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The problem of detecting linkage, by using the LOD-score method, of polymorphic marker loci to a disorder that is determined by recessive alleles at two independent autosomal diallelic loci has been considered. The expected LOD score and the distribution of the LOD score have been worked out for various scenarios. It is found that the expected numbers of families to be sampled for detection of linkage are within feasible limits if the recombination fractions between the marker loci and the disorder loci are less than or equal to .1. The strategy of studying affected offspring only is shown to be more efficient than the strategy of studying both affected and normal offspring. The efficiency of the "affecteds-only" strategy (1) increases with increase in sibship size, (2) decreases with increase in population prevalence of the disorder, and (3) increases with increase in recombination distances between the marker and the disorder loci. From various considerations, it is found that sampling families of sibship size three with at least one affected, and adopting the affecteds-only strategy for analysis, may be an optimal strategy.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis in French-Canadian families with vitamin D dependency type I (VDD1) demonstrated that the gene responsible for the disease is linked to polymorphic RFLP markers in the 12q14 region. We studied 76 subjects in 14 sibships which included 17 affected individuals and 17 obligate heterozygotes. Significant results for linkage were obtained with the D12S17 locus at the male recombination fraction (theta m) .018 (Z[theta m theta f] = 3.20) and with D126 at (theta m = .025 (Z[theta m theta f] = 3.07). Multipoint linkage analysis and studies of haplotypes and recombinants strongly suggest the localization of the VDD1 locus between the collagen type II alpha 1 (COL2A1) locus and clustered loci D12S14, D12S17, and D12S6, which segregate as a three-marker haplotype. Linkage disequilibrium between VDD1 and this three-marker haplotype supports the notion of a founder effect in the studied population. The current status of the localization of the disease allows for carrier detection in the families at risk.  相似文献   

While there have been significant advances in understanding the genetic etiology of human hair loss over the previous decade, there remain a number of hereditary disorders for which a causative gene has yet to be identified. We studied a large, consanguineous Brazilian family that presented with woolly hair at birth that progressed to severe hypotrichosis by the age of 5, in which 6 of the 14 offspring were affected. After exclusion of known candidate genes, a genome-wide scan was performed to identify the disease locus. Autozygosity mapping revealed a highly significant region of extended homozygosity (lod score of 10.41) that contained a haplotype with a linkage lod score of 3.28. Results of these two methods defined a 9-Mb region on chromosome 13q14.11-q14.2. The interval contains the P2RY5 gene, in which we recently identified pathogenic mutations in several families of Pakistani origin affected with autosomal recessive woolly and sparse hair. After the exclusion of several other candidate genes, we sequenced the P2RY5 gene and identified a homozygous mutation (C278Y) in all affected individuals in this family. Our findings show that mutations in P2RY5 display variable expressivity, underlying both hypotrichosis and woolly hair, and underscore the essential role of P2RY5 in the tissue integrity and maintenance of the hair follicle.  相似文献   

We have compared the efficiency of the lod score test which assumes heterogeneity (lod2) to the standard lod score test which assumes homogeneity (lod1) when three-point linkage analysis is used in successive map intervals. If it is assumed that a gene located midway between two linked marker loci is responsible for a proportion of disease cases, then the lod1 test loses power relative to the lod2 test, as the proportion of linked families decreases, as the flanking markers are more closely linked, and as more map intervals are tested. Moreover, when multipoint analysis is used, linkage for a disease gene is more likely to be incorrectly excluded from a complete and dense linkage map if true genetic heterogeneity is ignored. We thus conclude that, in general, the lod2 linkage test is more efficient for detecting a true linkage when a complete genetic marker map is screened for a heterogeneous disorder.  相似文献   

Sample-size guidelines for linkage studies of quantitative traits partially determined by a dominant major locus are needed to provide a rough estimate of the amount of pedigree material that should be sampled to map the loci that influence such traits. After pedigrees are sampled, a specific power calculation can be carried out to evaluate the linkage information provided by the sampled pedigrees. Using computer simulation, I provide sample-size guidelines for linkage studies by the method of lod scores of quantitative traits partially determined by a dominant major locus. I consider the effects of a trait model, marker characteristics, and sampling strategy, with particular attention to sampling strategy because it is the one factor which the investigator can fully control. My results suggest that linkage studies of quantitative traits are practical, particularly if the investigator chooses an efficient sampling design and an efficient strategy to select pedigrees for linkage analysis.  相似文献   

