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The ratio of the power arm (the distance from the heel to the talocrural joint) to the load arm (that from the talocrural joint to the distal head of the metatarsals), or RPL, differs markedly between the human and ape foot. The arches are relatively higher in the human foot in comparison with those in apes. This study evaluates the effect of these two differences on biomechanical effectiveness during bipedal standing, estimating the forces acting across the talocrural and tarsometatarsal joints, and attempts to identify which type of foot is optimal for bipedal standing. A simple model of the foot musculoskeletal system was built to represent the geometric and force relationships in the foot during bipedal standing, and measurements for a variety of human and ape feet applied. The results show that: (1) an RPL of around 40% (as is the case in the human foot) minimizes required muscle force at the talocrural joint; (2) the presence of an high arch in the human foot reduces forces in the plantar musculature and aponeurosis; and (3) the human foot has a lower total of force in joints and muscles than do the ape feet. These results indicate that the proportions of the human foot, and the height of the medial arch are indeed better optimized for bipedal standing than those of apes, further suggesting that their current state is to some extent the product of positive selection for enhanced bipedal standing during the evolution of the foot.  相似文献   

目的分析实验兔脚皮炎发病率与相对湿度的相关性及脚皮炎实验兔对热原筛选实验合格率的影响。方法将2006、2007年实验室相对湿度记录、实验兔脚皮炎记录及热原筛选实验记录进行汇总统计,并对数据进行生物学分析。结果实验室相对湿度超过70%时,可导致实验兔脚皮炎发病率的升高,二者存在显著相关性(P〈0.01);有脚皮炎的实验兔可降低筛选实验的合格率,二者存在显著相关性(P〈0.01);实验兔基础体温的高低,对筛选合格率有显著影响(P〈0.0001)。结论实验兔的脚皮炎发病率与环境相对湿度有显著的正相关性,当实验室相对湿度超过实验兔适宜湿度范围时,可导致其脚皮炎的发病率上升;有脚皮炎的实验兔与无脚皮炎的实验免相比,可显著降低热原筛选实验的合格率。  相似文献   

In this work, a two dimensional (2D) finite element foot model was established from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a male subject. The model comprises first medial planar cross-section through the foot, representing the foot in standing posture. For specified external load, the stress and strain distribution field under foot structure are determined. The material characterization of foot structure components are stronger related to diabetic phenomena. The new material model for soft tissue based on mixture theory is proposed. The linear finite element model replaced by nonlinear counterpart with segment-to-segment contact element.  相似文献   

Shock waves were measured during walking on a treadmill on the metal tube of a below-knee KBM prosthesis, provided either with a SACH foot or with a Multiflex foot. Accelerations were measured in the axial direction and the dorso-ventral direction, about 160 mm proximal to the sole of the shoe. The accelerations had comparable amplitudes to those measured on normal legs. Dorso-ventral amplitudes (order of magnitude 4 g) were generally higher than the axial amplitudes. For some patients, the SACH foot gave much higher axial accelerations than the Multiflex foot did. In the dorso-ventral direction, the SACH foot showed a moderate resonance phenomenon in the autospectral density function in the range of 40-50 Hz. The Multiflex foot showed a more variable behaviour. For both types of feet, components above 65 Hz were negligible.  相似文献   

Summary A substance was isolated from crude extracts of hydra that inhibits foot regeneration. This substance, the foot inhibitor, has a molecular weight of 500 daltons. It is a hydrophilic molecule, slightly basic in character and it has no peptide bonds. The pruified substance acts specifically and at concentrations lower than 10–7 M. At this low concentration only foot and not head regeneration is inhibited. Hydra are sensitive to purified foot inhibitor between the second and eight hour after initiation of foot regeneration by cutting. In normal animals the foot inhibitor is most likely produced by nerve cells. A substance with similar biological and physico-chemical properties is found in other coelenterates.  相似文献   

