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The expression of TCR-associated molecules was examined in human fetal and postnatal tissues. From gestational wk 7 onward in the fetal liver, putative prothymocytes have been identified with cytoplasmic CD3 positivity (cCD3+). These immature cells are TdT- and do not express membrane CD3 (mCD3-) or TCR beta identified by beta F1, but show CD7 and CD45 positivity without CD1, CD2, CD5, CD4, CD8, CD10, and class II Ag. Their high proliferative activity is indicated by greater than 85% Ki67 positivity. After the 10th wk, beta F1+, mCD3+ cells also appear in the liver and these are mostly Ki67- but no TCR gamma delta-bearing cells can be identified at such an early stage of extrathymic development. In the mCD3- TdT-fetal thymus (10 1/2 to 18th wk) cCD3+, mCD3- CD1-blasts proliferate (Ki67+) and lack TCR-beta or TCR-gamma delta. The TdT-, CD1+ cortical thymocytes develop into TCR-beta + and WT31-positive (TCR-alpha beta +) cells. Subsequently TdT-positive thymocytes become detectable around 19 to 20 wk, and in such glands the peak of proliferative activity is seen among TdT+, cCD3+ cells which appear to acquire, in a regular sequence, cytoplasmic beta F1 (TCR-beta), mCD3, and TCR-alpha beta (WT31 positivity) together with the loss of TdT and Ki67 positivity. A newly described transitional population of cells is TdT-, beta F1+ but exhibits no detectable WT31 positivity. These cells correspond to the CD1+, mCD3+ thymocytes and are probably the targets of thymic selection. The cells of the TCR-gamma delta lineage, detected by mAb TCR-delta-1 and delta TCS1, are rare (0.02 to 0.5%) among thymocytes from gestational wk 10 1/2 onward through the whole span of thymic development, but these cells include a proportion (18 to 59%) of cells expressing CD1 Ag, suggesting that these TCR-gamma delta cells differentiate in the thymus. Among the CD1+, TCR-gamma delta + thymocytes, no TdT positivity can be detected.  相似文献   

