mtDNA, such data inevitably only presents a limited (i.e., single genome) perspective on species evolution. A combination of mitochondrial and nuclear markers is essential for reconstructing more robust phylogenetic trees. To evaluate the utility of one category of nuclear marker (short interspersed elements or SINEs) for resolving phylogenetic relationships, we constructed an inter-SINE fingerprint for nine putative species of the genus Sorex. In addition, we analyzed 1011 nucleotides of the cytochrome b gene. Traditional neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses were applied to the individual cytochrome b and inter-SINE fingerprint data sets, along with Bayesian analysis to the combined data sets. We found inter-SINE fingerprinting to be an effective species level marker; however, we were unable to reconstruct deeper branching patterns within the Sorex genus using these data. The combined data analyzed under a Bayesian analysis showed higher levels of structuring within the Otisorex subgenus, most notably recognizing a monophyletic group consisting of sister-taxa S. palustris and S. monticolus, S. cinereus and S. haydeni, and S. hoyi. An additional noteworthy result was the detection of an historic mitochondrial introgression event between S. monticolus and S. palustris. When combining disparate data sets, we emphasize researcher diligence as certain types of data and processes may overly influence the analysis. However, there is considerable phylogenetic potential stemming from inter-SINE fingerprinting.  相似文献   

Gestation period in the Common shrew, Sorex coronatus (araneus) fretalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We investigated the evolution of the biomechanics of the mandible in island and mainland populations of the common shrew on the west coast of Scotland. We predicted that climatic differences between populations should cause differences in prey composition leading to changes in the mechanical potential (MP) of the mandible. In females, MP was correlated with climate, with greater MP in warmer and drier habitats. In males, MP was significantly greater than in females but there was no relationship between male MP and climate. This led to increased sexual dimorphism in colder and wetter climates. The same pattern was found after a phylogenetic least squares analysis was conducted to account for shared phylogenetic history. We discuss possible reasons for this pattern, including male–male combat and the greater necessity of females to feed as efficiently as possible to meet their extremely high energy requirements during lactation.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Vibrissaphora are unique among all anurans in that males exhibit external cornified spines in the maxillary region during the breeding season. They were separated from species of the genus Leptobrachium based on this unique character. We construct a phylogeny using the 16S, ND4, and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes of 42 individuals from eight species of Vibrissaphora and five species of Leptobrachium from mainland China, Southeast Asia, and Hainan Island. Species of both Oreolalax and Scutiger were used as outgroups. The results indicate that: L. huashen and L. chapaense form a clade that is nested within Vibrissaphora, and L. hainanense is the sister taxon to the clade comprising all Vibrissaphora plus L. chapaense and L. huashen; V. boringiae is grouped with a clade consisting of V. leishanensis, V. liui, and V. yaoshanensis; and V. yaoshanensis is a species separate from V. liui. We propose taxonomic changes that reflect these findings. Also based on the resulting phylogenetic trees, we propose that the mustache toads originated in the trans-Himalayan region of southwest China, and that the evolution of maxillary spines, large body size, and reverse sexual size dimorphism in these frogs was influenced by intrasexual selection due to adopting a resource-defense polygyny mating system.  相似文献   

The contact zone between Moscow and Western Dvina chromosomal races of common shrew Sorex araneus L. at the south of the Valdai Hights was traced over a distance of 20 km. Within this, close to parapatric, contact zone of chromosomal races the width of sympatry zone was about 500 m (the narrowest among currently known hybrid zones), and the proportion of hybrids was 24.3%. It was shown that in bimodal hybrid zones between chromosomal races of common shrew the width of sympatry zones varied from 0.5 to 13 km. This width does not correlate with the cytogenetic features of the hybrids, and seems to be determined by competitive relations between the races. The hybrid proportion is determined by the type of hybrid heterozygosity, and decreased in the race sympatry zone from 33-40 to 21.5-25.2%. The decrease of the hybrid proportion can be associated with the abnormal fertility of either the first generation, or the backcross hybrids.  相似文献   

The Eurasian common shrew (Sorex araneus L.) is characterized by spectacular chromosomal variation, both autosomal variation of the Robertsonian type and an XX/XY(1)Y(2) system of sex determination. It is an important mammalian model of chromosomal and genome evolution as it is one of the few species with a complete genome sequence. Here we generate a high-precision cytological recombination map for the species, the third such map produced in mammals, following those for humans and house mice. We prepared synaptonemal complex (SC) spreads of meiotic chromosomes from 638 spermatocytes of 22 males of nine different Robertsonian karyotypes, identifying each autosome arm by differential DAPI staining. Altogether we mapped 13,983 recombination sites along 7095 individual autosomes, using immunolocalization of MLH1, a mismatch repair protein marking recombination sites. We estimated the total recombination length of the shrew genome as 1145 cM. The majority of bivalents showed a high recombination frequency near the telomeres and a low frequency near the centromeres. The distances between MLH1 foci were consistent with crossover interference both within chromosome arms and across the centromere in metacentric bivalents. The pattern of recombination along a chromosome arm was a function of its length, interference, and centromere and telomere effects. The specific DNA sequence must also be important because chromosome arms of the same length differed substantially in their recombination pattern. These features of recombination show great similarity with humans and mice and suggest generality among mammals. However, contrary to a widespread perception, the metacentric bivalent tu usually lacked an MLH1 focus on one of its chromosome arms, arguing against a minimum requirement of one chiasma per chromosome arm for correct segregation. With regard to autosomal chromosomal variation, the chromosomes showing Robertsonian polymorphism display MLH1 foci that become increasingly distal when comparing acrocentric homozygotes, heterozygotes, and metacentric homozygotes. Within the sex trivalent XY(1)Y(2), the autosomal part of the complex behaves similarly to other autosomes.  相似文献   