During human walking, perturbations to the upper body can be partly corrected by placing the foot appropriately on the next step. Here, we infer aspects of such foot placement dynamics using step-to-step variability over hundreds of steps of steady-state walking data. In particular, we infer dependence of the ‘next’ foot position on upper body state at different phases during the ‘current’ step. We show that a linear function of the hip position and velocity state (approximating the body center of mass state) during mid-stance explains over 80% of the next lateral foot position variance, consistent with (but not proving) lateral stabilization using foot placement. This linear function implies that a rightward pelvic deviation during a left stance results in a larger step width and smaller step length than average on the next foot placement. The absolute position on the treadmill does not add significant information about the next foot relative to current stance foot over that already available in the pelvis position and velocity. Such walking dynamics inference with steady-state data may allow diagnostics of stability and inform biomimetic exoskeleton or robot design.  相似文献   

Tarsiers possess a very odd musculoskeletal foot anatomy that goes beyond their acknowledged specialized leaping adaptations. Tarsius has evolved a fundamentally different method of bone rotation to achieve an inverted foot position during grasping and has developed an unusual muscular system for holding onto vertical supports. Although galagos and tarsiers possess elongated foot bones as adaptations for leaping, galagos utilize many more types of movements, have specialized osteological surface for inversion, and have a more common type of muscle development in the foot and leg than tarsiers possess. Likewise, the Omomyidae, the ancestral lineage of Tarsius, exhibit a lack of morphological similarity with Tarsius in the known foot joints.  相似文献   

Morton (American Journal of Physical Anthropology 5, 305–336, 1922) used the longest metatarsal, which he assumed functions as a lever during locomotion, to define the functional axis of the primate foot. In humans and apes, the functional foot axis lies on the second digit, whereas that of nonhominoid anthropoids is mostly on the third digit, suggesting that a medial shift of the functional axis occurred during primate foot evolution. Myological observations support this idea; the dorsal interossei of the human foot are arranged around the second digit, whereas those of nonhominoid anthropoids are around the third digit. However, it is still unclear when, why, and how such a change in foot musculature occurred. In addition, there is inconsistency among the limited number of studies that have examined foot musculature in apes. We examined modifications in the interosseous muscles of the chimpanzee, gibbon, spider monkey, and Japanese macaque in terms of the shift in the functional foot axis. We found that the dorsal interossei are arranged around the third digit; this is true even in the chimpanzee, whose functional axis based on metatarsal length lies on the second digit. This suggests that the change in the arrangement of the interosseous muscles phylogenetically lagged behind the shift of the osteological axis. Our results also indicate that the dorsal interossei are composite muscles consisting of the deep short flexors and the intermetatarsal abductors. We postulate that changes in the contributions of these 2 components to the formation of dorsal interossei likely occurred in the hominin lineage, resulting in the medial shift of the myological axis. The medial shift of the functional foot axis may have started with the elongation of the second metatarsal in the hominoid ancestors’ lineage, and was completed on the rearrangement of the interosseous muscles.  相似文献   

Forty patients were studied prospectively for complications of ascending phlebography. The commonest immediate complication was pain at the site of injection and the commonest delayed complication pain in the foot or calf. Out of 30 patients with pain in the foot and calf, 15 had venous thrombosis. Review of 200 case notes disclosed only one recorded complication--namely, necrosis of the dorsal skin of the foot. Complications of the procedure reported by referring clinicians over 10 years comprised four cases of necrosis of the dorsum of the foot and two of gangrene of the foot, in one of which the gangrene spread to the leg. Major complications of ascending phlebography are rare, though when they occur may cause serious morbidity. If a scrupulous technique is used contrast phlebography remains the most accurate method of diagnosing venous disease of the leg.  相似文献   

Roentgenometric parameters estimated by Russian radiologists and orthopedic surgeons fail to provide a complete and objective assessment of anterior foot deformity. Of practical interest is the larger number of indices the aggregate of which makes it possible not only to evaluate the severity of an abnormality, but also to choose a surgical treatment option that is optimal for the given foot. The authors' review of the most actual characteristics of a foot X-ray image does not substitute for more complex studies (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging), but it completely meets the requirements of current surgery of the anterior foot. Most parameters may be estimated in the dorsal plain (posterior) projection of the anterior foot under load.  相似文献   

