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Fundamental differences in midgut structure, physiology, brush border proteins, and transporters among Leptinotarsa decemlineata, lepidopteran caterpillars, other insect taxa, and vertebrates are reviewed. The effects of dietary protein concentration on Manduca sexta midgut amino acid transport and brush border membrane proteins are reported. M. sexta fed diet with reduced protein had elevated levels of leucine aminopeptidase in the brush border membrane. No changes in amino acid transport or alkaline phosphatase activity due to dietary differences were detected. Changes in brush border proteins could affect the toxicity and pathogenicity of microbial agents. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The kinetics of uptake of radioactive label from [U-14C]Gly, L-[4,5-3H]Leu and the dipeptide [14C]Gly-L-[4,5-3H]Leu by the brush border membrane vesicles of porcine small intestine have been studied. The effect of aminopeptidase N inhibitors and leucine-binding protein on accumulation rates has also been tested. Comparison of the kinetic parameters for uptake and hydrolysis of Gly-L-Leu makes it possible to conclude that the dipeptide transfer includes two conjugated steps, viz., hydrolysis catalysed by aminopeptidase N and transport of the resultant free amino acids by a specific carrier.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV (EC 3.4.14.-) was solubilized from a particulate membrane fraction of rat intestinal mucosa with Triton X-100. The solubilized enzyme was purified to homogeneity following ammonium sulfate fractionation, chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose and hydroxyapatite, gel filtration and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The final enzyme preparation had a specific activity of 55 units/mg protein representing a 1373 fold purification over the starting material. Purity was judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion. The molecular weight of the native undenatured enzyme was estimated to be 230000 by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (sodium dodecyl sulfate) indicated that the protein consists of two identical 98 kDa subunits. Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV is a glycoprotein containing approx. 8% carbohydrate by weight. A detailed analysis of the individual sugar components demonstrated that fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, sialic acid and hexosamine sugars were present. The nature of the constituent asparagine linked oligosaccharide side chains was further examined following cleavage from the peptide backbone by hydrazinolysis. Following high voltage paper electrophoresis approx. 80% of the isolated oligosaccharide was found with the neutral fraction while the remaining 20% consisted of a single acidic component. Gel filtration of the neutral oligosaccharide fraction indicated that it contains approx. 19 sugar residues.  相似文献   

Fanconi's syndrome was investigated using brush border membrane (BBM) vesicles isolated from dog kidney. Sodium-dependent uptake of glucose, phosphate, and amino acids and protein phosphorylation were studied in BBM isolated from normal and from 4-pentenoate- and maleate-treated animals. The time course of D-glucose and phosphate uptake, in BBM vesicles, remained unchanged, indicating that both treatments had no effect on carrier properties, and that permeabilities to these substrates and to sodium were not modified. Furthermore, sodium-dependent transport of alanine, phenylalanine, proline, glycine, and glutamate into vesicles remained unaltered by either treatment. 4-Pentenoate treatment caused modifications of the phosphorylation pattern of BBM proteins: the phosphorylation of two proteins (61 and 74 kDa) was increased and that of two others (48 and 53 kDa) was decreased. Maleate treatment caused an increase in the phosphorylation for the same 61-kDa protein, which was also affected by 4-pentenoate treatment, suggesting that phosphorylation of this protein could be related to a mechanism involved in both 4-pentenoate- and maleate-induced Fanconi's syndrome. These changes were also observed in the presence of sodium fluoride and L-bromotetramisole, indicating that the modification of phosphorylation was not due to a difference in phosphatase activities. These results suggest that Fanconi's syndrome induced by 4-pentenoate or maleate is not caused by an inhibition of BBM Na(+)-dependent transport systems. Our results also suggest that protein phosphorylation may play an important role in the molecular defect involved in Fanconi's syndrome.  相似文献   

Since both aminopeptidases and angiotensin I-converting enzyme are reported to degrade circulating enkephalins, we have examined the degradation of low-molecular-weight opioid peptides by a vascular plasma membrane-enriched fraction previously shown to contain both angiotensin I-converting enzyme (EC and aminopeptidase M (EC Except for an enkephalin analog resistant to amino-terminal hydrolysis, [D-Ala2]enkephalin, the purified vascular plasma membrane preferentially degraded low-molecular-weight opioids by hydrolysis of the N-terminal Tyr-1--Gly-2 bond. Enkephalin degradation was optimal at pH 7.0 and was inhibited by the aminopeptidase inhibitors amastatin (I50 = 0.08 microM), bestatin (9.0 microM) and puromycin (80 microM). Maximal rates of hydrolysis, calculated per mg plasma membrane protein, were highest for the shorter peptides (18.3, 15.6 and 16.6 nmol/min per mg for Met5-enkephalin, Leu5-enkephalin and Leu5-enkephalin-Arg6, respectively) and decreased with increasing peptide length (0.7 nmol/min per mg for dynorphin (1-13)). No significant hydrolysis of beta- and gamma-endorphin was detected. Km values decreased significantly with increasing peptide length (Km = 72.9 +/- 2.7, 43.6 +/- 4.7 and 21.4 +/- 0.9 microM for Met5-enkephalin, Leu5-enkephalin-Arg6 and Met5-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7, respectively). However, no further decreases were seen with even larger sequences, i.e., dynorphin(1-13). Other peptides hydrolyzed by the plasma membrane aminopeptidase (angiotensin III, kallidin and hepta(5-11)-substance P) inhibited enkephalin degradation in a competitive manner. Thus, localization, specificity and kinetic data are consistent with identification of aminopeptidase M as a vascular enzyme with the capacity to differentially metabolize low-molecular-weight opioid peptides within the microenvironment of vascular cell surface receptors. Such differential metabolism may play a role in modulating the vascular effects of peripheral opioids.  相似文献   

