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New anthracological data on the beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), obtained through rescue excavations, allows the proposal of a new pattern of population by beech of the South of France since the Lateglacial. Due to its current ecology and distribution it is considered to be a mountain species in the Mediterranean area despite the presence of beech forests, usually described as glacial relicts, at low altitudes in the South of France and in the Rhone valley (Sainte-Baume, Valbonne and Grand Fays). Our results, combined with previous pollen and charcoal data, show both an early spread from glacial refuges and a late disappearance of the species. During the glacial period, the beech remained in the southernmost zones. From there, it first spread during the Preboreal towards outposts in the Rhone delta, and during the Atlantic along the rhodanian corridor. During the Subboreal, a retreat of beech towards the Pre-Alps and the Rhone delta can be traced. The Iron Age and the Classical period experienced the maximal concentration of beech along the Rhone river, while it became more rare in the North and in the South. During the Middle Ages, it first disappeared from these distal areas, and later also in the valley (around A.D. 1000), finally settling in its present mountainous distribution area (probably around the 14th century A.D.). Some crucial points of the proposed dynamics are further analysed: the paradoxical regression of beech in the valley during the Subboreal, the factors determining the expansion of beech from refuge areas during the Subatlantic and finally, the disappearance of the beech in the middle Rhone valley in rather recent times, a disappearance attributed to the strong human impact on the landscape.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of pollen analyses from organic sediments of seven cores (299 spectra) in a mountainous area of the north-west Iberian peninsula. The pollen diagrams, supported by seven14C dates, are used to construct a regional pollen sequence covering the main stages of vegetation dynamics, from the last phases of the Late-glacial until the present. During the Late-glacial Interstadial an important development of cryophilous forests (Betula andPinus) was recorded, although various mesophilous and thermophilous tree elements were also present. The Younger Dryas, palynologically clearly defined, is characterized by an important reduction in tree pollen percentages and the expansion of steppe formations (Poaceae andArtemisia). At the beginning of the Holocene, there was an expansion ofQuercus and a spread of other trees, which combined to give a vegetation cover of varied composition but dominated by mixed deciduous forests. Such forest formations prevailed in these mountains until 3000 years ago, when successive deforestation phases are recorded at various times as a result of increased farming activity. The results are compared with data from other mountainous areas in the northern Iberian peninsula and southern France.  相似文献   

The pollen analysis of a sediment core from a peat bog (Rifugio Mondovi) at the mountain belt (1760 m) in the Ellero Valley (Italian Maritime Alps) shows the postglacial vegetation history. The sequence starts at 12,000 BP during a peak of pine pollen; this first phase shows a low representation of birch and the presence of Tilia. Younger Dryas is characterised by increasing percentages of Artemisia, showing the presence of deciduous Quercus, fir and beech. Elm appears at the beginning of the Holocene during the second pine peak (9800 BP). A 3000-year hiatus is present. Sedimentation resumes at 6000 BP in a Rhododendron fir-wood. The present timberline at 1500 m, at the limit of the beech wood, is a result of the decline of the fir-wood at 2600 BP, which allowed an expansion of beech. During this period, there was a continual increase in Gramineae and deciduous oak and the first occurrences of evergreen oak are observed. The development of larch occurs at 1800 BP, together with walnut, chestnut, cereals and vine.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic, pollen and macroscopic analyses of the Holocene limnic and peat sediments from the ?e?abinec fish-pond (southern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia) are presented and evaluated. New information on the sedimentary processes (especially the middle Holocene stratigraphic anomaly), the development of aquatic and mire vegetation, the character of the forest cover and human activity in the ?e?abinec area during the Preboreal, Boreal, Subboreal and Subatlantic has been obtained.  相似文献   

