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A number of scholars have recently defended the claim that there is a close connection between the evolutionary biological notion of fitness and the economic notion of utility: both are said to refer to an organism’s success in dealing with its environment, and both are said to play the same theoretical roles in their respective sciences. However, an analysis of two seemingly disparate but in fact structurally related phenomena—‘niche construction’ (the case where organisms change their environment to make it fit to their needs) and ‘adaptive preferences’ (the case where agents change their wants to make them fit to what the world has given them)—shows that one needs to be very careful about the postulation of this sort of fitness–utility connection. Specifically, I here use the analysis of these two phenomena to establish when connecting fitness and utility is and is not possible.  相似文献   

Sukhodolets VV 《Genetika》2005,41(10):1322-1330
The evolutionary development of highly organized species is attained through an increase in average survival of individuals, whereas the evolution of primitive species involves only an increase in fecundity (Zavadsky, 1958, 1961). However, in population genetics, survival (or ecological resistance) and fecundity are regarded as components of a single character, fitness. Employment of the notion of fitness, which lacks a strict definition, hinders understanding of the mechanism of progressive evolution as the process that enhances ecological resistance of organisms. The notion of fitness also exacerbates understanding the role of genetic exchange, since the primary advantage of genetic recombination and sexual reproduction apparently is producing of progeny with high ecological resistance rather than with high genetic diversity as such. Thus, the regular genetic exchange ensures restoration of the level of ecological resistance characteristic for the species, and on the macroevolutionary scale leads to the formation of new genomes and new species with high ecological resistance.  相似文献   

The evolutionary development of highly organized species is attained through an increase in average survival of individuals, whereas the evolution of primitive species involves only an increase in fecundity (Zavadsky, 1968). However, in population genetics, survival (or ecological resistance) and fecundity are regarded as components of a single character, fitness. Employment of the notion of fitness, which lacks a strict definition, hinders understanding of the mechanism of progressive evolution as the process that enhances ecological resistance of organisms. The notion of fitness also hinders understanding the role of genetic exchange, since the primary advantage of genetic recombination and sexual reproduction apparently is producing of progeny with high ecological resistance rather than with high genetic diversity as such. Thus, the regular genetic exchange ensures restoration of the level of ecological resistance characteristic for the species, and on the macroevolutionary scale leads to the formation of new genomes and new species with high ecological resistance.  相似文献   

Testing evolutionary theories of menopause   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Why do women cease fertility rather abruptly through menopause at an age well before generalized senescence renders child rearing biologically impossible? The two main evolutionary hypotheses are that menopause serves either (i) to protect mothers from rising age-specific maternal mortality risks, thereby protecting their highly dependent younger children from death if the mother dies or (ii) to provide post-reproductive grandmothers who enhance their inclusive fitness by helping to care and provide for their daughters'' children. Recent theoretical work indicates that both factors together are necessary if menopause is to provide an evolutionary advantage. However, these ideas need to be tested using detailed data from actual human life histories lived under reasonably ‘natural’ conditions; for obvious reasons, such data are extremely scarce. We here describe a study based on a remarkably complete dataset from The Gambia. The data provided quantitative estimates for key parameters for the theoretical model, which were then used to assess the actual effects on fitness. Empirically based numerical analysis of this nature is essential if the enigma of menopause is to be explained satisfactorily in evolutionary terms. Our results point to the distinctive (and perhaps unique) role of menopause in human evolution and provide important support for the hypothesized evolutionary significance of grandmothers.  相似文献   

Functional information means an encoded network of functions in living organisms from molecular signaling pathways to an organism’s behavior. It is represented by two components: code and an interpretation system, which together form a self-sustaining semantic closure. Semantic closure allows some freedom between components because small variations of the code are still interpretable. The interpretation system consists of inference rules that control the correspondence between the code and the function (phenotype) and determines the shape of the fitness landscape. The utility factor operates at multiple time scales: short-term selection drives evolution towards higher survival and reproduction rate within a given fitness landscape, and long-term selection favors those fitness landscapes that support adaptability and lead to evolutionary expansion of certain lineages. Inference rules make short-term selection possible by shaping the fitness landscape and defining possible directions of evolution, but they are under control of the long-term selection of lineages. Communication normally occurs within a set of agents with compatible interpretation systems, which I call communication system. Functional information cannot be directly transferred between communication systems with incompatible inference rules. Each biological species is a genetic communication system that carries unique functional information together with inference rules that determine evolutionary directions and constraints. This view of the relation between utility and inference can resolve the conflict between realism/positivism and pragmatism. Realism overemphasizes the role of inference in evolution of human knowledge because it assumes that logic is embedded in reality. Pragmatism substitutes usefulness for truth and therefore ignores the advantage of inference. The proposed concept of evolutionary pragmatism rejects the idea that logic is embedded in reality; instead, inference rules are constructed within each communication system to represent reality, and they evolve towards higher adaptability on a long time scale.  相似文献   