The development of inhibitors of insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP), a membrane-bound zinc metallopeptidase, is a promising approach for the discovery of drugs for the treatment of memory loss such as that associated with Alzheimer's disease. There is, however, no consensus in the literature about the mechanism by which inhibition occurs. Sequence alignments, secondary structure predictions, and homology models based on the structures of recently determined related metallopeptidases suggest that the extracellular region consists of four domains. Partial proteolysis and mass spectrometry reported here confirm some of the domain boundaries. We have produced purified recombinant fragments of human IRAP on the basis of these data and examined their kinetic and biochemical properties. Full-length extracellular constructs assemble as dimers with different nonoverlapping fragments dimerizing as well, suggesting an extended dimer interface. Only recombinant fragments containing domains 1 and 2 possess aminopeptidase activity and bind the radiolabeled hexapeptide inhibitor, angiotensin IV (Ang IV). However, fragments lacking domains 3 and 4 possess reduced activity, although they still bind a range of inhibitors with the same affinity as longer fragments. In the presence of Ang IV, IRAP is resistant to proteolysis, suggesting significant conformational changes occur upon binding of the inhibitor. We show that IRAP has a second Zn(2+) binding site, not associated with the catalytic region, which is lost upon binding Ang IV. Modulation of activity caused by domains 3 and 4 is consistent with a conformational change regulating access to the active site of IRAP.  相似文献   

The kinetics of hydrolysis of L-leucine p-nitroanilide and some p-nitrophenylalanine dipeptides by vesicular aminopeptidase N from the porcine small intestine brush border membrane was studied. It was shown that the catalytic properties of the vesicular enzyme are very similar to those known for its solubilized counterpart. Both enzymes are inhibited by o-phenanthroline, ZnCl2 and puromycin with Ki = 10(-5)-10(-6) M. The data obtained offer new possibilities for investigating the role of aminopeptidase N in the amino acid and peptide transport across the enterocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Brush border fragments were isolated from homogenates of mesenterons from the mosquito, Culex tarsalis, by a combination of Ca2+ precipitation and differential centrifugation. These preparations were routinely enriched seven- to eightfold for the brush border marker enzyme, leucine aminopeptidase. Alkaline phosphatase, a putative brush border marker for both vertebrate and invertebrate brush borders, was found to be unsuitable for Cx. tarsalis. Isoelectric focusing electrophoresis coupled with histochemical enzyme detection was used to enumerate isozymic species of nonspecific esterases [3], leucine aminopeptidase [1], and alkaline phosphatase [1] in isolated brush border fragments. Leucine aminopeptidase activity was solubilized by papain digestion, suggesting an extrinsic active site for this membrane-bound enzyme. The predominant nonspecific esterase isozyme remained membrane-bound. Conventional staining (ie, Coomassie Blue and silver) of proteins separated by isoelectric focusing, sodium dodecylsulfate, and two-dimensional electrophoresis indicated a simple pattern for brush border fragments, with two proteins predominating among the 11–14 routinely detected.  相似文献   

The intestinal brush border aminopeptidase and unfractionated maltases M2+M3 are composed of a hydrophilic, sugar containing and enzymatically active part, and a smaller hydrophobic part presumably binding the catalytic part to the lipid matrix of the membrane. Hydrophobic parts detached by trypsin from the detergent forms of aminopeptidase and the maltases were purified and shown to have molecular weights ranging from 8000 to 10000. All rich in hydrophobic residues and contain no disulfide bridges. However, their overall amino acid composition is different. The hydrophobic parts appear to be N-terminal in the detergent forms of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Rats of the Milan Hypertensive Strain (MHS) may be considered a useful model for understanding the genetic molecular mechanism underlying a primary form of hypertension in at least a subgroup of patients. Many differences between MHS and its normotensive control strain (MNS) were found at the organ, cellular and biochemical level. In the present investigation renal cell membrane proteins (BBMV) were analysed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and a difference between MHS and MNS was shown in a polypeptide of 32 kDa, subsequently identified as the C-terminal fragment of aminopeptidase M (APM). The activity of the enzyme was higher in MHS. Genetic relationships between this enzyme and the other biochemical cellular abnormalities of MHS, namely sodium transport in BBMV and renin activity in kidney cortex were investigated in MHS, MNS and in two inbred recombinant strains. This analysis showed that faster sodium transport, low kidney levels of renin and hypertension, but not differences in two-dimensional electrophoretic pattern and in aminopeptidase M activity, cosegregated in recombinant strains. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the faster sodium transport can be considered a primary cellular abnormality responsible for hypertension in MHS and that the aminopeptidase difference is not involved in the cellular abnormalities.  相似文献   