The populations of mykizha Parasalmo (O.) mykiss from western and eastern coasts of Kamchatka were studied by restriction analysis of a fragment of fish mitochondrial genome that included the control region and the region of the cytochrome b gene (cytb). The restriction patterns obtained with five enzymes (MspI; Tru1I; RsaI; BsuRI; DdeI) were identical in all studied individuals. Sequencing of the cytb gene showed high similarity between all samples (99.6-100%). In general, the geographical group of mykiss from Kamchatka is monophyletic with low genetic divergence at the population level. Shantarian mykiss originates most likely from that native to Kamchatka.  相似文献   

Recently, we displayed an Iberian shrew species (Sorex granarius) with telomere structures unusual for mammals. Long telomeres on the short acrocentric arms contain an average of 213 kb of telomere repeats, whereas the other chromosomal ends have only 3.8 kb (Zhdanova et al., 2005; 2007). However, it is not clear whether these telomeres are typical for all shrew species or only for S. granarius. S. granarius and common shrew Sorex araneus are sibling species. In this study, using modified Q-FISH we demonstrated that telomeres in S. araneus from various chromosomal races distinguished by their number of metacentrics contain 6.8–15.2 kb of telomeric tracts. The S. araneus telomere lengths appear to correspond to telomere lengths in the majority of both shrew species and wild mammals, whereas S. granarius has telomeres with unique or rare structures. Using DNA and RNA high-specific modified probes to telomeric repeats (PNA and LNA), we showed that interstitial telomeric sites in S. araneus chromosomes contain mainly telomeric DNA and that their localization coincide with some evolutionary breakpoints. Interstitial telomeric DNA in S. granarius chromosomes was not revealed. Thus, the distribution of telomeric DNA may be significantly different, even in closely related species whose chromosomes are composed of almost identical chromosomal arms.  相似文献   

Leptin concentrations in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) were measured in different seasons. The leptin concentrations in IBAT were much higher than in the liver, where leptin is supposed to be of blood origin. In the heart muscle no detectable amount of leptin was found. There were clear seasonal variations in the leptin concentrations in IBAT. Leptin levels in IBAT were the lowest in November at the beginning of the winter. The concentrations increased, however, strongly after the onset of the permanent snow cover, and the highest concentrations were measured in December-January, when the weight of the animals was very low. In April-May, at the time when shrews attain sexual maturity, leptin concentrations in IBAT were lower than in the mid-winter, but significantly higher than in November. In overwintered adults the leptin concentrations were at the same level as in nonwintered subadults. Leptin originating from BAT may inform the central nervous system about the amount of nonshivering thermogenesis as well as the amount of feeding necessary for survival in the winter months.  相似文献   

Specific features in the formation of cestode species composition in the common shrew in different biotopes have been analyzed. Four categories of parasites have been recognized depending on a degree of dominance: dominants (Neoskrjabinolepis singularis, Molluscotaenia crassiscolex), subdominants (Ditestolepis diaphana), adominants A (Staphylocystis furcata, Vigisolepis spinulosa, adominants B (Hymenolepis scutigera, Dilepis undula, D. secunda, Taenia mustelae). A significant similarity was discovered between the species diversity and the dominance characteristics of cestodes. It was found that the distribution of mass species of parasites in the host population corresponds to the gamma distribution model. In regard to cestodes examined, a hypothesis considering the spatial structure and size of territory occupied by stable parasitic system is put forward.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Peniocereus (Cactaceae) species were studied using parsimony analyses of DNA sequence data. The plastid rpl16 and trnL-F regions were sequenced for 98 taxa including 17 species of Peniocereus, representatives from all genera of tribe Pachycereeae, four genera of tribe Hylocereeae, as well as from three additional outgroup genera of tribes Calymmantheae, Notocacteae, and Trichocereeae. Phylogenetic analyses support neither the monophyly of Peniocereus as currently circumscribed, nor the monophyly of tribe Pachycereeae since species of Peniocereus subgenus Pseudoacanthocereus are embedded within tribe Hylocereeae. Furthermore, these results show that the eight species of Peniocereus subgenus Peniocereus (Peniocereus sensu stricto) form a well-supported clade within subtribe Pachycereinae; P. serpentinus is also a member of this subtribe, but is sister to Bergerocactus. Moreover, Nyctocereus should be resurrected as a monotypic genus. Species of Peniocereus subgenus Pseudoacanthocereus are positioned among species of Acanthocereus within tribe Hylocereeae, indicating that they may be better classified within that genus. A number of morphological and anatomical characters, especially related to the presence or absence of dimorphic branches, are discussed to support these relationships.  相似文献   

To explore phylogenetic relationships among glyptosternoid fishes, we determined nucleotide sequences of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene region (1138 base pair). Thirteen species of glyptosternoid fishes and six species of non-glyptosternoids represent 10 sisorid genera were examined. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the maximum parsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses support the monophyly of glyptosternoids, but our hypothesis of internal relationships differs from previous hypothesis. Results indicated that glyptosternoid is a monophyletic group and genera Glyptosternum and Exostoma are two basal species having a primitive position among it. Genera Euchiloglanis and Pareuchiloglanis form a sister-group. Then they form a sister-group with Pseudexostoma plus Oreoglanis. Our result also found that Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis might be considered as the synonyms of Parechiloglanis sinensis, and genus Euchiloglanis might have only one valid species, Euchiloglanis davidi.  相似文献   

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