To elucidate the developmental pattern and diversity of murine cluster of differentiation (CD)3-associated TCR-gamma delta heterodimers, adult and fetal thymocytes were examined for cell-surface expression of various gamma- and delta-encoded TCR. Biochemical analysis, using antisera specific for distinct C gamma gene products, revealed the presence of T cells expressing C gamma 1 and/or C gamma 4 heterodimers in adult and fetal CD4- CD8- thymocyte populations. Although CD4-CD8- thymocyte populations express both C gamma 1 and C gamma 4 TCR-gamma delta heterodimers early in fetal thymus development, the relative level of C gamma 4-expressing T cells was significantly lower than previously observed in peripheral lymphoid organs. In addition, biochemical studies revealed the presence of TCR-gamma delta heterodimer(s) expressed during fetal ontogeny which were not detected in adult thymocyte or peripheral lymphoid populations. Studies of N-glycosylation patterns of one of these heterodimers suggested that it contained a rearranged V gamma 3/C gamma 1 gene product. To examine in detail individual TCR-gamma delta heterodimers, a panel of TCR-gamma delta expressing hybridomas was prepared. Biochemical analysis at the clonal level revealed that indeed three distinct TCR-gamma delta heterodimers were present at day 16 of fetal thymus development, with TCR-gamma-chains most likely encoded by V gamma 2/C gamma 1, V gamma 3/C gamma 1, and V gamma/C gamma 4. Together these findings suggest an ordered development of TCR-gamma delta T cells in the thymus and selective expression of distinct TCR-gamma delta subsets in peripheral lymphoid organs such as spleen and lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Two subpopulations of stem cells for T cell lineage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An assay system for the stem cell that colonizes the thymus and differentiates into T cells was developed, and by using this assay system the existence of two subpopulations of stem cells for T cell lineage was clarified. Part-body-shielded and 900-R-irradiated C57BL/6 (H-2b, Thy-1.2) recipient mice, which do not require the transfer of pluripotent stem cells for their survival, were transferred with cells from B10 X Thy-1.1 (H-2b, Thy-1.1) donor mice. The reconstitution of the recipient's thymus lymphocytes was accomplished by stem cells in the donor cells and those spared in the shielded portion of the recipient that competitively colonize the thymus. Thus, the stem cell activity of donor cells can be evaluated by determining the proportion of donor-type (Thy-1.1+) cells in the recipient's thymus. Bone marrow cells were the most potent source of stem cells, the generation of donor-derived T cells being observed in two out of 14 recipients transferred with as few as 1.5 X 10(4) cells. The stem cell activity of spleen cells was estimated to be about 1% of that of bone marrow cells, and no activity was found in thymus cells. By contrast, when the stem cell activity was compared between spleen and bone marrow cells of whole-body-irradiated (800 R) C57BL/6 mice reconstituted with B10 X Thy-1.1 bone marrow cells by assaying in part-body-shielded and irradiated C57BL/6 mice, the activity of these two organs showed quite a different time course of development. Spleen cells showed a markedly high level of activity 7 days after the reconstitution, followed by a decline, whereas the activity of bone marrow cells was very low on day 7 and increased crosswise. The results strongly suggest that the stem cells for T cell lineage in the bone marrow comprise at least two subpopulations, spleen-seeking and bone marrow-seeking cells. Such patterns of compartmentalization of stem cells in the spleen and bone marrow of irradiated recipients completely conform to the general scheme of the relationship between restricted stem cells and less mature stem cells, including pluripotent stem cells, which became evident in other systems such as in the differentiation of spleen colony-forming cells or of stem cells for B cell lineage.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells release a lymphocyte chemotactic factor. This lymphocyte chemotactic factor is produced optimally after 24 to 48 hr of culture and is not found before 3 hr of culture, which suggests that the factor is synthesized de novo and is not preformed and secreted after Con A stimulation. This is further supported by experiments showing that the protein synthesis inhibitors cycloheximide and puromycin totally prevent the production of the chemotactic factor. Experiments using cultured and uncultured T lymphocytes as responding cells show that cultured T cells respond more efficiently than uncultured T cells to this factor. Furthermore, the lymphocyte chemotactic factor preferentially stimulates T lymphocyte locomotion as compared to peripheral blood non-T lymphocyte migration. Fractionation of mononuclear cells into glass nonadherent lymphocytes, monocyte-enriched preparations, T lymphocytes, and non-T lymphocytes shows that lymphocyte chemotactic factor is produced by Con A-stimulated, glass nonadherent lymphocytes and T cells but not by monocytes or non-T lymphocytes. Further fractionation of T lymphocytes into Leu-2 and Leu-3 T cell subpopulations shows that the production of T lymphocyte chemotactic factor can be attributed to the Leu-2 suppressor/cytotoxic T cell subset. The generation of a T lymphocyte chemotactic factor by Leu-2 T cells may represent a means of recruiting other T cells to the site of its release.  相似文献   

The present studies were carried out to characterize the cellular events involved in the induction and function of carrier-specific Ts cells, which selectively regulate the generation of IgG responses by Lyb-5- B cells. It was demonstrated that this regulation is in fact mediated by two distinct suppressor pathways. In one pathway, carrier-primed Lyt-1 + 2 - Ts cells are specifically activated by in vitro reexposure to the priming antigen. After this specific activation, these Lyt-1 + 2 - Ts cells are able to suppress IgG responses in an antigen-nonspecific manner. This suppression requires the participation of unprimed Lyt-1 - 2 + T cells, and is effective in both the early and the late phases of antibody responses. A second suppressor pathway requires the antigen-specific activation of primed Lyt-1 - 2 + Ts cells. Suppression of antibody responses by activated Lyt-1 - 2 + Ts cells is highly carrier specific, in contrast to the nonspecific effector function of Lyt-1 + 2 - Ts cells, appears to act without requirement for additional T cell populations; and is effective only early in the course of the antibody response. Thus, it appears that two Ts cell populations may function through distinct mechanisms to regulate the generation of IgG Lyb-5- B cell responses.  相似文献   

In the thymus of children, congruent to 50% of cells are recognized both by peanut agglutinin and soybean agglutinin (PNA+, SBA+), congruent to 23% of cells are PNA-, SBA-, and 23% are PNA-, SBA+. This pattern of recognition was compared with the reactivity of these cells with monoclonal antibodies recognizing T cell differentiation antigens A 50 and a series (T3, T6, T8) that defines 3 discrete stages of T cell differentiation. Most PNA+, SBA+ display T6 and T8 but not T3 antigens; most PNA-, SBA+ display T3+ and A 50+ but not T6; and T3-, T6-, A 50- cells are PNA-, SBA-. Thus, there is a close correspondence between PNA+, SBA+ cells and the common (cortical) T3-, T6+ thymocytes; between PNA-, SBA+ cells and late (medullary) T3+, T6- thymocytes; and between PNA-, SBA- cells and early thymocytes. During ontogeny, although there are fewer PNA+ cells in the thymus, the proportion of T3+ cells, T6+ cells, and T3-, T6- cells showed no major modification as early as 16 wk.  相似文献   