The human duodenum actively transports L-leucine and D-glucose under Na+ gradient conditions as demonstrated by uptake studies using brush border membrane vesicles from organ donor duodenum. Brush border membrane vesicles formed from peroral duodenal biopsies likewise demonstrate Na+ dependent concentrative uptake of D-glucose and L-leucine. This is the first demonstration of active transport processes in human duodenum. A simple microvesiculation method to form these vesicles is described as well as its potential application to clinical medicine in studying diseases of defective intestinal transport.  相似文献   

The binding properties of Vip3A, a new family of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal toxins, have been examined in the major cotton pests, Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa zea. Vip3A bound specifically to brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) prepared from both insect larval midguts. In order to examine the cross-resistance potential of Vip3A to the commercially available Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 toxins, the membrane binding site relationship among these toxins was investigated. Competition binding assays demonstrated that Vip3A does not inhibit the binding of either Cry1Ac or Cry2Ab2 and vice versa. BBMV protein blotting experiments showed that Vip3A does not bind to the known Cry1Ac receptors. These distinct binding properties and the unique protein sequence of Vip3A support its use as a novel insecticidal agent. This study indicates a very low cross-resistance potential between Vip3A and currently deployed Cry toxins and hence supports its use in an effective resistance management strategy in cotton.  相似文献   

The intestinal brush border aminopeptidase and unfractionated maltases M2+M3 are composed of a hydrophilic, sugar containing and enzymatically active part, and a smaller hydrophobic part presumably binding the catalytic part of the lipid matrix of the membrane. Hydrophobic parts detaced by trypsin from the detergent forms of aminopeptidase and the maltases were purified and shown to have molecular weights ranging from 8000 to 10000. All are rich in hydrophobic residues and contain no disulfide bridges. However, their overall amino acid composition is different. The hydrophobic parts appear to be N-terminal in the detergent forms of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Brush border membrane vesicles prepared using divalent cation precipitation methods can contain unphysiological levels of non-esterified fatty acids. Fatty acid production from endogenous lipid during brush border membrane vesicle preparation is effectively prevented by the lipase inhibitor diethyl 4-nitrophenylphosphate plus cooling. Vesicles prepared using this procedure have variable levels of non-esterified fatty acids (range 22-193 nmol mg-1 protein). Changes in non-esterified fatty acid levels in brush border membrane vesicles parallel Fe uptake by vesicles from Fe/ascorbate solutions. Brush border membrane vesicle fatty acids appear to be derived from the diet but hypoxic mice are able to maintain high brush border membrane non-esterified fatty acid levels despite reduced dietary intake. Non-esterified fatty acids in brush border membrane may thus provide a physiological mechanism of mucosal Fe uptake.  相似文献   

The isolated brush border membrane of Hymenolepis diminuta incorporates radiolabeled glucose when incubated in the presence of uridine diphospho(UDP)-D-(6-3H)glucose. The pH optimum for incorporation was 7.0 to 7.2 regardless of the buffer used. Transferase activity was maximal in 200 mM Tris buffer; 100 mM phosphate buffer inhibited significantly the incorporation of radiolabeled glucose, whereas 50 mM Tris-maleate and 100 mM PIPES resulted in moderate inhibition of activity. Incorporation of labeled glucose was not inhibited by low concentrations (0.01%) of Triton X-100, but activity was inhibited 50% by 0.25% Triton X-100. Addition of divalent cations to the brush border membrane preparation did not activate transferase activity, but addition of chelating agents (i.e., EDTA or EGTA) inhibited transferase activity nearly 90%. Incorporation of labeled glucose was inhibited by UDP, guanosine diphosphate (GDP), UDP- and GDP-activated monosaccharides, and monosaccharides, indicating that the transferase activity lacked substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo pulse-chase labeling of rabbit jejunum loops was used in conjunction with subcellular fractionation and quantitative immunoprecipitation to determine whether or not the newly synthesized aminopeptidase N transits through the basolateral membrane before it reaches the apical brush border, its final localization. The kinetics of the arrival of the newly synthesized enzyme in the Golgi complex, basolateral and brush border membrane fractions strongly suggest that on leaving the Golgi aminopeptidase N is transiently integrated into the basolateral domain before reaching the brush border.  相似文献   

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