The Late Glacial and early Holocene palaeovegetation is reconstructed by analysis of pollen and macroscopic plant remains from sediments of the lower river Erft valley, near Cologne, exposed by the Garzweiler opencast lignite mine. The study was carried out in parallel with the archaeological excavation of the Mesolithic site of Bedburg-Königshoven, located within a former meander of the Erft. During the Younger Dryas period, the study region was thinly wooded. Relatively open pine woods existed during the Preboreal, becoming more closed during the Boreal. Later in the Boreal,Corylus and taxa of the mixed oak woodland (Ulmus, Quercus, Tilia andFraxinus) appeared. The Atlantic period was characterised by mixed oak woods with dominantUlmus. At the beginning of the Subboreal,Ulmus declined andTilia became the predominant element of the woods. The Mesolithic settlement existed during the early and middle part of the Preboreal period. At that time, the woodland of the Erft valley was mainly composed ofPinits, Belula and somePopulus. The pollen results do not show any evidence of the activity of Mesolithic people. Local vegetational changes of the filling process of the Erft meander were described and interpreted. The vegetational development of the study region is compared with that of neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

A modern pollen rain study was performed in a 300 km-long altitudinal transect (~ 28° N latitude) from 300 to 2300 m elevation. The higher elevation modern communities: epithermal oak–pines, pine–oak forest, pine forest, and mixed conifer forest were easy to distinguish from their pollen content. In contrast, lower elevation subtropical communities: thornscrub and tropical deciduous forest were difficult to separate, because they share many pollen taxa. Nevertheless we identify high frequencies of Bursera laxiflora as an important component of the tropical deciduous forest.Additionally, fossil pollen was analyzed at three sites located between 1700 and 1950 m altitude at ~ 28° latitude north in the Sierra Madre Occidental of northwestern Mexico. The sites were in pine–oak (Pinus–Quercus), pine, and mixed-conifer forests respectively. Shifts in the altitudinal distribution of vegetation belts were recorded for the last 12,849 cal yr BP, and climate changes were inferred. The lowest site (pine–oak forest) was surrounded by pine forest between 12,849 and 11,900 cal yr BP, suggesting a cold and relatively dry Younger Dryas period. The early Holocene was also cold but wetter, with mixed conifer forest with Abies (fir) growing at the same site, at 1700 m elevation, 300 m lower than today. After 9200 cal yr BP, a change to warmer/drier conditions caused fir migration to higher elevations and the expansion of Quercus at 1700 m. At 5600 cal yr BP Abies was growing above 1800 m and Picea (spruce) that is absent today, was recorded at 1950 m elevation. Fir and spruce disappeared from the 1950 m site and reached their present distribution (scattered, above 2000 m) after 1000 cal yr BP; we infer an episodic Holocene migration rate to higher elevations for Abies of 23.8 m/1000 cal yr and for Picea of 39.2 m/1000 cal yr. The late Holocene reflects frequent climate oscillations, with variations in the representation of forest trees. A tendency towards an openness of the forest is recorded for the last 2000 yrs, possibly reflecting human activities along with short-term climate change.  相似文献   

A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen, plant macrofossil, radiocarbon and sedimentological analyses, was performed on a small mountain lake in the Eastern Pyrenees. This has allowed the reconstruction of: (1) the vegetation history of the area based on five pollen diagrams and eight AMS14C dates and (2) the past lake-level changes, based on plant macrofossil, lithological and pollen analysis of two stratigraphical transects correlated by pollen analysis. The palaeolake may have appeared before the Younger Dryas; the lake-level was low and the vegetation dominated by cold steppic grasslands. The lake-level rose to its highest level during the Holocene in the Middle Atlantic (at ca. 5060±45 b.p.). Postglacial forests (Quercetum mixtum and Abieto-Fagetum) developed progressively in the lower part of the valley, while dense Pinus uncinata forests rapidly invaded the surroundings of the mire and remained the dominant local vegetation until present. The observed lowering of the lake levels during the Late Atlantic and the Subboreal (from 5060 ± B.P. to 3590±40 b.p.) was related to the overgrowth of the mire. The first obvious indications of anthropogenic disturbances of the vegetation are recorded at the Atlantic/Subboreal boundary as a reduction in the forest component, which has accelerated during the last two millennia.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of investigations concerning the accumulation processes, sediment composition, pollen and macroscopic analyses of sediments from the lakes Popradské pleso (1513 m) and Štrbské pleso (1345 m) in the High Tatra mountains, western Carpathians, Slovakia. While Popradské pleso is undoubtedly of glacial origin with silts in the Lateglacial layers and algal gyttja in the Holocene layers, Štrbské pleso or its greater part originated recently between the 16th and the beginning of the 18th centuries when the previous bog of Atlantic or early Subboreal age was flooded with water after the dispersed outflow from the bog depression was blocked. Our pollen and macrofossil analyses indicate mountain tundra in the Lateglacial and a continuous presence of coniferous forest with Picea abies with admixture of Pinus cembra, Larix decidua, Juniperus communis and Pinus cf. mugo in the uppermost elevations at the alpine forest limit since the very beginning of the Holocene. No noticeable oscillation of the forest line can be interpreted from our pollen analyses. It seems probable that its position was controlled by geomorphological and edaphic conditions rather than by the Holocene climatic changes. Spruce forests dominated at elevations between ca. 1000–1400 m during the whole Holocene.  相似文献   