Lehmann L  Balloux F 《Genetics》2007,176(1):361-377
In a series of seminal articles in 1974, 1975, and 1977, J. H. Gillespie challenged the notion that the "fittest" individuals are those that produce on average the highest number of offspring. He showed that in small populations, the variance in fecundity can determine fitness as much as mean fecundity. One likely reason why Gillespie's concept of within-generation bet hedging has been largely ignored is the general consensus that natural populations are of large size. As a consequence, essentially no work has investigated the role of the fecundity variance on the evolutionary stable state of life-history strategies. While typically large, natural populations also tend to be subdivided in local demes connected by migration. Here, we integrate Gillespie's measure of selection for within-generation bet hedging into the inclusive fitness and game theoretic measure of selection for structured populations. The resulting framework demonstrates that selection against high variance in offspring number is a potent force in large, but structured populations. More generally, the results highlight that variance in offspring number will directly affect various life-history strategies, especially those involving kin interaction. The selective pressures on three key traits are directly investigated here, namely within-generation bet hedging, helping behaviors, and the evolutionary stable dispersal rate. The evolutionary dynamics of all three traits are markedly affected by variance in offspring number, although to a different extent and under different demographic conditions.  相似文献   

Liberating genetic variance through sex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic variation in fitness is the fundamental prerequisite for adaptive evolutionary change. If there is no variation in survival and reproduction or if this variation has no genetic basis, then the composition of a population will not evolve over time. Consequently, the factors influencing genetic variation in fitness have received close attention from evolutionary biologists. One key factor is the mode of reproduction. Indeed, it has long been thought that sex enhances fitness variation and that this explains the ubiquity of sexual reproduction among eukaryotes. Nevertheless, theoretical studies have demonstrated that sex need not always increase genetic variation in fitness. In particular, if fitness interactions among beneficial alleles (epistasis) are positive, sex can reduce genetic variance in fitness. Empirical data have been sorely needed to settle the issue of whether sex does enhance fitness variation. A recent flurry of studies[1-4] has demonstrated that sex and recombination do dramatically increase genetic variation in fitness and consequently the rate of adaptive evolution. Interpreted in light of evolutionary theory, these studies rule out positive in these experiments epistasis as a major source of genetic associations. Further studies are needed, however, to tease apart other possible sources.  相似文献   

To examine the evolutionary basis of a behavior, an established approach (known as the phenotypic gambit) is to assume that the behavior is controlled by a single allele, the fitness effects of which are derived from a consideration of how the behavior interacts, via life-history, with other ecological factors. Here we contrast successful applications of this approach with several examples of an influential and superficially similar line of research on the evolutionary basis of human cooperation. A key difference is identified: in the latter line of research the focal behavior, cooperation, is abstractly defined in terms of immediate fitness costs and benefits. Selection is then assumed to act on strategies in an iterated social context for which fitness effects can be derived by aggregation of the abstractly defined immediate fitness effects over a lifetime. This approach creates a closed theoretical loop, rendering models incapable of making predictions or providing insight into the origin of human cooperation. We conclude with a discussion of how evolutionary approaches might be appropriately used in the study of human social behavior.  相似文献   

The rediscovery of Mendel's laws a century ago launched the science that William Bateson called "genetics," and led to a new view of evolution combining selection, particulate inheritance, and the newly characterized phenomenon of "mutation." This "mutationist" view clashed with the earlier view of Darwin, and the later "Modern Synthesis," by allowing discontinuity, and by recognizing mutation (or more properly, mutation-and-altered-development) as a source of creativity, direction, and initiative. By the mid-20th century, the opposing Modern Synthesis view was a prevailing orthodoxy: under its influence, "evolution" was redefined as "shifting gene frequencies," that is, the sorting out of pre-existing variation without new mutations; and the notion that mutation-and-altered-development can exert a predictable influence on the course of evolutionary change was seen as heretical. Nevertheless, mutationist ideas re-surfaced: the notion of mutational determinants of directionality emerged in molecular evolution by 1962, followed in the 1980s by an interest among evolutionary developmental biologists in a shaping or creative role of developmental propensities of variation, and more recently, a recognition by theoretical evolutionary geneticists of the importance of discontinuity and of new mutations in adaptive dynamics. The synthetic challenge presented by these innovations is to integrate mutation-and-altered-development into a new understanding of the dual causation of evolutionary change--a broader and more predictive understanding that already can lay claim to important empirical and theoretical results--and to develop a research program appropriately emphasizing the emergence of variation as a cause of propensities of evolutionary change.  相似文献   