Imbalances in T cell subpopulations in multiple sclerosis patients.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abnormal proportions of a distinct T cell subpopulation able to bind IgG immune complexes (T.G cells) were found in peripheral blood samples from patients with MS. About 50% of the patients examined had an overabundance of T.G cells. The possible role of these cells in the pathogenesis of MS is considered.  相似文献   

Development of the dendritic cell system during mouse ontogeny   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Based on the view that the efficacy of the immune system is associated with the maturation state of the immune cells, including dendritic cells (DC), we investigated the development and functional potential of conventional DC and plasmacytoid pre-DC (p-preDC) in spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes during mouse development. Both CD11c+ DC and CD45RA+ p-preDC were detected in small numbers in the thymus as early as embryonic day 17. The ratio of DC to thymocytes reached adult levels by 1 wk, although the normal CD8alpha+ phenotype was not acquired until later. Significant, but low, numbers of DC and p-preDC were present in the spleen of day 1 newborn mice. The full complement of DC and p-preDC was not acquired until 5 wk of age. The composition of DC populations in the spleen of young mice differed significantly from that found in adult mice, with a much higher percentage (50-60% compared with 20-25%) of the CD4-CD8alpha+ DC population and a much lower percentage (10-20% compared with 50-60%) of the CD4+CD8alpha- DC population. Although the p-preDC of young mice showed a capacity to produce IFN-alpha comparable with that of adult mice, the conventional DC of young mice were less efficient than those of their adult counterparts in IL-12p70 and IFN-gamma production and in Ag presentation. These results suggest that the neonatal DC system is not fully developed, and innate immunity is the dominant form of response. The complete DC system required for adaptive immunity in the mouse is not fully developed until 5 wk of age.  相似文献   

The phenotype of intrahepatic (IHL) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) was determined, and the production of cytokines by T lymphocytes analyzed in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Three-color fluorescence-activated cytometric analysis was done for 36 patients with untreated CHC. The percentage of peripheral blood memory T cells was higher in patients with CHC than in healthy controls (all data in %, significant atp<0.001; 74.6±2.7vs. 58.3±4.5), and a greater proportion of them were observed in the intrahepatic compartment (IHL—94.2±2.8vs. PBL—74.6±2.7). There was a higher percentage of peripheral blood T helper 1 lymphocytes expressing IFN-γ (IFN-γ/IL-4) in these patients (4.6±0.7vs. control—2.2±0.5). The expression of CXCR3 chemokine receptors on peripheral blood T helper cells was also high compared with the control (39.8±4.8vs. 26.8±2.5) and a large percentage of T cells expressing CXCR3 or CCR5 chemokine receptors was observed in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected liver (CXCR3: IHLvs. PBL—74.9±5.7vs. 39.8±4.8; CCR5: IHLvs. PBL—65.9±5.9vs. 19.1±2.1). The intrahepatic compartment contains a greater proportion of activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and natural killer-T (NK-T) cells than peripheral blood (CTL: IHLvs. PBL—69.5±3.2vs. 59.9±3.1; NK-T: IHLvs. PBL— 10.6±2.5vs. PBL: 3.99±0.5). The data suggest that in HCV-infected subjects, memory TH1 lymphocytes, activated CTL and NK-T cells compartmentalize in liver tissue and could play an important role in pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with a supraoptimal dose of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) results in splenic T cell populations capable of specifically suppressing recipients' plaque forming cell (PFC) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to SRBC when tested in an adoptive transfer system. By localization on discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradients and relative sensitivity to Cytoxan, two distinct T cell subpopulations suppressing DTH reactivity were identified. One population could not be distinguished from T cells capable of inhibiting direct and indirect PFC responses. However, another population appeared quite distinct and capable of inhibiting DTH, but not PFC responses.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are pivotal antigen-presenting cells for generating adaptive T-cell responses. Here, we show that dendritic cells belonging to either the myeloid-related or lymphoid-related subset are permissive for infection by mouse polyomavirus and, when loaded with a peptide corresponding to the immunodominant anti-polyomavirus CD8(+) T-cell epitope or infected by polyomavirus, are each capable of driving expansion of primary polyomavirus-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses in vivo.  相似文献   