Segregation analysis, employing nuclear families, is the most frequently used method to evaluate the mode of inheritance of a trait. To our knowledge, there exists no tabular information regarding the sample sizes required of individuals and families needed to perform a significance test of a specific segregation ratio for a predetermined power and significance level. To fill this gap, we have developed sample-size tables based on the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimate of the segregation ratio and on the normal approximation for two-sided hypothesis testing. Assuming homogeneous sibship size, minimum sample sizes were determined for testing the null hypothesis for the segregation ratio of 1/4 or 1/2 vs. alternative values of .05-.80, for the significance level of .05 and power of .8, for ascertainment probabilities of nearly 0 to 1.0, and sibship sizes 2-7. The results of these calculations indicate a complex interaction of the null and the alternate hypotheses, ascertainment probability, and sibship size in determining the sample size required for simple segregation analysis. The accompanying tables should aid in the appropriate design and cost assessment of future genetic epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggesting the involvement of mutant rhodopsin proteins in the pathogenesis of autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa has prompted us to investigate whether this form of the disease shows non-allelic genetic heterogeneity, as has previously been shown to be the case in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. The availability of a unique inbred Dutch pedigree has enabled us to address this question. We have used an intragenic polymorphism to exclude the possibility that a mutation in the rhodopsin gene is responsible for the disease in this patient population. These data provide evidence for the involvement of at least two loci in autosomal recessively inherited retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

Congenital universal muscular hypoplasia has been confused with similar diseases in the past. Evidence presented in this paper distinguishes this disorder from other phenotypically similar ones and indicates that it is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder.  相似文献   

Pre-eclampsia is a common complication of the second half of pregnancy that is associated with substantial fetal and maternal morbidity. Although the genetic basis of the disorder is unclear, epidemiological studies suggest that it occurs predominantly in the first pregnancies of women who are homozygous for a relatively common susceptibility gene. Using this epidemiological model, we have begun to construct an exclusion map by using both candidate genes and random DNA markers on a panel of two-generation families in which pre-eclampsia was rigorously defined. No evidence was found for linkage to the HLA region or to several genes implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis screens for recessive phenotypes require three generations of breeding, using either a backcross (BC) or intercross (IC) strategy. Hence, they are more costly and technically demanding than those for dominant phenotypes. Maximizing the return from these screens requires maximizing the number of mutations that are bred to homozyosity in the G3 generation. Using a probabilistic approach, we compare different designs of screens for recessive phenotypes and the impact each one has on the number of mutations that can be effectively screened. We address the issue of BC versus IC strategies and consider genome-wide, region-specific screens and suppressor screens. We find that optimally designed BC and IC screens allow the screening of, on average, similar numbers of mutations but that interpedigree variation is more pronounced when the IC strategy is employed. By conducting a retrospective analysis of published mutagenesis screens, we show that, depending on the strategy, a threefold difference in the numbers of mutations screened per animal used could be expected. This method allows researchers to contrast, for a range of experimental designs, the cost per mutation screened and to maximize the number of mutations that one can expect to screen in a given experiment.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive lamellar ichthyosis is a severe congenital disorder of keratinization, characterized by variable erythema of the whole body surface and by different scaling patterns. Recently, mutations have been identified in patients with lamellar ichthyosis in the TGM1 gene coding for keratinocyte transglutaminase, and a second locus has been mapped to chromosome 2. We have now analyzed the genotype/phenotype correlation in a total of 14 families with lamellar ichthyosis. Linkage analyses using microsatellites in the region of the TGM1 gene confirmed genetic heterogeneity. In patients not linked to the TGM1 gene, the second region identified on chromosome 2 and a further candidate region on chromosome 20 were excluded, confirming as well the existence of at least three loci for lamellar ichthyosis. Sequence analyses of the TGM1 gene in families compatible with linkage to this locus revealed seven different missense mutations, five of these unpublished so far, and one splice mutation. No genotype/phenotype correlation for mutations in the TGM1 gene was found in this group of patients, which included two unrelated patients homozygous for the same mutation. Similarly, no clear difference in the clinical picture was seen between patients with TGM1 mutations and those unlinked to the TGM1 locus. Comparison of genetic and clinical classifications for patients with lamellar ichthyosis shows no consistency and thus indicates that clinical criteria currently in use cannot discriminate between the molecularly different forms of the disease.  相似文献   

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