Of the fungal skin microbiota, the lipophilic yeast genus Malassezia predominates at all body sites. Of the members of this genus, M. globosa, M. restricta, and M. sympodialis are the most common on the face, limbs, and trunk. In the present study, the Malassezia microbiotas in the external auditory canal and on the sole of the foot were characterized. M. slooffiae was the most common species in both the external auditory canal and on the sole of the foot, followed by M. restricta. Principal component analysis further revealed that the Malassezia microbiota in the external auditory canal and on the sole of the foot constitute a different cluster from those on the scalp and cheek and in the nasal cavity. Additionally, five new Malassezia phylotypes were detected on the sole of the foot and in the external auditory canal. Our results suggest that a distinctive Malassezia microbiota is present in the external auditory canal and on the sole of the foot, although the clinical significance of this finding remains unknown.  相似文献   

Functional reasons for specific changes in mammal foot skeleton occurring in course of formation and progressive evolution of locomotion on the parasagittal extremities are formulated for the first time. The paper establishes the base of the study of highly parasagittal forms (terrestrial catarhine monkeys, man and his ancestors), that evolved in primate history much later then their counterparts in other orders. The foot of primitive primate (Lemur catta) is scrutinized as a model of a primitive foot structure, that determined the peculiarities of foot evolution in higher forms. Primate foot traits as elements of general mammal foot evolution are described. Some specializations of the primate foot to the arboreal habitats are concluded to preclude the primate foot from progressing to the state inherent in highly advanced parasagittal members of other mammalian orders.  相似文献   

This study represents a functional analysis of the human foot complex based on in-vivo gait measurements, finite element (FE) modeling and biological coupling theory, with the objective of achieving a comprehensive understanding of the impact attenuation and energy absorption functions of the human foot complex. A simplified heel pad FE model comprising reticular fiber structure and fat cells was constructed based on the foot pad Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. The model was then used to investigate the foot pad behaviors under impact during locomotion. Three-dimensional (3D) gait measurement and a 3D FE foot model comprising 29 bones, 85 ligaments and the plantar soft tissues were used to investigate the foot arch and plantar fascia deformations in mid-stance phase. The heel pad simulation results show that the pad model with fat cells (coupling model) has much stronger capacity in impact attenuation and energy storage than the model without fat cells (structure model). Furthermore, the FE simulation reproduced the deformations of the foot arch structure and the plantar fascia extension observed in the gait measurements, which reinforces the postulation that the foot arch structure also plays an important role in energy absorption during locomotion. Finally, the coupling mechanism of the human foot functions in impact attenuation and energy absorption was proposed.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials in response to stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle were recorded during sitting and standing with variable foot positions. During standing a decrease in the amplitude of the early positive component was observed. The deviation of the foot from a horizontal position was associated with an increase in the amplitude of the early negative component. The combined influence of body and foot positions showed a decrease in the amplitude of both early and late components. The standing position induced changes in more components than the varied foot positions. This suggests that maintenance of the standing posture is a more complex task than the maintenance of the foot position itself.  相似文献   

Severe freezing injury was produced in the hind foot of 26 mongrel dogs. All dogs were given daily whirlpool treatment and protective bandaging for 14 days following injury. In addition, certain dogs received a vasodilator, fasciotomy, or both vasodilator and fasciotomy following injury. Deep foot temperatures, foot volumes, tissue pressures, and 14 day tissue loss-salvage scores were compared. Significant differences between fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy dogs were seen in foot temperature, volume, and tissue pressure immediately following fasciotomy. Though there was no significant difference in 14 day tissue loss, there was clinically apparent prolongation of integrity of the local vascular system for 2 to 5 days following fasciotomy, and total foot salvage in several dogs receiving fasciotomy.  相似文献   