Gangliosides of murine T lymphocyte subpopulations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gangliosides from murine T lymphoblasts were analyzed by high-performance thin-layer chromatography followed by in situ neuraminidase treatment and immunostaining of the resulting asialogangliosides and compared with those from thymocytes and cloned T lymphocytes with defined functions. The ganglioside IVNeuGc/Ac-GgOse5Cer (GalNAc-GM1b), a marker for T lymphoblasts [Müthing, J., Egge, H., Kniep, B., & Mühlradt, P. F. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 163, 407-416], was found only in small amounts as the N-acetylated species in gangliosides from thymocytes and a cytolytic T cell clone. Two helper clones expressed this ganglioside like T blasts. The structures of the two major disialogangliosides from T blasts, IVNeuAc,IIINeuAc-GgOse4Cer (GD1 alpha type) with C24:0/24:1 and C16:0 fatty acids, were elucidated by neuraminidase treatment and immunostaining and by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Gangliosides of this type were detected in thymocytes only in minor amounts, whereas GM1b-type gangliosides prevailed in cells from this organ. Analysis of the T lymphoblast gangliosides from six genetically unrelated mouse strains showed that terminally sialylated GgOse4Cer (GM1b), IVNeuAc-GgOse5Cer (GalNAc-GM1b), and IVNeuAc,IIINeuAc-GgOse4Cer (GD1 alpha) were conserved structures in all strains examined. We conclude that maturation or stimulation of T cells may be correlated with elongation of a common GM1b-type precursor structure resulting in GalNAc-GM1b or GD1 alpha-type gangliosides.  相似文献   

Human B lymphocytes can be induced to differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells by Leu-3+ T lymphocytes stimulated with pokeweed mitogen (PWM), a polyclonal T cell activator. In contrast, other polyclonal T cell mitogens, such as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), also activate Leu-3+ T cells but are relatively ineffective inducers of B cell differentiation. We have performed a series of experiments to investigate the mechanism underlying this apparent paradox. When human B cells were cultured with unfractionated T cells and PWM or PHA, only PWM was able to induce plasma cell formation and immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. However, when the T cells were treated with mitomycin C (MMC) before culture, both PWM and PHA were able to induce significant B cell differentiation. These data indicated that both mitogens were able to activate the helper T cells required for B lymphocyte differentiation and suggested that MMC-sensitive suppressor T cells were responsible for inhibiting the induction of antibody-secreting cells by MMC-untreated T cells stimulated with PHA. Phenotypic analysis of the T cells capable of suppressing PHA-induced B cell differentiation revealed that small numbers of either Leu-2+ or Leu-3+ T cells could profoundly suppress the B cell differentiation induced by PHA. In contrast, significant suppression of PWM-stimulated B cell differentiation was observed only with relatively large numbers of Leu-2+ T cells. These data confirm previous reports that OKT4+/Leu-3+ T cells can suppress human B cell differentiation and indicate that the difference in B cell differentiation induced by PWM and PHA with MMC-untreated T cells is largely a reflection of the relative potency of these mitogens to activate these phenotypically distinct suppressor T cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are commonly used in the generation of transfectants for use in in vitro costimulation assays. However, we have noted that nontransfected CHO cells can themselves provide a low-level B7/CD28 independent costimulatory signal for CD3-mediated murine T cell activation and IL-2 production. This study set out to identify those molecules that contribute to this CHO-dependent costimulatory activity. We describe a CHO subline capable of delivering potent CD28-independent costimulation to murine T cells and the generation of monoclonal antibodies against these CHO cells that inhibited this costimulatory activity. These blocking antibodies do not affect CHO cell-independent costimulation or bind mouse cells, suggesting an effect mediated by their target molecules on the costimulatory competent CHO cells. Immunoprecipitation and expression cloning revealed that these antibodies bound the hamster homologues of Crry (CD21/35), CD44, CD54 (ICAM-1), CD63, CD87, CD147, and an 80- to 90-kDa protein which could not be cloned. Expression of these hamster genes on COS cells demonstrated that hamster CD54 was able to costimulate both CD3-mediated IL-2 secretion and T cell proliferation by naive murine T cells independent of the other molecules identified.  相似文献   