Abstract. The results of pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating are presented from three northern Apennine sequences; Lago Padule in northern Tuscany and Lago Pratignano and Ospitale in the Emilia-Romagnan Apennines. This is the first detailed pollen stratigraphic information from sites in Emilia-Romagna and north Tuscany and extends eastwards the area from which information on vegetational history is available. The sequence from Lago Padule is one of the most complete Holocene records known from the northern Apennine region. Lago Pratignano has the deepest sequence of organic sediments (1544 cm) and the fastest rates of sediment accumulation (up to 28 cm per 100 years) providing the highest resolution record for the mid to late Holocene periods in the region. High rates of sedimentation have also occurred at Ospitale where organic sediments are 780 cm deep and began to form at approximately 5500 bp. The record from Lago Padule is compared with Holocene records from two nearby sites and a series of Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones is defined for the eastern area of the northern Apennines. The main features of vegetational change identified are: (i) a‘pioneer’phase of rapid forest development during the early Holocene followed by the establishment of an upper forest belt dominated by Abies, and a belt of mixed deciduous forest at lower altitudes; (ii) the appearance and rapid expansion of Fagus between approximately 5200 bp and 2900 bp forming a mixed Abies-Fagus association in the upper forest belt; and (iii) the overall reduction of forest cover, and dominance of Fagus in the arboreal vegetation from around 2900 bp. The scheme of Regional PAZs for the eastern area is used as a framework for the review of pollen stratigraphic information and radiocarbon dates from other sites in the northern Apennine region. Characteristics of pollen records which can be identified in sequences from across the region are identified and the chronology of similar changes in pollen stratigraphy is examined. The scheme of four regional PAZs for the Holocene period is shown to be valid for the entire northern Apennine region. The examination of a series of pollen records shows that Fagus appeared earlier in the western than the eastern part of the region during the mid Holocene and became dominant in the northern Apennine forests post 3000 bp. The impact of anthropogenic activity and climatic change on the spread and development of Fagus are discussed. The palynological evidence which is now available from the northern Apennines is compared with information for the region shown in the‘European pollen maps’of Huntley & Birks (1983). This study provides an updated review of the representation of different tree taxa in Holocene pollen records from the northern Apennines and illustrates the role of the northern Apennines as a refugium for trees during the Wurmian Lateglacial.  相似文献   



As the dominant tree in many European forests, Fagus sylvatica functions as an ecosystem engineer, yet its istory remains little understood. Here we ask: (a) are there indications for its presence in southeast France during the last Glacial period; (b) what was the timing of the expansion and decline of F. sylvatica dominated forests; (c) which factors influenced their dynamics and in particular to what extent did past precipitation changes impact upon them; and (d) at which altitudes did these beech forests occur within the region?


Languedoc, the French Mediterranean area.


This article presents a well dated and high‐resolution pollen sequence covering the last 7,800 years from the Palavas Lagoon in the Languedoc together with a review of Fagus charcoal occurrences in the Languedoc and the lower Rhône Valley, and a review of pollen data from a compilation of 69 sites in southeast France.


The Palavas pollen sequence provides a regional summary of F. sylvatica abundance changes near the Mediterranean coast. Around 6,000 years cal BP , an abrupt transition from small beech populations to well‐developed forests is recorded. The maximum development of beech forests occurred between 4,000 and 3,000 years cal BP , while F. sylvatica started to regress after 3,000 years cal BP .