In this narrative review we evaluate foundational biomechanical theories of human foot function in light of new data acquired with technology that was not available to early researchers. The formulation and perpetuation of early theories about foot function largely involved scientists who were medically trained with an interest in palaeoanthropology, driven by a desire to understand human foot pathologies. Early observations of people with flat feet and foot pain were analogized to those of our primate ancestors, with the concept of flat feet being a primitive trait, which was a driving influence in early foot biomechanics research. We describe the early emergence of the mobile adaptor–rigid lever theory, which was central to most biomechanical theories of human foot function. Many of these theories attempt to explain how a presumed stiffening behaviour of the foot enables forward propulsion. Interestingly, none of the subsequent theories have been able to explain how the foot stiffens for propulsion. Within this review we highlight the key omission that the mobile adaptor–rigid lever paradigm was never experimentally tested. We show based on current evidence that foot (quasi-)stiffness does not actually increase prior to, nor during propulsion. Based on current evidence, it is clear that the mechanical function of the foot is highly versatile. This function is adaptively controlled by the central nervous system to allow the foot to meet the wide variety of demands necessary for human locomotion. Importantly, it seems that substantial joint mobility is essential for this function. We suggest refraining from using simple, mechanical analogies to explain holistic foot function. We urge the scientific community to abandon the long-held mobile adaptor–rigid lever paradigm, and instead to acknowledge the versatile and non-linear mechanical behaviour of a foot that is adapted to meet constantly varying locomotory demands.  相似文献   

Raffaele Gambardella 《Planta》1987,172(4):431-438
The development of the placental complex including the gametophyte vaginula and the bulbous foot of the sporophyte in the liverwort Targionia hypophylla L. (Marchantiales) was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The vaginula and foot are separated by an intervening space and each consist of parenchymatous cells without intercellular spaces. Transfer cells begin to differentiate at the gametophyte-sporophyte interface just prior the onset of meiosis. While a single epidermal transfer-cell layer has developed in the foot by the end of meiosis, a multilayered pattern of transfer cells is formed in the vaginula. Gametophyte transfer cells have wall labyrinths which decrease in complexity with distance from the foot, lack plasmodesmata, and show signs of degeneration in the proximity of the foot. During meiosis, amyloplasts of both vaginula and foot lack starch and develop some thylakoid grana. In the subsequent stage of spore maturation, obliteration of the wall labyrinth occurs in both gametophyte and sporophyte transfer cells. The developmental pattern of the placental complex in Targionia is discussed in relation to that of mosses.  相似文献   

The excitability of α-motoneurons was studied in healthy subjects during voluntary and passive air-stepping with imitation of foot loading. The foot loading induced reduction of the H-reflex during both immobility and stepping. Thus, sensory inputs from load receptors play an important role in phase-dependent modulation of the H-reflex, and excitability of α-motoneurons is considerably dependent on the foot afferent input.  相似文献   

The stereotyped characterizations of quadrupedal foot postures were tested by examining the kinematics of the cercopithecine foot on arboreal and terrestrial supports. Strictly arboreal species were compared with semi-terrestrial species for Cercopithecus, Cercocebus, Lophocebus, and Papio, in semi-natural or experimental settings. Results indicate that the kinematics of the cercopithecine arboreal quadruped differ in degree from stereotypical expectations for an arboreal quadruped. The relatively extended, adducted limb movements of the cercopithecines and the emphasis on the central digit as the functional axis of the foot suggest convergence with terrestrial mammalian cursors, and differ from the platyrrhine or colobine arboreal quadruped. The characteristics of the quadrupedal terrestrial primate foot contrast with the very unique pattern seen in the hominid foot. These contrasts provide a new perspective from which to interpret the hominid adaptation, in which the functional axis has remained fixed between the first and second digits. This pattern differs from virtually all other terrestrial mammals. The influence of bipedalism on this functional pattern is examined.  相似文献   

网络教育管理对糖尿病足危险因素患者干预的效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阎黎  刘桂芬  莫风绢  陈运香 《蛇志》2007,19(3):188-190
目的探讨健康教育网对预防糖尿病足发生的措施。方法对85例糖尿病足高危因素患者为期1年的网络教育干预。结果糖化血红蛋白、空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖与干预前比较有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论应用健康教育网络形式对糖尿病足危险因素的患者进行系统、规范、全程、有计划的教育干预,可以降低糖化血红蛋白、血糖,提高踝肱指数,有效地避免糖尿病足的发生。  相似文献   

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