A series of important new theoretical, experimental and observational studies demonstrate that just a few immigrants can have positive immediate impacts on the evolutionary trajectory of local populations. In many cases, a low level of immigration into small populations has produced fitness benefits that are greater than those predicted by theoretical models, resulting in what has been termed 'genetic rescue'. However, the opposite result (reduced fitness) can also be associated with immigration of genetically divergent individuals. Central to our understanding of genetic rescue are complex interactions among fundamental concepts in evolutionary and population biology, including both genetic and non-genetic (environmental, behavioral and demographic) factors. Developing testable models to predict when genetic rescue is likely to occur is a daunting challenge that will require carefully controlled, multi-generation experiments as well as creative use of information from natural 'experiments'.  相似文献   

It is 25 years since modern evolutionary ideas were first applied extensively to human behavior, jump-starting a field of study once known as 'sociobiology'. Over the years, distinct styles of evolutionary analysis have emerged within the social sciences. Although there is considerable complementarity between approaches that emphasize the study of psychological mechanisms and those that focus on adaptive fit to environments, there are also substantial theoretical and methodological differences. These differences have generated a recurrent debate that is now exacerbated by growing popular media attention to evolutionary human behavioral studies. Here, we provide a guide to current controversies surrounding evolutionary studies of human social behavior, emphasizing theoretical and methodological issues. We conclude that a greater use of formal models, measures of current fitness costs and benefits, and attention to adaptive tradeoffs, will enhance the power and reliability of evolutionary analyses of human social behavior.  相似文献   

We review models of the Baldwin effect, i.e., the hypothesis that adaptive learning (i.e., learning to improve fitness) accelerates genetic evolution of the phenotype. Numerous theoretical studies scrutinized the hypothesis that a non-evolving ability of adaptive learning accelerates evolution of genetically determined behavior. However, their results are conflicting in that some studies predict an accelerating effect of learning on evolution, whereas others show a decelerating effect. We begin by describing the arguments underlying the hypothesis on the Baldwin effect and identify the core argument: adaptive learning influences the rate of evolution because it changes relative fitness of phenotypes. Then we analyze the theoretical studies of the Baldwin effect with respect to their model of adaptive learning and discuss how their contrasting results can be explained from differences in (1) the ways in which the effect of adaptive learning on the phenotype is modeled, (2) the assumptions underlying the function used to quantify fitness and (3) the time scale at which the evolutionary rate is measured. We finish by reviewing the specific assumptions used by the theoretical studies of the Baldwin effect and discuss the evolutionary implications for cases where these assumptions do not hold.  相似文献   

There has been a long‐standing conceptual debate over the legitimacy of assigning components of offspring fitness to parents for purposes of evolutionary analysis. The benefits and risks inherent in assigning fitness of offspring to parents have been given primarily as verbal arguments and no explicit theoretical analyses have examined quantitatively how the assignment of fitness can affect evolutionary inferences. Using a simple quantitative genetic model, we contrast the conclusions drawn about how selection acts on a maternal character when components of offspring fitness (such as early survival) are assigned to parents vs. when they are assigned directly to the individual offspring. We find that there are potential shortcomings of both possible assignments of fitness. In general, whenever there is a genetic correlation between the parental and direct effects on offspring fitness, assigning components of offspring fitness to parents yields incorrect dynamical equations and may even lead to incorrect conclusions about the direction of evolution. Assignment of offspring fitness to parents may also produce incorrect estimates of selection whenever environmental variation contributes to variance of the maternal trait. Whereas assignment of offspring fitness to the offspring avoids these potential problems, it introduces the possible problem of missing components of kin selection provided by the mother, which may not be detected in selection analyses. There are also certain conditions where either model can be appropriate because assignment of offspring fitness to parents may yield the same dynamical equations as assigning offspring fitness directly to offspring. We discuss these implications of the alternative assignments of fitness for modelling, selection analysis and experimentation in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Roy Rada 《Bio Systems》1981,14(2):211-218
Evolutionary systems are commonly considered to have two fundamental properties: (1) elements (or organisms) in the system reproduce with mutation and (2) only the fit elements survive. I propose that evolutionary systems have a third property — the property of gradualness. A system has gradualness, if, and only if, small changes in an element usually lead to small changes in that element's fitness.I have formalized a framework from which attempts to design evolutionary systems might proceed. Of particular importance are the criteria, based on the notion of perpetuation, which a system's behavior must satisfy in order to be considered evolutionary. By my standards, no computer programs have been designed that manifest meaningful evolutionary behavior.  相似文献   