Scattered F. sylvatica populations probably survived throughout southern France during the last Glacial period. F. sylvatica started to spread around 8,000 years cal BP while beech forests never expanded before 6,000 years cal BP . The complex patterns of F. sylvatica expansion in southern France after 6,000 years cal BP suggests that a combination of global (climate change) and local (human impact) factors were responsible for this major change. Recurrent abrupt climate changes, the aridity trend and human deforestation caused beech forests to decline after 3,000 years cal BP .

The history of forestry in the Romanche river valley, south-east of Grenoble, France, is reconstructed for the past ca. 3000 years on the basis of detailed pollen analysis and AMS14C dating. Three deforestation phases are recorded during the last two millennia, each phase showing different features and also contrasting woodland succession in the post-clearance period. The first major deforestation is recorded at the Roman time whenAbies alba (fir) was selectively exploited, presumably for use by peoples living downstream of the site. Apart from the deforestation, there appears to have been little human activity in the vicinity of the site at this time. After the clearance fir gradually, and more or less fully, recovered. The second deforestation phase occurred in ca. the 5th and 6th century A.D. when there is also substantial evidence for local farming. At this time, both fir and beech (Fagus sylvatica) were non-selectively exploited and probably used locally. Beach subsequently recovers but there is no further regeneration of fir. The third deforestation phase in ca. the 12th century A.D. is similar to the preceding phase but this time beech does not recover. With the decline in human activity, secondary forest that included spruce (Picea) and pine (Pinus), developed. Forest dynamics were controlled by local human activity and also the economic relationships between the local area and the wider region and especially the region downstream from the site.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether fire contributed to the expansion and compositional change of evergreen forests in the Mediterranean region during the Holocene. Location The peri‐Adriatic region, encompassing the Italian peninsula, Sicily and the western and southern Balkans between latitudes 46° and 37° N. Methods New high‐resolution pollen and microscopic charcoal data from Lago dell’Accesa (Tuscany, Italy) were used to estimate the response of the evergreen oak, Quercus ilex L., to fire during its expansion phase at 8500 cal. yr bp . The data were compared with the pollen and charcoal series from other Mediterranean sites (Lago di Massaciuccoli in Tuscany, Malo Jezero in Croatia, Biviere di Gela in Sicily) and analysed using numerical techniques (redundancy analysis, detrended canonical correspondence analysis) to identify long‐term fire–vegetation linkages and the degree of compositional change. Results Microscopic charcoal and pollen of evergreen oaks were negatively correlated during the period of quasi‐natural fire regime (Mesolithic, 10,000–8000 cal. yr bp ). In addition, there was no such positive correlation during periods when the fire regime was potentially more influenced by people (Neolithic–Bronze Age, 8000–3000 cal. yr bp ). Compared with inland sites, coastal sites that are currently located at a distinct ecotone showed more compositional change. Main conclusions The analyses suggest that climatic change, without an additional effect of fire regimes, favoured the expansion and compositional change of evergreen forests across the peri‐Adriatic region. Strikingly different patterns occurred along a north–south gradient. In the north (Tuscany and Croatia, meso‐Mediterranean belt), Q. ilex replaced deciduous forests when conditions became drier; in the south (Sicily, thermo‐Mediterranean belt) the species replaced maquis or steppe vegetation when climatic conditions became moister. We conclude that the projected increase in fire activity may lead to the loss of most of the remaining relict forests of Q. ilex in southern Europe.  相似文献   

A continuous pollen record covering the last 28 kyr was obtained from core C106 collected in the Bay of Salerno in the southern Tyrrhenian Basin, seven radiocarbon dates and the recognition of two tephra layers (Y3 and Pompeii Pumice) providing good chronological constraints. The clear climatic signal given by the pollen spectra integrated by isotopic data, combined with comparisons with other Mediterranean sites, allowed the Last Glacial, Late Glacial and Holocene periods to be distinguished in the core. In particular, the Last Glacial period is characterised by large quantities of herbaceous and steppe elements such as Artemisia. The beginning of the Late Glacial has been correlated with the first increase of deciduous Quercus and the reduction of steppe and herbaceous elements. The Younger Dryas event is recorded only by oxygen isotopes while the vegetation does not seem to change, as in other Mediterranean sites. The Holocene corresponds to rich deciduous and evergreen forests. The first features which could be interpreted as signs of human presence are represented by a few grains of Juglans, Castanea and cereal-type while intensive olive cultivation and deforestation seem to fall within the Middle Ages. Received October 10, 2001 / Accepted June 20, 2002 Correspondence to: Elda Russo Ermolli  相似文献   