We have used a panel of murine mAb against chicken TCR and associated molecules to study the effect of cyclosporin A (CsA) on the ontogeny of the different sublineages of T cells. After injection of CsA (20 mg/kg/day from day 0 to 20) we observed a significant suppression of the normal maturation of the TCR2 (alpha beta TCR) cells in their transition from cortical CD4+CD8+ thymocytes to the mature single positive cells in the thymus medulla. The TCR3 subpopulation, a distinct form of alpha beta-like TCR in chickens, was inhibited from initially developing within the cortex by CsA, indicating that the TCR3 subpopulation is functionally distinct from the TCR2+ cells. In contrast, the maturation and peripheral emigration of TCR1 (gamma delta TCR) cells was unaffected by CsA treatment. Mature splenic T cells sorted for either TCR1+ or TCR2+ subsets were equally sensitive to CsA blockade of Con A-stimulated mitogenesis, indicating that there is no inherent difference in CsA sensitivity between these sublineages. Furthermore, no difference was detected in the expression of class II MHC Ag in thymi of birds treated with olive oil vs CsA. Inasmuch as the mechanism of CsA action appears to involve inhibition of TCR initiated signal transduction for lymphokine synthesis, these data indicate that a similar signaling is involved in thymic repertoire selection for TCR2. The lack of an effect on TCR1 cell maturation suggests that the TCR1 repertoire may not undergo selection in the thymus as do TCR2+ cells.  相似文献   

Fetal, neonatal, and early postnatal thymi were assessed for TCR J alpha gene rearrangements. Gene probes spanning the distance from 5' to 3' regions of the J alpha locus were used to determine the approximate location of gene rearrangements within hybridomas representing each of the early thymocyte populations. The predominant location of rearrangements was within the 5' region of the J alpha locus. Among the several cells in which rearrangements were found on only one chromosome, the one rearrangements was always in the 5' region. When two rearrangements were found, the rearrangements on homologous chromosomes were usually in the same region. The overall pattern among thymocytes was in great contrast to that previously observed among hybridomas derived from stimulated adult spleen cells within which rearrangements fell mostly to the 3' side of the alpha-locus. Results reveal the nonrandom nature of the TCR-alpha gene rearrangement event and may reflect an incidence of multiple V-J alpha joining events on each chromosome during T cell development in vivo. Due to the fact that most mature cells bear two J alpha joins, the allelic exclusion of alpha-chains cannot be explained by a mechanism whereby a functional rearrangement on one chromosome inhibits subsequent rearrangement on the second. Instead allelic exclusion may rely on a low frequency of productive vs nonproductive rearrangement events and an incompatibility between multiple alpha- and beta-protein pairs.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P) is required for the differentiation of reproductive tracts and maintenance of pregnancy. This study investigates whether the hamster blastocyst is capable of metabolizing P and, if so, at what stage of preimplantation development such capability becomes detectable. When the blastocysts collected from superovulated hamsters on Day 4 of pregnancy were cultured in 0.4 microM P medium, P metabolism was easily detectable at 1.25 h of culture and over half was metabolized by 7.5 h. Two major metabolites were generated: 5 alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione (or 5 alpha-dihydroprogesterone; 5 alpha-DHP) and 5 alpha-pregnane-3 beta-ol-20-one (or allopregnanolone; AP), about 90-95% and 5-10%, respectively. This indicates the activity of two enzymes: delta 4-5 alpha-reductase and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD). The rate of P metabolism increased with P concentration (0.4-6.4 microM), indicating a high capacity of the enzymes. Studies of embryos collected on Days 1-3 showed that P metabolism was not detectable up to 0100 h of Day 3 (2-4-cell), but was detectable with two metabolites, 5 alpha-DHP and AP, at 1515 h of Day 3 (morula) and thereafter. This indicates that, by the morula stage, the hamster embryo has already acquired the enzymatic capability (5 alpha-reductase and 3 beta-HSD) to metabolize P. These results, together with our earlier finding of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in Days 1-4 embryos, suggest that hamster preimplantation embryos can metabolize both P and estrogens, thus possibly modulating local actions of these hormones and causing local effects in the reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection induces an increase in two subpopulations (CD8alpha(+)beta(low) and CD8alpha(+)beta(-)) within CD8(+) peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of cats. It is known that depletion of CD8(+) cells often results in augmentation of FIV proliferation in PBL culture, similarly to the case of human immunodeficiency virus. In this study, we attempted to define PBL subpopulations mediating antiviral activity in five cats intravaginally infected with a molecularly cloned FIV isolate. Several subpopulations (CD8alpha(+)beta(+), CD8alpha(+)beta(-), and CD4(+) cells) were shown to participate in inhibition of the FIV replication, at least in part, in a major histocompatibility complex-unrestricted manner. Moreover, the subpopulations showing anti-FIV activity were different among the individual cats.  相似文献   

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