CONTENTS: Summary 752 I. Introduction 752 II. Will migration be enough? 753 III. Can adaptation proceed fast enough? 754 IV. Fitness links demographic and evolutionary processes 755 V. Experimental studies: what do they tell us and how can we improve them? 756 VI. Predicting evolutionary change based on genetic variation and natural selection 757 VII. The chronosequence approach 758 VIII. Resurrection of ancestral propagules 759 IX. The mean and variance in fitness, a link between genetics and demography 760 X. Conclusions 762 Acknowledgements 762 References 762 SUMMARY: Evolution proceeds unceasingly in all biological populations. It is clear that climate-driven evolution has molded plants in deep time and within extant populations. However, it is less certain whether adaptive evolution can proceed sufficiently rapidly to maintain the fitness and demographic stability of populations subjected to exceptionally rapid contemporary climate change. Here, we consider this question, drawing on current evidence on the rate of plant range shifts and the potential for an adaptive evolutionary response. We emphasize advances in understanding based on theoretical studies that model interacting evolutionary processes, and we provide an overview of quantitative genetic approaches that can parameterize these models to provide more meaningful predictions of the dynamic interplay between genetics, demography and evolution. We outline further research that can clarify both the adaptive potential of plant populations as climate continues to change and the role played by ongoing adaptation in their persistence.  相似文献   

We derive an expression for the variation between parallel trajectories in phenotypic evolution, extending the well known result that predicts the mean evolutionary path in adaptive dynamics or quantitative genetics. We show how this expression gives rise to the notion of fluctuation domains-parts of the fitness landscape where the rate of evolution is very predictable (due to fluctuation dissipation) and parts where it is highly variable (due to fluctuation enhancement). These fluctuation domains are determined by the curvature of the fitness landscape. Regions of the fitness landscape with positive curvature, such as adaptive valleys or branching points, experience enhancement. Regions with negative curvature, such as adaptive peaks, experience dissipation. We explore these dynamics in the ecological scenarios of implicit and explicit competition for a limiting resource.  相似文献   

The evolutionary ecology of pre- and post-meiotic sperm senescence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Male reproductive success is an extremely variable fitness component. Understanding the maintenance of this variation is a key challenge in evolutionary biology. An often neglected source of variation in male reproductive success is determined by age-dependent patterns of decline in sperm fitness. Two pathways mediate sperm senescence: pre-meiotic senescence of somatic and germ cells of the ageing male, and post-meiotic ageing of the spermatozoon. Recently, theoretical and empirical studies have highlighted wide-ranging implications of both pathways. We clarify different mechanisms of sperm senescence, outlining their distinct evolutionary implications for the male, the female and the zygote, and their influence on fundamental evolutionary processes, including the evolution of anisogamy, sexual conflict, sexual selection, and applied issues such as assisted conception.  相似文献   

Compelling evidence for an adaptive origin of aging has clashed with traditional evolutionary theory based on exclusively individual selection. The consensus view has been to try to understand aging in the context of a narrow, restrictive evolutionary paradigm, called the Modern Synthesis, or neo-Darwinism. But neo-Darwinism has shown itself to be inadequate in other ways, failing to account for stable ecosystems, for the evolution of sex and the maintenance of diversity and the architecture of the genome, which appears to be optimized for evolvability. Thus aging is not the only reason to consider overhauling the standard theoretical framework. Selection for stable ecosystems is rapid and efficient, and so it is the easiest modification of the neo-Darwinian paradigm to understand and to model. Aging may be understood in this context. More profound and more mysterious are the ways in which the process of evolution itself has been transformed in a bootstrapping process of selection for evolvability. Evolving organisms have learned to channel their variation in ways that are likely to enhance their long-term prospects. This is an expanded notion of fitness. Only in this context can the full spectrum of sophisticated adaptations be understood, including aging, sex, diversity, ecological interdependence, and the structure of the genome.  相似文献   

Fitness is a central but notoriously vexing concept in evolutionary biology. The propensity interpretation of fitness is often regarded as the least problematic account for fitness. It ties an individual's fitness to a probabilistic capacity to produce offspring. Fitness has a clear causal role in evolutionary dynamics under this account. Nevertheless, the propensity interpretation faces its share of problems. We discuss three of these. We first show that a single scalar value is an incomplete summary of a propensity. Second, we argue that the widespread method of “abstracting away” environmental idiosyncrasies by averaging over reproductive output in different environments is not a valid approach when environmental changes are irreversible. Third, we point out that expanding the range of applicability for fitness measures by averaging over more environments or longer time scales (so as to ensure environmental reversibility) reduces one's ability to distinguish selectively relevant differences among individuals because of mutation and eco‐evolutionary feedbacks. This series of problems leads us to conclude that a general value of fitness that is both explanatory and predictive cannot be attained. We advocate for the use of propensity‐compatible methods, such as adaptive dynamics, which can accommodate these difficulties.  相似文献   

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