The palynostratigraphy of two sediment cores from Soppensee, Central Switzerland (596 m asl) was correlated with nine regional pollen assemblage zones defined for the Swiss Plateau. This biostratigraphy shows that the sedimentary record of Soppensee includes the last 15 000 years, i.e. the entire Late-glacial and Holocene environmental history. The vegetation history of the Soppensee catchment was inferred by pollen and plant-macrofossil analyses on three different cores taken in the deepest part of the lake basin (27 m). On the basis of a high-resolution varve and calibrated radiocarbonchronology it was possible to estimate pollen accumulation rates, which together with the pollen percentage data, formed the basis for the interpretation of the past vegetation dynamics. The basal sediment dates back to the last glacial. After reforestation with juniper and birch at ca. 12 700 B.P., the vegetation changed at around 12 000 B.P. to a pine-birch woodland and at the onset of the Holocene to a mixed deciduous forest. At ca. 7000 B.P., fir expanded and dominated the vegetation with beech becoming predominant at ca. 50014C-years later until sometime during the Iron Age. Large-scale deforestation, especially during the Middle Ages, altered the vegetation cover drastically. During the Late-glacial period two distinct regressive phases in vegetation development are demonstrated, namely, the Aegelsee oscillation (equivalent to the Older Dryas biozone) and the Younger Dryas biozone. No unambiguous evidence for Holocene climatic change was detected at Soppensee. Human presence is indicated by early cereal pollen and distinct pulses of forest clearance as a result of human activity can be observed from the Neolithic period onwards.  相似文献   

Pollen records suggest that Abies alba played a dominating role in both the montane and lowland forests at the border of the Southern Alps between ca. 8500 and 5700 years ago. Two major declines in fir, at about 7300–7000 cal b.p. and at ca. 6000 cal b.p., followed by the local extinction of the species are characteristic of the area below ca. 1000 m a.s.l. In order to test the impact of fire on the population dynamics of silver fir, a dynamic model (DisCForm) with a fire module was applied to simulate the early- and mid-Holocene forest development. Simulation outputs based on different fire scenarios were compared with the pollen record from Lago di Annone (226 m a.s.l.). The marked Abies decreases shown in the pollen record can be simulated with very intensive fire scenarios, but they do not result in an extinction of silver fir in the model. Low charcoal influx values related to the Abies declines in the palaeobotanical record suggest that fire was not the only reason for the extinction of silver fir. Human impact, as well as Holocene climatic changes leading to temporary moisture deficits and reduced adaptability due to low genetic variation may have had a significant impact on the Abies forests.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct the last c. 7000 years of vegetation and climate change in an unusual region of modern Great Plains grassland and scarp woodland in south‐east Colorado (USA), and to determine the late Holocene biogeography of Colorado piñon (Pinus edulis) at its easternmost extent, using a series of radiocarbon‐dated packrat (Neotoma sp.) middens. Location The West Carrizo Canyon drains the Chaquaqua Plateau, a plateau that projects into the western extent of the southern Great Plains grasslands in south‐eastern Colorado, USA. Elevations of the study sites are 1448 to 1525 m a.s.l. Today the plateau is mostly Juniperus scopulorumP. edulis woodland. Methods Plant macrofossils and pollen assemblages were analysed from 11 14C‐dated packrat middens. Ages ranged from 5990 yr bp (6839 cal. yr bp ) to 280 yr bp (485 cal. yr bp ). Results The results presented here provide information on the establishment and expansion of JuniperusP. edulis woodland at its eastern limits. The analysis of both plant macrofossils and pollen from the 11 middens documents changes in plant communities over the last 7000 years, and the establishment of P. edulis at its easternmost limit. Though very minor amounts of P. edulis pollen occur as early as the middle Holocene, plant macrofossils were only recovered in middens dating after c. 480 cal. yr bp . Main conclusions Originally, midden research suggested a late glacial refuge to the north‐east of the Carrizo Canyon site, and a middle Holocene expansion of P. edulis. Results reported here are consistent with a late Holocene expansion, here at its eastern limits, but noted elsewhere at its northern and north‐eastern limits. In general, this late Holocene expansion is consistent with pollen data from sediments in Colorado and New Mexico, and suggests that P. edulis is still expanding its range at its present extremes. This has implications for further extension of its range due to changing climatic conditions in the future.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary studies of the sediments of Lago dell’Accesa started in 2001. We present here results from the palynological study. The pollen diagram provides a record of vegetation and climatic change spanning over 15,000 years. The oldest pollen spectra show a late-glacial steppe vegetation typical of central and southern Italy during this period. The Late-glacial Interstadial, interrupted by two cooling events, is dominated by open deciduous oak forests. The Younger Dryas is represented by 150 cm of sediment and shows the presence of steppic vegetation. The Holocene vegetation is characterised by alternating dominance of deciduous oaks and Quercus ilex. The three zones characterised by Q. ilex are accompanied by peat layers marking lake-level lowering at ca. 8600–7900, 4600–4300 and 3700–2800 cal b.p. Between approximately 9000 and 6000 cal b.p. extensive Abies-forests existed on the Colline Metallifere located 15–20 km to the north and northeast of the lake. Local fir populations may also have existed by the lake. Human impact starts at approximately 8000 cal b.p. during the Neolithic period, and increases at ca. 4300 cal b.p. Castanea and Juglans pollen is recorded from ca. 2800 cal b.p. The impact of the Etruscan settlement near the lakeshore is shown in the increasing values of arable crops, species of secondary forest canopy (Ericaceae, Pinus, Pistacia, Myrtus) and anthropogenic indicators (Chenopodiaceae, Plantago lanceolata, Rumex etc).  相似文献   

A pollen analytical study of a 66-m long core from the Brague valley, Biot, Alpes-Maritimes, France, suggests that thalwegs in eastern Provence may have served as refugia for mesophilous trees such asTilia, Fagus andAbies during the last glacial period. During the Younger Dryas the vegetation was considerably less steppic in character than that described from western Provence. The varying role of taxa such asQuercus ilex-type in pollen profiles from the wider region suggests a longitudinal gradient in both climate and vegetation development in the French/Italian north-western meditcrranean region during the Holocene.  相似文献   

On the Taymyr Peninsula and Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, Central Siberia, a joint German/Russian multidisciplinary research project focuses on the Late Quaternary history of climate and environment. Within the scope of this project, palynological studies were carried out on a 10.8-m core from Lama Lake, situated in the south-west of the research area. The core, which did not reach the base of the lacustrine sediments, reveals the vegetation and climate history of the last 17 000 years and demonstrates that this area was not glaciated during that time. The Pleistocene/Holocene transition is, as elsewhere in the northern hemisphere, characterized by increased temperatures during the Bølling, Allerød and Preboreal with interruptions during the Older (post-Bølling) and Younger Dryas events. The Holocene climate optimum at Lama Lake probably occurred within the Boreal period, when dense larch forests developed. The Atlantic period was characterized by warm conditions that favoured the establishment of larch-spruce forests, though a climatic deterioration is also recorded. During the Subboreal, spruce fluctuated in importance, on the basis of which it is suggested that there were two cool periods with an intervening warm period. Since 3000 B.P., the climate has become considerably cooler and forests have degenerated. During the last 1000 years, unfavourable climate conditions have resulted in a forest tundra and widespread tundra communities developing in the Lama Lake region.This paper is dedicated to Hans-Jürgen Beug on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Pollen analyses of sediment cores from two small lakes within the boreal forest in the central Scandes Mountains help to elucidate the Holocene forest dynamics of the region. Analyses of pore/pollen grain diameter ratios of Alnus grains indicate the early Holocene presence of Alnus glutinosa in the study area. The results are discussed in conjunction with available pollen records to evaluate the importance of thermophilous trees during the early Holocene and to deduce the regional spread of Picea abies. Corylus avellana, Alnus glutinosa and Ulmus glabra were probably common constituents of the early Holocene forest. Tilia cordata may have occurred there as a rare tree. Pollen stratigraphies from the region do not indicate the occurrence of Quercus robur. The regional spread of Picea abies can be separated into two phases: a mid-Holocene establishment or first expansion of small outpost populations and a late-Holocene population expansion. The mid-Holocene shift in vegetation composition may have been caused by changes in the westerly airflow.  相似文献   

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